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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of postnatal care rendered to HIV positive women and their infants

Dlamini, Bongani Robert 01 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate care rendered to HIV positive women and their infants during the first six weeks of postpartum. Quantitative, descriptive, cross sectional and analytic study was conducted to investigate postnatal care services provided to HIV positive mothers. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. 372 respondents participated in the study. Descriptive data analysis was used; Epi info version 3.5.2 software was used. The study highlighted that the quality of PNC was compromised, in all levels including the critical immediate postnatal care, 3-14 days and 6 weeks postnatal care services. All health facilities that were involved in the study had the basic resources to render quality postnatal care. Negative attitudes of staff and long waiting time (16.7%), were the most deterrents to postnatal care. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Etude du développement postnatal des motoneurones lombaires de deux souches de souris transgéniques, modèles de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique / Postnanal development study of lumbar motoneurons of two trangenic mice strains, models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Pambo-Pambo, Arnaud Brice 17 December 2010 (has links)
Les modèles murins de la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique (SLA) ont permis des avancées dans la compréhension des mécanismes pouvant conduire à la mort sélective et progressive des motoneurones (Mns) mais ils présentent des disparités dans la sévérité et le décours temporel de la maladie. Parmi les hypothèses avancées figurent des modifications des propriétés intrinsèques des motoneurones conduisant à des modifications de l’excitabilité et de l’homéostasie du calcium intracellulaire et à la mort du motoneurone.Nous avons donc étudié les propriétés électrophysiologiques des Mns lombaires de souris SOD1G85R et SOD1G93A, deux modèles à faible nombre de copies du gène humain muté, durant les deux premières semaines postnatales afin d’identifier d’éventuelles anomalies pré-symptomatiques précoces. Nos travaux ont été réalisés sur deux préparations in vitro de moelle entière isolée et de tranches de moelle épinière. Les Mns mutants présentent, sur les deux types de préparations, une altération des propriétés du potentiel d’action se traduisant par un allongement de la durée associée à une diminution des vitesses maximales de dépolarisation et repolarisation et une réduction d’amplitude. Ces altérations apparaissent entre P2-P5 dans les Mns SOD1G85R et entre P6-P10 dans les Mns SOD1G93A et suggèrent une diminution de la densité des canaux sodiques et potassiques associés au potentiel d’action. Nous avons aussi observé sur des tranches de moelle épinière entre P6-P10 que le gain de fréquence des Mns SOD1G85R diminue et celui des SOD1G93A augmente sans aucune modification des densités des courants entrants persistants sodiques et calciques. On note également que, sur tranches de moelle épinière, les Mns SOD1G93A présentent un potentiel de repos diminué. En présence d’une surcharge calcique extracellulaire, les propriétés membranaires des Mns SOD1G85R entre P6-P10 sont moins affectées que celles des Mns témoins. Les effets différentiels de cette surcharge peuvent être dus à des modifications différentes de la dépendance au voltage des canaux voltage-dépendants et/ou à la modulation de certains types de canaux activés par le calcium extracellulaire. Une arborisation dendritique plus ramifiée que celle de Mns témoins, comparable à celle précédemment décrite dans les Mns SOD1G85R, a été observée dans les Mns SOD1G93A à P8-P9 avec des altérations du potentiel d’action citées plus haut et une réduction de la rhéobase. Ces altérations morphologiques et électriques pourraient indiquer des modifications de cinétiques et/ou de densités de canaux sur des sites différents dans ces Mns. Nos travaux montrent donc, d’une part que les mutations SOD1G85R et SOD1G93A induisent dans ces deux modèles murins des altérations des propriétés des Mns lombaires comparables mais décalées dans le temps et d’autre part que certaines altérations semblent être spécifiques à une mutation SOD1 donnée. / The SOD1 murine models of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) allowed major progress in the understanding of mechanisms which could lead to a selective loss of motoneurons (Mns), but these models display differences in the severity and time course of the disease. Changes in intrinsic properties of motoneurons may induce changes in excitability and intracellular calcium homeostasis leading to motoneuron death.Therefore, we studied electrophysiological properties of lumbar Mns from SOD1G85R and SOD1G93A mice, low expressor lines, during the first two postnatal weeks in order to identify possible early presymptomatic abnormalities. Our studies were carried out on two in vitro preparations: the whole isolated spinal cord and acute spinal cord slices. Mutant Mns display, in the two preparations, a modified action potential characterized by an increased duration due to a decrease of the maximal speeds of depolarisation and repolarisation and a reduction of the spike amplitude. These alterations appeared between P2-P5 in SOD1G85R Mns and between P6-P10 in SOD1G93A Mns and suggest a decrease of the density of sodium and potassium channels related to action potential. We also showed on spinal cord slices between P6-P10 that the gain of frequency decreases for SOD1G85R Mns and increases for SOD1G93A Mns without any change in the density of persistent inward sodium or calcium currents in these different mutant Mns. We observed also that the resting membrane potential of SOD1G93A Mns on spinal cord slices is decreased. The membrane properties of SOD1G85R Mns between P6-P10 were less susceptible to changes in presence of an extracellular calcium overload. Differential effects of this extracellular calcium overload on membrane properties of WT and SOD1G85R Mns could be due to different alterations of the potential dependence of voltage-gated channels and/or to the modulation of some types of channels sensitive to extracellular calcium. An over-branching of dendritic arborization, similar to that previously described in SOD1G85R Mns, was observed in SOD1G93A at P8-P9 with the above-mentioned action potential alterations and a weak rheobasic current. These morphogical and electrical changes could indicate together alterations of kinetics and/or density of channels on different sites on these Mns. In conclusion, our work shows on one hand that SOD1G85R and SOD1G93A mutations induce similar alterations of lumbar Mns properties but time-shifted in these two murine models and on the other hand that some alterations seem to be specific to a given SOD1 mutation.

La peau, un modèle d'horloge périphérique / The skin as a peripheral clock model

Liu, Taole 03 March 2014 (has links)
Ce travail avait pour objet d’étudier les propriétés d’horloge et de synchronisation de la peau, un modèle potentiel d’horloge périphérique. L’activité rythmique a été analysée par bioluminescence en temps réel, sur des explants de peau abdominale et des fibroblastes dermiques primaires, isolés à partir de rats transgéniques Per1-luciférase. Nous avons montré que des explants de peau présentent une activité rythmique soutenue en culture, indiquant une importante synchronisation interne dans le tissu. Cette synchronisation se manifeste au cours du développement post-natal à partir de 1 mois et augmente jusqu’à 6 mois, avant de décroître, laissant place à des rythmes altérés à l’âge de 2 ans. Nous avons aussi établi que les fibroblastes dermiques présentent la propriété de compensation thermique commune à toutes les horloges circadiennes, et qu’ils sont potentiellement synchronisables par la mélatonine puisque celle-ci augmente leur amplitude en culture. Nous avons aussi préparé un vecteur lentiviral exprimant le gène rapporteur luciférase sous le contrôle du promoteur du gène horloge Bmal1, un nouvel outil pour compléter l’étude des rythmes dans les cellules de la peau. / This work aimed to investigate the skin as a potential model of peripheral clock by characterizing its rhythmic and synchronization properties. Circadian activity was examined in abdominal skin explants and fibroblasts derived from Per1-Luciferase transgenic rats by real-time recording of bioluminescence. First, the skin clock was characterized from early postnatal to old age. Low amplitude oscillations appeared at 1 month only and their robustness increased until 6 months. In 1-2 year-old rats, skin circadian rhythms showed decreasing amplitude and abnormal cycles. Primary fibroblasts derived from the skin at the same ages demonstrated similar pattern of clock activity. Temperature compensation, an intrinsic clock feature, was shown the first time in skin and primary fibroblasts. Secondly, we demonstrated a phase-dependent effect of melatonin to increase the amplitude of oscillations in skin primary fibroblasts, indicating it displays a synchronising role in the circadiansystem. Finally, to facilitate our studies on the multioscillatory skin tissue, we constructed a lentivirus carrying a Bmal1-luciferase reporter, to measure clock genes activities in human skin cells.

An evaluation of postnatal care rendered to HIV positive women and their infants

Dlamini, Bongani Robert 01 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate care rendered to HIV positive women and their infants during the first six weeks of postpartum. Quantitative, descriptive, cross sectional and analytic study was conducted to investigate postnatal care services provided to HIV positive mothers. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. 372 respondents participated in the study. Descriptive data analysis was used; Epi info version 3.5.2 software was used. The study highlighted that the quality of PNC was compromised, in all levels including the critical immediate postnatal care, 3-14 days and 6 weeks postnatal care services. All health facilities that were involved in the study had the basic resources to render quality postnatal care. Negative attitudes of staff and long waiting time (16.7%), were the most deterrents to postnatal care. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Postnatal ocular development in laboratory animals : a histological and immunohistochemical study

Vrolyk, Vanessa 04 1900 (has links)
La vue est sans doute le plus important des sens. L'anatomie, l'histologie et la physiologie de l'œil normale chez les espèces de laboratoire adultes ont généralement été bien documentées. Cependant, les références décrivant les caractéristiques histomorphologiques du développement oculaire postnatal chez les animaux de laboratoire demeurent sporadiques et incomplètes. L'évaluation de tissus oculaires provenant d'animaux immatures peut être nécessaire lors d’études précliniques juvéniles de toxicité effectuées dans le but d’évaluer l'innocuité de médicaments destinés à la population pédiatrique. En effet, les données découlant d'études précliniques réalisées avec des animaux matures ne sont pas toujours jugées appropriées pour évaluer la toxicité d'un composé lorsqu'il est administré à des enfants. Cependant, la rareté des références histologiques sur le développement postnatal chez les animaux, ainsi que l'absence courante de témoins appariés selon l'âge pour les animaux sacrifiés de façon précoce lors d’études juvéniles, peuvent rendre difficile l'analyse des structures de l’œil en développement. Ainsi, l'objectif de cette thèse était de fournir des connaissances histologiques et immunohistochimiques (IHC) sur le développement oculaire postnatal, de la naissance au stade prépubère, chez le rat Sprague Dawley (SD), cochon domestique (DP), cochon miniature Göttingen (MP) et chien Beagle (BG). Les résultats de cette thèse ont démontré l'immaturité marquée de toutes les structures oculaires chez les rats SD et les chiens BG à la naissance et pendant la période postnatale. À la naissance, la rétine chez ces espèces altriciales était encore composée de la couche neuroblastique externe fœtale, et plusieurs étapes cruciales de la rétinogenèse, mises en évidence avec l’IHC, se sont produites lors des premières semaines de vie. D’autres évidences d'immaturité oculaire chez ces espèces incluaient la stratification de l’épithélium cornéen lors de l'ouverture des paupières et la présence de vestiges de la vascularisation hyaloïde. En revanche, les yeux des DP et MP, considérés comme une espèce précoce, étaient davantage développés à la naissance, néanmoins, d'importants changements de morphogenèse ont été observés lors de la période postnatale. Par exemple, la rétine du cochon néonatal présentait des photorécepteurs peu développés. Chez toutes les espèces examinées, la prolifération cellulaire et l'engagement des cellules dans le cycle cellulaire, mis en évidence avec Ki-67 et/ou PHH3, étaient prédominants dans la majorité des structures oculaires en développement. L'apoptose, démontrée avec l'IHC contre caspase-3 activé et/ou l'histochimie TUNEL, s’est avérée une caractéristique histologique clé à des âges précis de la rétinogenèse chez les rats SD et les chiens BG. Ce changement était aussi notable dans l'épithélium immature du cristallin du rat SD, ainsi que dans les vestiges hyaloïdes chez toutes les espèces. Enfin, des évidences d’activation non-apoptotique de caspase-3 ont été observées dans différents types cellulaires chez toutes les espèces. Les connaissances présentées dans cette thèse pourront servir de référence pour les pathologistes devant évaluer des structures oculaires en développement dans le cadre d'études précliniques de toxicité. Par ailleurs, les résultats de cette thèse ouvrent la voie pour des investigations plus approfondies sur le développement oculaire, particulièrement chez le chien et le cochon, qui pourront servir à des recherches futures en ophtalmologie pédiatrique. / Vison is arguably the most important of senses. The normal anatomy, histology, and physiology of the eye in mature laboratory species have generally been well documented, particularly in rodents. However, references addressing the histomorphological features of the postnatal ocular development in laboratory animals, notably in nonprimate large animal models, remain sporadic and incomplete. From a veterinary toxicologic pathology perspective, the evaluation of ocular tissues from immature animals may be needed during different types of preclinical juvenile animal toxicity studies conducted to assess the safety of xenobiotics on the pediatric population. Data from preclinical studies conducted in mature animals are often not deemed appropriate to evaluate the toxicity of a drug when administered to children, thus warranting the need to use juvenile animals. However, the paucity of histological references describing the postnatal development of laboratory animals, along with the common lack of age-matched controls when animals are unexpectedly sacrificed (or found death) early during juvenile studies, can render the analysis of developing ocular structures challenging. Thus, the objective of this thesis was to provide comprehensive histological and immunohistochemical (IHC) knowledge on the postnatal ocular development, using several age timepoints from birth to the peripubertal stage, in the Sprague Dawley (SD) rat, domestic pig (DP), Göttingen minipig (MP) and Beagle (BG) dog. Overall, the results from this thesis demonstrated the marked immaturity of all ocular structures in SD rats and BG dogs at birth and during the postnatal period. Notably, the retina at birth in these altricial species still contained the highly proliferative fetal outer neuroblastic layer, and critical retinogenesis events, highlighted with IHC, occurred rapidly during the first few weeks of life. Other noteworthy features of ocular immaturity in these species included the corneal epithelial stratification happening around the time of eyelid opening, the presence of hyaloid vascular remnants, and the globally poorly developed eye anterior segment. Contrastingly, the eyes of the DP and MP, considered a precocial species, were appreciably more developed at birth, although important ocular morphogenesis changes still occurred after birth. Importantly, the neonatal pig retina presented poorly developed cone and rod photoreceptors. In all examined species, cellular proliferation and the engagement of cells in the cell cycle, highlighted by Ki-67 and/or PHH3 IHC, were prominent in nearly all developing ocular structures for variable periods of time. Physiologically occurring apoptosis, highlighted by cleaved-caspase-3 IHC and/or TUNEL histochemistry, was a key histological feature of retinogenesis at specific age timepoints in SD rats and BG dogs, and was notable in the SD rat immature lens epithelium, as well as in regressing hyaloid vasculature remnants of all species. Lastly, evidence of nonapoptotic activation of caspase-3 was observed in different ocular cell types in all species. The information presented in this thesis will hopefully serve as general reference material for pathologists evaluating immature ocular structures in the context of preclinical toxicity studies. Moreover, the results pave the way for more in-depth investigations of specific ocular developmental events in nonprimate large animal models that may be useful for pediatric ophthalmology translational research.

Relation entre les symptômes maternels prénataux et postnataux de dépression, d’anxiété et de stress lié à la pandémie de Covid-19 et l’évitement sensoriel chez l’enfant

Aubin, Delphine 08 1900 (has links)
Mémoire de maîtrise présenté en vue de l'obtention de la maîtrise en psychologie (M. Sc) / Les symptômes maternels de stress, d’anxiété et de dépression durant la grossesse entraînent des altérations hormonales susceptibles d’affecter le développement fœtal de zones cérébrales et de mécanismes neurologiques impliqués dans l'excitabilité cérébrale et le traitement sensoriel. En période postnatale, ces symptômes de détresse maternelle peuvent affecter l’interaction mère-enfant, influençant le développement comportemental de l'enfant. Les effets de la santé mentale maternelle sur le développement sensoriel de l’enfant ayant été peu explorés, l’objectif est d’étudier la relation entre les symptômes maternels prénataux et postnataux de dépression, d'anxiété et de stress lié à la pandémie de Covid-19, et l'évitement sensoriel chez l'enfant à 18 mois. Les données longitudinales de 409 participantes suivies durant la pandémie de Covid-19 ont été utilisées. Celles-ci ont complété des questionnaires durant leur grossesse et jusqu’à 18 mois après leur accouchement. La dépression, l'anxiété et le stress lié à la pandémie de Covid-19 ont été évalués durant la grossesse et à 18 mois postnatal par l’Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), le Generalized Anxiety Disorders 7-item Scale (GAD-7) et une échelle évaluant sur 10 points le niveau de stress ressenti par rapport à la pandémie de Covid-19. L'évitement sensoriel chez l’enfant a été évalué à 18 mois postnatal par le questionnaire Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile – Second Edition. Des corrélations de Pearson et des régressions multiples ont mesuré les associations entre les symptômes de détresse maternelle et l'évitement sensoriel chez l'enfant. La dépression et l'anxiété maternelles prénatales et à 18 mois postnatal étaient significativement corrélées à l'évitement sensoriel chez l'enfant (p<0,05). Ensemble, ces variables expliquent 10,7% (F=2.79, p<.05) de la variance de l'évitement sensoriel chez l'enfant. Ces résultats soutiennent l'effet contributif de certains symptômes prénataux et postnataux de détresse maternelle sur le développement sensoriel de l’enfant. Des recherches supplémentaires seront nécessaires afin d’explorer les mécanismes biologiques de la santé mentale maternelle et des aspects comportementaux chez l’enfant susceptibles d’influencer son développement sensoriel. / Maternal symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression during pregnancy lead to hormonal alterations that can affect fetal development of brain areas and neurological mechanisms involved in cerebral excitability and sensory processing. In the postnatal period, these symptoms of maternal distress can affect mother-child interaction, influencing the child's behavioural development. As the effects of maternal mental health on the child's sensory development have been little explored, the aim is to investigate the relationship between maternal pre- and postnatal symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress related to the Covid-19 pandemic, and child sensory avoidance at 18 months. Longitudinal data from 409 participants followed during the Covid-19 pandemic were used. They completed questionnaires during pregnancy and up to 18 months after delivery. Depression, anxiety and stress related to the Covid-19 pandemic were assessed prenatally and at 18 months postnatal using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), the Generalized Anxiety Disorders 7-item Scale (GAD-7) and a 10-point scale assessing the level of stress felt related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Child sensory avoidance was assessed at 18 months postnatal using the Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile - Second Edition questionnaire. Pearson correlations and multiple regressions measured the associations between maternal distress symptoms and child sensory avoidance. Prenatal and 18-month postnatal maternal depression and anxiety were significantly correlated with child sensory avoidance (p<0.05). Together, these variables explained 10.7% (F=2.79, p<.05) of the variance of child sensory avoidance. These results support the contributory effect of certain prenatal and postnatal maternal distress symptoms on child sensory development. Further research is needed to explore the biological mechanisms of maternal mental health and behavioural aspects of children that may influence their sensory development.

Postpartum mood disorders : a feminist critique with specific reference to postnatal depression

Smit, Joalida 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This review examines the medical model's conceptualisation of postnatal depression (pND) from a feminist perspective. The arguments are fourfold: Firstly, it argues that the fundamental problem underlying the concept of PND is its conception as existing on a continuum with psychosis at the most severe end and maternity blues at the least severe end. The link with psychosis implies that it is potentially pathological requiring medical and psychiatric intervention. On the other hand its link with maternity blues gives scientific credence to continued research on emotional sequelae of reproduction that are below the psychiatric threshold of urgency. Secondly, the medical model's construction of PND implies that women are predisposed to mental illness because of their ability to bear children and thus pathologises normal experiences of childbirth. Thirdly, the medical model's preoccupation with classification and categorisation has become little more than an exercise in labeling that has removed women from their own experiences. Focusing on birth as an activity that is separate from the rest of pregnancy objectify women and ignores the socio-political context within which they give birth and care for their infants. Fourthly, it is argued that a different way of researching postpartum mood disorders is necessary to overcome a reductionistic and pathological model of childbirth. This is important if healthcare delivery hopes to provide adequate treatment for all women in the postnatal period. Especially in South Africa, where the dominant culture has for many years defined the experiences of the 'other', it is important to generate research that should include the 'voices' of the 'other' to prevent hegemonic practice from assuming an expert understanding of PND. This review does not deny the contributions from the medical establishment, but argues that a critique of its underlying assumptions is important to prevent women from being further marginalised by ignoring the socio-political context in which their lives are embedded. The implications for research within South Africa are also addressed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie oorsig ondersoek die mediese model se konseptualisering van postnatale depressie vanuit 'n feministiese perspektief. Die argument is vierledig: Eerstens blyk die konseptualisering van postnatale depressie, naamlik dat dit op 'n kontinuum bestaan, met psigose aan die mees disfunksionele kant en 'maternity blues' aan die minder ernstige kant, 'n fundamentele, onderliggende probleem te wees. Die verband met psigose impliseer dat postnatale depressie potensieel patologies is en mediese en psigiatriese insette benodig. Die verband met 'maternity blues' aan die ander kant, bied wetenskaplike begronding vir volgehoue navorsing op die gebied van emosionele aspekte van kindergeboorte wat nie van psigiatriese belang is nie. Tweedens impliseer die mediese model se konstruksie van postnatale depressie dat vroue 'n predisposisie tot geestessiektes het bloot deur die feit dat hulle die vermoë het om kinders voort te bring. Sodoende word patologiese kenmerke gekoppel aan normale ervarings van kindergeboorte. Derdens het die mediese model se beheptheid met klassifikasie en kategorisering verval in etikettering wat vroue van hul eie ervarings vervreem. Deur te fokus op geboorte as 'n aktiwiteit wat verwyder is van die res van swangerskap maak van vroue objekte wat verwyderd is van die sosio-politieke konteks waarbinne hulle geboorte skenk en sorg vir hul babas. Vierdens word dit beredeneer dat 'n nuwe benadering tot navorsing oor postpartum gemoedsteurings daar gestel behoort te word om 'n reduksionistiese en patologiese model van kindergeboorte te voorkom. Dit is belangrik as gesondheidsorgdienste hoop om toereikende behandeling te bied vir alle vroue in die postnatale periode. Veral in Suid-Afrika, waar 'n dominante kultuurgroep vir so lank die ervarings van ander omskryf het, is dit belangrik om navorsing voort te bring wat die 'stemme' van die 'ander' insluit om sodoende te verhoed dat die heersende praktykvoeringe van die dag 'n eensydige deskundige-verstaan van postnatale depressie voorveronderstel. Hierdie oorsig ontken nie die bydraes van die mediese model nie, maar beredeneer die feit dat 'n kritiese beskouing van die onderliggende aannames belangrik is om sodoende te verhoed dat vroue verder gemarginaliseer word deurdat die sosio-politieke konteks waarin hul lewens gegrond is, buite rekening gelaat word. Die implikasies vir navorsing binne 'n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks word dus ook ondersoek.

Factors influencing utilisation of postnatal services in Mulago and Mengo Hospitals Kampala, Uganda.

Nankwanga, Annet January 2004 (has links)
Maternal and child-health and health education are three major concerns of public health organisations and researchers throughout the world. Health education for mothers is a strategy many countries have adopted to improve maternal and child-health. The present study was carried out in Uganda with the objective of exploring the factors influencing the utilisation of postnatal services at Mulago and Mengo hospitals, a government and private hospital. Both hospitals are located in Kampala district in Uganda. The survey, was completed by 330 women who responded to a structured questionnaire that was given to them six to eight weeks after delivery. Questions that were asked generated demographic information about the mothers / mothers&rsquo / knowledge about postnatal services / mothers&rsquo / socio-economic status and barriers to utilisation of the postnatal services. The participants included all women who delivered in Mulago and Mengo hospitals in November 2003 except for those who had had a neonatal death. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Some of the key findings of the study were that most women lacked awareness about postnatal services and those who knew about these services only knew about immunisation and family planning services. The majority of the mothers did not know about other services, such as physiotherapy, counselling, growth monitoring, and physical examination. Lack of money for transport or service costs, distance from the health care facility, not being aware of the services, lack of somebody to take care of the child at home were some of the main barriers to utilisation of postnatal services. Others included, lack of education, lack of employment, lack of decision-making powers, and lack of time to go back for the service. The ministry of health should educate women and communities about the importance of postnatal care, its availability, and the importance of women having decision-making power over their own health. The health service organization should improve on the quality of care by ensuring that services are provided at convenient hours with privacy, confidentiality and respect and it should evaluate the services periodically from the users perspective to maintain the quality of service.

En nybliven mor kan vara en deprimerad mor : Om förväntningar, självanklagelser och hjälpbehov / A new mother can be a depressed mother : A study about expectations, self-accusations and the need for help

Sjöström, Elin, Törnell, Malin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how expectations may affect a new mother during postnatal depression, both her own expectations and he expectations she feels from her surroundings. The result is based on seven interviews with mothers who have had postnatal depression. It is not uncommon for women to suffer from postpartum depression after childbirth, studies show that approximately ten percent of all new mothers are affected. Symptoms of postpartum depression are, besides the symptoms for regular depression also feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness or she might difficulties feeling happy about the situation and the baby. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the material. The study shows that those feelings does not go well together with the so called mother myth, that the new mother is supposed to feel instant love towards the baby and be the more responsible parent. This leads to the mother feeling guilty and ashamed. Because of this, several mothers feel reluctant to seek help. This is due to emotions of guilt and shame. The study also showed that the women felt a lack of professional care and the need for development in the professional field. Three important factors in the care were presented: Information, knowledge and understanding.

The Effects of Early Postnatal PCP Administration on Performance in Locomotor Activity, Reference Memory, and Working Memory Tasks in C57BL/6 Mice

Pehrson, Alan L. 01 January 2007 (has links)
There is a growing consensus, based on several converging lines of evidence, which suggests schizophrenia is the product of a developmental insult occurring in the late 2 nd or early 3 rd trimester. Additionally, it has been observed that adults who abuse the noncompetitive NMDA antagonist PCP present with symptoms that mimic schizophrenia, such as hallucinations, formal thought disorder, delusions, unstable or flattened affect, social withdrawal, and impaired cognition. Thus, several labs have attempted to use early postnatal PCP administration in rodents as a drug model of schizophrenia. The current study investigated the cognitive effects of early postnatal PCP administration in C57BL/6 mice. Mouse pups received daily administrations of either 10.0 mg/kg PCP or saline on postnatal (PN) days 5-15. After weaning, pups were assessed in locomotor activity, a reference memory task in the Morris water maze, and a spatial delayed alternation task in the T-maze. Additionally, pups were subjected to a pharmacological challenge with PCP in the delayed alternation task. In males, No significant differences were detected between PCP- and saline-treated animals in locomotor activity. However, in the reference memory task, PCP-treated males had significantly longer path lengths, and displayed a non-significant trend towards increased thigmotaxia. Furthermore, males treated with PCP displayed significantly reduced accuracy in the working memory task without differences in choice latency, and were more sensitive to the acute effects of PCP than saline controls. Finally, these deficits were associated with a 29% increase in NR1 subunit expression in the hippocampus. Interestingly, PCP-treated female mice were not significantly different from saline-treated controls in locomotor activity, reference memory task performance, or delayed alternation performance, did not have a significantly different reaction to pharmacological challenge with PCP in the delayed alternation task, and did not demonstrate any changes in NR1 subunit expression. The present study provided the first evidence that early postnatal PCP administration in C57BL/6 mice can produce selective memory pairments. However, this effect was limited to the male mice, suggesting that the female mice were protected somewhat from these effects.

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