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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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O direito de ser ouvido no procedimento administrativo de fiscalização

Canhadas, Fernando Augusto Martins 20 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Augusto Martins Canhadas.pdf: 1200571 bytes, checksum: 105372f5af7012ed8e4f2cf107a9f7d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-20 / The purpose of this paper was, by systematizing some doubts still unsolved by doctrine related to the guarantees applicable to the inspection administrative proceedings, to sustain the need of attempting to the private s right to be heard on such proceedings, as an indispensable mean in the search for the material truth that, to its turn, derives directly from the so called substantive conception of the due process of law. Our main concern was to pursue solid grounds for that conclusion. In this context, the first defiance was to draw up some conceptual delimitation about the formal and the material aspects of that constitutional clause, in view of the direct correspondence between the subject of the inspection proceedings and the issues regarding the freedom and the property limitations, since such proceedings involve administrative acts enacted under the so called police power. Afterwards we elaborated our conceptual differentiation between process and administrative proceedings, based upon our interpretation that the guarantees established on article 5, LV of the Brazilian Constitution, concerning to the right of full defense and the contradiction, are only applicable to the process itself, thus characterized by a litigation deriving from a conflict of interests. On the other side we verified that the guarantees related to the substantive due process of law, such as the principles of the equity, reasonability, proportionality and of the efficacy, shall remain in the proceedings not qualified by litigation. Further, we have developed the idea of the need for such inspection proceedings and not process to serve the search for the material truth and we concluded that such constitutional clause only can be accomplished by a deep investigation of the facts analyzed. Finally, we concluded that one of the indispensable means to the exercise of this search is the actually hearing the interested private. Thus, based on a theoretical construction aiming to solve several practical cases presented as illustration, we finalized our work asseverating that, although the guarantees of full defense and the contradiction are not applicable to all types of inspection administrative proceeding including those related to tax issues resides the duty of the State to hear the privates, in return to their right to be heard / O objetivo desse trabalho foi de, sistematizando algumas dúvidas que a doutrina ainda não resolveu acerca das garantias aplicáveis aos procedimentos administrativos de fiscalização, sustentar a necessidade de atenção ao direito de ser ouvido dos particulares nesses procedimentos, como meio indispensável à busca da verdade material, que, por sua vez, decorre diretamente da chamada acepção substantiva do devido processo legal. Nossa preocupação principal foi encontrar fundamentos sólidos para essa conclusão e, nesse contexto, o primeiro desafio enfrentado foi o de traçar delimitações conceituais acerca dos âmbitos formal e material daquela cláusula constitucional, tendo em vista a correspondência direta da matéria referente aos procedimentos de fiscalização com a questão das limitações à liberdade e à propriedade, por envolver atos administrativos emitidos no chamado exercício do poder de polícia. Em seguida elaboramos nossa diferenciação conceitual entre processo e procedimento administrativo, amparada em nossa interpretação de que as garantias previstas no artigo 5º, inciso LV da Carta Magna concernentes à ampla defesa e ao contraditório só aplicam-se a processos propriamente ditos, assim compreendidos aqueles em que há litigância, decorrente de interesses contrapostos. Verificamos, por outro lado, que para os procedimentos não litigiosos remanescem as garantias decorrentes do devido processo legal substantivo, dentre as quais destacamos os princípios da isonomia, da razoabilidade, da proporcionalidade e da eficácia. Desenvolvemos ainda a necessidade de os procedimentos e não processos fiscalizatórios atenderem à busca da verdade material e concluímos que apenas por meio da profunda investigação dos fatos analisados poderia ser atendida aquela garantia constitucional. Por último, concluímos que um dos meios imprescindíveis ao exercício dessa busca da verdade material é justamente a oitiva do particular interessado. Assim, amparando-nos em construção teórica voltada à solução de vários casos práticos trazidos para ilustração, finalizamos o trabalho afirmando que, embora não lhes sendo aplicáveis as garantias da ampla defesa e do contraditório, em todos os procedimentos administrativos de fiscalização inclusive os de natureza tributária reside o dever da Administração de ouvir o administrado, em contrapartida ao direito desse último de ser ouvido

Efeitos processuais no controle judicial de constitucionalidade / Procedural effects on judicial control of constitutionality

Pignatari, Alessandra Aparecida Calvoso Gomes 12 August 2009 (has links)
Constante alvo de preocupação dos processualistas, os efeitos das decisões judiciais ganham contornos inovadores e polêmicos no domínio da jurisdição constitucional brasileira. O presente estudo, além de fazer breve incursão sobre as premissas conceituais e classificatórias do controle de constitucionalidade, busca subsídios doutrinários sobre a classificação da sentença à luz dos efeitos que produzem, para, após, sistematizar idéias capazes de eliminar a falta de nitidez que paira sobre muitos dos efeitos produzidos na fiscalização judicial de constitucionalidade. A investigação se debruça sobre quais são esses efeitos, como e quando se operam no processo, o campo pelos quais se estendem e a quem alcançam; tal exame é feito de acordo com as características do controle difuso, incidental e concreto, de um lado, e da fiscalização concentrada, principal e abstrata, de outro. Nessa parte da pesquisa, para além de temas como o da retroatividade da decisão e o da modulação de efeitos, despontam, ainda: (i) a assimilação da súmula vinculante e da repercussão geral como institutos que potencializam a eficácia das decisões; (ii) projeção de efeitos erga omnes por meio de recurso extraordinário; (iii) o efeito vinculante visto como fator de aproximação entre os sistemas da common law e da civil law; (iv) as características do denominado processo objetivo; (v) a força obrigatória dos motivos determinantes do decisório; (vi) natureza dúplice e causa petendi aberta das ações de controle abstrato, entre outros. Ao final, considerando-se os possíveis conflitos entre as decisões editadas no controle difuso e no concentrado, analisa-se o impacto de um processo sobre o outro. Nesse contexto, destaca-se a abordagem da ação rescisória e dos instrumentos previstos nos artigos 475-L, §1º, I e 741, parágrafo único do Código de Processo Civil como possíveis caminhos de revisão da sentença que contraria decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal em matéria constitucional. Considerações conclusivas de cunho crítico encerram o trabalho. / Object of constant concern for Procedural Law authors, the effects of judicial decisions gain new and controversial configurations in the scope of the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction. This paper, besides presenting a brief overview on the conceptual and classificatory premises of the control of constitutionality, seeks support in legal writings on the classification of the sentences regarding the effects they produce, and then systematizes ideas capable of eliminating the lack of clarity in many of the effects produced in the judicial control of constitutionality. This study looks into such effects, how and when they manifest in the proceeding, the scope to which they extend and who they affect. Such examination is based, on the one hand, on the characteristics of diffuse, incidental and concrete control, and on the other hand, on the main and abstract concentrated control. In this part of the research, besides issues like retroactivity of decision and flexibilization of decision effects, other questions emerge, such as: (i) assimilation of binding precedent and of the general repercussion as potentializing agents of the efficacy of the decisions; (ii) projection of erga omnes effects, by means of extraordinary appeal; (iii) binding effect seen as a factor of approximation between common law and civil law systems; (iv) the characteristics of the so-called objective proceeding; (v) the binding force of the motives that determine the decision; (vi) Double nature and open causa petendi of the actions of abstract control, among others. Finally, considering the possible conflicts between the decisions passed in the diffuse control and in the concentrated control, the impact of one proceeding on the other is analyzed. Accordingly, rescissory action and instruments provided for in articles 475-L, paragraph 1, I and 741, sole paragraph, of the Code of Civil Procedure, are highlighted as possible paths towards revision of sentence, which contradicts decision by the STF (Federal Supreme Court) in constitutional matter. The paper is concluded with critical considerations.

Le traitement judiciaire des entreprises en difficulté / The judicial treatment of insolvency

Ghandour, Bertille 28 November 2016 (has links)
Traditionnellement, le droit des entreprises en difficulté recourt à l’autorité judiciaire pour la mise en oeuvre de ses dispositions et la réalisation de ses finalités. Toutefois, considérant l’évolution de ce droit, le traitement « tout judiciaire » des difficultés des entreprises est remis en cause. En effet, il ne s’agit plus seulement de sanctionner, mais davantage de prévenir les difficultés et de sauvegarder les entreprises, ce qui dénature l’office juridictionnel. De plus, les commerçants ne sont plus les seuls concernés par ce droit, ce qui aboutit à l’éclatement de la compétence juridictionnelle. Il y aurait lieu d’envisager d’autres modes de traitement. Prenant en compte l’existence d’un traitement administratif, connu du surendettement, mais, aussi, des entreprises, et favorisant le règlement alternatif des difficultés, une autre voie peut être proposée pour la prise en charge de l’impossibilité économique d’exécuter. La légitimité du juge, dont les interventions seraient recentrées et la compétence spécialisée, en ressortirait renforcée pour le traitement des entreprises en difficulté. / Traditionally, insolvency law appeals to the judicial authority to apply its provisions and to carry out its aims. However, regarding the evolution of this law, the exclusive judicial treatment of the difficulties is challenged. Indeed, it is no longer only to punish but more to prevent difficulties and safeguard businesses, which distorts the judicial office of the judge. In addition, traders are not the only ones affected by this law, leading to the outbreak of jurisdiction. Subsequently, there is a need to consider other modes of treatment. Taking into account the existence of an administrative process, known by over-indebtedness, but also by businesses, and promoting alternative dispute resolution of difficulties, another path can be proposed for the management of the economic impossibility of performance. The legitimacy of the judge, whose interventions would be refocused and skills specialised, would be strengthened in relation to the treatment of undertakings facing difficulties

La règle de droit en Chine : d'un concept hybride à une application judiciaire pragmatique / Laws and regulations in China : from a hybrid concept to a pragmatic judicial implementation / 中国法律法规:从混合概念到实用司法适用。

Courtois, Julie 24 October 2018 (has links)
L’étude de la règle de droit en Chine dans le cadre étatique met en valeur une première forme de son hybridité. Qu’il s’agisse de la mixité constatée entre un héritage de droit impérial - assez difficilement évaluable -, et l’incorporation de structures, de concepts et de techniques de droit étranger dans le système juridique chinois, la règle de droit chinoise est le produit d’une dynamique évolutive marquée par l’adaptabilité du système juridique chinois aux nouvelles exigences contemporaines. À ce titre, la matière civile incarne par excellence les problématiques de la modernisation du système juridique chinois et l’adoption du tout premier Code civil de la RPC en est un parfait témoin. Plus particulièrement, il ressort de cette étude que cette mixité résulte d’une approche pragmatique du droit que l’on retrouve notamment dans le déroulement du procès civil. Abordé sous l’angle de la procédure civile, le procès chinois incarne un idéal de justice qui ne se réduit pas à l’activité juridictionnelle du juge. La mobilisation des différents modes de résolution des conflits au service d’une justice qui se veut efficace s’inscrit dans l’évolution, plus largement constatée, d’une justice de moins en moins contentieuse. Outre la présentation d’une culture juridique et judiciaire étrangère encore trop souvent méconnue des juristes français, la présente étude a pour objectif de mettre en valeur les particularités du système juridique chinois au regard du système français tout en recherchant, dans la mesure du possible, leurs possibles points de convergence. / The study of laws and regulations in the Chinese State structure highlights their hybridity. This hybridity is a mixture of imperial law – whose legacy’s assessment is not without difficulties – and the incorporation of foreign structures, concepts and techniques in the Chinese legal system. Current Chinese laws and regulations are product of this dynamic evolution, which is characterized by their adaptability to new and modern legal requirements. As such, the civil law field represents, par excellence, the issues of modernizing the Chinese legal system and the first Chinese civil law code is one of the best examples. This study especially shows that this hybridity is a result of a pragmatic approach to law, which can be found in the civil trial. Civil trial is studied here from the perspective of civil law procedure and shows an ideal concept of justice, which cannot be reduced to the judge’s power of adjudication. The mobilization of different ways of dispute resolution in order to serve justice efficiency is part of the more global evolution of justice, which has become less and less contentious.Apart from presenting of a foreign legal and judicial culture, which is still not widely known in France, the aim of this study is to emphasize particularities of the Chinese legal system compared to the French one while searching for their potential points of convergence. / 在国家法的层面研究中国的法律规则会让我们看到其中的混合性。一方面是难以[用今天的价值观]评价的帝制时期法律遗产,另一方面则是那些已经融入中国法律体系中的外国法律结构、概念和技术,中国法上的规则结合了这两种不同的因素,并成为法律体系不断适应时代要求的那种进化动力的产物。在此视角下,民法最完美地体现了中国法律体系现代化中呈现的问题意识,其中《民法总则》的颁布就是最好的见证。本研究尤其希望证明,中国法律的混合性与实用性相联,在民事诉讼中尤为明显。从民事诉讼来看,中国的诉讼所表现出的正义理念绝不仅限于法官的判决活动。以发展多样纠纷解决方式为正义效率服务的目标也最终来源于追求“无讼”的正义理想。除了给法国法学家介绍还不太知道的外国法律和司法文化以外,本研究的目的还有在与法国体系的对比中呈现中国法律体系的特点,并同时找到两者之间可能的相似之处.

(Deutsches) Internationales Insolvenzrecht im Umbruch: / Grundfragen grenzüberschreitender Insolvenzen, unter Berücksichtigung der UNCITRAL-Modellbestimmungen über grenzüberschreitende Insolvenzverfahren / Changes in (German) International Insolvency Law: / Basic Issues of Cross-Border Insolvencies, taking into account the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency

Boehmer, Ilka Annette von 13 December 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Muitų politikos pokyčiai Lietuvai tapus ES nare / Changes of Customs Policy after Lithuania Joined EU

Zavadzkienė, Daiva 02 June 2005 (has links)
The research object- the customs policy of the Republic of Lithuania. The research aim- to determine the changes in customs policy after Lithuania Joined EU. The objectives: 1) to research theoretical foundation of customs- to determine customs conception, functions, to estimate their significance and features of classification, to present the instrumentation of customs; 2) to do the analysis of Lithuania foreign trade and customs policy by joining the EU. 3) analize and evaluate the customs policy and overseas trade after Lithuania has become a EU member country. 4) anticipate the perspectives of customs policy implemented by Lithuania after joining the EU. Research methods- the analysis and synthesis of economical literature, logical abstraction, the methods of comparison, grouping and graphic modeling, interpretation and estimation of statistics. The scientific and economic literature, the regulation of the European community, also the law certificate of the Republic of Lithuania was explored in order to gain the main purpose. There were analyzed the reports of Foreign Office, the department of statistic, which is related to the government of the Republic of Lithuania next to the Board of exchequer. There were introduced the peculiarities of foreign customs and determined changes in trade treatment after joining the E.U.

Ypatingosios teisenos esmės problematika / The issue of essence of the particular proceeding

Kalvinskienė, Gitana 09 July 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe “Ypatingosios teisenos esmės problematika” siekiama išanalizuoti ypatingosios teisenos esmę Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio proceso kodekse, ginčo ir ypatingosios teisenos tarpusavio sąveiką, dabartiniame Civilinio proceso kodekse nustatytą ypatingosios teisenos ir ginčo teisenos reglamentavimą, atskleisti jo turinį ir pagrįsti nuostatų įtvirtinimo būtinumą Lietuvos civilinio proceso teisėje. Įsigaliojus dabartiniam Civilinio proceso kodeksui, buvo iš esmės reformuotas ypatingosios teisenos procesas pasirinkus germaniškąją ypatingosios teisenos koncepciją. Atsisakius ginčo dėl teisės kaip pagrindinio teisenas atribojančio kriterijaus, Civilinio proceso kodekse įtvirtinta nuostata, draudžianti perduoti ypatingosios teisenos bylą išnagrinėti ginčo teisenos tvarka, jei joje kyla ginčas dėl teisės. Pagrindinis kriterijus, kuriuo remiantis Lietuvos civilinio proceso teisėje atribojama ginčo ir ypatingoji teisena, yra tikslingumas bei viešojo intereso egzistavimas civiliniuose teisiniuose santykiuose. Įtvirtintas inkvizicinis ypatingosios teisenos proceso modelis su jam būdingais oficialumo, imperatyvumo, riboto viešumo bei žodiškumo principais. Įtvirtintas aktyvus teisėjo statusas nustatant objektyvią tiesą ypatingosios teisenos byloje. Darbe stengiamasi įvertinti šią įstatymo leidėjo poziciją, remiantis egzistuojančia teismų praktika ypatingosios teisenos bylose. Aptariamos kylančios problemos juridinę reikšmę turinčių faktų nustatymo, santuokos nutraukimo bei kai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the master’s thesis titled "The issue of essence of the particular proceeding” is being tried to analyse the main features of the particular proceeding in Lithuanian Republic Civil Process Code, the interaction between disputes and particular proceeding, the interaction between those both proceedings, the innovation in the present Civil Process Code, which are related with the regulation of dispute and particular proceeding, to analyze innovation in detail, to exhibit its purport and to give a proof of the fixation of the attitudes in the Lithuanian Civil Process Law. While the present Civil Process Code took effect, the particular proceeding process was reformatted with the choice of the Germanic particular proceeding conception. Having rejected the dispute for law as the main criteria, which deliminates proceeding, in Civil Process Code the attitude is fixed, which prohibits to transfer particular proceeding case to a judge by the dispute proceeding method if the dispute for law (right) arises in it. The main criteria, as the ground of which in Lithuanian Civil Process Law the dispute and particular proceedings are deliminated and the public interest and expediency exist in civil legal regulation. There is consolidated inquisitorial model of particular proceeding with the official, inperative principles, also with the principles of limited publicity and of literal character, which are characteristic to this model. There is also consolidated judge’s active statute... [to full text]


MARCOS ANTONIO BEZERRA BRITO 11 September 2018 (has links)
[pt] A finalidade desta tese sobre o poder de polícia fiscal fazendário é propor um método de trabalho para a administração fazendária federal que atenda aos requisitos de legitimidade de suas decisões nos procedimentos fiscais, à vista das novas tarefas do estado constitucional contemporâneo brasileiro, fixadas pela CF88 no modelo de tributação estatal, o qual alterou o sistema de lançamento tributário federal. / [en] This thesis about fiscal taxation proceedings has the purpose to offer a work methodic for the brazilian federal tax administration, to attend legitimation requirements for taxation proceedings and the new state tasks fixed for the taxation in the brazilian constitution, that has changed the federal taxation system.

Efeitos processuais no controle judicial de constitucionalidade / Procedural effects on judicial control of constitutionality

Alessandra Aparecida Calvoso Gomes Pignatari 12 August 2009 (has links)
Constante alvo de preocupação dos processualistas, os efeitos das decisões judiciais ganham contornos inovadores e polêmicos no domínio da jurisdição constitucional brasileira. O presente estudo, além de fazer breve incursão sobre as premissas conceituais e classificatórias do controle de constitucionalidade, busca subsídios doutrinários sobre a classificação da sentença à luz dos efeitos que produzem, para, após, sistematizar idéias capazes de eliminar a falta de nitidez que paira sobre muitos dos efeitos produzidos na fiscalização judicial de constitucionalidade. A investigação se debruça sobre quais são esses efeitos, como e quando se operam no processo, o campo pelos quais se estendem e a quem alcançam; tal exame é feito de acordo com as características do controle difuso, incidental e concreto, de um lado, e da fiscalização concentrada, principal e abstrata, de outro. Nessa parte da pesquisa, para além de temas como o da retroatividade da decisão e o da modulação de efeitos, despontam, ainda: (i) a assimilação da súmula vinculante e da repercussão geral como institutos que potencializam a eficácia das decisões; (ii) projeção de efeitos erga omnes por meio de recurso extraordinário; (iii) o efeito vinculante visto como fator de aproximação entre os sistemas da common law e da civil law; (iv) as características do denominado processo objetivo; (v) a força obrigatória dos motivos determinantes do decisório; (vi) natureza dúplice e causa petendi aberta das ações de controle abstrato, entre outros. Ao final, considerando-se os possíveis conflitos entre as decisões editadas no controle difuso e no concentrado, analisa-se o impacto de um processo sobre o outro. Nesse contexto, destaca-se a abordagem da ação rescisória e dos instrumentos previstos nos artigos 475-L, §1º, I e 741, parágrafo único do Código de Processo Civil como possíveis caminhos de revisão da sentença que contraria decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal em matéria constitucional. Considerações conclusivas de cunho crítico encerram o trabalho. / Object of constant concern for Procedural Law authors, the effects of judicial decisions gain new and controversial configurations in the scope of the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction. This paper, besides presenting a brief overview on the conceptual and classificatory premises of the control of constitutionality, seeks support in legal writings on the classification of the sentences regarding the effects they produce, and then systematizes ideas capable of eliminating the lack of clarity in many of the effects produced in the judicial control of constitutionality. This study looks into such effects, how and when they manifest in the proceeding, the scope to which they extend and who they affect. Such examination is based, on the one hand, on the characteristics of diffuse, incidental and concrete control, and on the other hand, on the main and abstract concentrated control. In this part of the research, besides issues like retroactivity of decision and flexibilization of decision effects, other questions emerge, such as: (i) assimilation of binding precedent and of the general repercussion as potentializing agents of the efficacy of the decisions; (ii) projection of erga omnes effects, by means of extraordinary appeal; (iii) binding effect seen as a factor of approximation between common law and civil law systems; (iv) the characteristics of the so-called objective proceeding; (v) the binding force of the motives that determine the decision; (vi) Double nature and open causa petendi of the actions of abstract control, among others. Finally, considering the possible conflicts between the decisions passed in the diffuse control and in the concentrated control, the impact of one proceeding on the other is analyzed. Accordingly, rescissory action and instruments provided for in articles 475-L, paragraph 1, I and 741, sole paragraph, of the Code of Civil Procedure, are highlighted as possible paths towards revision of sentence, which contradicts decision by the STF (Federal Supreme Court) in constitutional matter. The paper is concluded with critical considerations.

La recevabilité des actions devant la Cour pénale internationale

Doëns, Christine 25 November 2011 (has links)
La recevabilité est le cœur de la procédure judiciaire. Elle permet d’étudier la pénalisation de la vie internationale. Elle semble pouvoir rendre compte de la réponse judiciaire à la rancœur internationale au regard des grands faits criminels ; quel qu’en fut le territoire de commission.Cette thèse porte sur la notion de recevabilité devant la Cour pénale internationale. Avec la création de la CPI, la justice pénale internationale prend une dimension nouvelle. La pratique de la Cour est encore récente. L’étude est le prétexte pour examiner le fonctionnement de la Cour pénale internationale. Les Etats ont tenté de limiter la capacité de recevoir de la Cour. Ils l’ont ainsi fondée sur le principe de la complémentarité. Elle supplée l’inaction ou l’action défaillante des Etats, qui ont le devoir de poursuivre les auteurs de crimes internationaux. L’article 17 du Statut de Rome énonce les exceptions permettant de déclarer une affaire recevable devant la CPI. Ainsi, la recevabilité d’une affaire ayant fait l’objet d’une enquête ne sera retenue que s’il est prouvé que les Etats n’ont pas l’intention de mener véritablement à bien les poursuites. Et, que par ailleurs, le seuil de gravité de l’affaire est atteint. Le caractère universel de la compétence de la CPI est battu en brèche par les conditions de recevabilité. On analyse la recevabilité comme une condition de compétence à juste titre, car c’est bien le manquement de l’Etat à assurer l’effectivité des poursuites qui justifie que l’affaire soit déclarée, par la Cour elle-même, recevable. Les conditions requises pour que la Cour puisse agir, force est de constater l’implication du système de recevabilité tant sur l’organisation de la Cour que sur ses rapports avec les Etats. Celles-ci ne sont pas négligeables. De fait, le système de recevabilité est amené à évoluer. Il se caractérise par sa capacité à influencer le droit interne. Ainsi, la décision de recevoir doit amener les Etats à adapter leur droit interne. La viabilité de la Cour, à long terme, dépend du maintien d’une synergie de coopération avec les juridictions nationales, des États parties et d'autres Etats. Le système de recevabilité tend à mettre en évidence des indicateurs émergents dans la pratique de la Cour pénale internationale. C’est notamment le réalignement frappant des rôles des acteurs internationaux et la relation nouvelle qui s’instaure entre les Etats et la Cour. Le système de recevabilité de la Cour tend à éroder le principe de la souveraineté de l'Etat, sans être elle-même balayée par l'opposition catégorique des Etats souverains. / Admissibility is the heart of the judicial process. It studies the criminalization of international life. It seems to account for the judicial response to the international resentment against the great criminal acts, whatever was the territory of commission.This thesis deals with the notion of admissibility before the ICC. With the creation of the ICC, International Criminal Justice is a new dimension. The practice of the Court is still new. The study is an excuse to investigate the operation of the ICC. States have tried to limit the ability to receive from the Court. They did so based on the principle of complementarity. It compensates the action or inaction of failing states, which have a duty to prosecute international crimes. Article 17 RS sets out exceptions to declare a case admissible before the ICC. Thus, the admissibility of a case which is the subject of an investigation will be accepted only, if it is shown that States did not intend genuinely to carry out prosecutions. And that furthermore, the threshold of gravity of a case is reached. The universal nature of the jurisdiction of the ICC is undermined by the conditions of admissibility. Analyzing the admissibility of competence as a condition rightly, for it is the failure of the state to ensure effective prosecution to justify that the case will be declared by the Court itself, admissible. The requirements for the Court to act, it is clear involvement of the system of admissibility as on the organization of the Court that its relationship with the United States. These are not insignificant. In fact, the system will evolve admissibility. It is characterized by its ability to influence the law. Thus, the decision to receive should encourage States to adapt their domestic law. The viability of the Court, in the long run depends on maintaining a synergy of cooperation with national courts of States Parties and other States. The system of admissibility tends to highlight indicators emerging in the practice of the International Criminal Court. This is especially striking realignment of the roles of international actors and the new relationship established between the States and the Court. The system of admissibility of the Court tends to erode the principle of state sovereignty, without itself being swept by the opposition of sovereign states.

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