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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Primacy of Christ as the Foundation of the Coredemption: The Mariology of Fr. Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M. (1911-1990)

Kozack, Jessica Catherine 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Contribution Of Respondent Computer Experience On Primacy Effect And Satisficing In Internet Surveys

Cross, Freddie Lee 14 December 2005 (has links)
This study, conducted in the spring of 2005, was designed to assess the contribution of computer experience on primacy effect and satisficing in online survey formats. Although regression analysis found that survey format can predict primacy effect, computer experience did not add to the explanation of the variance in primacy effect. Similarly, survey format was found to be a predictor for satisficing, however, computer experience did not add to the explanation of the variance in satisficing. In addition, there was not a significant correlation between computer experience and the number of words used to answer open-ended questions. Lack of variability of computer experience among respondents was a limitation in this study. Six survey formats (answer choices listed visible vertical, visible horizontal, pull-down menu, or check-all-that-apply with two surveys for each formats; answer choices listed in forward order and answer choices listed in reverse) were used to test for primacy effect. Initial linear regressions revealed that 6 of the 85 questions resulted in a positive and significant beta indicating primacy effect. Further regression analysis compared horizontally listed answer choices and pull-down menu survey formats individually against the vertical and visible answer choice survey format to determine if survey format explained a significant proportion of the variance in primacy effect. The interaction between survey format and answer order did not produce a significant positive correlation with primacy effect, therefore further investigation of the contribution of computer experience on primacy effect in those two survey formats was not necessary. Linear regression showed that the check-all-that-apply answer format does significantly explain the variance in primacy effect, however further analysis showed that computer experience did not significantly explain additional variance in primacy effect. Regression analysis showed that satisficing was more evident in the matrix survey format when compared with the visible vertical survey format, however computer experience did not significantly explain the variance in satisficing in these two survey formats. Finally, regression analysis failed to show that computer experience had an effect on the number of words used to answer open-ended questions (an indication of satisficing). / Ph. D.

Metsästyksen ongelmapuhe

Karsikas, L. (Leevi) 07 August 2007 (has links)
Abstract In this treatise I will describe and analyse the problematic dialogue about hunting, which, especially after the Second World War has been on the increase. Some of the critics have even demanded that hunting should be stopped altogether. Hunting is criticised and opposed both on ecological and other grounds. These other grounds include religious, philosophical and ethical considerations. The research material includes sociological, anthropological, philosophical and other scientific literature, general literature, newspapers and articles from magazines, video tapes, fairy tales; all that according to the knowledge of sociology is valid information about the society. The applied methods include discursive analysis, tabulation and mathematical models (Boole's algebra) The second chapter focuses on reviewing and analysing literature; its purpose is to point out how the justification of hunting is perceived especially in recent times. In the next three chapters I will analyse the articles published in Helsingin Sanomat in 1992–1996. The sixth chapter focuses on describing the group of criticisers. The background of those critical views will be discussed in conclusions. Hunting can be restricted by ecological premises when the game stock in question would not stand hunting. We are talking about ecological squandering when the spontaneously renewing natural resources, i.e. game, is left unused when people still need to be fed with food that is ecologically more expensive than food obtainable freely from nature e. g. through hunting. Man's own deontological principles require that, when hunted, animals are not tortured or teased. In the beginning, when food was acquired, the prevailing principle was that of ecological primacy principle and total ecology. All food came straight from nature. Nothing was gained by man's own production. Ecological primacy means that part of the food still comes straight from nature, no matter how slight that part may be. Ecological primacy cannot cease to exist because there will always be nature's own yield, available for man as food. If it is not used, it will result in ecological squandering. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa kuvaillaan ja analysoidaan metsästyksen ongelmapuheita. Niitä on alkanut lisääntyvästi esiintyä toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. Näissä puheissa kritisoidaan metsästystä aina sen lopettamisen vaatimiseen saakka. Metsästystä arvostellaan ja vastustetaan sekä ekologisilla että muilla perusteilla. Näitä muita perusteita ovat uskonnolliset, filosofiset ja eettiset näkökohdat. Tutkimusaineistona on käytetty sosiologista, antropologista, filosofista ja muuta tieteellistä kirjallisuutta, yleistä kirjallisuutta, sanomalehti- ja muita lehtikirjoituksia, videonauhoja, satuja: kaikkea sitä, joka tiedonsosiologian mukaan käy tiedosta yhteiskunnassa. Menetelminä on käytetty diskurssianalyysiä, taulukointia ja matemaattisia malleja (Boolen algebra). Toisessa luvussa selostetaan ja analysoidaan kirjallisuutta ja pyritään osoittamaan, miten metsästyksen oikeutusta mielletään erityisesti viime aikoina. Seuraavissa kolmessa luvussa analysoidaan Helsingin Sanomissa vuosina 1992–1996 julkaistuja kirjoituksia. Kuudennessa luvussa kuvataan arvostelijoiden ryhmää. Johtopäätöksissä pohditaan sitä, miten noihin kriittisiin kannanottoihin on tultu. Metsästys pyritään mitoittamaan ekologisilla perusteilla, niin että kysymyksessä olevan riistaeläimen kanta kestäisi kulloisenkin metsästyksen. Ekotuhlaus taas on kysymyksessä, kun spontaanisti uusiutuvaa luonnonvaraa, riistaa, jätetään käyttämättä, kun ihmisille on kuitenkin tuotettava ruokaa, joka on ekologisesti selvästi kalliimpaa kuin luonnosta vapaasti esimerkiksi metsästämällä saatava ruoka. Ihmisen oma velvollisuusetiikka vaatii, ettei eläimiä niitä metsästettäessä kiduteta eikä kiusata. Alussa vallitsi ruoan hankinnassa suora luonnon käyttö, ekologinen primariteettiperiaate, jossa kaikki ruoka tuli suoraan luonnosta. Mitään ei saatu ihmisen oman tuotannon tuloksena. Se oli ekototalismia, kun ei vielä viljelty kasveja eikä kasvatetettu karjaa. Nykyäänkin osa ruoasta saadaan yhä suoraan luonnosta. Se voi olla kuinka vähäinen osa tahansa. Tämä suora, osittainen luonnon käyttö, ekoprimarismi, ei voi loppua, koska aina on olemassa luonnon spontaania tuottoa, jota ihminen voi käyttää ruokanaan. Jollei sitä käytetä, aiheutetaan siltä osin turhaa viljelyä ja eläinten kasvatusta. Sellainen on ekotuhlausta.

Užití paměťových testů v diferenciální diagnostice časných stadií demence / Use of memory tests in the differential diagnosis of early stages of dementia

Málková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The theoretical part deals with issues of dementia, memory, primacy effect, recency effect, and the Auditory-Verbal Learning Test. The empirical part consists of quantitative research. The research sample consists of patients with dementia who were tested for their performance in the Auditory-Verbal Learning Test in which I focused on the primacy and recency effects. The aim was to determine the differences between the primacy and recency effects among different groups of patients, as well as to detect the presence or absence of a primacy or recency effect in various populations. This study tries to describe a potential tool that focuses on how individuals with dementia remember new informations. This tool can serve to understand how people diagnosed with memory disorders of different etiology remember new infomation. Key words: Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, Auditory-Verbal Learning Test , primacy effect, recency effect

Le Saint-Siège et les catholiques de France et d'Italie face à la guerre au Viêtnam (1963-1966) : entre légitimation de la guerre, action de paix et primauté de la conscience / La Santa Sede e i cattolici di Francia e d'Italia dinanzi al conflitto in Vietnam (1963-1966) : Tra legittimazione della guerra, azione di pace e primato della coscienza / The Holy See, French and Italian Catholicism and the Vietnam War (1963-1966) : Legitimation of War, Peace Action and Primacy of Conscience

Ghezzi, Francesca 18 December 2018 (has links)
Ma thèse de doctorat examine les réactions du Saint-Siège et, à travers une approche comparative, des catholiques français et italiens aux événements survenus au Viêtnam entre la seconde moitié de 1963 et le premier semestre de 1966. Dans cette période une série d'événements attirerait de nouveau l'attention internationale sur le Viêtnam, alors que Paul VI reprenait les travaux du concile Vatican II et les menait à terme. En même temps, le système international et les sociétés de l'Europe occidentale connaissaient des transformations majeures dans leurs structures profondes. Entre 1963 et 1966 le Viêtnam semble avoir été perçu par l'Église comme le théâtre de trois formes différentes de conflit : une guerre de religion (1963, « crise bouddhiste »), une éventuelle troisième guerre mondiale atomique (1964-1965, crise du golfe du Tonkin et intervention armée des États-Unis contre le FLN et le Viêtnam du Nord), une guerre demi-conventionnelle asymétrique qui provoqua une urgence humanitaire (1965-1966, intense escalade). Chacune de ces formes souleva des questions spécifiques et délicates aux yeux de l'Église conciliaire, dont la plupart intéressaient les rapports entre religion et politique. Les questions les plus pressantes concernaient la légitimité de la « guerre juste » à l'âge atomique, la nécessité d'une action concrète de l'Église en faveur de la paix, la primauté de la conscience. Engagée dans une dialectique interne complexe et souvent contradictoire, l'Église semble avoir été divisée entre l'esprit de « l'aggiornamento » de Vatican II, introduit par le magistère de Jean XXIII, et son lien traditionnel avec l'Occident, marqué par le rigide anticommunisme du pontificat de Pie XII des années Cinquante. / My PhD dissertation analyzes the reactions of the Holy See as well as of French and Italian Catholics, through a comparative approach, to the events in Vietnam between the second half of 1963 and the first half of 1966. Within this time frame, a series of events would bring the international attention back on Vietnam, while Paul VI would resume the work of the Second Vatican council and lead it to a conclusion, and while both the international system and Western European societies would go through major transformations in their deep structures. Based on my study, I argue that between 1963 and 1966 Vietnam would have been perceived as the scene of three different forms of conflict in the eyes of the Church. A religious war (1963, ‘Buddhist crisis’), a potential atomic third world war (1964-1965, Gulf of Tonkin crisis and U.S. full military intervention in Vietnam), and an asymmetric, semi-conventional war that would cause a humanitarian emergency (1965-1966, intense escalation of the war). Each of these forms of conflict would raise specific and delicate issues for the conciliar Church, most of which regarding the relationship between religion and politics. The most pressing of these issues would come to be the legitimacy of the “Just War” doctrine in the atomic age, the need for concrete action in favor of peace on behalf of the whole Church, and primacy of conscience amongst the Catholics. Engaged in a complex and often contradictory internal dialectic, the Church appears to have been divided between the spirit of Vatican II’s ‘aggiornamento’, introduced by John XXIII’s magisterium, and the its traditional connection with the West, marked by Pius XII’s rigid anticommunism of the Fifties.

De la question de la légitimité du projet de traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe à celle de la légitimité des juges

Mesguich, Virginie 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'Europe est à l'heure actuelle en pleine mutation. D'une part, elle s'est élargie en acceptant de nouveaux États passant ainsi de quinze à vingt-cinq membres. D'autre part, elle s'est dotée d'un traité constitutionnel appelé Projet de traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe. Celui-ci a été approuvé en juin 2004. Il sera au coeur de notre recherche. Doter l'Union européenne d'un nouvel acte conduit incontestablement à se poser une multitude de questions concernant l'acte lui-même mais également ses conséquences. Que faut-il entendre par « traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe » ? Quels serontles effets d'un tel acte au regard du droit communautaire existant et des législations nationales ? Cette recherche répondra à ces questions et offrira un éclairage particulier du traité. Elle sera plus particulièrement axée sur la Cour de justice qui assure le respect du droit dans l'interprétation et l'application de la Constitution (article 28 du projet). Comment les juges devront-ils se comporter par rapport au traité ? Leur action sera-t-elle légitime ? Le débat sera ouvert sur l'interprétation que les juges feront de cette nouvelle norme. / Europe is at current major transformation. On one side, new countries joined the European Union so the number of member States has grown from fifteen to twenty-five. On the other side, a Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was approved on June 2004. And which will be at the heart of this research. Providing The European Union with a new Act drives conclusively to raise a multitude of questions concerning the Act itself on the surface, but equally its consequences. What should be understood with "Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe"? Which will be the effects on the existing Community Law and the National Legislations? This research will try to answer these questions and will offer a special lighting on The Treaty. More particularly it will be focused on the Court of Justice that shall ensure respect for the law in the interpretation and application of the constitution (Article 1-28 of the Draft Treaty). And how judges will react towards it? Is their actions are going to be legitimate? In fact, the debate will be based on the judicial review that the judges will give, and which will set the new norm. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (L.L.M.)" / Texte du mémoire également publié dans Lex Electronica, vol. 12 n°3, Hiver 2008.

Inskränker GDPR rätten att ta del av allmänna handlingar? : En analys av offentlighetsprincipen i ljuset av EU-rättens företräde / Does the GDPR Restrict the Right to Access Public Documents? : An Analysis of the Swedish Right to Access Public Documents in Light of the Primacy of EU Law

Jabal Ameli, Anosheh January 2018 (has links)
EU har gradvis utökat sin normgivningskompetens, ofta på bekostnad av medlemsstaternas lagstiftning. Detta har nyligen aktualiserats för Sverige på grund av Dataskyddsförordningen som i folkmun kallas GDPR. I och med att det traditionellt sett har funnits ett starkare dataskydd i EU-rätt jämfört med svensk rätt blir den inhemska lagstiftningen onekligen påverkad av förordningen. Den här uppsatsen avser analysera specifikt offentlighetsprincipen som är stadgad i Sveriges grundlag. Syftet är att identifiera huruvida rätten att ta del av allmänna handlingar, som är en del av offentlighetsprincipen, kan komma att inskränkas med hänsyn till principen om EU-rättens företräde. Syftet uppnås genom fyra etapper. Först sker en historisk tillbakablick av diskussionen vid det svenska unionstillträdet om offentlighetsprincipens fortlevnad. Efter detta görs en jämförelse mellan GDPR och intern rätt för att identifiera eventuella motsättningar. Vidare analyseras praxis från både Sverige och EU-domstolen för att visa på likheter och skillnader i avvägningen mellan offentlighet och sekretess. Till sist utreds hur principen om EU-rättens företräde kan tolkas tillsammans med andra unionsrättsliga bestämmelser för att antingen åsidosätta den nationella lagstiftningen eller hålla den intakt. Författaren föreslår slutledningsvis att effekten på offentlighetsprincipen är försumlig samtidigt som möjligheten att tolka mål härom delvis har skiftat från medlemsstaten till EU-domstolen. / The EU has gradually expanded its legislative competence, often at the expense of member state legislation. This has recently become highly relevant for Sweden due to the recent data protection regulation, the GDPR. Since there has traditionally been a stronger protection for personal data in the EU in comparison to Sweden, domestic Swedish law will become affected by the GDPR coming into force. Within this backdrop, the focus in this thesis will be the right to access public documents, which is established in the Swedish constitution. The aim with this work is to identify in what respect the right to access public documents will be affected considering the principle of primacy according to EU law. The aim is pursued in four steps. First, the former discussion on how the right to access public documents would be affected due to Sweden’s entrance to the EU will be presented. Secondly, the compliance of Swedish law in relation to the GDPR in order to identify potential conflict of norms will be reviewed. Thirdly, case law of the ECJ and Swedish courts in order to show the differentiation between balancing transparency and personal integrity will be reviewed. Finally, it will be analysed how the primacy of EU law can be interpreted together with other EU norms to either override the Swedish constitutional law or leave it intact. The findings suggest that while the effect of the GDPR on the Swedish “offentlighetsprincipen” is negligible, the right to interpret such cases has gradually shifted from relying partly on the member state to the EU.

De la question de la légitimité du projet de traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe à celle de la légitimité des juges

Mesguich, Virginie 12 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (L.L.M.)" / Texte du mémoire également publié dans Lex Electronica, vol. 12 n°3, Hiver 2008. / [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : CRDP - Droit et nouveaux rapports sociaux] / L'Europe est à l'heure actuelle en pleine mutation. D'une part, elle s'est élargie en acceptant de nouveaux États passant ainsi de quinze à vingt-cinq membres. D'autre part, elle s'est dotée d'un traité constitutionnel appelé Projet de traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe. Celui-ci a été approuvé en juin 2004. Il sera au coeur de notre recherche. Doter l'Union européenne d'un nouvel acte conduit incontestablement à se poser une multitude de questions concernant l'acte lui-même mais également ses conséquences. Que faut-il entendre par « traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe » ? Quels serontles effets d'un tel acte au regard du droit communautaire existant et des législations nationales ? Cette recherche répondra à ces questions et offrira un éclairage particulier du traité. Elle sera plus particulièrement axée sur la Cour de justice qui assure le respect du droit dans l'interprétation et l'application de la Constitution (article 28 du projet). Comment les juges devront-ils se comporter par rapport au traité ? Leur action sera-t-elle légitime ? Le débat sera ouvert sur l'interprétation que les juges feront de cette nouvelle norme. / Europe is at current major transformation. On one side, new countries joined the European Union so the number of member States has grown from fifteen to twenty-five. On the other side, a Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was approved on June 2004. And which will be at the heart of this research. Providing The European Union with a new Act drives conclusively to raise a multitude of questions concerning the Act itself on the surface, but equally its consequences. What should be understood with "Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe"? Which will be the effects on the existing Community Law and the National Legislations? This research will try to answer these questions and will offer a special lighting on The Treaty. More particularly it will be focused on the Court of Justice that shall ensure respect for the law in the interpretation and application of the constitution (Article 1-28 of the Draft Treaty). And how judges will react towards it? Is their actions are going to be legitimate? In fact, the debate will be based on the judicial review that the judges will give, and which will set the new norm.

Verksamhetsstrategier mot blankning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om svenska bolagens styrsätt för att motverka blankning

Huang, Kenny, Munge, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Blankning är ett sätt för en investerare att tjäna på att bolagets aktiekurs faller och har anklagats för att vara bakomliggande orsak till flera finansiella kriser. Det finns olika anledningar till att ett bolag blankas, likaså kan ett bolag påverkas av blankningen på olika sätt. Den befintliga forskningen behandlar främst den amerikanska marknaden och de tekniska åtgärder bolagen utövar för att minska blankning. Därmed finns det en lucka i forskningen kring huruvida svenska bolag verkställer strategier eller inte för att mildra blankning.   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om svenska bolag verkställer strategier för att motverka blankningsnärvaro och förstå varför bolag har valt att styra på ett visst sätt vid en blankningssituation. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ forskningsansats och nyttjar empirisk såväl som teoretiskt material för att kontrastera den teoretiska referensramen med upptäckter i den empiriska data. Den primära datainsamlingen utgörs av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra av de femton mest blankade bolag enligt Finansinspektionen för april 2021 där analysering av den empiriska data har följt en trestegsprocess bestående av beskrivning, systematisering och kombination.   Slutsats: Studien har visats sig att de fyra bolag som har intervjuats inte sysslar med aktiva strategier mot blankning eftersom det finns en överensstämmande bild bland bolagen att det ska vara en fri marknad och att aktörerna får ta egna beslut. Resultatet visar att de svenska bolagen fokuserar på det långsiktiga tillväxt och att bibehålla transparens gentemot marknaden som i slutändan ska rättfärdiga deras värdering. / Introduction: Short selling is a way for an investor to gain profit when a stock drops in price and the practice has been accused of being the reason behind several financial crises. There are various reasons why a company gets shorted, which affects the company in many ways. Previous studies have only processed short selling in the US market and technical actions that companies enforce to reduce short interest. However, there is a lack of studies about the Swedish market and strategies, if any, that Swedish companies work with to reduce short interest. Purpose:  The purpose of this study is to examine whether Swedish firms execute strategies or not to counteract the presence of short selling positions and understand why the firms have chosen to manage in a certain way during a short selling situation.  Method: The study was conducted with a qualitative approach and uses both empirical and theoretical material to contrast the theoretical framework with the discoveries from empirical data. The primary data collection consists of semi-structured interviews with four out of the fifteen most shorted companies according to Finansinspektionen for April 2021, whereas the data was analyzed using the three-step process consisting of description, systematisation, and combination. Findings: The study shows that the four firms interviewed do not actively work with strategies against short selling as there is a consensus amongst the firms that the market should operate freely and that the participants make their own decisions. The result shows that the Swedish firms focus on the long-term growth of the company and to maintain transparency towards the market which in the end should justify their valuation.

Undersökning av kognitiva effekter av flerspråkighet : Skillnader i minneskapaciteten mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga elever

Steifo, Silvia, Mutlu, Burcin January 2021 (has links)
Denna c-uppsats undersöker korttidsminnets kapacitet hos enspråkiga och flerspråkiga ungdomar. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det finns en skillnad i korttidsminnet mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga. Denna c-uppsats är en kvantitativ studie som använder ett minnestest som datainsamlingsmetod vilket utgår från free recall metoden. Studien undersöker även om det finns en primacy och recency effekt hos enspråkiga och flerspråkiga. Data analyseras genom sammanställningar i form av olika tabeller och diagram. Resultatet visar en skillnad mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkigas minneskapacitet där flerspråkiga lagrar fler ord i korttidsminnet än enspråkiga. Det framkommer även att det inte finns en skillnad på primacy och recency effekt mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga, men även att false memory effekt kan uppstå. Resultaten diskuterats med hänsyn till språkfärdighetens påverkan, primacy och recency effektens koppling till korttidsminnet och det semantiska fältets påverkan på false memory effekt. Diskussionen tar även upp demensstudiers relevans till denna studies resultat, där positiva kognitiva effekter går att identifiera i korttidsminnet redan hos ungdomar.

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