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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure and Dynamics of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) and Poly(Ethylene Glycol) (PEG) Based Amphiphiles as Langmuir Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface

Lee, Woojin 08 April 2008 (has links)
Throughout the study of polymeric Langmuir monolayers at the air/water (A/W) interface, the Wilhelmy plate and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) techniques along with Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) have been identified as key methods for acquiring structural, thermodynamic, rheological and morphological information. These techniques along with surface light scattering (SLS), a method for probing a monolayer's dynamic dilational rheological properties, will be used to characterize homopolymers, poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), and a new class of novel polymeric surfactants, telechelic (POSS-PEG-POSS) and hemi-telechelic (POSS-PEG) polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) derivatives of PEG. PEO with number average molar mass, Mn > ~ 18 kg·mol-1 form stable spread Langmuir films at the A/W interface, while oligomeric PEG have ï -A isotherms that deviate from high molar mass PEO. Nonetheless, SLS reveals that the dynamic dilational viscoelastic properties of any Mn PEG(PEO) only depend on ï and not Mn. Likewise, POSS-PEG-POSS telechelics exhibit molar mass dependent ï -A isotherms, where low ï regimes (ï < 1 mN·m-1) have PEG-like behavior, but high ï regimes were dominated by POSS-POSS interactions. SLS studies reveal that the dynamic dilational moduli of POSS-PEG-POSS are greater than either PEO or an analogous POSS compound, trisilanolcyclohexyl-POSS. The ability to control rheological properties and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance even allows one POSS-PEG-POSS (PEG Mn = 1 kg·mol-1) to form Y-type LB-multilayer films. For POSS-PEG systems, comparisons at comparable POSS:PEG ratios reveal short PEG chains (PEG Mn ~ 0.5 kg·mol-1) yield similar viscoelastic properties as POSS-PEG-POSS (PEG Mn ~ 1 kg·mol-1), while longer PEG chains (PEG Mn ~ 2 kg·mol-1) yield lower modulus films than comparable POSS-PEG-POSS. These differences are attributed to brush-like PEG conformations in short POSS-PEG versus mushroom-like PEG conformations in long POSS-PEG at the A/W interface. These results provide insight for designing PEG-based amphiphilic nanoparticles with controlled interfacial rheology. / Ph. D.

Size Exclusion Chromatography of Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) Homopolymers and Poly(ethylene oxide)-b-Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) Copolymers

Barnes, Suzanne R. 18 January 2014 (has links)
Size exclusion chromatography is the method of choice for characterizing molecular weights and molecular weight distributions of polymers. An important advancement in SEC is multidetection SEC which includes multi-angle laser light scattering, viscometry, refractive index and UV spectroscopy to analyze block and graft copolymers as well as polymers with oligomeric molecular weights. Oligomeric molecular weights present special challenges since the light scattering and viscosity detectors are more sensitive to higher molecular weights and both detectors have low molecular weight threshold values. The molecular weights and distributions of poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) oligomers and block copolymers as well as poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) were investigated by SEC using multiple detectors. Both a universal calibration method and light scattering were used to determine molecular weights and molecular weight distributions. The solvent was N-methylpyrrolidone that contained 0.05M LiBr used to minimize interactions among the polymers and solvent. SEC was used to establish that the diblock copolymers had heterogeneous compositional distributions. The low molecular weights of the diblock and homopolymer made it necessary to use the universal calibration method with combined refractive index and viscometry detectors to determine absolute molecular weights. / Master of Science

Mikroverkapselung von humanen Parathyreozyten mit Natriumcellulosesulfat und Poly-DADMAC in der Behandlung des postoperativen Hypoparathyreoidismus

Gärtner, Markus 06 January 2005 (has links)
Aufgrund der vielfältigen metabolischen Funktionen des Parathormons ist bisher keine befriedigende Behandlung des postoperativen Hypoparathyreoidismus vor allem nach Schilddrüsenoperationen möglich. Bisherige Behandlungsversuche durch Allotransplantation von humanem, parathyreoidalem Gewebe scheiterten letztlich immer aufgrund immunogener Abstossung. Die Mikroenkapsulierung parathyreoidaler Zellen mittels einer semipermeablen Membran ermöglicht einerseits den Austausch von Hormonen und Stoffwechselmetaboliten, andererseits bildet sie einen wirkungsvollen immunogenen Schutz. In einem Zellkulturmodell aus humanen Parathyreozyten wurden 30 Proben von Patienten vor allem mit sekundärem Hypoparathyreoidismus untersucht. Es wurde jeweils die PTH-Sekretion vor und nach Enkapsulierung mit Natriumcellulosesulfat (NaCS) und Polydiallyldimethylammoniumchlorid (Poly-DADMAC) analysiert. Die Zellviabilität stieg von 72(11,7% an Tag 1 auf 95(4,3% an Tag 3. Die physiologische Antwort der Parathormonzellen auf extrazelluläre Kalziumkonzentrationen blieb auch bei den enkapsulierten Zellen erhalten und war etwa vergleichbar mit den Ergebnissen der unverkapselten Vergleichsgruppe. Der mittlere Kapseldurchmesser war mit 0,33(0,02mm relativ einheitlich. Die durchschnittliche Porengröße wurde mit 1,39(0,04nm bestimmt. Die hergestellten Kapseln verfügten mit einer zum Zerplatzen aufzuwendenden Kraft von 2,84(1,36 N über eine hohe mechanische Stabilität. Die mit NaCS/Poly-DADMAC enkapsulierten Parathyreozyten zeigten im Vergleich zur Gruppe der unverkapselten Zellen einen nahezu linearen Anstieg der PTH-Sekretion während des gesamten Beobachtungszeitraumes. / Due to the various metabolic functions of parathyroid hormone satisfactory treatment of permanent hypoparathyroidism after thyroid and parathyroid surgery remains difficult. Previous trials with allotransplantation of human parathyroid tissue failed because of rejection. Besides their immunoissolation abilities semi-permeable membranes of microcapsules ensure access to nutritients or oxygen and transfer of peptide hormones. An established human parathyroid cell culture model was used to examine 30 cryopreserved specimens from patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. We analysed PTH secretion and function before and after microencapsulation with sodiumcellulose sulphate (NaCS) and polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (Poly-DADMAC). Cell viability of cryopreserved tissue in culture increased from 72(11,7% to 95(4,3% after two days. Physiological responsiveness to calcium suppression was still intact and comparable to the encapsulated group. Mean capsule diameter was 0,33(0,02mm, while pore size was 1,39(0,04nm. In comparison to the group of non-encapsulated cells the PTH-secretion increased in the group of the encapsulated cells approximately linear. This study shows that microencapsulation with NACS and Poly-DADMAC allows nutritive supply and endocrine secretion of human parathyroid cells.

Poly(A) Tail Regulation in the Nucleus

Alles, Jonathan 19 May 2022 (has links)
Der Ribonukleinsäure (RNS) Stoffwechsel umfasst verschiedene Schritte, beginnend mit der Transkription der RNS über die Translation bis zum RNA Abbau. Poly(A) Schwänze befinden sich am Ende der meisten der Boten-RNS, schützen die RNA vor Abbau und stimulieren Translation. Die Deadenylierung von Poly(A) Schwänzen limitiert den Abbau von RNS. Bisher wurde RNS Abbau meist im Kontext von cytoplasmatischen Prozessen untersucht, ob und wie RNS Deadenylierung und Abbau in Nukleus erfolgen ist bisher unklar. Es wurde daher eine neue Methode zur genomweiten Bestimmung von Poly(A) Schwanzlänge entwickelt, welche FLAM-Seq genannt wurde. FLAM-Seq wurde verwendet um Zelllinien, Organoide und C. elegans RNS zu analysieren und es wurde eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen 3’-UTR und Poly(A) Länge gefunden, sowie für viele Gene ein Zusammenhang von alternativen 3‘-UTR Isoformen und Poly(A) Länge. Die Untersuchung von Poly(A) Schwänzen von nicht-gespleißten RNS Molekülen zeige, dass deren Poly(A) Schwänze eine Länge von mehr als 200 nt hatten. Die Analyse wurde durch eine Inhibition des Spleiß-Prozesses validiert. Die Verwendung von Methoden zur Markierung von RNS, welche die zeitliche Auflösung der RNS Prozessierung ermöglicht, deutete auf eine Deadenylierung der Poly(A) Schwänze schon wenige Minuten nach deren Synthesis hin. Die Analyse von subzellulären Fraktionen zeigte, dass diese initiale Deadenylierung ein Prozess im Nukleus ist. Dieser Prozess ist gen-spezifisch und Poly(A) Schwänze von bestimmten Typen von Transkripten, wie nuklearen langen nicht-kodierende RNS Molekülen waren nicht deadenyliert. Um Enzyme zu identifizieren, welche die Deadenylierung im Zellkern katalysieren, wurden verschiedene Methoden wie RNS-abbauende Cas Systeme, siRNAs oder shRNA Zelllinien verwendet. Trotz einer effizienten Reduktion der RNS Expression entsprechender Enzymkomplexe konnten keine molekularen Phänotypen identifiziert werden welche die Poly(A) Länge im Zellkern beeinflussen. / The RNA metabolism involves different steps from transcription to translation and decay of messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Most mRNAs have a poly(A) tail attached to their 3’-end, which protects them from degradation and stimulates translation. Removal of the poly(A) tail is the rate-limiting step in RNA decay controlling stability and translation. It is yet unclear if and to what extent RNA deadenylation occurs in the mammalian nucleus. A novel method for genome-wide determination of poly(A) tail length, termed FLAM-Seq, was developed to overcome current challenges in sequencing mRNAs, enabling genome-wide analysis of complete RNAs, including their poly(A) tail sequence. FLAM-Seq analysis of different model systems uncovered a strong correlation between poly(A) tail and 3’-UTR length or alternative polyadenylation. Cytosine nucleotides were further significantly enriched in poly(A) tails. Analyzing poly(A) tails of unspliced RNAs from FLAM-Seq data revealed the genome-wide synthesis of poly(A) tails with a length of more than 200 nt. This could be validated by splicing inhibition experiments which uncovered potential links between the completion of splicing and poly(A) tail shortening. Measuring RNA deadenylation kinetics using metabolic labeling experiments hinted at a rapid shortening of tails within minutes. The analysis of subcellular fractions obtained from HeLa cells and a mouse brain showed that initial deadenylation is a nuclear process. Nuclear deadenylation is gene specific and poly(A) tails of lncRNAs retained in the nucleus were not shortened. To identify enzymes responsible for nuclear deadenylation, RNA targeting Cas-systems, siRNAs and shRNA cell lines were used to different deadenylase complexes. Despite efficient mRNA knockdown, subcellular analysis of poly(A) tail length by did not yield molecular phenotypes of changing nuclear poly(A) tail length.

Characterization of hybrid solar cells prepared from poly-thiophenes and silicon

Zellmeier, Matthias 22 December 2016 (has links)
Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Entwicklung einer Hybridsolarzelle, in der der anorganische Halbleiter Silizium, das organische Polymer und das Kontaktsystem so aufeinander abgestimmt sind, dass ihre Kombination zu einem Bauelement mit hohem Wirkungsgrad führt. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen wurden verschiedene Maßnahmen ergriffen. Neue Polymermaterialien, abgeleitet von dem prototypischen organischen Halbleiter poly(3-hexylthiophen 2,5 diyl) (P3HT), namentlich poly(3-[3,6-dioxaheptyl]-thiophen) (P3DOT) und poly(3-[2,5,8-trioxanonyl]-thiophen) (P3TOT), wurden umfassend hinsichtlich ihrer Struktur untersucht. Poly thiophen/c-Si hybride Solarzellen, hergestellt aus diesen neuen Polymeren, erreichten Effizienzen bis zu 11 %. Die vollständigen Banddiagramme dieser Poly thiophen/c-Si Hybridgrenzflächen wurden mittels Photoelektronenspektroskopie aufgenommen. Außerdem wurde der Einfluss des Kontaktsystems auf die darunter liegenden Schichten mittels Oberflächenspannungsspektroskopie untersucht. Das Resultat dieser Messungen weißt eine Inversionslage unter der Siliziumoberfläche nach, die sich aufgrund des verwendeten semitransparenten Metallkontaktes formt. Dadurch lassen sich diese Bauteile als MIS Inversionsschicht Solarzelle kategorisieren. Um die Hybridsolarzellen weiter zu verbessern, wurde versucht den semitransparenten Metallkontakt durch Graphen zu ersetzen. Das Graphen wurde durch einen CVD-Prozess gewachsen und erreichte eine laterale Ausdehnung von bis zu 1 cm2. Der Übertrag auf die Solarzelle erfolgte mittels eines Wasser und Zerstörungsfreiem Transferprozess. Trotz dem erfolgreichen Aufbringen des Graphen limitierte ein geringer Füllfaktor aufgrund der geringen Ladungsträgerdichte im Graphen den Wirkungsgrad der Solarzelle. In einem letzten Schritt wurde das Polymer P3HT zum ersten Mal mit polykristallinen Siliziumabsorbern kombiniert. Die invertierte Zellstruktur, die hierbei zu Anwendung kam, erhöhte die Lebensdauer der Solarzelle erheblich. / The scope of this thesis was the development of a hybrid solar cell based on silicon in which the inorganic semiconductor, the organic polymer and the contact system are combined in such a manner to result in a photovoltaic device with high power conversion efficiency. To reach this goal several measures were taken. New polymer materials derived from the prototypical organic semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene 2,5 diyl) (P3HT), namely poly(3-[3,6-dioxaheptyl]-thiophene) (P3DOT) and poly(3-[2,5,8-trioxanonyl]-thiophene) (P3TOT), were extensively characterized regarding its structural properties. Poly thiophene/c-Si hybrid solar cells fabricated from these new polymers exhibited power conversion efficiencies up to 11 %. The energy level alignment of these poly thiophene/c Si hybrid interfaces was studied using photoelectron spectroscopy. Furthermore, the influence of the contact system on the underlying wafer is investigated with surface photovoltage measurements. The measurements revealed the formation of an inversion layer beneath the silicon surface due to the semitransparent metal contact used in the devices. Therefore, these devices can be classified as MIS inversion layer solar cells. To further improve the hybrid poly thiophene/c-Si solar cells by substituting the semitransparent metal contact, graphene was implemented in the device design as a transparent front contact. The CVD grown graphene sheet had a lateral size of up to 1 cm2 and was applied onto the solar cell using a non-destructive and water-free transfer process. However, despite the successful transfer the power conversion efficiency was restricted by the low fill factor due to a low charge carrier density in the graphene. As a last step, hybrid solar cells in the combination P3HT/polycrystalline silicon absorbers on glass were fabricated for the first time. The inverted device structure used for these solar cells proved beneficial for the lifetime. These devices were stable for up to 3 months.

Processing parameter effects on the molecular ordering and charge transport of poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin films

Chang, Mincheol 07 January 2016 (has links)
Conjugated polymers have attracted much interest as promising alternatives to inorganic semiconductors, due to their low-temperature, solution-based processability, which may provide for low-cost, large-area electronic device fabrication. However, commercialization of polymer-based electronic devices has been restricted owing to low device performance of solidified thin-films. In order to enhance charge transport of polymer semiconductor thin-films, the self-organization of organic polymer semiconductors into ordered supramolecular assemblies has been achieved by tuning a range of process parameters including film deposition method (spin vs. drop cast), solvent boiling point (low vs. high boiling point), polymer-dielectric interface treatment, and post-deposition processing (solvent vapor or thermal annealing). However, these strategies give rise to limitations for large-scale high-throughput processing due to associated pre- and/or post semiconductor deposition steps. Therefore, in this thesis, we identify alternative processing parameters (i.e., hydrogen bonds between good and poor solvents, UV irradiation to polymer precursor solutions, and combination of sonication and subsequent UV irradiation to polymer precursor solutions) which can contribute to enhancement in charge transport of a model polymer semiconductor, poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), eliminating the additional pre- and/or post-steps mentioned above. Further, we understand of how the processing parameters effect intra- and intermolecular interactions of the polymer chains, micro- through macroscopic morphologies, and charge transport characteristics of the resultant films.

Biodegradable poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites: synthesis and characterization

Li, Yonghui January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Grain Science and Industry / X. Susan Sun / Biobased polymers derived from renewable resources are increasingly important due to acute concerns about the environmental issues and limited petroleum resources. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is such a polymer that has shown great potential to produce biodegradable plastics. However, low glass transition temperature (Tg), low thermal stability, slow biodegradation rate, and high cost limit its broad applications. This dissertation seeks to overcome these limitations by reinforcing PLA with inorganic nanoparticles and low-cost agricultural residues. We first synthesized PLA nanocomposites by in situ melt polycondensation of L-lactic acid and surface-hydroxylized nanoparticles (MgO nanocrystals and TiO2 nanowires) and investigated the structure-property relationships. PLA grafted nanoparticles (PLA-g-MgO, PLA-g-TiO2) were isolated from the bulk nanocomposites via repeated dispersion/centrifugation processes. The covalent grafting of PLA chains onto nanoparticle surface was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermalgravimetric analysis (TGA). Transmission electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results also sustained the presence of the third phase. Morphological images showed uniform dispersion of nanoparticles in the PLA matrix and demonstrated a strong interfacial interaction between them. Calculation based on TGA revealed that more than 42.5% PLA was successfully grafted into PLA-g-MgO and more than 30% was grafted into PLA-g-TiO2. Those grafted PLA chains exhibited significantly increased thermal stability. The Tg of PLA-g-TiO2 was improved by 7 °C compared with that of pure PLA. We also reinforced PLA with low-value agricultural residues, including wood flour (WF), soy flour (SF), and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) by thermal blending. Tensile measurements and morphological images indicated that methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) was an effective coupling agent for PLA/WF and PLA/DDGS systems. MDI compatibilized PLA/WF and PLA/DDGS composites showed comparable tensile strength and elongation at break as pure PLA, with obviously increased Young’s modulus. Increased crystallinity was observed for PLA composites with SF and DDGS. Such PLA composites have similar or superior properties compared with pure PLA, especially at a lower cost and higher biodegradation rate than pure PLA. The results from this study are promising. These novel PLA thermoplastic composites with enhanced properties have potential for many applications, such as packaging materials, textiles, appliance components, autoparts, and medical implants.


Gupta, Prachi 01 January 2016 (has links)
Oxidative stress is a pathophysiological condition defined by an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can result in the growth arrest of cells followed by cell disintegration or necrosis. A number of small molecule antioxidants (e.g. curcumin, quercetin and resveratrol) are capable of directly scavenging ROS, thereby short-circuiting the self-propagating oxidative stress state. However, poor solubility and rapid 1st pass metabolism results in overall low bioavailability and acts as a barrier for its use as a drug to suppress oxidative stress efficiently. To overcome this limitation, these small molecule antioxidants were covalently conjugated into poly(β-amino ester) (PβAE) cross-linked networks to formulate prodrug gel microparticles and nanoparticles (nanogels). Being hydrolytically degradable in nature, these PβAE crosslinked systems released antioxidants in their original structural form in a sustained controlled fashion. Both quercetin and curcumin-PβAE nanogels showed prolonged suppression of cellular oxidative stress induced by H2O2. Curcumin PβAE nanogels also demonstrated protection against mitochondrial oxidative stress induced by H2O2 and polychlorinated biphenyls. Curcumin-PβAE gel microparticles were also developed as a platform to treat oral mucositis through a local antioxidant delivery route. The same synthesis chemistry was transferred to formulate resveratrol PβAE gel microparticles for topical applications, to treat UV radiation induced oxidative stress. Both formulations showed suppression of induced oxidative stress. An in vivo trial with curcumin-PβAE microparticles further showed relatively reduced the severity of induced oral mucositis (OM) in hamster check pouch as compared to placebo.

Novel capillary and microfluidic devices for biological analyses

Klasner, Scott A. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Chemistry / Christopher T. Culbertson / As the field of separation science evolves so do the techniques, tools and capabilities of the discipline. The introduction of microfluidics stemmed from a desire to perform traditional analyses faster and on a much smaller scale. The small device sizes exploited in microfluidics permits the investigation of very small volumes of very dilute samples yielding information inaccessible by traditional macroscale techniques. All of the chapters presented in this dissertation illustrate attempts to supplement current microscale techniques with new tools, techniques and analysis schemes for looking at biologically relevant analyses. In chapter two I present the development and characterization of an amphiphilic polymer that has potential as a material for the fabrication of microfluidic devices. This material is composed of a poly(dimethylsiloxane)-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymer and is dramatically more hydrophilic than the other polymeric materials currently used for the fabrication of microfluidic templates, mainly poly(dimethylsiloxane). Biomolecules such as proteins are notoriously hydrophobic and will tend to adsorb to other hydrophobic surfaces thus the use of a hydrophilic material may serve to reduce or eliminate this problem. The amphiphilic material is of a suitable durability for micromolding and molded channel architectures can be sealed between two layers of the material by simple conformal contact permitting the execution of high speed electrophoretic separations. Chapter three contains initial results obtained while investigating the fluorescent labeling and electrophoretic separation of ecdysteroids. Ecdysteroids are hormones found in insects that are responsible for controlling the process of molting. Here we attempted to analyze these molecules by employing a reactive fluorescent probe, BODIPY FL® hydrazide, that would target the α,β-unsaturated ketone group on the steroid, permitting its analysis by capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection. While optimistic initial results were obtained with the labeling and analysis of similar functional groups on model compounds such as progesterone, labeling of the ecdysteroid molecules was never achieved to a degree that would permit reliable analysis. In chapter four I report the development and use of a microimmunoaffinity column for the analysis of insect serine protease inhibitors, or serpins. These proteins play a very important role in the regulation of insect immune responses and their activity may play an integral role in the effective transmission of the malaria parasite by the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. A microimmunoaffinity column was constructed from magnets, poly(dimethylsiloxane), fused silica capillary and Protein A coated magnetic microspheres. In these initial studies, purified antibodies to serpin protein, as well as purified serpin protein, were used to prepare and investigate the ability to isolate, preconcentrate, and elute serpin proteins for subsequent analysis. By implementing this miniaturized system which incorporates very small fluid volumes we hoped to extend this technique to the analysis of very small samples, and eventually to the analysis of individual small insects. Our work indicates that it is possible to isolate, elute, and detect serpin protein on a traditional western blot membrane. Chapter five presents the development of a novel polymer blend for the fabrication of paper-based microfluidic devices and use of these devices in the performance of diagnostically relevant clinical assays. We took the concept of paper-based microfluidic devices and improved upon the current photoactive polymers used for their fabrication by developing a polymer blend using an acryloxy modified siloxane polymer as well as a commercially available photoactive adhesive, Norland Optical Adhesive 74. This blended polymer resulted in a dramatic reduction in fabrication time as well as improved resolution permitting the reliable patterning of small feature sizes. We also report for the first time a demonstration of these devices performing a two-step spatially separated online chemical derivatization facilitating the analysis of urinary ketones. These devices are predominantly used for the analysis of urine, and their application was extended to the quantitation of nitrite in saliva for the purposes of hemodialysis monitoring. While varied in application, all of the data presented in this dissertation exploits the power of miniaturization to improve current methods of analysis and to extend macroscale techniques to trace biological analytes.

An industrially scalable process for imparting poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) with durable and rechargeable antibacterial functions

Rahman, Md Zahidur 29 February 2016 (has links)
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), especially those caused by different antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa are of growing concern in healthcare facilities. Since 1995, overall incidence rates of MRSA in Canadian hospitals have increased 19-fold, leading to unnecessary suffering by patients and increasing costs to hospitals. There have been many reports that link pathogen-carrying hospital textiles and cases of infections. The development of effective, durable and rechargeable antibacterial healthcare textiles is expected to impede the transmission of infectious microorganisms, and act as an additional prevention measure to infection control. N-chloramines have been proven to be one of the most suitable antimicrobial agents to be immobilized onto healthcare textiles to impart them with potent and rechargeable antimicrobial functions. However, the majority of the hospital used medical textiles are synthetic fibers which are chemically inert and hard to be chemically modified with N-chloramine functions. This study focuses on developing an industry scalable process to durably immobilize N-chloramine onto poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET), a common synthetic fiber used in healthcare textiles. Many techniques have been reported till now to activate the chemically inert PET surface with reactive functional groups. Among all the techniques, aminolysis and plasma treatments have attracted great attention due to their easy process to introduce functional group onto PET and can be set up for large production. However, aminolysis suffers from polymer degradation and plasma treatments suffer from less deposition which hinders these two processes to produce commercial antibacterial textiles. In this study, a new combined process was introduced by combining aminolysis and plasma treatments in a specific way that not only minimize the problems associated with these two processes but also can create more N-chloramine precursor functional groups onto the surface of PET. The covalently bonded N-chloramine precursor groups can be easily converted to N-chloramine by dilute sodium hypochlorite solution. The presence of nitrogen on the PET substrates after the modification was confirmed by CHNS/O elemental analyzer and ATR/FTIR analysis showing a successful incorporation of N-chloramine precursor. The morphology of the treated fibers was kept relatively similar with a slight decrease in their diameter. Moreover, the tensile strength of the treated fabric was also acceptably maintained. The N-chloramine modified PET presented highly effective antimicrobial properties, even after 50 home launderings the rechargeable treated fabric demonstrated 100% reduction of both MRSA and P. aeruginosa within a contact time of 5 min. / May 2016

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