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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Islã e terror: estratégias de construção na mídia impressa / Islam and terrorism: strategies of construction in the print media

Moreira, Deodoro José 15 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:17:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Deodoro Jose Moreira.pdf: 3693547 bytes, checksum: e354e312b8fbadb0aed65f6dacc8169a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-15 / This research investigates the manners of construction of the Other Islamic in print of national circulation weekly magazines - Carta Capital, Época, IstoÉ e Veja - , taking as corpus reports transmitted in two different periods: September 12, 2001 to December 31, 2001, months that they mark the period understood among the day after to the air raids against the United States and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan, that it happened in October of 2001, and March 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003, months that they include previous and subsequent periods to the invasion of Iraq, that felt in March of 2003. The diversity of discursive strategies is investigated and/or communicative used by the print media journalistic to build this event, redefines facts. Being considered that such strategies look for to "capture" the reader and to do with that he identifies, starting from the enunciation contract, with certain interpretations of the facts, becomes essential a discursive analysis of the text (verbal and non-verbal) to understand that roads are trodden to exercise that "attraction". Besides the theories of critical discourse analysis, we supported in the works philosophical/sociological of Laclau, Baudrillard and i ek, to build the conductive threads of this work. For analysis of the texts, we adopted the critical analysis of discourse, starting from Norman Fairclough. Already the theories of more philosophical stamp (in some cases to multidiscipline, as of Laclau, Baudrillard and i ek), they went fundamental to examine the context of the political point of view, to know, of the discursive formations in search of the hegemony and of totalization over the action, involving positioning and ideologies in global reality. In that way, it was possible to guide the research second a critical positioning in relation to the print media. The analysis was divided in six thematic axes. They are them: globalization, terrorism, widespread war, exception state, fundamentalism and hegemony / Esta pesquisa investiga os modos de construção do Outro islâmico em revistas semanais impressas de circulação nacional CartaCapital, Época, IstoÉ e Veja -, tendo como "corpus" reportagens veiculadas em dois períodos distintos: 12 de setembro de 2001 a 31 de dezembro de 2001, meses que marcam o período compreendido entre o dia seguinte aos ataques aéreos contra os Estados Unidos e a posterior invasão do Afeganistão, que ocorreu em outubro de 2001; e 1 de março de 2003 a 30 de junho de 2003, meses que englobam períodos anterior e posterior à invasão do Iraque, que se deu em março de 2003. Investiga-se a diversidade de estratégias discursivas e/ou comunicativas utilizadas pela mídia impressa jornalística para construir esse acontecimento, ressignificando os fatos. Considerando-se que tais estratégias buscam capturar o leitor e fazer com que ele se identifique, a partir do contrato de enunciação, com determinadas interpretações dos fatos, torna-se essencial uma análise discursiva do texto (verbal e não-verbal) para entender que caminhos são trilhados para exercer essa atração . Além das teorias de análise crítica do discurso, nos apoiamos nas obras filosóficas/sociológicas de Laclau, de Baudrillard e de i ek, para construir os fios condutores deste trabalho. Para a exame dos textos, adotamos a análise crítica de discurso, a partir de Norman Fairclough. Já as teorias de cunho mais filosófico (e em alguns casos multidisciplinares, como a de Laclau, de Baudrillard e de i ek), foram fundamentais para examinar o contexto do ponto de vista político, a saber, das formações discursivas em busca da hegemonia e de totalizações dirigidas à ação, envolvendo posicionamentos e ideologias globalizadas. Dessa forma, foi possível orientar a pesquisa segundo um posicionamento crítico em relação à mídia impressa. A análise foi dividida em seis eixos temáticos. São eles: globalização, terrorismo, guerra generalizada, estado de exceção, fundamentalismo e hegemonia

Corpo de provas / Book of proofs

Goldchmit, Sara Miriam 22 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é a criação de um corpo de trabalhos visuais e registro de seu processo criativo, tendo em vista desdobramentos didáticos para o ensino de linguagens visuais no campo do Design. Imagens foram geradas a partir da observação, do pensamento e do gesto, e ganharam visibilidade através de procedimentos como fotografia, escaneamento, colagem, manipulação digital, desenho e impressão. O ato criador, aliado à reflexão sobre esse fazer, permitiu a investigação sobre a gênese deste processo: a teoria é uma prática, o fazer é um pensar. A primeira parte da tese expõe sequências figurativas em simultaneidade com depoimentos, ambos produzidos pela autora, onde se apresentam as motivações e os meandros deste processo criativo, cotejados com conceitos teóricos e com a produção contemporânea da visualidade. Na segunda parte, produtos visuais realizados pelos alunos da autora, no âmbito de uma disciplina de graduação em Design, são apresentados com os relatos sobre essa experiência docente. Corpo de provas, enquanto documento dos trajetos, desvios, dificuldades e conquistas vivenciados na prática reflexiva da construção de linguagens visuais, fornece subsídios e aponta possibilidades didáticas para seu ensino. / The present research aims to create a collection of visual artworks and document its creation process, while also focusing on developments for the teaching of visual languages in the field of Design Studies. The images were created from observation, reflection, and gesture and took shape through a number of practices including photography, scanning, collage, digital manipulation, drawing, and print. An investigation into the genesis of the process was made possible through the association of the creative act and a deliberation on its praxis: theory became practice, and practice turned into reflection. The first part of this thesis offers figurative sequences and accounts by the author, which convey the motivations and meanders of her creation process. That material was subsequently confronted to theoretical concepts and contemporary visual works. The second part displays visual products created by the author\'s students in the context of an undergraduate Design class, and includes her accounts regarding this academic experience. As a document of the trajectories, detours, difficulties, and achievements experienced throughout the reflective practice in the construction of visual languages, Book of Proofs suggests options and offers support for teaching these processes.

Tracer la route : les cartes d'itinéraire du papier à l'écran, usages et représentations : contribution pour une étude diachronique comparée (France/Etats-Unis) / Drawing the line : Route map from paper to screen, uses and representations : contribution for a diachronic and comparative study (France \ United States)

Morcrette, Quentin 08 December 2018 (has links)
Les technologies du numérique modifient profondément la manière dont les sociétés appréhendent et se représentent leur espace. La cartographie n’est pas à l’écart de ces changements et les cartes sont de plus en plus nombreuses et sont utilisées sous de nouvelles formes. C’est en particulier le cas de la consultation d’itinéraires uniques, rendue plus aisée par les évolutions techniques et technologiques. L’usage de ces itinéraires est aujourd’hui l’une des principales fonctionnalités des cartes numériques, dont un grand nombre sont issues de sociétés implantées aux États-Unis.Comment appréhender, dans le cadre d’une analyse diachronique et comparatiste, le rôle des cartes d’itinéraire dans la cartographie numérique? S’agit-il d’une nouveauté ou de la réactualisation d’une forme cartographique plus ancienne ? Quelle place tient ce type de représentations dans une perspective croisée?La thèse propose de répondre à ces questions par une analyse large à trois entrées : cartobibliographique, sémiologique et processuelle, en se basant sur des corpus de cartes issus de la Bibliothèque nationale de France et de laNewberry Library. Les principaux résultats de ce travail apportent un éclairage sur les changements en cours avec le passage d’une cartographie majoritairement papier à une cartographie majoritairement écran. Ils invitent finalement à penser ces changements à travers une redéfinition du statut de la carte à l’ère numérique. / Digital technologies deeply change the way in which societies grasp their environment and represent space Cartography is not exempt from these changes, maps are more widespread than ever and are being used for new purposes. Among them, the use of route specific maps, made easier by technical and technological developments. Many online maps are used for itineraries, and most of them come from United States-based corporations.These observations raise the questions of how to understand this specific use of maps when put in a chronological and comparative perspective ? Is this an innovation or rather an actualization of a previous type of mapping practice ? What is the status of these itineraries when studied in a multifaceted perspective ?This research addresses these questions using three main approches : cartobibliographical, semiological and processual, and relying on extensive map collections from the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Newberry Library. The main results bring new insights on the changes taking place with the transition from a primarily paper cartography to a primarily on-screen cartography and call for a redefinition of the status of maps in the digital era.

”Kryddan i maten” : Redesign av en kokbok / “Season in food" : Redesign of a cook-book

Skärby, Kim-Richard January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this project has been to redesign an already existing cook-book. The title of the book <em>(directly translated)</em>, “Season in food – the year around with herbs and spices”, contains what the headline imposes: spices, herbs and food. But when the author tries to entwine these parts and communicate it to the reader it is not working all to well due to a poor and inconsistent graphic design.</p><p>I have followed the theories and values of information design when I redesigned the book layout with the intent to simplify the communication between author and reader. In the progress to make a complete dummie of the book I did multiple literature studies, book analysis, tests and a vast number of drafts.</p><p>In this report I will describe the whole process from start to finish. It is impossible to explain every aspect of every theory and still make it interesting to read. Instead I try to explain the processes in a more comprehensive way. But details are inevitable and at those times it helps to use the appendix.</p> / <p>Mitt examensarbete har inneburit att göra en redesign på en redan befintlig kokbok. På bokensomslag står det: ”Kryddan i maten – året om med örter och kryddor” och den handlar om just detrubriken antyder: örter, kryddor och mat. Tyvärr har författarens syfte, att knyta samman dessa tvåbitar, gått förlorad i bokens inlaga. Detta beror på en inkonsekvent och ostrukturerad formgivning.</p><p>Mitt arbete har varit att med hjälp av informationsdesignens regler och teorier göra om och styraupp bokens layout på ett sånt sätt så att informationen på nytt blir lättillgänglig för användaren. Föratt lyckas med det har jag förutom ett gediget skissarbete även utfört utprovningar, litteraturstudiersamt bokanalyser.I denna rapport avhandlar jag hur hela arbetsprocessen sett ut– från bakgrund till färdigt resultat.</p><p>Rapporten har omöjligt kunnat behandla alla de frågor och tankegångar jag ställts inför utanbehandlar processen på ett mer övergripande sätt. Ibland beskrivs vissa moment detaljerat för attläsaren skall förstå, men genom bilagorna går det att snabbare få en förståelse för vad som menas.</p>

Assessment of media and communication from a sustainability perspective

Moberg, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
This thesis aims to assess potential environmental impacts of media and communication and to contribute to the development of methods for sustainability assessment. Although the main focus is on printed and electronic media products and environmental impacts, a broader sector analysis is also included and social aspects are discussed. The thesis provides a review of different environmental assessment tools in order to better understand their relationships and the appropriateness of different tools in different situations. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to assess printed and electronic versions of newspapers, books and invoices. Results of the screening LCAs of newspapers and books indicate that when comparing printed and electronic versions there are benefits and drawbacks for both. For news and books read on e-reading devices with energy efficient e-ink screens, the main environmental impacts in the studies stemmed from the production of the device and partly from disposal, with the latter having the potential to reduce some environmental impacts through recycling of materials. However, there are data gaps regarding the production of the e-reading devices, most notably for the e-ink screen and the waste management of obsolete e-reading devices. Existing data on internet energy use are uncertain. The potential impacts from a hypothetical total change from paper invoices to electronic invoices in Sweden were assessed through a screening consequential LCA regarding greenhouse gas emissions and cumulative energy demand. The results indicate that emissions and energy demand could decrease as a result of a change. The screening LCAs performed indicate that users’ practices could substantially influence the environmental impacts. Key factors which can influence results and comparisons of printed and electronic media products are total use of electronic devices, total use of printed media, amount and type of paper, energy use of electronic devices, potential printing of electronic media, electricity mix, and the system boundaries set for the assessments. To get a wider perspective, a sector study of the ICT sector and media sector concerning global greenhouse gas emissions and operational electricity use was performed. It was estimated that the contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions in 2007 was roughly 1-2 % for each sector. To assess media and communication products from a sustainability perspective, social aspects should also be covered. The author participated in an international project group on social aspects and LCA, one outcome from which was guidelines for social LCA (S-LCA). In addition to providing guidance for S-LCA, another important role of the guidelines is to facilitate discussions, criticism and proposals for improvement and development of the methodology being developed. The LCA and sector studies in this thesis are limited to direct and to some extent indirect environmental impacts. Further studies of the environmental impacts of more long-term changes in practices and potential structural changes, as well as potential social impacts, could provide important additional insights. This could increase the possibility of facilitating sustainable practices related to ICT and media. / QC 20100610

Bibliofictions: Ovidian Heroines and the Tudor Book

Reid, Lindsay Ann 17 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores how the mythological heroines from Ovid‘s Heroides and Metamorphoses were cataloged, conflated, reconceived, and recontextualized in vernacular literature; in so doing, it joins considerations of voice, authority, and gender with reflections on Tudor technologies of textual reproduction and ideas about the book. In the late medieval and Renaissance eras, Ovid‘s poetry stimulated the imaginations of authors ranging from Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower to Isabella Whitney, William Shakespeare, and Michael Drayton. Ovid‘s characteristic bookishness—his interest in textual revision and his thematization of the physicality and malleability of art in its physical environments—was not lost upon these postclassical interpreters who engaged with his polysemous cast of female characters. His numerous English protégés replicated and expanded Ovid‘s metatextual concerns by reading and rewriting his metamorphic poetry in light of the metaphors through which they understood both established networks of scribal dissemination and emergent modes of printed book production. My study of Greco-Roman tradition and English bibliofictions (or fictive representations of books, their life cycles, and the communication circuits in which they operate) melds literary analysis with the theoretical concerns of book history by focusing on intersections and interactions between physical, metaphorical, and imaginary books. I posit the Tudor book as a site of complex cultural and literary negotiations between real and inscribed, historical and fictional readers, editors, commentators, and authors, and, as my discussion unfolds, I combine bibliographical, historical, and literary perspectives as a means to understanding both the reception of Ovidian poetry in English literature and Ovid‘s place in the history of books. This dissertation thus contributes to a growing body of book history criticism while also modeling a bibliographically enriched approach to the study of late medieval and Renaissance intertextuality.

Books for the Instruction of the Nations: Shared Methodist Print Culture in Upper Canada and the Mid-Atlantic States, 1789-1851

McLaren, Scott 31 August 2011 (has links)
Recent historians who have written about the development of Methodist religious identity in Upper Canada have based their narratives primarily on readings of documents concerned with ecclesiastical polity and colonial politics. This study attempts to complicate these narratives by examining the way religious identity in the province was affected by the cultural production and distribution of books as denominational status objects in a wider North American market before the middle of the nineteenth century. The first chapter examines the rhetorical strategies the Methodist Book Concern developed to protect its domestic market in the United States from the products of competitors by equating patronage with denominational identity. The remaining chapters unfold the influence a protracted consumption of such cultural commodities had on the religious identity of Methodists living in Upper Canada. For more than a decade after the War of 1812, the Methodist Book Concern relied on a corps of Methodist preachers to distribute its commodities north of the border. This denominational infrastructure conferred the accidental but strategic advantage of concealing the extent of the Concern’s market and its rhetoric from the colony’s increasingly anti-American elite. The Concern’s access to its Upper Canadian market became compromised, however, when Egerton Ryerson initiated a debate over religious equality in the province’s emergent public sphere in the mid-1820s. This inadvertently drew attention to Methodist textual practices in the province that led to later efforts on the part of Upper Canadians to sever the Concern’s access to its market north of the border. When these attempts failed, Canadian Methodists found ways to decouple the material and cultural dimensions of the Concern’s products in order to continue patronizing the Concern without compromising recent gains achieved by strategically refashioning themselves as loyal Wesleyans within the colony’s conservative political environment. The result was the emergence of a stable and enduring transnational market for Methodist printed commodities that both blunted the cultural influence of British Wesleyans and prepared the ground for a later secularization of Methodist publishing into and beyond the middle decades of the nineteenth century.

Bibliofictions: Ovidian Heroines and the Tudor Book

Reid, Lindsay Ann 17 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores how the mythological heroines from Ovid‘s Heroides and Metamorphoses were cataloged, conflated, reconceived, and recontextualized in vernacular literature; in so doing, it joins considerations of voice, authority, and gender with reflections on Tudor technologies of textual reproduction and ideas about the book. In the late medieval and Renaissance eras, Ovid‘s poetry stimulated the imaginations of authors ranging from Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower to Isabella Whitney, William Shakespeare, and Michael Drayton. Ovid‘s characteristic bookishness—his interest in textual revision and his thematization of the physicality and malleability of art in its physical environments—was not lost upon these postclassical interpreters who engaged with his polysemous cast of female characters. His numerous English protégés replicated and expanded Ovid‘s metatextual concerns by reading and rewriting his metamorphic poetry in light of the metaphors through which they understood both established networks of scribal dissemination and emergent modes of printed book production. My study of Greco-Roman tradition and English bibliofictions (or fictive representations of books, their life cycles, and the communication circuits in which they operate) melds literary analysis with the theoretical concerns of book history by focusing on intersections and interactions between physical, metaphorical, and imaginary books. I posit the Tudor book as a site of complex cultural and literary negotiations between real and inscribed, historical and fictional readers, editors, commentators, and authors, and, as my discussion unfolds, I combine bibliographical, historical, and literary perspectives as a means to understanding both the reception of Ovidian poetry in English literature and Ovid‘s place in the history of books. This dissertation thus contributes to a growing body of book history criticism while also modeling a bibliographically enriched approach to the study of late medieval and Renaissance intertextuality.

Books for the Instruction of the Nations: Shared Methodist Print Culture in Upper Canada and the Mid-Atlantic States, 1789-1851

McLaren, Scott 31 August 2011 (has links)
Recent historians who have written about the development of Methodist religious identity in Upper Canada have based their narratives primarily on readings of documents concerned with ecclesiastical polity and colonial politics. This study attempts to complicate these narratives by examining the way religious identity in the province was affected by the cultural production and distribution of books as denominational status objects in a wider North American market before the middle of the nineteenth century. The first chapter examines the rhetorical strategies the Methodist Book Concern developed to protect its domestic market in the United States from the products of competitors by equating patronage with denominational identity. The remaining chapters unfold the influence a protracted consumption of such cultural commodities had on the religious identity of Methodists living in Upper Canada. For more than a decade after the War of 1812, the Methodist Book Concern relied on a corps of Methodist preachers to distribute its commodities north of the border. This denominational infrastructure conferred the accidental but strategic advantage of concealing the extent of the Concern’s market and its rhetoric from the colony’s increasingly anti-American elite. The Concern’s access to its Upper Canadian market became compromised, however, when Egerton Ryerson initiated a debate over religious equality in the province’s emergent public sphere in the mid-1820s. This inadvertently drew attention to Methodist textual practices in the province that led to later efforts on the part of Upper Canadians to sever the Concern’s access to its market north of the border. When these attempts failed, Canadian Methodists found ways to decouple the material and cultural dimensions of the Concern’s products in order to continue patronizing the Concern without compromising recent gains achieved by strategically refashioning themselves as loyal Wesleyans within the colony’s conservative political environment. The result was the emergence of a stable and enduring transnational market for Methodist printed commodities that both blunted the cultural influence of British Wesleyans and prepared the ground for a later secularization of Methodist publishing into and beyond the middle decades of the nineteenth century.

Variabeltryck med inkjet i dagspress : Möjligheten att införa anpassade upplagor / Variable print with inkjet in newspapers : The possibility of introducing customized editions

Erikson, Pernilla January 2012 (has links)
På uppdrag av Tidningsutgivarna har en studie utförts angående olika möjligheter att införa tryck av variabeldata med tryckmetoden inkjet i svensk dagspress. Målet var att undersöka tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar samt att utreda om det fanns något intresse på marknaden som skulle kunna ge någon avkastning. Studien utfördes med hjälp av noggranna källstudier och ett fortlöpande samarbete med olika företag med intresse för dagspress. Rapporten beskriver också företag som arbetar med den här typen av innovationer idag och diverse tidigare projekt med variabeltryckta tidningar. Nya teknologier som eventuellt kan vara av intresse för framtida utveckling har också beskrivits och hur tidningens framtid kommer att se ut ur ett kortare och ett längre perspektiv. Studien visar att inkjetpressar inte klarar av den hastighet som de moderna tidningspressarna håller idag. Men i takt med minskade upplagor och utvecklad teknologi, samt ett stort marknadsmässigt intresse så tyder det på att det kommer att finnas möjlighet att tillverka anpassade digitaltryckta tidningsupplagor inom en överskådlig framtid. Inkjet kan fungera som ett bra komplement till offset. Inlinepressar ger möjligheten att införa variabeltryck i stora tidningsupplagor medan separata inkjetpressar passar bra för tryck av mindre lokala upplagor. / By an assignment from the Swedish Media Publishers’ Association a study has been carried out about various opportunities to introduce printing of variable data with inkjet in Swedish newspapers. The aim was to investigate the technical possibilities and limitations, and if there was any interest in the market that would give any return of investment. The study was conducted by accurate studying of sources and a continuous cooperation with different companies with interest in the newspapers. The study shows that inkjet presses can’t handle the speed of the modern newspaper presses yet today. But it could work as a good complement to offset printing and the technique will continue to develop. It will be launched more printing presses with hybrid solutions in the near future.

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