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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att möta vården vid Post Covid-19 ur ett patientperspektiv : En allmän litteraturstudie / To meet healthcare in case of Post Covid-19 from a patientperspective : A general literature revie

Pagander, Julia, Sandén, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Post Covid-19 är ett tillstånd med långvariga diffusa symtom som kan drabba patienten först efter en sjukdomsdebut i Covid-19. Tillståndet som är komplext och påverkar personens livskvalité saknar för tillfället evidensbaserad behandling och diagnostik. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa upplevelser av mötet med vården vid Post Covid-19 ur ett patientperspektiv. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie genomfördes och 12 vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades. Resultat: Litteraturstudiens resultat framställdes till fem kategorier, vilka var upplevelser av tillgång till vård, upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande, upplevelser av kunskap relaterat till Post Covid-19, upplevelser av kontinuitet och upplevelser av stöd- och engagemang. Konklusion: Det förelåg brister i bemötandet av personer med Post Covid-19 relaterat till frånvaro av ett holistiskt- och personcentrerat förhållningssätt bland vårdpersonal. Personer med Post Covid-19 upplevde misstro och tvivel från vårdpersonal, vilket skapade känslor av att inte bli tagen på allvar. Vidare framkom behov av ökad kunskap gällande tillståndets epidemiologi, diagnos och behandling. Sammantaget belyser den föreliggande litteraturstudiens resultat en otillräcklig hälso- och sjukvård för personer med Post Covid-19.

Distansarbete post Covid-19 : -En individuell plan i dialog mellan ledare och medarbetare / Teleworking post Covid-19 : -An individual plan in dialogue between managers and employees

Mäkinen, Elias January 2021 (has links)
Med anledning av covid-19 pandemin har rekommendationen om hemarbete gällt i Sverige sedan 16 mars 2020, då Folkhälsomyndigheten uppmanade arbetsgivare att införa distansarbete. Detta ledde till att individer i olika grad började arbeta hemifrån, vilket i sin tur skapade både positiva och negativa upplevelser då varken medarbetare eller ledare de tidigare inte arbetat på detta sätt. Distansarbetet har för en del helt- eller delvis pågått under en längre tid och börjar för en del att kännas som ett nytt sätt att arbeta. Syftet är att undersöka och analysera hur medarbetare som helt eller delvis arbetat hemifrån under covid-19 pandemin, upplevt situationen och hur de fortsatt föredrar att arbeta post covid-19. Detta för att få en djupare förståelse för vilken kunskap arbetsgivare och ledare behöver och vilka frågor som behöver lyftas för att kunna planera för att medverka till individuella medarbetares trivsel och balans i arbetslivet samtidigt som ledaren behöver arbeta för att tillgodose alla medarbetares och organisationens behov. Genom empiri i form av enkätundersökning, sekundärdata, teoretisk referensram och analys har arbetet mynnat ut i relevant viktig kunskap för ledare kring trivsel och balans i arbetet och i en lista med viktiga, användbara och relevanta frågor att lyfta i dialog mellan medarbetare och ledare för att mynna ut i en överenskommelse och en individuell plan för den enskilde medarbetaren. Den teoretiska referensramen ligger inom det arbetspsykologiska området där människan studeras i arbetslivet och berör upplevelsen av förändring i organisationen kopplat till ledarskap, tillit, trivsel på arbetsplatsen, balans mellan arbete och fritid och effektivitet.

När det ovanliga blir det nya normala : En fenomenologisk studie om offentligt anställdas upplevelse av hemarbetet under pandemin och framtidsvision om arbetet post Covid-19. / When the unusual becomes the new normal : A phenomenological study about public employee’s experience of home based telework during the pandemic and vision for the future work post Covid-19.

Trygg, Emilia, Karlsson, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
I samband med Covid-19-pandemin har en snabb omställning skett i det svenska arbetslivet och många har övergått från arbete på kontor till arbete hemifrån enligt restriktioner (Folkhälsomyndigheten 2020). Studiens syftet är att öka förståelsen för offentligt anställdas upplevelse av hemarbete i relation till psykosocial hälsa och utifrån det belysa vad som kan tas i beaktning vid arbetsorganisering efter pandemin. Således utgår studien ifrån två frågeställningar där den första berör upplevelsen av hemarbete medan den andra berör en tänkbar framtid i arbetets utformning. Studiens empiri har formats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, vidare bygger studien på ett fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt där intervjuerna väglett den teori som lyfts upp. Empirin har vidare analyserats med hjälp av olika teorier och begrepp som främst antar ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att upplevelserna av hemarbete är både positiva och negativa i förhållande till den psykosociala hälsan. Upplevelserna är i stora drag entydiga även om viss variation beroende av individuella faktorer återfinns. Avsaknaden av sociala relationer för både arbetet och välbefinnandet tillsammans med ökad integrering av arbete och fritid har varit de tyngre betonade resultaten. Samtidigt har självständiga arbetsuppgifter visat sig fungera bättre i hemmiljö och medarbetarna upplever en ökad effektivitet och minskad restid som två starka fördelar. / Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the working life has changed dramatically in Sweden where people are restricted to work in their original workplace and instead instructed to work from home (Folkhälsomyndigheten 2020). Through semi structured interviews this study aims to understand employees' experience of home based telework in the public sector, mainly in relation to their psychosocial health, and based on that shed light on how work could be organized post Covid-19. The study utilizes two questions to answer the purpose, where the first one focuses on the employees' experience of home based telework while the second one focuses on how future work could be organized. The empiric is based on a phenomenological approach where the interviews have guided the theory, and it has been further analyzed with the help of different social psychological perspectives. The main result shows that the experience of home based telework has both positive and negative characteristics relative to psychosocial health. The experience is broadly unambiguous although some variation depending on individual factors have been found. The absence of social relations for both work and wellbeing together with an increased integration of work and leisure have been the most strongly emphasized results. Simultaneously, independent work tasks have proven to operate better in the home environment and employees experience increased efficiency and reduced travel time as two major benefits.

Riskfaktorer för kvarvarande symtom post-covid-19 : En uppföljningsstudie på sex månader efter utskrivning från sjukhus / Risk factors for persistent symptoms post covid-19 : A follow-up study of six months after discharge from hospital

Sarenmalm, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I början av december 2019 kom de första rapporterna om viruset Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 som orsakar sjukdomen Coronavirus Disease 2019 (covid-19). Många som genomgått en covid-19-infektion får långvariga besvär. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka eventuella samband mellan riskfaktorer och kvarvarande symtom efter genomgången covid-19 upp till sex månader efter utskrivning från sjukhus. Metod: Studien är en icke-experimentell prospektiv longitudinell kohortstudie. Kohorten består av 37 patienter som vårdades på ett sjukhus i Västra Götaland för covid-19 under perioden juni 2020 till februari 2021. Potentiella riskfaktorer, biomarkörer och infektionsparametrar under sjukhusvistelsen analyserades tillsammans med patienternas självskattade upplevelse av symtom enligt skalan Post Covid-19 Functional Status (PCFS), vid en, tre och sex månader efter genomgången covid-19. Resultat: Resultatet av analysen visade signifikanta relationer mellan rökning (p=.018), sekundära diagnoser under vårdtiden (p=.003), en ålder &gt;65 år (p=.014) samt att ha en cancerdiagnos (p=.046) och att rapportera kvarvarande symtom som påverkar vardagen. Trötthet och nedsatt ork var de vanligast rapporterade symtomen post-covid, följt av andningsrelaterade besvär. Vid sex månaders uppföljning rapporterar 62% ett eller flera kvarvarande symtom. Slutsats: Då detta är en liten studie kan inga säkra slutsatser dras från analysen. Studien visar dock att det finns anledning till oro angående de långsiktiga konsekvenserna av covid-19. / Background: In early December 2019, reports came about the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 causing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Many who have gone through COVID-19 get long-term symptoms. Aim: The aim was to investigate possible links between risk factors and persisting symptoms after having COVID-19, up to six months after discharge from hospital. Method: The study is a non-experimental prospective longitudinal cohort study. Included were 37 patients who were treated for COVID-19 at a Swedish hospital between June 2020 and February 2021. Potential risk factors, biomarkers and vital signs during the hospital stay were analyzed together with patients' self-assessed experience of symptoms and functionality according to Post COVID-19 Functional Status (PCFS), up to six months after having COVID-19. Results: Significant relationships are shown between smoking (p = .018), secondary diagnoses during the hospital stay (p = .003), age&gt; 65 years (p = .014) and having a cancer diagnosis (p = .046) and to report persistent symptoms that affect daily life. Fatigue was the most commonly reported symptom, followed by respiratory symptoms. At the six-month follow-up, 62% of patients report one or more remaining symptoms. Conclusion: As this was a small scale study, no definite conclusions can be drawn from the analysis. However, the study shows that there is cause for concern regarding the long term consequences of COVID-19. / <p>Program: - (fristående kurs) </p>

Consumer Behaviour and Corporate Social Responsibility : A study on grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic

Safa, Jawid, Al-Khameesi, Diana, Lindberg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Reserach question: To what extent has consumer behaviour been influenced by supermarkets’ CSR responses to the COVID-19 pandemic? Purpose: To what extent the perceived importance of CSR responses by supermarkets to the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced consumer behaviour and what implications this have for the business-consumer relationship. Method: Quantitative study by collecting 137 responses from Swedish consumers. A deductive approach to theory development alongside a positivist and partially interpretivist philosophical position is utilized to explain the extent of change in consumer behaviour. Conclusions: The results of the study indicate that the perceived importance of CSR responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of supermarkets has influenced consumer behaviour which has implications for the business-consumer relationship. The authors also discovered that the effect of cause-fit CSR activities is particularly strong in the Swedish empirical context.

The Current Effects of Post-Covid-19 on Leadership in Terms of Workforce Development : The Importance of The Role of Leadership in Developing The Workforce in The Health Care Sector in Post-Covid-19 Case Study: Mörbylånga Municipality, Kommun

Hindawi, Mahmoud, Zheng, Siyan January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the challenges associated with developing the health care workforce in a Swedish municipality in the post-Covid-19 era. And it explores leaders' perspectives on workforce development. The study uses semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis to uncover key themes and gain insight into the challenges and opportunities these leaders face. The results reveal major challenges associated with the shortage of manpower and the difficulty of attracting and retaining new employees. The results of the thesis reveal also many important aspects that need to be worked on to develop the healthcare workforce in Sweden. The most important of which are long-term strategic planning, recruitment and retention strategies, data-based decision-making, developing communication between leaders and employees and various levels and departments within healthcare institutions, coordination and cooperation with other institutions and government agencies, work. In addition to the importance of life-work balance, promoting a culture of education and continuous development. The findings of this thesis provide valuable insights for policy-makers and operating leaders in Swedish municipalities, particularly in the healthcare sector, with regard to developing strategies to meet workforce needs. This thesis also provides a knowledge base for future research by providing a contextual understanding and theoretical and practical knowledge in relation to workforce development in the field of healthcare.

Efecto a largo plazo de la infección por SARS-CoV-2: Síndrome neurológico post-Covid-19 / Long-term effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Post-Covid-19 neurological syndrome

Caballero-Alvarado, José, Camacho-Vargas, Edith, Rojas-Sánchez, Pedro 22 December 2021 (has links)
Introducción: La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha provocado aproximadamente 182 millones de casos y cerca de cuatro millones de muertes en todo el mundo, comprometiendo con mayor frecuencia a personas de 25 y 64 años de edad. Esta infección afecta principalmente al sistema respiratorio, pero otros órganos y sistemas pueden verse afectados a corto plazo como el neurológico. Una gran población de pacientes ha logrado superar la infección por el SARS-CoV-2, sin embargo, han comenzado a reportarse una serie de manifestaciones clínicas tardías, básicamente neuropsiquiátricas, dentro de ellas se ha referido a la ansiedad, depresión, deterioro del sueño, dolor muscular, mareos, cefaleas, fatiga, anosmia, entre otros; a este conjunto de manifestaciones tardías se le ha denominado síndrome neurológico post-Covid-19 y requiere por un lado, la atención de la comunidad médica para investigar las manifestaciones tardías o secuelas de esta enfermedad y por otro lado, una vigilancia médica ante la consulta de pacientes con estas manifestaciones.

Profil de l'activité physique chez les patients atteints du syndrome post-Covid-19 : une étude portant sur le malaise post-effort

Elkebir, Kamel-Eddine 04 1900 (has links)
Objectif : La Covid-19 a conduit à de nombreuses complications. Parmi celles-ci, on compte le syndrome post-Covid-19, qui inclut fréquemment le malaise post-effort (MPE), observé dans environ 90% des cas. Après une analyse du profil sociodémographique des personnes atteintes de MPE, le présent mémoire a visé à comprendre ce phénomène en évaluant les différentes variables du MPE en fonction du niveau d'activité physique (AP) des personnes touchées. Méthodes : La collecte des données a été faite à l'aide d'un questionnaire mis en ligne sur Lime Survey et distribué via Facebook. Le questionnaire visait à évaluer le niveau d'AP (loisirs, travail et transport) avant et après l'infection par la Covid-19. La population ciblée pour cette étude était constituée de personnes ayant présenté le syndrome post-Covid-19, soit le MPE. Résultats : Globalement, les résultats indiquent que les individus avec MPE (n=154) sont moins actifs et plus sédentaires après avoir contracté la Covid-19 qu’avant. Toutefois, les analyses d’interactions ont permis de faire ressortir des éléments importants. Les personnes atteintes de MPE ont vu un maintien ou une diminution significative de l'AP au travail et totale (intensité moyenne et élevée) après avoir contracté la Covid-19. De façon plus spécifique, ce sont particulièrement les femmes et les personnes dont la dernière infection remonte à plus d'un an qui ont été touchées par cette baisse. Alors que des déplacements à pieds ont diminué chez les femmes, ils ont augmentés chez les hommes. Par ailleurs, les déplacements à vélo ont diminués après la Covid-19 et ce, plus particulièrement pour les hommes, indiquant un potentiel déplacements du vélo vers la marche pour le transport. Répondre positivement aux 5 questions sur le MPE était aussi associé à une plus grande réduction de l’AP d’intensité moyenne ainsi que moyenne et élevée au travail mais à une augmentation moins marquée de la sédentarité. Avoir une récupération plus lente était associée à une réduction plus importante de l’AP d’intensité moyenne à élevée au travail. Et alors que les individus non effrayés par la peur de faire un malaise post-effort augmentaient leur niveau d’AP (intensité moyenne et moyenne/élevée) au travail, ceux effrayés le réduisait à la suite de la Covid. Finalement, ni l’âge, ni le nombre de contaminations qu’ils ont subi et ni le lieu de naissance des répondants avec le MPE n’ont pas eu d’effet sur les changements du mode de vie. Conclusions : Cette étude révèle que les personnes atteintes du syndrome post-Covid-19 à risque de MPE sont non seulement plus sédentaires mais qu’elles rapportent une baisse de l'AP qui touche surtout le travail et ce, de façon plus prononcée chez les personnes gravement atteintes de MPE et chez les femmes. Ces résultats sont importants à considérer dans un contexte de la reprise d'AP au travail post-Covid-19 de ces patients qui peuvent avoir des niveaux de déconditionnement physique plus importants. / Objective: Covid-19 has led to numerous complications. Among these, we count the post-Covid-19 syndrome, which frequently includes post-exertional malaise (PEM), i.e., in about 90% of cases. After analyzing the sociodemographic profile of people with PEM, the current thesis aims to understand this phenomenon by evaluating the different variables of PEM according to the level of physical activity (PA). Methods: We collected data using an online questionnaire hosted on Lime Survey and distributed via Facebook. The questionnaire aimed to assess the level of PA (leisure, work, and transport) before and after Covid-19 infection. The target population for this study consisted of individuals who exhibited post-Covid-19 syndrome, also known as PEM. Results: Overall, the results indicate that individuals with PEM (n=154) are less active and more sedentary after contracting Covid-19 than before. However, interaction analyses have brought out some important elements. People suffering from MPE experienced either a maintenance or a significant decrease in PA at work and overall (medium and high intensity) after contracting Covid-19. More specifically, it was particularly women and people whose last infection was more than a year ago who were affected by this decrease. While walking decreased among women, it increased among men. Moreover, cycling decreased after Covid-19, especially among men, indicating a potential shift from cycling to walking for transportation. Responding positively to the 5 PEM questions was also associated with a greater reduction in medium-intensity PA and medium to high-intensity work, but with a less pronounced increase in sedentary behavior. Having a slower recovery was associated with a greater reduction in medium to high intensity PA at work. And while individuals not scared of PEM increased their level of PA (medium intensity and medium/high) at work, those scared reduced it following Covid. Finally, neither age, nor the number of infections they suffered, nor the birthplace of respondents with ME/CFS had an effect on lifestyle changes. Conclusions: This study reveals that individuals with post-Covid-19 syndrome at risk of PEM are not only more sedentary, but they also report a decrease in PA, primarily impacting work, and this is especially pronounced in those severely affected by PEM and in women. These findings are important to consider in the context of resuming PA at work post-Covid-19 for these patients who may have higher levels of physical deconditioning.

Effective learning in higher education post-covid_final version.

Maofi, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The emergence of moving learning activities online, due to Covid-19 pandemic preventive measures and fast growing technology, forced many educational institutions to design and prepare their distance learning systems on time, without adopting the best practices for an effective and holistic digital transformation. This fact highlights the need of reconsidering the models in online learning and redesigning the learning processes to meet students e-learning needs and receive a more qualitative educational experience. This study intends to show which are the perspectives of students on the next generation learning platform, post-covid, and how this can contribute to a more effective learning in HE. To serve this purpose, an internet-based survey was designed. The questionnaire was distributed via the DSV iLearn platform of the program to all participants-users of the platform, and the method of data analysis chosen was Quantitative analysis. The results of this study showed an overall satisfaction with the platform capabilities and a satisfactory level of students’ skills in the use of ICT technologies and a digital learning platform. Some important conclusions about dependencies of students’ characteristics that affect their engagement with an elearning platform also arose, while areas of improvement were identified regarding the feeling of safety using a digital platform, alternative assessment techniques, new platform technological features and interaction with peers and instructors. Under this study limitations and the potential of a future and more extensive research, the aim of these results is their incorporation in the design, implementation and optimization processes of the next generation learning platform, contributing to the Higher Education e-learning systems performance and responsiveness flexibility, taking also into consideration qualitative factors related to students’ characteristics and needs.

Neuropsychiatric phenotype of post COVID-19 syndrome in non-hospitalized patients

Lier, Julia, Stoll, Kristin, Obrig, Hellmuth, Baum, Paul, Deterding, Lea, Bernsdorff, Nora, Hermsdorf, Franz, Kunis, Ines, Bräsecke, Andrea, Herzig, Sabine, Schroeter, Matthias L., Thöne-Otto, Angelika, Riedel-Heller, Steffi G., Laufs, Ulrich, Wirtz, Hubert, Classen, Joseph, Saur, Dorothee 11 March 2024 (has links)
The post COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) is an emerging phenomenon worldwide with enormous socioeconomic impact. While many patients describe neuropsychiatric deficits, the symptoms are yet to be assessed and defined systematically. In this prospective cohort study, we report on the results of a neuropsychiatric consultation implemented in May 2021. A cohort of 105 consecutive patients with merely mild acute course of disease was identified by its high symptom load 6 months post infection using a standardized neurocognitive and psychiatric-psychosomatic assessment. In this cohort, we found a strong correlation between higher scores in questionnaires for fatigue (MFI-20), somatization (PHQ15) and depression (PHQ9) and worse functional outcome as measured by the post COVID functional scale (PCFS). In contrast, neurocognitive scales correlated with age, but not with PCFS. Standard laboratory and cardiopulmonary biomarkers did not differ between the group of patients with predominant neuropsychiatric symptoms and a control group of neuropsychiatrically unaffected PCS patients. Our study delineates a phenotype of PCS dominated by symptoms of fatigue, somatisation and depression. The strong association of psychiatric and psychosomatic symptoms with the PCFS warrants a systematic evaluation of psychosocial side effects of the pandemic itself and psychiatric comorbidities on the long-term outcome of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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