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Increasing availability of non-fiction publications in Braille, DAISY and large printKahlisch, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
In this presentation, various projects at DZB will be described, concerning various collaborations with publishing houses and Libreka! – an online platform of the German association of publishers “Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels”, to improve the workflow of transformation of typesetting data into the DAISY 3 format. By developing adaptive content processing facilities, this data can be used to increase the availability of publications in Braille, DAISY and large Print.
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Knihovny a čtenářská recepce v období raného humanismu v Čechách / The Libraries and Reader's Reception in the Early Humanism Period in BohemiaNeškudla, Bořek January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation looks into the book culture, book production and readership in the kingdom of Bohemia in early humanism. It explores the conditions of rise and reception of book printing in the kingdom of Bohemia. The mind-set of the Utraquist society, resistant to the influence from abroad, international isolation of the Utraquist Bohemia and the previous insignificant manuscript production proved to be the factors which failed to encourage the arrival of book printing in the country. The initial advancement of book printing was hesitant and could not to keep up with the more developed trade abroad. The Czech printing production related to the efforts of reformation to further enhance the moral status of the society soon turned to disseminating literature in the vernacular, yet often they were translated literature. The early Czech printed production however was affected by low quality and quantity of prints and was not of the significance declared by the previous generations of researchers. Personalities of the Catholic society were more inclusive about new ideas from abroad. In the contemporary society the Catholics were therefore the first ones to embrace book printing and also they were quicker in reception of humanism. The early humanist literature in Bohemia is related to the personality of...
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Vliv zadavatelů reklamy na obsah médií na příkladu motoristických časopisů / Influence of Advertisers on Media Coverage on the example of Motoring MagazinesFormánek, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the influence of advertisers on the content of printed motoring magazines through the method of quantitative content analysis. The thesis asks whether an increasement of advertising can or can not influence media's reporting on advertisers' products. The thesis examines three Czech printed motoring magazines: Svět motorů, Automobil revue and auto motor a sport. The theoretical part deals with the dual-market topic, in other words the theory of two types of media's customers: paying readers and paying advertisers. They can - and according to the theory they often do - differ in their interests. The advertiser is interested in showing his products in the media in the best possible light, on the contrary, the reader is interested in being informed as objectively as possible. The theoretical part is based mainly on McQuail (2009) and Jirák and Köpplová (2015), who deal, inter alia, with the dilemma of two customers. Part of the theory is devoted to several other research which have examined the same topic; e. g. in the context of Italian fashion magazines. The work itself is based on research questions that ask about a correlation between the amount of advertising and amount (and tonality) of editorial content devoted to the advertisers as well as a possible influence of...
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Crafty Crib : Drömmen om ett förstahandskontraktClarén, Storm Philippa January 2020 (has links)
Mest av allt önskar jag att det var mitt namn som stod på dörren. Då skulle jag måla väggarna randiga och köpa husdjur. Känna mig fri. Men jag orkar inte vänta 10,5 år i bostadskön, så nu skapar jag min egna bostads-utopi. Jag har flyttat fjorton gånger och det räcker nu. I mitt examensprojekt använder jag färg och textilt konsthantverk för att ifrågasätta Stockholms bostadspolitik.
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Über den neurenterischen Kanal im Embryo des Menschen und des Neuweltaffen Callithrix jacchus / About the Neurenteric Canal in the Human embryo and the embryo of the new-world-monkey Callithrix jacchusNachtigal, Alexander 31 December 1100 (has links)
No description available.
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Smart Card Packaging Process Control SystemSiddiqi, Saad Ahmed January 2012 (has links)
The project focuses on the packaging process of the smart card manufacturing industry. The idea of the project concerns how to increase production packaging efficiency by introducing a control system. After taking an in-depth look at the current production environment, the following system goals were defined: packaging time reduction, cost reduction, decrease in human errors, and reducing the number of customer complaints. To achieve these goals, the thesis project was divided into the following tasks: discovering a feasible solution, actual system development, testing, and evaluation. The proposed system is based on hardware (i.e. barcode scanner, and barcode printer) integrated with customized control software. The barcode scanner acts as a bridge between the system and the production process by scanning a barcode printed on each product. The system prints the required information label for the product’s package according to the scanned product. This label is pasted on the product’s box and is used as a tracking tool during further production steps. The system is very flexible and suits any packaging model. Other functional properties maintained in the system include data security, product traceability, and real time production monitoring. Testing of the system was done in an actual production environment at an Oberthur Technologies manufacturing site. Two production lines were selected to test the system’s functionality, specifically the SIM card production packaging line and the Scratch card/ Bank Card production packaging line. The results obtained during the evaluation phase of the proposed system show that the proposed solution decreased the packaging processing time by (27.3%) over the previous values. Moreover, the resulting human error rate is close to (zero%). / Projektet fokuserar på förpackningen processen smartkortet tillverkningsindustrin. Tanken med projektet handlar om hur att öka effektiviteten produktionen förpackningar genom att införa ett styrsystem. Efter att ha tagit en fördjupad titt på den nuvarande produktionsmiljö, var följande systemkrav mål definieras: nedsättning förpackning tid, minskade kostnader, minskad mänskliga fel och minska antalet kundklagomål. För att uppnå dessa mål var examensarbetet indelad i följande uppgifter: att upptäcka en genomförbar lösning, faktisk systemutveckling, testning och utvärdering. Det föreslagna systemet bygger på hårdvara (dvs streckkodsläsare och streckkod skrivare) integreras med skräddarsydd styrprogram. Den streckkodsläsare fungerar som en bro mellan systemet och produktionsprocessen genom att läsa en streckkod tryckt på varje produkt. Systemet skriver den erforderliga informationen etiketten för produktens förpackning enligt den scannade produkten. Denna etikett klistras in på produktens ask och används som ett verktyg för spårning under ytterligare produktionssteg. Systemet är mycket flexibelt och passar varje förpackning modell. Andra funktionella egenskaper bibehålls i systemet inkluderar datasäkerhet, spårbarhet och i realtid övervakning av produktionen. Testning av systemet gjordes i en verklig produktionsmiljö i ett Oberthur Technologies tillverkningsanläggning. Två produktionslinjer valdes för att testa systemets funktionalitet, särskilt i SIM-kortet produktionen förpackning linje och skrapkort / Bank kortproduktion förpackningslinje. De resultat som erhållits under utvärderingsfasen av det föreslagna systemet visar att den föreslagna lösningen minskade tiden förpackningen behandling av (27,3 %) jämfört med föregående värden. Dessutom är den resulterande mänskliga fel som ligger nära (noll %).
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Žena a móda a ideologie: pronikání diskurzu komunistické moci skrze módní časopis / Zena a moda and ideology: The penetration of communistic power discourse through fashion magizinesSkočíková, Nikol January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the penetration of discourse of Communist power into the society through content of (women's) magazine Žena a móda within 50s and 60s. The aim of this thesis is to point out that the elements of communist ideology appeared also in media such as fashion magazine. First chapters of this thesis deal with socialism and its ideological propaganda and represent the importance of ideological symbols, propaganda and manipulation through the media. In connection with this the thesis represents also the political-economic situation in the textile and clothing industry and also uses the facts about the media control by the communist regime. On this basis the thesis presents an analysis of 240 issues of the Žena a móda magazine and focuses on selected ideological symbols such as socialist fashion, working clothes, relationship between the East and the West, ideological leaders and personalities, the Soviet Union as ideal, conceptualization of the "Great History" and the image of socialistic woman. The method of discourse analysis thus allowed to introduce the symbols in different historical and social contexts and also to point to their changes in time, specifically in the context of comparing their likeness in the 50s and 60s of 20th century. The content of Žena a móda magazine...
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Hodnocení rizikových procesů / Risk Process EvaluationJakab, Robert Unknown Date (has links)
The first part of my work is focused on technology of Oracle. Here are mentioned individual languages, which works with data and different data types. Here is made clear manner, how are data saved in the database. Next I described technology of Apollo, on which information system Apollo is build. Next part of my work is analyze, in which is described present state of evaluation risk process and requests, which are layed on this module. Following chapter is implementation. There are described both database schema and by detail parts of module in a form of strips. Here is at large interpreted the way how to value risk and risk process. This chapter contains print reports for this module as well. The next chapter is dedicated to how module was brought to functioning. Except making this module running in information system Apollo is here a chapter about education of employees. In the closure I present evaluation of reached results, show next development and present my own benefit.
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Diplomová práca / Diploma workNěmec, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The aim of my work is to reflect expression coincidence that reflects the theoretical basis of cellular automata and quantum mechanics. I think that art should point to examples of accurate knowledge and in this way spread among potential viewers. This is how I try to get closer to the subjective utopian society WERP-VEGA. I am not entirely convinced that fine arts can change the political situation or address fundamental civilization complications, but I believe that art is able to predict freely one of the possible scenarios of the future because one is only able to do what he can imagine.
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Pokročilé nasazení OS xBSD v síti pro střední školu / Using Advanced xBSD Based Servers for High SchoolZadina, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This work is about setting up Samba software on server with operating system from BSD family to primary domain controller rule in the high school computer network environment with Microsoft Windows stations. After introduction to Samba software there is examined problem of Windows network based on SMB protocol. There are described steps that are necessary to setup Samba software, disk sharing services, creation of user accounts and adding client stations to domain trust. At the next there is described problematic of network printing in the Windows environment, print servers and the solution with classical printing support in FreeBSD and CUPS printing support. In the next part there is described mass installation procedure of Windows stations with same hardware configuration. At the finish, there are noticed some tasks that are necessary for next operation of installed system.
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