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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse économique de l'expertise judiciaire / The economic analysis of judicial expertise

Oytana, Yves 08 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier les mécanismes par lesquels des expertises judiciaires sont conduites dans lecadre d’un procès afin d’assurer une recherche d’information préalable à la prise de décision du juge. Nous analysonsl’efficacité du recours à des mesures d’expertise en nous basant sur deux critères : le coût que les expertises font pesersur le système judiciaire et l’impact des expertises sur la qualité de la prise de décision du juge. Les travaux réalisésse divisent en quatre grands thèmes.Premièrement, nous étudions les incitations de l’expert judiciaire et nous mettons en évidence l’existence de problèmesd’aléa moral et de sélection adverse dans la relation qu’entretiennent le juge et l’expert. Deuxièmement, nous offronsune vue comparative de deux grandes catégories de procédures dans le contexte desquelles une expertise peut êtredemandée : la procédure inquisitoire et la procédure accusatoire. Notre objectif est de déterminer quelle procédureest préférable, compte tenu des deux critères d’évaluation de l’expertise judiciaire que nous avons précédemmentcités. Troisièmement, nous étudions spécifiquement le problème d’aléa moral existant dans la relation qui lie l’expertau juge, cette relation s’articulant autour du travail de recherche réalisé par le premier et du contrôle exercé par lesecond. Quatrièmement, nous mettons en évidence que des conflits d’intérêts de la part de l’expert, ou l’utilisationd’une méthodologie biaisée dans la conduite de ses travaux d’expertise, peuvent entraîner des erreurs dans la prise dedécision. Dans ce contexte, nous tentons de déterminer dans quelle mesure la présence d’un mécanisme d’appel peutpermettre de réduire les effets pervers d’un potentiel biais dans les résultats de l’expertise. / The objective of this thesis is to study the mechanisms by which an expert, who is appointed by the judge or by aparty to search evidence, may contribute to increase the quality of the judicial decision-making. We use two criteriato study how the use of experts may benefit to the judicial decision-making : the cost of expertise and the cost oferrors due to incorrect decisions by the judge. Our work is divided into four chapters.Firstly, we study the judicial expert’s incentives and we highlight the existence of moral hazard and adverse selectionproblems in the relationship between the judge and the expert. Secondly, we offer a comparative view of two differentcategories of procedure in which experts may be appointed : the inquisitorial procedure and the adversarial procedure.Thirdly, we study more specifically the relationship between the judge and the expert, when the judge exerts a controleffort and the expert exerts a research effort. Finally, we highlight the consequences of potential conflicts of interestsfrom the expert, or the consequences of a bias in the methodology used to conduct the expertise. Such conflicts ofinterests or bias may create some errors in the decision-making. In this context, we investigate how the presence ofan appeal mechanism may reduce the adverse effects of a potential bias in the results of the expertise.

Vliv náhrad škod při správě daní na administrativní náklady / The influence of compensations for damages occurring during tax administrative procedure on administrative expenses

Divišová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with compensation for damages occurring during tax administrative procedure due to maladministration or unlawful decisions. The main aim of this thesis was to disclose influence of compensations for damages and administrative expenses of compensation procedure to the state's budget. Thesis concerns legal frame of compensations for damages, the first part of the compensation procedure which is held by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, specifically analysis of number of submitted applications for compensation, extent of acknowledged compensations and the most frequent reasons for acknowledgement of compensation. Further thesis deals with court proceedings and recourse against civil servants, which are eligible of causing damages. Significant part of thesis focuses to the estimation of administrative expenses spent in connection with compensation procedure and compares these expenses in years 2010 and 2011 considering the change in organization of state administration since 1. 1. 2011.

Insolvenční proces z pohledu věřitele / Insolvency proceedings from the viewpoint of a creditor

Šimáková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
This thesis first describes the insolvency proceedings in general, explains basic concepts, describes the different stages of insolvency proceedings and introduces the reader to the entitiesin the insolvency process. It also explains what is a bankruptcy and presents possible ways of solving it. The current situation in relation to insolvency proceedings is shown based on the basic statistics. In the next section, the thesis is focused on the classification of debts and the possibility of creditors to submit their claims in an insolvency proceeding. It also deals with special cases that may occur. The final part of the thesis describes an example application of claims in practise, incl. complications that the creditor must solve.

Teoria do adimplemento substancial enquanto exceção de direito material na relação obrigacional vista como um processo

Nobre, Gustavo Henrique Gonçalves 18 May 2018 (has links)
In view of the fact that the obligational relationship can no longer be perceived as a static legal category and yet, due to the fact that the obligation no longer shows a mere interaction between opposing parties whose willful imperative overrode the righteousness of the negotiation based on general duties of demeanor, there arises the need to assess the Substantial Performance Doctrine in light of an open legal system that is aimed at turning the dictates of the 1988 Constitution into reality when it comes to private dealings, thus resulting in what is commonly referred to as Civil-Constitutional Law. Therefore, one chooses to look into the said doctrine by taking obligation as a proceeding focused on disrupting obligational relationships. Furthermore, an assessment is needed of how the Substantial Performance Doctrine works when it comes to external procedures, how it becomes known, and what its impact on procedural rules that deal with Substantive Law exceptions is. In conclusion, boundaries are drawn that home in on the Theory, allow its historical development in the Superior Court of Justice to be assessed, and work as a foundation for the entire Brazilian legal system. / Tendo em vista que a relação obrigacional já não pode mais ser percebida como uma categoria jurídica estanque e, ainda, devido ao fato da obrigação já não representar uma mera interação entre sujeitos opositores cujo imperativo volitivo subjugava a retidão negocial amparada em deveres gerais de conduta, desperta-se a necessidade de avaliar a Teoria do adimplemento substancial à luz de um sistema jurídico aberto e imbuído do propósito de concretizar os ditames da Constituição de 1988, nas relações entre particulares, resultando no que se convencionou chamar de Direito Civil-constitucional. Para tanto, opta-se por iniciar a investigação da referida Teoria pela obrigação vista como processo com foco na perturbação das relações obrigacionais. Ademais, busca-se a verificação do comportamento da Teoria do adimplemento substancial em caráter processual externo, sua veiculação e impacto nas regras processuais na linha das exceções de direito material. Por fim, propõe-se organizar balizas de reconhecimento da Teoria para analisar seu desenvolvimento histórico no Superior Tribunal de Justiça e que sirvam como base para todo o sistema jurídico brasileiro.

Měření a regulace počítačem řízených solárních systémů: Vizualizace energetických systémů / Measuring and regulation of computer controlled solar systems: Vizualization of energetic systems

Vlčnovská Kotlíková, Silvie January 2008 (has links)
This work is oriented on study and evaluation of performance of real operating solar system. There was made analysis of actual technological unit and there was suggested mode of measuring of nodal parameters. There was made interconnection between the head operating unit of the solar system and the web server. And there was prepared software for grafical image of time and temperature dependence and for data transfer to ready web application. It primarily talks about increase of efficiency of real technological unit through regulating of parameter that is using up of accumulated energy.

Proces zavádění moderních informačních technologií ve veřejné správě se zaměřením na Policii České republiky / The process of implementing modern information technologies in public administration with a focus on the Police of the Czech Republic

Slavíková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis on The process of implementing modern information technologies in public administration with a focus on the Police of the Czech Republic deals with the progressive modernization of the administrative processes at Police of the Czech Republic. It describes and analyzes a particular example of the implementation of new electronic system called Evidence of Criminal Proceedings. Until now used method of evidence called the Diary of a criminal case files was mainly based on the principle of keeping paper documents in each part of organization. This thesis trying to compare the previously used system with newly introduced system and also makes reference to the various implementation models, which could be possible used during the introduction of an information system Evidence of Criminal Proceedings. The thesis presents three possible models of implementation. During the introduction, from 2003 until now, the Police of the Czech Republic used a combination of two of the three options. Furthermore you will find a description, analysis and assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of information systems, these systems compare with each other with view the involvement of various participants, staff and financial performance, efficiency, etc. The theoretical approach of this study is the...


JOSE DA SILVA RAIMUNDO 28 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação investiga e analisa a instrumentalização do processo penal, convertido em arma de guerra – lawfare -, para viabilizar práticas autoritárias punitivas amparadas no casuísmo, no âmbito da chamada Operação Lava Jato, bem como analisa o manejo/utilização/implementação de mecanismos de exceção dentro da rotina democrática brasileira com o fim de eliminar um inimigo personificado na figura do ex-presidente Lula, objetivando retirá-lo da corrida eleitoral de 2018, estabelecendo, assim, a consolidação do golpe iniciado em 2016, com a derrubada da Presidenta Dilma Rousseff. O trabalho discute a Operação Lava Jato abordando o fenômeno do intercruzamento entre direito e política (ativismo judicial, judicialização da política e politização da justiça), analisando criticamente a atuação da grande mídia hegemônica oligopolista brasileira. Desta forma, esta pesquisa enfrenta essa questão a partir do fenômeno identificado como lawfare. No capítulo introdutório, é apresentado o tema, problema, hipóteses, objeto da pesquisa, a justificativa do trabalho, referencial teórico e metodologia da pesquisa. No segundo capítulo são apresentadas algumas abordagens conceituais sobre o termo lawfare, desenvolvidas por diversos intelectuais que se debruçaram sobre o tema, trazendo a discussão para o contexto brasileiro. No terceiro capítulo, analisase o lawfare para fins geopolíticos e empresariais, a extraterritorialidade coercitiva universal estadunidense e como esse emaranhado de legislação internacional impacta na soberania econômica do Brasil. No quarto capítulo defende-se que a Operação Lava Jato foi um maxiprocesso jurídico-político-midiático utilizado como instrumento de lawfare, interferindo no realinhamento de forças políticas no país e abrindo caminho para implantação de um governo neoliberal extremado, com suporte da mídia hegemônica oligopolista e da ofensiva restauradora do campo neoliberal ortodoxo. No Anexo 1, apresenta-se parte das mensagens periciadas pela Polícia Federal no bojo da Operação Spoofing. No anexo 2, apresenta-se a decisão favorável ao ex-Presidente Lula, proferida pelo Comitê de Direitos Humanos da ONU. / [en] The present dissertation investigates and analyzes the instrumentalization of the criminal process, converted into a weapon of war - lawfare -, to enable punitive authoritarian practices supported by casuism, within the scope of the so-called Operation Car wash, as well as analyzing the management/use/implementation of mechanisms of exception within the Brazilian democratic routine in order to eliminate an enemy personified in the figure of former President Lula, aiming to remove him from the 2018 electoral race, thus establishing the consolidation of the coup that began in 2016, with the overthrow of President Dilma Rousseff. The paper discusses Operation Car Wash addressing the phenomenon of the intersection between law and politics (judicial activism, judicialization of politics and politicization of justice), critically analyzing the performance of the Brazilian oligopolistic hegemonic media. Thus, this research addresses this issue from the phenomenon identified as lawfare. In the introductory chapter, the theme, problem, hypotheses, research object, work justification, theoretical framework and research methodology are presented. The second chapter presents some conceptual approaches to the term lawfare, developed by several intellectuals who have focused on the subject, bringing the discussion to the Brazilian context. In the third chapter, we analyze lawfare for geopolitical and business purposes, the universal coercive extraterritoriality of the United States and how this tangle of international legislation impacts Brazil s economic sovereignty. In the fourth chapter it is argued that Operation Car Wash was a legal-political-media maxi-process used as an instrument of lawfare, interfering in the realignment of political forces in the country and opening the way for the implantation of an extreme neoliberal government, with the support of the oligopolistic hegemonic media. and the restorative offensive of the orthodox neoliberal camp. In Annex 1, part of the messages examined by the Federal Police in the context of Operation Spoofing is presented. Annex 2 presents the decision in favor of former President Lula, delivered by the UN Human Rights Committee.

Zkrácené přípravné řízení / Fast-track pre-trial proceedings

Trojanová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the institute of summary preliminary proceedings in the context of past and current legislation and also the reasons that led to its introduction into law. The paper also outlines the objectives of summary proceedings and the use of the institute for other criminal laws. In this work there are also defined summary preliminary proceedings within individual forms of pre-trial proceedings. In some cases, the work compares the above mentioned institute of summary preliminary proceedings with foreign legislation. This study also defines the essence of summary preliminary proceedings and acts carried out in it. At the same time the author tries to define the legal conditions for holding summary preliminary proceedings, further the course of summary preliminary proceedings. The paper also describes the course of summary preliminary proceedings, from the record of initiation of criminal proceedings, to notification about suspicion, further deals with the question of proving evidence in summary proceedings. The paper also discusses in detail the specific entities acting in summary preliminary proceedings. In the description of these entities an analysis of their rights and obligations is simultaneously carried out. Furthermore, the paper describes the various ways of ending summary preliminary...

Nezletilý v civilním procesu / The minor in civil procedure

Sladká Hyklová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The Minor in the Civil Procedure JUDr. Jana Sladká Hyklová Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of the minor in civil procedure. This topic has not been yet properly compiled in Czech legal literature although the issues of participation of minors within civil proceedings are still actual and their importance is increasing. The basic legal source covering the chosen topic is Act No. 99/1963 Coll., Civil Procedure Code, which had to be amended more than 120 times. Procedural law in family law matters, which form substantial part of the content of this thesis topic, is firmly connected with substantive law. Substantive legislation is nowadays represented by Civil Code and Family Law, which are supposed to be replaced on 1 January 2014 with new code of civil law, Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.). This is the reason why the thesis pays attention to the existing legislation as well as to novelties brought by the new code. Where needed, an analysis of new legislation in terms of proper procedural protection of the rights of minors is provided. New legislation of civil law brings the question of preparation of appropriate procedural code. On spring 2012 the draft of law of non contentious procedure which includes main principles and outline of this brand new procedural regulation was published. Where...

Réel et représentation à l'épreuve de la fiction dans l'oeuvre de Michael Haneke / Reality and representation : the fiction subjected to their test : in the Work of Michael Haneke

Boneva, Ralitza 16 March 2012 (has links)
Notre étude se propose de montrer qu'au cours des deux dernières décennies, des années 1989-2009, avec les films de Michael Haneke réalisés pour le cinéma, des innovations décisives apparaissent dans la fiction de nos jours. Des formes nouvelles bouleversent le récit, révélant ce qui, dans la fiction conventionnelle, est devenu stéréotype et mettent en cause la représentation. Des nouveaux rapports entre réel et représentation, entre visible, invisible et insupportable à voir, entre instance énonciative et spectateur entrent en jeu. De nouveaux possibles s'ouvrent sur la voie du développement de la fiction cinématographique et élargissent ses possibilités d'investigation du réel sur l'écran. / Our study suggests that during the last two decades, 1989-2009, with Michael Haneke's movies realized for the cinema, decisive innovations appear in the contemporary fiction. New forms upset the narrative, dispute the representation, and reveal what in the conventional fiction became stereotype. New reports between reality and representation, between visible, invisible and unbearable to see, between the instance of the statement and the spectator come into play. New possibilities open on the way to the development of the film fiction. They widen the possibilities for investigation of the reality on the screen.

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