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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fil(s) de Rabelais : enquête sur les filiations modernes de l'écrivain (Nerval, Apollinaire) / Sons of Rabelais : investigation into the writer’s modern filiations

Malara, Anna-Joséphine 17 November 2012 (has links)
Pourquoi une thèse sur Rabelais, en 2012 ? Certes : en apparence on ne présente plus l’écrivain, qui s’inscrit ànotre Panthéon, sans conteste, comme l’un des « pères » de la littérature française. Pourtant, le constat quifonde notre propos, c’est qu’il y a, justement, une nécessité urgente à réintroduire Rabelais. Auprès du grandpublic – parce que les lecteurs la délaissent, souvent induits à penser qu’elle est illisible ou inactuelle. Leréintroduire, aussi, dans le discours de la critique généraliste, dont les recherches les plus stimulantes tendent àrejeter Rabelais, et son époque dans la sphère du non-littéraire. C’est aussi ce que les rares études sur laréception de l’écrivain indiquent : en suggérant qu’au-delà d’une série de reprises ponctuelles ou d’imitationsde second rang, l’auteur n’aurait pas eu de réelle postérité chez les écrivains modernes – et qu’il se serait heurtéà un « malentendu », sinon à une déconcertante « défiguration ». En somme, à l’époque moderne, l’oeuvre deRabelais s’identifie insidieusement à un objet du patrimoine : plus qu’à un objet littéraire – de rechercheslittéraires. Et en 2012, malgré soi, l’on en viendrait à reprendre les conclusions amères de Céline : que Rabelaisa « raté son coup ». Alors que faire ? Notre thèse sur les « fils de Rabelais », envisageant successivement les casde Nerval et d’Apollinaire, entend récuser ce constat accablant. En réhabilitant la notion de « fils » enlittérature, nous montrerons que Rabelais possède bel et bien une postérité dans la littérature moderne : qu’auXXIe siècle, son oeuvre réussit encore à faire parler d’elle – et à inspirer de nouveaux regards critiques. / Why present a thesis on Rabelais in 2012? Clearly, at first sight, we no longer need to showcase a writer who has undoubtedly earned his place in our Pantheon as one of the "fathers" of French literature. Yet, our whole thesis is based on the premise that there is a pressing need to revitalise Rabelais in our literary consciousness. Readers neglect his work – often led to believe that it is unintelligible or outdated – and the trend in the most stimulating of critical studies is to reject Rabelais and his era into the non-literary sphere. This is what the rare studies of how the writer was received show : they suggest that, aside from a series of one-off replications or substandard imitations, the author is not really a source of inspiration to modern writers – his legacy has come up against "misunderstanding" and has even bafflingly been "distorted". In short, in our modern age, Rabelais' work is insidiously identified as part of our heritage, rather than literary matter or a subject for literary study capable of inspiring critics and writers. If, in 2012, against our better judgment, we are tempted to concur with Céline's bitter conclusions: that Rabelais "failed in his design ". What should we do about it? The aim of our thesis on the "sons of Rabelais" is to challenge this damming conclusion, by considering successively Nerval’ and Apollinaire’ cases. Through a rehabilitation of the notion of a literary descendant or “son”, we will show that there is a clear thread between Rabelais and modern literature, and that in the 21st century, his work can still, and always still, succeed in attracting debate and discussion – inspiring fresh critical thought. Keywords : Rabelais – Nerval – Apollinaire – filiation – reception – posterity – analogy – manner.

"Puppeteer of your own past" : Marcel Duchamp and the manipulation of posterity

Lee, Michelle Anne January 2010 (has links)
The image of Marcel Duchamp as a brilliant but laconic dilettante has come to dominate the literature surrounding the artist’s life and work. His intellect and strategic brilliance were vaunted by his friends and contemporaries, and served as the basis of the mythology that has been coalescing around the artist and his work since before his death in 1968. Though few would challenge these attributions of intelligence, few have likewise considered the role that Duchamp’s prodigious mind played in bringing about the present state of his career. Many of the signal features of Duchamp’s artistic career: his avoidance of the commercial art market, his cultivation of patrons, his “retirement” from art and the secret creation and posthumous unveiling of his Étant Donnés: 1° la chute d’eau/2° le gaz d’éclairage, all played key roles in the development of the Duchampian mythos. Rather than treating Duchamp’s current art historical position as the fortuitous result of chance, this thesis attempts to examine the many and subtle ways in which Duchamp worked throughout his life to control how he and his work were and are perceived. Such an examination necessarily begins at the start of his relationship with the general and specialist media, through the auspices of his painting Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2. This is followed by an examination of Duchamp’s decades-long relationship with the press through the interviews given during his life. Duchamp’s concern for his physical legacy is explored next, initially through his relationships with his two dominant patrons, Walter and Louise Arensberg and Katherine Dreier. Not only did he act as advisor and dealer in the development of both prestigious collections, Duchamp had the privileged position of participant in the negotiations surrounding the disposition of the collections he had helped to build. Duchamp’s concern for the preservation of his physical legacy continued after the installation of his own work within major American museums. Thus, next is considered the development and effects of the two large-scale retrospectives of Duchamp’s work held within his lifetime. Finally is considered the role of Duchamp’s posthumous work, the Étant Donnés. Through the combination of secrecy and strategically revealed hints, Duchamp ensured that his final work would engender discussion long after his death.

Enjeux éthiques et écologiques de la responsabilité : vers une approche de la co-responsabilité / Ethical and ecological issues of responsibility : towards an approach of shared responsibility

Ndiaye, Ibrahima 25 June 2014 (has links)
Nombreuses sont les exigences qui s'adressent à nous, non pas seulement parce que nous sommes des sujets moraux, mais aussi en tant que citoyens, membres d'un corps politique dont il faut observer les règles pour en garantir la pérennité. Aussi notre responsabilité est-elle doublement convoquée tant bien sur le champ éthique que politique. En effet, le péril écologique nous rappelle notre devoir moral envers la postérité, pour le maintien d'un environnement viable. La menace d'une rupture du lien social, engendrée par un individualisme exacerbé, exige de trouver un nouveau contenu au concept de responsabilité, contenu qui devra être à la hauteur des enjeux de la situation. Seulement, le besoin de consommation frénétique, et la volonté de satisfaction immédiate de désirs, souvent frivoles, s'opposent à cet appel à concevoir une nouvelle forme de responsabilité, que nous définirons comme co-responsabilité. Un régime de sacrifices et une certaine disposition de l'esprit d'abnégation seront nécessaires compte tenu de l'urgence du moment. Mais hélas ! Ces renoncements sont occultés par des préoccupations égoïstes sans lendemain. Aussi, l'enquête menée ici, s'est-elle donnée comme objectif d'examiner les leviers susceptibles de mobiliser les ressources suffisamment persuasives pour accomplir une telle entreprise. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous nous sommes appuyés sur l'analyse de la notion de responsabilité tant dans son application politique, que dans sa rhétorique éthique. Selon Rousseau, l'espèce ne s'est élevée au-dessus de son caractère strictement biologique qu'en cessant d'obéir uniquement à ses pulsions. C'est dans la même veine que Kant affirmera l'autonomie du sujet qui assoira sa responsabilité morale. Mais l'anatomie du concept à laquelle nous avons procédée a permis de trouver à la responsabilité une fondation qui rompt avec tout volontarisme moral. En effet, la dialectique entre liberté et responsabilité a donné lieu à une conception plus féconde de la responsabilité, éthiquement parlant, du moins. En effet, il ne fait pas de doute que le responsable est au sens juridique, l'auteur d'une action accomplie en parfaite connaissance de causes. Ce qui implique la présence, chez cet auteur, d'une conscience à la fois psychologique et moral, d'un libre arbitre, d'une volonté libre. C'est ce que l'analyse de la liberté a permis de réaffirmer ici. Mais ce type de responsabilité formelle de n'importe quel acteur à l'égard de son action n'épuise pas la richesse des responsabilités qui nous incombent. Notre responsabilité ne découle pas exclusivement de notre liberté. Au contraire, elle la déborde et la contient, au niveau politique, mais surtout éthique. Une telle conception de la responsabilité sonne ou plutôt ré-sonne comme un appel à une responsabilité solidaire et collective. Elle ré-sonne, car cette forme de responsabilité qui consiste au secours que nous devons aux êtres vulnérables, condamnés à périr sans notre intervention a reçu ses lettres de noblesse sous la plume de Hans Jonas, dans son œuvre majeure : Le principe responsabilité. Cependant, c'est à Emmanuel Levinas que nous devons cette conception de la responsabilité que nous avons à l'égard des autres êtres. Responsabilité éthique orientée vers l'irréductible inquiétude pour l'Autre « dans la nudité de son visage » jusqu'à la substitution. À une époque où les rapports humains sont dé-réalisés parce que informatisés et numérisés, du fait du développement spectaculaire des nouveaux outils scientifiques et technologiques entraînant l'abrasion de l'empathie et de la sensibilité, il est important de réfléchir à nouveaux frais sur une vision quasi religieuse du progrès ignorant l'humain et la nature qu'il exploite. Aussi, militant pour la sauvegarde de conditions humainement viables, avons-nous cherché à replacer l'Homme et son avenir au cœur de toutes préoccupations... / Thus, the present investigation aims at examining the tools that can generate sufficiently persuasive resources in order to accomplish such a task. That's the reason why we relied on the analysis of the notion of responsibility as much in its political application as in its ethical rhetoric. According to Rousseau, mankind was able to rise above her strictly biological nature only by putting a stop to her drives. It is in the same vein that Kant will claim the autonomy of the subject who will be able to establish her moral responsibility. But the analysis of the concept we have undertaken has allowed us to claim that responsibility has a foundation that breaks with any moral voluntarism. Indeed, the dialectics between freedom and responsibility has brought about a more fertile conception of responsibility, at least ethically speaking. There is no doubt that one can be held legally responsible for something only when one accomplishes an action in full knowledge of the facts. This implies that the very person (subject) has a psychological and moral conscience, a free will, and a free volition. This is what the analysis of freedom has enabled to reaffirm here. But this kind of formal responsibility does not exhaust the richness of responsibilities that are incumbent upon us. Our responsibility does not spring exclusively from our freedom. On the contrary, it extends beyond it and contains it, on the political level, but above all on the ethical level. Such a conception of freedom rings or rather resonates as a call for an integral and collective responsibility. It resonates because this form of responsibility which consists in helping vulnerable beings who are condemned to perish without our intervention, has won its spurs with Hans Jonas, in his masterpiece: The Imperative of Responsibility. But, it is Emmanuel Levinas that we owe this conception of responsibility that we have towards other beings. An ethical responsibility concentrated on the irreducible concern for the Other "in the nakedness of his face" till the substitution. In a time when human relationships are being undone because they are being computerized and digitized through the dramatic development of new scientific and technological tools leading to the abrasion of empathy and sensitivity, it is crucial to reflect freshly upon a quasi-religious vision of progress that shrugs off the human being and the nature she uses. As activist for the preservation of humanly viable conditions, we have then attempted to replace the Human and her future in the centre of all concerns. Convinced that neither the absolute saint or the absolute devil exist, we aim at mobilizing all resources from the noble part of the Human Being in order to enable everyone to provide an appropriate answer to human distress and plays her role in expressing an immense and profound solidarity of souls…

Entre a arca do sigilo e o tribunal da posteridade: o (não) lugar do presente nas produções do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro / Between the ark of secrecy and the tribunal of posterity: the (non) place of the present on the productions of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro.

Isadora Tavares Maleval 24 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Esta tese investiga, através das produções do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro entre 1838 e 1889, sobretudo o seu periódico, os limites para a escrita da história do presente no século XIX. Os sócios, imbuídos de um discurso que por vezes legitimava essa prática por considerá-la pertinente em uma associação próxima ao imperador D. Pedro II, em geral a desqualificavam em prol de uma concepção moderna de história na qual o afastamento temporal, combinado à imparcialidade, era condição fundamental para se chegar à verdade dos fatos, e de contingências políticas do próprio tempo. Assim, a partir da análise do cotidiano da associação extraiu-se uma sequência de procedimentos que levou à consideração de que a força da censura foi muito maior do que a da permissividade em relação ao tratamento de fatos coetâneos naquele momento. A utilização de outras fontes de pesquisa, como memórias históricas e autobiografias produzidas fora do grêmio, além da análise das produções do Institut Historique de Paris, permitiu a ampliação da problemática e a conclusão de que se não havia um único conjunto de regras a partir do qual o historiador devia se pautar, mesmo no IHGB, fora dele essa diversidade era ainda maior e nisso incluía-se o problema da história contemporânea. / This thesis investigates, through the production of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro between 1838 and 1889, especially its journal, the limits for the writing of presents history in the nineteenth century. The associates, imbued with a speech that sometimes legitimized this practical, considering the relevance of the close association between the institution and the Emperor D. Pedro II, generally disqualified it on favor of a historys modern conception at which the temporal distance, combined with impartiality, was an essential condition to get to the truth of the facts, in addition to the political contingencies of the own time. Therefore, starting from the associations daily analysis it was possible to extracted a sequence of procedures that led to the consideration that the strength of censorship was much bigger than the permissiveness of regarding the treatment of recents facts at this proper time. The use of other sources of research, such as historical memories and autobiographies produced outside the society, as well as analysis of the productions of the Institut Historique of Paris, allowed the enlargement of the question and the conclusion that if it wasnt one single rule which could be guide the historian, even in IHGB, out of this association, the diversity would be even bigger and the problem of contemporary history would be included on it.

Entre a arca do sigilo e o tribunal da posteridade: o (não) lugar do presente nas produções do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro / Between the ark of secrecy and the tribunal of posterity: the (non) place of the present on the productions of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro.

Isadora Tavares Maleval 24 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Esta tese investiga, através das produções do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro entre 1838 e 1889, sobretudo o seu periódico, os limites para a escrita da história do presente no século XIX. Os sócios, imbuídos de um discurso que por vezes legitimava essa prática por considerá-la pertinente em uma associação próxima ao imperador D. Pedro II, em geral a desqualificavam em prol de uma concepção moderna de história na qual o afastamento temporal, combinado à imparcialidade, era condição fundamental para se chegar à verdade dos fatos, e de contingências políticas do próprio tempo. Assim, a partir da análise do cotidiano da associação extraiu-se uma sequência de procedimentos que levou à consideração de que a força da censura foi muito maior do que a da permissividade em relação ao tratamento de fatos coetâneos naquele momento. A utilização de outras fontes de pesquisa, como memórias históricas e autobiografias produzidas fora do grêmio, além da análise das produções do Institut Historique de Paris, permitiu a ampliação da problemática e a conclusão de que se não havia um único conjunto de regras a partir do qual o historiador devia se pautar, mesmo no IHGB, fora dele essa diversidade era ainda maior e nisso incluía-se o problema da história contemporânea. / This thesis investigates, through the production of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro between 1838 and 1889, especially its journal, the limits for the writing of presents history in the nineteenth century. The associates, imbued with a speech that sometimes legitimized this practical, considering the relevance of the close association between the institution and the Emperor D. Pedro II, generally disqualified it on favor of a historys modern conception at which the temporal distance, combined with impartiality, was an essential condition to get to the truth of the facts, in addition to the political contingencies of the own time. Therefore, starting from the associations daily analysis it was possible to extracted a sequence of procedures that led to the consideration that the strength of censorship was much bigger than the permissiveness of regarding the treatment of recents facts at this proper time. The use of other sources of research, such as historical memories and autobiographies produced outside the society, as well as analysis of the productions of the Institut Historique of Paris, allowed the enlargement of the question and the conclusion that if it wasnt one single rule which could be guide the historian, even in IHGB, out of this association, the diversity would be even bigger and the problem of contemporary history would be included on it.

La rhétorique chez Martianus Capella : Édition critique, traduction et commentaire du livre 5 des Noces de Philologie et de Mercure / Rhetoric in Martianus Capella : Critical edition, French translation and commentary of Book 5 of The Marriage of Philology and Mercury

Piazza, Élisabeth 27 November 2015 (has links)
L’encyclopédie en neuf livres de Martianus Capella, vraisemblablement composée au début du Ve s. après J.-C., se situe à la transition entre les conceptions antiques et médiévales de la « formation libérale ». Sept sciences, dons de Mercure à Philologie, exposent leur discipline devant les dieux, et forment un programme d’ascension de l’âme vers le monde divin et rationnel. En promettant un exposé conforme au statut de science (disciplina) qu’elle partage avec ses six compagnes, Rhétorique propose de dépasser les débats dont elle fait l’objet : son enseignement veut construire un art général de l’argumentation persuasive. Notre étude définit la place du livre 5 dans l’œuvre de Martianus et dans la tradition rhétorique antique. Contrairement aux traités des rhéteurs latins tardifs qui nous sont parvenus, le traité du livre 5 adopte (et adapte) les orientations des derniers ouvrages rhétoriques de Cicéron (le De oratore notamment) : la théorie est conçue pour répondre aussi bien aux questions « particulières », domaine des orateurs, qu’aux questions « générales » et philosophiques. Cette conception de la rhétorique n’est pas nouvelle : elle s’appuie sur des traditions philosophiques d’enseignement de la rhétorique, notamment développées dans des cadres péripatéticiens et académiciens. Le traité de Martianus est toutefois le seul témoin tardif qui reprenne ces perspectives avancées, et cherche à les organiser sous forme systématique. Science de la parole persuasive, la rhétorique occupe une place essentielle dans la mise en œuvre du projet de Martianus, et constitue une étape importante avant le principe plus élevé représenté par l’harmonie. / Martianus Capella’s encyclopedic work, probably composed in the early 5th century A.D., forms an original transition between Ancient and Medieval conceptions of "liberal education". As wedding gifts given by Mercury to Philology, seven Sciences present their branch of knowledge in a divine assembly : this scientific programme aims at the ascension of the soul towards the divine and rational world. Rhetoric answers (and goes beyond) the traditional critics directed against oratory. She promises a presentation consistent with the status of science (disciplina) she shares with her six companions : her teaching builds a general art of persuasive argument. Our study defines the position of Book 5 in Martianus’ work and in the Ancient rhetorical traditions. Whereas the Late Latin rhetorical handbooks that have survived partake of the « standard » rhetorical teaching, Martianus’ Book 5 adopts (and adapts) the guidelines of the Cicero’s latest rhetorical works (especially De oratore) : the theory is designed to meet both "particular " questions, area of orators, and the "general" philosophical questions. This conception of rhetoric is not new : it relies on philosophical traditions of teaching rhetoric that were developed in Peripatetic and Academic settings. Martianus’ Book 5 is however the only Late Antique testimony that embraces these advanced prospects, and seeks to organise them in a systematic form. As the science of persuasive speech, Rhetoric plays an essential role in Martianus’ project, and constitutes an important step before the higher principle represented by Harmony.

Paper Dinosaurs : field notes as finds in Robert Kroetsch's Badlands

Pane, Samuel A. 08 1900 (has links)
Des dinosaures sur papier : des notes « sur le terrain » comme on en trouve dans le Badlands de Robert Kroetsch passe en revue cette œuvre postmoderne de 1975 portant sur une expédition paléontologique fictive près de la rivière Red Deer, en Alberta, conformément à la récente tendance à exiger la vérification systématique des données à la base des récits métafictifs historiographiques dans la littérature canadienne-anglaise. Inspirée de l’exploration canonique qu’a effectuée John Livingston-Lowes des plus grands poèmes de Samuel Taylor Coleridge par le biais de la mine d’or du Gutch Memorandum Book dans The Road to Xanadu, cette thèse entreprend un nouveau type de recherche qui se démarque des archives conventionnelles et de la tradition documentaire. S’appuyant sur des documents holographes non publiés provenant de dépôts d’archives situés au Québec, en Ontario et en Alberta et écrits par des collecteurs, des géologues et des paléontologues de la Commission géologique du Canada, ainsi que sur des notes « sur le terrain », des notes de recherche et des journaux personnels écrits par Robert Kroetsch pendant la rédaction de son roman Badlands, cet examen critique révèle les strates sous-jacentes inédites d’une œuvre de fiction particulière. Dans pratiquement toute fouille paléontologique, le retrait de ce qui enveloppe un spécimen révèle souvent des données supplémentaires qui peuvent, si elles sont soigneusement interprétées, offrir des indices essentiels sur les environnements paléontologiques. Ainsi, un squelette de dinosaure est rarement retiré d’une carrière stérile dans son intégralité. Il en va de même pour toute recherche sur un processus littéraire. Aucun texte ne s’autosuffit. Comme Kroetsch s’est efforcé de produire son récit sous forme d’interrogation sur la création et la transmission des données historiques, particulièrement grâce à des notes « sur le terrain », une vaste étude de ce « terrain » comprenant des intertextes de l’Antiquité, des sciences, de l’Histoire, de l’histoire populaire, de récits de voyages et de la littérature canadienne et internationale est ici menée. On y fait librement référence à des périodes et à des auteurs très diversifiés, allant de Thomas Jefferson et des tombelles à Bruce Chatwin et sa peau de « brontosaure ». Évidemment, aucune entreprise interdisciplinaire du genre ne peut être exhaustive. Ce projet se veut plutôt une vitrine littéraire réunissant des curiosités autour d’une œuvre principale, soit le Badlands de Robert Kroetsch. Réduites à leur plus simple expression, les notes « sur le terrain » constituent des messages destinés à la postérité. En explorant trois thèmes principaux, cette thèse explique comment ces messages pourraient être transmis. « Saxa Loquuntur ! », ainsi intitulé en référence à l’analogie de Freud avec l’archéologie, traite des métaphores associées aux témoignages de la pierre ; « Good Jones » porte sur les façons dont la taxinomie peut combler le désir d’un chercheur d’os de ne pas tomber dans l’oubli ; « Box 16 » suit une piste documentaire en parcourant les écrits de Kroetsch pour reconstituer tant l’élaboration d’un roman que les notions de temps, d’espace et d’origine d’une œuvre littéraire. / Paper Dinosaurs: Field Notes as Finds in Robert Kroetsch's Badlands revisits the 1975 postmodern novel about a fictionalized palaeontological expedition down Alberta's Red Deer River in light of recent calls for systematic investigation into the source materials of historiographic meta-fictions in anglophone Canadian literature. Inspired by John Livingston-Lowes' canonical dissection of the major poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, via the treasure trove of the Gutch Memorandum Book in The Road to Xanadu, this study undertakes a new process focused inquiry into the archive and into the documentary tradition. By excavating unpublished holograph materials from Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta repositories written by Geological Survey of Canada collectors, geologists, and palaeontologists, in addition to field-notes, research notes and diaries produced by Robert Kroetsch during the writing of Badlands, this critical examination reveals hitherto unseen strata underlying a particular work of fiction. In most any palaeontological dig the removal of overburden from a target specimen often exposes surprising ancillary data, which through careful interpretation may give vital clues to palaeo-enviromments. A dinosaur skeleton is rarely pried whole from a sterile quarry. Neither is any inquiry into literary process. No text exists unto itself. Because Kroetsch so self-consciously crafted his narrative as an interrogation of history generation and transmission – specifically via the written word in the vehicle of field-notes – this study surveys a broad field encompassing inter-texts from antiquity, science, history, popular history, travel writing, Canadian and World literatures. Recourse is freely made to widely divergent authors and periods from Thomas Jefferson and the barrow mounds to Bruce Chatwin and his "brontosaurus" skin. Of course no such inter-disciplinary enterprise can be exhaustive. Rather this project assembles a kind of literary cabinet of curiosities grouped around the principal specimen of Robert Kroetsch's Badlands. In their most reductive configuration, field notes are messages to posterity. Through three main themes this study explores how these messages may be conveyed: "Saxa Loquuntur!", so titled after Freud's archaeological analogy, investigates metaphors of stone speaking; "Good Jones" interrogates how taxonomy can be made to serve a bone collector's desire to be remembered; and finally "Box 16" follows a documentary trail into Kroetsch's papers to trace not only the construction of a novel but also notions of time and place, and authorship.

Paper Dinosaurs : field notes as finds in Robert Kroetsch's Badlands

Pane, Samuel A. 08 1900 (has links)
Des dinosaures sur papier : des notes « sur le terrain » comme on en trouve dans le Badlands de Robert Kroetsch passe en revue cette œuvre postmoderne de 1975 portant sur une expédition paléontologique fictive près de la rivière Red Deer, en Alberta, conformément à la récente tendance à exiger la vérification systématique des données à la base des récits métafictifs historiographiques dans la littérature canadienne-anglaise. Inspirée de l’exploration canonique qu’a effectuée John Livingston-Lowes des plus grands poèmes de Samuel Taylor Coleridge par le biais de la mine d’or du Gutch Memorandum Book dans The Road to Xanadu, cette thèse entreprend un nouveau type de recherche qui se démarque des archives conventionnelles et de la tradition documentaire. S’appuyant sur des documents holographes non publiés provenant de dépôts d’archives situés au Québec, en Ontario et en Alberta et écrits par des collecteurs, des géologues et des paléontologues de la Commission géologique du Canada, ainsi que sur des notes « sur le terrain », des notes de recherche et des journaux personnels écrits par Robert Kroetsch pendant la rédaction de son roman Badlands, cet examen critique révèle les strates sous-jacentes inédites d’une œuvre de fiction particulière. Dans pratiquement toute fouille paléontologique, le retrait de ce qui enveloppe un spécimen révèle souvent des données supplémentaires qui peuvent, si elles sont soigneusement interprétées, offrir des indices essentiels sur les environnements paléontologiques. Ainsi, un squelette de dinosaure est rarement retiré d’une carrière stérile dans son intégralité. Il en va de même pour toute recherche sur un processus littéraire. Aucun texte ne s’autosuffit. Comme Kroetsch s’est efforcé de produire son récit sous forme d’interrogation sur la création et la transmission des données historiques, particulièrement grâce à des notes « sur le terrain », une vaste étude de ce « terrain » comprenant des intertextes de l’Antiquité, des sciences, de l’Histoire, de l’histoire populaire, de récits de voyages et de la littérature canadienne et internationale est ici menée. On y fait librement référence à des périodes et à des auteurs très diversifiés, allant de Thomas Jefferson et des tombelles à Bruce Chatwin et sa peau de « brontosaure ». Évidemment, aucune entreprise interdisciplinaire du genre ne peut être exhaustive. Ce projet se veut plutôt une vitrine littéraire réunissant des curiosités autour d’une œuvre principale, soit le Badlands de Robert Kroetsch. Réduites à leur plus simple expression, les notes « sur le terrain » constituent des messages destinés à la postérité. En explorant trois thèmes principaux, cette thèse explique comment ces messages pourraient être transmis. « Saxa Loquuntur ! », ainsi intitulé en référence à l’analogie de Freud avec l’archéologie, traite des métaphores associées aux témoignages de la pierre ; « Good Jones » porte sur les façons dont la taxinomie peut combler le désir d’un chercheur d’os de ne pas tomber dans l’oubli ; « Box 16 » suit une piste documentaire en parcourant les écrits de Kroetsch pour reconstituer tant l’élaboration d’un roman que les notions de temps, d’espace et d’origine d’une œuvre littéraire. / Paper Dinosaurs: Field Notes as Finds in Robert Kroetsch's Badlands revisits the 1975 postmodern novel about a fictionalized palaeontological expedition down Alberta's Red Deer River in light of recent calls for systematic investigation into the source materials of historiographic meta-fictions in anglophone Canadian literature. Inspired by John Livingston-Lowes' canonical dissection of the major poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, via the treasure trove of the Gutch Memorandum Book in The Road to Xanadu, this study undertakes a new process focused inquiry into the archive and into the documentary tradition. By excavating unpublished holograph materials from Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta repositories written by Geological Survey of Canada collectors, geologists, and palaeontologists, in addition to field-notes, research notes and diaries produced by Robert Kroetsch during the writing of Badlands, this critical examination reveals hitherto unseen strata underlying a particular work of fiction. In most any palaeontological dig the removal of overburden from a target specimen often exposes surprising ancillary data, which through careful interpretation may give vital clues to palaeo-enviromments. A dinosaur skeleton is rarely pried whole from a sterile quarry. Neither is any inquiry into literary process. No text exists unto itself. Because Kroetsch so self-consciously crafted his narrative as an interrogation of history generation and transmission – specifically via the written word in the vehicle of field-notes – this study surveys a broad field encompassing inter-texts from antiquity, science, history, popular history, travel writing, Canadian and World literatures. Recourse is freely made to widely divergent authors and periods from Thomas Jefferson and the barrow mounds to Bruce Chatwin and his "brontosaurus" skin. Of course no such inter-disciplinary enterprise can be exhaustive. Rather this project assembles a kind of literary cabinet of curiosities grouped around the principal specimen of Robert Kroetsch's Badlands. In their most reductive configuration, field notes are messages to posterity. Through three main themes this study explores how these messages may be conveyed: "Saxa Loquuntur!", so titled after Freud's archaeological analogy, investigates metaphors of stone speaking; "Good Jones" interrogates how taxonomy can be made to serve a bone collector's desire to be remembered; and finally "Box 16" follows a documentary trail into Kroetsch's papers to trace not only the construction of a novel but also notions of time and place, and authorship.

論代間正義:一個羅爾斯式的觀點 / On Intergenerational Justice: A Rawlsian Perspective

楊士奇, Yang, Shi-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文題旨為:「論代間正義:一個羅爾斯式的觀點」。代間正義是晚近三十年來新興且益愈受到重視的倫理學議題之一,其主要關切的核心問題,乃在於追問「當代之於後代所應擔負的責任」。本文透過當代政治哲學與倫理學家羅爾斯(John Rawls)有關社會正義理論的設計與主張,分兩部分處理此問題。 / 第一部份所處理的問題為由帕菲特(Derek Parfit)所深化之「後代人格不同一問題」(The Non-Identity Problem),旨在探究「代間正義是否可能」。帕菲特指出,前代不同的行為選擇,將造成不同後代的存在,而這使得現存既有之各種權利與責任相對應的理論,無法合理地適用於代間關係。帕菲特主張,可以採取「忽略特定人格的比較(品質)原則」以解決此後代人格不同一問題。然而,帕菲特此舉卻陷入「不特定人格的後代無法追究前代之行為責任」的理論困境。本文主張,透過羅爾斯原初位置(original position)的理論設計啟發,即便在代間存在著「前代不同的行為選擇,將造成不同後代的存在」的後代人格不同一疑慮,當代仍可採納原初位置的理論啟示,區分人的屬性(properties)與獨特性(particular)的差異,在後代存有人格不同一問題(獨特性)的情形下,針對「屬性」而確立追問當代之於後代所應擔負責任之正當性。 / 第二部分主要處理羅爾斯有關代間正義觀點的內部論證問題,並進一步藉此說明「代間正義如何可能」。羅爾斯以「正義的儲蓄原則」(just savings principle)說明代間的分配正義問題,並《正義論》(A Theory of Justice)中將它納入正義二原則之中,成為建構社會基本體制的基本原則之一。然而,羅爾斯早期解釋與證成儲蓄原則的相關理據如動機假定(motivation assumption)與家族模式等,卻可能與其他理論假定如締約者的理性等相衝突、衍生解釋融貫上的困難,而遭到眾多學者們的質疑。羅爾斯在一九九三年的《政治自由主義》(Political Liberalism)中對此做出回應,並將關切下一代的動機假定,修正為「要求前代也承諾遵守他們所遵守的儲蓄原則,無論向前或向後追溯多遠」。除此之外,羅爾斯於《正義論》以外的其他著作,在提及正義二原則時,皆不再表述「正義的儲蓄原則」。本文認為羅爾斯後期所提出的證立主張,不僅整合了代內分配正義(差異原則)與代間分配正義(儲蓄原則)的論證理據(小中取大規則的應用),更與其主張「社會作為一世代相繼之公平的合作體系」時所標舉之「相互性理念」(the idea of reciprocity)的核心概念相符應。本文認為,在論證理據得到順利整合的前提下,羅爾斯仍可在後期表述正義二原則時,將「正義的儲蓄原則」放回其中,並可據此呼應當代永續發展理念「既滿足當代人的需求,又不對後代人滿足其需求的能力造成危害」的核心主張。 / The topic “Intergenerational Justice” is one of the newest but getting more important ethics problems to contemporaries. One of the key points of this issue is how to make sense of our obligations to the posterity (include future people) if possible. In this dissertation, I intend to clarify this problem by Rawls’s theory of justice into two parts. / The first part is “The Non-Identity Problem” held by Derek Parfit. This problem shows that “in the different outcomes, different people would be born”, and it seems inactive the traditional theories of rights. Parfit suggests that we can through it by the priinciple Q: “if in either of two outcomes the same number of people would ever live, it would be bad if those who live are worse off, or have a lower quality of life, than those who would have lived.” But this principle makes new difficulties about this problem. According Reiman, I argue that we can adjust this non-identity problem by the theory hypothesis “Original Position” of Rawls’s theory of justice, and that there are obligations from contemporaries to the future people. / The second part is about the arguments of Rawls’s theory of justice between generations. According to early Rawls in 1971, the theory of justice between generations represented by the “just savings principle” and was one part of the Two Principles of Justice in A Theory of Justice. But there are some argument troubles about the assumptions that makes the theory of justice between generations difficultly, especially on the “motivation assumption” and the family mode and so on. In 1993, Rawls changed his arguments about the theory of justice between generations, but he also take off the just savings principle from the Two Principles of Justice in other books or articles besides A Theory of Justice. I argue that latter arguments seem more reasonable to the theory of justice between generations, and they also makes the whole theory of social justice comprehensive. Then I argue that Rawls can still presents the just savings principle when he says about the Two Principles of Justice.

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