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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'altruisme au cœur des conditions de l'Éducation : éthique de la relation éducative et émergence de la personne : investigation philosophique / Altruism at the heart of the conditions of Education : ethics of the educational relationship and emergence of the person : a philosophical investigation

Terraz, Tommy 30 November 2018 (has links)
L’éducation est une relation humaine vivante et nécessaire. Tissée de valeurs et tendue vers des finalités, elle comporte une dimension intrinsèquement éthique. Elle implique d’emblée le respect de tous les êtres humains ; chacun d’entre eux, sans exception, est toujours une Personne qui doit être respectée de façon inconditionnelle et universelle dans sa dignité, dans les principes de non-nuisance et de non-violence. De plus, si l’on considère qu’éduquer consiste à agir en relation en vue de faciliter l’émergence relationnelle de chacun des sujets éduqués comme personne dans ses dimensions plurielles (par exemple morale, sociale, cognitive, citoyenne, artistique, physique), ainsi qu’à mettre en place les conditions lui permettant de cheminer vers davantage de liberté intérieure et vers un mieux-être, alors nous pouvons entrevoir que l’éducation et l’altruisme semblent intimement liés. Pourtant, la notion d’altruisme n’a pas encore été interrogée de manière explicite et spécifique en sciences et philosophie de l’éducation. Ce travail entend réparer cet oubli et consiste ainsi à construire puis à explorer une problématique de recherche portant sur l’altruisme en éducation. Cette interrogation apparaît d’autant plus légitime que l’époque actuelle, qualifiée parfois d’hypermoderne, est une période charnière caractérisée par des mutations plurielles, des promesses comme des difficultés, qui sont autant de défis à relever. Dans ce contexte, et en vue d’échapper au double piège du nihilisme et du dogmatisme, il apparaît fondamental de s’interroger sur des repères universalisables, à la fois théoriques et praxéologiques, non exhaustifs, et à réinterroger sans cesse, à propos de ce que semblent être les principales conditions, valeurs et finalités d’une relation véritablement éducative. À travers une démarche philosophique au sein des sciences de l’éducation, le parcours réflexif et spéculatif proposé mobilise les domaines de l’éthique, de l’épistémologie, de l’ontologie, de la philosophie du langage et de l’anthropologie philosophique, tout en s’articulant avec les études scientifiques ; l’investigation porte sur les liens entre l’éthique de l’éducateur et l’émergence relationnelle du sujet éduqué comme personne. L’altruisme est inconditionnel, universel et désintéressé. Il s’agit d’une vertu éthique relationnelle avec laquelle il est possible de se familiariser et de progresser durablement. C’est une intention dynamique – qui va colorer les actes de l’agent moral dans la relation avec, par et pour autrui – que l’autrui universel puisse accéder de façon durable à davantage de liberté intérieure et de bonheur. L’altruisme favorise l’instauration d’une juste et bonne distance dans la relation éducative, qui permet d’éviter les pièges de la fusion relationnelle, de la manipulation, du dressage, comme de la totale permissivité, de l’indifférence, du laxisme et de la complaisance. La démonstration logique et analytique fait apparaître progressivement que l’altruisme est au cœur des conditions de l’Éducation, ce qui pourrait participer à l’ouverture d’un nouveau regard, voire à la constitution d’un nouveau paradigme. Se dessinent alors, de manière réflexive et non moraliste, les contours possibles (philosophiques, empiriques, pédagogiques et institutionnels) d’une éthique éducative de l’altruisme qui pourrait faire l’objet d’une démarche de sensibilisation auprès des professionnels des métiers de l’éducation, mais qui ne saurait être imposée. Prenant la forme d’une invitation à philosopher soi-même, elle s’appuie sur le discernement, l’expérience et la réflexion personnelle de l’éducateur en tant qu’agent moral. Cette éthique éducative, laïque, prend forme à travers une praxis relationnelle, étroitement liée à l’avènement du dialogue dans l’intégration interlocutive et éthique du tiers personnel, d’une autorité éducative émancipatrice, ou encore du postulat d’éducabilité. / Education is a living and necessary human relationship. Interwoven with values and aiming at finalities, it entails an intrinsically ethical dimension. It implies from the outset respect for all human beings; each of them, without exception, is always a Person who must be respected unconditionally and universally in his dignity, in a harmless and non-violent way. Moreover, if we consider that educating means acting in a relationship in order to facilitate the relational emergence of each educated subject to become gradually emancipated as person through the development of his manifold dimensions (as a moral, social or cognitive subject, as a citizen, etc.), and if it means setting up the conditions allowing himself to progress towards more inner freedom and better well-being, then we can suggest that education and altruism are intimately connected. Even so, this dimension has not yet been questioned explicitly in the context of sciences and philosophy of education. This thesis intends to fill this gap and will thus consist in building and then exploring altruism in education as its research question. Such a question appears all the more legitimate since the present time, sometimes described as hypermodern, is a pivotal phase characterised by multifaceted changes, promises as well as difficulties, which are actually just as many challenges to face. In such a context, and with a view to avoiding the double pitfall of nihilism and dogmatism, it seems essential to look for both theoretical and pragmatic reference points that may be universalised (while being non-exhaustive), and which may be open to continuous questioning in relation to what appear to be the main conditions, values and goals of a truly educational relationship seem to be. Through a philosophical approach within the domain of science of education, the reflexive and speculative research path proposed here draws upon the fields of ethics, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of language and philosophical anthropology, while interacting with scientific studies; our investigation focusses on the links between the educator’s ethics and the relational development of the educated subject as a person. Altruism is unconditional, universal and disinterested. It is a relational ethical virtue with which it is possible to familiarize oneself and to achieve constant progress. It is a dynamic intention that the « autrui universel » can have lasting access to greater inner freedom and happiness: this intention will colour the acts of the moral agent in the relationship with, by and for others. Altruism allows to establish a just and adequate distance in an educational relationship, thus avoiding the pitfalls of a fusional relationship, of manipulation, or of mere training, but also the pitfalls of complete permissiveness, indifference and complaisance. Our logical and analytical demonstration reveals progressively that altruism is at the heart of the conditions of Education – a discovery that could contribute to the opening of a new perspective on education, or even to the formation of a new paradigm. In this way, we can see the reflexive and non-moralistic delineation of a possible framework (with philosophical, empirical, pedagogical and institutional dimensions) for educational ethics inspired by virtuism and directed towards altruism; professionals working in education could be made aware of this ethical approach which, however, should not be imposed on them. Indeed, this ethical framework takes the shape of an invitation to individual philosophising, and relies on the discernment, experience and personal reflexion of each educator in his quality as a moral agent. Respecting the principle of secularism, such an altruistic stance takes shape through a relational praxis and is linked to the advent of dialogue in the interlocutory and ethical integration of the personal third person, to an emancipatory educational authority, and to the postulate that it is possible to educate.

Rhapsode Metaphor: Understanding the Student-Teacher Relationship in Philosophy for Children

Dougherty, Ryan 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines some of the different kinds of metaphors employed in our pedagogical practices. By using the Four Pillars of Philosophy for Children, an alternative metaphor for teaching philosophy is put forth as a viable alternative to the traditional options. This is what we can reasonably call the Rhapsode Metaphor.

La pedagogia: un chiasma tra antichi e nuovi saperi Dalla filosofia alla scienza, alla Fenomenologia alle neuroscienze, da Merleau-Ponty a Damasio

PIETROCARLO, LUIGI 05 March 2012 (has links)
La domanda alla base di questa tesi è semplice: quale tipologia di relazione ci potrebbe essere tra scienza e filosofia in pedagogia dopo le recenti scoperte delle neuroscienze? C’è una contrapposizione o una integrazione reciproca? La tradizionale contrapposizione storica è confermata o si può parlare di complementarità reciproca? Con l’obiettivo di mostrare l’interdipendenza reciproca tra questi campi del sapere, attraverso il metodo fenomenologico, la sezione α fa un’analisi teoretica di alcune teorie estratte dalle ricerche di Antonio Damasio. La sezione β esamina gli stessi problemi ma attraverso la fenomenologia di Merleau-Ponty, introducendo alcuni concetti: la “carne” (chair), il “chiasma” e la “reversibilità”, concetti chiave per poter pensare la relazione tra gli le cose, gli enti, le discipline e la pedagogia. I risultati mostrano che non si tratta di sacrificare la pedagogia alla scienza o alla filosofia, né di sacrificare la scienze e la filosofia alla pedagogia, perché questi campi del sapere sono ontologicamente legati tra loro. I risultati aprono a nuove prospettive di ricerca: quali sono le conseguenze di una relazione in chiasma in pedagogia? Possiamo estendere questa particolare relazione alle altre discipline? / The question at the basis of this thesis is simple: which typology of relationship there may be between science and philosophy in education after the most recently neuroscience discoveries? Is there contradiction or an integration? Is the historical and traditional opposition confirmed or we could talk about a possible integration? In order to show the reciprocal interdependence between these fields, using a phenomenological method, the α section does a theoretic analysis of some assertions taken from Antonio Damasio’s researches. The β section looks trough the Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology the same problems and introduces some concepts: the “flesh” (chair), the “chiasma” and “reversibility”, central ideas in order to think the relationship between things, beings, disciplines and education. Results show that it is neither a question of sacrificing education to science and philosophy, nor philosophy and science to education, since these fields are ontologically bound together. In conclusion results open further new questions: what are the consequences of “chiasma” relationship in education? Could we extend this particular relationship to other disciplines?

Los valores educativos en la postmodernidad: una propuesta desde la filosofía de la educación de Octavi Fullat

Kagelmacher Velásquez, Mónica Marlys 18 July 2011 (has links)
Aquesta tesi es va realitzar en el context xilè en el qual hi ha una gran preocupació per implementar una reforma educativa basada en la qualitat i equitat de l'educació. El propòsit de la investigació va ser presentar una alternativa per als que mantenen la convicció que la persona és vocació a construir la seva biografia sustentada en valors i així contribuir a edificar un món més humà. En la realització d'aquesta vocació és fonamental la tasca de l'educació entesa com a procés antropogenètic. L'interès per efectuar l'estudi dels valors en l'obra d'Octavi Fullat va estar motivada per la rellevància i originalitat d'aquest filòsof de l'educació, la preocupació ha estat centrada en l'educació, l'antropologia i la axiologia. Així mateix, la reflexió d'aquestes temàtiques l'ha dut a terme en diàleg amb el món postmodern. Per aconseguir aquest projecte es van analitzar les obres d'Octavi Fullat compreses entre Les finalitats educatives en temps de crisi fins al segle postmodern (1900-2001), amb l'objectiu de visualitzar fins a quin punt els reptes que planteja la postmodernitat podien ser afrontats des de la concepció antropològica que sustenta la axiologia d'Octavi Fullat basada en la dignitat humana, els valors del sentit i els morals. El disseny metodològic utilitzat va correspondre a una investigació qualitativa, utilitzant el mètode hermenèutic de Paul Ricoeur. Les seves reflexions hermenèutiques van ser aplicades als objectius que es van proposar en aquesta tesi. Aquests van ser: Identificar, en les obres del Doctor Octavi Fullat, una axiologia que li possibiliti l'ésser humà, en l'actual context postmodern, realitzar el procés des del ser que és en ser que vol arribar a ser, mostrar, en el pensament de Octavi Fullat la utilitat d'una concepció pedagògica que, a partir de l'antropologia i la axiologia, dóna compte de la fragilitat humana al mateix temps que propugna la possibilitat de la autorealització i analitzar la pertinència de la proposta pedagògica d'Octavi Fullat en el context xilè de la implementació d'una reforma basada en la qualitat i equitat. Dels resultats obtinguts es destaquen: primer que la necessitat de valors sorgeix de la pròpia estructura ontològica del anthropos, els quals li permeten dur a terme el seu procés biogràfic; així mateix es van identificar tres nuclis axiològics en les obres analitzades del Doctor Fullat: la dignitat humana , els valors del sentit i els morals, els quals possibiliten afrontar les crisis antropològica, axiològica i ètica característiques de l'època postmoderna. / Esta tesis se realizó en el contexto chileno en el cual existe una gran preocupación por implementar una reforma educativa basada en la calidad y equidad de la educación. El propósito de la investigación fue presentar una alternativa para quienes mantienen la convicción de que la persona es vocación a construir su biografía sustentada en valores y así contribuir en edificar un mundo más humano. En la realización de esta vocación es fundamental la tarea de la educación entendida como proceso antropogenético. El interés por efectuar el estudio de los valores en la obra de Octavi Fullat estuvo motivada por la relevancia y originalidad de este filósofo de la educación, cuya preocupación ha estado centrada en la educación, la antropología y la axiología. Asimismo, la reflexión de estas temáticas la ha llevado a cabo en diálogo con el mundo postmoderno. Para lograr este proyecto se analizaron las obras de Octavi Fullat comprendidas entre Las finalidades educativas en tiempo de crisis hasta El siglo postmoderno (1900-2001), con el objetivo de visualizar hasta qué punto los retos que plantea la postmodernidad podían ser afrontados desde la concepción antropológica que sustenta la axiología de Octavi Fullat basada en la dignidad humana, los valores del sentido y los morales. El diseño metodológico utilizado correspondió a una investigación cualitativa, utilizando el método hermenéutico de Paul Ricoeur. Sus reflexiones hermenéuticas fueron aplicadas a los objetivos que se propusieron en esta tesis. Estos fueron: Identificar, en las obras del Doctor Octavi Fullat, una axiología que le posibilite al ser humano, en el actual contexto postmoderno, realizar el proceso desde el ser que es al ser que quiere llegar a ser; mostrar, en el pensamiento de Octavi Fullat la utilidad de una concepción pedagógica que, a partir de la antropología y la axiología, da cuenta de la fragilidad humana a la vez que propugna la posibilidad de la autorrealización y analizar la pertinencia de la propuesta pedagógica de Octavi Fullat en el contexto chileno de la implementación de una reforma basada en la calidad y equidad. De los resultados obtenidos se destacan: primero que la necesidad de valores surge de la propia estructura ontológica del anthropos, los cuales le permiten llevar a cabo su proceso biográfico; asimismo se identificaron tres núcleos axiológicos en las obras analizadas del Doctor Fullat: la dignidad humana, los valores del sentido y los morales, los cuales posibilitan enfrentar las crisis antropológica, axiológica y ética características de la época postmoderna. / This thesis was written from a Chilean viewpoint, at a time when the implementation of a new quality and equity-based educational reform in that country was of great concern. The purpose of the investigation was to present an alternative for those who believe that the person is vocation for building his own biography based on values and in doing so, contribute to making the world a more human place. In fulfilling this calling, education needs to be understood as a anthropogenetic process. Octavi Fullat´s interests in education, anthropology and axiology, and his relevance and originality triggered the interest in conducting this study. Moreover, when pondering on these issues, Fullat’s reflections have always taken into consideration the postmodern world. This study aims to assess the extent to which the challenges brought by postmodernism can be dealt with from an anthropological conception such as the one Fullat proposes, which is based on human dignity, sense and moral values. To perfom this assessment Octavi Fullat’s works spanning from “Las finalidades educativas en tiempo de crisis” to “El siglo postmderno (1900-2001)” were analyzed. Methodologically speaking, this is a qualitative investigation which uses Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic method, and applies his hermeneutic reflections. This study aims to: identify from Octavi Fullat’s works, an axiology which would allow the person to move from the BEING that he IS to the BEING that he wants to BE within today’s postmodern reality; show, from Octavi Fullat’s ideas, the usefulness of a pedagogical concept, that stemming from anthropology and axiology, is able to reveal human fragility as well as to support the possibility of self realization; and analyze the appropriateness of Octavi Fullat’s pedagogical proposal for Chile’s aim of implementing a quality and equity-based reform. The following results of this study are particularly worthy of being mentioned: first, the need for values arises from anthropos’ ontological structure itself, and it is these values that allow him to fullfil his biographical process. In addition, three axiological nucleus were identified in Fullat’s analyzed works: human dignity, sense and moral values, allow Man to face the anthropological, axiological and ethical crisis that characterizes the postmodern period.

Teaching the good: teacher perceptions of the caring relationship — a narrative analysis

Meacham, Ross 14 January 2014 (has links)
While the story of teaching makes plenty of room for academic and social learning, the telling often leaves out some of the most important details. In this thesis, I tell the stories of four teachers — how they practice and make sense of the caring relationship in the school and how such relationships lead to moral good in people, schools, communities, and the world. The moral is centered in the ongoing dialogue about what is best in schools and the world — the good, and the relationships in which the stories are set. The method is narrative analysis and the format is a series of free verse poems. The characters tell stories of knowing and being known, meaningful dialogue, modeling, authentic care, struggle and tension, individualized attention, hope, and transformation. The conclusion is a deep imagining of possibilities, implications, and outcomes.

A Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da USP (1948 - 1975).

Araújo, Marcelo José 12 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseMJA.pdf: 14932137 bytes, checksum: c7f855128bfff4a124e53b5cb4a01be1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-12 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / This work carries through a historical survey of the creation process, installation and development of the Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP-USP) in the period from 1948 the 1975. Part of its ampler historical context until the its more specific approach, that is, to its constituent characteristics, elements and, over all, to its social meaning. The text initiates approaching the historical antecedents of the medicine in Brazil in the end of century XIX and the beginning of the XX, giving has detached to the controls of the endemic diseases and its protagonists, the creation of the Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo and the necessity of installation of a College of Medicine in the interior of the state of São Paulo. After that, it approaches the circumstances of the creation, installation and of the developing of the FMRP, detaching the didactic structure of the course, the faculty, the student body, the employees, the first university entrance examination, your discipline them and the departments, the developed research, the Hospital of the Clinics etc. These circumstances meet inserted in the First Part of the work. In the Second Part, in turn, are characterized and analyzed some considered problems important to help to better understand the relation between the FMRP and the society that produced it and it molded it. Beginning all this historical survey, the Theoretical Reference whose estimated beddings and had given support to the research; after all, as well as a teacher conducts an orchestra searching harmony between its integrant ones, the theoretical reference served as guide maker for the success of the set. / Este trabalho realiza um levantamento histórico do processo de criação, instalação e desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP-USP), no período compreendido entre 1948 a 1975. Parte do seu contexto histórico mais amplo até ao seu enfoque mais específico, ou seja, às suas características, elementos constituintes e, sobretudo, ao seu sentido social. O texto se inicia abordando os antecedentes históricos da medicina no Brasil, no final do século XIX e início do XX, dando destaque aos controles das endemias e seus protagonistas, a criação da Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo e a necessidade de instalação de uma Faculdade de Medicina no interior do estado de São Paulo. Em seguida, aborda os condicionantes da criação, instalação e do desenvolvimento da FMRP destacando a estrutura didática do curso, o corpo docente, o corpo discente, os funcionários, o primeiro vestibular, as disciplinas e os departamentos, as pesquisas desenvolvidas, o Hospital das Clínicas etc. Estes condicionantes encontram-se inseridos na Primeira Parte do trabalho. Na Segunda Parte, por sua vez, são caracterizados e analisados alguns problemas considerados importantes para ajudar a compreender melhor a relação entre a FMRP e a sociedade que a produziu e a moldou. Principiando todo este levantamento histórico, encontra-se o Referencial Teórico cujos fundamentos e pressupostos deram suporte à pesquisa; afinal, assim como um maestro rege uma orquestra buscando harmonia entre seus integrantes, o referencial teórico serviu como guia balizador para o sucesso do conjunto.

O professor mediador escolar e comunitário e suas contribuições para a formação autônoma de estudantes e docentes / The school and community mediator teacher and yours contribute for environment its students and teachers

Tinetti, Cristiane Aparecida [UNESP] 23 February 1918 (has links)
Submitted by CRISTIANE APARECIDA TINETTI null (ctinetti@hotmail.com) on 2018-04-05T13:30:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PMEC Final Mestrado.abril 2018.pdf: 926029 bytes, checksum: 0347e748c8554bf20d7f959d10d40aaf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Satie Tagara (satie@marilia.unesp.br) on 2018-04-05T18:21:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tinetti_ca_me_mar.pdf: 926029 bytes, checksum: 0347e748c8554bf20d7f959d10d40aaf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-05T18:21:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tinetti_ca_me_mar.pdf: 926029 bytes, checksum: 0347e748c8554bf20d7f959d10d40aaf (MD5) Previous issue date: 18-02-23 / Não recebi financiamento / O texto que se apresenta é decorrente da pesquisa realizada sobre a instituição da função do Professor Mediador Escolar e Comunitário - PMEC, ocorrida de 2009 a 2017 no Estado de São Paulo e legitimada pela Resolução SE-1, de 20 de janeiro de 2011, que dispõe acerca das atribuições do Professor Mediador Escolar e Comunitário (PMEC) de acordo com o Sistema de Proteção Escolar (SPE). Os objetivos são a recuperação de aspectos históricos da criação da função e a análise de aspectos relacionados à prática desse profissional, relacionando o contexto de sua atuação com as possibilidades de mediação, bem como, ao papel desempenhado por esse profissional na construção da autonomia e protagonismo de docentes, alunos e funcionários das Unidades Escolares. A metodologia consta de estudos bibliográficos, documental e de levantamento de dados, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e dissertativas, aplicadas junto aos PMECs que atuam nas escolas estaduais do município de Marília, Garça e Vera Cruz. A fundamentação teórica está referenciada em estudiosos vinculados ao materialismo histórico e dialético, nas contribuições e conceituações apontadas por Judy H. Mullet e Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz, em suas pesquisas realizadas sobre as Disciplinas Restaurativas para Escolas, bem como nas concepções da Cultura de Paz, que têm sido formuladas de modo mais compreensível e acessível a partir da Resolução da Assembleia Geral da ONU 53/243 de setembro de 1999. A hipótese é que o conhecimento das vivências correlacionadas ao dia a dia da função do Professor Mediador Escolar e Comunitário e de sua formação acadêmica contribuem na configuração da função, que requer formação integral e com conhecimentos específicos. Todavia, destaca-se que há valor na formação acadêmica deste sujeito. Como resultados da pesquisa, pode-se relatar que a formação na graduação em Pedagogia, Letras, em Psicologia, ou mesmo uma licenciatura curricular, ao menos nesse sentido, é incompleta ou fragmentada para a atuação efetiva frente às necessidades do ambiente escolar e dos seus estudantes e docentes, sendo importante o desenvolvimento de competências específicas durante este período de experiência do profissional. Os estudos teóricos indicam a necessidade de formação integral, ampliada e contínua desses professores mediadores, de forma que contribuam de maneira consistente e consciente, destacando formação cidadã e autônoma para os atores do ambiente escolar (discentes e docentes), pois, esses estarão atuando continuamente nos diversos ambientes da sociedade e acredita-se que essas vivências ocorridas no espaço da escola podem contribuir para atitudes colaborativas de cidadãos participativos e protagonistas. Constata-se em relação à tomada de decisão do Governo Estadual de São Paulo de realizar uma redução, no final do ano de 2016, do número de professores que estavam atuando na função de PMEC’s nas escolas estaduais. Como resultados da pesquisa, pode-se relatar que a formação na graduação em pedagogia ou em psicologia é insuficiente para a atuação efetiva nas necessidades do ambiente escolar de docentes e dos seus alunos, pensamos, por exemplo, na existência da Pós-Graduação em Mediação de Conflitos, ofertada por uma das frentes da Sociedade Brasileira de Inteligência Emocional. / The text presented is pinned down research carried out over the institution of the role of the School and Community Mediator Teacher - SCMT, held from 2009 to 2017 in the State of São Paulo and legitimized by the SE-1 Resolution, from January 20th, 2011, which provides for the School and Community Mediator Teacher (SCMT)'s attributions in accordance with the School Protection System (SPS). The objectives are both historical rescue of the role's creation and analysis on the aspects regarding the practice of this professional, relating the context of its playing with the possibilities of mediation; as well as the role played by this professional within the construction of the School Units teachers', students' and employees' autonomy and protagonism. The methodology has been settled down bibliographical studies and qualitative data collection, by means of semi-structured and essay questions applied to the SCMTs who already act in the state schools from Marília, Garça and Vera Cruz. The theoretical foundation is referenced by scholars who regard the historical and dialectical materialism, the attributions and conceptualizations pointed out by Judy H. Mullet e Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz, in their research performed over the Restorative Disciplines for Schools, as well as over the conceptions of Culture of Peace, which have been formulated in a more apprehensible and accessible way from the United Nations Organization's General Assembly 53/243 Resolution on, from September, 1999, which was titled: Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. The hypothesis is that the knowledge of the experiences correlated to the School and Community Mediator Teacher's day-to-day role and its academic education contribute to the setting of the function, which demands full formation and with specific pieces of knowledge, however, it is stood out that there is value on this subject's academic education. As a result from the research, it can be stated that the undergraduate forming in Pedagogy, Letters, Psychology, or even in a curricular license, only in this sense, is incomplete or fragmented for the effective acting on the needs of the school environment and its students and teachers, turning out to be important the development of specific competences throughout this period of professional experience. The theoretical studies indicate the need of these mediator teachers' full, extended and continuous formation, in a way they contribute in a consistent and conscious manner, standing out the citizen and autonomous formation for the school environment actors (students and teachers), once these will continuously be acting in several of the society's environments and it is believed that such experiences taken off the school space might contribute for collaborative attitudes of participative and protagonist citizens. It is still out to inform over the decision-making of São Paulo State Government towards cutting down, at the end of 2016, the number of teachers who had been acting as SCMTs in the state schools. As a result of the research, it can be said that the training in undergraduate pedagogy or psychology is insufficient to effectively act on the needs of the school environment of teachers and their students, we think, for example, of the existence of Post-Graduation in Mediation of Conflicts, offered by one of the fronts of the Brazilian Society of Emotional Intelligence.

The Relationship between Metacognition, Self-Actualization, and Well-Being among University Students: Reviving Self-Actualization as the Purpose of Education

Amir Kiaei, Yalda 28 March 2014 (has links)
This non-experimental, correlational study (N = 513) examined the relationships among self-actualization, well-being, and metacognition. Need-satisfaction and non-defensiveness were also tested as mediators in the relationship between metacognition and self-actualization. A battery of paper-and-pencil self-report measures was administered to a sample of undergraduate and graduate students in a public university in South Florida. Correlational and hierarchical regression analyses and structural equation modeling for mediational analysis were used to test the hypotheses. The results largely supported the hypotheses with only a few exceptions. Students who demonstrated higher level of self-actualization experienced higher well-being as well (the result of this hypothesized relationship was equivocal for parent students, n = 61). Moreover, need-satisfaction and non-defensiveness were found to be significantly and positively associated with self-actualization, providing preliminary supporting evidence for Maslow’s (1968) and Rogers’ (1951, 1961) theories of self-actualization. In addition, students with higher levels of general metacognitive competence were more likely to demonstrate higher level of need-satisfaction, non-defensiveness, self-actualization, and well-being (the result of the third hypothesized relationship was equivocal for female immigrant education students, n = 78). Further, metacognition and need-satisfaction, and metacognition and non-defensiveness shared common variance in predicting self-actualization. The relationship between metacognition and self-actualization was mediated by need-satisfaction and non-defensiveness, except for non-education students (n = 201), for whom no mediational effect was detected by non-defensiveness. In sum, the findings imply that general metacognitive competence, which can be taught as a set of skills, theoretically contributes to students’ self-actualization and well-being. This study provides support for a conceptual model of self-actualization, which introduces this phenomenon as a goal-oriented process that is essential to students’ well-being and can be attained by exercising metacognition. The discussion of the findings highlights implications of this study for theory, research, and practice as a guide for scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the field of education and psychology.

Governing More than Language: Rationalities of Rule in Flores Discourses

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: This project offers an exploration of the constitution of English language learners (ELLs) in the state of Arizona as subjects of government through the discursive rationalities of rule that unfolded alongside the Flores v. Arizona case. The artifacts under consideration span the 22 years (1992-2014) of Flores' existence so far. These artifacts include published academic scholarship; Arizona's legislative documents and floor debate audio and video; court summaries, hearings, and decisions; and public opinion texts found in newspapers and online, all of which were produced in response to Flores. These artifacts lay bare but some of the discursive rationalities that have coagulated to form governable elements of the ELL student population--ways of knowing them, measuring them, regarding them, constituting them, and intervening upon them. Somehow, some way, students who do not speak English as their first language have become a social problem to be solved. ELLs are therein governed by rationalities of English language normalization, of enterprise, of entrepreneurship, of competition, of empowerment, and of success. In narrating rationalities of rule that appear alongside the Flores case, I locate some governmental strategies in how subjects conduct themselves and govern the conduct of others with the hope that seeing subject constitution as a work of thought and not a necessary reality will create a space for potentially unknown alternatives. Through this work, I'd like to make possible the hope of thinking data differently, rejecting superimposition of meaning onto artifact, being uncomfortable, uncertain, undefinitive, and surprised. With that, this work encourages potential paths to trod in the field of curriculum studies. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Curriculum and Instruction 2014

Um estudo sobre Alcibíades a partir do debate siciliano em Tucídides VI.9-23 - entre a physis anthropon e o governo de si / A study on Alcibíades from the Sicilian debate in Thucydides VI.9 -23 between physis anthropon and self-government

Luiza Moreira da Costa 18 November 2014 (has links)
Tucídides, ateniense, pensador político do quinto século antes de Cristo, narrou, em sua única obra, grande parte da história da Guerra do Peloponeso. Convicto de que ela seria grande e mais importante que todas as anteriores (TUCÍDIDES, I.1), o historiador antigo, seguindo o critério da própria razão, reuniu relatos, dados e informações gerais sobre a contenda e as nações envolvidas, selecionou personagens, acontecimentos e discursos para compor sua obra de criação (ROMILLY, 1998). O resultado disso é a impressão, por parte dos leitores, de que acompanharam a guerra, compreenderam suas motivações e entenderam o impacto das ações de seus personagens no desenrolar da contenda. Tal papel foi criteriosamente analisado por Tucídides, que buscou indicar ao longo de sua narrativa histórica a força da physis anthropon na condução da polis. Explorar a natureza humana como causadora da crise e da derrota de Atenas é a resposta de Tucídides para compreender o fim do Império Ateniense e marca o rompimento com a justificativa fantasiosa ou divina que constava, até então, nos registros do passado. Para mostrar isso, fizemos uso do personagem Alcibíades no contexto do debate siciliano (TUCÍDIDES, VI.9-23). Ambientado na assembleia que buscava definir os passos seguintes da Expedição à Sicília, esse debate se originou da negativa de Nícias, um dos comandantes da expedição, de os atenienses partirem em auxílio aos aliados, empregando as forças atenienses contra a Sicília; e se consumou com a resposta de Alcibíades, que ao subir à tribuna, fez a sua grande defesa diante da ekklesia. Deste debate depreende-se a figura de Alcibíades: a do orador que reúne as habilidades para conquistar a confiança de seus ouvintes e para convencê-los sobre o que é benéfico ou não à polis, incitando o medo e inflamando os ânimos dentro de uma lógica argumentativa que atravessou os impulsos e os desejos dos atenienses. As palavras que Tucídides selecionou para o discurso de Alcibíades formam a imagem de um homem intemperante, dominado pela hybris, que se propôs a governar os outros sem antes ter governado a si mesmo. Aliado a esta reflexão, tornou-se possível alargar o quadro proporcionado pelo historiador antigo, tendo em vista as conexões observadas ao longo da pesquisa entre a narrativa histórica tucidideana e as leis de Sólon e a formação do cidadão, proposta pelo Sócrates platônico. A preocupação de Sócrates é a mesma que Sólon explorou em seus versos e na elaboração das leis e é a mesma que Tucídides retratou em sua obra. Enquanto Sólon versou sobre as leis da comunidade social e política (JAEGER, 2010), Sócrates empreendeu uma missão de formar o verdadeiro cidadão para evitar que a mais justa forma de governo se degenerasse. / Thucydides, an Athenian, political thinker of the fifth century before Christ, narrated, in his only work, much of The Peloponnesian War history. Convinced that it would be great and more important than all the previous ones (THUCYDIDES, I. 1), the ancient historian, according to the criteria of his own reason, collected reports, data and general information about the strife and the nations involved, selected characters, events and speeches to compose his work of creation (ROMILLY, 1998). The result of this is the impression on the part of the readers, who accompanied the war, understood its motivations and perceived the impact of the actions of his characters in the unfolding of the strife. This role has been carefully analyzed by Thucydides, who sought to demonstrate over the course of its historical narrative the strength of the physis anthropon leading the polis. Exploring the human nature as the cause of the crisis and Athenss defeat is the response from Thucydides to understand the end of the Athenian Empire, and marks a break with the unrealistic or divine justification that was, until then, in records of the past. To demonstrate this, we have made use of the character Alcibíades in the context of the Sicilian debate (THUCYDIDES, VI.9 -23). Set up in the assembly that sought setting the following steps to the Sicilian Expedition, this debate is originated from the negative of Nícias, a commander of the expedition, from the Athenians breaking in aid to allies, undertaking the Athenian forces against the Sicily; and was consummated with Alcibíadess answer, who climbing up the tribune, made his great defense before the ekklesia. This debate makes it clear that the figure of Alcibíades: the speaker that brings together the skills to win the trust and confidence of his listeners and to convince them of what is beneficial or not to the polis, inciting fear and by exaggerating within a logical argument that crossed the impulses and the desires of the Athenians. The words that Thucydides selected for the Alcibíadess speech constituted the image of an intemperate man, dominated by hybris, who proposed governing others without having governed himself first. Allied to this reflection, it has become possible to extend the framework provided by the ancient historian, having in mind the connections observed along the research between the Thucydidess historical narrative and the Solons laws and the formation of the citizen, proposed by the platonic Socrates. Socratess concern is the same that Solon explored in his lyrics and in the drafting of laws and it is the same as Thucydides portrayed in his work. While Solon focused on the community\'s laws and social policy (JAEGER, 2010), Socrates embarked on a mission to form the true citizen to prevent the most fair form of government of degenerating.

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