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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge Transfer During Onboarding in Organisations in Post Covid Era

Yürek, Elif, Adjoa Taylor, Rebecca January 2024 (has links)
To harness the knowledge, skill and ability of the workforce demands that companies are intentional about human resource practices and processes, not only to retain workers but also equip them to maximise employee output. Critical among these practices is Onboarding. This research investigates how knowledge is transferred during onboarding in organisations in the post covid era, focusing on organisations that heavily rely on employee knowledge to gain a competitive advantage. For such organisations, business success depends on the unique knowledge and skill sets of their employees. The study employs a qualitative research strategy with a case study method to enable an in-depth examination of the subject in an organisation. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with a purposive sampling of employees, managers, and HR professionals, as well as through organisational materials. The interviews were conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams, with measures taken to ensure data quality and adhere to ethical principles, including participant anonymity and consent. The findings highlight the need to reorganize company induction manuals, standardize procedures for role-specific onboarding, and establish mentorship programs to improve knowledge transfer during onboarding after covid. These changes can enhance organisational knowledge transfer processes, leading to more effective operations and improved onboarding experiences for new employees in the post-Covid era.

Karlstad som evenemangsstad post-covid : En turismvetenskaplig studie om evenemangsaktörer i Karlstad och aktörernas utveckling innan, under och efter Covid-19 pandemin.

Fosselius, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
This study is about crisis management for Karlstad Municipality as an event city and how the city'sevent actors have survived before, during, and after the pandemic. To get a deeper understandingof the informants' strategy for survival through and after the crisis, 7 workers in event companieshave been interviewed. The informants represent companies operating within KarlstadMunicipality. Several studies have been published in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic,however, fewer studies explain business development after the pandemic. The study also focuseson the innovations that event companies have adopted during and whether these remain after thepandemic. By studying these event companies within Karlstad Municipality, a picture is generatedof how Karlstad has fared as an event city where the restrictions stopped events from taking place.The study analyzes the strategies used by the event companies and their effectiveness.Communication has been identified as the most common strategy initially in times of crisis. Otherstrategies used are cooperation between actors, finding new ways to operate without violating therestrictions, and saving on various expenses. Innovation has also been used as a strategy to survivethe pandemic and its restrictions. Innovations became common and useful during the pandemic;the study shows how these innovations were often only temporary and did not lead to furtherdevelopment after the pandemic. Digitalization has been a popular innovation where apps, livestreams, and other types of digital solutions are used as a solution instead of organizing events.These were initially seen as the new reality, in fact, digital innovations were side-lined oncerestrictions were released, and on-site events were possible as usual again. The study shows thatdigitalization has become increasingly common, but that it cannot replace events on site. Visitorsand event organizers value events, this study does not see that any innovation at the moment canreplace the experience of on-site events. / Studien handlar om krishantering för Karlstad kommun som evenemangsstad och hur stadensevenemangsaktörer har överlevt innan, under och efter pandemin. För att få en djupare förståelseför informanternas strategi för överlevnad genom och efter krisen har 7 arbetare inomevenemangsföretag intervjuats. Informanterna representerar företag som verkar inom Karlstadkommun. Flera studier har skapats i anslutning till Covid-19 pandemin, däremot finns det färrestudier som förklarar företagsutveckling efter pandemin. Studien fokuserar även på de nyainnovationerna som företag tagit till sig under pandemin och ifall dessa är kvar efter pandemin.Genom att studera dessa evenemangsföretag inom Karlstad Kommun genereras en bild för hurdet gått för Karlstad som en evenemangsstad där restriktionerna satte stopp för evenemang att ske.I studien analyseras de strategier som evenemangsföretagen använt sig av samt hur effektiva dessahar varit. Kommunikation har ställts fram som den mest vanliga och användbara strategin till enbörjan vid kris. Andra strategier som används är framför allt samarbeten mellan aktörer, att finnanya sätt att vara verksamma utan att bryta mot restriktionerna och att spara in på olika utgifter.Även innovation har använts som strategi för att överleva pandemin och dess restriktioner.Innovationer blev vanligt och användbart under pandemin, studien visar hur dessa innovationerofta endast var tillfälliga och inte lett till vidare utveckling efter pandemin. Digitalisering har variten populär innovation där appar, live streams och andra typer av digitala lösningar används somlösning i stället för att arrangera evenemang. Dessa sågs till en början som den nya verkligheten, isjälva verket blev digitala innovationer åsidosatta när Folkhälsomyndigheten tog bortrestriktionerna och evenemang på plats var möjligt som vanligt igen. Studien ser att digitaliseringhar blivit allt vanligare men att den inte kan ersätta just evenemang på plats. Besökare ochevenemangsföretag värdesätter evenemang, denna studie ser inte att någon innovation som förtillfället kan ersätta upplevelsen av evenemang på plats.

Profil de l'activité physique chez les patients atteints du syndrome post-Covid-19 : une étude portant sur le malaise post-effort

Elkebir, Kamel-Eddine 04 1900 (has links)
Objectif : La Covid-19 a conduit à de nombreuses complications. Parmi celles-ci, on compte le syndrome post-Covid-19, qui inclut fréquemment le malaise post-effort (MPE), observé dans environ 90% des cas. Après une analyse du profil sociodémographique des personnes atteintes de MPE, le présent mémoire a visé à comprendre ce phénomène en évaluant les différentes variables du MPE en fonction du niveau d'activité physique (AP) des personnes touchées. Méthodes : La collecte des données a été faite à l'aide d'un questionnaire mis en ligne sur Lime Survey et distribué via Facebook. Le questionnaire visait à évaluer le niveau d'AP (loisirs, travail et transport) avant et après l'infection par la Covid-19. La population ciblée pour cette étude était constituée de personnes ayant présenté le syndrome post-Covid-19, soit le MPE. Résultats : Globalement, les résultats indiquent que les individus avec MPE (n=154) sont moins actifs et plus sédentaires après avoir contracté la Covid-19 qu’avant. Toutefois, les analyses d’interactions ont permis de faire ressortir des éléments importants. Les personnes atteintes de MPE ont vu un maintien ou une diminution significative de l'AP au travail et totale (intensité moyenne et élevée) après avoir contracté la Covid-19. De façon plus spécifique, ce sont particulièrement les femmes et les personnes dont la dernière infection remonte à plus d'un an qui ont été touchées par cette baisse. Alors que des déplacements à pieds ont diminué chez les femmes, ils ont augmentés chez les hommes. Par ailleurs, les déplacements à vélo ont diminués après la Covid-19 et ce, plus particulièrement pour les hommes, indiquant un potentiel déplacements du vélo vers la marche pour le transport. Répondre positivement aux 5 questions sur le MPE était aussi associé à une plus grande réduction de l’AP d’intensité moyenne ainsi que moyenne et élevée au travail mais à une augmentation moins marquée de la sédentarité. Avoir une récupération plus lente était associée à une réduction plus importante de l’AP d’intensité moyenne à élevée au travail. Et alors que les individus non effrayés par la peur de faire un malaise post-effort augmentaient leur niveau d’AP (intensité moyenne et moyenne/élevée) au travail, ceux effrayés le réduisait à la suite de la Covid. Finalement, ni l’âge, ni le nombre de contaminations qu’ils ont subi et ni le lieu de naissance des répondants avec le MPE n’ont pas eu d’effet sur les changements du mode de vie. Conclusions : Cette étude révèle que les personnes atteintes du syndrome post-Covid-19 à risque de MPE sont non seulement plus sédentaires mais qu’elles rapportent une baisse de l'AP qui touche surtout le travail et ce, de façon plus prononcée chez les personnes gravement atteintes de MPE et chez les femmes. Ces résultats sont importants à considérer dans un contexte de la reprise d'AP au travail post-Covid-19 de ces patients qui peuvent avoir des niveaux de déconditionnement physique plus importants. / Objective: Covid-19 has led to numerous complications. Among these, we count the post-Covid-19 syndrome, which frequently includes post-exertional malaise (PEM), i.e., in about 90% of cases. After analyzing the sociodemographic profile of people with PEM, the current thesis aims to understand this phenomenon by evaluating the different variables of PEM according to the level of physical activity (PA). Methods: We collected data using an online questionnaire hosted on Lime Survey and distributed via Facebook. The questionnaire aimed to assess the level of PA (leisure, work, and transport) before and after Covid-19 infection. The target population for this study consisted of individuals who exhibited post-Covid-19 syndrome, also known as PEM. Results: Overall, the results indicate that individuals with PEM (n=154) are less active and more sedentary after contracting Covid-19 than before. However, interaction analyses have brought out some important elements. People suffering from MPE experienced either a maintenance or a significant decrease in PA at work and overall (medium and high intensity) after contracting Covid-19. More specifically, it was particularly women and people whose last infection was more than a year ago who were affected by this decrease. While walking decreased among women, it increased among men. Moreover, cycling decreased after Covid-19, especially among men, indicating a potential shift from cycling to walking for transportation. Responding positively to the 5 PEM questions was also associated with a greater reduction in medium-intensity PA and medium to high-intensity work, but with a less pronounced increase in sedentary behavior. Having a slower recovery was associated with a greater reduction in medium to high intensity PA at work. And while individuals not scared of PEM increased their level of PA (medium intensity and medium/high) at work, those scared reduced it following Covid. Finally, neither age, nor the number of infections they suffered, nor the birthplace of respondents with ME/CFS had an effect on lifestyle changes. Conclusions: This study reveals that individuals with post-Covid-19 syndrome at risk of PEM are not only more sedentary, but they also report a decrease in PA, primarily impacting work, and this is especially pronounced in those severely affected by PEM and in women. These findings are important to consider in the context of resuming PA at work post-Covid-19 for these patients who may have higher levels of physical deconditioning.

Incidence of Post-Acute COVID-19 Sequelae and Predictors for Post-COVID Infection Health Care Utilization in an Integrated Health System Patient Population

Oravec, Michael J. 26 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med Post-COVID : En litteraturstudie / Patients’ experiences of living with Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome : A literature review

Särnholm, Lukas, Julia, Engström January 2023 (has links)
Background: COVID-19 is a disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. The disease was classified as a pandemic by World Health Organization in March 2020. COVID-19 can cause Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome, which is long-term symptoms after the infection itself. Post-COVID can affect health in the long term. Purpose/aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate the patients ́ experiences of living with Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome. Method: The method used was a general literature study. Eight articles were used for the study. Results: The result identified the four categories. Experiences of symptoms, experiences of changes in physical health, experiences of changes in social life and experiences of health care. Many patients experienced that they did not have the same energy to do things they had previously been able to do and needed help from close relatives. Conclusion: Due to both Post-COVID and COVID-19 being new diseases, patients experienced a lack of knowledge in the healthcare systems. Patients felt invisible and forgotten as healthcare professionals did not know how to address or care for them. Therefore, there’s a need for further research and increased knowledge regarding the subject in order to improve the quality of healthcare. / Bakgrund: COVID-19 är en sjukdom som orsakas av viruset SARS-CoV- 2. Sjukdomen klassades som en pandemi av World Health Organization i mars 2020. COVID-19 kan orsaka Post-COVID, vilket utgörs av långvariga symtom efter infektionen är utläkt. Post-COVID kan påverka hälsan på lång sikt. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av att leva med Post- COVID. Metod: Metoden som användes var allmän litteraturstudie. Litteraturstudien baserades på åtta resultatartiklar som analyserades. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra olika kategorier: Upplevelser av symtom, upplevelser av förändringar i den psykiska hälsan, upplevelser av förändringar i sociala relationer, samt upplevelser av mötet med vården. I resultatet framkom att vissa patienter orkade inte längre genomföra dagliga sysslor och fick ta hjälp från närstående. Konklusion: Till följd av att både Post-COVID och COVID-19 är nya sjukdomar upplevde patienterna brist på kunskap inom vården. Patienterna kände sig osynliga och bortglömda då vårdpersonal inte visste hur de skulle bemöta eller vårda dem. Det finns därför ett behov av vidare forskning och ökad kunskap kring ämnet för att öka vårdkvaliteten.

Identification, investigation and prediction of post-COVID phenotypes : Using Cluster analysis and Ordinal logistic regression to determine severity of post-COVID

Malmquist, Sara, Rykatkin, Oliver January 2023 (has links)
It is believed that a large number of people experience remaining symptoms after COVID-19, so-called post-COVID. The formal definition and diagnostic criteria of post-COVID have been a scientific controversy. So far, there is no reliable system for distinguishing the severity of post-COVID. This type of measurement would be helpful in future targeted therapies. Therefore, this thesis aims to evaluate the relationship between an individual’s functional status today and the symptoms present as well as identify relevant groups of post-COVID based on these 17 long-term symptoms of post-COVID. Further, to produce a model for which of these groups an individual belongs to. By using cluster analysis and ordinal logistic regression, Post-COVID Syndrome scores are produced. That is based upon both subjects who were hospitalised and those who were not, collected through a project called COMBAT post-covid. The individuals are then divided into groups based on these scores, and a prediction model is made using ordinal logistic regression and backward deletion. Three well-separated groups of post-COVID are found based on the produced scores. The prediction model indicates that the nine variables Sex, BMI, Smoking, Snuff, Heart disease, Lung disease, Diabetes, Chronic pain and Symptom severity at the onset seem important for predicting someone’s group. This study showed that the remaining symptoms affected an individual’s functional status, including self-reported working ability and general health.

Effective learning in higher education post-covid_final version.

Maofi, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The emergence of moving learning activities online, due to Covid-19 pandemic preventive measures and fast growing technology, forced many educational institutions to design and prepare their distance learning systems on time, without adopting the best practices for an effective and holistic digital transformation. This fact highlights the need of reconsidering the models in online learning and redesigning the learning processes to meet students e-learning needs and receive a more qualitative educational experience. This study intends to show which are the perspectives of students on the next generation learning platform, post-covid, and how this can contribute to a more effective learning in HE. To serve this purpose, an internet-based survey was designed. The questionnaire was distributed via the DSV iLearn platform of the program to all participants-users of the platform, and the method of data analysis chosen was Quantitative analysis. The results of this study showed an overall satisfaction with the platform capabilities and a satisfactory level of students’ skills in the use of ICT technologies and a digital learning platform. Some important conclusions about dependencies of students’ characteristics that affect their engagement with an elearning platform also arose, while areas of improvement were identified regarding the feeling of safety using a digital platform, alternative assessment techniques, new platform technological features and interaction with peers and instructors. Under this study limitations and the potential of a future and more extensive research, the aim of these results is their incorporation in the design, implementation and optimization processes of the next generation learning platform, contributing to the Higher Education e-learning systems performance and responsiveness flexibility, taking also into consideration qualitative factors related to students’ characteristics and needs.

Neuropsychiatric phenotype of post COVID-19 syndrome in non-hospitalized patients

Lier, Julia, Stoll, Kristin, Obrig, Hellmuth, Baum, Paul, Deterding, Lea, Bernsdorff, Nora, Hermsdorf, Franz, Kunis, Ines, Bräsecke, Andrea, Herzig, Sabine, Schroeter, Matthias L., Thöne-Otto, Angelika, Riedel-Heller, Steffi G., Laufs, Ulrich, Wirtz, Hubert, Classen, Joseph, Saur, Dorothee 11 March 2024 (has links)
The post COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) is an emerging phenomenon worldwide with enormous socioeconomic impact. While many patients describe neuropsychiatric deficits, the symptoms are yet to be assessed and defined systematically. In this prospective cohort study, we report on the results of a neuropsychiatric consultation implemented in May 2021. A cohort of 105 consecutive patients with merely mild acute course of disease was identified by its high symptom load 6 months post infection using a standardized neurocognitive and psychiatric-psychosomatic assessment. In this cohort, we found a strong correlation between higher scores in questionnaires for fatigue (MFI-20), somatization (PHQ15) and depression (PHQ9) and worse functional outcome as measured by the post COVID functional scale (PCFS). In contrast, neurocognitive scales correlated with age, but not with PCFS. Standard laboratory and cardiopulmonary biomarkers did not differ between the group of patients with predominant neuropsychiatric symptoms and a control group of neuropsychiatrically unaffected PCS patients. Our study delineates a phenotype of PCS dominated by symptoms of fatigue, somatisation and depression. The strong association of psychiatric and psychosomatic symptoms with the PCFS warrants a systematic evaluation of psychosocial side effects of the pandemic itself and psychiatric comorbidities on the long-term outcome of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The Sound of Smell : Possibilities for communicating an odor with sound aiding olfactory impairment

Berrez, Philip, Dexwik, Carolina January 2022 (has links)
With covid-19 affecting people's ability to smell, it might be of interest to find multimodal solutions, where other senses could assist someone with an impaired sense of smell to identify an odor. This area of research lacks data since there has not been many studies on this. Moreover, there are studies that tried to find a connection between sound and smell in other contexts. The goal of this study was to find if it is possible to communicate an odor, with the help of foley sound, to someone with an impaired sense of smell. This required answers to questions regarding whether people, with and without a changed sense of smell, can improve their odor identification with the help of sound and if foley is an effective method for it. This was tested by first collecting sound associations to odors, as well as cultural associations. The data were analyzed to find common themes to choose the sounds that would be used. The participants in the study were asked to make free identifications after being presented with odor pens together with additional stimuli cues. The experiment included tests with an associated color, a matching foley sound, a matching soundscape, an incongruent color and an incongruent foley sound. The results showed that sound in general has a positive impact on someone's identification capabilities, which were measured by counting the amount of right answers on each test. The odors coffee, fish and leather had foley sound that greatly increased the amount of correct answers whilst the foley sound to lemon, rose and peppermint had less of an impact. People with an imparied sense of smell were affected similarly to the different stimuli as people without an impairment. Since identification of odors are dependent on prior experiences, some odors could be harder or easier to identify. In order to create an auditory icon for an odor there needs to be strong collective associations for it to be efficient in relaying information and not being distracting. / Covid-19 har haft en negativ effekt på människors förmåga att känna lukt, och därmed finns det ett intresse av att undersöka och hitta multimodala lösningar där andra sinnen kan hjälpa att identifiera en lukt. Det har inget större omfång av liknande forskning inom detta område. Däremot finns det studier som försökt hitta en koppling mellan ljud och lukt i andra kontexter. Målet med denna studie var att ta reda på ifall ljud kunde hjälpa att kommunicera en lukt för någon med försämrat luktsinne. Detta innebar att besvara frågor huruvida foleyljud kan förbättra människors luktidentifieringsförmåga, både för dem med nedsatt luktförmåga och oförändrat luktsinne. Det innebar också att testa ifall foleyljud är effektivare än andra typer av ljud. Forskningsfrågorna testades genom att först samla in ljud associationer till olika lukter, samt kulturella associationer. Datan analyserades för att hitta gemensamma teman att göra ljud av. Deltagarna i studien ombads skriva fria identifieringar efter att ha presenterats med doftpennor, samtidigt som de utsattes för ett annat stimulus. De stimulikombinationer som testades var doft med associerad färg, doft med ett tillhörande foleyljud, doft med en tillhörande ljudbild, samt versioner med inkongruent färg och inkongruent foleyljud. Resultatet visar att ljud har en positiv påverkan på personers identifieringsförmåga, vilket mättes med hur många som skrev rätt doft på varje test. Lukterna kaffe, fisk och läder hade foleyljud som ökade antalet rätta svar medan foleyljud till lukterna citron, ros och pepparmynta hade en mindre påverkan. Personer med nedsatt luktsinne påverkades på liknande sätt av de olika testerna som folk utan påverkan. Då luktperception påverkas av tidigare erfarenheter kan olika lukter vara svårare eller lättare att identifiera. För att lukt ska kunna sonifieras behövs starka kollektiva associationer som är tillräckligt kända för att lättare förmedla information och inte distrahera lyssnaren.

Neuropsychiatric phenotype of post COVID-19 syndrome in non-hospitalized patients

Lier, Julia, Stoll, Kristin, Obrig, Hellmuth, Baum, Paul, Deterding, Lea, Bernsdorff, Nora, Hermsdorf, Franz, Kunis, Ines, Bräsecke, Andrea, Herzig, Sabine, Schroeter, Matthias L, Thöne-Otto, Angelika, Riedel-Heller, Steffi G, Laufs, Ulrich, Wirtz, Hubert, Classen, Joseph, Saur, Dorothee 21 March 2024 (has links)
The post COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) is an emerging phenomenon worldwide with enormous socioeconomic impact. While many patients describe neuropsychiatric deficits, the symptoms are yet to be assessed and defined systematically. In this prospective cohort study, we report on the results of a neuropsychiatric consultation implemented in May 2021. A cohort of 105 consecutive patients with merely mild acute course of disease was identified by its high symptom load 6 months post infection using a standardized neurocognitive and psychiatric-psychosomatic assessment. In this cohort, we found a strong correlation between higher scores in questionnaires for fatigue (MFI-20), somatization (PHQ15) and depression (PHQ9) and worse functional outcome as measured by the post COVID functional scale (PCFS). In contrast, neurocognitive scales correlated with age, but not with PCFS. Standard laboratory and cardiopulmonary biomarkers did not differ between the group of patients with predominant neuropsychiatric symptoms and a control group of neuropsychiatrically unaffected PCS patients. Our study delineates a phenotype of PCS dominated by symptoms of fatigue, somatisation and depression. The strong association of psychiatric and psychosomatic symptoms with the PCFS warrants a systematic evaluation of psychosocial side effects of the pandemic itself and psychiatric comorbidities on the long-term outcome of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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