Spelling suggestions: "subject:"politiska påverkan""
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Är Facebook den nya tidens politiska kanal? : En studie om påverkan genom Facebook.Algotsson, Victoria, Lundberg, Kajsa January 2012 (has links)
During the last years social media have developed and become a place where all kind of people can meet and interact with each other without any kind of physical contact to one another. We belive that this development also has made it easier for political parties and organisations to spread their propaganda to the people that uses social media without them knew from whom the information is coming. With this in mind we decided to do a study about the social media Facebook and how the users of Facebook think they are being influenced by political propaganda from organisations and private persons. In our study we decided that we wanted to know why our respondents are using Facebook, if they have payed attention to two political questions, one international question and one national question, that have been noticed recently and if they feel that they are being influenced of political propaganda when they are using Facebook. We have concluded that our respondents, depending on how old they are, do feel that they are being influenced by political propaganda when they are using Facebook. We have also noticed that the younger part of our respondents feel that they are using Facebook because their friends do it and that they have noticed the international political question more than the national political question. In the older category of respondents the reason of why they are using Facebook was to maintain a conection with their friends and they had noticed the national political question more than the international political question.
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” […] Nu har de varit inne och petat en gång, så vad skulle stoppa dem från att göra det igen?” : En studie om folkbibliotekariers syn på icke-legitim politisk påverkan / "[…] Now that they have meddled once, what would stop them from doing it again?"Sköld, Cornelia January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the impact of non-legitimate political influence on professional ethics in the librarian profession, focusing specifically on the Swedish context. It addresses the conflict between politics and public libraries, which jeopardizes the library's role as an open and democratic place. This study is based on qualitative interview studies within the research topic, which is a limited research method in the field. Employing a professional theoretical framework, this study examines variations in non-legitimate political influence experienced by public librarians and their strategies for navigating ethical challenges. It aims to illuminate the potential conflicts between political agendas and core library values, which can undermine public trust in the profession. By highlighting the unique conditions of Swedish libraries and analyzing the interplay of politics and library operations, this research contributes to a further understanding professional ethics within library and information science. Given the limited research on this topic, particularly in the Swedish context, filling this gap is important. Through interviews centered on undue political influence, the findings provide valuable insights into ethical dilemmas faced by librarians and exposes conflicting interests that may not align with the library's values. In summary, this research deepens our understanding of how non-legitimate political pressures challenge professional ethics in the librarian profession. It addresses the urgent need to bridge the research gap on professional ethics and lays the groundwork for future studies on this topic in library and information science.
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Förskola, att skola eller inte skola, det är frågan : En fenomenografisk studie där sex personers uppfattningar kring förskolans roll beskrivsKarlström, Therese, Omark, Åsa January 2015 (has links)
<p>Godkännandedatum: 2015-01-02</p>
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Bloggar och dagordningsteorin : En undersökning av bloggreferenser i fyra svenska tidningar under förvalsperioden 2006 och 2010 / Blogs and the Agenda Setting Theory : An Examination of References to Blogs in Four Swedish Newspapers During the Pre-election Period of 2006 and 2010Göransdotter, Susanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>For the last ten years Internet has become more popular and is now used by most Swedes every day. Internet has made it possible for many people to access a great deal of information about news all day long. Internet has also made it possible for people to create their own news and comment on happenings as they are taking place. One way to do this is to start your own blog, which is a kind of diary where you can publish your own thoughts about politics and news.</p><p>In Sweden the media is often referred to as the third governmental power since the media is examining the government and people in power positions and bringing the people as consumers of news closer to the government. There is a theory called agenda setting that says that the media is an actor that shapes the political issues discussed by the people and politicians.</p><p>In this essay I have used the agenda setting theory and linked it together with the Medias references to blogs in their news. This I have done to see if the media might be influenced by blogs. I have chosen to conduct my study at two different times, spring 2006 and spring 2010 since this is dates pre-existing an election and the political discussion is more active in media. The purpose of this essay is to examine if there are any references to blogs in four of Sweden’s biggest newspapers. The empirical material has been divided into four categories which are political elite, the establishment, the newspapers own journalists and others. This I have done to see if there are any specific changes over time regarding the different categories.</p><p>The questions I have answered in this essay are:</p><p>Are there any references to blogs in the four newspapers?</p><p>If yes, witch categories of blogs are the references too?</p><p>If yes, how often are there references over a two-month period?</p><p>How does the change regarding references to blogs look over time?</p><p>After conducting this study I saw that there has been an increase in Media’s references to blogs over time. In 2006 there were 22 references and in 2010 there were 93 references. This result points to the fact that media have come closer to the blogs and is using them more frequently when the construct their news.</p>
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"Om man inte gör det på Facebook" : Ungdomars uppfattning om sociala medier som demokratiagent / "Unless you do it on Facebook" : youths perception of social media as a democracy agentJönsson, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school. The interview was conducted with four students from one of the classes. The results show that social media still owns a lower grade of trust compared to traditional media. Moreover, it's shown that youths themselves are aware that they're affected by social media, but believe that others are affected even more. Most of the youths get a sense of participation in society at large by doing relatively simple actions on different social media sites. However, the sense of participation is heavily influenced by socioeconomic status. The youths use the social media sites as democratic venues, although it's rare for these meetings to transfer to the real world. Didactic insights can be gained from the results. The results show that youths, independent of study programme, are critical to content found in social media. Political interest corresponds by large to socioeconomic status, although political interest can vary greatly, even between classes studying the same programme. / Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur sociala medier påverkar ungdomars politiska uppfattning och engagemang. Detta görs med hjälp av tre huvudsakliga frågeställningar som belyser syftet i olika vinklar. Det didaktiska perspektivet uppmärksammas i inledande och avslutande diskussion samt analys. Två metoder har valts för att besvara frågeställningarna; en enkätundersökning samt en fokusgruppintervju. Enkätundersökningen besvarades av totalt 98 elever från fyra olika klasser i gymnasieskolans årskurs ett. Fokusgruppintervjun genomfördes med fyra ungdomar från en av klasserna. I resultatet framgår att sociala medier fortfarande har en låg tillitsgrad jämfört med traditionella medier. Dessutom finner vi att ungdomarna själva vet att de påverkas, men tror att andra påverkas mer. De flesta känner sig också delaktiga i samhället, även via enkla handlingar på olika medier. Tyvärr framgår att socioekonomisk status till stor del avgör om känslan av delaktighet infinner sig. Ungdomarna använder också i stor grad sociala medier som mötesplats, men det är ovanligt att dessa möten konkretiseras i verkligheten. Didaktiska lärdomar går att finna i undersökningen. Resultaten visar att ungdomarna, oavsett gymnasieprogram, är källkritiska till innehållet på sociala medier. Intresset för politik är till stor del relaterat till socioekonomisk status, men intresset kan skilja sig stort även mellan olika klasser från samma program.
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Mythbusting : Positiv redovisningsteorins förmåga att förklara aktivering av utvecklingsutgifterHörling, Jakob, Othberg, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Datum: 2020-06-03 Nivå: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, EST Mälardalens högskola Författare: Jakob Hörling Filip Othberg 940801 960316 Handledare: Aija Voitkane Nyckelord:Positiv redovisningsteori, politisk påverkan, bonussystem, skuldsättningsgrad, FoU, aktivering av utvecklingsutgifter läkemedelsbranschen. Titel: Mythbusting: Positiv redovisningsteorins förmåga att förklara aktivering av utvecklingsutgifter Syfte:Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur aktivering av utvecklingskostnader kan förklaras med hjälp av PAT. Metod: Studien antar en kvantitativ metod med hypotesprövning genom regressionsanalyser och Pearsons korrelationstest. Slutsats: Studiens resultat utifrån de statistiska modellerna finner endast svagt stöd för studiens tre hypoteser. Varken förklaringsgrader, signifikansnivåer eller andra statistiska mätetal var tillräckliga för att anse att någon av studiens hypoteser stämmer. En slutsats dras då sammantaget för samtliga hypoteser att aktivering av utvecklingsutgifter inte kan förklaras på noterade företag inom läkemedelsbranschen under perioden 2012–2018 genom PAT.
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Är den positiva redovisningsteorin användbar? : En kvantitativ studie som testar giltigheten av de tre hypoteserna grundade i positiv redovisningsteori på svenska börsnoterade företag i industribranschenBrantestig, Natalie, Hedman, Olivia, Ling, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Bloggar och dagordningsteorin : En undersökning av bloggreferenser i fyra svenska tidningar under förvalsperioden 2006 och 2010 / Blogs and the Agenda Setting Theory : An Examination of References to Blogs in Four Swedish Newspapers During the Pre-election Period of 2006 and 2010Göransdotter, Susanna January 2010 (has links)
For the last ten years Internet has become more popular and is now used by most Swedes every day. Internet has made it possible for many people to access a great deal of information about news all day long. Internet has also made it possible for people to create their own news and comment on happenings as they are taking place. One way to do this is to start your own blog, which is a kind of diary where you can publish your own thoughts about politics and news. In Sweden the media is often referred to as the third governmental power since the media is examining the government and people in power positions and bringing the people as consumers of news closer to the government. There is a theory called agenda setting that says that the media is an actor that shapes the political issues discussed by the people and politicians. In this essay I have used the agenda setting theory and linked it together with the Medias references to blogs in their news. This I have done to see if the media might be influenced by blogs. I have chosen to conduct my study at two different times, spring 2006 and spring 2010 since this is dates pre-existing an election and the political discussion is more active in media. The purpose of this essay is to examine if there are any references to blogs in four of Sweden’s biggest newspapers. The empirical material has been divided into four categories which are political elite, the establishment, the newspapers own journalists and others. This I have done to see if there are any specific changes over time regarding the different categories. The questions I have answered in this essay are: Are there any references to blogs in the four newspapers? If yes, witch categories of blogs are the references too? If yes, how often are there references over a two-month period? How does the change regarding references to blogs look over time? After conducting this study I saw that there has been an increase in Media’s references to blogs over time. In 2006 there were 22 references and in 2010 there were 93 references. This result points to the fact that media have come closer to the blogs and is using them more frequently when the construct their news.
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Specialist eller Generalist! : En intervjustudie om hur miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörer ser på sin yrkesroll / Specialist or Generalist! : An interview study on how environmental and health protection inspectors look at their professional role.Erelius, Jaenette, Lindström, Madelene January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att kunna belysa de möjligheter och svårigheter som miljöinspektörer upplever i utövandet av sin yrkesroll. Dagens miljöproblem är uppmärksammade globalt såväl som på en lokal nivå. På den lokala nivån är det miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörer som genom sitt arbete säkerställer att miljöbalken efterföljs. Deras uppdrag är med andra ord av yttersta vikt för att vår miljö vårdas och ska bli bättre. De implementerar politiska beslut och lagstiftning och strävar efter att nå de svenska miljömålen. Genom att lyfta fram inspektörers möjligheter och framförallt belysa de svårigheter de ser i sin yrkesroll, kan vi se vad som krävs för att nå ett effektivare inspektörsarbete, som i sin tur kan generera bättre miljökvalitet. Vi har valt att karaktärisera inspektörerna genom Lipsky´s ”Street-level bureaucrats ” perspektiv, då det är inspektörerna som arbetar med implementeringen av lagstiftningar och andra politiska beslut. Metodiken bygger på forskningsintervjuer med miljöinspektörer. Intervjuerna har utförts i en större och en mindre kommun i Östergötland, för att belysa just frågor som möjligheter och svårigheter, men också för att se om det finns skillnader i arbetet i kommuner med olika storlek. Resultatet av studien stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning som visar på att inspektörer idag upplever fler svårigheter än möjligheter att utföra ett effektivt inspektörsarbete. Inspektörer upplever framförallt att resursbrist i form av personal, tid, teknik, kunskap och bemötandet av verksamhetsutövare är svårigheter som de dagligen får tampas med. Likaså upplever de en frustration över att den politiska nämnden många gånger kan vara av en annan åsikt och fatta ett annat beslut än vad inspektören tänkt sig. Resultatet visar också att inspektörer trivs med sitt arbete, att de upplever variation, att de anser att de får vara med och påverka arbetet och att de har bra samarbete och stöttning av andra inspektörer. Studien visar också i likhet med tidigare studier på skillnader i arbetet utifrån kommunstorlek, där skillnaden främst ligger i uppdelningen av arbetsområden, där inspektörer i den mindre kommunen måste kunna lite om mycket och blir då så kallade generalister, medan inspektörer i en större kommun istället kan mycket om lite, då de kan koncentrera sig på ett arbetsområde och blir då specialister. Materialet visade även att tidigare studier avviker från resultatet vad gäller ärenden som är sällan förekommande. Vår studie visar att ”sällanärenden” är lika ofta förekommande i stor som i liten kommun, medan tidigare forskning skriver att det förekommer främst i små kommuner. / This paper aims to shed light on the enablers and challenges that environmental inspectors experience in the exercise of their professional role. Today's environmental problems are acclaimed globally as well as at a local level. At the local level, the environmental health inspectors whose work ensures that the Environmental Code are followed. Their mission is thus of utmost importance to improved environmental quality. They implement various policies and laws, and strive to achieve the Swedish environmental objectives. By highlighting inspector’s enablers and above all highlight the difficulties they see for fulfilling their professional role, we can see what is required to achieve a more effective inspector's work, which in turn can generate a better environmental quality. We have chosen to characterize the inspectors by using Lipsky's "Street-level bureaucrats' perspective, since it is the inspectors that are in charge of the implementation of legislation and other political decisions. The methodology is based on research interviews with inspectors. The interviews were conducted in a larger and a smaller municipality in Östergötland, to highlight enablers and challenges, but also to see if there are differences in municipalities with different size. The result of the study is consistent with previous research showing that inspectors today have more challenges than enablers to perform efficient inspector work. Inspectors claim above all that a lack of resources in terms of personnel, time, technology, knowledge and treatment of operators are challenges they daily must contend with. Likewise, they experience frustration since the political committee many times can be of a different opinion and make different decisions than the inspector suggested. The results also show that inspectors enjoy their work. They experience variety, they believe that they get to influence the work and that they have good cooperation and jacking by the other inspectors. The study also shows, as in previous studies, differences between municipality sizes, mainly in the division of work, where the difference is primarily in the division of work areas, where inspectors in the smaller municipality need to be able to handle little facts but about a large area, becoming generalists, while in a larger municipality, inspectors may instead handle a lot of facts in one work area and then become specialists. The material showed our results however also differ from previous studies regarding matters that are infrequent. Our study shows that "rare" cases are as frequent in large as in small municipalities, while previous research write that it occurs mainly in small municipalities.
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Somewhere och Anywhere i det svenska samhället : En kvalitativ studie för att förstå medborgares upplevda påverkan över den politiska dagordningen utefter Goodharts teoriPurontaka, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to probe into Goodhart’s theory of Somewheres and Anywheres in the Swedish society. Goodhart’s theory states that a population in the modern 21st century can be divided into the groups Somewhere and Anywhere. This thesis examines if the theory is viable in the Swedish society and if the categories determines the electorates feeling of being able to impact the political agenda. The method used in this thesis is semi-structured interviews with eight electorates — in a younger age bracket (19-29), and an older age bracket (52-63), in four different categories of residential areas. The result indicates that the theory is viable in Sweden and that the Somewhere-electorates feel like they cannot impact the political agenda. The Anywhere-electorates feel like they can, and is the group that has dominated the politics. This may be a explanation for the unstable politics we see in the western society, since Somewheres, according to Goodhart, is half the population, while Anywheres only make up 20-25 percent but is the group ruling politics which leads to discontent, and can be a factor leading to unstable politics.
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