Spelling suggestions: "subject:"procedural"" "subject:"procedurally""
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Informační systém restauračních a barových zařízení / Information System for Restaurants and BarsMašlaň, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work is to study methods for requirement determination and specification methods to create information system on the .NET platform which will be specialized for restaurant and bar establishments. The information system will be therefore process and archive informations about condition of goods, employee's schedule of working shifts, summary of incomes and expenses and book of norms.
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Der Einsatz technischer Überwachungsgeräte im Strafprozess : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Regelung im Strafverfahren des Kantons Bern /Goldschmid, Peter. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Bern, 2001.
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Právní následky dohod narušujících hospodářskou soutěž / Legal consequences of agreements interfering with economic competitionSloupová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This work presented here, named "Legal consequences of agreements interfering with economic competition" seeks to answer several questions, that are dealt with in five sections. Principal notions are explained in first three chapters. The core of the work is found in chapters four and five. The first part describes the competition policy in general. Precise definition of Competiton doesn't actually exist. In practice the economic-viewed interpretation is mostly used. It is a very dynamic process, which, as history shows us, needs for its effective functioning not only to be secured by fundamental freedoms, but also needs a framework of strict rules of law. These boundaries are established by the Competition Law. This branch of law overlaps both the Public law and Private law. My work addresses ontly the part of the Competition Law that depicts protective methods concerning anti-competitive agreements and its violations. Regarding the applicable law sources needs to be examined within the frame of the membership of the Czech Republic in European Union. The third part deals with prohibited agreements in the scope of the Substantive Law. An interesting point of view is brought in by comparing particular characteristic features and its concept with regard to the decisional practice of both The European...
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NOVEL FOOD: LA NORMATIVA DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA TRA SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE, SFIDE DELLA TECNICA E TUTELA DELL'AFFIDAMENTO / Novel food: food safety, technical challenges and protection of expectetions in the Eutopean Union law.LA PORTA, BEATRICE 02 April 2019 (has links)
La produzione normativa degli ultimi decenni in campo alimentare permette di evidenziare come sussista una sempre crescente attenzione verso la scienza da parte del diritto e la costante tendenza della dottrina a ripensare, alla luce delle evoluzioni registrate, il legame esistente tra ambiti distinti ma legati tra loro in modo indissolubile.
In una globale progressione della sensibilità del legislatore europeo verso le esigenze di garanzia del corretto funzionamento del mercato nonché di una crescente tutela del consumatore e della sua sicurezza, la normativa in materia di nuovi alimenti ha cercato di trovare un equilibrio tra la spinta innovatrice che, da anni, interessa l’intero settore alimentare e le plurime necessità di operatori e consumatori che richiedono prodotti dalle caratteristiche sempre più definite e idonee a soddisfare un ampio ventaglio di preferenze.
Assumendo che “la capacità della tecnica è la potenza effettiva di realizzare indefinitamente scopi e di soddisfare indefinitamente bisogni” ben si comprende come quello dei novel food risulti essere un caso paradigmatico di incontro tra scienza, bisogni del mercato e regole giuridiche e come si sia esteso l’interesse sul tema, portando a porre interrogativi sempre più complessi anche in relazione alle modalità di regolamentazione delle novità in campo scientifico. / The last decades' lawmaking in the food field highlights the increasing attention towards science and got lawyers rethinking about the link existing between law and science.
In a progression of the European legislator's sensitivity to guarantee the market as well as the food consumers and their safety, the EU legislation on novel foods has tried to balance food innovation and the multiple needs of operators and consumers who require products with increasingly more defined characteristics and suitable to satisfy a wide range of preferences.
If "the capacity of the technique is the effective power to achieve goals and to satisfy needs indefinitely" is easy to understand how the novel food turns out to be a paradigmatic case of an encounter between science, market needs and juridical rules. Furthermore, the increasing interest in the food sector raises the question of which methods of regulation of scientific innovations apply.
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Il ruolo della deontologia medica nel sistema delle fonti del diritto : un'analisi comparata / Le rôle de la déontologie médicale dans les sources du droit : Analyse comparée / The role of medical ethics as a source of law : a comparative analysisPulice, Elisabetta 23 September 2014 (has links)
L'objet de la thèse, préparée dans le cadre de la convention de co-tutelle entre l’Université de Trento en Italie et l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense en France, consiste dans une analyse comparée du rôle de la déontologie médicale dans les sources du droit en Italie, France et Allemagne. Le spectre d’analyse adopté est double. On cherche d’abord à rendre compte des aspects architecturaux des rapports entre droit et déontologie médicale ; ce faisant, on concentre l’analyse sur les modalités de la codification de l’éthique professionnelle en France, en Allemagne et en Italie, sur le pouvoir normatif des ordres professionnels, et sur la valeur juridique des codes de déontologie médicale et leur intégration dans le système des sources du droit. En second lieu, on cherche, dans une perspective plus substantielle, à comprendre les relations entre droit et déontologie, et notamment le rôle de la déontologie médicale dans le domaine du biodroit. Ce spectre d’analyse est en outre élargi à la procédure disciplinaire et à la perspective européenne. La première partie de la thèse est dédiée à certaines remarques préliminaires et notamment à un effort de définition de la déontologie médicale, à certaines « questions ouvertes » de son rapport avec le droit et à la relation, en perspective comparée, entre langue et droit dans la signification du mot « déontologie ». La seconde partie est dédiée à la codification de l’éthique professionnelle, alors que le rôle de la déontologie médicale dans le biodroit est l’objet de la troisième partie. La quatrième partie concerne la procédure disciplinaire et, finalement, la cinquième partie est dédiée à la reconstruction et l’analyse critique des résultats de la comparaison, à la perspective européenne et à la proposition d’un nouveau modèle italien des rapports entre le droit et la déontologie médicale. / The thesis aims at analysing, from a comparative perspective, the role of medical ethics in Italy, France and Germany. The survey focuses on both the formal and substantive aspects of the relationships between law and medical ethics. As to the first issue, the thesis analyses the codification of medical ethics, the normative function of the medical councils, the binding value of the codes of medical ethics and their position in the hierarchy of norms. With regard to the second aspect, the role of medical ethics is studied from a more substantial perspective, analysing the concrete interrelations between law and medical ethics in the field of biolaw. The survey is then extended to the disciplinary procedure and to the European level. In the first part, the relationships between law and medical ethics are analysed from a linguistic perspective, aiming at underlining some specific features of the concepts referred to as “déontologie”, “deontologia” or “Standesrecht” and “Berufsordnung” in France, Italy and Germany. This part also deals with some “open questions” characterising the relationships between medical ethics and the law. The second part concerns the codification of medical ethics, while its role in the field of biolaw is analysed in the third part. The fourth part deals with deontological liability and disciplinary procedures. Lastly, the fifth part aims at elaborating a theoretical reconstruction of the results of the comparative analysis, at highlighting the main roles of medical ethics at the European level and at suggesting a different model for the relationships between law and medical ethics in the Italian system. / L’obiettivo della tesi è un’analisi comparata del ruolo della deontologia medica nel sistema delle fonti del diritto in Italia, Francia e Germania. Per tenere conto della complessità del rapporto tra diritto e deontologia, sono stati analizzati sia gli aspetti formali di tale rapporto, sia i profili sostanziali del ruolo della deontologia medica nel biodiritto. Nella prima parte alcune considerazioni preliminari e l’analisi linguistica hanno permesso di definire l’ambito di indagine e i profili di maggiore complessità del rapporto tra dimensione deontologica e dimensione giuridica sui quali nelle parti successive si è concentrata l’indagine. La seconda parte, dedicata alla codificazione dell’etica medica, ha messo in luce la varietà di soluzioni e di modalità di ingresso della norma deontologica nell’ordinamento giuridico. Nella terza parte sono stati analizzati il ruolo della deontologia medica nell’ambito del biodiritto e l’influenza di alcuni fattori particolarmente rilevanti sull’evoluzione dei contenuti concreti dei codici deontologici e sulla loro portata pratica. La quarta parte è dedicata alla violazione della deontologia e ai procedimenti disciplinari. Infine la parte conclusiva contiene una ricostruzione teorica dei risultati emersi dall’analisi comparata, lo studio di alcuni profili legati alla dimensione europea della deontologia e la proposta di alcune ipotesi di riforma per un modello italiano più coerente, flessibile ed efficace dei rapporti tra diritto e deontologia.
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Role perioperační sestry v bezpečnostní proceduře na operačním sále / The role of perioperative nurses in the safety procedure in the operating theatre.VÁCOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Preoperative safety procedure is a departmental safety goal laid down by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. The providers of health care directly controlled by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic are obliged to putpreoperative safety procedure and its documentation into practice, other health care organizations are recommended this implementation. However, the Ministry does not specify the formof this procedure nor its process in the operating room, there is no uniform documentation prescribed and last but not least, it is not clearly laid down which person of the operational team is responsible for the correct implementation of this procedure. The goal of the research is to map the preoperative safety procedure in the operating theatres in selected hospitals, to compare the process of the preoperative safety procedures in the operating theatres among the addressed hospitals, to describe the competencies of perioperative nurses during the preoperative safety procedures in the operating theatres in the selected hospitals and to find out the attitude of the perioperative nurses to the preoperative safety procedure. In the selected hospitals the safety procedure is introduced and implemented in different ways. The preoperative safety procedure in the operating theatres is introduced as an administrative act, but not as a practical tool to improve patient safety. The competences of perioperative nurses in preoperative safety procedures are not clearly specified in all of the respondent hospitals. The perioperative nurses adopt entirely positive approach to that, in most cases they believe it is important for ensuring the safety of the patient.
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Técnicas de efetivação de tutela no projeto de código de processo civilJuzinskas, Leonardo Gonçalves 28 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T11:13:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-28 / O trabalho deverá situar o atual estágio de desenvolvimento do processo civil brasileiro, encadeado na leitura formalista-valorativa que emergiu da Constituição Federal, bem com na leitura construtivista do direito processual. Deverá haver a leitura das normas procedimentais e a leitura constitucional / construtivista que o método do formalismo-valorativo autoriza, de forma a empregar, na medida do desejável, os fins e a razão de ser da sua metodologia.
O objetivo, outrossim, é identificar e testar o projeto de código de processo civil, no que tange às suas técnicas de prestação de tutela, com os pressupostos refletidos em antecedência.
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La participation des citoyens à la fonction de juger en France et en Italie : une étude socio-anthropologique du jury populaire en cour d’assises / The jury system in France and Italy : a comparative socio-anthropological study of lay participation / La partecipazione dei cittadini alla funzione del giudicare in Francia e in Italia : uno studio socio-antropologico della giuria popolare in corte d’assiseJolivet, Anne 12 December 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est de comparer les jurys criminels français et italien à travers une étude socio-anthropologique de la pratique judiciaire observable dans les cours d’assises. Il s’agit de rendre compte des différents aspects de l’expérience vécue par les jurés en étudiant minutieusement le rituel judiciaire ainsi que les interactions et relations qui se jouent entre les profanes et les professionnels de la justice le temps d’une session. Quels sont les résultats principaux qui émergent de la comparaison des jurys populaires français et italien ? Ils sont essentiellement de trois ordres. Premièrement, l’observation du « droit en mouvement » révèle que, malgré les similitudes des deux systèmes étudiés sur le plan théorique, la mise en œuvre pratique de la participation des citoyens au jugement des crimes est différente entre la France et l’Italie. Il est alors possible d’en détailler les mécanismes de fonctionnement au regard de la culture juridique de chacun des pays étudiés et en retour, les caractéristiques de chacun des jurys nous apportent des informations sur les mœurs démocratiques française et italienne. Deuxièmement, le jury populaire apparaît comme une « institution de sociabilité » pour les individus appelés à siéger temporairement à la cour d’assises. Cette dimension socialisante influence de manière décisive l’« expérience authentique » vécue par les jurés, et en fait une « expérience directe » de la souffrance d’autrui et du fonctionnement de la démocratie. Troisièmement, la comparaison des jurys criminels français et italien permet de rappeler la modernité et les enjeux actuels liés à la présence des profanes au sein de l’institution judiciaire. Le jury populaire peut être considéré comme une « institution bonne » capable à la fois de redonner de la crédibilité à l’institution judiciaire, de fournir aux acteurs professionnels la possibilité de « ré enchanter » leur quotidien, et enfin d’orchestrer une prise de conscience individuelle pour les jurés sur l’importance de leur participation pour le maintien du lien social. / The purpose of the research is to compare French and Italian juries through a socio-anthropological study of judicial practice in criminal courts. It reports on the different experiences of jurors by carefully studying court procedure, as well as the interactions and relations between laymen and legal professionals within a session.What are the main findings that emerge from comparing French and Italian juries? They can broadly be divided into three parts. Firstly, observation of "the law in motion" reveals that, despite the theoretical similarities between the two systems, the practicalities of involving citizens in judging crimes are different in France and Italy. It is then possible to examine the mechanics in view of the legal culture in both countries and, in return, the characteristics of their juries give us an insight into France and Italy’s democratic values. Secondly, juries appear to be a "socializing institution" for individuals who are required to attend court. This element of socialization has a decisive influence on the "authentic experience" of jurors, making it a "direct experience" of the suffering of others and the functioning of democracy. Thirdly, comparing French and Italian juries provides an opportunity to reflect on modern times and the current issues surrounding the presence of laymen within the judiciary. Juries may be seen as a "worthy" institution able to restore the credibility of the judicial system, stimulate legal professionals and raise individual awareness amongst jurors of the importance of their participation in maintaining social cohesion. / L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è di mettere a confronto la giuria popolare francese con quella italiana sviluppando uno studio socio-antropologico basato sulla pratica giudiziaria osservabile nelle corte d’assise. Si è cercato di mostrare le differenze nel modo di vivere l’esperienza di giurato osservando accuratamente, per ciascuno dei due contesti, il rituale giudiziario, le interazioni e le relazioni tra componenti laici e togati presenti durante una sessione. Quali sono i principali risultati che emergono del paragone delle giurie popolari francesi e italiane? Ne emergono soprattutto tre. Primo, sebbene ci siano delle somiglianze dell’impianto teorico su cui si fondano i due sistemi della giuria popolare, l’osservazione del “diritto in movimento” rivela quanto il loro funzionamento pratico sia diverso. Si descrivono nei dettagli i meccanismi del funzionamento della giuria popolare mettendoli in rapporto con la cultura giuridica di ogni paese mostrandoci, allo specchio, le caratteristiche dei loro costumi democratici. Secondo, la giuria popolare appare come un’“istituzione di sociabilità” per chi vi prende parte. La dimensione sociale influisce sull’“esperienza autentica” vissuta dai giurati agendo direttamente sul modo di percepire la sofferenza altrui e del funzionamento dei processi democratici. Terzo, il confronto tra giuria francese e italiana ci permette di porre l’accento sull’attuale modernità di questa istituzione e sulle sue implicazioni nella procedura penale. La giuria popolare può essere considerata come un’”istituzione buona” in grado di contribuire all’attendibilità del procedimento giuridico, di conferire autorevolezza alla pratica quotidiana dei magistrati togati e di indurre la consapevolezza, in ogni giudice popolare, dell’importanza della sua partecipazione attiva per il mantenimento del legame sociale.
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Bezpečnostní proces v anesteziologické a perioperační péči / Safety process in anesteziology care and perioperative careBenáková, Miluše January 2017 (has links)
Patient safety is one of the top priorities of anesthesia and perioperative care in the operating room. The patient safety is greatly compromised due to administered medication and the actual operating performance in the perioperative care. The risks of anesthesia and the operational performance are many, starting with the fall of the patient, the possible wrong- site, wrong-procedure, wrong-patient errors, adverse reactions to administered medication, difficult airway management or an unexpected perioperative bleeding. Patient harm in hospital care leads not only to increased costs for additional treatment, prolongation of the hospitalization time, but also significantly affects the subsequent quality of life. Most adverse events are preventable, since most of them are caused by susceptible factors, such as incomplete or incorrect information or the lack of communication between the members of the operating team. Due to the increasing number of such adverse events around the world, including those of the most serious, The World Health Organization has created a program called The Save Surgery Saves Lives, whose aim was the identification of key risk areas in ensuring the safety of patients. On the basis of the identified risk areas the Surgical Safety Checklist was introduced in 2008. It is aimed...
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Software pro detekci,analýzu a opravu kolizních objednávek v CRM systému / Software for Detecting, Analysing and Correcting of Conflict Orders in CRMBažant, Milan January 2009 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on the creation of the automatic error cleansing software which clears the errors generated by the ordering system. Based on the error analysis (e.g. their causes and possibilities of their correction) the software enables the automatic error correction without the necessity of any manual action resulting in minimal delay of customers’ orders.
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