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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Scham der „Anderen“: Selbsterniedrigung und Emanzipation in der queeren polnischen Literatur

Pisharek, Janine 20 February 2025 (has links)
Die Bezeichnung der „Anderen“ ist im frühen queeren polnischen Emanzipationsdiskurs weit verbreitet. Sie taucht in Zeitschriften- und Buchtiteln auf und dient zugleich als Selbstbezeichnung zwischen Euphemismus und performativer Abgrenzung. Ab Mitte der 1980er Jahre wird diese „Andersartigkeit“ in der polnischen Öffentlichkeit zunehmend zum gesellschaftlichen Schlagwort mit emanzipatorischem Gehalt. Erstmals bringen sich queere Subjekte in Stellung, um eine mediale und politische Bühne für sich zu beanspruchen. Diese frühe Emanzipationsphase im Spannungsfeld zwischen den politischen Systemen bildet einen Umbruch in der queeren Geschichte Polens. Inmitten dieses Prozesses werden literarische Texte geschrieben und veröffentlicht, die queere Subjekte und deren Erfahrungen explizit in den Fokus rücken. Sie porträtieren lesbische und schwule Protagonist*innen, die sich mit gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Hindernissen konfrontiert sehen. Einerseits geht es um die Versuche der „Anderen“, sich Gehör zu verschaffen. Dargestellt wird andererseits aber auch ihr Scheitern an den sie umgebenden heteronormativen Strukturen, das mitunter in einer Abwertung der eigenen Identität münden kann. Somit zeigen die Erzähltexte der frühen queeren polnischen Emanzipationsphase ein spannungsreiches Feld aus emanzipatorischen Bestrebungen und selbsterniedrigenden Tendenzen, das den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit bildet. Im Rahmen der Analyse wird die theoretische Beschaffenheit des Phänomens queerer Selbsterniedrigung beschrieben und mittels semiotischer Überlegungen für die Literaturanalyse nutzbar gemacht. In diesem Rahmen werden in diesem Rahmen nicht nur die Gründe queerer Selbsterniedrigung untersucht, sondern auch ihre möglichen Funktionen im literarischen Text. / The signifier of the “other” is widespread in the early queer Polish emancipation discourse. It appeared in the titles of magazines and books, but also served as a self-designation between euphemism and performative reclamation. From the mid-1980s, this “otherness” increasingly became a social buzzword with emancipatory content in the Polish public sphere. For the first time, queer subjects in Poland positioned themselves in politics and claimed a public stage. This early phase of emancipation marks a turning point in Polish queer history. In the midst of this process, literary texts have been written and published that focus explicitly on queer subjects and their experiences. They portray lesbian and gay protagonists facing social and cultural obstacles. On the one hand, these texts deal with the attempts of the 'other' to make themselves heard. On the other hand, they also contain aspects of queer failure against the surrounding heteronormative structures, which can sometimes lead to a devaluation of one's own identity. The narrative texts of the early phase of Polish queer emancipation thus reveal a tense field between emancipatory aspirations and self-deprecating tendencies. This is the starting point of this study. In the analysis, the theoretical nature of the phenomenon of queer self-deprecation is described and made usable for literary analysis by means of semiotic considerations. Within this framework, the study examines the reasons for queer self-deprecation but also its possible functions in the literary text.

Die polnischen Bibliotheksgesetze - eine Analyse ihrer Bedeutung für das polnische Bibliothekswesen

Bödecker, Ursula 05 March 2018 (has links)
Die polnische Bibliotheksgesetzgebung hat eine gefestigte Tradition. Seit der Wiedererrichtung des polnischen Staates im Jahr 1918 streben polnische Bibliothekare eine rechtliche Grundlage für das Bibliothekswesen im Land an. Ihre Bestrebungen münden letztlich im Dekret über Bibliotheken und die Betreuung von Bibliotheksbeständen vom 17. April 1946, das später durch das Gesetz über Bibliotheken von 1968 ersetzt wird. Im Zuge der Transformation nach 1989 tritt am 27. Juni 1997 ein neues Bibliotheksgesetz in Kraft. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der polnischen Bibliotheksgesetzgebung auseinander. Sie macht den deutschen Leser mit dem polnischen Verständnis der Begriffe „Bibliotheksrecht“ und „Bibliotheksgesetz“ vertraut, gibt einen Überblick über den Verlauf der Entstehungsgeschichte der polnischen Bibliotheksgesetze, beschreibt ihren Inhalt und beleuchtet ihre Realisierung. Auf der Basis der theoretischen Erkenntnisse setzt der anschließende empirische Teil der Studie auf, in dem die Bedeutung der polnischen Gesetze für das polnische Bibliothekswesen ermittelt wird. Dabei wird die Eignung dieser rechtlichen Grundlage als ein Instrument zur Gestaltung des polnischen Bibliothekswesens fokussiert. Die Bedeutung der polnischen Bibliotheksgesetze für das polnische Bibliothekswesen wird mithilfe von Experteninterviews untersucht. Als Akteure wurden fünf Bibliothekare, welche die polnische Bibliotheksgesetzgebung in besonderem Maße kennen, in polnischer Sprache befragt. Ihre Aussagen dienen der Bewertung der polnischen Bibliotheksgesetze in Bezug auf ihre Bedeutsamkeit. / Polish library legislation has a strong tradition. Ever since the re-establishment of the Polish state in 1918, Polish librarians have been striving towards a legal basis for the library system in the country. Their efforts ultimately led to the Decree of April 17, 1946 on libraries and on the protection of library collections, which was then replaced by the law on libraries in 1968. As part of the transformation after 1989, a new library law came into effect on 27 June 1997. This thesis will deal with the law-making for libraries in Poland. It will introduce the German reader to the Polish understanding of the terms 'library law' and 'library legislation', provide an overview of how the history of Polish library laws unfolded, describe their content and shed some light on how they are implemented. Based on the theoretical findings, the subsequent empirical part of the study will demonstrate the significance of the Polish laws for the Polish library system. In doing so, it will focus on the suitability of this legal basis as an instrument for shaping and re-shaping the Polish library system. The significance of the Polish library laws for the Polish library system is examined with the help of expert interviews. Surveys were held in Polish with five librarians who know the ins and outs of library legislation in Poland. Their comments serve to the evaluation of Polish library laws in regard to their significance.

Förändrad hotbild och identitetsbyggande med hjälp av Ryssland? : En fallstudie om EU utifrån fyra medlemsländers förändrade hotbild efter annekteringen av Krim och det efterföljande kriget i Ukraina

Görts, Harald January 2017 (has links)
This thesis purpose is to examine the development of the European Union’s threat perception and identetity construction in regards to Russia. It uses a qualitive text analysis to study the national security strategies formulated by the memberstates Sweden, Germany, Italy and Poland and how these countries view of Russia is formulated. Furthermore it compares the change from before the annexation of Crimea and the Ukraine crisis and how this influenced the possibly change in perception of Russia. The study finds that the Russian action in Crimea and Ukraine has changed the threat perception in Sweden, Germany and Poland but that Russia is not mentioned in the Italy papers. Hence the identity construction is similar in the countries north of the Alps but Italy does not contrast its identety to Russia. From this the study concludes that the Russian threat is not enough to construct an European identity throughout Europe but there are patterns within the Union, which might indicate how the European project might continue.

Evolução dos manguezais do norte da Ilha do Cardoso (Cananéia - SP), desde o Pleistoceno tardio / The evolution of mangroves in the northern face of Cardoso Island (Cananéia - SP) since the Late Pleistocene

Borotti Filho, Marcos Antonio 16 August 2013 (has links)
Para o presente trabalho, três testemunhos foram amostrados nos manguezais João Cardoso (JC), Ipaneminha (IPA) e Perequê (PE), localizados na face norte da llha do Cardoso. Estudo interdisciplinar envonveldo descrições faciológica, análise granulométrica, datação 14C, análises isotópicas e elementares de C e N e palinologia foram realizados com o objetivo de descrever a evolução sedimentar e da vegetação, com inferâncias climáticas. Entre 250 a 166 cm, o testemunho JC é composto de areia média creme-acinzentada base gradando para areia muito-fina cinza, com idades de 33.000 (198cm) e 29.400 anos cal. A.P. (166cm), carbono orgânico total (COT) de 0,044 a 0,633%, nitrogênio total (NT) de 0,002 a 0,017%, C/N de 7 a 30, \'delta\'13C de -18,49 a -24,46%o e \'delta\'15N de 2,48 a 8,13%o), indicativos de matéria orgânica terrestre de plantas C3 e C4 e algas/fitoplâncton. A palinologia mostra predomínio de elementos arbóreos dos táxons Alchornea, Drymis, Ilex, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Podocarpus e Weinmannia (até 10%, cada) e esporos de Cyathea e Polypodiaceae (30%), característico de clima frio e úmido. De 166 a 70 cm a fácies apresenta areia média com estratificação cruzada plano-paralela marcada por areia/argila cinza escura, indicando ambiente praial de inframaré. Esta camada representa um hiato de ~27.000 anos cal. A.P. de sedimentação original, provavelmente erodidos durante transgresão Santos. Os testemunhos IPA e PE apresentam camada semelhante, iniciando na base (170 e 140cm, respectivamente), até aprox. 60 cm. A 163 cm no testemunho IPA foi obtida idade de ~2200 anos AP e ausência de palinomorfos. Sobre a camada da areia, nos três testemunhos, depositam-se sedimentos arenosos/argilosos bioturbados, com abundantes fragmentos/raízes vegetais e conchas. A partir de ~850 anos cal. A.P. (testemunho IPA - 50cm), a variação nos valores elementares e isotópicos de C e N indicam a substituição do predomínio de M.O. fitoplanctônica para M.O. de plantas C3, ainda com influência do fitoplâncton (COT: 0,15 a 12,8%; NT: 0,01 a 0,48%; \'delta\'13C: - 21,00 até - 29,00%o; \'delta\'15N: 8,00 a 3,40%o). A palinologia mostra um padrão semelhante nos três testemunhos. Os táxons Alchornea, Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Hedyosmum, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Podocarpus, Sloanea, Weinmannia são os mais representativos entre os arbóreos (até 10%). Esporos de Cyathea e Polypodium e grãos de pólen de Poaceae e Cyperaceae correspondem a aprox. 30% da soma total, pouco variando. Estes valores indicam a presença das formações da Floresta Atlântica e da Restinga na região durante todo o período. O táxon Rhizophora sofre aumento neste período de 5 para até 22% nos dias atuais. Infere-se presença de manguezal na região e seu subsequente estabelecimento no local. Palinoforaminíferos e dinocistos são abundantes (até 15%) na base da camada, diminuindo em frequência para o topo (4%). Estes dados mostram uma progressiva diminuição na influência marinha, evoluindo de ambientes intermaré para ambiente de supramaré, devido à redução do nível marinho local durante o Holoceno tardio. Estes dados contribuem para o entendimento da evolução paleoambiental no litoral sul do Estado de São Paulo desde o Pleistoceno Tardio / For the present work, three cores where sampled on the \"João Cardoso (JC)\", \"Ipaneminha (IPA)\" and \"Perequê (PE)\" mangroves, located at the northern face of the Cardoso Island. A interdisciplinary study involving facies, radiocarbon dating, elementary and isotopic carbon and nitrogen, granulometric and palynological analysis were carried with the objective of describing the vegetation and sedimentary evolution, with climatic inferences. Between 250 and 166 cm, the JC core is primarily constituted by grayish medium sand progressing to very fine sand, with ages of ~33.000 (198cm) and ~29.450 (166) cal yr AP. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) of 0,044% to 0,633%, Total Nitrogen (NT) of 0,001 to 0,017%, C/N ratios of 7 to 30, \'delta\'13C of -18,49 to -24,46%o and \'delta\'15N of 2,48 to 8,13%o indicates mixture of C3and C4 terrestrial plants and phytoplantonic sources. Palynology show predominance of the arboreal elements Alchornea, Drymis, Ilex, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Podocarpus e Weinmannia (up to 10% of total, each) , Cyathea and Polypodium spores (up to 20%), caracteristic of humid and cold climate. From 166 to 70 cm the facies show plane-paralell cross-bedded stratification marked by dark gray medium sand, indicating an inter-tidal environment. This layer represents a hiatus of ca. ~27.000 yr of original sedimentation, probably eroded on the Santos marine transgression. Cores IPA and PE presents similar facies at their bases (170 and 140 cm, respectively) up to near 60 cm. At 163 cm, the IPA core shows age of ~2.000 cal yr AP, and no palynomorphs. On top of this sandy facies are layers of sandy/silty/clayey bioturbated sediments, with an abundance of root, shells and plant debris. Since . ~850 cal yr AP, the isotopic and elementary values show a gradual substitution of the phytoplanctonic source of the sedimentary organic matter to a terrestrial C3 plant source on the three cores. Palynology also shows a similar pattern between the three records?, with Alchornea, Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Hedyosmum, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Podocarpus, Sloanea, Weinmannia taxons the most well represented between the trees, with Cyathea e Polypodium, Poaceae e Cyperaceae with up to 30% of the total. These are characteristic of the Pluvial and sandbank forests. Rhizophora show an increase in this period from 5 to 22%, indicating the establishment and evolution of the mangrove vegetation on the area since ~850 cal yr AP. Palinoforaminifera and dinocyst show a diminishing pattern (from 15 to 4%) through this period, indicating a progressive decrease of the marine influence at the area, evolving an intertidal to a supratidal zone, following a decrease of local sea level during the late Holocene. This data contributes to a better understanding of the late Pleistocene environment evolution in the southeastern Brazilian coast

"Budapest in Warzaw" eller en polsk palatsrevolution? : en fallstudie om avdemokratisering i Polen

Holm Bjelke, Amalia January 2019 (has links)
Taking off from a security related interest in de-democratization processes throughout Europe and the limited theoretical field thereof, this paper examines the political development in Poland 2008-2018. Through a comparison of the development in Poland and Hungary, the ambition is to identify what differs the de-democratization process of the two East European countries in regards to their communist past and in a broader sense to their current membership in the European Union. To guide the comparison is the theoretical framework of Merkel (2004), through both qualitative and quantitative analysis as it has been applied on Hungary by Bogaards (2018). The combined framework provides five categories of defect democracies: exclusive, illiberal, delegative, tutelary and diffusely defect. While Bogaards (2018) categorizes Hungary as a diffusely defect democracy, the study finds that Poland does not adhere to any single one of the categories. The question of what differs the development in Poland and Hungary is best answered in terms of legality. Whereas the systematic Hungarian process has been carried out within legal frames of the majority rule in parliament, the hasty Polish process resembles a palace revolution, as the leading party is interfering with and partly controlling the rule of law. The study provides support to the observations of the EU being an externally limiting, enabling and legitimizing factor of autocratic developments in member states, made by Bozóki and Hegedüs (2018). Additionally, a reverse snowball effect is being put to action by Poland and Hungary vetoing on EU sanctions against one another. The findings of the paper also support observation made of a limited research field; theoretical understanding and international measurement indexes of democratization being insufficient in explaining and describing the emerging de-democratization. The study opens up for further research regarding democratic peace in Europe.

Caracterização do potencial bioativo do pólen apícola de Eucalyptus sp. in vitro e sua influência sobre parâmetros de estresse oxidativo e de inflamação in vivo / Characterization of bioactive potential of bee pollen from Eucalyptus sp. in vitro and its influence on parameters of oxidative stress and inflammation in vivo

Sattler, José Augusto Gasparotto 18 October 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar os compostos bioativos e o impacto de fatores climáticos no pólen apícola (PA) de Eucalyptus sp., o seu potencial antioxidante in vitro e a sua influência em parâmetros do estresse oxidativo e da inflamação in vivo. A caracterização quimica das amostras foi realizada pela quantificação de fenólicos e flavonóides totais e a avaliação da atividade antioxidante dos extratos por três metodologias (DPPH, ORAC e FRAP). Foram realizadas análises de perfil de ácidos graxos e fitoesteróis (CG). Os resultados de fenólicos e flavonóides totais mostraram uma variação entre 17 e 44 mg de equivalentes de ácido gálico e entre 1,3 e 4,4 mg de equivalentes de catequina/g. A atividade antioxidante mostrou uma variação de 267 a 961 &#181;mol de equivalentes de Trolox/g pelo método ORAC, de 38 a 147 &#181;mol de equivalentes de Trolox/g para o FRAP e um EC50 entre 0,41 e 1,61 mg/mL de extrato por DPPH. Apesar das amostras de PA apresentarem baixa quantidade de lipideos (3,3 %), em torno de 50 % do total destes são constituidos de ácidos graxos insaturados. Foram encontrados teores de fitoesteróis entre 1,2 a 1,8 mg/g (sitoesterol, estigmasterol e campesterol). Estes resultados confirmaram a presenca de bioativos com potencial antioxidante nas amostras. A fim de confirmar seu efeito biológico, foi selecionada uma amostra para a realização do ensaio in vivo, na qual foram identificados por CLAE três compostos fenólicos majoritários (rutina, 3n-tris-p-feruloil-espermidina e miricetina). O ensaio foi realizado por 10 semanas com 70 camundongos machos (C57BL/6), distribuídos em sete grupos de 10 animais cada: controle normolipídico (NL); controle hiperlipídico (HL); dieta NL com 5 % de PA; dieta HL com 2,5 % de PA; dieta HL com 5 % de PA; dieta HL com extrato de PA (EPA) a 2,5 %; e dieta HL com EPA a 5 %. Foi possível identificar que os grupos HL tiveram maior ganho de peso quando comparados aos grupos NL (p<0,05), porem os grupos com incorporação de PA não apresentaram diferencas em relação ao controle HL. Foram avaliados ainda parâmetros bioquímicos séricos, de estresse oxidativo (ORAC, TBARS, GSH e enzimas antioxidantes) e parâmetros inflamatórios (IL1-&#946;, IL-6, IL-10, MCP-1 e TNF-&#945;) no tecido hepático. Os resultados de parâmetros de estresse oxidativo não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Quanto aos parâmetros inflamatórios os grupos HL+PA2,5 e HL+PA5 reduziram os níveis das citocinas IL1-&#946;, IL-6 e MCP-1 (p<0,05) e TNF-&#945; apenas o grupo HL+PA5 % apresentou uma redução significativa (p<0,05). Os resultados de citocinas inflamatórias mostraram um efeito positivo na administração de PA, visto que ocorreu uma diminuição nos níveis do tecido hepático dos animais. Estes resultados mostraram que o PA promoveu uma melhora do quadro inflamatório ocasionado com uma dieta hiperlipídica. / The present work aimed to characterize bioactive compounds and the impact of climatic factors on the bee pollen (BP) from Eucalyptus sp., its antioxidant potential in vitro and its influence on parameters of oxidative stress and inflammation in vivo. The chemical characterization of the samples was performed by the quantification of phenolics and flavonoids, and evaluation of the antioxidant activity of the extracts by three methodologies (DPPH, ORAC and FRAP). Profile of fatty acids and phytosterols were performed by gas chromatography (GC). The results of phenolics and flavonoids varied between 17 and 44 mg of gallic acid equivalents and between 1.3 and 4.4 mg of catechin equivalents/g. The antioxidant activity varied from 267 to 961 &#181;mol of Trolox equivalents/g by the ORAC method, from 38 to 147 &#181;mol of Trolox equivalents/g for FRAP and an EC50 between 0.41 and 1.61 mL of extract/mg by DPPH. Despite the low lipid content of PA samples (3.3%), around 50% of the total is composed of unsaturated fatty acids. Phytosterols levels were found between 1.2 and 1.8 mg/g (sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol). This result confirms the presence of bioactive compounds with antioxidant potential in the samples. In order to evaluate its biological effect, a sample was included in the in vivo assays, in which three phenolic compounds (rutin, 3n-tri-p-feruloyl-spermidine and myricetin) were identified. The assay was performed for 10 weeks with 70 male mice (C57BL/6), distributed in seven groups of 10 animals each: normolipid control (NL); hyperlipidemic control (HL); diet NL with 5% of BP; HL diet with 2.5% BP; HL diet with 5% BP; HL diet with 2.5% BP extract (BPE); and HL diet with 5% BPE. The HL groups gained more weight compared with the NL groups (p<0.05), but the groups supplemented with BP did not show lower weight compared to the HL groups. Serum biochemical parameters of oxidative stress in hepatic tissue (ORAC, TBARS, GSH and antioxidant enzymes) and inflammation (IL-&#946;, IL-6, IL- 6, IL-10, MCP-1 and TNF-&#945;) were evaluated. The levels of oxidative stress did not show differences between the groups. HL + PA2.5 and HL + PA5 reduced the cytokines IL1-&#946;, IL-6 and MCP-1 (p<0.05) and TNF-&#945; only the HL + PA5 group showed a significant reduction (p<0.05). The cytokine results showed a positive reduction with BP administration, with a decreasing rate in the hepatic animal tissues. This results showed that BP promotes an improvement in the inflammatory status, occurred by a hyperlipidic diet.

Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. – REZERVE SEMENA UZEMLJIŠTU, KLIJAVOST, RASPROSTRANJENOSTI SUZBIJANJE / Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. - Seed reserves in thesoil, germination, distribution and control

Konstantinović Bojan 26 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., invazivna korovsko-ruderalna biljka, poslednjih<br />godina u na&scaron;oj zemlji predstavlja izuzetno veliki problem, ne samo za poljoprivredu<br />nego i za stanovni&scaron;tvo, izazivajući svojim polenom jake alergijske i druge zdravstvene<br />komplikacije. Shvatajući probleme koje ona izaziva, sve zemlje u kojima ambrozija<br />predstavlja veliki, pre svega zdravstveni problem, ulažu ogromne napore, izdvajaju<br />velika finansijska sredstva, organizuju stanovni&scaron;tvo, &scaron;kole, vojsku, javne službe,<br />sredstva informisanja, donose zakone, uredbe i deklaracije, da bi ograničili njeno<br />&scaron;irenje i osigurali njeno suzbijanje, dok se u na&scaron;oj zemlji jo&scaron; uvek nedovoljno ozbiljno<br />shvata ovaj problem.<br />Kako se radi o biljci koja se razmnožava samo generativno (semenom), istraživanja<br />&#39;&#39;banke semena&#39;&#39; pelenaste ambrozije u određenim zemlji&scaron;nim profilima omogućavaju<br />preciznu prognozu njene pojave na određenim stani&scaron;tima, &scaron;to kasnije znatno olak&scaron;ava<br />suzbijanje kako mehaničkim putem tako i primenom herbicida. Zemlji&scaron;ni uzorci za<br />analizu rezervi semena su uzeti, sa karakterističnih ruderalnih stani&scaron;ta, na području<br />Novi Sad, Zrenjanin i Ruma. Obzirom da se radi o ruderalnim stani&scaron;tima, na svim<br />istraživanim lokalitetima utvrđena je relativno visoka brojnost semena pelenaste<br />ambrozije. Prikazano istraživanje je prvo ovog tipa sprovedeno na teritoriji Republike<br />Srbije.<br />Ova proučavanja su od izuzetnog naučnog značaja budući da obuhvataju poznavanje<br />osnovnih biolo&scaron;kih osobina semena ambrozije, kao &scaron;to su morfolo&scaron;ke osobine,<br />karakteristike klijanja, nicanja i načina rasprostiranja.<br />Za potrebe ispitivanja klijavosti semena A. artemisifolia 2007. godine sa teritorije 15<br />gradskih i prigradskih naselja Grada Novog Sada prikupljeni su plodovi pelenaste<br />ambrozije. Od ukupne količine prikupljenog semena pelenaste ambrozije, polovina je<br />odložena u hladnu komoru sa temperaturom od +4&ordm;C a drugi deo materijala je odložen<br />u komoru sa temperaturom od - 8&ordm;C da bi se simulirali zimski uslovi, odnosno kako bi<br />seme bilo izloženo jarovizaciji. Naklijavanje izdvojenog semena vr&scaron;eno je u klimakomori,<br />pod uslovima povoljnim za nicanje semena. Nakon 9, 14, 21 i 28 dana<br />ocenjivana je klijavost semena. Utvrđena je dobra klijavost semena pelenaste<br />ambrozije, koja je bila značajno veća kod stratifikovanog semena.<br />Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih tokom ispitivanja rasprostranjenosti i suzbijanja<br />korovsko-ruderalne alergene biljke Ambrosia artemisifolia L. u regiji gradova Novi<br />Sad, Zrenjanin i Ruma, izvedeni su sledeći zaključci: Obavljena proučavanja<br />rasprostranjenosti i suzbijanja korovsko-ruderalne alergene biljke Ambrosia<br />artemisifolia L. u 15 zona grada Novog Sada, 10 zona u Zrenjaninu i 7 u Rumi,<br />ukazuju na izuzetnu zastupljenost ove biljke. Na osnovu proučavanja rasprostranjenosti i praćenja feno-faza razvoja pelenaste ambrozije obavljeno je<br />mehaničko ko&scaron;enje ručnim ili motornim kosilicama. Imajući u vidu stalne napore u<br />pogledu za&scaron;tite životne sredine koja podrazumeva na prvom mestu pozitivan uticaj na<br />zdravlje ljudi, na gradskim lokacijama tretman herbicidom glifosat nije primenjen, već<br />samo u nenastanjenim zonama i na zapu&scaron;tenim poljoprivrednim povr&scaron;inama i<br />utrinama. Prilikom suzbijanja pelenaste ambrozije mehaničkim putem, istaknuto je da<br />je ko&scaron;enje potrebno obaviti 3-4 puta tokom jedne vegetacione sezone, usled relativno<br />brze regeneracije poko&scaron;enih biljaka. Hemijsko suzbijanje ambrozije primenom<br />herbicida glifosat, pokazalo se kao znatno efikasnije jer je za njeno suzbijanje bio<br />dovoljan uglavnom jedan tretman.</p> / <p>Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., an invasive weed-ruderal plant in recent years in<br />our country is a very big problem, not only for agriculture but also for the human<br />population, causing her severe pollen allergy and other health complications.<br />Recognizing the problems that it causes, all countries where ragweed is a large,<br />primarily health problem, invest huge efforts, allocate significant financial resources,<br />organized residents, schools, the military, the media, legislate, to limit its spread and<br />ensure its suppression, while our country does not yet have a serious approach to this<br />problem.<br />Since this is a plant that reproduces a generative (seed), &#39;&#39;seed bank&#39;&#39; research in some<br />soil profiles allow to forecast its occurrence at some sites, which greatly facilitates<br />the later contol of both mechanically and by herbicides. Soil samples for analysis of<br />seed reserves were taken with typical ruderal habitats, in Novi Sad, Zrenjanin and<br />Ruma. Since these are ruderal habitats, at all study sites, a relatively high number of<br />ragweed seeds apears. Our study is the first of this type that was conducted in the<br />Republic of Serbia.<br />These studies are of great scientific importance as it includes knowing of basic<br />biological properties of ragweed seeds, such as morphological characteristics, the<br />characteristics of germination, emergence and control methods.<br />For the purposes of testing seed germination A. artemisifolia in year 2007. samples<br />of ambrosia seeds were collected from 15 different localities in the territory of the<br />city and suburbs of Novi Sad. Collected seeds were splited on two halfs: one part was<br />delayed in the cold chamber with a temperature of +4 &deg; C and the second part of the<br />material is disposed in the chamber with a temperature of - 8 &deg; C to simulate winter<br />conditions, in purpose to achieve seed vernalization. Seed germination was<br />performed in air chamber under optimal conditions for seed germination. After 9, 14,<br />21 and 28 days seed germination was evaluated. Germination of stratified seeds was<br />significantly higher than germination of not stratified seeds.<br />Based on the obtained results of distribution and controll of weed-ruderal allergenic<br />plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in the cities Novi Sad, Zrenjanin and Ruma, the<br />following conclusions were made: Results mapping and control of Ambrosia<br />artemisiifolia L. in 15 zones in the city of Novi Sad, 10 zones in Zrenjanin, and 7 in<br />Ruma, indicating significant presence of this plant. Based on the study of the<br />distribution and monitoring of ragweed growth stages, mechanical controll mesures<br />were performed manually, by trimmers or by tractor. Because of ongoing efforts to<br />protect the environment, in the urban locations herbicide treatment was not applied.<br />Glyphosate treatment was applied only in uninhabited areas, agricultural land and<br />wasteland. If ragweed is controlled mechanically, the cutting should be done 3-4<br />times per year due to the relatively rapid regeneration of plants. Chemical control of<br />ragweed (herbicide glyphosate), has proven much more effective. One treatment per<br />year was sufficient.</p>

Ökonomische, soziale und räumliche Folgen der saisonalen Arbeitsmigration im Herkunftsgebiet : am Beispiel der Region Konin (Polen) / Economic, social and spatial consequences of seasonal migration in the place of origin – case study : Konin (Poland)

Grochowska, Marta January 2011 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf Forschungen in den Jahren 2007-2009. Sie betrachtet die saisonale Arbeitsmigration aus der polnischen Region Konin, wo die Arbeitsmigration aus ökonomischen Gründen, wie auch in ähnlich strukturierten Gebieten Polens, eine lange Tradition hat, die bis ins 19. Jahrhundert zurückgeht. Sie wird die saisonale Migration ins Ausland mit den ökonomischen, sozialen und räumlichen Auswirkungen aus der Perspektive des Einzelnen und seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung, aber auch der Gesellschaft und Herkunftsgebiet der Migranten betrachtet. / Mobility for economic reasons is treated in science primarily from the perspective of permanent resettlement. However, other varieties of migration are more and more often studied. This paper deals with the seasonal migration for economic reasons, which is an important area of migration undertaken for economic reasons. Seasonal migration, which leads to crossing the country borders, in the literature is called the Transnational Migration. Unlike international migration, which is usually connected with a permanent settling in the target area, the concept of Transnational migration describes the situation, in which migrants return to their place of origin and do not give it up as their main residence, but every time they travel to another country to get employed. As a research area of this work, the Konin region was chosen, because - in comparison with other regions in Poland - the phenomenon of a very high level of seasonal migration was observed there. Seasonal labor migration is a long tradition that goes back to 19. century here and in other Polish regions with similar structure. From the results of conducted in 2007−2009 research, some general facts can be drawn. Due to the seasonal work abroad, a seasonal migrant can increase their and their family’s standard of living. If the cost of living in the place of seasonal work is higher than in the place of origin, the profit of such visits is obviously higher if the family of a seasonal worker remains in the place of origin. This leads to the geographic division bet389 ween the place of working and place of permanent residence. Higher wages can be determined at the level of benefits to both personal and societal level. On the other hand, both forprofit workers and society in dealing with this phenomenon, costs cannot be ignored. This paper considers the pros and cons of seasonal paid work, both from the perspective of individuals and their surroundings, and the consequences for society and region of origin of the employee. This paper is considering economic, social and spatial consequences, each time at the macro and micro levels. The study was based primarily on interviews with several respondents and experts in the subject of Polish and German migrations for profit.

Regional Governance in der Oder-Partnerschaft / Regional Governance in Oder-Partnership

Chinalski, Maciej January 2009 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit analysiert Maciej Chinalski den Regional Governance Ansatz und seine praktische Umsetzung in den Europäischen Grenzregionen zwischen Deutschland und Polen (Oder-Partnerschaft) sowie im Vierländereck von Österreich, Ungarn, Tschechien und Slowakei (Centrope-Region). Regional Governance gilt als eine Kooperationsform unterschiedlicher regionaler Akteure, die nach neuen Synergien suchen, um ihre Zusammenarbeit voranzutreiben. Eine Region wird dabei als Raum verstärkter Interaktionen zwischen Staat, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft verstanden.

Besteuerung von Unternehmensgewinnen im Licht des Konzepts der konsumorientierten Einkommensteuer / Taxation of business profits in the light of the concept of consumption-oriented income tax

Flotyńska, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Die Dissertation widmet sich dem Problem der fiskalischen Konsequenzen der konsumorientierten Steuern, die die unternehmerischen Gewinne unabhängig von der Rechtsform belasten. Im empirischen Teil der Arbeit wird der Untersuchungsgegenstand auf die zinsbereinigte Gewinnsteuer (allowance for corporate equity) eingegrenzt. Die Untersuchung beruht auf theoretischen Überlegungen sowie einer eigenen Simulationsanalyse. Den Schwerpunkt bilden dabei zwei Kategorien, zwischen denen ein kausaler Zusammenhang vorliegt: die Gestaltung der Bemessungsgrundlage einerseits und die Erfüllung der Fiskalfunktion andererseits. Das Hauptziel der Arbeit ist es, die fiskalischen Konsequenzen einer nach dem Konzept der Konsumorientierung modifizierten Bemessungsgrundlage der Gewinnsteuern zu überprüfen. Die Abschätzung der fiskalischen Konsequenzen wird aufgrund der vier folgenden Bereiche vorgenommen: (1) theoretische Konzepte der konsumorientierten Einkommensteuer, (2) bisherige Umsetzungen der Konzepte der konsumorientierten Gewinnsteuer, (3) bisherige Untersuchungen der konsumorientierten Gewinnsteuer, (4) eine eigene Simulation der fiskalischen Konsequenzen der konsumorientierten Gewinnsteuer. Um das Hauptziel der Arbeit zu erreichen, werden acht in Form von Teilfragen ausformulierte Untersuchungsprobleme gelöst. Sie betreffen sowohl die theoretischen Ausführungen, als auch die empirische Untersuchung. Dabei entsprechen sie den einzelnen Untersuchungsschritten, die in den aufeinander folgenden Kapiteln der Arbeit durchgeführt werden. Anhand der Analyse der bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und der praktischen Umsetzungen des Konzepts der konsumorientierten Steuern wurde die folgende Haupthypothese aufgestellt: Der Ausfall des Steueraufkommens, der ein direkter Effekt der Gestaltung der Bemessungsgrundlage nach dem Konzept der Konsumorientierung ist, schließt die Fiskalfunktion der Gewinnsteuern nicht aus. Das Verfahren, das eine Verifizierung der Haupthypothese zum Ziel hat, erfolgt durch eine Untersuchung von drei Teilhypothesen: der Hypothese über die Nullsteuer, der Hypothese über den differenzierten Aufkommensausfall und der Hypothese über die Konzentration der Steuerschuld. In der Dissertation werden empirische Daten aus drei Quellen benutzt. Sie umfassen einen Teil der in Polen in den Jahren 2004-2008 tätigen Unternehmen und ermöglichen es, eine Simulationsanalyse des Aufkommensausfalls durchzuführen. Diese bedient sich der Methodik der Mikro- und Gruppensimulation, was in den bisherigen Untersuchungen zur Unternehmensbesteuerung ein eher selten anzutreffender Ansatz ist. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Steuereinnahmen aus der Einkommensteuer und der Körperschaftsteuer durch die Modifizierung der Bemessungsgrundlage deutlich reduziert werden. Die relativ große fiskalische Bedeutung der beiden Steuern bleibt jedoch erhalten und der Ausfall des Steueraufkommens, der direkt nach der Einführung einer konsumorientierten Steuerreform eintreten würde, wäre der „Preis“ für eine bessere, weniger verzerrende Bemessungsgrundlage. Die Dissertation liefert Ergebnisse, die für die Gestaltung der Steuerpolitik in Polen wie auch in anderen Ländern relevant sind. Dies scheint insbesondere im Kontext des häufig diskutierten Umbaus des Systems der Einkommen- und Gewinnbesteuerung bedeutsam. Darüber hinaus bildet die Arbeit einen Ausgangspunkt für weitere, vertiefte Untersuchungen zu den möglichen Gestaltungsformen der Einkommen- und Gewinnsteuern wie auch zu deren Folgen. Die Methode der Steuersimulation kann weiterentwickelt werden und in anderen Analysen der potenziellen Konsequenzen von Steuerreformen Anwendung finden. / The dissertation looks into the problem of fiscal consequences of consumption-oriented business profit tax. The subject of this doctoral thesis is the consumption-oriented taxation of business profits regardless of the legal form of business activities. In its empirical part, the investigation was narrowed to the Allowance for Corporate Equity (ACE). The analysis, carried out on both theoretical and empirical ground, concentrates on two causally related areas: the structure of the tax base and its impact on the fiscal function of the tax on business profits. The main aim of the thesis is to investigate fiscal effects of changing the corporate tax base into one that reflects the concept of consumption-oriented income taxation. The effects are identified in the following four areas: (1) theoretical concepts of consumption-oriented income tax, (2) practical implementations to date of the concept of consumption-oriented business profit tax, (3) other research to date into consumption-oriented business profit tax, (4) author’s simulation of the fiscal effects of consumption-oriented business profit tax. To achieve the main goal, eight detailed research problems must first be solved. These problems are formulated as supporting research questions of both theoretical and empirical nature. The main research hypothesis was formulated based on the analysis of theoretical literature and practical implementations, and it is as follows: the tax revenue loss, which is a direct consequence of consumption-oriented tax base, does not rule out the fiscal function of business profit taxes. In order to verify the main hypothesis, three supporting hypotheses were verified, namely: zero-tax hypothesis; diverse revenue loss hypothesis; and tax liability concentration hypothesis. The investigation was based on empirical data from three sources, all concerned with businesses active in Poland during the period 2004-2008. The microsimulation and group simulation methods were applied, still a rather rare choice in the analysis of business taxation. The research has shown that modification of the tax base results in considerable revenue reduction. Still, profit taxes remain to be of great fiscal importance and the loss of revenue should be understood as the price to be paid for a more properly defined and non-distortionary tax base. The thesis offers conclusions of importance for development of tax policy in Poland and other countries, particularly in the context of the restructuring of the business income tax system. Moreover, the thesis constitutes a starting point for further research on possible methods for defining the income tax structure and on its effects. The simulation method applied in the empirical part of the analysis can be developed and implemented in other research into the effects of potential tax reforms.

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