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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

GaN Based Nanomaterials Fabrication with Anodic Aluminium Oxide by MOCVD

Wang, Yadong, Sander, Melissa, Peng, Chen, Chua, Soo-Jin, Fonstad, Clifton G. Jr. 01 1900 (has links)
A highly self-ordered hexagonal array of cylindrical pores has been fabricated by anodizing a thin film of Al on substrate and subsequent growth of GaN and InGaN in these nanoholes has been performed. This AAO template-based synthesis method provides a low cost process to fabricate GaN-based nanomaterials fabrication. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Template-Assisted Fabrication of Ferromagnetic Nanomaterials

Tripathy, Jagnyaseni 18 December 2014 (has links)
Abstract Template assisted deposition was used to produce various nanomaterials including simple nanowires, nanorods, multi-segmented metal nanowires, core-shell nanowires, alloy and polymer wires and tubes. Anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes were used as templates for the growth of the various structures using an electrochemical deposition method and also by wetting the porous templates. In the electrochemical deposition method, the pore size of the templates affects the rate of synthesis and the structures of the nanomaterials while in the wetting method, the viscosity and reaction time in the polymer solution influence the structures of the nanomaterials. A conventional two-step anodization procedure was used to synthesize thick AAO templates with porous hexagonal channels at a constant applied voltage and temperature. A maximum thickness of over 180 µm oxide layer could be fabricated using mild anodization at 60 V and 80 V. Compared to conventional mild anodization, these conditions facilitated faster growth of oxide layers with regular pore arrangement. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) containing ferromagnetic nanowires were synthesized using template assisted electrochemical deposition method. During the synthesis, simultaneous deposition of polymer and metal ions resulted nanowires coated with a uniform layer of PEG without interfering with the structure and magnetic properties of the nanowires. PEG-coated Ni nanowires were embedded in polyethylene diacrylate (PEGDA) matrix after the removal of the AAO templates. Comparison of results with and without a magnetic field during embedding showed that the presence of magnetic field supported embedding of nanowire arrays in polymer. Influence of using AAO templates with several pore diameters for the synthesis of bimetallic nanowires were studied by growing Ni-Fe and Ni-Co bi-metallic nanowires. At a constant applied current by using templates with a pore diameters of 60 nm alloy formed while with a pore diameter of 130 nm core-shell nanowires formed. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films and nanotubes were synthesized using a solution recrystallization method that favored the formation of piezoelectric β phase thin films. Variation in the concentration of polymer in the mixture solution allowed synthesis of different types of structures such as PVDF composites, nanorods and nanocrystals with tunable morphologies. Keywords: One-dimensional structures, electrodeposition, porous alumina, ferromagnetic nanostructures, magnetic core-shell nanowires, alloys, polymer composite, stimuli-active, PEGDA, azobenzene, and PVDF.

Μελέτη των συνθηκών ανοδίωσης για την παραγωγή μεμβρανών πορώδους αλουμίνας με ελεγχόμενα χαρακτηριστικά

Χριστουλάκη, Αναστασία 06 November 2014 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετάται πειραματικά η ανάπτυξη μεμβρανών πορώδους αλουμίνας με ελεγχόμενο πάχος, διάμετρο πόρου, σε ηλεκτρολύτη οξαλικού οξέος συγκεντρώσεως 0.3Μ με εφαρμοζόμενη τάση 40V και 50V. Για την κατανόηση του μηχανισμού της δημιουργίας των μεμβρανών πορώδους αλουμίνας γίνεται μια βιβλιογραφική παρουσίαση των μοντέλων ανάπτυξης της. Από τα πειράματα προκύπτει ότι ο ρυθμός ανάπτυξης του πάχους της μεμβράνης ακολουθεί τον νόμο του Faraday με απόδοση που εξαρτάται από την τάση ανοδίωσης. Τέλος υπολογίζεται η ενέργεια ενεργοποίησης για την αντίδραση του σχηματισμού της πορώδους αλουμίνας. Η ενέργεια ενεργοποίησης που αφορά την αντίδραση του αλουμινίου με τον ηλεκτρολύτη. / Ιn the present study, the synthesis of porous alumina membranes with controlled thickness and pore diameter is investigated. More specifically, the experimental condition under study was oxalic acid 0.3M under an applied voltage of 40V and 50V. In order to understand the growth mechanism of the porous alumina membrane formation, a bibliographic view of the growth models is presented. The experiments result in the conclusion that the thickness growth rate of the porous alumina membrane obeys the Faraday law for electrolysis with an efficiency being dependent on the anodization applied voltage. Finally, the activation energy for the porous alumina formation concerning the reaction of aluminum with the electrolyte, is calculated.

Μελέτη διεπιφανειακών φαινομένων με την μέθοδο διέγερσης επιφανειακών πλασμονίων

Κουτσιούμπας, Αλέξανδρος 26 June 2009 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής αποτελεί η ανάπτυξη της πειραματικής Μεθόδου Διέγερσης Επιφανειακών Πλασμονίων (Surface Plasmon Resoanance, SPR) για τη μελέτη διεπιφανειακών φαινομένων και ειδικότερα των ιδιοτήτων ισορροπίας και της κινητικής της προσρόφησης πολυμερών και ολιγομερών στη διεπιφάνεια υγρού / στερεού. Στα πλαίσια της διατριβής, κατασκευάσθηκε εξ’ αρχής πειραματική διάταξη συντονισμού επιφανειακών πλασμονίων, η οποία χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την μελέτη του φαινομένου της προσρόφησης. Παράλληλα αναπτύχθηκε θεωρητικό υπόδειγμα και υπολογιστικά εργαλεία ανάλυσης των πειραματικών μετρήσεων. Με τη χρήση της πειραματικής διάταξης μελετήθηκε η διαδικασία της προσρόφησης γραμμικών και αστεροειδών πολυμερών στη διεπιφάνεια υγρού / στερεού όπως επίσης και τασιενεργών ολιγομερών τα οποία σχηματίζουν Αυτό-οργανούμενα Μονομοριακά Στρώματα (Self Assembled Monolayers) σε επιφάνειες οξειδίου του αλουμινίου. Επιπλέον διερευνήθηκε η επίδραση της αρχιτεκτονικής των πολυμερικών αλυσίδων σε σχέση με την ικανότητά τους να αυτο-οργανώνονται σε στρώματα πολυμερικών ψηκτρών (polymer brushes). Τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα συγκρίνονται με μετρήσεις οι οποίες έγιναν με τη μέθοδο ανάκλασης νετρονίων. Για την κατανόηση των μικροσκοπικών μηχανισμών που υπεισέρχονται κατά την αυτό-οργάνωση των πολυμερών, γίνεται χρήση θεωρητικών υποδειγμάτων κλίμακας και υπολογιστικών προσομοιώσεων Monte Carlo. Περαιτέρω, μέσω της χρήσης λεπτών στρωμάτων νανο-πορώδους αλουμίνας, προτείνεται μια νέα παραλλαγή της μεθόδου διέγερσης επιφανειακών πλασμονίων η οποία όπως αποδεικνύεται, αυξάνει την ευαισθησία της μεθόδου κατά μια τάξη μεγέθους, στην περίπτωση της ανίχνευσης της προσρόφησης ολιγομερών. Η διατριβή παρουσιάζει ολοκληρωμένα τη χρήση της μεθόδου διέγερσης επιφανειακών πλασμονίων για την αναλυτική μελέτη της προσρόφησης μορίων σε επιφάνειες. Η επέκταση της μεθόδου με τη χρήση νανο-δομημένων υλικών ανοίγει τον δρόμο για πλειάδα νέων εφαρμογών στο πεδίο της ανίχνευσης προσροφημένων μορίων από διαλύματα ιδιαίτερα χαμηλών συγκεντρώσεων. / The objective of the present PhD thesis is the development of the experimental Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) method, for the study of interfacial phenomena such as the equilibrium properties and kinetics of polymer and oligomer adsorption at the liquid / solid interface. For the purposes of this work a custom-made experimental apparatus has been build and used for the acquisition of SPR experimental results. A theoretical model and various computational tools were also developed for the analysis of the experimental data. With the aid of this apparatus, the adsorption process of linear and star-like polymers at the liquid / solid interface was studied together with the self-assembly of functional oligomer monolayers on alumina surfaces. In addition, the effect of different chain structure (molecular architecture) on the formation of polymer brush layers was investigated. The experimental results are compared with measurements by neutron reflectivity experiments. For the investigation of the microscopic mechanisms that are involved in the polymer self-assembly, scaling theoretical calculations and Monte Carlo computer simulations were performed. Furthermore, by the use of thin nano-porous alumina films, a new variation of the SPR method is proposed. It is demonstrated, that this improved method is characterized by over one order of magnitude higher sensitivity in the case of the detection of adsorbed oligomers. The present thesis describes in detail the use of the SPR method for the analytical study of molecular adsorption on surfaces. The improvement of the SPR technique by the use of nano-structured materials opens new prospects for many new applications in the field of molecular detection in very dilute solutions.

Croissance confinée de nanofils/nanotubes métalliques : élaboration et intégration dans les cathodes des PEMFC / Confined growth of metal nanowires/nanotubes for electrochemical energy conversion

Marconot, Olivier 13 December 2016 (has links)
Actuellement, le développement à grande échelle des piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons est limité par l’utilisation importante de platine ainsi que par une faible durabilité des dispositifs. Les électrodes conventionnelles, dénommées Pt/C, sont constituées de nanoparticules de platine déposées sur un support composé de nanoparticules de carbone. Le but de cette thèse est de proposer, élaborer et tester en pile à combustible complète des nanostructures composées de nanotubes de platine autosupportés afin d’augmenter la durée de vie des dispositifs et de réduire la quantité de platine utilisée. Afin de réaliser de telles nanostructures, un moule d’alumine nanoporeuse constitué de nanopores verticaux est élaboré par oxydation électrochimique d’aluminium. Cette matrice de nanopores permet de réaliser une croissance confinée de nanotubes de platine par évaporation de métal sous vide ou par des dépôts électrochimiques. Une membrane de Nafion® est par la suite pressée à chaud et l’alumine est dissoute. Des nanotubes de platine autosupportés sont ainsi obtenus à la surface de la membrane. Afin de comprendre le fonctionnement de ces électrodes en pile à combustible complète, une méthode de quantification des pertes limitant les performances d’électrodes standards de Pt/C a été utilisée. La nanostructuration des électrodes permet d’augmenter significativement la durée de vie des dispositifs et de diminuer les pertes de transport d’oxygène. La principale limitation mise en évidence est des pertes cinétiques importantes en raison de la faible surface spécifique de platine développée. / The two main drawbacks of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) are the low electrode durability and the high platinum loading (electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction). Currently, PEMFC electrodes, named as Pt/C, are made of platinum nanoparticles supported by carbon nanoparticles. The aim of this PhD work is to propose, elaborate and test in complete fuel cell new electrode nanostructure consists in self-supported platinum nanotubes. We target a reduction in the platinum loading and an increase in the electrode durability. In order to control nanostructure geometries, a porous alumina mold is used. This template is obtained by electrochemical anodization and vertically aligned nanopores are obtained. Platinum is subsequently deposited onto pore walls by e-beam evaporation or electrochemical deposition processes. After the hot pressing of the Nafion® proton exchange membrane, the porous alumina mold is etched and platinum nanotubes are stuck and self-supported onto the membrane. A part of this work is dedicated to the quantification of performances losses of Pt/C electrodes and nanostructured electrodes in complete fuel cell test operating conditions. Nanostructured electrodes exhibit high durability and easy oxygen access on catalyst surface compared to Pt/C electrodes. However, some losses kinetics remains due to the low catalyst specific area.

Anodiza??o para obten??o de membranas cer?micas / Hard anodizing to attachment of ceramic membranes

Timoteo J?nior, Jos? Fl?vio 17 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:57:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseFTJ.pdf: 1695651 bytes, checksum: 0a95ed624ef6e5342ad90e1b6193878e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-17 / This a study on the achievement of alumina membranes by the method of anodizing. From this method got up a layer of aluminum oxide on the anodic metal, who presented the basic properties necessary for the application as a support for the production and acquisition of nanomaterials, such as porosity nano and resistance to high temperature, and other properties, as resistance to corrosion, and chemical, high ranking of the structure and pore size of the pores. The latter, ranging from 10 to 100nm depended on the electrolyte used, which in this study was the H2SO4. To remove all remaining aluminum, it is a bath of dissolution with HCl and CuCl where the residual aluminum has been withdrawn, and the deep pores were opened after chemical treatment with NaOH. After the dissolution, the membranes were calcined at temperatures of 300, 600 and 900? C, and sintered at temperatures of 1200 and 1300? C to win mechanical strength, porosity and observe the desired crystallization. Then went through analyses of composition through X-ray diffraction and morphology of the microstructure through a scanning electron microscope. The method was effective for obtaining alumine membranes applied in the processes of production of materials in nano / Trata de um estudo sobre a obten??o de membranas de alumina atrav?s do m?todo da anodiza??o. A partir deste m?todo obteve-se uma camada de ?xido an?dico sobre o alum?nio met?lico, que apresentou as propriedades b?sicas necess?rias ? aplica??o como suporte para produ??o e obten??o de nanomateriais, tais como: porosidade nanom?trica e resist?ncia a altas temperaturas, al?m de outras propriedades, como resist?ncia ? corros?o, e qu?mica, alta ordena??o da estrutura dos poros e tamanho dos poros. Este ?ltimo, variando de 10 at? 100nm dependeu do eletr?lito usado, o qual neste estudo foi o H2SO4. Para retirar todo alum?nio restante, procedeu-se um banho de dissolu??o com HCl e CuCl no qual o alum?nio residual foi retirado, e os poros profundos foram abertos ap?s o tratamento qu?mico com NaOH. Ap?s a dissolu??o, as membranas foram calcinadas nas temperaturas de 300, 600 e 900? C, e sinterizadas nas temperaturas de 1200 e 1300? C para ganhar resist?ncia mec?nica, porosidade desejada e observar a cristaliza??o. Em seguida passou por an?lises de composi??o atrav?s da Difra??o de Raios-X e morfologia da microestrutura por meio de um microsc?pio eletr?nico de varredura. O m?todo se mostrou eficiente para obten??o de membranas de alumina aplicadas nos processos de produ??o de materiais em escala nanom?trica

Bio-structuration à l'échelle micro et nanométrique

Massou, Sophie 11 July 2011 (has links)
Les substrats structurés aux échelles micrométriques et nanométriques sont intéressants pour des applications biomédicales, par exemple dans des puces à ADN/protéines, pour la miniaturisation des « lab-on-chip » ou pour préparer des implants permettant le contrôle de l'adhésion de cellules. Dans la dernière décennie des études ont montrées, que les cellules vivantes peuvent détecter la présence de nano-structures sur les substrats sur lesquels elles adhèrent. Bien que ces mécanismes soient étudiés depuis une dizaine d'années, les mécanismes fondamentaux sont encore en cours d'études. Tant pour une étude au niveau fondamental que dans le but d'applications concrètes, il est important de développer des techniques simples pour structurer des substrats sur de grandes surfaces. Nous avons réalisé une nouvelle méthode alliant un faible coût de fabrication et la biocompatibilité pour structurer et biofonctionnaliser des substrats à l'échelle nanométrique en utilisant des membranes d'alumine poreuses comme masque. Les membranes d'alumine poreuses, préparées par électrochimie, sont naturellement organisées en un réseau hexagonal sur une surface de quelques cm². Nous les utilisons comme masque pour la structuration de surfaces. Des trous réguliers sont gravés dans le substrat à travers les membranes d'alumine poreuses. Ce substrat est ensuite utilisée lors d'une application biologique : une bicouche lipidique est déposée sur le substrat structuré pour imiter les hétérogénéités de la membrane cellulaire. La mobilité de la bicouche est étudiée par corrélation de spectroscopie de fluorescence à rayon variable. Une autre série d'expériences est faite en utilisant des membranes d'alumine poreuses comme masque d'évaporation pour créer des réseaux organisés d'îlots d'organo-silanes. Deux molécules sont utilisées elles possèdent soit une fonction amine réactive soit une longue chaîne carbonée inerte. La bio-fonctionnalisation est ensuite effectuée en utilisant la fonction amine pour accrocher un anticorps. Des études sont effectuées en parallèle, sur des substrats bio-fonctionnalisés à l'échelle micrométrique grâce au micro-contact printing. Le but de cette étude est de mettre au point une biochimie de surface permettant le contrôle de l'adhésion de cellules immunitaires, avec le but de transférer ensuite la biochimie à l'échelle nanométrique. / Substrates patterned at the micro-scale and nano-scale are interesting for biomedical applications, for example, in DNA/protein nano-arrays, for miniaturized lab-on-chip applications or for making smart implants that can control adhesion of cells. In the last decade, some studies showed that living cells can detect nano-scale structures on substrates to which they adhere. Although this behaviour has been observed now for over a decade, the fundamental detection mechanism is still under investigation. Both for fundamental studies and for applications, it is important to develop facile techniques to pattern substrates on a large scale. We have realized a novel technique for patterning and bio-functionalizing substrates at the nano-scale using porous anodic alumina membranes as masks. The ordered porous anodic alumina membranes, prepared by classical electro-chemistry, are naturally organized in an hexagonal array over surface area of few square centimeters. Here we use them as mask for surface patterning. To create an array of nano holes, the substrate is dry etched through the alumina pores. In a biologically relevant application, a lipid bilayer is deposited on the patterned substrate to mimic a heterogeneous cell membrane. The mobility of the bilayer is studied by fluorescent correlation spectroscopy. In a different set of experiments, the porous alumina membranes are used as evaporation mask to create an organized array of alkyl-silane islands - either with a short carbon chain and with a reactive amine group or with a long carbon chain and non-reactive. Afterwards, biochemical functionalization is achieved by exploiting the amino-function of the amino-silane to bind an antibody. In parallel, we have started some studies of adhesion on a pattern substrate at micro-scale with immunological cells. The substrate is pattern by micro contact printing and the cell adhesion is observed by RICM. The aim of this studies is to prepare the biochemistry for the immunological cells adhesion, with the aim or transferring this to the nano-scale.

Condensation et évaporation de l'hexane dans les membranes d'alumine poreuse / Condensation and evaporation of hexane in porous alumina membranes

Doebele, Victor 18 June 2019 (has links)
Ce manuscrit présente une étude des mécanismes de condensation et d'évaporation dans des membranes d'alumine poreuse. Ce matériau poreux possède des pores quasi-cylindriques de taille nanométrique faiblement distribués en diamètres qui, contrairement à beaucoup d'autres milieux poreux, ne sont pas interconnectés. L'alumine poreuse est donc un milieu idéal pour sonder l'influence du confinement sur la condensation et l'évaporation à l'échelle du pore unique.La première partie discute mes résultats dans des membranes disposant de pores droits ouverts aux deux extrémités ou fermés d'un côté. Des mesures d'isothermes de sorption à l'hexane couplées à une étude originale du comportement optique des membranes pour sonder la répartition du liquide dans les pores, indiquent ces derniers ne sont pas parfaitement cylindriques, mais ont une forme conique et possèdent des corrugations marquées. En tenant compte de ces imperfections grâce à des simulations par automate cellulaire, j'ai pu reproduire numériquement les isothermes mesurées. Cet accord montre que la théorie de Saam & Cole décrit bien la condensation et l'évaporation dans un pore unique.La seconde partie met en évidence l'évaporation par cavitation dans les membranes d'alumine poreuse. Un protocole de synthèse spécifique m'a permis d'obtenir des membranes avec des pores en forme d'encrier. Dans ces dernières, j'ai systématiquement observé, optiquement et volumétriquement, une vidange brutale des pores à 0.33 Psat.Celle-ci correspond à la cavitation homogène de l'hexane dans les cavités des encriers, c'est-à-dire à la nucléation thermiquement activée d'une bulle de gaz sphérique dans le liquide sous tension. Il s'agit de la première observation directe d'un tel mécanisme d'évaporation dans des membranes poreuses. / This manuscript presents a study of condensation and evaporation mechanisms in porous alumina membranes. This porous material has almost cylindrical pores of nanometric diameter with a narrow pore size distribution. Unlike many other porous media, their pores are not interconnected. Porous alumina is therefore an ideal material to probe the effects of confinement on condensation and evaporation in a single pore.The first part discusses my results obtained on membranes with straight pores open at both extremities or closed at one side. Sorption isotherms using hexane coupled to an original study of the membranes optical behaviour allow us to probe the liquid distribution within the pores. The results show that our pores are not perfectly cylindrical but funnel shaped and present corrugations. I numerically reproduced the measured isotherms with a cellular automaton, which takes into account the pores defects. This agreement implies that condensation and evaporation in a single pore are properly described by Saam & Cole theory.The second part evidences evaporation by cavitation in porous alumina membranes. A specific synthesis protocol is used to produce membranes with ink-bottle shaped pores. These membranes undergo a systematic and sudden emptying at 0.33 Psat, as measured by the optic and volumetric signals. This is the signature of the homogeneous cavitation of the liquid contained inside the ink-bottles, i.e. the nucleation of a spherical gas bubble in a liquid under tension. This is the first direct observation of such an evaporation process in porous membranes.

Funktionelle Rekonstitution von Connexonen in artifizielle Membranen: Expression, Reinigung und Charakterisierung von Connexin 43 / Functional reconstitution of connexons in artificial membranes: expression, purification and characterization of connexin 43

Carnarius, Christian 11 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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