Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prestressed"" "subject:"presstressed""
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Making the connection : Are post-tensioned CLT walls an economically sound option?Mehlig, Jakob, Wade, Elisabeth January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to compare the cost of post-tensioned connection systems with conventional connections for the transferal of uplift forces in CLT stabilising walls. The desire for taller timber buildings has increased over time, in part due to environmental aspects but also to meet demands from an urbanizing population. For taller buildings, the horizontal load from wind increases. Due to timbers low self-weight, the uplifting force caused by the horizontal loading will be relatively large. Post-tensioning within timber structures is a non-conventional method for the transferal of uplifting forces that has been applied in only a few projects. The cost of the post-tensioning method is therefore unclear to the general engineer and has for that reason been investigated within this thesis. To gain information about the different aspects that might be affected by the connection method, interviews were held with different professionals who had worked with the post- tension method in timber structures. A cost comparison was performed for four different connection methods for stabilising walls, where the methods were three versions of the post-tension method and one with the more common angle brackets and hold-downs. The thesis was completed with a cost comparison within a case study, where the financial differences between the different connection methods for stabilising walls in a building were investigated. The case study building was based on a project currently being designed in Uppsala. Several different versions of the building were created, where the number of stories and stabilising walls of the building were changed. The connection costs for the different versions were compared to find the most cost-effective solution. The results from the stabilising wall analysis showed that the conventional connection method, was the cheaper option for stabilising walls of 4-storeys. While the post-tension method had a cheaper material cost for stabilising walls of 8-storeys and above. As the building height increased the post-tension systems became more priceworthy. The largest cost difference found between the conventional and the post-tension systems was for the 20-storey tall wall subjected to an uplift of 100 kN, where the conventional system was 76,5% more expensive than the most economical post-tensioning system. A four- storey interval was used for the analysis of the building heights. The results from the case study cost comparison followed in the same line as the results from the stabilising wall cost comparison. Both indicated that the post-tension systems became more economical compared to the angle brackets for increased building heights. / Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka kostnaden för olika infästningsmetoder för stabiliserande väggar i träkonstruktioner. Fokus ligger på efterspänningsmetoden, som innebär att det monteras stänger i väggarna genom flera våningar som sedan spänns åt. Examensarbetet begränsas i att titta på byggnader uppförda i KL-trä. Det övergripande syftet med arbetet är att avgöra om efterspänningssystem är ett ekonomiskt lönsamt alternativ kontra konventionella infästningsmetoder, för att stabilisera KL-träväggar. KL-trä står för kors-limmat trä och används idag för bärande konstruktioner inom träbyggnader och består av flera lager träskivor som har limmats ihop. Varje lager har vridits med 90 grader i förhållande till det föregående, för att främja komponentens styrka och fuktmotstånd. För att samla information om de olika aspekter som påverkas av valet av infästningsmetod hölls intervjuer med personer som använt sig av efterspänningsmetod i träkonstruktioner. Utöver detta genomfördes även en kostnadsjämförelse mellan olika infästningsalternativ för olika stabiliserande väggar. De alternativ som jämfördes var efterspänningsmetoden och de mer konventionella vinkeljärnen. Resultaten från kostnadsjämförelsen visade att vinkeljärnen var det mest ekonomiska valet för byggnader i 4-våningar, medan materialkostnaden för efterspänningsmetoden var lägre för byggnader med 8-våningar och uppåt. Den största prisskillnaden mellan de två metoderna var för en vägg i en byggnad med 20 våningar och 100 kN i upplyftande krafter, där kostnaden av det konventionella systemet var 76,5% dyrare än det billigaste av de efterspända systemen. Analysen av byggnadshöjderna gjordes i intervaller om fyra våningar. Detta examensarbete avslutades med en fallstudie där de olika aspekterna som påverkar kostnaden av anslutningsmetod, som byggnadshöjd och planlösning, jämfördes. Resultaten från fallstudien följde i samma fotspår, då efterspänningsmetoden blev allt mer kostnadseffektiv med ökat våningsantal.
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Propuesta de una guía de asistencia para la mejora en los procesos de autoconstrucción de viviendas de dos pisos. Caso: A.H. Programa Municipal Vivienda Única - Distrito de San Juan de Miraflores / Proposal for an assistance guide for the improvement of the two-floor housing self-construction processes. Case: A.H. Municipal Program single housing - District of San Juan de MirafloresAlarcon Escalante, Yoseline Lizbeth, Ostos Medina, Yoleisi Mishell 20 August 2020 (has links)
En la siguiente tesis se presenta los resultados de un trabajo de investigación sobre los deficientes procesos autoconstructivos de las estructuras de una vivienda de dos pisos en el Asentamiento Humano Vivienda Única - San Juan de Miraflores.
Sabemos que un gran porcentaje de la población habita en viviendas autoconstruidas, vulnerables a cualquier fenómeno de la naturaleza, pues no cumplen con los parámetros de construcción establecidos. Para desarrollar el problema y los objetivos de la presente tesis de investigación se resume a continuación el contenido de cada capítulo a desarrollar. Primero se identifican los principales factores internos y/o externos que motivaron a los pobladores en la autoconstrucción de sus viviendas, mediante una encuesta en campo realizada a 30 pobladores del Asentamiento Humano Vivienda Única. Luego se procesaron los datos obtenidos y se graficaron los resultados. Seguido, se determinó las condiciones de estas viviendas y se detalló cuáles son los daños que pueden afectar negativamente su comportamiento ante un eventual sismo. Para conseguir la información requerida se realizó una evaluación de 5 viviendas donde se recabaron los datos necesarios con ayuda de los pobladores y el presidente de la zona en mención. Después de realizar esta investigación se pasó a formar la guía de autoconstrucción para mejorar los procesos constructivos deficientes donde se encontrará los materiales y procedimientos óptimos para la construcción de una vivienda en el Asentamiento Humano Vivienda Única. Por último, se diseñará un modelo de vivienda de dos pisos de un área de 120 m2 donde se realizará el diseño de los principales elementos estructurales, y se realizará un análisis costo - beneficio entre dos sistemas de losas: el sistema convencional y el sistema con viguetas pretensadas y casetones de poliestireno. / The following thesis presents the results of a research work on the deficient self-constructive processes of the structures of a two-story house in the Single House Human Settlement - San Juan de Miraflores.
We know that a large percentage of the population lives in self-built houses, vulnerable to any phenomenon of nature, as they do not meet the established construction parameters. To develop the problem and the objectives of this research thesis, the content of each chapter to be developed is summarized below. First, the main internal and / or external factors that motivated residents to self-build their homes are identified through a field survey of 30 residents of the Single House Human Settlement. Then the obtained data were processed and the results were plotted. Next, the conditions of these homes were determined and the damages that could negatively affect their behavior in the event of an eventual earthquake were detailed. In order to obtain the required information, an evaluation of 5 houses was carried out, where the necessary data was collected with the help of the residents and the president of the area in question. After carrying out this research, the self-construction guide was formed to improve the deficient construction processes where the optimal materials and procedures for the construction of a house will be found in the Single House Human Settlement. Finally, a two-story house model of an area of 120 m2 will be designed where the design of the main structural elements will be carried out, and a cost-benefit analysis will be carried out between two slab systems: the conventional system and the system with prestressed joists and polystyrene shells. / Tesis
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Dragbelastning av förspända skruvförbandDogui, Sami, Sadik, Jegar January 2020 (has links)
This master theses depicts FEM analysis of bolt joints where the focus is on investigating the stressrelationship between plate and bolt. Two bolts, M8 and M16, have been analyzed where they havebeen prestressed to 70 % of the ultimate tensile strength for steel type 8.8. A surface load has beenapplied in tension along the lateral surface of a cylindrical plate. The load distribution between plateand bolt of the external load varies between 2-28 % and 1-99 % for M8 and M16 in comparison to 20% stated in equation 2.7 in SS-EN 1993-1-8.The conclusion of studies shows that the behavior between the bolt and plate is not as previouslythought in SS-EN 1993-1-8. The bolt deforms negatively first when the system is subjected to externalload. This causes the resulting force to decrease. This behavior means that the bolt is designed towithstand larger loads than necessary. The factor 0.2 should be redefined. The authors recommendthat methods proposed by Pedersen and Pedersen [2008] or Haidar et al. [2011] should be used.
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Capacity and lifetime analysis of pre-stressed slatted floors / Kapacitetskontroll och livslängdsundersökning av förspända spaltstavarHermansson, Denise, Nilsson, Olivia January 2016 (has links)
This study investigates the mechanical differences between old and newly produced slatted floors through a four-point bending test. To understand to what extent the actual environment has affected the slatted floors, the carbonation depth and corrosion will be examined. The tests showed no mechanical differences between slatted floors which had been in service for a certain amount of years and newly produces ones. Corrosion could be observed on some of the samples but it was not because of the carbonation process. When comparing the calculations of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete slatted floors, the result showed that the pre-stressed floor could carry up to double the load of what the reinforced slatted floor could. The conclusion of this study is, that the pre-stressed slatted floors will certainly hold for at least thirty years and will most likely hold for many years to come.
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Etude des déformations différées des bétons en compression et en traction, du jeune au long terme : application aux enceintes de confinement / Study of delayed strains for concrete in compression and in tension from early age to long termHilaire, Adrien 28 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but d'apporter des éléments de connaissance sur le comportement des enceintes de confinement des centrales nucléaires françaises. L'aptitude au confinement de ce type de structures est garantie par la faible perméabilité du béton. En cas d'accident, le béton est protégé de la fissuration par la compression biaxiale assurée par les câbles de précontrainte orthoradiaux et verticaux. Dès lors, il s'agit de vérifier deux points principaux : premièrement, le niveau de précontrainte doit rester suffisamment élevé pour équilibrer les contraintes de traction induites lors d'un accident, deuxièmement, la fissuration du matériau qui apparaît hors situation accidentelle doit être limitée. La réalisation de ces objectifs passe par la connaissance du comportement du béton depuis sa fabrication jusqu'à la fin de la durée d'exploitation du réacteur. L'étude du matériau est séparé en deux grandes périodes : la phase du jeune âge caractérisée par de forts couplages chemo-thermo-mécaniques et la phase du long terme où le matériau subit des sollicitations hydro-mécaniques. Une modélisation couplant l'hydratation, les transferts thermiques et hydriques et la mécanique est développée : elle est apte à décrire les principaux mécanismes en jeu. Ce modèle est implanté dans le logiciel CAST3M : le nombre limité de paramètres permet de faciliter le processus d'identification. En parallèle à ce travail de modélisation, plusieurs essais expérimentaux ont été réalisés : certains sont destinés à la détermination de paramètres spécifiques (par exemple, le coefficient de Poisson du fluage propre), d'autres ont pour but d'évaluer la pertinence des mécanismes physiques retenus dans la modélisation (notamment sur les couplages séchage-retrait-fluage). Par la diversité des phénomènes abordés, cette étude s'articule autour de plusieurs axes. La première partie traite des phénomènes thermo-chimiques du béton au jeune âge et du séchage des matériaux cimentaires : problèmes qui ont en commun leur nature diffuse. Une attention particulière est portée sur l'identification des principaux paramètres d'influence de ces deux phénomènes. La deuxième partie concerne l'étude des déformations différées du béton. Contrairement à la décomposition conventionnelle de ces déformations, fluage et retrait sont corrélés et induisent un endommagement du matériau. La modélisation proposée, qui se place dans le cadre de la mécanique des milieux poreux non saturés, permet de considérer une partie des interactions entre ces déformations. La dernière partie se concentre sur l'étude du comportement différé de structures. Les résultats mettent en lumière l'importance de certains verrous technologiques dans la prédiction du comportement à long terme d'une enceinte de confinement. / This work aims to study the behaviour of the containment buildings in a nuclear power plant. The gas-proofing of these structures is based on the low conductivity of concrete (the hydraulic conductivity is around 10-11 m/s for a standard concrete). However, if cracks appear, this material property increases and the containment may not be longer guaranteed. In accidental situations, the concrete is protected from cracking by the bi-axial prestressing of the internal safety enclosure. The ageing of the structure may have two main consequences : firstly, the prestress has to remain sufficiently high to counterbalance the tensile stress caused by an accident, secondly, cracking induced by non-accidental loads has to be limited. These aims cannot be satisfied if the behaviour of the concrete is not understood from its manufacturing to the end of the operating life of the nuclear reactor.\\ The lifespan of the structure is broken down into two distinguished periods : on one hand, strong chemo-thermo-mechanical couplings characterise the early age phase, on the other hand, the material is under hydro-mechanical stress during the long term phase. In the proposed modelling, hydration, thermal and hydric transfers are coupled with the mechanical behaviour of the concrete- the main mechanisms are considered. The model is implemented in the software \textit{CAST3M} : the limited number of parameters facilitate the identification process. In tandem with this work, several experimental tests are realised. Parameters are identified from their results, moreover, some of the experimental observations confirmed the physical mechanisms considered in the model. \\ Because of the complexity of the different phenomenon, this document is built around the following principles. The first part deals with the chemo-thermal couplings at early age and the drying process of concrete at long term : the nature of these two problems is diffusive. This part is focused on the identification of the main parameters of these two phenomenons. The second part is about the delayed strains in concrete. Unlike the conventional decomposition of these strains, creep and shrinkage are correlated and influence the damage evolution. Mechanics of unsaturated porous media is used to consider the couplings between these strains. The last part is focused on the delayed behaviour of structures. Results highlight the importance of some technological barriers in order to predict accurately the long-term behaviour of a containment building.
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Concrete floor : Design of prefabricated pre-stressed hollow core slabs with verification through PRE-Stress and comparison with site-cast slab / Betongbjälklag : Dimensionering av prefabricerade förspända håldäcksplattor med verifiering genom PRE-Stress samt jämförelse med platsgjutet bjälklagEriksson, Alexander, Flykt, Veronica January 2020 (has links)
The most common prefabricated concrete slabs are hollow core slabs, which are usually pre-tensioned. How to design these parts is not compiled today in a manual where it is clear how this is done, this knowledge is generally classified as expert knowledge. The purpose was to bring forth how to design prefabricated pre-stressed hollow core slabs, HD/F, and then create a design aid that is compared by hand calculations with the PRE-Stress design program from StruSoft. Furthermore, to compare it with site-cast concrete slabs to see differences in the amount of material and the thickness of the structure under the same conditions.The design aid is not complete as some limitations had to be made. When it comes to results, the hand calculations in comparison with PRE-Stress have not resulted in identical answers but have proven to be on the safe side consistently through the design, which indicates that the design aid is fully functional. In the comparison with site-cast concrete slabs, it can be noted that prestressed hollow core slabs require less concrete volume, slimmer construction, and longer span widths but greater reinforcement volume. / Det vanligaste prefabricerade betongbjälklaget är håldäcksplattor som oftast är spännarmerade. Hur man dimensionerar dessa bärverksdelar finns idag inte samlat i en handbok där det står tydligt hur man gör, den kunskapen klassas generellt som expertiskunskap. Syftet var att ta fram hur man dimensionerar prefabricerade förspända håldäcksplattor, HD/F, och sedan skapa ett dimensioneringshjälpmedel som jämförs genom handberäkningar med PRE-Stress dimensioneringsprogram från StruSoft. Vidare genomfördes jämförande beräkningar för platsgjutet betongbjälklag för att se skillnader i materialmängd och konstruktionstjocklek under samma förutsättningar.Dimensioneringshjälpmedlet är inte komplett då vissa avgränsningar behövts göras. När det kommer till resultat har handberäkningar i jämförelse med PRE-Stress inte resulterat i identiska svar, men visat sig hamna på säkra sidan konsekvent genom dimensioneringen vilket tyder på att dimensioneringshjälpmedlet är fullt användbart. I jämförelsen med platsgjutet bjälklag kan man konstatera att förspända håldäcksplattor ger mindre betongvolym, slankare konstruktion och längre spännvidder men större armeringsmängd.
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Crack Propagation Analysis of a Pre-stressed L-shaped Spandrel Parking Garage BeamHashtroodi, Seyedowjan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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As vogais médias pretônicas na fala de sergipanos em São Paulo / Pre-stressed mid-vowels in the speech of speakers who migrated from Sergipe to São PauloSantana, Amanda de Lima 27 July 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação objetiva estudar a fala de sergipanos migrantes residentes em São Paulo e em sua região metropolitana, com o intuito de verificar suas taxas de acomodação (TRUDGILL, 1986) à fala paulistana, no que concerne ao grau de abertura das vogais médias pretônicas (como em negócio e coragem), tratado como uma variável numérica (a partir dos valores de F1). Para tanto, os pressupostos teóricos variacionistas (LABOV, 2008 [1972]), o conceito de redes sociais (MILROY, 1987; MILROY & LLAMAS, 2013 [2002]) e algumas definições caras à terceira onda (ECKERT, 2012), como o de identidade (KIESLING, 2013), são tomados como norteadores. O corpus da pesquisa é formado por 27 entrevistas sociolinguísticas realizadas com sergipanos migrantes pertencentes a duas redes sociais distintas. A rede 1 é mais fechada (com uma mobilidade geográfica mais limitada e com um contato menos frequente com paulistanos) e é composta por 16 informantes residentes em Taboão da Serra e Cotia, cidades metropolitanas de São Paulo. A rede 2, por sua vez, é mais aberta (tem mais contato com paulistanos) e é formada por 11 sujeitos, moradores de Osasco, Carapicuíba e São Paulo. Partindo da premissa de que os indivíduos estão se acomodando às pessoas com quem estão conversando rotineiramente, a hipótese central do estudo é que as taxas de acomodação dos migrantes estejam correlacionadas à configuração de suas redes. Dessa maneira, como os sujeitos da rede 2 conversam, com mais frequência, paulistanos, eles tendem a estar mais acomodados à fala paulistana. Além disso, a pesquisa lida com o conceito de identidade com o intuito de testar a hipótese de que o migrante que se identifica mais com Sergipe, do que com São Paulo, tende a estar menos acomodado à nova realidade linguística. Tal teste é realizado com um índice chamado índice de vínculo com Sergipe, criado a partir de um questionário respondido pelos próprios informantes depois da entrevista sociolinguística. O principal resultado das análises é que a hipótese sobre a configuração das redes não se confirma, ou seja, não faz diferença, para as taxas de acomodação, se o informante pertence à rede mais fechada ou à mais aberta. Verificou-se, nesse sentido, que existe uma grande variação entre os indivíduos de uma mesma rede. Ademais, não foi constatada correlação entre o índice de vínculo com Sergipe do migrante e seu grau de acomodação. A análise mais minuciosa de dois migrantes da rede 2 revela que existe uma concentração de vogal /o/ mais baixa quando os falantes estão avaliando as diferentes pronúncias brasileiras e estão discursando sobre sua origem, sobretudo quando usam a palavra nordeste (e suas derivações). Tal descoberta mostra que, em pesquisas sobre acomodação dialetal, é importante voltar-se para a análise do indivíduo e para suas posturas (stance). / This masters thesis presents a study of pre-stressed mid-vowels /e/ (negócio business) and /o/ (coragem courage) in the speech of 27 speakers who migrated from Sergipe to São Paulo. In their original dialect, speakers born and raised in Sergipe (as in other areas of Northeastern Brazil Cardoso, 1999; Callou et al, 2009) tend to open these vowels, relative to their pronunciation by speakers born and raised in São Paulo. Under the assumption that speakers tend to accommodate their speech (TRUDGILL, 1986) to the variety spoken by those with whom they routinely speak, the central hypothesis is that migrants may have different rates of accomodation in the pronunciation of those vowels, depending on the configuration of their networks. That way, migrants whose networks include more Paulistanos would tend to pronounce these vowels more similarly to these speakers, as opposed to migrants whose networks include more Sergipanos and speakers from other Northeastern areas of Brazil. The data were extracted from sociolinguistic interviews, recorded with these migrants according to their participation in two social networks. Network 1 is more closed (limited geographical mobility and less frequent contact with Paulistanos) and comprises 16 migrants living in Taboão da Serra and Cotia, metropolitan cities of São Paulo. Network 2 is more open (more contact with Paulistanos) and comprises 11 subjects, residents of Osasco, Carapicuíba and São Paulo. Data collection and analyses were carried out in accordance with Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 2008 [1972]), the concept of social networks (MILROY, 1987; MILROY & LLAMAS, 2013 [2002]) and third-wave conceptualizations (ECKERT, 2012), such as stance and identity (KIESLING, 2013). Vowel openess was treated as a numeric variable (measured in Praat Boersma & Weenink, 2014 through formant F1, in Hertz). Results do not confirm the network hypothesis, as the degrees of migrants accommodation did not significantly differ according to their network. Rather, there is great variability amongst speakers, including those who are members of the same network. Additionally, there is no correlation between the variable and whether the migrants identify themselves more to the new city or to their Northeastern origins (through an index based on answers to an identity questionnaire performed at the end of the sociolinguistic interviews). Moreover, there is also great variability throughout their interviews. By analyzing more closely the speech of two migrants from Network 2, it is noteworthy that there is a concentration of higher-F1 tokens of /o/ in the word nordeste (Nordeste Northeast), when the speakers are talking about their views on their origins and their original dialect. These findings call for further analysis of individual speech, when it comes to research on dialect accommodation.
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As vogais médias pretônicas na fala de sergipanos em São Paulo / Pre-stressed mid-vowels in the speech of speakers who migrated from Sergipe to São PauloAmanda de Lima Santana 27 July 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação objetiva estudar a fala de sergipanos migrantes residentes em São Paulo e em sua região metropolitana, com o intuito de verificar suas taxas de acomodação (TRUDGILL, 1986) à fala paulistana, no que concerne ao grau de abertura das vogais médias pretônicas (como em negócio e coragem), tratado como uma variável numérica (a partir dos valores de F1). Para tanto, os pressupostos teóricos variacionistas (LABOV, 2008 [1972]), o conceito de redes sociais (MILROY, 1987; MILROY & LLAMAS, 2013 [2002]) e algumas definições caras à terceira onda (ECKERT, 2012), como o de identidade (KIESLING, 2013), são tomados como norteadores. O corpus da pesquisa é formado por 27 entrevistas sociolinguísticas realizadas com sergipanos migrantes pertencentes a duas redes sociais distintas. A rede 1 é mais fechada (com uma mobilidade geográfica mais limitada e com um contato menos frequente com paulistanos) e é composta por 16 informantes residentes em Taboão da Serra e Cotia, cidades metropolitanas de São Paulo. A rede 2, por sua vez, é mais aberta (tem mais contato com paulistanos) e é formada por 11 sujeitos, moradores de Osasco, Carapicuíba e São Paulo. Partindo da premissa de que os indivíduos estão se acomodando às pessoas com quem estão conversando rotineiramente, a hipótese central do estudo é que as taxas de acomodação dos migrantes estejam correlacionadas à configuração de suas redes. Dessa maneira, como os sujeitos da rede 2 conversam, com mais frequência, paulistanos, eles tendem a estar mais acomodados à fala paulistana. Além disso, a pesquisa lida com o conceito de identidade com o intuito de testar a hipótese de que o migrante que se identifica mais com Sergipe, do que com São Paulo, tende a estar menos acomodado à nova realidade linguística. Tal teste é realizado com um índice chamado índice de vínculo com Sergipe, criado a partir de um questionário respondido pelos próprios informantes depois da entrevista sociolinguística. O principal resultado das análises é que a hipótese sobre a configuração das redes não se confirma, ou seja, não faz diferença, para as taxas de acomodação, se o informante pertence à rede mais fechada ou à mais aberta. Verificou-se, nesse sentido, que existe uma grande variação entre os indivíduos de uma mesma rede. Ademais, não foi constatada correlação entre o índice de vínculo com Sergipe do migrante e seu grau de acomodação. A análise mais minuciosa de dois migrantes da rede 2 revela que existe uma concentração de vogal /o/ mais baixa quando os falantes estão avaliando as diferentes pronúncias brasileiras e estão discursando sobre sua origem, sobretudo quando usam a palavra nordeste (e suas derivações). Tal descoberta mostra que, em pesquisas sobre acomodação dialetal, é importante voltar-se para a análise do indivíduo e para suas posturas (stance). / This masters thesis presents a study of pre-stressed mid-vowels /e/ (negócio business) and /o/ (coragem courage) in the speech of 27 speakers who migrated from Sergipe to São Paulo. In their original dialect, speakers born and raised in Sergipe (as in other areas of Northeastern Brazil Cardoso, 1999; Callou et al, 2009) tend to open these vowels, relative to their pronunciation by speakers born and raised in São Paulo. Under the assumption that speakers tend to accommodate their speech (TRUDGILL, 1986) to the variety spoken by those with whom they routinely speak, the central hypothesis is that migrants may have different rates of accomodation in the pronunciation of those vowels, depending on the configuration of their networks. That way, migrants whose networks include more Paulistanos would tend to pronounce these vowels more similarly to these speakers, as opposed to migrants whose networks include more Sergipanos and speakers from other Northeastern areas of Brazil. The data were extracted from sociolinguistic interviews, recorded with these migrants according to their participation in two social networks. Network 1 is more closed (limited geographical mobility and less frequent contact with Paulistanos) and comprises 16 migrants living in Taboão da Serra and Cotia, metropolitan cities of São Paulo. Network 2 is more open (more contact with Paulistanos) and comprises 11 subjects, residents of Osasco, Carapicuíba and São Paulo. Data collection and analyses were carried out in accordance with Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 2008 [1972]), the concept of social networks (MILROY, 1987; MILROY & LLAMAS, 2013 [2002]) and third-wave conceptualizations (ECKERT, 2012), such as stance and identity (KIESLING, 2013). Vowel openess was treated as a numeric variable (measured in Praat Boersma & Weenink, 2014 through formant F1, in Hertz). Results do not confirm the network hypothesis, as the degrees of migrants accommodation did not significantly differ according to their network. Rather, there is great variability amongst speakers, including those who are members of the same network. Additionally, there is no correlation between the variable and whether the migrants identify themselves more to the new city or to their Northeastern origins (through an index based on answers to an identity questionnaire performed at the end of the sociolinguistic interviews). Moreover, there is also great variability throughout their interviews. By analyzing more closely the speech of two migrants from Network 2, it is noteworthy that there is a concentration of higher-F1 tokens of /o/ in the word nordeste (Nordeste Northeast), when the speakers are talking about their views on their origins and their original dialect. These findings call for further analysis of individual speech, when it comes to research on dialect accommodation.
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Effect Of Reinforcement And Pre-stressing Force On Asr ExpansionMusaoglu, Orhan 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Alkali Silica Reaction in concrete is a chemical deterioration process occurring between alkalis in cement paste and reactive aggregates. ASR increases expansion and cracking as well as other durability problems such as freezing and thawing. It is most probable that concrete structure will collapse unless mechanical, mineral, or chemical preventive measures are taken against ASR or this problem is realized and solved in the design stage of the concrete structure or later on.
Rather than ordinary preventive measures in which mineral admixtures are used, mechanical ones were investigated in this study. In the experiment done by using the accelerated mortar bar method, reinforced concrete specimens on which pre-stressing force was applied were examined. The effects of reinforcement ratio and pre-stressing force on ASR based expansion and cracking were studied. Expansion and cracking developments in time were followed, and the connection between these phenomena and the energy produced by ASR was made. By applying the same mechanical preventive measures on the specimens prepared by using different reactive aggregates, the effectiveness of these methods with respect to the degree of
ASR was investigated. Also, the methods in question were compared with traditional preventive measures (fly ash).
The investigation results show that reinforcement and pre-stressing force play a significant role in diminishing the effects of ASR.Keywords:Alkali-Silica Reaction, Reinforced Concrete Specimen, Pre-stressed Concrete, Mechanical Preventive Measures, Energy of ASR
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