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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Piezoelektrische Aluminiumnitrid-Dünnschichten für mikroelektromechanische Systeme

Stöckel, Chris 13 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden der Entwurf, die Technologie und die Parameteridentifikation von Silizium basierten mikroelektromechanischen Systemen (MEMS) mit piezoelektrischen Dünnschicht-Aluminiumnitrid (AlN) vorgestellt. Auf Basis des AlNs als elektromechanischer Wandler erfolgt die Fertigung eines MEMS Technologiedemonstrators für energiearme Inertialsensoren. Das AlN wird über einen reaktiven Sputterprozess auf einer Wachstumsschicht abgeschieden. Durch Parametervariation des reaktiven Sputterprozesses und der Wachstumsschicht werden die piezoelektrischen Eigenschaften des AlNs optimiert. Die Entwicklung einer Gesamttechnologie führt zu einer Integration des Dünnschicht-AlNs in Silizium-Mikromechaniken. Die Röntgenbeugung (XRD) ermöglicht die Kristallstruktur des AlNs zu qualifizieren. Darüber hinaus werden weitere Analysemethoden vorgestellt, die eine hoch genaue und reproduzierbare messtechnische Bestimmung der piezoelektrischen Koeffizienten aus mikromechanischen Messstrukturen ermöglichen. Die Determination der piezoelektrischen Koeffizienten des Dünnschicht-AlNs aus den Messstrukturen erfolgt mittels analytischen und FE Modellen sowie der Laser-Doppler-Vibrometrie (LDV). Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt hierbei auf der Identifikation der longitudinalen und transversalen piezoelektrischen Ladungskoeffizienten des AlNs. Als Technologiedemonstrator wird ein einachsiger Inertialsensor mit integriertem piezoelektrischen Dünnschicht-AlN vorgestellt. Das MEMS generiert aufgrund des piezoelektrischen Wandlers intrinsisch elektrische Ladungen bei Einwirkung einer mechanischen Energie. Dadurch ist keine elektrische Energiezufuhr für die Messung eines inertialen Ereignisses notwendig. Der vorgestellte Demonstrator wird hinsichtlich seiner Ladungs- und Spannungssensitivität optimiert. Zur theoretischen Beschreibung der Funktionsweise werden analytische, sowie FE und SPICE Modelle genutzt. Eine Charakterisierung des MEMS Bauelements erfolgt hinsichtlich der mechanischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften. / The thesis includes the design, the technology and the parameter identification of silicon-based microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) with piezoelectric thin film of aluminum nitride (AlN). A low-energy inertial sensor as technology demonstrator based on AlN as an electromechanical transducer a MEMS manufacturing process is shown. The AlN is deposited via a reactive sputtering on a growth layer. By varying parameters of the reactive sputtering and the growth layer of AlN, the piezoelectric properties can be optimized. The development of an overall technology results to an integration of the thin film AlNs in silicon micromechanics. X-ray diffraction (XRD) allows to qualify the crystal structure of AlN. Further methods are developed that enable a highly accurate and repeatable metrological determination of piezoelectric coefficients measurement structures. The determination of piezoelectric coefficients of the thin film AlN from the measurement structures is resulting from analytical methods and FE models and the laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV). The identification of the longitudinal and transverse piezoelectric charge coefficient of AlN is one main focus of this work. A uniaxial inertial sensor with an integrated piezoelectric thin film of AlN is presented as technology demonstrator. The piezoelectric transducer of the MEMS is generating electric charges intrinsically as reaction of mechanical stress. Thus, no electric power supply for the measurement of an inertial event is necessary. The presented demonstrator has been optimized with respect to its charge and voltage sensitivity. For a theoretical description analytical and FE and SPICE models are used. A characterization of the MEMS device is carried out with regard to the mechanical and electrical properties.

Entwicklung einer Erregereinheit zur Erzeugung hochfrequenter Schwingungen beim Drahtsägen

Krüger, Thomas 18 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Fertigung von Siliziumwafern durch Zerteilen eines Siliziumblockes kommt das Drahttrennläppverfahren zur Anwendung. Es wird eine Erregereinheit entwickelt, die den Siliziumblock während des Schneidprozesses zu Schwingungen anregt. Die Verwendung von Piezoaktoren ermöglicht mehrachsige Schwingungen mit variabler Frequenz und Amplitude. Wesentliche Bestandteile der Arbeit sind experimentelle Untersuchungen an den Aktoren und der gesamten Erregereinheit sowie die Modellierung des Gesamtsystems mit Hilfe linearer Einzelmodelle. Es zeigt sich, dass die Aktoren bei dynamischen Anwendungen linear beschrieben werden können, während das Gesamtmodell besonders in den Resonanzbereichen aufgrund montagebedingter Einflüsse Schwächen aufweist. Abschließend wird der Einfluss der Schwingungsanregung beim Drahtsägen untersucht. Aus den Versuchen geht hervor, dass im getesteten Frequenz- und Amplitudenbereich sowohl hohe Erregerfrequenzen als auch –amplituden geringere Schnittkräfte zur Folge haben.

Étude de micropoutres sérigraphiées pour des applications capteurs

Lakhmi, Riadh 18 November 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, des structures MEMS de type micropoutre ont été conçues pour des applications capteurs. Un procédé de fabrication alternatif au silicium, associant la technique de sérigraphie à l'utilisation d’une couche sacrificielle (SrCO3), a été utilisé pour la réalisation de micropoutres piezoélectriques (PZT, matériau servant à la fois d’actionneur et de transducteur) dans un premier temps. Des tests de détection en phase gazeuse ont été réalisés avec et sans couche sensible avec succès à l’aide du mode de vibration non conventionnel 31-longitudinal. Le toluène a notamment pu être détecté à des concentrations voisines de 20ppm avec une couche sensible PEUT. D’autres espèces telles que l’eau, l’éthanol ou l’hydrogène ont été détectés sans couches sensibles afin de s’affranchir des contraintes liées à celle-ci (vieillissement notamment). Des tests préliminaires de caractérisation en milieu liquide ont également été réalisés avec dans l’optique la détection d’espèces en phase liquide. Par ailleurs, un capteur de force a été conçu et réalisé avec le même procédé de fabrication. Ce dernier est composé d’une micropoutre en matériau diélectrique sur laquelle est intégrée une piezorésistance servant à la transduction du signal associé à la déformation subie par la micropoutre. Des détections de force en mode statique (sans actionneurs) ont permis de caractériser les capteurs, notamment en termes de sensibilité, de gamme de force et de force minimale détectable ou encore de linéarité. / The project concerns the conception, fabrication and characterization of cantilever-type MEMS structures for sensors applications. An alternative process to silicon related ones, associating the screen-printing technique to a sacrificial layer (SrCO3), was used to realize piezoelectric cantilevers (PZT material utilized as actuator and transducer) in a first time. Detections in gas phase were performed successfully with and without sensitive layer thanks to the unusual 31-longitudinal vibration mode. Namely, we were able to detect toluene at concentrations as low as 20ppm with a PEUT sensitive layer. Other species like water, ethanol or hydrogen could be detected without sensitive layer in order to get rid of the sensitive layer-related issues (ageing for example). Preliminary characterizations were carried out in liquid phase in a view to perform liquid phase detection. Besides, a cantilever-based force sensor, fabricated thanks to the same fabrication process was designed. This last one integrates a piezoresistor allowing the transduction of the mechanical signal linked to the strain overcome by the microcantilever. Force detections in static mode (without any actuator) permitted the sensors’ characterization. Indeed, their sensitivity, force range, minimal detectable force and linearity were carried out.

Polyvinylidene Fluoride Nasal Sensor : Design, Development and Its Biomedical Applications

Roopa Manjunatha, G January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The growth of sensors and sensing technologies have made significant impact in our day-to-day life. The five principle sensory organs of our body should perform effectively, so that we can lead a good healthy life. Apart from these natural sensors, there are man-made sensors that helps us to cope with diseases, organ failure etc. and enable us to lead a normal life. In recent years, with the prevalence of new kind of diseases, the need for new type of biomedical sensors is becoming very important. As a result, sensors used for biomedical applications have become an emerging technology and rapidly growing field of research. The aim of the present thesis work is to use the piezoelectric property of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) film for the development of biomedical sensor and studying its application for human respiration/breathing related abnormalities. PVDF nasal sensor was designed in cantilever configuration and detailed theoretical analysis of the same was performed. Based on theoretical and experimental results, the PVDF nasal sensor dimensions were optimized. Suitable signal conditioning circuitry was designed and a measurement system for biomedical application was developed. The developed PVDF nasal sensor was calibrated using MEMS low-pressure sensor. The PVDF nasal sensor system has been applied in different biomedical applications namely, (i) to monitor human respiration pattern, (ii) to identify different Respiration Rates (RR), (iii) to evaluate Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) in comparison with other objective method and, (vi) to clinically investigate nasal obstruction in comparison with subjective method. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 This chapter gives a general introduction about biomedical sensors, piezoelectric sensing principle and PVDF polymer films along with the relevant literature survey. The brief introduction as well as literature survey of techniques used to monitor human respiration and to measure nasal obstruction is also included in this chapter. Chapter 2 This chapter gives details about the design of the PVDF nasal sensor in the cantilever configuration for sensing nasal airflow along with the relevant theoretical equations. Also, the details on the optimization of the PVDF nasal sensor dimensions based on the theoretical and experimental analysis are presented. Chapter 3 This chapter reports the designing of the necessary signal conditioning hardware along with the data acquisition unit for the PVDF nasal sensor. The signal conditioning hardware unit made consists of charge amplifier, low-pass filter and an amplifier. Besides, a complete measurement system for biomedical application was developed using PVDF nasal sensor and its merits and demerits were discussed. Chapter 4 In this chapter, an experimental set-up for measuring human respiration/breathing pressure using water U-tube manometer has been described. Also, the calibration procedure followed for the developed PVDF nasal sensor using a Micro Electro Mechanical Systems(MEMS) low pressure sensor is reported. Apart from these, the details on the measurement of deflection of the PVDF cantilever sensing element using laser displacement setup are provided. In addition, the PVDF nasal sensor was also calibrated for various air flow rates. At the end, a study has been reported on optimizing the position the PVDF nasal sensor with respect to human nose. Chapter 5 This chapter is divided into two sections, Section 5.1: This section describes the applicability of the PVDF nasal sensor using its piezoelectric property to monitor the human respiration pattern of each nostril simultaneously. The results of the PVDF nasal sensor have also been evaluated by comparing with Respiratory Inductive Plethysmograph(RIP) technique in normal subjects. Section 5.2: In this section, PVDF nasal sensor, RIP and Nasal Prongs (NP) techniques were used to measure the RR of healthy adults. The aim here was to evaluate the presently developed PVDF nasal sensor for identifying different RR compared to „Gold standard‟ RIP and NP methods. Chapter 6 This chapter is divided into two sections. Section 6.1: This section reports about the utilization of the developed PVDF nasal sensor for clinical application on the patient population. For this purpose, the performance of the PVDF nasal sensor measurements has been compared with the Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow(PNIF) objective technique and visual analog scale (VAS). Section 6.2: This section describes about the use of PVDF nasal sensor system to measure nasal obstruction caused due to DNS objectively. Further, the results of the PVDF nasal sensor were compared with subjective techniques namely, VAS and clinician scale in patients and control group. Chapter 7 This chapter is composed of two sections. Section 7.1: This section summarizes the salient features of the work presented in this thesis. Section 7.2: This section reports a scope for carrying out further work.

Towards Flexible Sensors and Actuators : Application Aspect of Piezoelectronic Thin Film

Joshi, Sudeep January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Man’s desire to replicate/mimic the nature’s creation provided an impetus and inspiration to the rapid advancements and progress made in the sensors and actuators technology. A normal human being has five basic sensory organs, which helps and guides him in performing the routine tasks. This underlines the importance of basic sensory organs in a human life. In a similar fashion, sensors and actuators are of paramount importance for most of the science and engineering applications. The aim of the present thesis work is to explore the application of piezoelectric ZnO thin films deposited on a flexible substrate for the development of sensors and actuators. Detailed study was performed on the suitability of three different flexible substrates namely Phynox, Kapton and Mylar. However, Phynox alloy substrate was found to be a suitable substrate material for the above mentioned applications. Sputtering technique was chosen for the deposition of ZnO thin films on to Phynox substrate. The necessary process parameters were optimized to achieve good quality piezoelectric thin films. In the present work, sensors have been developed by utilizing the direct piezoelectric effect of ZnO thin films deposited on Phynox alloy substrate. These includes a flow sensor for gas flow rate measurement, impact sensor for non-destructive material discrimination study and a Thin Film Sensor Array (TFSA) for monitoring the impact events. On the other hand, using the converse piezoelectric effect of ZnO thin films, actuators have also been developed. These include a thin film micro actuator and a Thin Film Micro Vibrator (TFMV) for vibration testing of micro devices. The thesis is divided into following seven chapters. Chapter 1: This chapter gives a general introduction about sensors and actuators, piezoelectric thin films, flexible substrates, thin film deposition processes and characterization techniques. A brief literature survey of different applications of piezoelectric thin films deposited on various flexible substrates in device development is presented. Chapter 2: A novel flexible metal alloy (Phynox) and its properties along with its applications are discussed in this chapter. ZnO thin films were deposited on Phynox substrate by Rf reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The sputtering process parameters such as: Ar:O2 gas ratio, substrate temperature and RF power were optimized for the deposition of good quality piezoelectric ZnO thin films. The deposited ZnO thin films were characterized using XRD, SEM, AFM and d31 coefficient measurement techniques. Chapter 3: It reports on the comparative study of properties of piezoelectric ZnO thin films deposited on three different types of flexible substrates. The substrate materials employed were a metal alloy (Phynox), polyimide (Kapton), and polyester (Mylar). Piezoelectric ZnO thin films deposited on these flexible substrates were characterized by XRD, SEM, AFM and d31 coefficient measurement techniques. A vibration sensing test was also performed for the confirmation of good piezoelectric property. Compared to the polymer flexible substrates, the metal alloy flexible substrate (Phynox) was found to be more suitable for integrating ZnO thin film for sensing applications. Chapter 4: The development of a novel gas flow sensor for the flow rate measurement in the range of L min-1 is presented in this chapter. The sensing element is a Phynox alloy cantilever integrated with piezoelectric ZnO thin film. A detailed theoretical analysis of the experimental set–up showing the relationship between output voltage generated and force at a particular flow rate has been discussed. The flow sensor is calibrated using an in-house developed testing set-up. Chapter 5: This chapter is divided into two sections. Section 5.1 reports on the development of a novel packaged piezoelectric thin film impact sensor and its application in non-destructive material discrimination studies. Different materials (Iron, Glass, Wood and Plastic) were successfully discriminated by using the developed impact sensor. The output response of impact sensor showed good linearity and repeatability. The impact sensor is sensitive, reliable and cost-effective. Section 5.2 reports on the development of a Thin Film Senor Array (TFSA) for monitoring the location and magnitude of the impact force. The fabricated TFSA consists of evenly distributed ZnO thin film sensor array. Chapter 6: It consists of two sections. Section 6.1 reports on the fabrication of micro actuator using piezoelectric ZnO thin film integrated with flexible Phynox substrate. A suitable concave Perspex mounting was designed for the actuator element. The actuator element was excited at different frequencies for the supply voltages of 2V, 5V and 8V. The developed micro actuator has the potential to be used as a micro pump for pumping nano liters to micro liters of fluids. Section 6.2 reports the design and development of a portable ready to use Thin Film Micro Vibrator (TFMV). The TFMV is capable of providing the vibration amplitude in the range of nanometer to micrometer. A thin silicon diaphragm was used as a test specimen for its vibration testing studies using the developed TFMV. The TFMV is light-weight and have internal battery, hence no external power supply is required for its functioning. Chapter 7: The first section summarizes the salient features of the work presented in this thesis. In the second section the scope for carrying out the further work is given.

Structural, Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric and Phase Transition Studies of Lead Free (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 Based Ceramics

Garg, Rohini January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ferroelectric materials, especially the polycrystalline ceramics, are very promising material for a variety of applications such as high permittivity dielectrics, ferroelectric memories, piezoelectric sensors, piezoelectric/electrostrictive transducers, electrooptic devices and PTC thermistors. Among the ferroelectric based piezoelectric ceramics the lead–zirconate-titanate Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 (PZT) have dominated transducer and actuator market due to its excellent piezoelectric and dielectric properties, high electromechanical coupling, large piezoelectric anisotropy, ease of processing and low cost. However, the toxicity of lead based compounds has raised serious environmental concerns and therefore has compelled the researchers to look for new lead free alternatives with good piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties. (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 (NBT) and its solid solution is one of the leading lead free piezoceramic ceramics due to their interesting ferroelectric, piezoelectric, electromechanical and dielectric property. The parent compound NBT is a ferroelectric with a moderately high Curie temperature (~250 oC), large ferroelectric polarization (~40µC/cm2) polarization, promising piezoelectric properties with 0.08% strain and longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient (d33) ~ 80 pC/N. X-ray and neutron diffraction studies in the past have shown that NBT exhibits rhombohedral (R3c) at room temperature. Neutron diffraction studies have suggested that NBT undergo a gradual rhombohedral to tetragonal (P4bm) transformation in a temperature region 200-320 ºC. Though the structure and phase transition behavior of NBT has been extensively investigated for over six decades now, this subject has again become debatable in recent few years, with some group reporting formation of orthorhombic phase above room temperature and another group suggesting monoclinic distortion at room temperature using high resolution x-ray diffraction technique. Interestingly the intermediate orthorhombic instability, reported by electron diffraction studies, has never been captured by neutron diffraction method though neutron diffraction is an equally powerful tool for studying (oxygen) octahedral tilts in perovskites. Needless to mention, the understanding of the subtle structural distortions have great significance with regard to the determination of the structure-piezoelectric property correlations in NBT based piezoceramics. The present thesis deals with such subtle structural issues in great detail. The systems investigated in the thesis are Ca and Ba modified NBT. While the Ca modified system was chosen to understand the subtle orthorhombic instability that has been reported above room temperature (only) by detailed electron diffraction work, Ba-modified NBT is the most investigated among the NBT-derived piezoelectric material systems and this thesis attempts to address some of the very complex nature of the structure-piezoelectric property correlation of this system. The first chapter of the thesis provides a brief introduction to the field of ferroelectrics, perovskite structure and their phase transition. A brief exposure to the conventional lead based relaxor ferroelectric and piezoelectric material is provided. A detailed overview of the existing knowledge related to room temperature structure of NBT and its phase transition studies with temperature has been discussed in the later part of this chapter. The second chapter includes various the experimental techniques that have been employed to synthesis and characterize the specimens under investigation. The third chapter deals with the phase transition behaviour of Ca modified NBT as a function of composition and temperature in the dilute concentration region. This work was carried out with the view to obtain a better understanding and compliment the intrinsic high temperature orthorhombic instability in NBT reported by electron diffraction technique. Interestingly, inspite of the fact that neutron diffraction method is a very sensitive tool for investigating subtle change in the nature of octahedral tilt in oxide perovskites, the intermediate orthorhombic distortion proposed by the electron diffraction studies has so far never been captured in any of the neutron diffraction studies. In this work we have verified the genuineness of the intrinsic instability with regard to the non-polar orthorhombic structure using neutron powder diffraction by adopting a special strategy which helped in capturing the characteristic signatures (the superlattice reflections) of the orthorhombic phase in the neutron powder diffraction patterns. It was found that small fraction of Ca-substitution (8-10 mol %) was good enough to amplify the magnitude of the orthorhombic (Pbnm) distortion, without altering the sequence of the structural evolution with temperature of the parent compound (NBT) itself, and stabilizing it at the global length scale at lower temperatures than pure NBT. This chapter presents the innovative approach that was used to extract reliable information about the very complex phase transition behaviour, involving coexistence of the various similar looking but crystallographically different phases in different temperature regimes by Rietveld analysis of temperature dependent neutron powder diffraction pattern in conjunction with temperature dependent dielectric and ferroelectric characterization of the specimens. The detailed study revealed the following sequence of structural evolution with temperature: Cc+Pbnm →Pbnm + P4/mbm → P4/mbm →Pm3 m. The fourth chapter gives a detail account of the structure-property correlations and the phase transition behaviour of (1-x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 – (x)BaTiO3 (0≤x≤0.10), the most important solid solution series with NBT as reported in the literature. The phase transformation behaviour of this system has been investigated as a function of composition (0<x≤0.10), temperature, electric field and mechanical-impact by Raman scattering, ferroelectric, piezoelectric measurements, x-ray and neutron powder diffraction methods. The structure of the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositions of this system, which is interesting from the piezoelectric property point of view, has been under controversy for long. While some groups report the structure to be pseudocubic, other groups suggest it to be combination of rhombohedral and tetragonal. A perusal of the literature suggests that the reported nature and composition range of MPB is dependent on the method of synthesis and characterization technique used. In the present study, crystal structure of the NBT-BT solid solution has been investigated at the close interval near the MPB (0.05≤x≤0.10). Though x-ray diffraction study revealed three distinct composition ranges characterizing different structural features in the equilibrium state at room temperature: (i) monoclinic (Cc) + rhombohedral (R3c) for 0≤x≤0.05, (ii) “cubic-like” for 0.06≤x≤0.0675 and (iii) MPB like for 0.07≤x<0.10, Raman and neutron powder diffraction studies revealed identical symmetry for the cubic like and the MPB compositions. Both the cubic like compositions and the MPB compositions exhibit comparatively large d33. In the later part of this chapter this apparent contradiction is resolved by the fact that the cubic like structure transforms irreversibly to MPB after electric poling, a procedure which involves applying high dc electric field (well above the coercive field) to the pellet before carrying out the piezoelectric measurements. The effect of electrical field and mechanical impact has been studied for all the three different composition range, and it was found that electric field and mechanical impact both led to irreversible phase transformation in the same direction, though the transformation with mechanical impact remains incomplete in comparison to electric field. The most pronounced effect was observed for the cubic like compositions 0.06≤x≤0.0675 – they undergo phase separation to rhombohedral and tetragonal phases by electrical and mechanical perturbations. In the non-perturbed state the cubic-like critical compositions mimics features of relaxor ferroelectrics and extremely short coherence length (~ 40-50 Å) of the out-of-phase octahedral tilts. In the poled state this coherence length grows considerably and the system behaves like a normal ferroelectric. This confirmed a strong coupling between the lattice, octahedral tilts and polarization degrees of freedom. Neutron diffraction study of compositions exhibiting cubic-like and the MPB like revealed that the traditional P4bm tetragonal structure model fails to account for the intensity of the superlattice reflections. Thus the tetragonal structure stabilized above room temperature in pure NBT is different from the tetragonal phase observed at room temperature in the NBT-BT system. The results of the effect of mechanical impact and electric field has also been reported in this chapter for the critical composition exhibiting MPB (x=0.07). A detailed structural analysis of the precritical compositions, x≤0.05, revealed coexistence of ferroelectric phases (Cc+R3c) in equilibrium state (annealed specimens). This transforms to single phase (R3c) state after poling. Thus though the precritical (x≤0.05) and critical compositions (0.06≤x<0.10) of NBT-BT exhibits coexistence of ferroelectric phases in the equilibrium state, the fact that the electric poling makes the specimen single phase, R3c, after poling for the precritical compositions and retains the two phase nature of the critical compositions makes the critical compositions exhibit considerably higher piezoelectric response than the precritical compositions. Chapter five is dedicated to phase transition behaviour of the post critical compositions of (1-x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–(x)BaTiO3 (0.16≤x≤1) using temperature dependent XRD, dielectric and ferroelectric studies. Though structurally the entire composition range is tetragonal, several notable features were revealed during detailed examination of the structural and dielectric behaviour. This study is also important from the view point that pure BT is a major component of multilayer ceramic capacitors and that an increase in the Curie point would be a welcome step for better temperature stability of the device. NBT does this. The transition temperature increases from 120 ºC for pure BT to 275 ºC for x=0.30 along with simultaneous increase in c/a ratio from 1.009 (pure BT) to 1.02 (x=0.30). Detailed analysis of temperature and frequency dependent dielectric data revealed deviation from Curie-Weiss and suggests a gradual transformation to relaxor-ferroelectric state as the NBT concentration increases in BT. The measure of frequency dispersion ‘γ’ parameter was determined from modified Curie-Weiss law for various compositions in the system. The ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties have also been investigated in detail for this composition range and an attempt has been made to correlate the composition variation of these properties with their structural parameters. This chapter shows a systematic correlation between all physical quantities such as Curie point, piezoelectric coefficient, polarization and tetragonality as a function of composition.

Formulation et modélisation des vibrations par éléments finis de type solide-coque : application aux structures sandwichs viscoélastiques et piézoélectriques / Formulation and modeling of vibrations using solid-shell finite elements : application to viscoelastic and piezoelectric sandwich structures

Kpeky, Fessal 15 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au développement d’éléments finis solide–coques dédiés à la modélisation de structures multicouches sollicitées en vibrations. En effet, la plupart des modèles multicouches dans la littérature présentent des limitations dans certaines configurations géométriques et matérielles. Face à ce constat et dans un souci de proposer un outil moins coûteux en temps de calcul, nous avons proposé une approche basée sur le concept solide–coques. Il s’agit d’éléments finis tridimensionnels dont le comportement a été amélioré par l’Assumed Strain Method. Dans un premier temps, nous avons formulé le problème de vibrations de structures sandwichs à cœur viscoélastique. La dépendance en fréquence a ainsi été prise en compte en utilisant une loi constitutive complexe. Pour résoudre le problème discrétisé, la Méthode Asymptotique Numérique, couplée à l’homotopie, et utilisant l’approche DIAMANT, a été adoptée pour les excellents résultats qu’elle offre par rapport aux autres méthodes. Des tests ont permis de valider les modèles proposés et de montrer l’avantage par rapport aux éléments ayant la même cinématique. Poursuivant nos travaux, et dans un souci d’augmenter l’amortissement, nous nous sommes orientés vers un contrôle actif des vibrations. Pour ce faire, deux éléments finis piézoélectriques ont été formulés. Il s’agit des éléments SHB8PSE et SHB20E qui sont des extensions des éléments finis SHB8PS et SHB20, respectivement. Le couplage électromécanique a consisté en l’ajout d’un degré de liberté à chacun des nœuds des dits éléments. Quelques exemples en statique et en vibrations menés sur des structures multicouches allant de simples poutres aux structures présentant des non-linéarités géométriques ont permis de valider les éléments solide–coques proposés. Pour finir, une synthèse des acquis des chapitres 2 et 3 a permis de proposer une modélisation de structures multicouches comprenant des couches élastiques, viscoélastiques et piézoélectriques. À l’amortissement passif provenant du pouvoir amortissant des matériaux viscoélastiques, on ajoute un contrôle actif qui découle du courant électrique généré au cours de la déformation des couches piézoélectriques. Ainsi, un filtre a été installé entre les capteurs et actionneurs. Ce filtre permet d’amplifier ou d’atténuer le potentiel électrique généré dans le but de réduire les amplitudes de vibrations. Pour résoudre le problème résultant nous avons étendu le solveur utilisé au chapitre 2. Pour valider les modèles proposés, des tests de contrôle actif–passif ont été menés sur des structures plaques multicouches. Enfin, quelques lois de contrôle découlant de filtres ont permis de montrer comment cette procédure permet de réduire ou même d’éviter l’amplification des vibrations / This thesis deals with the development of solid–shell finite elements for vibration modeling of multilayer structures. Indeed, most of multilayer models in the literature show some limitations in certain geometric and material configurations. Considering these restrictions and in order to develop a more efficient calculation tool, we proposed an approach based on the solid–shell concept. This consists of three-dimensional finite elements enhanced through the Assumed Strain Method. First of all, we have formulated the problem of vibrations of sandwich structures with viscoelastic core. The frequency dependence has been taken into account by using a complex constitutive law. To solve the discretized problem, the Asymptotic Numerical Method, coupled with the homotopy technique and the DIAMANT toolbox approach, was adopted due to the excellent results it provides compared to other methods. Benchmark tests have validated the models and highlighted their advantages over existing elements having the same kinematics. In order to increase damping properties, we directed our attention towards an active vibration control. For this purpose, two piezoelectric finite elements have been developed. These finite elements SHB8PSE and SHB20E are extensions, of the elements SHB8PS and SHB20, respectively. The electromechanical coupling consisted in adding an electrical degree of freedom to each node of these elements. A variety of test problems both in static and vibration analysis conducted on multilayer structures ranging from simple beams to structures involving geometric nonlinearities allowed validating the proposed solid–shell elements. Finally, combining the achievements made in chapters 2 and 3, we proposed a modeling approach for multilayer structures composed of elastic, viscoelastic and piezoelectric layers. Active control is introduced using the piezoelectric properties in order to improve the reduction in vibration amplitudes. Thus, a filter has been mounted between the sensors and actuators. This filter allows amplifying or attenuating the generated electric potential in order to reduce the vibration amplitudes. To solve the resulting problem, we extended the resolution method used in chapter 2. To validate the proposed models, active–passive control tests have been conducted on multilayer plate structures. Finally, some control laws, associated with filters, have shown how this procedure can allow reducing or even avoiding amplification of vibrations

Evaluation of Fracture Mechanical Parameters for Bi-Piezo-Material Notch / Evaluation of Fracture Mechanical Parameters for Bi-Piezo-Material Notch

Hrstka, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
Předkládaná dizertační práce se zabývá stanovením hlavních členů Williamsova asymptotického rozvoje popisujícího rovinné elektro-elastické pole v okolí piezoelektrických bi-materiálových vrubů a trhlin na rozhraní za použití rozšířeného Lechnického-Eshelbyho-Strohova formalismu v návaznosti na čistě anizotropní pružnost. Je ukázáno, že rozšířený Lechnického-Eshelbyho-Strohův formalismus představuje spolu s moderními programovacími koncepty v jazyku Python efektivní a také praktický nástroj pro lomovou analýzu piezoelektrických bi-materiálů. Teoretická část práce popisuje aspekty anizotropní pružnosti a její návaznost na piezoelektrické materiály. Základní rovnice zaměřené na speciální typy monoklinických materiálů, které umožňují oddělení rovinného a anti-rovinného problému, jsou vyjádřeny pomocí komplexních potenciálů. V praktické části práce je sestaven problém vlastního hodnot pro bi-materiálový vrub, na jehož základě jsou stanoveny exponenty singularity a pomocí dvoustavového -integrálu také zobecněné faktory intenzity napětí. Veškeré vztahy a numerické procedury jsou následně rozšířeny na problém piezoelektrických bi-materiálových vrubů a podrobně prozkoumány v uvedených příkladech. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována přechodu asymptotického řešení téměř zavřených vrubů a trhlin na rozhraní. Vliv směru polarizace na asymptotické řešení je také zkoumán. Přesnost stanovení zobecněných faktorů intenzity napětí je testována srovnáním asymptotického řešení a řešení získaného pomocí metody konečných prvků s velmi jemnou sítí konečných prvků. Na závěr je formalismus modifikován pro nepiezoelektrické materiály.

Piezoelektrische Aluminiumnitrid-Dünnschichten für mikroelektromechanische Systeme

Stöckel, Chris 17 October 2016 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden der Entwurf, die Technologie und die Parameteridentifikation von Silizium basierten mikroelektromechanischen Systemen (MEMS) mit piezoelektrischen Dünnschicht-Aluminiumnitrid (AlN) vorgestellt. Auf Basis des AlNs als elektromechanischer Wandler erfolgt die Fertigung eines MEMS Technologiedemonstrators für energiearme Inertialsensoren. Das AlN wird über einen reaktiven Sputterprozess auf einer Wachstumsschicht abgeschieden. Durch Parametervariation des reaktiven Sputterprozesses und der Wachstumsschicht werden die piezoelektrischen Eigenschaften des AlNs optimiert. Die Entwicklung einer Gesamttechnologie führt zu einer Integration des Dünnschicht-AlNs in Silizium-Mikromechaniken. Die Röntgenbeugung (XRD) ermöglicht die Kristallstruktur des AlNs zu qualifizieren. Darüber hinaus werden weitere Analysemethoden vorgestellt, die eine hoch genaue und reproduzierbare messtechnische Bestimmung der piezoelektrischen Koeffizienten aus mikromechanischen Messstrukturen ermöglichen. Die Determination der piezoelektrischen Koeffizienten des Dünnschicht-AlNs aus den Messstrukturen erfolgt mittels analytischen und FE Modellen sowie der Laser-Doppler-Vibrometrie (LDV). Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt hierbei auf der Identifikation der longitudinalen und transversalen piezoelektrischen Ladungskoeffizienten des AlNs. Als Technologiedemonstrator wird ein einachsiger Inertialsensor mit integriertem piezoelektrischen Dünnschicht-AlN vorgestellt. Das MEMS generiert aufgrund des piezoelektrischen Wandlers intrinsisch elektrische Ladungen bei Einwirkung einer mechanischen Energie. Dadurch ist keine elektrische Energiezufuhr für die Messung eines inertialen Ereignisses notwendig. Der vorgestellte Demonstrator wird hinsichtlich seiner Ladungs- und Spannungssensitivität optimiert. Zur theoretischen Beschreibung der Funktionsweise werden analytische, sowie FE und SPICE Modelle genutzt. Eine Charakterisierung des MEMS Bauelements erfolgt hinsichtlich der mechanischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften. / The thesis includes the design, the technology and the parameter identification of silicon-based microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) with piezoelectric thin film of aluminum nitride (AlN). A low-energy inertial sensor as technology demonstrator based on AlN as an electromechanical transducer a MEMS manufacturing process is shown. The AlN is deposited via a reactive sputtering on a growth layer. By varying parameters of the reactive sputtering and the growth layer of AlN, the piezoelectric properties can be optimized. The development of an overall technology results to an integration of the thin film AlNs in silicon micromechanics. X-ray diffraction (XRD) allows to qualify the crystal structure of AlN. Further methods are developed that enable a highly accurate and repeatable metrological determination of piezoelectric coefficients measurement structures. The determination of piezoelectric coefficients of the thin film AlN from the measurement structures is resulting from analytical methods and FE models and the laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV). The identification of the longitudinal and transverse piezoelectric charge coefficient of AlN is one main focus of this work. A uniaxial inertial sensor with an integrated piezoelectric thin film of AlN is presented as technology demonstrator. The piezoelectric transducer of the MEMS is generating electric charges intrinsically as reaction of mechanical stress. Thus, no electric power supply for the measurement of an inertial event is necessary. The presented demonstrator has been optimized with respect to its charge and voltage sensitivity. For a theoretical description analytical and FE and SPICE models are used. A characterization of the MEMS device is carried out with regard to the mechanical and electrical properties.

Entwicklung einer Erregereinheit zur Erzeugung hochfrequenter Schwingungen beim Drahtsägen

Krüger, Thomas 14 November 2014 (has links)
Bei der Fertigung von Siliziumwafern durch Zerteilen eines Siliziumblockes kommt das Drahttrennläppverfahren zur Anwendung. Es wird eine Erregereinheit entwickelt, die den Siliziumblock während des Schneidprozesses zu Schwingungen anregt. Die Verwendung von Piezoaktoren ermöglicht mehrachsige Schwingungen mit variabler Frequenz und Amplitude. Wesentliche Bestandteile der Arbeit sind experimentelle Untersuchungen an den Aktoren und der gesamten Erregereinheit sowie die Modellierung des Gesamtsystems mit Hilfe linearer Einzelmodelle. Es zeigt sich, dass die Aktoren bei dynamischen Anwendungen linear beschrieben werden können, während das Gesamtmodell besonders in den Resonanzbereichen aufgrund montagebedingter Einflüsse Schwächen aufweist. Abschließend wird der Einfluss der Schwingungsanregung beim Drahtsägen untersucht. Aus den Versuchen geht hervor, dass im getesteten Frequenz- und Amplitudenbereich sowohl hohe Erregerfrequenzen als auch –amplituden geringere Schnittkräfte zur Folge haben.

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