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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Juridiction constitutionnelle et droit au Délai Raisonnable : Étude comparée des expériences française, brésilienne et espagnole / Constitutional Jurisdiction and reasonable length of proceeding : Comparative study of French, Brazilian and Spanish experiences

Teixeira de Oliveira, Denise 23 September 2017 (has links)
L’existence du devoir général de respecter les délais des procès est reconnue par les systèmes juridiques de nombreux pays. L’exigence du délai raisonnable à l’égard de la Juridiction constitutionnelle doit néanmoins faire face à des obstacles d’ordre conceptuel et matériel. L’absence d’une définition précise du Délai Raisonnable et l’indétermination de sa nature juridique constituent des réelles difficultés, auxquelles s’ajoutent les facteurs identitaires du contrôle de constitutionnalité exercé par les Cours constitutionnelles, le caractère contraignant de leurs décisions, et la position hiérarchique que celles-ci occupent dans l’ordre juridico-politique de l’État. Ces contraintes créent souvent des exégèses divergentes du Délai Raisonnable et par conséquent, entraînent des exigences variées. Le propos de cette thèse est d’analyser, à partir de la jurisprudence des juridictions constitutionnelles française, brésilienne, et espagnole, les effets juridiques issus des multiples approches et signifiants du Délai Raisonnable. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le domaine du droit constitutionnel contemporain et comparé, et repose sur la théorie de la démocratie continue et du néoconstitutionnalisme marqués par l’émergence des nouveaux mécanismes et acteurs de la participation démocratique dans l’effectivité des Droits fondamentaux. Afin de comprendre les dimensions de l’exigence ou de la violation du Délai Raisonnable à l’égard de la Juridiction constitutionnelle, on confrontera ce droit avec deux des paramètres épistémologiques qui prétendent lui donner support de légitimité : la théorie des Droits fondamentaux et la théorie de l’État constitutionnel démocratique. Dans une Première partie, le Délai Raisonnable est confronté aux facteurs identitaires de la Juridiction exercée par la Cour constitutionnelle afin de vérifier dans quelle mesure il est apte à servir de fondement aux décisions rendues par cette juridiction spéciale. Dans la Seconde, son contenu sémantique a priori indéterminé ainsi que ses multiples destinataires seront analysés à travers l’évolution conceptuelle que le Délai Raisonnable a connue en fonction des décisions des Cours constitutionnelles. / The existence of a general duty to respect the duration of proceedings is recognized by the legal systems of many countries. The reasonable length of proceedings demanded from constitutional Jurisdiction has none the less to face conceptual and material obstacles. The want of a precise definition of de reasonable length of proceedings and the indetermination of his legal nature are really difficulties, heightened by the identity factors of the judicial review wielded by the constitutional jurisdictions, the restraining nature of hers decisions and his hierarchical position held in the legal-political order of the State. These restraints often create divergent exegeses of the reasonable length of proceedings and, subsequently, involve various demands. The object of this doctoral thesis is to analyse the jurisprudence of the constitutional French, Brazilian and Spanish Jurisdiction and the legal effects produced by the multiple approaches and signifiers of the reasonable length of proceedings. This research fits into the field of modern and comparative constitutional law and is founded on the theory of continuous democracy and neoconstitutionalism bearing the marks of the new workings and actors of the democratic participation in the effectiveness of the fundamental Rights. In order to understand the implications of the demands or violation of the reasonable length of proceedings in relation to constitutional Jurisdiction, this right will be confronted with two epistemological parameters which claim to give it a legitimate support: the theory of fundamental rights and the theory of the democratic constitutional State. In a first part, the reasonable length of proceedings is confronted to identity factors of the jurisdiction wielded by the constitutional Court so as to ascertain if it is apt to serve as a foundation to the decisions pronounced by this special jurisdiction. In the second part, its semantic content a priori undetermined with its multiple recipients will be analysed through the conceptual evolution of the reasonable length of proceedings embodied by the decisions of the constitutional Courts.

勞動訴訟制度之研究 / Study on the Institution of Labor Jurisdiction

蔡岳峰, Tsai Yueh Feng Unknown Date (has links)
勞動訴訟制度,係指基於勞動關係之特殊性,鑒於勞動者與資方在地位上之懸殊,有必要在勞動法上給予特別保障,因此有便宜、迅速、妥適等特性之一套權利救濟程序。我國雖於勞資爭議處理法訂有勞工法庭之規定,但運作仍回歸民事訴訟法,特殊程序之規定仍付之闕如,以致各界迭有建立相關制度之呼籲。民事訴訟法雖自民國七十二年起,便成立「民事訴訟法研究修正委員會」,而展開漫長的修法工作,有關財產法訴訟現已暫告段落。但司法改革雖然歷經十年餘之討論,亦有專業法庭設置之共識,但現實上似乎僅形式上之法庭存在,配合運作之規範與邏輯仍依照民事訴訟法之規定,一直不願正視勞動案件在一般民事訴訟法運作下所產生之不妥與不適。   既便特別法院之建立在我國有相當的困難與挑戰,但是否連一套針對勞動案件及勞動法特殊性所設計之特別訴訟程序都不在討論之列?本文先從統計數字出發,看見司法統計上雖然案件並無特別顯眼,但行政上之統計卻是正好相反。反應的正是勞動者當發生有權利受侵害之情事,不欲透過法院尋求救濟之偏好。而此偏好之原因,應可歸責於我國透過訴訟途徑成本高昂、程序繁瑣、時間過長無法即時得到救濟。   再從國外之立法例觀察,德國不但專門針對勞動案件訂有特別訴訟規定,甚至有專責單位(特別法院)之設置;而日本近代司法改革,亦針對勞動案件,建立起結合裁定與調解之勞動審判制度。兩者之特色皆在於強調迅速、便宜,並且導入職業團體代表參審制度,不但調和利益與法律上之平衡,亦使得結果得以更為接近社會現實與需求。   本文針對以上之發現,挑選幾項較為重要之議題,說明現行制度上不妥之處,並強調建立特別訴訟程序為較妥適之方式,並應已刻不容緩。 / The Labor Jurisdiction means to base on the particularity of Employment, concerning the weakness of labor. It’s needed to correspond to the special needs of Labor Law. The distinguished characteristics of it are more cheap, simplicity of procedure, proper to reality of labor. Even the article 6 of The Settlement of Labor Disputes Law regulates that ‘For adjudicating rights disputes, the court shall set up a labor court when necessary.’ In Taiwan, the procedure is obeyed the rules of ‘Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure’. The related regulation is still lack. The public opinion is demand to construct the institution of special jurisdiction. As about twenty years gone by, The Judicial Yuan in Taiwan planed to reform the judiciary, and continually finished the revise of the law of civil proceeding, but the revised Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure still neglected the importance and particularity of The Labor Jurisdiction. By discussing the situation of labor dispute and the rights disputes settled in civil courthouse, it appears that whether we need the courthouse of labor (labor tribunal) or not, the special proceeding is eager to construct. After introducing the institution of Germany and Japan, we compared the difference between Taiwan, Germany and Japan. The Labor Court of Germany (Arbeitsgericht) is absolutely independent from civil courthouse. Special procedures meet the need of The Labor Jurisdiction mentioned above. In Japan, special courthouse is violating the Institution, and the proceeding is obeyed the civil procedure law, like Taiwan. But Japan recently constructed a special Labor Tribunal System, integrated the function of decision-making and mediation. The new approach was expected to solve the problems of civil procedure, such as copious and long-term procedures. The different models have its owned features and merits, which one is the point for Taiwan to imitate? This article selected a few issue to discuss, and contented that to construct the special labor proceeding is the optimum approach to out of the predicament.

The victims within the reformed criminal justice system / Las víctimas en el sistema procesal penal reformado

Pásara Pazos, Luis 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the negative impact of the reforms within the criminal systems in Latin America, both for those who suffer a crime, and those who are accused of having committed such crime. Supprted by empirical data, the author warns how the innovations of the reformed criminal proceedings (for example, the simplified court proceeding or the active role played by prosecutors), by enrolling into an authoritative legalculture, become in practice contrary to their likely design. / El presente artículo analiza la incidencia negativa de las reformas llevadas a cabo en los sistemas penales de América Latina, tanto en relación a quien sufre un delito, como respecto a quien es acusado de haberlo cometido. Sustentado en información empírica, el autor advierte cómo las novedades del proceso penal reformado (por ejemplo, el procedimiento abreviado o el rol activo a desempeñar por los fiscales), al inscribirse en una cultura jurídica autoritaria, devienen en la práctica en formas contrarias a su diseño ideal.

The crime of obstructing the course of justice : is legislative intervention an imperative?

Mnisi, Eric 06 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, the common law crime of obstructing or defeating the course of justice as currently applied in South African law, is considered critically. The purpose of the study is to determine whether the ambit of the crime should be extended to target all conduct which undermines the proper administration of justice in South Africa. The interests protected by the crime are investigated, and those important constitutional values which underpin the crime, are identified. These values are: (i) constitutional supremacy (ii) the rule of law (iii) the doctrine of separation of powers, and (iv) the independence of the courts. In a post-constitutional era, the question raised is whether the crime as developed in the common law adequately protects these important democratic values. The historical background and development of the offence are discussed. This is followed by a comparative legal study which considers the existence and ambit of the offence in certain foreign jurisdictions. The foreign legal systems considered are England, Australia, Canada and the United States of America. The study reveals that the crime has been codified in most of these jurisdictions. Codification was driven by the need for legal certainty and compliance with constitutional imperatives. The study concludes that similar reform is necessary in South African criminal law. It is recommended that the common law offence of obstructing or defeating the course of justice be repealed and replaced with a comprehensive statutory offence which criminalises all manifestations of conduct which are intended to defeat or obstruct the proper administration of justice. The proposals are based upon the identified constitutional imperatives which underpin the crime. It is argued that the legislature is the proper institution to initiate reform in this regard. Detailed recommendations are made, which include draft legislation. / Law / LL.D.

Le droit de la concurrence et les pratiques monopolistiques : étude comparative des droits saoudien, français et européen / No English title available

Alamri, Thanwa 26 June 2018 (has links)
L'adhésion de l'Arabie Saoudite à l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC) a joué un rôle moteur dans le développement de son système juridique. Elle a créé la nécessité urgente de développer et de conformer son système judiciaire au libéralisme dominant du commerce mondial. Elle a également donné lieu à l'adoption de la Loi Saoudienne de la Concurrence n°(M/24), le 11 février 2014, en faveur de la protection de la concurrence et la prévention des pratiques monopolistiques. Cette loi vise à faire respecter deux règlementations importantes. La première vise à maintenir les pratiques et le comportement concurrentiels des entreprises qui participent activement au marché, par l'interdiction d'ententes anticoncurrentielles, y compris l'abus de pouvoir de marché, dont certaines entreprises dominantes peuvent se rendre coupables par l'emploi de pratiques concurrentielles. Le second règlement porte sur la préservation de la structure du marché et la restriction des politiques d'entreprise visant à concentrer les opérations. Car, il est naturel que les entreprises cherchent à la fois à gérer leur développement sur le marché et à limiter les effets des politiques anticoncurrentielles et de concentration, en vue de maintenir la liberté de la concurrence.L'étude des pratiques de la Loi saoudienne sur la concurrence révèle, néanmoins, certaines insuffisances, qui sont déterminées en plusieurs points dans les lois française et européenne sur la concurrence. L'objet de cette recherche vise donc à répondre à la nécessité de combler les lacunes de la législation saoudienne. Cette étude comprend également trois types d'actions judiciaires en matière de droit de la concurrence. / Saudi Arabia's recent adhesion to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has created a pressing necessity to develop and conform its judiciary system to the high liberalism of global commerce. Including the adoption of a law favoring the protection of market competition and the prevention of monopolizing practices, in the context of the Saudi Competition Act N° (M/24) of 11111 of February 2014. This law seeks to enforce two important regulations. The first is to maintain the competitive practices and behavior of businesses actively participating in the market by disallowing anti-competitive agreements, as well as the abuse of power that certain dominant companies in the market may be guilty of by not employing competitive practices. The second regulation is the preservation of the structure of the industry market by managing and thereby limiting company policies seeking to concentrate operations, as it is natural that companies seek to manage their market development and as such limit the effects of anti-competitive concentration policies to ensure freedom of competition. While studying these practices in the Saudi Competition Act, insufficiency and negligence has been determined on multiple items mentioned and described in the French and European competition laws, as such the researcher judges it necessary to fill the gaps of these lacking areas in the Saudi legislation. This study also comprises three types of judiciary action in competition law.

Tutela de urgência e processo arbitral / Provisional and interim measures and arbitration proceeding

Marcos Gomes da Costa 10 June 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa as questões concernentes às tutelas de urgência antes e durante o processo arbitral (incluindo-se a forma como podem ser pleiteadas, apreciadas e efetivadas), bem como a interação entre os árbitros, o Poder Judiciário e também entre a Câmara de Arbitragem responsável pela condução do processo arbitral (no caso de arbitragem institucional). O trabalho traz uma breve análise sobre a história da arbitragem e acerca de sua natureza jurídica, com um enfoque específico às tutelas de urgência, analisando, igualmente, os regulamentos dos principais centros de arbitragens pátrios e alienígenas, bem como a legislação nacional e estrangeira sobre o tema das tutelas de urgência em arbitragem. Os principais pontos analisados referem-se: (i) às tutelas de urgência prévias à instauração da arbitragem (quando as partes já se comprometeram, por meio de cláusula compromissória ou de compromisso arbitral, a solucionar eventual lide por meio da arbitragem); (ii) às tutelas de urgência no curso de um processo arbitral; (iii) à efetivação das tutelas de urgência, a qual exige a utilização de força e, por conseguinte, depende do auxílio e de interação com o Poder Judiciário; (iv) à efetivação das tutelas de urgência proferidas em arbitragens estrangeiras; e (v) às anti-suit injunctions. / This dissertation analyses the questions regarding provisional and interim measures previously or during an arbitration proceeding (including the means they can be pleaded, analyzed and enforced), as well as the interaction between the arbitrators, the Judiciary Power and also with the Court of Arbitration responsible for the conduction of the arbitration proceeding (in the case of institutional arbitration). The study brings a brief analysis of the history of arbitration and about its legal nature, with a specific focus on provisional and interim measures, also analyzing the regulations of the main Courts of Arbitration from Brazil and from abroad, as well as the Brazilian and foreign legislation about provisional and interim measures in arbitration. The main topics analyzed are referred to: (i) provisional and interim measures previously to the beginning of the arbitration (when the parties have already committed themselves, through arbitration clause or arbitration agreement, to resolve any conflict through arbitration); (ii) provisional and interim measures during an arbitration proceeding; (iii) the enforcement of provisional and interim measures, which requires the use of force (coercive power) and, therefore, depends on the assistance and the support of the Judiciary Power; (iv) the enforcement of provisional and interim measures rendered on foreign arbitrations; and (v) the anti-suit injunctions.

Tutelas de urgência e processo arbitral / Provisional measures and arbitral proceeding

Mateus Aimoré Carreteiro 05 June 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado possui o objetivo de identificar as particularidades relacionadas à utilização das tutelas de urgência nos casos em que as partes convencionam submeter seus litígios atuais ou futuros à jurisdição arbitral (i.e., tutelas de urgência arbitrais) e explorar o seu tratamento sob a perspectiva do direito brasileiro. As tutelas de urgência arbitrais adquirem cada vez maior importância para o desenvolvimento da arbitragem e para que o processo arbitral seja efetivo, alcançando o resultado desejado pelo direito material. Esta dissertação, depois de breves considerações iniciais, analisou as principais características e tipos de tutelas de urgência arbitrais (capítulos 2 e 3). Em seguida, passou em revista as bases teóricas para a compreensão da competência dos árbitros com relação às tutelas de urgência (capítulos 4 e 5), com estudo específico do cenário do direito brasileiro (capítulo 6). Esta dissertação reviu em detalhas as questões polêmicas da fase pré-arbitral (tanto perante as cortes estatais quanto perante árbitros de emergência), assim como as questões pertinentes sobre o momento em que o árbitro precisa analisar o assunto na fase arbitral (capítulos 7, 8 e 9). Por fim, analisou a hipótese na qual os juízes são chamados a auxiliar na efetivação de tutelas de urgência proferidas por árbitros em arbitragens nacionais e estrangeiras (capítulo 10). / The arbitral provisional measures have an increasing importance for the development of arbitration and for the effectiveness of the arbitration process, reaching the result aimed by the substantive law. This dissertation, after brief preliminary considerations, analyzed the main characteristics and types of arbitral provisional measures (Sections 2 and 3). Afterwards, it has reviewed the theoretical basis for understanding of arbitrators competence with regard to provisional measures (Sections 4 and 5), specifically in relation to the Brazilian law (Section 6). This dissertation has performed a detailed review of the controversial issues in the pre-arbitral phase (regarding state courts and emergency arbitrators), and has also reviewed issues related to the moment in which the arbitrator needs to analyze such controversial subject during the arbitral phase (Sections 7,8,9). Finally, this paper analized the hypothesis in which judges are called to assist on the enforcement of provisional measures issued by arbitrators in domestic and international international arbitrations (Section 10).

Um percurso para compreender mitos relacionados ao ensino de gramática: ponto de partida para o planejamento de atividades articuladas envolvendo a linguagem televisual / A journey to understand myths related to grammar teaching: a start for planning the linked activities including televisual language

Marcus Rinaldi Tonelli 12 June 2006 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo exploratório de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa para minimizar o poder de alguns mitos existentes na escola, entre eles: \"ensinar língua portuguesa equivale a ensinar gramática\", que pressupõem uma série de atividades voltadas para um \"aluno ideal\". Nesse sentido, investigar-se-á, por meio da análise do discurso, as representações sobre norma gramatical que povoam o imaginário dos alunos do ensino médio e a auto-avaliação desses alunos sobre suas produções escritas. Tais propósitos são decorrentes de resultados de avaliações nacionais e internacionais (PISA, 2000, 2003) em que foram constatados sérios problemas relacionados à proficiência em leitura e escrita de alunos após 8 anos de escolarização no ensino fundamental. Visando contribuir para tornar o ensino de língua materna voltado para o \"aluno real\", foram confrontados diferentes pontos de vista sobre a TV para buscar subsídios ao possível uso da TV na escola. Vale ressaltar que a discussão sobre os mitos foi necessária para abrir espaço a outras práticas educacionais. Tendo em vista que a linguagem televisual apropria-se do contexto sócio-cultural em que está inserida e que é um \"mostruário de pluralidade lingüística\", poderá ser um recurso tecnológico significativo para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de oralidade, leitura e escrita no ensino fundamental. O quadro teórico congrega pesquisadores voltados ao imaginário (Carvalho et alii, 1998; Porto e Fonseca, 1998; Teixeira, 2005), à linguagem televisual (Fishe, 1987; Rocco, 1988; Machado, 1997;Citelli, 2002) e ao ensino e aprendizagem de língua materna (Neves, 1990; Preti, 1995; Semeghini-Siqueira, 1997; Castilho, 1998; Bagno, 2000; Marcuschi, 2001; Perini, 2001). Como proposta metodológica, foram elaborados 3 instrumentos, contendo questões abertas e fechadas, e selecionados 4 grupos de sujeitos a fim de recobrir as diversas vertentes do assunto em questão. O grupo denominado sujeito [ I ] é constituído por telespectadores comuns; o sujeito [ II ], por universitários; o sujeito [ III ], por professores de língua materna e o sujeito [ IV ] são alunos do ensino médio de uma escola pública da cidade de São Paulo. Para atingir os objetivos foram investigadas formas de se trabalhar a linguagem televisual, na sala de aula, e apresentadas duas atividades articuladas para viabilizar o ensino e aprendizagem de oralidade, leitura e escrita. Tal proposta pedagógica é direcionada ao \"aluno real\" e prioriza o ensino do uso da língua portuguesa na diversidade das práticas sociais. / This is a exploratory study of quality and quantity nature to minimize the power of some existing myths in the school, that is: \"To teach Portuguese as a teach grammar\", that presuppose series of activities related to \"a model student\". In this sense, it will research through speech analysis, the representation about grammatical rules that is in imaginary of students of High School and self-evaluation of these students about writing productions. These purposes are current results from national and international evaluations (PISA, 2000, 2003) which were verified serious problems related to acknowledge in reading and writing of students after 8 years of scholarship in Elementary School. Contributing to become the education of native language for \"real student\" were analyzed different point of view about TV to search assistance for possible use of TV in the School. Projecting the discussions about myths were necessary to give opportunity to other educational practices. Notice that the televisual language domain the socio cultural context that is added and that is a \"table of plurality of linguistic\", it can be a significative technological resource for development of orally, reading and writing abilities of Elementary School. The exposition connect researches to imaginary (Carvalho et alii, 1998; Porto e Fonseca, 1998; Teixeira, 2005), to televisual language (Fishe, 1987; Rocco, 1988; Machado, 1997;Citelli, 2002) and for teaching and learning the native language (Neves, 1990; Preti, 1995; Semeghini-Siqueira, 1997; Castilho, 1998; Bagno, 2000; Marcuschi, 2001; Perini, 2001). As a methodological purpose, was elaborated 3 tools, containing open and restrict questions and selected 4 groups of subject for covering the different areas of related matter. The group calling subject [ I ] is formed by watchers; the subject [ II ], by academics; the subject [ III ], by teachers of native language and the subject [ IV ] by students of High School of Public School in city of Sao Paulo. For targeting the objectives were researched ways of work televisual language in the classroom, presented in two linked activities for viability the teaching and learning of orally, reading and writing. Those pedagogic propose is focused on \"real student\" and preference for teaching of Portuguese language use in different social practices.

La connaissance des actes du procès civil par les parties / The parties' knowledge of the acts of the civil trial

Jobert, Sylvain 14 December 2016 (has links)
En procédure civile, la connaissance des actes du procès par les parties est essentielle ; des garanties importantes y sont attachées, à commencer par le respect du principe du contradictoire. Une difficulté se pose, toutefois : il est malaisé de déterminer si une partie a eu connaissance de l’acte qui lui a été communiqué. Toute la question est alors de savoir comment le droit s’accommode de cette difficulté. À cette fin, deux modèles contraires peuvent être dégagés. Dans le premier, formaliste, il est fait le choix de favoriser la connaissance des actes du procès par les parties en amont, pour pouvoir se désintéresser de leur connaissance effective en aval, tous les moyens ayant été mis en oeuvre pour y parvenir. Dans le second, réaliste, on se désintéresse de la façon dont les actes du procès sont portés à la connaissance des parties, mais, par la suite, on prête beaucoup d’intérêt à la connaissance que les parties en ont réellement eue. L’étude révèle que le droit du procès civil reposait initialement sur un modèle à dominante formaliste, mais que ce modèle a évolué, particulièrement au cours des dix dernières années. Sous l’influence des soucis contemporains de rationalisation des coûts de la justice et de protection accrue des droits fondamentaux des parties, le formalisme du droit du procès civil s’est tempéré. Faudrait-il qu’il le soit davantage ? Ce travail ne plaide ni pour la subversion du modèle classique, ni pour son rétablissement. Plutôt, c’est une évolution nuancée du droit qui est suggérée, proposant d’exalter le formalisme lorsque la sécurité juridique l’exige, sans renoncer à tirer profit de règles l’atténuant quand cela s’impose. / In civil law procedures, the parties’ knowledge of the acts of the trial is essential; it guarantees that certain principles, such as the adversarial principle, will be respected. However, a difficulty arises: it is hard to determine whether a party has in fact become aware of the act which was communicated to him. The question is to determine whether the law can accept such a difficulty. To this end, two divergent models can be provided. In the formalistic one, the choice is made to favor the knowledge of the acts of the trial beforehand, in order to be able to become disinterested in their actual knowledge afterwards, all the means having been implemented to carry this out. In the realistic one, the way in which the acts of the trial are brought to the parties' attention is neglected, but thereafter, there is a resurgent focus on the knowledge the parties have genuinely had. The study reveals that the law of civil trial was initially based on a predominantly formalistic model, but this model has evolved, especially during the last decade. Under the influence of contemporary concerns in order to rationalize justice costs and increase the protection of the parties' fundamental rights, the formalism of civil lawsuit has been tempered. Should it be even more moderate? This work neither pleads for the subversion of the classical model nor for its reinstatement. Instead, it is a nuanced evolution of the law which is suggested. It suggests to promote formalism when legal certainty requires it, without sacrificing the benefit of lightening the rules when it is necessary.

La rétroactivité de la jurisprudence. Recherche sur la lutte contre l'insécurité juridique en droit civil / The retroactivity of the case law. Study on the legal certainty in French private law

Drouot, Guillaume 04 December 2014 (has links)
La rétroactivité étant un mode d’application d’une règle de droit dans le temps, il convient de se demander en premier lieu si le juge crée des règles de droit afin de savoir si la jurisprudence est rétroactive ou seulement déclarative. Pour répondre à cette interrogation, il a paru nécessaire de définir la règle de droit comme la règle ayant vocation à être utilisée par un juge pour trancher un litige. Puis, pour savoir si plus précisément le juge posait de telles règles de droit, il a été fait recours aux règles de reconnaissance de Hart, invitant à regarder l’attitude du législateur, du juge et du peuple pour voir si la jurisprudence était considérée comme source du droit. La réponse est affirmative en ce qui concerne celle de la Cour de cassation. Il devient alors nécessaire en deuxième lieu de s’interroger sur la cause de cette rétroactivité. La théorie naturaliste, soutenant que toute règle de droit est naturellement rétroactive, et la théorie mécaniste, expliquant la rétroactivité par la nécessité pour le juge d’appliquer la règle créée au litige qui lui est soumis, ont paru devoir être écartée. Le fondement de la rétroactivité serait la théorie de l’incorporation, dont l’application aux créations jurisprudentielles et aux changements d’interprétation serait justifiée par la prohibition des arrêts de règlement. Dès lors, et en troisième lieu, comment lutter contre l’insécurité juridique produite par la rétroactivité jurisprudentielle ? Deux solutions paraissent efficaces : soit permettre à la Cour de cassation de rendre des arrêts de règlement, soit introduire une sorte de référé législatif permettant à la Cour de cassation de demander au législateur de modifier la norme, plutôt que d’opérer un revirement rétroactif. Puisqu’il nous paraît opportun de conserver une complémentarité entre la loi et la jurisprudence, seule la création d’un référé-suggestion semble être une solution satisfaisante au problème de la rétroactivité de la jurisprudence. / As retroactivity constitutes an application process of the law in time, it is worth first asking whether a judge's rulings are considered as a rule of law whether such case law is retroactive or declarative. To answer this question, it seemed necessary to define the rule of law as the rule that is intended to be used by a judge to settle a dispute. Then, to check whether the judge do make such rules of law, the Hart recognition rules were applied, inviting us to look at the attitude of the legislator, the judge and of the people to see if case law was considered as a source of law. The answer is yes with respect to the French Supreme Court's case law (Cour de cassation). It then becomes necessary to question the cause of this retroactivity. The naturalistic theory, which provides that any rule of law is naturally retroactive; and the mechanistic theory which justifies retroactivity by the need for the judge to apply the rule created by its ruling to the dispute brought before him had to be excluded. The basis of retroactivity would be the incorporation theory, the application of which to case law as well as to changes in interpretation would be justified by the prohibition of regulatory judgements (arrêts de règlement). Therefore one may wonder how to avoid the legal uncertainty produced by the retroactivity of case law ? Two solutions seem to be effective: either to enable the French Supreme Court to make regulatory judgements, or to introduce a kind of legislative summary proceedings enabling the French Supreme Court to request from the legislator to amend the rule, instead of creating a retroactive overruling decision. As it seems appropriate to maintain the complementarity between statutory law and case law, the creation of a legislative summary proceeding appears to be the only satisfying solution to the case law retroactivity issue.

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