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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifying Areas of Commonality for an Interprofessional Curriculum on the University of Arizona Health Sciences Campus

Boyer, John, Giesler, Libby, Redman, Kerry, Murphy, John January 2012 (has links)
Class of 2012 Abstract / Specific Aims: To identify areas of commonality between the health profession curriculums on the University of Arizona campus, encompassing nursing, pharmacy, medicine, and public health. Methods: This descriptive, cross sectional study used a set of predetermined interprofessional education (IPE) topics including communication, professional ethics, quality assurance and patient safety, evidence based medicine, and public health to compare the core curricula of the colleges. Syllabi for each class were analyzed to determine which, if any, of the topics mentioned previously were covered, and if needed professors were contacted for clarification purposes on their lectures. Main Results: Each of the health professional colleges covers all 5 of the interprofessional topics studied. Evidence based medicine was the most covered IPE topic with 233.5 hours followed by communication (153.5 hours), public health (133.75 hours), quality assurance and patient safety (106.5 hours), and professional ethics (59 hours). Conclusions: The University of Arizona Health Sciences Campus is capable of developing an interprofessional curriculum based on the shared aims amongst the colleges. Although we were unable to identify a specific time slot that could be used to teach IPE curricula, we are able to recommend that an IPE course be implemented in the first professional year for all the colleges as this was the time in which all the colleges spent the most time teaching IPE topics.

Könsroller på mångkulturella fritidshem : Kvalitativ studie om genus kopplat till de fria lekarna och de förbestämda lekarna

Cvrk, Amir January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see the difference between the genders when it comes to freeplaying but also to see the differences in the predestined games in a multicultural school. Myresearch question has been answered through observation of the students from a genderperspective to see both the differences but also the similarities. I have observed the students inboth outside and inside environments to see the differences. I have also read literature aboutgender and used those when working through the material from the observations.The result I got was consistent with the literature I read that boys and girls choose activitiesbased on stereotypical activities for each gender. The result also showed that sometimes theboys and girls chose an activity that is outside of their stereotypical activity. Furthermore,when boys and girls are playing the same game separately the rules tend to change.To conclude we could see that the predetermined activities were good for the most part butsometimes there were children who did not want to try an activity that is associated with theother gender.

Evaluation of Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Techniques For Utah Probable Maximum Flood Determinations

Shammet, Ashraf Mohammed 01 May 1995 (has links)
Every dam must be capable of safely passing a predetermined flood magnitude. For high-hazard dams, it is a common practice to require that this flood be the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF). The determination of the PMF starts with the determination of the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP). We used the generalized estimates of the PMP as outlined in Hydrometeorological Report (HMR) 49. In this study we used the storm event model approach to convert the PMP into PMF. Different synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH) techniques were then used in the conversion process. The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number method was used to estimate the losses, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) lag time relationship was used as the basis for estimating the time parameters for the different (SUH) methods. The objectives of this study were 1) to evaluate the theoretical and empirical basis for the SUH methods that are commonly used for Utah PMF determinations; 2) to compare the PMF determinations for representative Utah watersheds based on alternative SUH methods using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques, and to explore the effects of parameter uncertainty ; and 3) to make recommendations for the selection and use of SUH methods for Utah PMF determinations. An interactive PMF modeling system was formulated. The modeling system processes the different databases and estimates the parameters required for HEC 1 model input to produce the PMF hydrograph. Five SUHs were used, tbe SCS, Clark, Snyder, USBR, and the Corps of Engineers (COE) LA valley S-graph. Seven representative Utah high-hazard dam sites were selected and used in the evaluation of the five SUH techniques, focusing on their procedure, practice and applicability, and analytical and empirical evaluations. GIS procedures proved to be a very efficient and flexible means for obtaining rainfall-runoff model inputs. Deviation of the site-specific time-area curve from the default curve in HEC 1 leads to errors in the peak flow estimate. In the absence of suitable events for site-specific development of unit hydrographs, the USBR SUH technique is to be used, but careful consideration should be given to the appropriateness of the use of local storm K, values for Utah local storm PMFs.

Preços de transferência e o princípio arm’s length: uma análise sob a ótica internacional e nacional

Auler, Gabriela 19 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2019-02-04T12:06:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Gabriela Auler_.pdf: 1514282 bytes, checksum: fc1188e940405f41fb4189ff076e5fc3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-02-04T12:06:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gabriela Auler_.pdf: 1514282 bytes, checksum: fc1188e940405f41fb4189ff076e5fc3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-19 / Nenhuma / Dentre os principais problemas enfrentados pela globalização está a harmonização tributária. A dificuldade para conciliar sistemas tributários diversos é imensa. Nesse ínterim, tampouco, se evidenciam os conflitos atinentes às regras de preço de transferência, as quais, frisa-se, têm maior impacto tributário sobre as rendas geradas internacionalmente do que qualquer outro aspecto da legislação tributária. Nesse contexto, procurou-se, por meio do presente trabalho, compreender melhor os padrões, princípios e métodos utilizados internacionalmente para fins de cálculo do preço parâmetro de transferência, partindo-se de uma análise internacional evolutiva quanto ao tema para, então, tratar de forma pormenorizada sobre ao princípio arm’s length e efeitos decorrentes de sua aplicação. Após, discorreu-se sobre os preços de transferência no direito brasileiro, de sorte a abordar sua evolução, métodos utilizados para cálculo e a (não) utilização do princípio arm’s length em decorrência da utilização de margens predeterminadas. Ainda, analisou-se o posicionamente da ONU quanto a tal fato e as decisões do CARF e STJ referentes ao tema. Por fim, discorreu-se acerca da possibilidade e relevância na implementação do princípio arm’s length à legislação brasileira, elucidando as supostas dificuldades e alternativas existentes, com o viés de se chegar a um cenário mais próspero e favorável aos negócios internacionais, o qual deve trazer previsibilidade e segurança aos respectivos investidores/empresas. / One of the main problem faced by globalization is tax harmonization. The difficulty of reconciling different tax systems is immense. In this context, conflicts related to transfer pricing rules have a greater tax impact on revenues generated internationally than any other aspect of tax legislation. This study aim to understand the standards, principles and methods used internationally for the purpose of calculating the transfer price value. The study starts with an international evolutionary analysis on the subject and the detailed description of the arm's length principle and the effects of its application. Afterwards, it discusses about transfer pricing in Brazilian law, it’s evolution, methods used for calculation and the (non) use of the arm's length principle due to the use of predetermined margins. The position of the UN on this fact was also addressed and approached the decisions of CARF and STJ on the subject. Finally, it discusses about the possibility and relevance of implementing the arm's length principle to Brazilian legislation, elucidating the difficulties and alternatives, with the scope of creating a prosperous and favorable scenario for international business, which should bring predictability and security to the companies/investors.

Co-authorial narrative : Attempting to draw a border in the no man’s land that is emergent narrative

Grödem, Tim January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to define the area that fall in-between predetermined and emergent narratives and pitches the term of “co-authorial narrative” to describe it. Co-authorial narratives are defined by their design of splitting the responsibility of authorship between the developer and the player. The purpose of the study is to prove this concept, with the overall goal of broadening the understanding of emergent narrative.

Digitalisation of Predetermined Motion Time Systems : An Investigation Towards Automated Time Setting Processes

Gans, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Time setting in production operations is necessary to properly takt and balance the flow of assembly and logistics. Time setting activities is also crucial to achieve an optimised, healthy and ergonomic assembly and logistics operation. But time setting is seldom done on a detailed enough level before deployed on the shop floor which necessitates more work of the time setting to make it reflect the work carried out and fit it to the local production area. There is also a need to redo the time setting whenever a change to a process or product has occurred. Nowadays, the time setting is often performed using very manual methods with Predetermined Motion Time Systems (PMTS), sometimes with the aid of digital tools to replace pen and paper but work otherwise practically the same way it has since its inception in the first half of the 20th century. This is a process that require skill, experience and often much time, but is also monotonous and repetitive. To aid in the time setting process, and bring PMTS into Industry 5.0; a digitalised, smart tool is proposed where video can be used to feed a computer program to do the movement classification and time setting accurately and faster than current manual processes can achieve. However, the needs, challenges, and general function of such a system is not well researched in literature. This thesis thus delivers an analysis of current state for the time setting process at a large multinational truck manufacturer with production sites in Sweden and abroad, an overview of technologies for a digitalised, smart PMTS, and a conceptual framework for analysing production tasks using a digitalised, smart system. The framework is then partially implemented to showcase the usefulness of the system and how it would work in practice. / Korrekt tidssättning i produktion är nödvändigt för att takta, planera och balansera flödet i montering och logistik. Tidssättning är också avgörande för att uppnå en optimerad, hälsosam och ergonomisk monterings- och logistikverksamhet. Men tidssättningen görs sällan på en tillräckligt detaljerad nivå innan den används på verkstadsgolvet, vilket kräver mer arbete med tidssättningen för att den ska återspegla det utförda arbetet och anpassas till det lokala produktionsområdet. Det finns också ett behov av att göra om tidssättningen när en förändring av en process eller produkt har skett. Nuförtiden utförs tidssättningen ofta med väldigt manuella metoder med förutbestämda metod-rörelsesystem (PMTS), ibland med hjälp av digitala verktyg som ersätter penna och papper, men i övrigt fungerar det praktiskt taget på samma sätt som det har gjort sedan starten under första halvan av 1900-talet. Detta är en uppgift som kräver skicklighet, erfarenhet och ofta mycket tid, men som också är monoton och repetitiv. För att underlätta tidssättningsprocessen och ta förutbestämda metod-rörelsesystem in i Industri 5.0 föreslås nu ett digitaliserat, smart verktyg där video kan användas för att mata ett datorprogram som gör rörelseklassificeringen och tidssättningen mer exakt och snabbare än vad nuvarande manuella processer kan uppnå. De behov, utmaningar och den allmänna funktionen hos ett sådant system är dock inte väl undersökt i litteraturen utan kräver mer forskning. Detta examensarbete ger därför en analys av det nuvarande läget för tidssättningsprocessen hos en stor multinationell lastbilstillverkare med produktionsanläggningar i Sverige och utomlands, en översikt över tekniker för ett digitaliserat, smart PMTS och ett konceptuellt ramverk för analys av produktionsaktiviteter med hjälp av ett digitaliserat, smart system. Ramverket implementeras sedan delvis i en demonstrator för att visa hur ett sådant system kan se ut och fungera i praktiken.

Förbättrat underhåll av fasta korsningar i spårväxlar / Improved Maintenance of Fixed Crossings in Railway S&C

Laitila, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Järnvägen har möjliggjort boende och arbete på olika orter, genom tågpendling, samt intresset för godstransporter på järnvägen ökar. För att upprätthålla en god status på järnvägen behövs mycket pengar, samtidigt som dess tillgänglighet påverkar många människor. Detta gör det än mer angeläget med en robust järnvägsanläggning, med hög tillgänglighet samt en god punktlighet för både person- och godståg. Ett bättre planerat underhåll möjliggör en längre användbar livstid för samtliga komponenter i järnvägsanläggningen. Som anläggningsdel förorsakar spårväxlar den högsta kostnaden i en banöverbyggnad, med korsningar som ett av de mest frekventa komponentbytena. Idag är den användbara livstiden på fasta mangankorsningar för låg, ca 100 MBrt, då den förväntas vara mellan 100–500 MBrt. Detta ligger till grund för arbetet där syftet är att undersöka hur det förbyggande underhållet av fasta korsningar i spårväxlar bättre kan planeras, utföras och följas upp för att förlänga dess användbara livstid. Vidare är målet med examensarbetet att genom en nulägesanalys, som innefattar dagens erfarenheter, förslag till förbättrade arbetsmetoder och morgondagens informationsinhämtning, fastställa vilken information som kommer att krävas för att på ett bättre sätt planera underhållet, samt att fastställa vilka underhållsåtgärder som är nödvändiga för det förebyggande underhållet av fasta korsningar i spårväxlar. Baserat på detta utformas en underhållsplan med tillhörande LCC för fasta korsningar i spårväxlar. Vidare ska samtliga underhållsåtgärder i underhållsplanen vara planeringsbara minst 3 månader i förväg, och det är önskvärt att underhållsplanen ska sträcka sig 36 månader framåt. Initialt utförs en nulägesanalys och arbetet fortsätter med förslag på förbättrade arbetsmetoder. Båda i avseende hur och när underhåll utförs på fasta mangankorsningar idag ute i anläggningen. Avslutningsvis presenteras en underhållsplan med intervall samt de resurser som krävs för de underhållsåtgärder som ska utföras. Dessa åtgärder är byte av korsning, inslipning, slipning, påsvets, spårriktning/stoppning, shimsning av moträl, byte av korkgummi samt ballastrening. Tillhörande till underhållsplanen utformas en kalkyl för livscykelkostnad, LCC, där arbete efter nuläge samt arbete efter underhållsplan jämförs. Resultatet från arbetet visar att samtliga entreprenörer anser att brist på tid i spår är en starkt bidragande faktor till att fasta korsningar byts. Detta tillsammans med att rätt förebyggande underhållsåtgärder som inslipning och förebyggande slipning för att upprätthålla profil, samt kontroll av spårläge och åtgärd vid behov inte görs. Vidare utför entreprenören ingen uppföljning av utförda underhållsåtgärder, utan beslut om underhållsåtgärder baseras till stor del på säkerhets- och underhållsbesiktningar. Detta medför att de arbetar mest avhjälpande, med åtgärd av besiktningsanmärkning. Dock för växelrevision och systematiskt växelunderhåll är erfarenhet, god lokalkännedom och god kännedom om anläggningen den avsevärt största informationskällan för entreprenören idag. Infrastrukturägaren utför även en viss leveransuppföljning, dock inte i tillräcklig utsträckning för att säkerställa att de får det som beställts. Registrering av samtliga förebyggande underhållsåtgärder bör förbättra och förenkla infrastrukturägarens uppföljning. Vidare för att möjliggöra en mer strategisk underhållsplanering behövs metoder för tillståndsbaserat underhåll tas fram, i syfte att få en bättre uppfattning om degradering av profilen för en fast mangankorsning. Till detta krävs automatiska maskinella mätningar, vilket gör mätningar reproducerbara och mätdata går att trenda. Slutligen den bristfälliga återrapporteringen av förebyggande underhållsåtgärder i kombination med entreprenörens hemlighållande av exakt underhållskostnad, resulterar i att underhållskostnaden för korsningar inte kan redovisas på en aggregerad och individuell nivå. / The railroad has made it possible for housing and work at various locations, by rail lanes, and the interest in rail freight transport is increasing. To maintain good status on the railroad, a lot of money is needed, while its availability affects many people. This makes it even more important with a robust railway facility, with high availability and good punctuality for both passenger and freight trains. Better planned maintenance enables longer useful life for all components of the railway facility. As part of the plant do railway S&C cause the highest cost in a track superstructure, with crossings as the most frequent component changes. Today, the useful life of fixed manganese crossings is too low, about 100 MBrt, since the expectancy is between 100 -500 MBrt. This is the basis for the work, where the purpose is to investigate how the preventive maintenance of fixed crossings in S&C can be better planned, performed and followed up to extend its useful life. Furthermore, the aim of the thesis work is to determine, through a current situation analysis, which includes current experiences, proposals for improved working methods and tomorrow's information gathering, which information will be required to better plan maintenance, and to determine which maintenance measures are necessary for the preventive maintenance of fixed crossings in S&C. Based on this, a maintenance plan with associated LCC is designed for fixed crossings in S&C. Furthermore, all maintenance measures in the maintenance plan must be planned at least 3 months in advance, and it is desirable that the maintenance plan should extend 36 months ahead. Initially, a zero-position analysis is performed, and work continues with suggestions for improved working methods. Both in terms of how and when maintenance is carried out on fixed crossings today outside in the railway facility. Finally, a maintenance plan is presented with intervals and the resources required for the maintenance actions to be performed. These actions include change of crossing, grinding in, grinding, welding, track direction/padding, shimming guardrail, changing of corkrubber and ballast cleaning. Compliance with the maintenance plan is a life cycle cost calculation, LCC, comparing work according to zero-position and work according to maintenance plan. The results from the work show that all entrepreneurs believe that lack of time in the track is a strong contributing factor to changing fixed crossings. This, along with proper preventive maintenance measures such as grinding in and preventive grinding to maintain profile, as well as verify track position and action when needed are not done. In addition, the contractor does not perform any follow-up on performed maintenance work, maintenance decisions are based largely on safety and maintenance inspections. This means that they work most correctively, with the action of inspection note. However, for exchange audit and systematic gear maintenance, experience, good local knowledge and good knowledge of the plant is the most important source of information for the entrepreneur today. The infrastructure owner also performs a certain delivery follow-up, but not sufficiently to ensure that they get what is ordered. Registration of all preventive maintenance measures should improve and simplify the infrastructure owner's follow-up. In addition, to enable more strategic maintenance planning, condition-based maintenance methods are required, with a view to gaining a better perception of degradation of the profile of a fixed manganese crossing. In addition, automatic machine measurements are required, which makes measurements reproducible and measurement data can be trend. Finally, the inadequate reporting of preventive maintenance measures in combination with the contractor's secrecy of exact maintenance costs, results in the maintenance cost for crossings not being reported at an aggregated and individual level.

Dynamics and controls for an omnidirectional robot

Henning, Timothy Paul January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Reconstruction of Structured Functions From Sparse Fourier Data

Wischerhoff, Marius 14 January 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Fridholm, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: Explore how historical data from a CMMS can be used in order to improve maintenance effectiveness and efficiency of activities, and investigate the possibilities for CBM in the manufacturing industry in the context of digitalization.  Research questions: RQ1: To what extent could condition-based maintenance or other maintenance types being used in order to predict, prevent or in other way eliminate historical breakdowns/faults?  RQ2: Which significance has an organization's degree of maturity to reduce the number of breakdowns?  Method: A case study was performed at Volvo Construction Equipment Operations in Eskilstuna, who manufactures machinery for the construction industry. The case study was compiled in two phases. Phase one was a quantitative study where raw data were collected from a CMMS and tabulated in order to later perform in-depth analysis. Phase two was designed to collect information that generated a wider understanding of the research area, by performing interviews and observations. A literature study was performed to compare the empirical findings with peer-reviewed information to ensure the quality of the study. The data is compiled and analyzed with an abductive approach. The analysis was followed by a discussion of how the research findings could support identifying possibilities of different maintenance types in the future.  Conclusion: The result showed that using historical breakdown data from a CMMS can be useful in order to identify organization’s current state and what possibilities different maintenance types have to decrease the number of breakdowns. To what extent the breakdowns can be decreased relies not only on the maintenance type but also an organizations maturity level. The case study´s result showed that by combining different maintenance types and increasing degree of maturity, Volvo could decrease the historical breakdowns with 86,5%. By only using CBM with current maturity level, 56% of the historical breakdowns could be predicted. However, to decide how many breakdowns that is cost-effective to prevent and precisely what maintenance type that should be used requires a cost analysis which this study is not covering.

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