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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Česká přísloví a jejich německé ekvivalenty. Lexikografická analýza SČFL / Czech proverbs and their German equivalents. A lexicographic analysis of the SČFL

Kodadová, Ludmila January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of German language equivalents of Czech proverbs in the dictionary of František Čermák Dictionary of Czech Phraseology and Idiomatics 4 (DCPI 4). The introductory part of the thesis characterizes proverbs as a phraseological unit and reflects the current state of Czech and German paremiography on the basis of selected dictionaries. Another theoretical starting point is the issue of equivalence, which in contrastive phraseology or, more precisely, paremiology plays an important role. The analytical part contains of multi-level analysis of German language equivalents of the Czech paremiological minimum in DPCI 4. Equivalents were verified using Hugo Siebenschein's Great Czech-German Dictionary, Duden 11, Hans Schemann's German Idiomatics, the corpuses InterCorp and DeReKo and the Google full-text search engine. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the current state of German-language equivalents in DCPI 4 and offer possible suggestions for improvement. The chosen approach is therefore not only contemplative, but also constructive. Keywords lexikology, phraseology, paremiology, lexicography, phraseography, Corpus Linguistics, equivalence

Korpusová analýza vybraných lotyšských somatismů / Corpus analysis of chosen Latvian somatisms

Rýdza, Eva January 2019 (has links)
This corpus-based diploma thesis deals with the analysis of selected Latvian somatisms containing the keywords galva, kāja and roka, using principally data from the parallel corpus InterCorp v11. The aim of the thesis is to identify corpus categories and creative alterations of Latvian somatisms, as well as determine how they can be translated to Slovak and Czech. The theoretical part comprises an introduction to the fields of phraseology, cognitive and corpus linguistics; a description of the features of idioms as well as their classification; and a demonstration of the differences between phraseological terms in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Latvia and the West. The practical part focuses on the analysis of patterns in the context of somatisms, the assessment of creative alterations in comparison with linguistics textbooks, and finding translation equivalents in Slovak and Czech.

K integraci frazémů do všeobecného a frazeologického německo-českého slovníku z kontrastivního a korpusově lingvistického hlediska. / On the Integration of Fixed Expressions and Idioms into German-Czech Dictionary and the Dictionary of Phraseology from the Contrastive and Language Corpora Perspectives.

Hejhalová, Věra January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with the issues of phraseology against the background of lexicographical processing with the use of corpus based research. Using a comprehensive set of idiomatic expressions containing the names of animals, discrepancies and particularities of contemporary phraseographical descriptions are studied. The idiomatic expressions are subjected to the analyses within the German Corpus DeReKo and their Czech equivalents in the Czech Corpus ČNK. This is followed by critical evaluation of the existing lexicographical work in the selected dictionaries. The thesis aims to give a new insight into the issues of idiomatic expressions processing in the bilingual dictionary under the influence of new data gained from corpora based studies.

Diccionari electrònic bilingüe català>anglés de locucions referencials idiomàtiques de somatismes

Escolano Marín, Xènia 22 July 2021 (has links)
The ultimate aim of this research is to design a Catalan>English bilingual electronic dictionary of somatic idioms. To do so, we undertake a semasiological characterisation of somatic idioms to determine their semantic value and morphosyntactic combinatorial possibilities going from language to abstraction, identifying the differences in conceptualisation between Catalan and English and their equivalence relationship on the basis of their occurrences in corpora. The methodology used for the description of these somatisms is based on lexicogrammar but in a bottom-up manner. The theory of lexicogrammar (M. Gross 1975, 1981) holds that every elementary phrase is constituted by at least one first order predicate that introduces its arguments, represented by nouns or phrases. For example, in the phrase 'Luc admire le courage de Léa', we can find the verbal predicate 'admirer' with its arguments 'Luc' and 'Léa', that are morphologically equivalent to 'Luc est admiratif (pour + devant) le courage de Léa', with an adjective predicate, and 'Luc a de l'admiration pour le courage de Léa', with a nominal predicate, since there is no change in the structure of arguments (Le Pesant & Mathieu-Colas 1998: 8). This entails a systematic description of the syntactic and semantic properties of verbs, predicate nouns and adjectives in the form of tables that represent a class of lexical elements –characterised in terms of syntactic-semantic features (such as human, animal, plant, concrete, abstract, locative and temporal)–which correspond to a certain syntactic category with a series of common distributional and transformational properties. However, this description is insufficient for the complete automatic treatment of language; this is why in 1992 G. Gross adds to lexicogrammar the notion of object classes: semantic groups defined by the syntactic relations they maintain with one or more classes of verbs, called appropriate predicates (Gross 2012: 101). This exhaustive description of the language has made it possible to consider certain linguistic phenomena like fixation for the automatic treatment of language. Considering that computerised corpora play a very prominent role in usage-based linguistics, a trend that considers grammar and use to be closely interrelated, lexicogrammar can represent a theoretical model particularly suitable for the detection and analysis of phraseological units (PhUs) in corpora. In particular, we focus on the description of the 50 most frequent idioms in Catalan containing one of the five most common anthropomorphic somatic lexemes in all languages: hand, head, heart, eye and ear (Mellado 2004). To identify which are these 50 most frequent idioms (10 per each lexeme), we retrieve all the occurrences for each of the five mentioned lexemes from the Corpus Textual Informatitzat de la Llengua Catalana (CTILC) (~ 52M words with texts from 1833-1988). Then we carry out a semi-automatic extraction of the different combinations of the most frequent bigrams (candidates for idioms of the dictionary) for each somatic lexeme using the software Metaconcor. For example, for mà (hand), we obtain: a mà (at hand), a mà (by hand), entre mans (on [one’s] hands), de mà en mà (from hand to hand), mà d’obra (labour force), mà dura (firm hand), picar de mans (to clap [one’s hands]), lligar de peus i mans (to tie [sb’s] hands and feet), a mans plenes (liberally) and rentar-se’n les mans (to wash [one’s] hands [of]). We also consider the most frequent verbal and nominal co-occurrences of each bigram. Once we have translated the Catalan idioms into English, we apply this step to the English equivalents based on their occurrences in the British National Corpus (BNC) (~ 100M words with texts from 1985-1994). In order to design the dictionary, we undertake a syntactic-semantic description of the Catalan idioms and their equivalents in English –indicating its argument structures and semantic values according to the object class to which we ascribe them (the one referring to the values of <somatisms>)–, based on the occurrences of these units offered by the CTILC for Catalan and the BNC for English. This analysis is expressed through a tagging recognised by automatic language processing systems, based on the one used by the Laboratoire de Linguistique Informatique (LLI) –current LDI (Lexiques, Dictionnaires, Informatique) from the Paris 13 University–, whose dictionaries follow the system of the Laboratoire d’Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique (LADL) (Paris 7) –founded by M. Gross in 1968– and incorporate the notion of G. Gross’ object classes (1992). Having identified the most frequent idioms and their English equivalents, as well as their distributional (syntagmatic relations) and transformational possibilities (paradigmatic relations), we give account of their semantic relations (for both languages): conceptual variations (polysemy), intersynonymic variants (relations of synonymy), their eventual relations of antonymy and hyperonymy and their paradigmatic variants (according to their occurrences in the corpora used). All this information is registered in the dictionary in the form of four coordinated files with fields of different nature (cf. 2): two files containing the arguments of the idioms (one file for Catalan and another file for English) and two files containing the predicates (i.e. the idioms as entries) (one file for Catalan and another one for English). Considering the relevance object classes may have in fixed expressions, our dictionary mostly contains idioms –predicates– that combine invariable (argument human nouns) and variable (anthropomorphic somatic lexemes) elements –arguments–: for example, to wash <one’s> hands (of)/C:<so-ma:elre>/G:v/N0:<hum>/N1:<so-ma:elre>/N3:<ina>/Ca:rentar-se les mans (d’) <alguna cosa>, where N0 refers to the subject (a human), and N1 to the first complement (direct object) in the argument structure of this idiom with the somatic lexeme (so) hand, which in this case has a semantic value of refusal of responsibility (elre) (in other cases this lexeme will be in idioms which may evoke, among others, proximity or facility [at hand], manual labour [by hand], activity [on (one’s) hands], severity [firm hand], itinerancy [from hand to hand], human resources [labour force], approval, enthusiasm or attention [to clap (one’s hands)], immobility or repression [to tie (sb’s) hands and feet] and abundance [liberally], which will be reflected in the argument file). N3 is the third complement, which here corresponds to a concrete inanimate object (<ina>)(e.g. “I’m entirely opposed to the er (pause) the idea that they should wash their hands of their (pause) er, obligations er, the nineteen sixty eight act (pause) as” [BNC]). In this case there is no N2 complement, which usually refers to an indirect object. Ca indicates the Catalan equivalent of the idiom. Opting for an electronic phraseological dictionary with a semasiological approach implies, on the one hand, finding the PhUs contained in it more easily, since instead of departing from specific concepts, it departs from the semantic values of the units (idioms) grouped in a linguistically well-defined object class. On the other, it offers the advantage of being suitable for Natural Language Processing, as it has a coding recognised by automatic language processing systems, incorporating numerous fields with information of morphological, syntactic-semantic (the most common distributional and transformational properties) and diasystematic nature (if applicable). It also contains a specific field referred to translations into other languages (bilingual or multilingual). Therefore, these repertoires have a dual function: decoding and encoding information. In fact, one of the main advantages offered by semasiological electronic dictionaries over more traditional ones is that they present in different entries each of the argument structures of a predicate, which allows it to be monosemised. Thus, each usage of a predicate is conceived as a lexical unit to which a description is assigned, a sine qua non for machine translation. This is particularly relevant to hybrid systems, which combine statistics with syntax and semantics (e.g. Systran and Sadaw). The eventual product derived from this thesis, as well as the linguistic data (methodology, examples, tagging and files), can be considered unprecedented. Until now, lexicogrammar had been implemented based on linguistic intuition, which could make the creation of object classes somehow biased by the linguist’s idiolect. Using a syntactic-semantic tagging based on the above-mentioned methodology enables precision and objectivity, starting from real language instances (occurrences of these idioms in corpora). All in all, the usability and replicability of the linguistic data provided in the research may offer a wide range of possibilities, since this tagging could be implemented into linguistic analysis tools (e.g. in the form of tags in the “part of speech” label if idioms are used) and the model could be replicated to expressions from other lexico-phraseological fields, different types of PhUs and other languages. / La present tesi doctoral ha rebut el finançament del contracte d’investigació predoctoral Ayudas para la Formación de Profesorado Universitario (Ref. FPU17/0032) concedit pel Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte d’Espanya (actual Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades). El projecte de tesi s’ha inscrit en el si de l’Institut Superior d’Investigació Cooperativa IVITRA [ISIC-IVITRA] (Programa per a la Constitució i Acreditació d’Instituts Superiors d’Investigació Cooperativa d’Excel∙lència de la Generalitat Valenciana, Ref. ISIC/012/042) i s’ha desenvolupat en el marc dels projectes, xarxes i grups de recerca següents: «Variación y cambio lingüístico en catalán. Una aproximación diacrónica según la Lingüística de Corpus» (MICINUN, Ref. PGC2018-099399-B-100371); (IEC, Ref. PRO2018-S04-MARTINES); Grup d’Investigació VIGROB-125 de la UA; Xarxa de recerca en innovació en docència universitària «Lingüística de Corpus i Mediterrània intercultural: investigació educativa per a l’aplicació de la Lingüística de Corpus en entorns multilingües diacrònics. Aplicacions del Metacorpus CIMTAC» (Institut de Ciències de l’Educació de la UA, Ref. 4581-2018), i Grup d’Investigació en Tecnologia Educativa en Història de la Cultura, Diacronia lingüística i Traducció (Universitat d’Alacant, Ref. GITE-09009-UA).

Méthodes informatiques pour l'identification des locutions verbales / Computational methods for the identifying of verbal lphraseological units

Priego Sanchez, Angeles Belém 10 September 2016 (has links)
Etudiées par la phraséologie, les locutions verbales sont des composantes de la structure du langage naturel qui expriment une idée ou un concept. Ces structures linguistiques sont des unités lexicales composées par plusieurs mots. Elles sont formées par un verbe et une ou plusieurs variables, dont le signifié global n'est pas nécessairement déduit du signifié de chacun de ses composants.Dans ce travail de recherche, nous proposons une méthodologie informatique permettant l’identification semi-automatique des locutions verbales de l’espagnol mexicain. Cette méthodologie contribue tant au domaine de la linguistique qu’à celui de l’informatique. Nous introduisons des méthodes informatiques supervisées et non supervisées pour l’identification et la validation des “locutions verbales candidates” en corpus des différents domaines.Les contributions de cette thèse sont principalement de quatre ordres : a) des corpus manuellement annotés pour les locutions verbales, en incluant leurs contextes, b) un lexique qui estime la probabilité d’occurrence de ces structures linguistiques dans le corpus du genre journalistique, c) diverses hypothèses pour la validation et/ou identification des locutions verbales en textes bruts, et d) l’analyse de la polarité de celles-ci.Les résultats obtenus, en incluant les hypothèses envisagées dans cette thèse, auront un impact futur sur des différentes tâches, tels que la traduction automatique, la construction des dictionnaires et l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère, pour ne citer que quelques exemples. / Verbal phraseological units are components of the natural language structure, studied by phraseology, which express a concept or an idea. These linguistic structures are multi-word lexical units, made up of one verb and one or more variables, having a meaning which cannot be predicted from the sum of the expression component meanings. In this PhD thesis we proposed a computational methodology for the semi-automatic identification of verbal phraseological units written in Mexican Spanish that aims to contribute in both, the linguistic and computational fields. We introduce unsupervised and supervised computational methods in order to identify and validate “candidate verbal phraseological units” in corpora of different genre.The contributions of this research work are mainly four: a) corpora manually annotated for verbal phraseological units and contexts associated, b) a lexicon in which it is estimated the probability of occurrence of such linguistic structures in a corpus of news genre, c) a number of hypotheses for the automatic validation and/or identification of verbal phraseological units in raw texts, and d) analysis of their polarity.The obtained results, including the hypotheses proposed in the PhD document, will have a future impact in different tasks such as machine translation, dictionaries construction, foreign language learning, among others.

Mala vida : Un estudio semántico

Frej, Nilsson January 2024 (has links)
This is a study of how the Spanish phrase mala vida is used in a historical corpus, the Corpus diacrónico de la academia Española, and an attempt to find out the meaning of this enigmatic phrase, based upon its patterns of use in this particular context. Furthermore, the study investigates mala vida as an attribute, in a particular serie of phrases that refer to people (hombres de mala vida, mujeres de mala vida, gente de mala vida), in the same corpus, in order to find out whom they refer to. The study finds that mala vida has many different meanings, and handles the relationship between them by distinguishing between primary and secondary meanings (significados básicos and significados secundarios), where every possible semantic nuance of mala vida is an expression of either one of two significados básicos, which is expressed in a semantic scheme, that has the latter ones subordinated to the former. As for the secondary objective, the study finds that the attributive phrases refer to certain social groups, whose common denominator is their social marginalization. / Esto es un estudio de como se usa la frase mala vida en un corpus histórico, CORDE, y un intento de averiguar el significado de esta frase enigmática, partiendo de sus pautas de uso en este contexto particular. También investigamos mala vida como atributo, en una serie particular de frases que refieren a gente(hombres de mala vida, mujeres de mala vida, gente de mala vida), en el mismo corpus, para averiguar a quien refieren. El estudio descubre que mala vida tiene muchos significados distintos, y maneja la relación entre ellos, distinguiendo entre los significados básicos y significados secundarios de la frase, donde cada nuáncia semántica, en fondo, es una expresión de uno de dos significados básicos, lo que se demuestra en un esquema semántico, donde los segundos están subordinados a los primeros. En cuanto al objetivo secundario, descubrimos que las frases atributivas refieren a ciertos grupos sociales, cuyo denominador común es su marginalización social.

Система работы над русскими фразеологизмами в иностранной аудитории : магистерская диссертация / The system of working on Russian phraseological units in a foreign audience

Незнанова, М. С., Neznanova, M. S. January 2023 (has links)
В нашей магистерской диссертации приводится разработка методики работы над фразеологизмами в иностранной аудитории, креативный подход к изучению лексики, грамматики, фонетики. В нашем исследовании мы рассматриваем фразеологию в широком смысле и относим к фразеологическому фонду идиомы, фразеологические сочетания, в которых лишь один из компонентов обладает фразеологически связанным значением, пословицы, поговорки, крылатые выражения, речевые штампы, а также слова со связанным значением. В работе приведена система тщательно подобранных упражнений и материалов, которые можно широко использовать на уроках РКИ. Разная сложность материалов позволяет использовать их для учащихся разных уровней владения русским языком. / Our master's thesis provides the development of a methodology for working on phraseological units in a foreign audience, as well as a creative approach to the study of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. In our study, we consider phraseology in a broad sense and refer idioms, phraseological combinations in which only one of the components has a phraseologically related meaning, proverbs, sayings, winged expressions, speech stamps, as well as words with a related meaning to the phraseological fund. The paper presents a system of carefully selected exercises and materials that can be widely used in lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The different complexity of the materials allows them to be used for students of different levels of Russian language proficiency.

Analyse und Abgrenzung rechtssprachlicher phraseologischer Einheiten im Spanischen und Deutschen und ihre Bedeutung für die Übersetzung

Tabares Plasenica, Encarnacion 19 April 2024 (has links)
This paper first of all gives a panoramic overview about the state of studies and investigation of Phraseology of Languages for Special Purposes (LSP). Secondly, a proposal is made for the delimitation and classification for phraseological units in legal context. From an Applied Linguistic and Translation point of view, a reference is being made to German and Spanish language in this field.

Investigación en la acción educativa. Las unidades fraseológicas pragmáticas en la didáctica del español y del italiano como lenguas extranjeras

Alessandro, Arianna 14 June 2011 (has links)
En esta investigación se aborda el tratamiento de la fraseología periférica y, más específicamente, de la clase de las Unidades Fraseológicas Pragmáticas (UFP), en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español y del italiano como lenguas extranjeras. Ante el papel que esta unidades juegan en el desarrollo de las competencias fraseológica y comunicativa global, así como las lagunas que, a pesar del creciente interés que despiertan los estudios fraseológicos, siguen afectando a esta parcela, nuestro objetivo es definir las especificidades que su didáctica implica y proponer un acercamiento práctico a la misma. Valiéndonos del marco metodológico de la Investigación en la Acción Educativa combinado con un análisis cualitativo-interpretativo, hemos diseñado y testado en el aula un modelo didáctico operativo, llamado Modelo Fraseológico-Pragmático (Mo.Fra.P.), a través del cual planteamos unos recursos y procedimientos, tanto lingüístico-fraseológicos como pedagógicos, susceptibles de ser aplicados al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las UFP. / This dissertation analyzes the treatment of the peripheral area of the phraseological repertoire, especially Phraseological-Pragmatic Units (UFP), in the teaching environment of Spanish and Italian as foreign languages. This work describes the specificities of UFP pedagogy and, especially, provides a practical approach to it, considering the role played by these units in students’ development of phraseological competence and, consequently, in their global communicative competence, as well as the gaps that, despite increasing interest in phraseological studies, continue to affect this area. Making use of the Action Research framework combined with a qualitative/interpretive analysis, the author designed and tested an operative model, called Phraseological-Pragmatic Model (Mo.Fra.P.), with students in class, by means of suggesting linguistic-phraseological and didactic resources and methods, that can be applied to the teaching and learning of UFP. / Nel presente studio si analizza il trattamento riservato alla fraseologia periferica, in particolare alle Unità Fraseologico-Pragmatiche (UFP), nell’ambito dell’insegnamento e apprendimento dello spagnolo e dell’italiano como lingue straniere. Tenendo conto del ruolo che queste unità svolgono ai fini dello sviluppo della competenza fraseologica y comunicativa globale e, allo stesso tempo, delle lacune che, nonostante il crescente interesse suscitato dagli studi fraseologici, permangono in questa area, l’obiettivo è definire le specificità che la didattica delle UFP implica e proporre un approccio pratico alla medesima. Servendoci della metodologia della ricerca nell’azione educativa combinata con un’indagine qualitativo-interpretativa, abbiamo disegnato e testato in aula un modello didattico operativo, che prende il nome di Modello Fraseologico-Pragmatico (Mo.Fra.P.), mediante il quale proponiamo una serie di risorse e procedimenti, linguistico-fraseologici e pedagogici, da applicarsi nell’ambito del processo di insegnamento e apprendimento delle UFP.

Lingvistická analýza překladů Pýcha a předsudek / Linguistic analysis of Pride and Prejudice Translations

Kronusová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to show insufficiencies and mistakes in three post- war translations (by Božena Šimková, Eva Kondrysová and Eva Ruxová) of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The thesis focuses on the translations and reception of Jane Austen's work, analysis of the first sentence of the whole novel (which is crucial for its understanding) and the issue of the translation of propria, toponyms, cultural facts, humour and irony, adaptation of social roles names, phraseology. The main part of the bachelor thesis is comparison of the translations of British cultural facts of the 18th and 19th century, the forms of expressing humour and irony and translation of chosen phraseologisms or idioms. Their misinterpretation could cause severe misunderstanding.

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