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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王芳美 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著婦女就業情形的普遍,兩性議題也愈顯得重要,欲落實兩性平權,法律是最根本之道,從近年政府制定「兩性工作平等法」及「性別平等教育法」對於推進兩性平權,均具有劃時代的意義。所謂「玻璃天花板效應」(glass ceiling effect),就是一種不易被察覺的、人為的或組織的偏差所造成的無形阻礙,使得女性在事業生涯方面,無法獲得與男性公平競爭的機會。本研究藉由對玻璃天花板、陞遷、性別角色等相關理論與實務之檢視,對我國女性警官陞遷潛藏之問題進行探討,期能依據研究結果,提出一些建議,以供女性警官個人及有關機關參考。 在研究方法方面,本研究係採用問卷調查法為主,以我國女性警官為普測對象,取得回收有效問卷525份。研究問卷內容包含影響陞遷之「社會心理」構面、「歧視偏差」構面、「系統結構」構面與「陞遷發展」構面及女性警官個人基本資料等量表。問卷調查所得資料運用電腦統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 10.0版,以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Pearson積差相關等統計分析方法進行資料處理: 本研究經由實證分析之後,歸納結論如下: 一、就各構面之認知程度而言:其同意程度依次為影響陞遷之「社會心理」構面,其次是「陞遷發展」構面,再次是「歧視偏差」構面,最後為「系統結構」構面。 二、就各構面之認知差異情形而言:在「社會心理」構面上,因年齡、婚姻、子女數、教育程度、警官年資、職務官階、服務單位、有無進修、現任職位及代理主管的不同而有顯著差異存在;在「歧視偏差」構面上,因婚姻、職務官階、工作內容、現任職位及代理主管的不同而有顯著差異存在;在「系統結構」構面上,因工作照顧、教育程度、職務官階、有無進修及代理主管的不同而有顯著差異存在;在「陞遷發展」構面上,因有無進修、現任職位及代理主管的不同而有顯著差異存在。 三、就各構面之相關分析而言:本研究所探討的四個構面的關連非常強,不論是整體或是其各個的因素之間均達顯著水準的正相關。 / With the rise of female employment rate in workplace, gender issues have been of higher importance in recent years. To realize gender equality in workplace, legislation serves to be the most fundamental solutions of all. Following the enactment of the Gender Equality in Employment Law and the Gender Equality Education Law, Taiwan female employees have seen landmark on their workplace status. But the so-called glass-ceiling effects, are less perceivable, man-made or organizational bias still persist, which deprive female employees of an equal opportunity as those bestowed on their male counterparts. In this study, the author will discuss the obstacles posed for Taiwan’s female police officers in their quest organizational positions based on the observation from the theoretical and practical sides of glass-ceiling effects, promotional and gender roles, and will further propose suggestions for improvements for female police officers. Methodologically, this study uses questionnaire survey research, with female police officers as subjects and results in 525 successful samples. Contents of the questionnaire include facets of promotional importance, such as socio-psychology, discrimination bias, systematic structures, promotional development and personal information. With the analysis of descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA and the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient supported by SPSS for Windows 10.0, information gathered from the results of questionnaire is processed: After empirical analysis, our conclusions are: 1.On the acknowledgement level of each facet: respondents find most of their agreements on the importance of obstacles to their promotion, are socio-psychology, promotional development, discrimination bias and systematic structure. 2.On the perceptional difference of each facet: on the socio-psychological aspect, there are differences according to the age, marital status, children number, educational level, years of working as police officer, rank, current position, deputy supervisor, further education. On the discrimination bias facet, there are differences according to marital status, rank, job description, current position and deputy supervisor. On the systematic structure facet, the differences exists among respondents of different educational level, rank, further education and deputy supervisor. On the promotional development facet, there are differences according to further education, current position and deputy supervisor. 3.On the correlation analysis of each facet: the four facets discussed in the study has strong correlations, no matter individual factor or integral whole has all reached a high standard level of positive relationship.

基層警察人員在職進修教育需求評估之研究--以專科警員班26期進修學生組為例 / The needs assessment of police officers’ in-service training—Taking 2008 police in-service training programs for example

何志黎 Unknown Date (has links)
教育訓練是各組織人力資源發展中重要的一環,而訓練需求評估又是教育方案成功與否的關鍵,警察教育亦然。本研究希望能從訓練制度中的訓練規劃與訓練需求的部分切入,並以97年報考並入學就讀臺灣警察專科警員班第27期進修學生組的學生為研究範圍,探討基層員警對在職進修教育訓練規劃的看法及訓練需求為何,以提供教育訓練單位作為設計出提昇人力素質且符合員警需求進修方案的參考,並藉以提昇基層員警進修意願及報考率。 本研究採問卷調查方式,前測與施測均利用SPSS for windows 12.0 中文套裝軟體運算問卷回收資料,以推論出研究結果。經實證分析結果與研究發現,提出以下建議供相關單位參考:壹、在訓練規劃方面:一、調整期程安排;二、精緻師資遴聘、教學方法與教材;三、長官與單位同仁應予支持;四、經濟影響因素應予考量;五、其餘如隊職官的遴派及進修結束後之陞調職等也應一併考量。貳、訓練需求方面:重要的排序為專業知識與為民服務技能的增進。此外,基層員警希望除藉由進修獲得專業智能外,對其餘生活品質、發展潛力、自我成長等層次提昇也有其需求。 關鍵詞:基層員警、在職進修、訓練規劃、訓練需求評估 / Education and training is a crucial part of the development of organizational manpower resources. It is likewise for police education. Assessment of educational needs is the key to success of educational implementation. Using data derived from surveys conducted with trainees of the 2008 police in-service training program, this study examined the expectations and needs of those trainees. It aimed to provide implications to improve the quality of educational training and enhance officers’ willingness to participate in this training program. This study adopted a survey format. Results of pre- and formal tests were analyzed with SPSS version 12 (a statistical software package). In the aspect of program planning, the following suggestions are proposed: (1) re-arrangement of training program; (2) intensification of selection of instructors and enhancement of instructional paradigm and materials; (3) provision of support from supervisors and colleagues; (4) consideration of officers’ financial needs; (5) consideration of completion of this in-service training as a possible factor for career advancement and promotion. In the respect of training needs for trainees, enhancement of professional knowledge and skills was found to be the most important. In addition, quality of life, career advancement, and self-growth are also vital to trainees. Key words: police officers; in-service training; training planning; assessment of training needs

星空下的玻璃天花板現象─以警政單位女性警官升遷為例 / Glass ceiling effect among female police officers

林祐慈 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣女性勞動參與率逐年提高,越來越多的女性勞動力進入就業市場,然而,女性晉升至中高階層職位之人數並無明顯增加。顯然女性的職涯發展似乎受到一定程度的限制,此限制即為玻璃天花板現象。玻璃天花板現象存在於各行各業中,但於警界之程度更為嚴重。此現象之原因乃警界人為與體制上的排除女警官人數,導致整個警界中的女性人數稀少,更遑論通往高階之女性所遇之玻璃天花板現象更甚一般企業或公務體系人員。因此本研究透過質性訪談方式,藉此試圖探討警政中、高層女性所占比例極低的原因何在,其中人為或非人為因素為何?   本研究發現警界升遷制度隱性侷限女警升遷發展,以績效導向為主導致功獎多寡牽制著積分排名順序,而主管評分比重過高亦會影響女警官升遷;再者由於警察組織性別化的工作指派,在偏好男性的外勤工作能夠快速與大量的累積分數之下,女警官敘獎機會較少,相對不容易累積積分;此外警界必須運用交際應酬的手段維繫良好的人際關係,但女警官不擅進入男性應酬圈,男性網絡之官場文化間接造影響女警官們的升遷發展;最後女性被賦予養兒育女之母職天性,家庭責任之重擔落在女性身上,一但女警官走入婚姻,即必須在工作與家庭上做取捨,工作與家庭實為難以兼顧。   因此建議國家應放寬警大入學名額的性別設限並推動國家照顧工作;對於警界之職務分派勿侷限性別,重視女警人才,並且減少組織內外勤工作差異,再者建議主官建立公平的考核原則,破除性別刻板印象之成見,以及建立兩性平等的教育訓練;建議女警官破除自我設限的迷思,並強化女警官之人際網絡;以及女警官人力資本之維持。 / The female labor participation rate has gradually increased in Taiwan, more and more Female labor force has been entered the labor market. However, the number of female senior positions who is not increases significantly. Women's career advancement has seemed to be limited to a certain extent; this restriction shall be the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling exists in all walks of life; particularly the police are more serious than the general business and public service system. The reason is artificial and institutional exclusion, not to mention the number of women with the senior positions. Therefore, this study through qualitative interviews so as to explore the low proportion of women in senior positions. The study found that promotion system limited women's career advancement, the performance-oriented approach the award amount in order to contain the standings, while the chief rates with a high proportion will also affect female police officer promotion; Furthermore, due to the gender-based assignment of work in police organizations, female police officers award fewer opportunities that is not easy to accumulate points; In addition to maintain good interpersonal relationships in police, female police officers is hard to enter the male entertainment circle; the last is that women has the nature of motherhood, so family responsibilities falls on women which must be choice between work and family. The government should be relax the gender-based retractions of Central Police University and to promote the care work of the state; the Police should not limit the duties assigned in gender and to value the talent of female police officers ,also it should reduce the differences in the police work of the organization .Moreover the chief should set the fair principal on assessment, and break the gender stereotypes with the prejudices. Also it should be establish the gender equality in education and training; finally suggesting that female police officers should get rid of the myth of self-handicapping, and to strengthen the interpersonal networks of female police officers; as well as the maintenance of female police officers in human capital.

Pression policière et actes de défiance : une analyse de la résistance aux interventions policières à Montréal (1998-2008)

Boutet, Mylène 12 1900 (has links)
Bien que les règles de droits et des directives administratives dictent leur conduite, les policiers jouissent d’une latitude considérable dans la manière d’appliquer la loi et de dispenser des services. Puisque l’exercice efficient de toute forme d’autorité nécessite la reconnaissance de sa légitimité (Tyler, 2004), plus l’application de leurs pouvoirs discrétionnaires est jugée arbitraire ou excessive, plus les citoyens risquent d’utiliser des mécanismes normaux d’opposition ou de riposte. Dans cette optique, la présente étude cherche à départager les causes des 15 023 épisodes de voie de fait, menace, harcèlement, entrave et intimidation, qualifiés de défiance, dont les policiers du Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) ont été la cible entre 1998-2008 selon leur registre des événements (Module d’information policière – MIP). Elle présume qu’à interactions constantes entre la police et les citoyens, les comportements de défiance policière seront fonction du niveau de désordre du quartier et des caractéristiques des personnes impliquées. Plus les policiers interceptent de jeunes, de minorités ethniques et d’individus associés aux gangs de rue, plus ils risquent d’être défiés. Elle suppose également que la probabilité qu’une intervention soit défiée dépend de l’excessivité des activités policières menées dans le quartier. Plus un quartier est sur-contrôlé par rapport à son volume de crimes (overpoliced), plus le climat local est tendu, plus les policiers sont perçus comme étant illégitimes et plus ils risquent d’être défiés lorsqu’ils procèdent à une intervention. Enfin, les comportements de défiance sont peut-être simplement fonction du niveau d’interactions entre les policiers et les citoyens, à conditions sociales et criminogènes des quartiers tenues constantes. Une série d’analyses de corrélation tend à confirmer que les comportements de défiance varient en fonction de l’âge, de l’ethnicité et de l’appartenance à un gang de rue de l’auteur. Par contre, les conditions sociales et criminogènes des quartiers paraissent être des causes antécédentes à la défiance puisqu’elles encouragent un volume plus élevé d’interventions dans les quartiers désorganisés, lequel influe sur le nombre d’incidents de défiance. Contrairement à notre hypothèse, les résultats tendent à démontrer que les policiers risquent davantage d’être défiés dans les quartiers sous-contrôlés (underpoliced). Quant à elles, les analyses multiniveaux suggèrent que le nombre d’incidents de défiance augmente à chaque fois qu’une intervention policière est effectuée, mais que cette augmentation est influencée par les quartiers propices aux activités criminelles des gangs de rue. En ce sens, il est probable que l’approche policière dans les quartiers d’activités « gangs de rue » soit différente, par souci de protection ou par anticipation de problèmes, résultant plus fréquemment en des actes de défiance à l’égard des policiers. / Although the rules of law and administrative directives dictate their conduct, police officers have considerable discretion in how to apply the law and provide services. Since the efficient conduct of all forms of authority requires the awareness of its legitimacy (Tyler, 2004), the more their discretionary powers is deemed arbitrary or excessive, the more citizens are likely to use normal objection or opposition mechanisms. In this context, this study seeks to disentangle the causes of the 15 023 cases of assaults, threats, harassment, obstruction and intimidation, described as defiance, which the police officers of the Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) were the target of between 1998-2008 according to their register of events (Module d’information policière - MIP). It presumes that with constant interactions level between police and citizens, behaviors of police mistrust will depend on the level of neighborhood disorder and the characteristics of the persons involved. The more the police intercept youths, ethnic minorities and individuals associated with street gangs, the more they are likely to be challenged. It also assumes that the probability that a police intervention be challenged depends on the excessiveness of police activities conducted in the district. The more the neighborhood is overpoliced versus the volume of crimes, the more the local climate is tense, the more the police officers are perceived as being unlawful and they are more likely to be challenged when making an intervention. Finally, defiant behavior may just depend on the level of interaction between police officers and citizens, social and criminogenic conditions of neighborhoods being consistent. A series of correlation analysis tends to confirm that defiant behavior vary according to age, ethnicity and belonging to a street gang of the author. However, the social and criminogenic conditions of neighborhoods appear to be caused by prior defiant behavior because they encourage a higher volume of interventions in the disorganized neighborhoods, which affects the number defiant behavior incidents. Contrary to our hypothesis, the results suggest that police officers are more likely to be challenged in underpoliced neighborhoods. In turn, the multilevel analysis suggests that the number of defiant behavior incidents increases each time a police intervention is performed, but this increase is influenced by neighborhoods conducive to street gang criminal activities. To this effort, it is likely that the police approach in the street gang’s neighborhood activities is different, for the sake of protection or in anticipation of problems, resulting more frequently in defiant behavior acts against police officers.

Evolution Incidence and Components of U.S. Police Agency Mental Health Services

White, John H. (John Hubert) 05 1900 (has links)
Postal survey research was conducted between September and November, 1986, to gather information concerning the evolution, existence and extent of mental health services available to police personnel. Questionnaires were mailed to all 366 municipal, county, and state police agencies in the United States that employed 200 or more workers. Usable data were obtained from 76.8% of the agencies surveyed. Of the 281 respondents who returned usable data, 65.1% reported the existence of mental health services available to their police personnel. The majority of respondents (58.6%) perceived their mental health programs as being equally reactive and preventive in orientation. The most frequently reported existing components were outside agency counseling, stress management seminars, and testing of potential police recruits. Over half (54.8%) of the responding police agencies reported having between 10 and 19 components in their respective mental health programs. The implementation dates and evolution of twenty-five (25) components were examined, and specific components of various police agencies were also revealed. The majority of respondents (70.7%) reported their mental health programs were available to sworn and nonsworn personnel and their families. Almost all respondents (98.3%) viewed their programs as being cost effective. Also, most agencies were satisfied with the four treatment resources listed, which included in-house counseling, outside agency counseling, hospital in-patient programs, and alcohol/drug rehabilitation centers. Slightly over half (50.8%) of the respondents stated their service programs were entitled "Employee Assistance Program." Of the 300 staff workers holding mental health degrees, 101 were reported to have doctoral degrees in psychology. The most frequently reported personality theory utilized by staff members was eclecticism (48.5%). The prevailing high interest in police mental health services is discussed as well as possible reasons why some police managers may be apathetic towards the implementation of such services. Ways of educating police managers as to the benefits of police mental health programs are listed as well as topics for future research.


Barrows, Paula 28 March 2012 (has links)
ASSESSING DEPLOYMENT RISK AND RESILIENCY FACTORS AND THE ADJUSTMENT OUTCOMES OF POLICE OFFICERS SERVING IN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM AND OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM By Paula Barrows Davenport, MS A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Virginia Commonwealth University. Virginia Commonwealth University, 2012 Director: Dr. Janet R. Hutchinson Professor and Chair of the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies The goal of this exploratory study was to evaluate risk and resiliency factors from the Deployment Risk and Resiliency Inventory (DRRI) in predicting post-deployment adjustment outcomes among police officers who served in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) as part of the National Guard/Reserve (NGR). A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 44 police officers who were OEF/OIF veterans assessing risk and resiliency factors as well as current levels of anxiety, aggression, alcohol use, and PTSD symptoms. Regression analyses revealed concerns over family personal relationships and career matters during deployment along with more exposure to critical incidents involving family members predicted higher levels of alcohol use. Conversely, exposure to critical incidents involving personal safety predicted lower levels of alcohol use while exposure to hostile combat missions predicted lower levels of aggression. Post-deployment social support and military support during deployment predicted lower levels of alcohol usage, anxiety and PTSD/depression while unit peer social support predicted higher levels of alcohol usage. This study highlighted the mistrust among police veteran police officers of mental health professionals. Mistrust of mental health personnel predicted a higher level of aggression and the fear of stigma for receiving mental health assistance predicted higher alcohol usage. This document was created in Microsoft Word 2003.

Variations in Specialized Policing Response Models as a Function of Community Characteristics- A Survey of Crisis Intervention Team Coordinators

Young, Anna M 01 January 2015 (has links)
Although a specific program called the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) has been generally recognized as the best-practice model that addresses the needs of the police officers in responding to mental health calls, many jurisdictions across the country have not only adopted the full CIT model but also have taken the liberty of adding new components and/or removing components of the original model in order to create a unique program that fits the needs of their individual community. The issue of differentiated adaptations of the original CIT model has created a controversy around best practice in the area of police response to individuals with mental health issues who are in crisis. Using an on-line survey and interview methods, this study examined a relationship between the degree of variation within specialized policing response models and their corresponding community characteristics. Previous research shows that the components of the original CIT model have positive influence on officers’ confidence in interacting with people with mental illness. Therefore, this study also hypothesized that a rating of an SPR police officers’ job satisfaction was likely to correlate with the degree to which an SPR program adhered to the original CIT model. The study found that mental health resources, extent of presence of special populations in a community, existence of SPR policies in law enforcement, mental health, and dispatch departments, and how much law enforcement and mental health administrators supported the program, all predicted the degree of total deviation of a program from the original CIT model. Population density, related to a distinction between rural and non-rural communities, did not predict the degree of deviation from the original CIT model. The study also found that the degree of deviation of a program from the original CIT model did not strongly predict the rating of SPR officers’ job satisfaction. The study discusses the possible reasons for the results as well as implications for stakeholders who are considering implementation of a Specialized Policing Response model in their communities. Limitations of the current study’s research design are also discussed.


Pereira, Elio Gomes 29 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:21:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ELIO GOMES PEREIRA.pdf: 1944439 bytes, checksum: 195a1cfe566ff78855aab44115a8b8e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-29 / This paper presents a study on the teaching given to the officers of the Academy of Military Police of the State of Goiás. Its purpose is to analyze the main changes made to the Curriculum Training Course for Officers of CAPM / GO, especially with regard to courses offered for this and the teaching methodologies adopted by professors. It has been the intention of showing how and why the disciplines of Curriculum have been changing or gradually being replaced due to the regime prevailing Government or due to the need to provide more humanitarian official training for these to improve their professional skills, becoming able to meet the demands of contemporary society. The relevance of this research is the academic-scientific dimension that permeates the track changes disciplinary curriculum and pedagogical practices of teachers involved in teaching military police officers in order to form a professional profile that is able to be responsible for the security of the population civil altruistically, avoiding physical repression and symbolic, feature of the Ideological State Apparatus. The theoretical framework is based on research that address power relations, from the perspective of Foucault (1979), with critical institutions used to perpetuate this power, the history of the military and their teaching according to Ludwig (1998), Germano (1994), Sostré (2010), Castro (2004), Silva (2012) and others. A historical review and conceptualization of police and police teaching at the Academy were conducted through document analysis and curriculum proposals from APM Goiás and other states. In the research were emphasized curriculum of these courses, since the establishment of APM, in 1940, until it is in force. The analysis of these curriculum led to the use of theoretical, focused on the history curriculum advocated by Kelly (1981), Moreira (2012), Pacheco (2001), Silva (2001) and Libâneo (2000). The research methodology was qualitative, using the case study. In the field research, it was decided by observation and interviews with a structured schedule. The informants were selected at random, among the ex-comandantes/ex-diretores APM/GO and former teachers, current teachers and students who attended the 3rd year of officer training in 2012. Through the data obtained, the theoretical framework, the record of observations and interviews can be concluded that the teachinglearning process and curriculum practices currently developed by APM/GO indicate that a differentiation in relation to what happened during the military governments, facing the military police preparation for the defense of the territory. At present, the essence of military education is to prepare the future professional to handle everyday situations, respecting the rights of the citizen. Another relevant conclusion with respect to socio-political changes that characterize the subjects of the current curriculum of the APM/GO, demonstrating a more civil than military. The research also showed that the Academy adopt different teaching methods, with in some cases alternating between positivist and progressivist theory. / A presente dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre o ensino ministrado aos oficiais da Academia de Polícia Militar do Estado de Goiás. Seu propósito é analisar as principais mudanças realizadas na Matriz Curricular do Curso de Formação de Oficiais da CAPM/GO, especialmente quanto às disciplinas oferecidas e às metodologias de ensino adotadas pelos docentes. Tem a pretensão de mostrar como e por que as disciplinas da Grade Curricular vêm sofrendo alterações ou sendo gradativamente substituídas em função do regime de governo predominante ou em decorrência da necessidade de oferecer aos oficiais uma formação mais humanitária para que esses melhorem sua qualificação profissional, tornando-se aptos para atender às exigências da sociedade contemporânea. A relevância dessa investigação consiste na dimensão acadêmico-científica que a permeia ao acompanhar as mudanças disciplinares da matriz curricular e as práticas pedagógicas dos docentes envolvidos no ensino policial militar, visando formar oficiais com um perfil profissiográfico que seja capaz de responsabilizar-se pela segurança da população civil de forma altruísta, evitando a repressão física e simbólica, característica do aparelho ideológico do Estado. O referencial teórico encontra-se fundamentado em pesquisas que abordam as relações de poder, sob a ótica de Foucault (1979), com críticas às instituições usadas para se perpetuar esse poder, a história da instituição militar e de seu ensino segundo Ludwig (1998), Germano (1994), Sostré (2010), Castro (2004), Silva (2012) e outros. A revisão histórica e a conceituação de polícia e de ensino policial na Academia foram realizadas por meio da análise documental e das propostas curriculares da APM de Goiás e de outros estados. Na pesquisa foram enfatizados os currículos desses cursos, desde a criação da APM, em 1940, até ao que se encontra em vigor. A análise desses currículos levou à utilização de referencial teórico voltado para a história de currículo defendida por Kelly (1981), Moreira (2012), Pacheco (2001), Silva (2001) e Libâneo (2000). A metodologia da pesquisa foi qualitativa, utilizandose o estudo de caso. Na pesquisa de campo, a investigação optou pela observação e entrevistas, com roteiro pré-estruturado. Os informantes foram selecionados por amostra aleatória, entre os excomandantes/ ex-diretores da APM/GO e ex-instrutores, atuais instrutores e alunos que frequentaram o 3º ano do curso de formação de oficiais, em 2012. Por meio dos dados obtidos, do referencial teórico, do registro das observações e das entrevistas realizadas, pôde-se concluir que o processo ensino-aprendizagem, bem como as práticas curriculares atualmente desenvolvidas pela APM/GO apontam para uma diferenciação do que ocorria durante os governos militares, voltados para o preparo do policial militar para a defesa do território. Na atualidade, a essência do ensino militar é preparar o futuro profissional para lidar com situações do cotidiano, respeitando os direitos do cidadão. Outra conclusão relevante diz respeito às mudanças sociopolíticas que caracterizam as disciplinas da atual grade curricular da APM/GO, demonstrando um caráter mais civil do que militar. A pesquisa evidenciou também que a Academia adota metodologias de ensino diferenciadas, havendo em alguns casos alternância entre a teoria positivista e uma mais progressista.

Poder/saber e corpo : os regimes e a construção microfísica da profissionalização da segurança pública

Jacondino, Eduardo Nunes January 2011 (has links)
As sociedades ocidentais têm vivenciado processos difusos pelos quais, por um lado, institucionalizam sistemas políticos democráticos, com a ampliação de uma gama de direitos individuais e sociais. Por outro lado, têm vivenciado o crescimento de processos de desestabilização referentes ao controle social, ancorados em fenômenos tais como o crescimento das formas de violência e de criminalidade. Esta ambivalência tem sido caracterizada pelo conceito de modernidade tardia. Neste quadro, o papel da polícia, instituição que emergiu ligada à expansão do poder do Estado, de manter a ordem, garantir a segurança das cidades e lutar contras as formas de delinquência, tem sido foco de críticas, notadamente no que se refere à questão do uso da força. O clássico modelo educativo dado aos policiais – notadamente aos policiais militares – passa a ser alvo frequente de análises que apregoam a necessidade da construção de um novo perfil profissional. Modelo que auxilie as instituições policiais a superarem os padrões militarizados, hierárquicos, ligados a uma postura combativa e focada no crime. Não obstante, a formação dos policiais tem transcorrido, de forma recorrente, dentro das corporações policiais, caracterizadas pela existência de padrões de conduta disciplinares que mantém uma conformação específica de educação, bem como consolida mecanismos formativos muito diferentes daqueles preconizados pelos críticos. Este emaranhado de elementos que perpassam os processos formativos de policiais militares (brasileiros e paraguaios) conforma um campo de saberes/poderes que delimitam os embates travados em torno da formação dos policiais. / The Western societies have experienced diffused processes by which, on the one hand, institutionalize democratic political systems, with the expansion of several individual and social rights. On the other hand, they have experienced the development of destabilization processes concerning the social control, based on phenomena such as the development of forms of violence and crime. This ambivalence has been characterized by the concept of late modernity. In this context, the police role, an institution that emerged related to the expansion of State power, is to keep the order, ensure safety of cities and fight against forms of delinquency, but this has been a focus of criticism, especially regarding the issue of the use of force. The classical model of education, given to the policemen, especially the military police, becomes a frequent target of analyses that proclaim the necessity to establish a new professional profile. A model that assists the police authorities to overcome the militarized, hierarchical patterns, which are associated to a combative attitude and focused on crime. Nevertheless, the training of police has passed on a recurring basis, inside the police companies, characterized by the existence of disciplinary standards of conduction that maintains a conformation-specific education, training and consolidating very different mechanisms from those recommended by the critics. This mixing of elements that run through the training processes for police officers (Brazilian and Paraguayan) forms a field of knowledge/power that surrounds the difficulties lived by the policemen concerning their training.

Burnout, work, stress of conscience and coping among female and male patrolling police officers / Utbrändhet, arbete, samvetsstress och coping hos kvinnliga och manliga poliser

Backteman-Erlanson, Susann January 2013 (has links)
Background. Police work is a stressful occupation with frequent exposure to traumatic events and psychological strain from work might increase the risk of burnout. This thesis focuses on patrolling police officers (PPO), who work most of their time in the community and have daily contact with the public. Since police work traditionally is a male coded occupation we assume that there are differences between women and men in burnout as well as experiences from psychosocial work environment. Aim. The overall aim of this thesis is to explore burnout, psychosocial and physical work environment, coping strategies, and stress of conscience when taking gender into consideration among patrolling police officers. Methods. This thesis employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. In Paper I a qualitative approach with narrative interviews was used where male PPO described experiences of traumatic situations when caring for victims of traffic accidents. A convenience sample of nine male PPO from a mid-sized police authority was recruited. Interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Papers II, III, and IV were based on a cross-sectional survey from a randomly selected sample stratified for gender from all 21 local police authorities in Sweden. In the final sample, 1554 PPOs were invited (778 women, 776 men), response rate was 55% (n=856) in total, 56% for women (n=437) and 53% for men (n=419). The survey included a self-administered questionnaire based on instruments measuring burnout, stress of conscience, psychosocial and physical work environment, and coping. Results. Findings from Paper I were presented in three themes; “being secure with the support system,” “being confident about prior successful actions,” and “being burdened with uncertainty.” Results from Paper II showed high levels of emotional exhaustion (EE), 30% for female PPOs and 26% for male PPOs. High levels of depersonalization (DP) were reported for 52 % of female PPO, corresponding proportions for male were 60%. Multiple logistic regression showed that stress of conscience (SCQ-A), high demand, and organizational climate increased the risk of EE for female PPO. For male PPO stress of conscience (SCQ-A), low control and high demand increased the risk of EE. Independent of gender, stress of conscience (SCQ-A) increased the risk of DP. Psychometric properties of the WOCQ were investigated with exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, a six-factor solution was confirmed. DIF analysis was detected for a third of the items in relation to gender. In Paper IV a block wise hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed investigating the predictive impact of psychological demand, decision latitude, social support, coping strategies, and stress of conscience on EE as well as DP. Findings revealed that, regardless of gender, risk of EE and DP increased with a troubled conscience amongst the PPO. Conclusion. “Being burdened with uncertainty” in this male-dominated context indicate that the PPO did not feel confident talking about traumatic situations, which might influence their coping strategies when arriving to a similar situation. This finding can be related to Paper II and IV showing that stress of conscience increased the risk of both EE and DP. The associations between troubled conscience and the risk of experiencing both emotional exhaustion and depersonalization indicate that stress of conscience should be considered when studying the influence of the psychosocial work environment on burnout. Results from this study show that the psychosocial work environment is not satisfying and needs improvement for patrolling police officers in Sweden. Further studies including both qualitative and quantitative (longitudinal) methods should be used to improve knowledge in this area to increase conditions for preventive and rehabilitative actions.

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