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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Judging in the Public Realm : A Kantian Approach to the Deliberative Concept of Ethico-Political Judgment and an Inquiry into Public Discourse on Prenatal Diagnosis / Att bedöma i den offentliga sfären : Ett kantianskt perspektiv på etisk-politisk bedömning och en undersökning av det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik

Dekker, Cornelis January 2009 (has links)
This thesis discusses how to enhance the public discussion of moral and political questions. Enhancing public ‘deliberation’ is desirable since it provides citizens with influence, it enables coming to an understanding, and it ensures legitimacy. The concept of ethico-political judgment, with its two conditions, is elaborated on as an ideal that suggests how we should deliberate. In order to understand how we actually deliberate, an empirical inquiry into the public discourse on prenatal diagnosis and screening in the Netherlands and Sweden is conducted. On the basis of Kant’s ethics and his theory of the faculty of judgment, the two conditions for public deliberation are developed. These conditions are the giving of and asking for normative reasons as well as aiming at impartiality of judgment. Normative reasons are prescriptive, universal, and internal and these are related to Kant’s ethics. Impartiality is related to Kant’s ‘enlarged thought’, to think from the standpoint of others, as well as Kant’s practical philosophy. We need to think from the standpoints of others in order to consider whether or not the principle of our action applies to all. Four thematic foci in the public discourse on prenatal diagnosis are investigated – the unborn life, attitudes toward the disabled, implications of new choices, and the limits of medicine. The conclusion is that – if we wish to enhance public deliberation on the basis of the two conditions of ethico-political judgment – we should deal with both interpretive differences over universal principles (such as respect for autonomy and human dignity) and varying representations of ‘the other’ (such as the fetus, disabled persons, mothers-to-be, and future parents). / I denna avhandling diskuteras hur offentlig diskussion kring moraliska och politiska frågor kan intensifieras. Att intensifiera offentlig diskussion är önskvärt för att ge medborgare inflytande, för att främja förståelse och för att skapa legitimitet. Begreppet etisk-politisk bedömning utvecklas som ett ideal för hur vi bör diskutera. För att undersöka hur vi faktiskt diskuterar görs en empirisk undersökning av det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik i Nederländerna och Sverige. Med utgångspunkt i Kants etik och hans teori om omdömesförmågan utvecklas två villkor för offentlig diskussion. Dessa villkor är att ge och efterfråga normativa skäl och att sträva efter opartiskhet av omdömesförmågan. Normativa skäl är preskriptiva, universella och interna. Begreppet utvecklas utifrån Kants etik. Opartiskhet baseras på Kants ’utvidgade tänkande’: att tänka utifrån andras perspektiv. Denna idé relateras till Kants praktiska filosofi. Det ’utvidgade tänkandet’ innebär att vi tar ställning till om principen som vi väljer för en handling gäller alla. Fyra teman i det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik analyseras – det ofödda livet, attityder gentemot handikappade, implikationer av nya val och den medicinska praktikens gränser. Slutsatsen är att om vi önskar intensifiera offentlig diskussion med utgångspunkt i de två villkor som utvecklas, bör vi ta itu med tolkningsskillnader när det gäller universella principer (som respekt för autonomi och människovärde) samt olika representationer av ’den andra’ (som fostret, handikappade, gravida kvinnor och blivande föräldrar).

First trimester screening and Down syndrome

Marttala, J. (Jaana) 09 August 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate extended first trimester screening for severe chromosomal disorders and adverse pregnancy outcomes in singleton pregnancies among the general population in Finland. Maternal serum biochemical markers, pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and free beta human chorionic gonadotropin (fβ-hCG), and fetal nuchal translucency (NT) thickness were measured during the gestational weeks 8+0–13+6. A computerized risk figure program was used to calculate an individual risk figure for chromosomal disorders. It was investigated whether the screening parameter, PAPP-A, is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. The prevalence of Down syndrome (DS) cases in Finland during the years 2002–2006 was 1:364 (N=795). The proportion of women aged 35 years or older increased from 5–10% in the years 1980–1990 to 19.1% during the study period. Most DS cases (61.1%) presented in that age group. The first trimester combined screening for Down syndrome yielded a detection rate (DR) of 81.9% for a 4.3% false positive rate (FPR). The performance was evaluated among 76949 voluntary women during the study period of 01.05.2002–31.12.2008. There were 188 cases of DS. The screening worked better among the older women. The number of invasive procedures needed to detect one case of DS was higher among the younger women. Adding specific algorithms for screening of other chromosomal abnormalities yielded DR of 74.0% for trisomy 18 (T18) and 54.5% for trisomy 13 (T13) with an additional increase of 0.3% FPR. For chromosomal abnormalities other than T18 and T13, the specific algorithms did not improve the screening performance. Low first trimester maternal serum levels of PAPP-A (≤0.30 MoM) were significantly associated with small for gestational age (SGA) newborns and stillbirths (SBs). The combined screening method for DS works well in practice and has been standardized in Finland. In screening for trisomies 18 and 13 a specific algorithm is reasonable. Low first trimester levels of PAPP-A could be used as an independent marker for pregnancies at high risk for SGA babies and SBs. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida laajennetun ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen kromosomipoikkeavuuksien seulonnan toimivuutta yksisikiöisissä raskauksissa suomalaisessa normaaliväestössä. Äidin seerumin biokemialliset merkkiaineet, raskauteen liittyvä valkuaisaine A (PAPP-A) ja raskaushormoni (fβ-hCG) sekä sikiön niskaturvotus mitattiin raskausviikoilla 8+0–13+6. Yksilöllinen riskiluku kromosomipoikkeavuuksille laskettiin käyttäen tietokoneen riskinlaskentaohjelmaa. Seulonnan merkkiaineen, PAPP-A:n, matalien pitoisuuksien yhteyttä epäsuotuisiin raskauden lopputuloksiin tutkittiin. Downin oireyhtymän esiintyvyys Suomessa oli 1:364 (N=795) vuosina 2002–2006. 35-vuotiaiden tai sitä vanhempien naisten osuus oli tutkimusaikana 19.1 %, mikä on huomattavasti suurempi kuin vuosien 1980–1990: 5–10 %. Näiden naisten sikiöiden joukosta löytyi suurin osa Down oireyhtymistä (61.1 %). Ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen yhdistelmäseulonnan toimivuutta tutkittiin aikana 01.05.2002–31.12.2008. Tutkimukseen osallistui 76 949 vapaaehtoista naista. Joukossa oli 188 Downin oireyhtymätapausta. Seulonnan herkkyys Downin oireyhtymälle oli 81.9 % ja tarkkuus 4.3 %. Seulonta toimi parhaiten vanhempien naisten joukossa. Niiden kajoavien toimenpiteiden määrä, jotka tarvittiin yhden Down-sikiön löytämiseksi, oli suurempi nuorten naisten joukossa. Tutkimuksessa Downin oireyhtymän algoritmiin lisättiin spesifiset algoritmit trisomioille 18 ja 13, jolloin saavutettiin 74.0 %:n herkkyys trisomialle 18 ja 54.5 %:n herkkyys trisomialle 13. Väärien positiivisten seulontatulosten määrä kasvoi 0.3  %:n verran. Seulonnan toimivuus muiden kromosomipoikkeavuuksien joukossa ei parantunut spesifisten algoritmien avulla. Lisäksi matalan PAPP-A-pitoisuuden yhteys pienipainoisuuten ja kuolleena syntyneisyyteen oli tilastollisesti merkittävä. Tutkimus osoitti, että esimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen yhdistelmäseulonta toimii hyvin käytännössä. Trisomioiden 18 ja 13 seulonnassa spesifisten algoritmien käyttö on järkevää. Matalaa ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen PAPP-A-arvoa voitaisiin käyttää itsenäisenä riskimerkkiaineena raskauksille, joissa pienipainoisuuden ja kuolleena syntymisen riski on kohonnut.

Evalution of the knowledge and skills of the professional nurses regarding IMCI service delivery, including HIV/AIDS case management in primary health care facilities in Buffalo City Sub-District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Noluvuyo, Leonelle Gosangaye January 2013 (has links)
An increase in diarrhoea and upper respiratory tract infection has been noted for the past five years and this is associated with the prevalence of Human Immune-deficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. HIV infection is an increasingly common cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in South Africa. In some areas of the country, like the Eastern Cape, more than 30 percent of the women attending antenatal clinics are HIV infected. Without intervention, approximately one third of the babies born to these HIV infected mothers will get infection from their mothers (WHO, 2003). Aim and Objectives of the study: The study was meant to assess the specific knowledge and skills of professional nurses at the primary health facilities regarding management and integration of childhood illnesses, evaluate the quality of training of professional nurses on aspects of IMCI including integration of HIV within IMCI programme for children under five years in Primary Health Care facilities in Mdantsane Township. Methods: A quantitative descriptive method was used for this study. The questionnaire developed by the researcher was used for data collection. The items on the questionnaire were divided into four (4) subsections. The questionnaire was administered to all professional nurses on duty and those available at the time of data collection. A checklist for IMCI was used to collect data from Road to Health files of children who were HIV positive admitted in the pediatric ward at Cecilia Makhiwane Hospital. Results: The results of this study for all the variables examined showed that the highest score was 56 percent and the lowest was18 percent.These results indicated that the knowledge and skills of professional nurses were inadequate.

Isolement et caractérisation moléculaire de cellules rares circulantes individuelles : développement de nouvelles approches méthodologiques en oncologie prédictive et diagnostic prénatal / Isolation and molecular characterization of single circulating rare cells : developing innovative methods for predictive oncology and non-invasive prenatal diagnosis

Broncy, Lucile 07 November 2017 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce projet de recherche doctorale est la mise au point d’approches méthodologiques fiables et reproductibles permettant la caractérisation génétique de cellules rares circulantes isolées par la méthode de filtration ISET® (Rarecells®, France). La première application développée consiste en la détection des mutations du gène suppresseur de tumeur VHL (Von Hippel Lindau) dans les cellules rares circulantes (CRC) uniques isolées du sang de 30 patients atteints de carcinome rénal à cellules claires (CRCC), et réalisée comparativement à l’analyse cytopathologique. L’étude génétique a également été conduite en parallèle dans les 30 tissus tumoraux correspondants. Les résultats ont mis en lumière une potentielle complémentarité de l’approche de génétique moléculaire sur cellules uniques avec l’analyse cytomorphologique de référence et suggèrent que combiner ces approches permettrait d’obtenir une plus grande sensibilité de détection des cellules cancéreuses circulantes chez les patients atteints de CRCC. Une deuxième application a consisté en le développement d’une approche innovante pour le diagnostic prénatal non-invasif des maladies génétiques récessives par analyse de cellules trophoblastiques rares collectées au niveau du col de l’utérus. Enfin, des développements supplémentaires ont permis d’optimiser les analyses de séquençage à haut débit et de les appliquer à des CRC individuelles isolées par ISET®. Cette nouvelle approche, associée à l’isolement de CRC non fixées, est en mesure de fournir des données génétiques élargies à l’exome entier pour des applications à la fois en oncologie prédictive et en diagnostic prénatal non invasif. / The aim of this doctoral research project is the development of reliable and reproducible methodological approaches enabling the genetic characterization of circulating rare cells (CRC) isolated by ISET® filtration (Rarecells®, France). The first application developed consists in detecting mutations of the VHL (Von Hippel Lindau) tumor suppressor gene in single CRC isolated from the blood of 30 patients patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), assessed according to the results obtained by cytopathological analysis. In parallel, genetic analysis of VHL mutations was conducted in the corresponding tumor tissues. Results revealed a potential complementarity of the molecular genetic approach targeted to single cells with the reference method of cytopathological analysis and suggested that combining both strategies could improve the sensitivity of circulating cancer cells’ detection in patients with ccRCC. A second application consisted in the development of an innovative approach for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of recessive genetic diseases by analysis of rare trophoblastic cells collected from the cervix. Finally, further developments allowed to optimize high-throughput sequencing analyses and to apply them to single CRC isolated by ISET®. This approach, combined with the isolation of living CRC, enabled us to obtain broader genetic data from the whole exome and should foster innovative applications to both predictive oncology and non-invasive prenatal diagnosis.

Les tests prénataux : enjeux éthiques et politiques liés à la poursuite de grossesse après détection d’aneuploïdie fœtale

Henriksen, Cynthia 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire examine la pratique du dépistage prénatal et du diagnostic prénatal (désormais les tests prénataux ) en deux temps. D’abord, et après une brève mise en contexte, je présente une analyse des facteurs qui ont influencé la mise en place du Programme québécois de dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21 (PQDPT21). En me basant sur la littérature gouvernementale, je démontre comment un ensemble de pressions politiques, éthiques et sociales a mené à l’impératif d’PQDPT21. Ensuite, je présente une revue de la recherche qualitative à propos de l’expérience de poursuivre une grossesse affectée par l’aneuploïdie fœtale, y compris la trisomie 21. Les principaux résultats de cette revue suggèrent que la ‘rhétorique’ du choix n’est pas toujours démontrée lorsque les parents amènent à terme un fœtus diagnostiqué avec aneuploïdie. Ensuite, je discuterai de l’ensemble de ces travaux selon le concept foucaldien de biopolitique, où les normes et la normalisation agissent sur la régulation politique et sociale. En conclusion, des recommandations pour la recherche et la pratique sont proposées, principalement la nécessité de documenter l’expérience vécue des personnes qui participent aux tests prénataux et d’intégrer ces constatations dans les décisions politiques et dans l’éducation des professionnels de la santé. / This thesis examines the practice of prenatal screening and prenatal diagnosis (henceforth “prenatal testing”) from two angles. Firstly, following a brief introduction to provide context, I present a framework analysis of the factors that influenced the implementation of the Trisomy 21 Prenatal Screening Program of Québec (T21PSPQ). Using governmental literature, I demonstrate how a combination of political, ethical and social pressures led to the imperative of the T21PSPQ. I then present a scoping review of primary empirical qualitative research regarding the experiences of continuing a pregnancy affected by fetal aneuploidy, including trisomy 21. The main findings of this review suggest the ‘rhetoric’ of choice is not always demonstrated in cases where prospective parents bring to term a fetus diagnosed with aneuploidy. The results of this work are then discussed through the Foucauldian concept of biopolitics, where norms and normalization are the principal forms of social and political regulation. Finally, recommendations for research and practice are offered, mainly the need to document the lived experience of those participating in prenatal testing and to incorporate those findings into policy making and into education for health care professionals.

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