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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers liefde

Pretorius, Hendrik Erasmus Sterrenberg 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Wetenskap filosofiese en prakties teologiese posisionering word deur 'n postmoderne benadering bepaal. Met die doel van die studie naamlik, dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers, liefde, in die oog, volg 'n blik op kwalitatiewe navorsing. Sosiale konstruksie diskoers word as epistemologiese vertrekpunt bespreek. Metodologies het die keuse op 'n narratiewe benadering geval. Voortvloeiend hieruit volg die gebruik van metafore, eksternalisering en dekonstruksie van die gesprekke. Die doel van die studie vereis ook bestudering van verskeie sienings oor liefde. Die literatuurstudie word bespreek onder die volgende metafore, naamlik algemene sienings, 'n historiese oorsig en teologiese sienings. Die relevansie van die gekose inligting word weerspieel in die gesprekke. Met behulp van veelvuldige reflekterende gesprekke word saam met gesinne gekonstrueer aan 'n nuwe verstaan van liefde. / Both the Scientific Philosophical and the practical theological positioning are determined by a postmodemistic approach. Keeping in mind the aim of this study, namely the deconstruction of the theological discourse, iove, a view on qualitative research is given. A review of social construction discourse as epistemological starting point is given. Methodologically a narrative approach was used. Emanating from this follows the use of metaphors, externalization and deconstruction of the interviews. The aim of this study also demands the study of various views on love. The study is arranged under the following metaphors, namely general views, a historic review and theological views. The relevance of the chosen information is reflected in the interviews, and new understanding of love is constructed in collaboration with the families. / M.Th.(Practical theology)

Kreatiewe prediking : kreatiwiteit in diens van die Heilige Gees in die ingewing van die preek (Afrikaans)

Botha, Johan Stephanus 09 June 2011 (has links)
This study deals with creative preaching through exploring pneumatology and creativity as prime ingredients for creative preaching. The researcher sees the problem of preaching in terms of the limited resources for proclaiming the very old message of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a fast changing world. Preaching in the reformed tradition is based primarily upon the Bible and the tradition of the church. The researcher suspects that, given the limitations of the age of the source, the preacher runs the risk of boring the congregation, who regularly attends sermons, by becoming irrelevant to their living conditions through having to repeat the same basic message. The researcher suspects that the preacher may run out of ideas and ways of bringing a relevant message in a fresh way, week after week, and begin to employ all kinds of tricks and gimmicks in order to stay relevant. Creative preaching is suggested as answer to this dilemma. Creative preaching is studied within the frame of creativity in service of the Holy Spirit. The study strives to explore the field of creativity from a homiletical perspective and bring the results into a pneumatological context by means of a hermeneutical method, with the aim of designing a basic theory for creative preaching. The first part of the study comprises a literature study of the fields of pneumatology and creativity. Pneumatology is explored in terms of the biblical roots of the use and meaning of the terms rûah, pneuma and paracletos, as well as a brief theological exploration. A pneumatology for preaching includes the Spirit as carrier of the Word and inspirer of the preacher and listener, within the context of the congregation as dedicated space for the working of the Spirit. The second part of the literature study deals with creativity as a human capacity that can be learnt and developed. Creativity is a deliberate dynamic activity that produces new, unexpected and meaningful results through creative observation, creative thinking and creative insight. Empirical research was conducted amongst preachers in the Dutch Reformed Church to ascertain their understanding of creative preaching and their experience of the workings of the Holy Spirit and creativity, in the process of producing a sermon. The research found that preachers understood the Holy Spirit as a vital part of the preaching process. Preachers experience the activity of the Spirit in their normal daily routines as ministers. Preachers do not regard themselves as creative people although they apply principles of creativity primarily in producing visual material for sermons as an additive. The Research found a need for the concept of creative preaching. Creative preaching is developed and described as a process in which the preacher, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, employs creative methods like observation, association, imagination and creative thinking in the whole process of sermon creation, from choice of Scripture to the presentation of the sermon. The sermon is structured in such a way as not only to be creative but also stimulating the creativity of the listeners. Creative preaching is stimulating preaching based on scripture, imagination and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

'n Eksploratiewe studie na die identiteitsbeeld van 'n mentor (Afrikaans)

Fraser, Johanna Dorothea Catharina 25 September 2008 (has links)
As in the case of many other local and overseas teacher-training institutions the Postgraduate Certificate of Education programme (PGCE) at the University of Pretoria is a model rich in experience. In this model 60% of the time is devoted to a school-based programme and 40% to the university-based programme. The school-based programme is presented in association with schools. The student teacher is placed in a school for a period of seven weeks and assigned to a teacher who acts as the mentor teacher. The mentor teacher serves as a the link between teaching theory and subject content and also plays a major role in the contextualisation of the classroom learning experiences. The university prescribes various tasks: mentor teacher have to stimulate the inquiry skills and reflective practices of student teachers, manage meta-communication across situation and role, manage learning tasks and create a safe and challenging learning environment to the students. The mentor teacher should therefore not only be a subject specialist in his or her field of specialisation but should also create the opportunity for student teachers to maximise their potential. In this study the focus is on the experience of the teacher taking up the role of a mentor teacher. To fulfil the role of mentor teacher implies that an exchange of identity needs to take place from teacher identity to mentor teacher identity. This prompted the following research question: What is the identity image of a mentor teacher? With subsidiary questions as <ul> <li>What are the identifying characteristics of a mentor? </li> <li>What are the identifiable dynamic processes or stressful situations that have an impact on the identity formation of a mentor?</li></ul> The research could be identified as qualitative in the interpretative paradigm. Data were collected by means of open-ended questionnaires and in-depth interviews with selected mentor teachers and student teachers. The student teachers assigned to the selected mentors were automatically included in the study. The study was repeated for over a period of three terms, each term with two different teachers and student teachers. To analyse the data, Gee’s (2000-2001) four perspectives of identity, namely nature-identity, institution-identity, discourse-identity and affinity-identity, were used as analytical framework. The results disclosed many indicators supportive of mentor-identity but no fixed mentor-identity emerged. However, the characteristics, functions and responsibilities of a successful mentor in this case study were identified. These characteristics, functions and responsibilities defining the identity of a mentor teacher, could support the school in selecting teachers to take up the role of mentor teachers. In an extended school-based teaching practice the quality of the experience, in most cases, depends on the mentor teachers' beliefs and attitude towards the task. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

‘n Gemeenskapsgerigte model vir geloofsvorming van tieners in die verbondsgesin deur middel van simbole en rituele (Afrikaans)

De Wet, Dirk Cornelis 02 October 2003 (has links)
Compare diagram 1: ‘n Paradigmaverandering van teorie na praktyk en van gemeente na gesin en gemeenskap” and diagram 2: “Die siklus van geloofsbemiddeling”. The family is the most important building system in the church, the society and the whole world. The family is also the cradle and even the womb of the symbolic way in religious education. Almost all families stay in a community where interactions of faith take place. Teenagers leave the church because there are not enough exciting activities in the community to be part of a transformation process for a better life. For that reason the paradigm in this research emphasises an event-driven teenage and family ministry within the community. That means a ministry that accentuates processes, people and relations. Faith development cannot find a place outside the relationship of human beings. Relationship is the password to understanding and the most natural form of relationship is the family. The covenantal family is the most important building system in the church, the society and the whole world. To develop a model for teenage and family ministry for this purpose, the research will emphasise practicing more than theorising, although the dialogue between these two factors in practical theology is of utmost importance. Better relationships within the family, congregation and the community needs better communication. For that reason symbols and rituals are a necessary part of the whole process of teenage and family ministry which is community-directed. God acts within the lives of individuals and groups, but planned the family as the most important unit for interaction. No religion can be without a God and no religion can be without people. All people are born into one or another kind of family and have a God-given need to be part of a group even when ostracised by families or the society. The community of faith never lives in a vacuum - it is always in the midst of cultural reality which is a powerful influence. The faith of this community is embedded in the context of symbols, rituals and narratives. To be busy with practical theology, with this paradigm in mind, needs a threefold exegesis: an exegesis of the Bible, an exegesis of the culture, and an exegesis of the self and the community. Strengthening the inner life of churches and their relation to their immediate communities should be the first priority of the leaders of churches. Churches have a covenant responsibility to help people develop and sustain strong and healthy families. / Dissertation (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Die rol van die onderrigleier in die opleiding van onderwysstudente tydens hul praktiese onderwys by skole

Fullard, Maria Johanna (Mollie) 20 April 2012 (has links)
Praktiese onderwys is onderrig aan leerders by skole. Die onderrigleier is die persoon wat die verantwoordelikheid vir die onderwysstudente by die skool aanvaar. Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te stel wat die rol van die onderrigleier in die opleiding van onderwysstudente by die skool is. As ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering is ‘n etnografiese ontwerp gebruik om vas te stel watter leierskaprol die geskikste sou wees vir die begeleiding van onderwysstudente by skole. Dienslewerende leierskap is as konseptuele raamwerk gebruik. In die navorsing van dienslewerende leierskap word die “SERVE”-model gebruik om die toepassing van dienslewerende leierskap te evalueer. Daar is gevind dat onderrigleiers wat dienslewerende leierskap toepas die onderwysstudene die beste dien deur hulle toekomsgerig voor te berei en deur professionele opleiding te bied wat gerig is op moontlike veranderinge en aanpassings in die onderwys. Die onderwysstudente moet voldoen aan die hoë verwagtinge wat gestel word deur die personeel by die skool. Dienslewerende onderrigleiers stel self die voorbeeld deur hulle leefwyse en professionele optrede in en buite die skool. Die onderrigleiers voldoen aan die verwagtinge van die universiteite en die Departement van Basiese Onderwys (DBO) deur dienslewerende leierskap aan te wend tot voordeel van die onderwysstudente. Die rol van die onderrigleiers is dus om die onderwysstudente te dien op alle vlakke van die onderwys. Die onderrigleiers moet in vennootskap tree met die universiteite en die universiteite adviseer oor tekortkominge en veranderinge in die voorgeskrewe kurrikulum wat die opleiding van onderwysstudente kan verbeter. Die onderrigleiers moet die verantwoordelikheid wat deur die DBO aan hulle opgedra is, nakom deur mentoronderwysers op te lei en te bemagtig sodat hulle saam met die onderrigleiers die onderwysstudente beter tot diens kan wees. / ENGLISH : Practical teacher training is the short-term “in-service training” (exposure to the teaching profession’s day-to-day tasks and responsibilities) of education students at schools. Practical teacher training is the responsibility of a specifically appointed instructional leader at a school. The purpose of the research is to determine what the role of the instructional leader should be in the practical training of education students at schools. As a qualitative approach an ethnographic design was used to determine what kind of leadership model would be most suitable for the instructional leader to utilise in the guidance of education students at the school during in-service training. Four case studies were used to assess the utilisation of the “SERVE” model (Blanchard en Miller, 1994) in the application of servant leadership by the instructional leaders during the practical teaching process at school. It was found that instructional leaders who use the “SERVE” model for the application of servant leadership serve their educational students best by preparing them for the future with a shared vision and through professional training and teaching them to be flexible so as to adapt to any changes and alterations in education. The education students will be able to satisfy the high expectations that are set by the staff at the school. Servant-instructional leaders set the example through their own way of life and their professional conduct in and outside the school. The instructional leaders are able to satisfy the expectations of the universities and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) through the application of servant leadership to the benefit of the education students. Therefore the role of the instructional leader at the school is to serve the education students on all levels of teaching. The instructional leaders must enter into a partnership with the universities to advise them about shortcomings and changes that can improve the practical teaching of education students. The instructional leaders must take up the responsibilities that the Department of Basic Education bestows on them by appointing mentor teachers who have been trained and empowered to assist the instructional leaders to best serve the education students. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Die ontwikkeling van diensbare leierskap in ‘n post-moderne geloofsgemeenskap : ‘n prakties-teologiese ondersoek van Suid-Afrikaanse immigrante in Brisbane, Australië (Afrikaans)

Oberholzer, Gerhard J 14 June 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie studie word daar na die narratiewe van Suid-Afrikaans gebore immigrante, wat hulself in Brisbane, Australië, gevestig het, geluister. Die plaaslike konteks word in die gereformeerde gemeente van Mansfield gevind en die ontwikkeling van diensbare leierskap word beskryf as deel van die kultuur van die gemeente wat fokus op die nood van immigrante. Die navorsing vind plaas vanuit ‘n epistemologie wat uit ‘n narratiewe benadering vloei. Die post-fundamentele teologiese posisionering inkorporeer die sosiale konstruksionisme, met die doel om ‘n dieper verstaan van die narratiewe navorsing te bewerkstellig. Die praxis word as die beginpunt van navorsing in hierdie post-fundamentele prakties-teologiese studie gesien. Die gevolg is dat eerstehandse kennis opgedoen en geïnterpreteer word deurdat die verhale van mede-navorsers aangehoor en beskryf word. Die plaaslike geloofsgemeenskap in Mansfield bied in-kontekstuele ervaringe wat deur die mede-navorsers vertel word en wat deur die tradisies van interpretasie beïnvloed word. Hierdie ervaringe word deur die aanstelling van respondente vanuit verskillende vakgebiede verder geïnterpreteer en betekenis word aan die verhale gegee in ‘n inter-dissiplinêre gesprek. Die inter-dissiplinêre gesprek word vanuit die teorie van transversale rasionaliteit gestimuleer en ‘n relevante literatuurstudie komplementeer die navorsingsproses en word in die studie geïntegreer. Aan die einde van die navorsingsproses word alternatiewe interpretasies en voorstelle gemaak wat dui op die konteks groter as net die plaaslike. Die navorsingsproses word dus ontwikkel vanuit ‘n post-fundamentele teologiese posionering met die doel om die narratiewe van immigrante aan die orde te stel. Hierdie narratiewe word geïnterpreteer en ‘n dieper verstaan word ontwikkel deurdat sekere diskoerse geïdentifiseer word deur ‘n proses van dekonstruksie. Kritiese vrae word gevra en die spesifieke temas vanuit die verhale word bespreek met die doel om die werklikheid van immigrasie te beskryf soos wat die mede-navorsers dit beleef. Die taalkwessie en hoe taal aangewend word om betekenis aan verhale te gee word bespreek. Die eie interpretasies van mede-navorsers word in opvolggesprekke getoets en die verhale word hierdeur toegelaat om te ontwikkel. Die geloofstaal en die taal van die twyfel van immigrante word aangehoor ten einde hulle belewenisse van die teenwoordigheid van God in hulle lewens tydens immigrasie te verstaan. Die ontwikkeling van Diensbare Leierskap word as ‘n natuurlike uitvloeisel van die immigrasieproses bespreek. Die immigrante beleef die diensbaarheid van die leiers in die gemeente van Mansfield positief. Hierdie studie vertel die verhale van immigrante wat deur die diensbaarheid van ander, self ook die kultuur van diensbaarheid aanneem en deelneem aan omgee-aksies om ander immigrante te bedien. Die literatuur oor diensbare leierskap wys self-leierskap, leierskap in spanverband, leierskapontwikkeling en strategiese leierskap uit as kritiese areas in die ontwikkeling van diensbare leierskap. Die gevolgtrekking op hierdie studie is dat diensbare leierskap as ‘n integrale deel van gelowige immigrasie verstaan word en dat dit intensioneel deel vorm van die leierskapkultuur in ‘n immigrant-vriendelike gemeente. Die voorstel wat hieruit voortvloei is dat verskillende gemeentes en kerkverbande kan baat by die aanwending van diensbare leierskap binne die konteks van immigrasie. ENGLISH: In this study narratives of immigration are listened to and described from the local context of the Christian Reformed Church, Mansfield in Brisbane, Australia. The development of servant leadership is described as part of the culture of the congregation. The congregation focuses on the needs of immigrants as an immigrant-friendly church. The research approach in this study flows from an epistemology based on a narrative theory. The post foundational approach incorporates social constructionism as part of the process in exploring a deeper meaning of the stories told by immigrants. Within this framework of post foundational practical theology, the praxis is the starting point of research. This consists of local knowledge, described and interpreted by the co-researchers and informed by traditions of interpretation. The experiences of co-researchers are interpreted on a second level with the appointment of four interdisciplinary respondents. The respondents take part in an interdisciplinary conversation and they each contribute from their field of experience. This is done by using transversal rationality and the in-context experiences are thickened through interdisciplinary investigation. Furthermore, a study of relevant literature is introduced and added to the conversation. At the end of the research process some suggestions and alternative interpretations that point beyond the local context, are made. The research process is therefore developed from a post foundational theological positioning with the aim of describing immigration narratives and interpreting these narratives in order to facilitate a deeper knowledge and insight into the immigration process. Different discourses will be explored by asking critical questions and using a process of deconstruction. The in-context experiences of co-researchers are the primary narrative and their interpretations of experiences will be studied. The language of co-researchers and how they use language will be discussed. Their own interpretations will be used as discussion points in follow up conversations and their narratives will therefore be allowed into a process of growth. Their language, pointing to their experience of the presence of God as well as their language of doubt in the process of immigration will be listened to. Servant leadership will be discussed as an integral part of immigration for believers. The stories of the co-researchers reveal servant leadership in many different forms as part of the culture of the congregation in Mansfield. The narratives show the co-researchers becoming part of the ministry of servant leaders in the congregation. Co-researchers experience the influence of the servant leadership of others in their lives and tell stories of how their needs as immigrants are met by the servant leaders in the congregation. The literature on servant leadership points to self leadership, team leadership, leadership development and strategic leadership as relevant themes to be explored. The conclusion of this study shows servant leadership as an integral part of immigration and that an intentional focus on a culture of servanthood will benefit an immigration friendly congregation. The proposal following from this study is to engage other congregations and churches in a conversation on the effect of servant leadership within the context of immigration. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Gebruik van Beck se kognitiewe terapie by sekondêre skoolleerders met subkliniese depressie / The use of Beck's cognitive therapy for secondary school learners with subclinical depression

Davel, Jaqualine Cecile Flower 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Uit 'n literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek wat onderneem is, blyk dit dat 15-40% van alle adolessente subkliniese depressie ervaar. Veranderinge en toenemende druk en eise eie aan die adolessente-fase, bring by baie adolessente depressiewe gevoelens mee. Ten spyte van hierdie omstandighede is daar egter ook baie adolessente wat hierdie fase van ontwikkeling sonder enige noemenswaardige probleme deurloop. Aaron Beck is van mening dat dit nie die omstandighede opsigself is wat tot depressie aanleiding gee nie, maar wel die betekenis wat individue aan omstandighede gee. Beck noem dat depressiewe persone tot irrasionele oortuigings, foutiewe inligting-prosessering en disfunksionele outomatiese gedagtes geneig is. Om hierdie probleem aan te spreek is ses adolessente, wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, aan Beck se kognitiewe terapie onderwerp. Die primere doel van Beck se terapie is die regstelling van bogenoemde disfunksionele kognisies. Die gevolgtrekking is dat wanneer adolessente wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, se disfunksionele kognisies reggestel word, hulle depressiewe gevoelens opgehef word. / From a literature study and empirical research which was undertaken, it seems that 15-40% of all adolescents experience subclinical depression. Changes and increasing pressure and demands, typical of the adolescent phase, causes many adolescents to experience depressing emotions. In spite of these circumstances there are also many adolescents who go through this phase in development without any significant problems. Aaron Beck is of opinion that it is not the circumstances in and of itself that lead to depression but rather the meaning that individuals attached to these circumstances. Beck mentions that depressive people are inclined to irrational beliefs, erroneous information-processing and dysfunctional automatic thoughts. To address this problem, six adolescents who experience subclinical depression, were subjected to Beck's cognitive therapy. The primary target of Beck's therapy is the correction of above mentioned dysfunctional cognitions. The conclusion is that when the dysfunctional cognitions of adolescents who experience subclinical depression can be corrected, their depressive feelings will diminish. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Gebruik van Beck se kognitiewe terapie by sekondêre skoolleerders met subkliniese depressie / The use of Beck's cognitive therapy for secondary school learners with subclinical depression

Davel, Jaqualine Cecile Flower 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Uit 'n literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek wat onderneem is, blyk dit dat 15-40% van alle adolessente subkliniese depressie ervaar. Veranderinge en toenemende druk en eise eie aan die adolessente-fase, bring by baie adolessente depressiewe gevoelens mee. Ten spyte van hierdie omstandighede is daar egter ook baie adolessente wat hierdie fase van ontwikkeling sonder enige noemenswaardige probleme deurloop. Aaron Beck is van mening dat dit nie die omstandighede opsigself is wat tot depressie aanleiding gee nie, maar wel die betekenis wat individue aan omstandighede gee. Beck noem dat depressiewe persone tot irrasionele oortuigings, foutiewe inligting-prosessering en disfunksionele outomatiese gedagtes geneig is. Om hierdie probleem aan te spreek is ses adolessente, wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, aan Beck se kognitiewe terapie onderwerp. Die primere doel van Beck se terapie is die regstelling van bogenoemde disfunksionele kognisies. Die gevolgtrekking is dat wanneer adolessente wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, se disfunksionele kognisies reggestel word, hulle depressiewe gevoelens opgehef word. / From a literature study and empirical research which was undertaken, it seems that 15-40% of all adolescents experience subclinical depression. Changes and increasing pressure and demands, typical of the adolescent phase, causes many adolescents to experience depressing emotions. In spite of these circumstances there are also many adolescents who go through this phase in development without any significant problems. Aaron Beck is of opinion that it is not the circumstances in and of itself that lead to depression but rather the meaning that individuals attached to these circumstances. Beck mentions that depressive people are inclined to irrational beliefs, erroneous information-processing and dysfunctional automatic thoughts. To address this problem, six adolescents who experience subclinical depression, were subjected to Beck's cognitive therapy. The primary target of Beck's therapy is the correction of above mentioned dysfunctional cognitions. The conclusion is that when the dysfunctional cognitions of adolescents who experience subclinical depression can be corrected, their depressive feelings will diminish. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Applied competence in a distance learning programme for the professional development of foundation phase teachers / Corné Gerda Kruger

Kruger, Corné Gerda January 2015 (has links)
The ongoing debate about the capacity of distance learning (DL) to assist in the development of teaching skills and to improve teaching practice is the focus of many inquiries in the field of teacher education. The practice-based nature of Foundation Phase teaching poses unique challenges for professional development of teachers through DL programmes. In order to address inadequacies identified in the literature and previous research, a practical component was designed and included in the revised version of the Advanced Certificate: Education - Foundation Phase, as part of a bursary project. In 2011 the Northern Cape Department of Education (NCDoE) enrolled 50 practising Foundation Phase teachers for this distance learning programme as the first of three cohorts in the bursary project. A learning portfolio and audio-visual resources, designed according to principles derived from previous research and related literature, formed part of this practical component. The aim was to support teacher applied competence through developing pedagogical content knowledge, self-directedness, and a professional attitude, and through guiding the application of new knowledge and skills in practice. The completed portfolios further served as an instrument for the assessment of teacher performance with regard to applied competence. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of the practical component of the revised Foundation Phase ACE programme delivered by the NWU via distance learning with specific focus on the way this component facilitates the development of applied competence and the way the portfolio provides for the assessment of professional classroom competencies of practising Foundation Phase teachers. The study further aimed to put forward a model for the development of applied practice based on the findings of the study. In order to attain the aims of the study, the literature was explored to firstly determine the elements which contribute to applied competence in effective teacher professional development programmes. The literature was further explored to determine what the body of scholarship indicates with respect to programme design features that support applied competence in DL programmes for teacher professional development. An implementation evaluation study was then conducted on the programme by collecting data from 50 Foundation Phase teachers as the first of three cohorts enrolled for the bursary project. Data were primarily collected through multiple qualitative methods including a focus-group interview, individual interviews, written expectations as well as open ended questions of questionnaires. Descriptive data were also collected through semi-structured questionnaires. Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis to determine the theoretical and conceptual implications of the profile and teaching context of the Northern Cape Foundation Phase teacher enrolled for the DL Foundation Phase ACE programme, the expectations of these teachers regarding the way the practical component would support their applied competence in their contexts, and the teachers’ experiences of the way the programme component supported the development of their applied competence. The study further determined the extent to which the learning portfolios interrogate the elements of applied competence. Quantitative data collected through semi-structured questionnaires were statistically analysed and served to support the interpretation of qualitative data. The investigation was approached from a constructivist paradigm; an approach that falls under an interpretivist philosophical orientation. Although quantitative methods were used to gather descriptive statistical data in support of the qualitative data, the study is grounded in qualitative research methodology where the concern is with the formative evaluation of the DL programme component The findings strongly confirm the value of such a practical component as part of a DL programme to support the elements of applied competence. However, the way the programme accommodates teacher profiles and teaching contexts will greatly influence the sustainability of the programme outcomes in practice. The findings further show that the portfolio as instrument for the assessment of applied competence requires careful planning and should provide strong guidance in the reflective process to support sustained outcomes of the programme in practice. A suggested model for a DL programme for the professional development of Foundation Phase teachers is based on the findings of the study. / PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Applied competence in a distance learning programme for the professional development of foundation phase teachers / Corné Gerda Kruger

Kruger, Corné Gerda January 2015 (has links)
The ongoing debate about the capacity of distance learning (DL) to assist in the development of teaching skills and to improve teaching practice is the focus of many inquiries in the field of teacher education. The practice-based nature of Foundation Phase teaching poses unique challenges for professional development of teachers through DL programmes. In order to address inadequacies identified in the literature and previous research, a practical component was designed and included in the revised version of the Advanced Certificate: Education - Foundation Phase, as part of a bursary project. In 2011 the Northern Cape Department of Education (NCDoE) enrolled 50 practising Foundation Phase teachers for this distance learning programme as the first of three cohorts in the bursary project. A learning portfolio and audio-visual resources, designed according to principles derived from previous research and related literature, formed part of this practical component. The aim was to support teacher applied competence through developing pedagogical content knowledge, self-directedness, and a professional attitude, and through guiding the application of new knowledge and skills in practice. The completed portfolios further served as an instrument for the assessment of teacher performance with regard to applied competence. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of the practical component of the revised Foundation Phase ACE programme delivered by the NWU via distance learning with specific focus on the way this component facilitates the development of applied competence and the way the portfolio provides for the assessment of professional classroom competencies of practising Foundation Phase teachers. The study further aimed to put forward a model for the development of applied practice based on the findings of the study. In order to attain the aims of the study, the literature was explored to firstly determine the elements which contribute to applied competence in effective teacher professional development programmes. The literature was further explored to determine what the body of scholarship indicates with respect to programme design features that support applied competence in DL programmes for teacher professional development. An implementation evaluation study was then conducted on the programme by collecting data from 50 Foundation Phase teachers as the first of three cohorts enrolled for the bursary project. Data were primarily collected through multiple qualitative methods including a focus-group interview, individual interviews, written expectations as well as open ended questions of questionnaires. Descriptive data were also collected through semi-structured questionnaires. Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis to determine the theoretical and conceptual implications of the profile and teaching context of the Northern Cape Foundation Phase teacher enrolled for the DL Foundation Phase ACE programme, the expectations of these teachers regarding the way the practical component would support their applied competence in their contexts, and the teachers’ experiences of the way the programme component supported the development of their applied competence. The study further determined the extent to which the learning portfolios interrogate the elements of applied competence. Quantitative data collected through semi-structured questionnaires were statistically analysed and served to support the interpretation of qualitative data. The investigation was approached from a constructivist paradigm; an approach that falls under an interpretivist philosophical orientation. Although quantitative methods were used to gather descriptive statistical data in support of the qualitative data, the study is grounded in qualitative research methodology where the concern is with the formative evaluation of the DL programme component The findings strongly confirm the value of such a practical component as part of a DL programme to support the elements of applied competence. However, the way the programme accommodates teacher profiles and teaching contexts will greatly influence the sustainability of the programme outcomes in practice. The findings further show that the portfolio as instrument for the assessment of applied competence requires careful planning and should provide strong guidance in the reflective process to support sustained outcomes of the programme in practice. A suggested model for a DL programme for the professional development of Foundation Phase teachers is based on the findings of the study. / PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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