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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mission statement and management of private tertiary religious institutions in Eastern and Southern Africa

Kibuuka, Hudson Eddie 06 1900 (has links)
The region of Eastern and Southern Africa has recently experienced an unprecedented development of private tertiary institutions. Most of these institutions are established by religious organisations which, since the inception of education, have been involved in operating educational institutions of lower levels. Although referred to as private institutions, which by definition would imply funding other than the government sources, these private institutions find themselves, at times requesting the government to fund their development as well as their operations. This study sought to investigate if these private religious institutions have unique raison d'etre expressed in the form of mission statements. The study also investigated the nature of their management and the management structures in practice. The literature reviewed indicated that private religious institutions have a unique mission based on their basic concept of education and their world view. They seek to pursue and inculcate specific values. Operating in a competitive environment, however, in which their competitors do receive funding from the government makes the private institutions vulnerable to hardships. The study was conducted using qualitative research approach in three countries, namely Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe; involving all degree granting recognised private religious institutions in the sample and focussing on the management. The respondents were chosen by elite purposive and snowball sampling. The main data collection method was the interview. However, document analysis, observations, and a questionnaire were also used. The findings from the data indicate that private religious institutions have unique missions although they are, at times, not expressed in the form of mission statements. As a result some of the stakeholders, including those involved in management, don't get to know what their institutions' missions are. The study concludes by emphasising the development of clear mission statements involving the stakeholders in the process and having the mission statements widely disseminated. It is also recommended that training in management is important for the managers of the institutions at the various levels. A model of management is proposed for streamlining the management of the institutions considering the requirements of the national governments as well as those of the religious proprietors. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

Developing a model to manage burnout among teaching staff at private universities in Uganda / Ukusungula isifanekiso sokuphatha sokutubeka phakathi kwabafundisi Ezimfundweni Eziphakeme Ezizimele e-Uganda / Ukuvelisa iModeli yokuLawula ukudinwa phakathi kwabasebenzi abafundisayo kwiiYunivesithi zabucala e-Uganda

Masagazi, Joel Yawe 07 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa / The study developed a management model to address burnout among teaching staff at private universities in Uganda. It examined the causes of burnout among teaching staff; explored the effect of prolonged stressors on burnout; and investigated the impact of burnout on the performance of teaching staff. A qualitative research approach with a case study design was followed. Lecturers (50), senior lecturers (40), faculty deans (25), and directors of teaching and learning and academic registrars (5) from five private chartered universities in central Uganda participated in the study. Participants were purposively selected to constitute multiple case studies. This study was ethically cleared by the research ethics committees of the University of South Africa (Unisa) and Gulu University. The Uganda National Council for Science and Technology subsequently permitted the adoption of an inductive thematic synthesis to analyse the qualitative data. Empirical data revealed that burnout among teaching staff had institutional causes such as: • conflicting directives • teaching staff’s need to accomplish tasks by a known deadline • delays in the issuance of teaching staff contracts • job insecurity • teaching staff’s incompetence due to skills gaps • limited teaching staff support leading to inadequacy • students’ disruptive behaviour • workload Interpersonal causes were: • unresolved family challenges • being overly ambitious • failing to progress academically • financial obligations • limited resources The study indicated that prolonged stress, such as stress caused by being part of a sub-quality product or having limited authority, leads to emotional burnout. Prolonged stress also leads to physical burnout, as was evident in the panic that ensued when payments were delayed after examination results had been submitted. Prolonged stress results in emotional exhaustion and behavioural challenges in the work environment. Participants reported the following: • limited autonomy • overload and pressure arising from deadlines • teaching staff incompetence • conflicts of responsibilities Empirical data revealed that burnout led to the following: • cognitive workplace deficiencies • emotional detachment • employee turnover • ineffectiveness • poor relationships Psychological burnout among teaching staff presented as unfriendliness towards students and poor student performance. A burnout management model was developed based on the findings of the study to address burnout among teaching staff at private universities. The model emphasises individual and institutional management strategies. Suggestions for further research were made. / Lolu cwaningo lusungule isifanekiso sokuphathwa ukwethulwa inkulumo ngokutubeka phakathi kwabafundisi ezimfundweni eziphakeme ezizimele e-Uganda. Luhlole izimbangela zokutubeka phakathi kwabafundisi; luhlole umphumela ongapheli wabacindezeli ekutubekeni; futhi luphenye umthelela wokutubeka ekusebenzeni kwabafundisi. Indlela yocwaningo yokuqoqa nokuhlaziya ngokocwaningo oluhleliwe yalandelwa. Abafundisayo (50), abafundisayo abakhulu (40), abaphathi bezigaba zemfundo ezimfundweni eziphakeme (25), kanye nabaqondisi bokufundisa nokufunda kanye nababhalisi bezemfundo (5) kusukela ezimfundweni eziphakame ezinhlanu ezizimele ezingaphansi kwesivumelwano sikahulumeni wesifundazwe enkabeni yase-Uganda zibambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo. Ababambe iqhaza bakhethwe ngokwenhloso ukuze bakhe ucwaningo oluningi. Lolu cwaningo lugunyazwe ngamakomidi okuziphatha ngokwezimiso aseMfundweni Ephakeme yaseNingizimu Afrika (Unisa), kanye neMfundo Ephakeme yaseGulu. Umkhandlu kaZwelonke wezeSayensi noBuchwepheshe e-Uganda kamuva uvumele ukwamukelwa kokungenisa kwenhlanganisela yendikimba ukuhlaziya kokuqoqwa komniningwano. Umniningwano wezobuciko wembule ukuthi ukutubeka phakathi kwabafundisi kube nezimbangela zesikhungo ezifana: • iziqondiso ezingqubuzanayo • izidingo zabafundisi ukufeza imisebenzi ngomnqamulajuqu owaziwayo • ukubambezeleka kokukhishwa kwezinkontileka zabafundisi • uvalo lokuphelelwa ngumsebenzi • Ukuhluleka kwabafundisi ngenxa yezikhala zamakhono • ukusekwa okulinganiselwe kwabafundisi okuholela kokungafanelekile • ukuziphatha okuphazamisayo kwabafundi • Izinga lomsebenzi izimbangela zokusebenzisana bekuyilezi: • izinselela zomndeni ezingaxazululwanga • ukuba ngovelele ngokweqile • ukwehluleka ukuqhubekela phambili ezifundweni • izibopho ngokwezimali • izinsiza ezilinganiselwe Ucwaningo lwakhombisa ukuthi ukucindezeleka okungapheli, okufana nokucindezeleka okubangelwa ukuba yingxenye yomkhiqizo engaphansi ngekhwalithi noma ekubeni negunya elilinganiselwe, kuholela ekutubekeni ngokozwelo. Ukucindezeleka okungapheli kuphinde kuholele ekutubekeni ngokomzimba, njengoba kwabonakala ovalweni olwalandela lapho izinkokhelo zabambezeleka emva kokuba imiphumela yokuhlolwa isithunyelwe. Ukucindezeleka okungapheli kubangela ukukhathala ngokozwelo nezinselela ekuziphatheni endaweni yomsebenzi. Ababambe iqhaza babike okulandelayo: • ukuzimela okulinganiselwe • umsebenzi omningi ngokweqile osuka kumnqamulajuqu • Ukungakwazi ukusebenza kwabafundisi • ukungqubuzana kwezibopho Umniningwano wezobuciko wembule ukuthi ukutubeka kwaholela kulokhu okulandelayo: • ukuntula kokuqonda endaweni yomsebenzi • ukuhlukanisa ngokozwelo • Inzuzo yomsebenzi • ukwehluleka • ubudlelwano obungebuhle Ukutubeka kwengqondo phakathi kwabafundisi kunikezwe njengokungabi nabungane maqondana nabafundi kanye nokungasebenzi kahle komfundi. Isifanekiso sokuphathwa sasungulwa ngokususelwe kokwatholakala kwesifundo ukwethula ukutubeka phakathi kwabafundisi ezimfundweni eziphakeme ezizimele. Isifanekiso sigcizelela amasu omuntu ngamunye nezikhungo zokuphathwa. Iziphakamiso zokuqhutshekiswa kocwaningo zenziwe. / Uphononongo lwavelisa imodeli yolawulo ukujongana nokudinwa phakathi kwabasebenzi abafundisayo kwiiyunivesithi zabucala eUganda. Luvavanye oonobangela bokudinwa phakathi kwabasebenzi abafundisayo; luvavanye impembelelo yezinto ezidala uxinzelelo lwexesha elide ekudinweni; kwaye iphande igalelo lokudinwa kwinkqubo yokusebenza kwabasebenzi abafundisayo. Inkqubo yophando esemgangathweni kunye noyilo lwezifundo lwalandelwa. Abahlohli (50), abahlohli abadala (40), iintloko zamasebe ezifundo (25), kunye nabalawuli bokufundisa nokufunda kunye nababhalisi bezemfundo (5) abavela kwiiyunivesithi ezintlanu zabucala ezinamalungelo kumbindi weUganda bathatha inxaxheba kolu phando. Abathathi-nxaxheba bakhethwa ngokwenjongo ukuba yinxalenye yezifundo zophando ezininzi. Olu phononongo lwacaciswa ngokusesikweni ziikomiti zokuziphatha zophando zeYunivesithi yoMzantsi Afrika (i-Unisa) kunye neYunivesithi yaseGulu. IBhunga leSizwe lase-Uganda lezeNzululwazi kunye neThekhnoloji kamva lavumela ukwamkelwa kwenkuthazo yokudityaniswa kwezihloko zokucalula idatha esemgangathweni. Idatha yangokwenene iveze ukuba ukudinwa phakathi kwabasebenzi abafundisayo (kwabafundisintsapho) kube ngoonobangela amaziko anje ngala: • izikhokelo eziphikisanayo • Iimfuno zabasebenzi abafundisayo ukugqiba imisebenzi ngomhla obekiweyo • Ukulibaziseka ekukhutshweni kweekhontrakthi zabafundisintsapho • Ukungaqiniseki ngomsebenzi • Ukungakwazi kwabasebenzi abafundisayo (abafundisi) ukufundisa ngenxa yezikhewu kwizakhono • Inkxaso engonelanga kubasebenzi abafundisayo ekukhokelela ekusileleni • Ukuziphatha okuphazamisayo kubafundi • ubungakanani bomsebenzi Oonabangela bonxibelelwano phakathi kwabantu ngaba: • iingxaki ezingasonjululwanga kusapho • ukuba namabhongo ngokugqithisileyo • ukungabi nankqubela phambili ngokwezemfundo • izibophelelo zemali • izixhobo ezingonelanga Uphononongo lubonise ukuba uxinzelelo oluthathe ixesha elide, olufana noxinzelelo olubangelwa kukuba yinxalenye yemveliso ekumgangatho ophantsi okanye ukuba negunya elilinganiselweyo, kukhokelela ekudinweni ngokweemvakalelo. Uxinzelelo lwexesha elide lukwakhokelela ekudinweni ngokwasemzimbeni, njengoko kwakubonakala kuloyiko olwalulapho xa kulibaziseka ukuhlawulwa emva kokungeniswa kweziphumo zoviwo. Uxinzelelo lwexesha elide luba neziphumo zokudinwa ngokweemvakalelo kunye nemicelimngeni yokuziphatha kwindawo yokusebenza. Abathathi-nxaxheba baxele oku kulandelayo: • Ukuzilawula okunyiniweyo • umsebenzi omninzi kunye noxinzelelo oluvela kwimihla emiselweyo yokungenisa • umsebenzi. • Ukungakwazi kwabasebenzi abafundisayo ukufundisa ngokupheleleyo • Ukungqubana koxanduva lwemisebenzi Idatha yokongokwenene iveze ukuba ukudinwa kukhokelele koku kulandelayo: • ukusilela kwengqondo emsebenzini • ukukhululeka ngokweemvakalelo • Ukutshintsha kwabaqeshwa • ukungasebenzi kakuhle • ubudlelwane obubi Ukudinwa kwengqondo phakathi kwabasebenzi abafundisayo (abafundisi) kuboniswe njengokungenabubele kubafundi kunye nokusebenza kakubi kwabo.Imodeli yokulawula ukudinwa yaphuhliswa ngokusekwe kwiziphumo zophando ukujongana nokudinwa phakathi kwabasebenzi abafundisayo kwiiyunivesithi zabucala. Imodeli igxininisa izicwangciso zolawulo lomntu ngamnye neziko. Iingcebiso zophando olunokuqhutyelwa phambili zenziwa. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)

Quality assurance challenges for private providers in post-school education and training in South Africa

Baumgardt, Jacqueline 09 1900 (has links)
Quality assurance has been a vexed and troubled journey for private providers in South Africa in a complex and burdensome educational environment. It is well recognised that private providers are significant role-players in the provision of education and training in South Africa and the stated intention is to create a more enabling regulatory framework The focus of this thesis is on the private providers at the post-school level. The quality assurance regime was examined and contextualised to analyse what is required, and to determine how the private provider is impacted by the regulatory requirements for the establishment and operation of a private tuition provider in South Africa. The experience of private providers, CEOs of professional bodies, ETQA managers and ETD practitioners was investigated using a mixed methods research approach. The conclusion is a call for a far more streamlined system with a centralised oversight body, greater stakeholder consultation, less political interference and a deeper appreciation for the contribution that private providers make to the education of learners in South Africa. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

A model for effective curriculum implementation in accredited private higher education institutions in Botswana

Rudhumbu, Norman 05 December 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to propose a model (framework) for effective implementation of curricula in accredited Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) operating in a highly regulated higher education environment in Botswana. The study used a mixed methods research approach that employed concurrent triangulation design. A structured questionnaire and a semi-structured interview guide were used to collect data on the views of both 306 lecturers and 12 academic middle managers (AMMs) respectively, on how the curriculum is implemented in the accredited PHEIs. Data analysis was done using statistical tables, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Mann Whitney U-Test, regression analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM). Results of the study showed that characteristics of the external environment, lecturer, institution as well as characteristics and conception of the curriculum were all statistically, significantly and positively related to effective curriculum implementation in accredited PHEIs and hence acted as predictors of effective curriculum implementation in these institutions. The study also showed that factors in the above predictor variables which included heavy workloads, lack of training on pedagogical issues, limited opportunities for staff development in some of the PHEIs, limited teaching resources as well as a highly regulated higher education environment were major challenges affecting effective curriculum implementation in the PHEIS. It emerged from the study that a 1% improvement on each of the predictor variables could lead to improvements in the way curriculum is currently implemented in these institutions. Based on these results, a framework was proposed for enhancing curriculum implementation in accredited PHEIs. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukuthuthukisa imodeli yokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo eziKhungweni Zemfundo Ephakeme Zangasese ezigunyaziwe (ama-PHEI) eziqhuba umsebenzi wazo ngaphansi kwesimo semfundo ephakeme esilawulwa kakhulu. Lolu cwaningo lwasebenzisa indlela yokucwaninga exubile ngokulandela i-concurrent triangulation design. Ucwaningo lwasebenzisa i-structured questionnaire kanye ne-semi-structured interview guide ukuqoqa idatha mayelana nemibono yabafundisi basenyuvesi abangama-306 kanye nabaphathi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme abasezikhundleni zokuphatha ezimaphakathi (ama-AMM) abayi-12, ngokulandelana, mayelana nendlela okuqaliswa ngayo ikharikhulamu kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kwenziwa ngokusebenzisa amathebula ezibalo, i-Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), i-Mann Whitney U-Test, i-regression analysis, i-correlation analysis kanye ne-structural equation modelling (SEM). Imiphumela yocwaningo yabonisa ukuthi izici zobunjalo besimo sangaphandle, izici zomfundisi, izici zesikhungo kanye nezici eziphathelene nekharikhulamu kanye nomsuka womqondo wokusungulwa kwayo, konke kwabe kukhombisa ukuhlobana okucacile futhi obuboniswa nayizibalo phakathi kwalokhu nokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe futhi ngalokho-ke lokhu kwasebenza njengezibikezeli zokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo kulezi zikhungo. Ucwaningo lwabonisa nokuthi ezinye izimo, ngaphezu kwezibikezeli, ezibandakanya umsebenzi omningi ngokweqile okumele wenziwe ngumfundisi ngamunye, ukuntuleka kokuqeqeshwa mayelana nezindaba eziphathelene nokufundisa, amathuba ayingcosana kakhulu okuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi kwezinye zalezi zikhungo ezingama-PHEI, izinsizakufundisa eziyingcosana kanye nesimo semfundo ephakeme esilawulwa kakhulu, kwabe kuyizinselelo ezinkulu ezinomthelela ekuqalisweni kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo ezikhungweni ezingama-PHEI. Kwahlaluka ocwaningweni ukuthi ukuphuculwa kwesimo nge-1% esibikezelweni ngasinye kungaholela ekutheni ibe ngcono indlela okusetshenziswa ngayo ikharikhulamu kulezi zikhungo. Ngokususela kule miphumela, kwathuthukiswa imodeli yokwenza ngcono ukuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe. / Die doel van die studie was om ʼn model (raamwerk) voor te stel vir doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde private hoëronderwysinstellings (PHEIs) wat in ʼn hoogs gereguleerde hoëronderwysomgewing funksioneer. ʼn Gemengdemetode-navorsingsbenadering is gevolg, met gebruik van gelyktydige-triangulasie-ontwerp. ʼn Gestruktureerde vraelys en ʼn halfgestruktureerde onderhoudsgids is gebruik om data in te samel oor die sienings van 306 dosente en 12 akademiese middelbestuurders (AMMs) onderskeidelik, oor hoe die kurrikulum geïmplementeer word in die geakkrediteerde PHEIs. Data is ontleed met behulp van statistiese tabelle, Analise van Variansie (ANOVA), die Mann Whitney U-Test, regressieontleding, korrelasieontleding en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering (SEM). Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat eienskappe van die eksterne omgewing; van die dosent; van die instelling, sowel as eienskappe en beskouings van die kurrikulum, almal positiewe, beduidende en statistiese verwantskappe met doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde PHEIs het, en dus as voorspellers van doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in hierdie instellings opgetree het. Die studie het ook getoon dat faktore in die bogenoemde voorspellerveranderlikes – insluitende aansienlike werkslas, gebrek aan opleiding oor pedagogiese kwessies, beperkte geleenthede vir personeelontwikkeling in sommige van die PHEIs, beperkte onderrighulpbronne, sowel as ʼn hoogs gereguleerde hoëronderwysomgewing – groot uitdagings was wat doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in die PHEIs beïnvloed het. Dit het uit die studie geblyk dat ʼn 1%-verbetering in elk van die voorspellerveranderlikes verbeteringe kan teweegbring in die manier waarop die kurrikulum in hierdie instellings geïmplementeer word. Op grond van hierdie resultate is ʼn raamwerk voorgestel om kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde PHEIs te versterk. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)

Role of knowledge management enablers in facilitating knowledge management practices in selected private higher education institutions in Botswana

Makambe, Ushe 02 1900 (has links)
This research was set out to investigate the role of knowledge management as a coping strategy for PHE institutions in Botswana, especially given that they operate in a highly regulated environment. One of the major drivers of volatility in the educational sector is intensely volatile regulatory environment in which the institutions operate. Further, a large portion of the stakeholder community of these institutions hold a strong believe that these institutions offer poor quality education to maximise profit. The primary objective of this study is therefore to determine the role of knowledge management (KM) enablers in facilitating KM practices in selected PHE institutions in Botswana that operate in this highly regulated environment and to develop a model for effective KM in these institutions. The study adopted a survey research design and collected quantitative data through a structured self-administered questionnaire and document reviews. The subjects comprised all five degree-awarding PHE institutions, which were strictly regulated by the Tertiary Education Council (TEC). The population surveyed came to 670 and sample size was 350. Data was analysed through various statistical measures such as Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in the form of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), multiple regression analysis, and Chi-square test. The results of the study revealed that KM enablers were playing an insignificant role in facilitating KM practices in selected PHE institutions in Botswana. Results of the study can be generalised to similar institutions elsewhere operating in similar environments. In order to enhance KM practices in PHE institutions, it is recommended that the institutions adopt a systematic approach to KM, establish an organisational culture and structure that promote KM practices, and enhance the quality of their human capital including leadership. It should be noted that the state of KM in organisations operating in an uncertain environment can be enhanced if the leadership carefully controls the family-owned setting and organisational culture as these factors can detract from the organisation’s effective practising of KM. However, strategic leadership, organisational structure, and the role played by stakeholders played positive deterministic factors in ensuring an enhanced KM drive. / Business Management / D.Admin. (Business Management)

Towards a comprehensive model of formative assessment for self-regulated learning : a study of practice at Solusi University in Zimbabwe

Thebe, Christopher Newa 08 1900 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to explore what the true worth or value of formative assessment was in the context of self-regulated learning. It sought to find out how the quality of formative assessment practices is characterised by the lecturers and students at Solusi University, Zimbabwe. The evidence from this was to be compared with what the course outlines and related documents suggested regarding the quality of formative assessment practices at Solusi University. The study also intended to find out how the self-regulated learning approach could add value to formative assessment practices in this university. This became important on account of the major functions of assessment in general and continuous assessment in particular to act as a barometer of the quality of learning going on in an institution. The qualitative research approach was adopted using interviews and analysis of formative assessment documents such as the course outlines as well as quizzes and tests. It emerged from the findings that formative assessment practices at Solusi University are characterised by performance as the major issue. Performance is the overemphasis of marks and scores whilst ignoring the other major learning aspects of formative assessment. This is so because there is no assessment guide to inform on the criteria and standards to follow. The course objectives were based on the lower-order levels of learning which dwell more on rote learning for the sake of grading or performance. Even though assignments were preferred, more quizzes were being used so as to garner enough marks. This picture could be altered if the theories that underpin this study namely, Self-Regulated Learning, the BEAR Assessment System and Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives respectively were applied in the formative assessment practices in the university. This would allow for transparency and collaboration in the formative assessment process with students being active participants. In this case the self-regulated learning approach would have been used to enhance the quality of formative assessment practices. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Middle managers shaping strategic outcomes within a private higher education institution : a case study / Baokamedi ba mahareng ba bopang diphetho tsa meralo kahare ho setsi sa poraefete sa thuto e phahameng : phuputso

Samson, Shereen Judith 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores how middle managers use their micro-strategising practices of agency and sense-making to shape strategic outcomes during and after strategic change implementation within an enabling and/or constraining organisational social structure. The researcher examined this phenomenon through the theoretical lenses of strategy-as-practice perspective and sense-making. The qualitative case-study research design with an interpretivist, social constructionist paradigm captured the lived organisational social reality of the administrative middle managers over time at a for-profit educational brand of a private higher education (PHE) provider. A thematic data analysis approach integrated manual coding with electronic coding to analyse data gathered through an emergent research design of text messages and e-mail journals over a four-month period. Data-driven inductive coding was synthesised with structural deductive coding in response to the research questions. The dissertation concludes that administrative middle managers use micro-level strategising practices of retrospective and prospective cognitive and emotional sense-making and the practical coping of agency, or embodied sense-making, to navigate a complex and contradictory organisational socio-cultural context that is both enabling and constraining. A further contribution of the current study speaks to the embedded practices between the two discrete levels of organisation and individual, which has been interpreted through the contradictions following the equivocal signals that these two main levels demonstrate. The porous inter-dependency between the two levels of organisation and individual creates an inter-woven entity where the strands of individual and organisational action are difficult to pull out and name distinctly, without unravelling the tapestry that is the organisational entity. These contributions affirm the intellectual puzzle which sought to understand and/or restore the balance of the individual within an organisational socio-cultural context to attain organisational security and equilibrium after organisational change. The findings of this current study is not generalisable to the other seven educational brands of the PHE provider. / Boithuto bona bo shebana le tsela eo ka yona baokamedi ba mahareng ba sebedisang ditlwaelo tsa ketso ya meralo e menyane (micro-strategising) ya diejensi le ketso ya moelelo ho bopa diphetho tsa meralo nakong ya le kamora ho kenngwa tshebetsong ha phetolo ya moralo kahare ho sebopeho se dumellang le/kapa se thibelang sa setjhaba. Mofuputsi o hlahlobile mohopolo ona ka leihlo la thiori ya moralo-jwalokaketso le ketso ya moelelo. Sebopeho sa dipatlisiso tsa phuputso ya boleng se nang le saense ya setjhaba le paterone ya kgaho ya setjhaba se hapile mokgatlo wa setjhaba wa sebele o phetsweng wa baokamedi ba mahareng ba tsamaiso nako e telele letshwaong la thuto la phaello ho mofani wa thuto e hodimo ya poraefete (PHE). Katamelo ya manollo ya pokello e amanang le thuto e ikgethang e kopantse tokiso ya tokomane ka letsoho le ka elektoniki ho manolla pokello e bokelletsweng ka sebopeho sa dipatlisiso se qalang sa melaetsa ya mongolo le di-emaili nakong ya dikgwedi tse nne. Mongolo wa qaleho o tsamaiswang ke pokello o ile wa hlahiswa ka elektoniki le mongolo o latelang dikarolo tse itseng tsa molao o akaretsang ho araba dipotso tsa dipatlisiso. Thuto e phethela ka hore baokamedi ba bohareng ba tsamaiso ba sebedisa ditlwaelo tsa mekgwa e boemong bo tlase ba ketsahalo ya moelelo boiphihlelong ka ho kgutlela morao le ho nahanela pele ka kellelo le maikutlo le ho sebetsa ho kgonehang ha mokgatlo, kapa ho fana ka moelelo boiphihlelong ho kopantsweng ho batlisisang maemo a rarahaneng le a hananang a moetlo wa mokgatlo a nolofatsang le a thibelang ka bobedi. Monehelo o eketsehileng wa thuto ya morao-rao o bua ka ditlwaelo tse keneletseng dipakeng tsa maemo a mabedi a fapaneng a mokgatlo le a motho ka mong a tolokuweng ka ho hanyetsana ho latela matshwao a ka tolokehang ka ditsela tse fapaneng tseo maemo ana a mabedi a ka sehloohong a di bontshang. Ho emelana hona ho kenellanang ho dipakeng tsa maemo a mabedi a mokgatlo le motho ka bo mong ho theha mokgatlo wa kgokahano oo ho ona dikgwele tsa motho ka bo mong le kgato ya mokgatlo di bang thata ho hulwa le ho reha ka tsela e hlakileng kantle le ho senya lesela leo e leng mokgatlo. Menehelo ena e netefatsa selotho se neng se batla ho utlwisisa le/kapa ho tsosolosa tekanyo ya motho kahare ho maemo a setso sa setjhaba sa mokgatlo ho fumana tshireletso ya mokgatlo le boikgutso kamora ho fetoha ha mokgatlo. Diphumano tsa thuto ena ya morao-rao ha di akareletswe ho matshwao a mang a thuto a supileng a mofani wa PHE / Lolu cwaningo lucubungula udaba lokuthi izimenenja ezisezikhundleni ezimaphakathi zizisebenzisa kanjani izinkambiso zazo zokwenza amaqhinga namasu emazingeni aphansi okusebenzisa ikhono lazo lokuzikhethela nokuthatha izinyathelo ngokuzimela (agency) nokwenza kuzwakale futhi kuqondakale lokho ezikwenzayo nezikushoyo (sense-making) ngenhloso yokubumba imiphumela enobuqhinga ngaphambi kokuba kuqaliswe uguquko olunobuqhinga futhi nangenkathi sekuqaliswa uguquko olunjalo olwenzeka ngaphakathi ohlakeni lwesakhiwo senhlalo esivumelayo kanye/noma esivimbelayo. Umcwaningi wakuhlaziya futhi wakuhlolisisa lokhu esebenzisa indlela yokubheka izinto ngokwethiyori yokusebenzisa iqhingasu njengenkambiso (strategyas- practice perspective) kanye nokwenza kuzwakale futhi kuqondakale lokho okwenziwayo nokushiwoyo. Idizayini yocwaningo lwesigameko olukhwalithethivu olugxile ekutheni izimenenja zibheke izinto njengoba zinjalo ngokweso lezigameko ezidlule kuzona izimenenja, ngokuqhubeka kwesikhathi, ekuxhumaneni nasekusebenzeni kwazo nabanye abantu esikhungweni semfundo ephakeme esithile esizimele esiqhuba umsebenzi wokuqeqesha ngenhloso yokungenisa imali nokwenza inzuzo, phecelezi umhlinzeki we-private higher education (PHE). Ucwaningo lwasebenzisa indlela yokuhlaziya idatha ngokucubungula nokuqopha amaphethini, okuyindlela eyadidiyela ukuhlelwa nokuhlungwa kwedatha ngesandla nangobuchwepheshe bekhompyutha ngenhloso yokuhlaziya idatha eqoqwe kusetshenziswa i-emergent research design yemiqhafazo (text messages) kanye namajenali ama-imeyili esikhathini esiyizinyanga ezine. Ukuze kuhlinzekwe ngezimpendulo emibuzweni yocwaningo kwahlanganiswa indlela yokuhlela nokuhlunga idatha esuselwa kuhlobo lwedatha eqoqiwe (inductive) kanye nendlela yokuhlunga ngokusebenzisa uhlelo olwenziwe ngaphambi kokuqoqwa kwedatha (deductive). Ucwaningo luphetha ngokukhipha umbono wokuthi izimenenja ezisezikhundleni ezimaphakathi zisebenzisa izinkambiso zazo zokuqhamuka namaqhinga namasu emazingeni aphansi okwenza izinto ziqondakale ngokusebenzisa ingqondo nemizwa mayelana nezigameko ezenzeke esikhathini esedlule, nalezo ezingahle zenzeke esikhathini esizayo kanye nokubonela kwikhono lomunye umuntu, njengoba linjalo, lokuthatha izinyathelo nokwenza izinto ngokuzimela noma ukwenza izinto ziqondakale, okuyingxenye yalokho, ngenhloso yokuchusha nokuthubeleza esimweni senhlalo-masiko esiyinkimbinkimbi futhi esiziphikisayo, esikwenza kokubili ukuvumela kanye nokuvimbela. Elinye futhi igalelo lalolu cwaningo lwamanje liphathelene nezinkambiso ezifakwe zagxila emazingeni amabili ahlukene ngokucacile phakathi kwenhlangano kanye nomuntu ngamunye, ahunyushwe ngokuphikisana okulandela izimpawu eziyindida futhi ezingaqondakali kahle eziboniswa yilawa mazinga amabili amakhulu. Ukuncikana nokuxhasana okuntekenteke phakathi kwalawa mazinga, okuyinhlangano kanye nomuntu ngamunye, kwakha uhlaka oluxhumene lapho kunzima ukutomula nokugagula ngokucacile izingxenye ezakhe izenzo nezinyathelo zenhlangano ezingxenyeni ezakhe izenzo zomuntu ngamunye, ngaphandle kokuqaqa nokuhlukanisa ingxenye ngayinye eyakhe inhlangano ebumbene. Lawa magalelo ocwaningo aqininisekisa futhi asekele indida-mqondo (intellectual puzzle) ebihlose ukuqonda kanye/noma ukubuyisa ukuzimelela komuntu ngamunye esimweni senhlalo-masiko yenhlangano ukuze kuzuzwe ukuvikeleka kwenhlangano nozinzo-kulingana (equilibrium) emva koguquko olwenzekile enhlanganweni. Imiphumelangqangi etholakale kulolu cwaningo lwamanje ayinakuthathwa njengemiphumela engaphinde isetshenziswe futhi iqondaniswe nezimo ezitholakala kwezinye izikhungo eziyisikhombisa zomhlinzeki we-PHE. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Adjustment issues and their effect on international undergraduate students : a case study in Ghana

Anatsui, Denise Veronica 03 1900 (has links)
The phenomenon of students traversing the globe in search of higher education has increased over the past decade. They travel from every region of the world to institutions of higher learning - to colleges and universities - that accept them. Altogether, countries in Africa welcome thousands of students into their various colleges and universities. Ghana, where this study is based, boasts of well over 140 state-run and privately - run universities. Over the past two decades, these institutions have experienced significant increases in their admission numbers in their international student population. Some of the research on the academic experiences of international undergraduate students shows that they do not perform well during their first years on campus and that they experience what is defined as adjustment issues. The thesis research uncovers and examines adjustment issues experienced by international students (between ages 17-29) pursuing undergraduate degrees at a small, co-educational, private university college (XUC) in Ghana. Located within Ghana’s capital city, Accra, this four-year college annually admits thirty to forty international students and accommodates nearly three thousand students who are at various stages of their study. During the academic year 2017-2018, the college had enrolled 126 international students. In this study, the researcher focuses on the effect of adjustment issues on the academic performance of international students. The researcher posits that there is a correlation between adjustment levels and Grade Point Averages (GPAs). Therefore, international students who have high adjustment levels to student life and life at XUC, Ghana experience average to high Grade Point averages. Conversely, international students who experience low adjustment levels to student life and life in XUC, also experience low Grade Point Averages. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Education Management)

Quality assurance challenges for private providers in post-school education and training in South Africa

Baumgardt, Jacqueline 09 1900 (has links)
Quality assurance has been a vexed and troubled journey for private providers in South Africa in a complex and burdensome educational environment. It is well recognised that private providers are significant role-players in the provision of education and training in South Africa and the stated intention is to create a more enabling regulatory framework The focus of this thesis is on the private providers at the post-school level. The quality assurance regime was examined and contextualised to analyse what is required, and to determine how the private provider is impacted by the regulatory requirements for the establishment and operation of a private tuition provider in South Africa. The experience of private providers, CEOs of professional bodies, ETQA managers and ETD practitioners was investigated using a mixed methods research approach. The conclusion is a call for a far more streamlined system with a centralised oversight body, greater stakeholder consultation, less political interference and a deeper appreciation for the contribution that private providers make to the education of learners in South Africa. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Vysokoškolské knihovny soukromých vysokých škol na území ČR / Academic libraries of the private universities in the Czech Republic

Josífková, Romana January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis on the topic "Academic libraries of the private universities in the Czech Republic" deals with libraries of the private universities. An introduction into the issue containing history, present, good and bad points of the private universities is mentioned at the beginning. Another part of the work contains information about associations and corporations where the universities are involved in. Foreign private universities and their libraries are also mentioned for better overview. The work describes particular law documents relating to library activities (libraries in general as well as academical libraries). The main part of the thesis is the review of schools and their libraries. The end of the thesis there is a comparison with one public university and one private university and their libraries. Keywords of the thesis: academical libraries, libraries of the universities, private universities, private colleges, history of the private schools or universities, problems of the private school or universities, financing of the private schools.

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