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Les normes privées relatives à la qualité des produits : étude d’un phénomène juridique transnational / Private quality standards : a transnational legal phenomenonSarrouf, Muriel 13 November 2012 (has links)
Les normes privées intéressent le droit international à un double titre : se développant en marge du système interétatique classique, elles constituent l’un des visages d’une régulation privée transnationale émergente et soulèvent la question théorique de leur statut en droit international. Par ailleurs, leurs effets sur le commerce international (et particulièrement le fait qu’elles constituent un obstacle aux exportations des PED vers les marchés occidentaux), conduisent à s’interroger sur l’opportunité et les modalités de leur réglementation par le droit international des échanges. En dépit de leur diversité empirique qui rend difficile toute tentative de systématisation et de qualification juridique, nous considérons que la qualité des produits, qui constitue le fondement téléologique commun des normes privées, permet d’en justifier l’unité théorique et de les considérer comme un phénomène juridique à part entière. Nous démontrerons que les normes privées sont l’une des manifestations d’un droit transnational se développant en parallèle du droit interétatique « classique » et qu’elles jouissent par conséquent d’un statut juridique propre. De ce fait, leurs rapports avec la branche du droit international qu’elles intéressent le plus directement, le droit international des échanges, ne peuvent se limiter à l’approche classique de réglementation (ou approche « répressive », en ce qu’elle a pour seul but d’en limiter les effets restrictifs pour le commerce) mais doivent se concevoir dans une optique de coordination. / The recent proliferation of private standards is not only of growing interest to economists who seek to evaluate its impact on trade flows; it is also relevant to international law, particularly to international economic law, in a double perspective. First, from the perspective of legal theory, the legal status of private standards has still to be determined. Second, from an empirical standpoint, private standards have the potential to negatively impact the access of developing countries to the markets of developed countries. This raises the question of the opportunity and modalities of submitting them to the disciplines of the WTO Agreements. This study demonstrates that private standards are one of the expressions of broader ‘transnational law’, a body of law that has been developing in parallel to ‘traditional’ state-centered international law. This implies that international law cannot merely consider private standards as an object to be disciplined; rather, the traditional ‘repressive’ approach should be rejected in favor of a more collaborative approach stressing the interrelations between the two bodies of norms as well as possible forms of coordination.
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Severing the Spirit from the Son: Theological revisionism in contemporary theologies of salvationMiles, Todd LeRoy 27 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates the historiography, methodology, exegesis, and theological conclusions of pneumatological inclusivists and their doctrine of salvation, and then offers a biblical and theological defense of soteriological exclusivism based on the relationship between the Son and the Spirit. Chapter 1 defines the categories of exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism. Attention is given to those inclusivists who ground their inclusivist proposals in a work of the Holy Spirit in world religions apart from Gospel proclamation.
Chapter 2 summarizes the work of non-evangelical inclusivists in the area of theology of religions, with particular attention given to those theologians who focus their work on the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Chapter 3 summarizes the work of evangelical pneumatological inclusivists, focusing on the efforts of Clark Pinnock and Amos Yong.
Chapter 4 evaluates the historiography of pneumatological inclusivists. The chapter contends that any appeals to the theology of Irenaeus or a rejection of the Fifoque clause to bolster support for pneumatological inclusivism are tendentious.
Chapter 5 evaluates the theological method of pneumatological inclusivists. The chapter argues that systematic theological conclusions must be based upon solid exegesis and biblical theology. The Bible presents the Spirit as working to glorify the Son. Theological method ought to reflect this priority, that is, it must be Christocentric.
Chapter 6 presents a theology of the Son and the Spirit. It is demonstrated that from the beginning of redemptive history, prior to and during the incarnation, the Spirit worked toward and for the glorification of the Son. During the present church age, the Spirit works to glorify Christ.
Chapter 7 summarizes the dissertation and highlights areas of contribution and significance. / This item is only available to students and faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
If you are not associated with SBTS, this dissertation may be purchased from <a href="http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb">http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb</a> or downloaded through ProQuest's Dissertation and Theses database if your institution subscribes to that service.
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Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (SKL) – en postkorporativ kvarleva eller en kvasistatlig hybrid? : En undersökning av SKL:s roll och inflytande i två politiska beslutsprocesser / The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) – a post-corporatist remnant or a quasigovernment hybrid? : A survey of SALAR’s role and influence in two policy processesRönnberg, Nico January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the role and the influence of the Swedish local government association, SALAR, which is an interest group representing all of the Swedish local authorities and regions. As a result of a change in exercising public power from government to multi-level governance that has reinforced subnational level, including local authorities and regions, SALAR is today a significant actor. It has an intermediating role in the relation between the government and local and regional authorities. SALAR is a hybrid organization that has interest group and governmental characteristics. It is a player competing with other interest groups in a pluralistic system but it is also a corporatist negotiation partner of the government that has a privileged access to central government decision-making. This study uses a comparative case study method analyzing two policy processes to study and describe what kind of role and influence SALAR has in these processes and how the role and the influence of SALAR can be understood from an interest group perspective and a multi-level governance perspective. The described and analyzed policy processes are Kömiljarden, an effectivity effort in Swedish public health care system, and the introduction of the teacher license system in Swedish schools. The empirical material used in this thesis consists of official publications published by public authorities, the parliament and the government as well as interviews with officials representing public authorities, the government and SALAR. The results presented in this thesis show that SALAR in line with previous research on local government associations in other countries, has a role as an intermediator with a privileged access to central government and central decision-making. It is a partner that central government negotiates with and which has the task of informing about the local and regional circumstances. Its influence can also be analyzed in connection to these negotiations. SALAR is in many ways stuck in the structure of decision-making, which is operated by central government while still being in competition with interest groups, such as the teacher unions.
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Princip přednosti evropského práva v teorii a praxi soudů členských států Evropské unie / The principle of primacy of EU law in the theory and practice of the courts of the European Union Member StatesOndřejková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The submitted dissertation thesis analyses the principle of primacy of EU law from the basic point of view of legal theory. It points out different approaches to the primacy principle and examines the arguments on which these approaches are based. The fist part of the thesis deals with the examination of the primacy principle related to its legal basis, using the sources most frequently listed in the literature: the founding treaties, the case law of the Court of Justice, legal theory (Kelsen's basic norm, Hart's rule of recognition and the legal sociology approaches), and international and national law. I have focused on the historical documents (Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community), the concepts based on them (doctrine of the conferred powers and the principle of subsidiarity), and the non-ratified Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe and legally non-binding Declaration No. 17 attached to the Lisbon Treaty. I have applied a critical approach to the argumentation of the Court of Justice in the decisions establishing the principle of primacy: Van Gend en Loos, Costa, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft, Simmenthal. Taking into account the existing objections against the arguments used by the Court of Justice, I have...
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[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama da epistemologia
e mostra as idéias do filósofo Karl Paul Feyerabend em
relação ao progresso da
ciência. O nosso texto procura responder, principalmente,
à seguinte questão:
como um filósofo que vê a ciência como um empreendimento
anárquico e sem
fundamento pensa sobre o progresso científico? Para isso
fazemos uma
reconstrução histórica do ambiente cultural com o qual
Feyerabend esteve
envolvido e da sua carreira filosófica. Esta reconstrução
procura mostrar as
condições que produziram o Círculo de Viena que, por sua
vez, influenciou
muitos pensadores preocupados com as questões da ciência e
seu progresso, como
Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos e Laudan. Estes filósofos terão suas
brevemente analisadas, pois foram importantes na formação
do pensamento
feyerabendiano. Concluímos com uma defesa do anarquismo
epistemológico, pois
consideramos que a questão do progresso da ciência em
Feyerabend deve ser
entendida a partir das bases desta doutrina. / [en] This dissertation gives a panorama of contemporary
epistemology and
present philosopher Karl Paul Feyerabend s ideas on the
progress of science. We
attempt to address mainly the following topic: what are
the thoughts of a
philosopher on scientific progress who sees science as an
enterprise of anarchy
and without a foundation? In our attempt at providing an
answer, we make a
historical reconstruction of the cultural atmosphere in
which Feyerabend was
involved and of his philosophical career. This
reconstruction shows the conditions
that produced the Vienna Circle, which influenced many
thinkers at the time who
were concerned with the subjects of science and progress,
like Popper, Kuhn,
Lakatos and Laudan. These philosophers will have their
epistemologies briefly
analyzed since they were important in the formation of
Feyerabendian thought.
We conclude with a defense of epistemological anarchism as
we contend that the
subject of science s progress in Feyerabend should be
understood from the bases
of this doctrine.
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Empowered youth leading social change in local communitiesAmao, Shade January 2019 (has links)
Youth participation habits changes constantly. Efforts to keep up with new forms of political participation is seen in international organizations, national governments and the academic community. How do young people themselves regard their participation in these new forms? One alternative form of political participation is youth organizing. This study uses a multi-case research design by interviewing Kenyan and Swedish young people who have participated in one of two youth organizing programs, organized by the non-governmental organization Fryshuset. This study aimed to uncover what youth value with youth organizing as a participation form, what goals they have with their participation and how their self-organized initiatives reflect said goals, by applying theories on empowerment, delieration, agonistic pluralism and factors affecting political participation. What youth value with youth organizing is personal development, meeting new people and getting the opportunity to make a local impact. Furthermore the study found that the primary goal of their participation was to strengthen their local community. Finally the findings show how youth preferred deliberative means to achieve their goals.
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O pluralismo metodológico no ensino de Física e o aprimoramento da argumentação científica dos alunos / The methodological pluralism in Physics teaching and the student\'s improvement in scientific argumentationGalvão, Idmaura Calderaro Martins 13 November 2015 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa procuramos investigar se o uso do pluralismo metodológico nas aulas de Física pode contribuir para o aprimoramento da argumentação científica dos alunos. As atividades foram realizadas com alunos da terceira série do ensino médio de uma escola do interior do estado de São Paulo. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram utilizadas, em sala de aula, metodologias de ensino variadas: atividades experimentais e de demonstração, atividades com o uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação e projetos como estratégia de resolução de problema. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de quatro grupos focais e pelas apresentações de projetos pelos alunos, com a finalidade de investigar as suas argumentações sobre os conceitos físicos estudados por meio das metodologias mencionadas anteriormente. Para a análise da estrutura das argumentações dos alunos demos ênfase aos elementos constitutivos do padrão de Toulmin. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram indícios do aprimoramento da argumentação científica dos alunos. Isso nos fez concluir que o uso do pluralismo metodológico, juntamente com o processo de interação social, promove o desenvolvimento da argumentação científica e é uma alternativa que colabora para a formação de alunos mais reflexivos e participativos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Física. / In this research we investigate if the use of methodological pluralism in Physics classes can contribute to the improvement of the student\'s cientific argumentation. The activities were conducted with students of the third grade of secondary education at a school in the state of São Paulo. In the research\'s development was used, in the classroom, varied teaching methodologies: experimental and demonstration activities, activities using information and communication technology and projects such as problem solving strategy. The data collection was done through four focus groups and by the student\'s presentations of the project, in order to investigate their arguments about physical concepts studied by the methods mentioned above. For the initial structure analysis of the students\' argumentation we gave emphasis to the constituent elements of the standard Toulmin. Our results show evidence of student\'s improvement in scientific argumentation. Using these data we concluded that the use of methodological pluralism, with the process of social interaction, facilitates the development of scientific argument and it is an alternative that contributes to the formation of more reflective and participatory students in the teaching and learning of Physics.
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Aplicação da metodologia módulo didático como estratégia para o ensino-aprendizagem de fotossíntese e cadeia alimentar / Application of the Didactic Module methodology as a strategy for teaching and learning about photosynthesis and the food chainsSiqueira, Mariana dos Santos 15 December 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo conhecer as concepções de alunos de Ensino Médio em relação à fotossíntese e a cadeia alimentar e aplicar a metodologia Módulo Didático visando favorecer o processo ensino-aprendizagem. A metodologia Módulo Didático, concebida por Delizoicov e Angotti (1990), consiste em três etapas: problematização inicial (PI), organização do conhecimento (OC) e aplicação do conhecimento (AC). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com uma classe de 35 alunos do 1º Ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pertencente à Rede Estadual de Ensino, localizada no município de Lorena, SP. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa ocorreu em quatro etapas: aplicação de um questionário socioeconômico e de uma avaliação diagnóstica inicial, desenvolvimento do Módulo Didático, aplicação de uma avaliação diagnóstica final ao término da aplicação da metodologia e uma nova aplicação da avaliação diagnóstica final após o período de férias escolares dos discentes. A aplicação da metodologia foi pautada no pluralismo metodológico por meio dos seguintes recursos: questões problematizadoras, leitura e análise de textos de divulgação científica, vídeos, simuladores, jogo e mapa conceitual. Dentre os resultados relacionados à análise do perfil socioeconômico dos discentes, percebeu-se que 41% possui preferência por desenvolver as atividades em um grupo pequeno, enquanto 38% tem preferência por trabalhar com outra pessoa. A análise comparativa das avaliações diagnósticas inicial, final e final após o período de férias escolares revelou tendências ao se considerar o processo ensino-aprendizagem de fotossíntese e de cadeia alimentar. Para a temática fotossíntese, alguns assuntos necessitam ser abordados a partir de recursos distintos dos utilizados para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, uma vez que não houve efetividade no conhecimento construído; para outros, o conhecimento construído se mostrou efetivo. Em relação à temática cadeia alimentar, o conhecimento construído apresentou efetividade. Os resultados obtidos, portanto, revelaram que o Módulo Didático se constitui como uma estratégia metodológica viável para desenvolvimento com alunos de Ensino Médio. A efetividade do processo ensinoaprendizagem está atrelada a outros fatores condicionantes, tais como os recursos utilizados, o modo pelo qual os discentes preferem desenvolver as atividades bem como o número de alunos por classe. / The following research has the aim to discover the views of secondary school (high school) students in relation to photosynthesis and the food chains, and the application of the Didactic Module methodology to facilitate the teaching-learning process. The Didactic Module methodology, designed by Delizoicov and Angotti (1990), consists of three stages: initial questioning, organization of knowledge, and the application of knowledge. The research was conducted with a class of 35 students from the 1st year of a secondary school which belonged to a network of public schools, located in the city of Lorena, SP. The development of the research took place in four steps: the application of a socioeconomic questionnaire and an initial diagnostic evaluation, the development of the Didactic module, the application of a final diagnostic evaluation at the end of the methodology application and a new application of the final diagnostic evaluation after a period of the student\'s school holidays. The methodology was based on methodological pluralism through the following resources: questions which cause problems, the reading and the analysis of scientific texts, videos, simulators, games and concept map. Among the results related to the analysis of the socioeconomic profile of students, it was noticed that 41% have preference for developing activities in a small group, while 38% have a preference for working with someone else. The comparative analysis of the diagnostic evaluations from the beginning, middle and end of the school holiday period revealed trends when considering the teaching-learning process of photosynthesis and the food chain. For the theme photosynthesis, some issues need to be addressed from different resources used for the development of the researches, since there was no effectiveness in the knowledge which was constructed; for others, the knowledge built was effective. Regarding the thematic food chain, the knowledge built was showed to be effective. The results obtained show that the Didactic Module is constituted as a viable methodological strategy for the development of students in high school (secondary school). The effectiveness of the teaching-learning process is linked to other conditioning factors such as the resources used, the way in which students prefer to develop the activities and the number of students per class.
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No princípio era o verbo: espíritas e espiritismos na modernidade religiosa brasileira / In the beginning was the Word: spiritists and spiritism in the religion of Brazil in modern ageArribas, Celia da Graça 15 August 2014 (has links)
Dentro do movimento de pluralização confessional ensejado pela secularização (característica da modernidade religiosa brasileira), recorto para fins de estudo um processo mais específico, a saber: o de adensamento institucional do espiritismo kardecista entre as décadas de 1920 e 1960. Por meio do exame de trajetórias de agentes de relevância desse segmento e de sua produção intelectual religiosa, a análise que se pretendeu realizar levou em consideração as disputas materiais e simbólicas entre formas distintas de visões espíritas de mundo. Sob esse enquadramento, o objetivo foi o de compreender e explicar como são articulados os sistemas de crenças espíritas e quais são as fontes de autoridade em jogo. Foram abertas duas frentes de trabalho. A primeira delas consistiu basicamente na reconstituição histórica de algumas coordenadas importantes para a compreensão tanto do cenário quanto do elenco espíritas. Na segunda, foi levado a cabo um trabalho de definição sociológica do que poderia vir a ser um clero espírita, e mais particularmente, quais os contornos que caracterizam os diferentes papéis desempenhados pelos vários atores em cena / Within the movement of confessional pluralization led by secularization (a characteristic of Brazilian religious modernity), I circumscribe, for the purpose of this study, a more specific process, namely, the institutional densification of Kardecist Spiritism between the decades of 1920 and 1960. Through the examination of trajectories of relevant agents in this segment and their religious intellectual production, the analysis took into account the material and symbolic disputes between distinct forms of spiritist worldviews. Through this prism, the objective was to understand and explain how spiritist belief systems are articulated and what are the actual sources of authority. There are two work fronts. The first one basically consists in a historical reconstitution of some important coordinates for the understanding of both the scenery and the spiritist cast. On the second work front, the purpose was to build a sociological definition of what could be a spiritist clergy, and, more particularly, what outlines characterize the different roles played by the various actors on the scene
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Liberalismo político: uma defesa / Political liberalism: arguing forPetroni, Lucas Cardoso 18 December 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar argumentos a favor de uma concepção igualitária de liberalismo político. Em primeiro lugar, apresenta-se uma classificação dos diferentes tipos de liberalismos políticos contemporâneos: (i) liberalismo do medo, (ii) liberalismo antifundacionista, (iii) liberalismo ético e (iv) liberalismo igualitário. A partir dos princípios de tolerância desenvolvidos em cada um deles, procura-se defender um ideal de razão pública como o melhor critério de justificação para regular o uso da coerção política entre cidadãos livres e iguais. / The work has two main goals. It attempts to provide arguments for the egalitarian branch of political liberalism. At first place, it is presented four types of possible political liberalisms: (i) the liberalism of fear, (ii) antifoundationalist liberalism, (iii) ethical liberalism and (iv) egalitarian liberalism. Departing from reasons for toleration offered by each of them, it argues that an ideal of public reason is the best way to conceive the use of political coercion on free and equal citizens.
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