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The Influence of Pragmatism in the Essays of Randolph BourneBrown, Byron D. (Byron Delano) 05 1900 (has links)
This study traces the influence of the American philosophy of pragmatism in the writing of the Progressive Era intellectual Randolph Bourne (1886-1918),. In courses with John Dewey at Columbia University and through the books of William James, pragmatism became a major intellectual factor in Bourne's social and cultural criticism. The philosophy remained so to the end of his brief career. From pragmatism, Bourne learned a method of challenging a restrictive status quo. In his essays, Bourne sought harmony between analytical reasoning and the imagination in order to promote self-growth along with the creation of a more humane society. Bourne promoted individualism and the need for transcendent values in modern industrial society.
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"Begreppet multimodala arbetssätt är nytt för mig..." : En kvalitativ studie över hur verksamma lärare i förskoleklass och årskurs 1-6 arbetar multimodalt / "The Concept of Multimodality is new to me..." : A qualitative study of how teachers in nursery class and grade 1–6 work with multimodalityPettersson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Att låta elever uttrycka sig på flera olika sätt i skolan blir allt viktigare eftersom eleverna redan innan skolstart vistas i miljöer med oändliga kommunikationsmöjligheter. Eleverna behöver därför kunskap om hur och varför de olika uttrycks- och kommunikationssätten används, detta för att kunna bli fungerande medborgare i dagens samhälle (Schmidt, 2015). Denna kvalitativa studie har genomförts med hjälp av frisvarsenkäter och handlat om multimodala arbetssätt i undervisningen. Tio lärare som undervisar i förskoleklass och årskurs 1–6 i sydvästra Sverige har deltagit i undersökningen. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på om läroplanens riktlinjer om multimodalt lärande genomförs i skolan och i så fall i vilken omfattning. För att besvara studiens syfte ställs följande forskningsfrågor: Vilka för- och nackdelar upplever lärarna med multimodala arbetssätt i undervisningen? Vad anser lärare påverkar deras val av arbetssätt i undervisningen? Undersökningen gjordes med John Deweys infallsvinkel i pragmatism som utgångspunkt, vars grundtanke är att individ och samhälle påverkar varandra och därmed inte kan skiljas åt och att kunskap befästs vid praktiskt utförande. Teorin belyser därför att lärare behöver vara uppdaterade och förnya sig i sitt arbete. Även en av Europeiska unionens åtta nyckelkompetenser för ett livslångt lärande har fungerat som teori: digital kompetens. Resultatet visar att arbete med multimodala arbetssätt i allra största utsträckning genomförs i skolan men med vissa hinder så som resurser, tid, personal och kompetens. Slutsatsen dras att lärare har olika uppfattningar om vad multimodalitet i skolan är. De anser att arbetet kräver guidning och stöttning av lärare med en tydlig planering och ett klart syfte. / Letting pupils express themselves in a variety of ways at school is becoming increasingly important, as pupils already reside in environments with infinite communication opportunities before they start school. The pupils therefore need knowledge about how and why the different expressions and communication methods are used, this to become functioning citizens in today's society (Schmidt, 2015). This qualitative study has been carried out using open questionnaires and has been about multimodal working methods in teaching. Ten teachers who teach in pre-school classes and grades 1-6 in the southwest of Sweden have participated in the survey. The purpose of the survey is to find out if the curriculum guidelines for multimodal learning are conducted at school and, if so, to what extent. To answer the study's purpose, the following research questions are asked: What pros and cons do the teachers experience in multimodal working methods? What do the teachers consider affects their choice of working methods in teaching? The study was made with John Dewey's approach to pragmatism as a starting point, whose basic idea is that individuals and society influence each other and, therefore, cannot be separated. The approach also says that knowledge is consolidated in practical execution. The theory therefore explains that teachers need to be updated and renew their work. One of the European unions’ eight key competences for a lifelong learning has also worked as a theory. The result shows that multimodal working methods it is carried out to the greatest extent in school but with certain obstacles such as resources, time, staff and skills. The conclusion is that teachers have different views on what multimodality in school is. They consider that work with multimodality requires guidance and support from teachers with a clear plan and a clear purpose.
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American Literary Pragmatism : Lighting Out for the TerritoryEngland, Peter S. (Peter Shands) 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis discusses pragmatist philosophy in the nineteenth century and its effect on American literature of the time.
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John Deweys filosofi : En tolkning av John Deweys pedagogiska filosofiJensen, Max Joakim Mouritzen January 2006 (has links)
<p>John Dewey föddes år 1859, samma år som Charles Darwin bröt ny mark för människan genom sin Theory of Species. Genom Darwin skulle grunden för det kollektiva mänskliga tänkandet och förståelsen av oss själva aldrig förbli detsamma. För Dewey precis som för Darwin är det förståelsen av människan och hennes värld som är det intressanta.</p><p>Denna uppsats är en närläsning av Deweys verk Demokrati och utbildning som publicerades för första gången 1916. Verket som är skrivet på tidigt 1900-tal har haft ett stort inflytande på pedagogiskt tänkande generellt, men är också ett av de verkligt intressanta arbetena rörande människan och utbildningens roll för det demokratiska samhället. Verket är av idémässigt fundamental betydelse för den filosofiska tanketradition som kallas pragmatism då Dewey fångar upp den bärande idén om människan i samhället som en del av världen och som beroende av en bra utbildning.</p><p>Uppsatsen har för avsikt att förmedla och tolka de tankegångar som Dewey låter framträda i Demokrati och utbildning. Arbetet har resulterat i de sex tematiska delarna som är ordnade under rubrikerna; Utbildningens demokratifunktion, Individens kunskap om världen, Att tänka, Kunskapsteori, Moral samt Deweys filosofibegrepp. Olika teorier om sanning presenteras och pragmatismens sanningsteori behandlas. Avslutningsvis konstateras att det som vi idag ser som filosofi en gång startade genom utbildning och att den pragmatiska filosofin i första hand påverkar samhället genom utbildningen.</p> / <p>John Dewey was born in 1859. That same year Charles Darwin published his Theory of Species. After Darwin, the understanding of human and human thinking of itself never again would be the same. For Charles Darwin and John Dewey the understanding of human and humans role in the world is the most interesting and important part of knowledge.</p><p>This essay is a reading of Deweys Demokracy and Education witch first was published in in the year of 1916. The main part of this work is in the six parts; The education and its democracy principle, The individualls knowledge of the world, to think, theory of knowledge, moral and Dewey´s philosophy.</p><p>The essay will also explain that the work of Dewey (Democracy and Education) has a huge impact on philosophy in the arena of education. It is also very important for the American philosophy called Pragmatism formed and grunded by Dewey, William James and Charles Sanders Peirce.</p><p>The work was written in the early 20th century and catch the idea of human need and hunger for education and also the importance of good education for the society in witch humans as individualls in groups are living. A number of theories of truth is represented and the philosophy called Pragmatism is represented as having it´s own theory of truth.</p>
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Pragmatic Conceptual AnalysisFisher, Justin January 2006 (has links)
Pragmatic Conceptual Analysis is a proposed methodology for attributing correct application conditions, or 'meanings', to concepts. This methodology involves two stages: first, we seek an empirical understanding of the ways in which usage of a given concept has regularly delivered benefits, and, second, we seek an explication of that concept which is optimally capable of delivering benefits in these ways. Such an explication captures the 'pragmatic meaning' of a given concept. Chapters 1-3 articulate Pragmatic Conceptual Analysis and the notion of pragmatic meaning, and show how these are related to other philosophical methodologies and accounts of concept-meaning.Chapter 4 uses a 'bootstrapping argument' to establish that Pragmatic Conceptual Analysis has two important virtues. The first phase of this argument establishes that Pragmatic Conceptual Analysis has normative authority - it reveals explications that we have practical and epistemic reason to adopt, whether we take these explications to be semantically revisionary or not. This normative authority licenses using Pragmatic Conceptual Analysis, in the second phase, to explicate our shared concept of concept-meaning. This yields the conclusion that we have epistemic reason to adopt the notion of pragmatic meaning as our explication of 'concept-meaning'. Having explicated our concept in this way, we see that Pragmatic Conceptual Analysis also has descriptive authority - it is a semantically conservative tool that reveals concept-meaning, thus explicated.The initial presentation of the bootstrapping argument considers only one sort of work that our concept of concept-meaning does - helping to guide our application of other concepts. But this concept also regularly delivers benefits in a second way - by helping us to give good explanations for the behavior and behavioral success of various concept-users. Chapter 5 uses the normative authority of Pragmatic Conceptual Analysis to justify a particular account of how good explanations work. Chapter 6 draws upon this account to argue that, in order best to explain people's behavioral successes, we need an explication of concept-meaning that is closely related to the one presented in Chapter 4.Chapter 7 considers several objections and hard cases, and argues that Pragmatic Conceptual Analysis weathers these storms in good shape.
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A Dream That Begins in Responsibility: Philosophy, Rorty, and the OtherKuipers, Ronald A. January 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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At What Price? The Fruits of Truth as Agreeable LeadingKlemp, Mathew E. 08 1900 (has links)
Permission from the author to digitize this work is pending. Please contact the ICS library if you would like to view this work.
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Barns uppfattningar om det skrivna språket : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på barn i förskoleklassen / Children´s perceptions of the written language : A qualitative study focusing on children in the preschool classOlsson, Hanna, Petersson, Tina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att synliggöra vilka tankar och uppfattningar barn i förskoleklassen har om det skrivna språket. Syftet har mynnat ut i två olika frågeställningar som vill undersöka hur barn i förskoleklassen uppfattar betydelsen av att lära sig skriva och hur barnen uppfattar lärprocessen gällande skrivutveckling. För att lyfta barns perspektiv om skriften användes semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med sammanlagt 28 stycken barn i två olika förskoleklasser. Ett resultat var att barnen uppfattade skriften som en viktig komponent för den framtida skolgången och vuxenlivet. De fördelar som barnen uppfattade om att lära sig skriva var att det bidrar till ett nytt sätt att kommunicera med andra och att det ökade graden av självständighet. Ett resultat var att barnen hade olika inställningar till skriften, både positiva och negativa. Barnen uttryckte olika faktorer som påverkar deras egen lärprocess samt vilka strategier de använder för att utvecklas. De vuxna hade stor betydelse för inlärningen och barnen behövde lugn och ro i sitt skrivande. De nämnde även att specifika material spelar roll för motivationen.Studien kan medföra till att vuxna får en ökad medvetenhet om vilka tankar barnen har om det skrivna språket. Barnen vill ha stöd i sin utveckling och material som tilltalar dem. Miljöerna och undervisningen bör anpassas på ett sätt som kan stödja barns skrivutveckling.
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The Human Side of Change: Towards a Pragmatic, Evolutionary Conception of Cognition and Emotion in Organizational ChangeSmith, Jason 09 July 2009 (has links)
This dissertation synthesizes and analyzes an emblematic sample of three prevalent psychological approaches to organizational change and learning, giving particular attention to the conception of cognition and emotion. It also explores some of the philosophical and psychological assumptions undergirding these approaches. A web model depicting various epistemological influences is offered as a tool for exploring influences on the psychological research within and beyond this study. A second conceptual model is also offered as a tool for considering the hierarchical treatment and preferential placement of cognition over emotion theory and practice. The project draws on general philosophy, psychology, evolutionary theory, and multiple other disciplines in the effort to understand why cognition is afforded a hallowed place while emotion is treated as an unruly subject. Dewey’s experiential, evolutionary psychology of emotion is repositioned as an alternative to what might be considered a Jamesian depiction of the relationship between cognition and emotion. Some of the implications of Dewey’s pragmatic reading and application of Darwinian naturalism are explored to raise awareness of the way that various interests are served through the rigid classification of human experience. Finally, an organizational fable is offered to help connect the project to the genuine problems that the reader brings to the text.
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Creative, Critical, and True: Training Students to Improvise Responsibly with Biblical Text: A Pragmatist, Spirit-led ModelFalcone, John Paul January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Theresa A. O'Keefe / In this dissertation, I argue that Bible education is best understood as training students to improvise responsibly with Scripture. I explore this pedagogical model by reflecting on my experience as a Bible instructor at Cristo Rey New York High School, an inner city Catholic school. The goal of a Cristo Rey education is the integral liberation of students. In the language of liberation theology, to be "integrally liberated" is to survive and to thrive on all levels - material, cultural, psychosocial, and spiritual. Learning to improvise responsibly with Scripture helps students to grow in integral liberation. It helps them develop the capacity to perceive and to act with greater freedom, discernment, and commitment. It helps them to handle and interpret the Bible in ways that are creative, critical, and true. Here being true means more than being factually accurate; it means being true to the text, being true to the needs of one's interpreting community, and being true to the inner promptings of God's Holy Spirit. Responsible improvisation connects Biblical interpretation with artistry, with problem-solving, and with the construction of counter-cultural spaces. The dissertation supports a pedagogy for improvising responsibly with Scripture in several different ways. In the first chapter, I explain my proposal and the teaching experiences on which it is based. The first half of the chapter introduces the Cristo Rey setting within which I developed the Biblical pedagogy theorized and refined in this project. The second half begins to locate and unpack that pedagogy in terms of academic disciplines and relevant terms. I explain more concretely what I mean by "training students to improvise responsibly with Scripture." I also describe what I mean by "integral liberation," and by "interpretations that are creative, critical, and true." Chapter Two answers the question: "Why consider teaching a program of training?" I use the theory of Situated Learning to outline the religion classroom as a place of training, where students learn to master different interpretive practices in the midst of intersecting communities. I show how my model accurately reflects the teaching and learning dynamics of high school classrooms. A situated learning perspective helps educators identify specific areas where their interventions can help students become better, more responsible Scriptural improvisers. Chapter Three answers the question, "How can you train students for improvisation?" In this chapter, I correlate my educational model with the popular educational technique known as Theatre of the Oppressed (TO). TO brings together critical pedagogy and creative expression to help participants improvise artful and liberating social actions; it has proven both powerful and enduring in a broad range of class and cultural settings. I use TO as a generative metaphor to help teachers imagine more deeply and richly what training students for responsible improvisation might look like. Chapter Four steps back to take in a broader perspective. It answers the question, "Is this pedagogical model coherent? How does it all hang together?" In this chapter, I use the Pragmatist theology of Donald Gelpi, SJ as an overarching framework. I relate the concepts of "interpretation," "creativity," "responsibility," and "norms" with each other, and with a theology of God's Holy Spirit. Using Gelpi's semiotic realism as a conceptual framework shows how my pedagogy is not only conceptually coherent, but also convincingly rooted in the Christian intellectual tradition. Chapter Five presents a detailed example of teaching the Bible for responsible improvisation. It outlines the process of preparing and teaching a chapter from the Gospel of Matthew - specifically, Mt 13, the "Parables Discourse." This chapter argues that a warrant for improvising responsibly with Scripture can be derived from the Gospel itself. In short, I argue that "training students to improvise responsibly with Scripture" is a justice-grounded, empirically accurate, pedagogically compelling, intellectually coherent, and eminently Christian approach to teaching the Bible in Catholic schools. I conclude by discussing the implications of such a model in the context of Catholic educational ministry and ministerial training. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry.
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