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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Penhora de percentual do faturamento de empresa devedora na execução por quantia certa contra devedor solvente: uma leitura com base no princípio da efetividade do processo / Attachment of the gross revenue of the company in the civil execution proceeding against debtor solvent: analyses according to proceeding effectiveness principle

Medeiros Neto, Elias Marques de 05 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elias Marques de Medeiros Neto.pdf: 1565494 bytes, checksum: 494c0f0e94d17793ac402aa38e436f2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-05 / Based on the principle of the effectiveness of the process, this thesis proposes a new analysis of the seizure of the gross revenue of the company in the civil execution proceeding against debtor solvent; in order to sustain that, provided that this attachment must be carefully applied, this kind of seizure does not need to be exceptional and may provide good results, based on the principle of proportionality, to the creditor, as to the debtor. The thesis analyses the concept of effectiveness of the process and its relation with the principles of efficiency, of reasonable duration of the process, of the due process of law, of access to justice and of proportionality. In this context, concern with the procedural effectiveness, the thesis provides an overview of the main legislative reforms that occurred after the validity of the Civil Procedure Code of 1973. In a second moment, the thesis analyses the concepts and the main principles of the civil execution proceeding and civil execution proceeding against debtor solvent, presenting the challenges and concerns to obtain an effective proceeding. The thesis provides an overview of the last and main legislative reforms that occurred in Brazil related to civil execution proceeding. In a third time, the thesis presents a new analysis regarding to the seizure of the gross revenue of the company in the civil execution proceeding against debtor solvent, based on the concept of procedural effectiveness / Com base no princípio da efetividade do processo, a presente tese propõe uma nova leitura do instituto da penhora de percentual sobre o faturamento da empresa devedora na execução por quantia certa contra devedor solvente; de modo a sustentar que, desde que bem regida e aplicada, esta modalidade de constrição não precisa ser excepcional e pode vir a atender, dentro do cânone da proporcionalidade, tanto os interesses do credor, como os interesses do devedor. A tese aborda o conceito de efetividade do processo e sua relação com os princípios da eficiência, da duração razoável do processo, da celeridade, do devido processo legal, do acesso à justiça e da proporcionalidade. E, neste contexto de preocupação com a efetividade processual, a tese traça um panorama das principais reformas legislativas ocorridas após a vigência do Código de Processo Civil de 1973. Em um segundo momento, a tese trata dos conceitos e dos principais princípios que regem a execução civil e a execução por quantia certa contra devedor solvente, apresentando os desafios e preocupações para obter-se uma efetiva tutela executiva. Também é elaborado, neste passo, um panorama das principais e recentes reformas legislativas ocorridas no Brasil quanto ao processo de execução. Em um terceiro momento, a tese apresenta uma nova leitura quanto ao instituto da penhora de percentual sobre o faturamento de empresa devedora na execução por quantia certa contra devedor solvente, leitura esta baseada no conceito de efetividade processual; na busca de se obter uma execução equilibrada e efetiva

Problematika vymáhání pohledávek podle právního řádu České republiky / Recovery of Debts according to the Legal Order of the Czech Republic

Zítková, Jindra January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on questions of natural persons' recovery of debts according to the legal order of the Czech Republic. The purpose of the thesis was to provide creditors with comprehensive information and insight into the questions of recovery of natural persons' debts according to the legal order of the Czech Republic and to draw creditor's attention to legal possibilities when recovering debts. The outcome of the thesis is creation of diagram that can help creditors to better orientation. Diagram shows separate steps creditors can undergo when recovering debts. Particular possibilities when recovering debts are outlined, practical instruction and remarks are added, economic contexts are analysed, available statistics and development trends are analysed and proposals de lege ferenda are presented.

Oddlužení - jeden ze sanačních způsobů řešení úpadku / Discharge of a debtor - one of modes of insolvency solution

Rothová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Indebtedness of individuals non-entrepreneurs and their subsequent inability to pay their obligations duly and on time was reflected not only in legislation designed to protect consumers but also to law that props up the debtor's financial position and provides him a second chance for a fresh start free of debt. The Insolvency Act passed through development during its efficiency i.e. from 1st August 2008, a considerable development, and according to the number of submitted insolvency proposals it became a legal instrument used by debtors to manage and address solving of their situation. We will be able to assess efficiency of utilisation this notion enabling discharge from debts in the next two or three years, when enough evidence should be available to evaluate the success of approved debt reliefs through the payment schedule. Court decision taking adapted the Insolvency Act also to the possibility of debt relief for spouses who are in most cases engaged in joint commitments under the joint property of spouses. The debt relief for spouses, however, brings a couple of questions and insolvency courts do not approach to proceed it in uniformly way. It is therefore important to prepare major amendment to the Insolvency Act, from which we expect not only the unification of court decisions, as well as...

Kaltinimo formos pakeitimo baudžiamajame procese teorinės ir praktinės problemos / Theoretical and practical problems of change of prosecution form in criminal proceedings

Stankevičienė, Monika 25 June 2014 (has links)
Teorijos bei praktikos analizė leido pažvelgti į kaltinimo formų pakeitimą probleminiu aspektu. Teisės doktrinoje kaltinimo formų pakeitimo baudžiamajame procese problemos nekeliamos, tačiau tiek praktinė medžiaga, tiek patys praktikai išduoda, jog šiai temai turėtų būti skiriamas dėmesys – pirmiausiai iškeliant problemas į dienos šviesą, o po to jas sprendžiant. Praverstų tiek šiuo metu galiojančių teisės normų, susijusių su privačiai viešo ir ypač su privataus kaltinimo institutais, peržiūrėjimas, detalesnis reglamentavimas ar bent jau išaiškinimas, tiek bandymas formuoti kitokią praktiką. Šiame darbe analizuojamos Lietuvos, Vokietijos, Norvegijos bei Rusijos baudžiamuosiuose procesuose įtvirtintos kaltinimo formos. Detaliai aptariami jų požymiai bei sąlygos, leidžiančios vieną kaltinimo formą pakeisti kita. Tokia teorinė analizė atveda prie praktinių problemų, kurios apribojamos Lietuvos baudžiamuoju procesu. Daug dėmesio skiriama „visuomeninio intereso“ neapibrėžtumui bei formuluotės „dėl svarbių priežasčių negali ginti teisėtų savo interesų“ traktavimui, svarstomas privačiai viešo bei privataus kaltinimo veikų tinkamumas ir vertinamas nuoseklus baudžiamojo proceso vykdymas dviem kaltinimo formomis. / Theory and practice‘s analysis let aproach to a change of prosecution form in a problematic aspect. In the law doctrine the problems of a change of a prosecution form are not imposed, but as a practical matter, both issued by practitioners themselves, that this topic should focus on - primarily by bringing problems to light, and then solving them. Useful for both the current law relating to private public and especially the private prosecution institutions review, more detailed regulation, or at least the interpretation, and attempt to shape a different practice. This work examines Lithuanian, German, Norwegian and Russian prosecution forms enshrined in criminal proceeding. Discussed in detail the characteristics and conditions for a change of prosecution form. This theoretical analysis leads to practical problems that are limited by the Lithuanian criminal proceeding. Much attention is paid to an uncertainty of "public interest" and treatment of "unability to defend one‘s legitimate interests for valid reasons". Public private and private prosecution acts are under consideration and the appropriateness of criminal proceeding in two prosecution forms consistently is assessed.


RAQUEL COSTA DIAS 24 November 2017 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho destrincha a tensão entre poder constituinte e poder constituído na perspectiva das manifestações no Rio de Janeiro em junho de 2013, que são analisadas como formas contemporâneas de vivência real e prática da democracia, através da multidão, que velozmente reagia às agressões acumuladas vindas do poder constituído e dos setores interessados em manter o status quo. A multidão que foi às ruas participar dos movimentos iniciados em 2013 no Rio de Janeiro, através das redes sociais da internet, promoveu a interação e conexão de pessoas por meio dos movimentos em rede, independentemente de suas origens, ideologias ou filiações. A partir da autonomia desse espaço virtual, os movimentos sociais venceram o medo do poder constituído e lançaram-se às ruas, formaram coletivos e utilizaram-se de táticas de autodefesa. A essa parcela da sociedade contemporânea formadora da multidão de 2013 são negados os direitos da cidadania, distanciando-a dos interesses do capital e aproximando-a do conceito de inimigo. Isso ocorre especialmente quando esta se rebela contra o status quo, cuja manutenção interessa à sociedade global de controle, e que funciona simultaneamente como fomentador e como estabilizador da desigualdade, sendo esta aumentada com o incremento da repressão do Estado. A repressão violenta e desproporcional do Estado é exemplificada neste trabalho por três momentos que contribuíram para o enfraquecimento do movimento constituinte emerso das ruas em 2013, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, marcando uma verdadeira instrumentalização da repressão à multidão: (i) a criação da Comissão Especial de Investigação de Atos de Vandalismo, através de decreto do chefe do Executivo estadual; (ii) a tramitação em regime de urgência do projeto de lei e a sanção, pela chefe do Executivo Federal, da Lei que cria o conceito de organização criminosa; e (iii) o inquérito policial que culminou com a prisão de vinte e três manifestantes cariocas às vésperas da final da Copa do Mundo no Brasil. A severa repressão dos levantes de 2013 colaborou para a manutenção do pensamento inquisitorial e para o fortalecimento de instituições autoritárias. Tal fenômeno desafia o presente trabalho a refletir sobre a viabilidade da instrumentalização do Processo Penal como meio de contenção das arbitrariedades reiteradamente cometidas contra aqueles que não se beneficiam da manutenção do status quo. / [en] This work unravels the tension between constituent and constituted power in the perspective of the protests of June 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, analyzed as contemporary ways of a practical and concrete experiencing of democracy, given the spontaneity of the multitude, who rapidly reacted to the gathered aggressions that came from the constituted power and the segments interested in maintaining the status quo. The multitude that went to the streets to protest in the movements started in Rio de Janeiro, 2013, through the social media, promoted the interaction and connection of people through network movements, regardless their origins, ideologies or affiliations. From this autonomous virtual space, the social movements overcame the fear of the constituted power and went to the streets, formed collective initiatives and used self-defense tactics. Citizenship rights are denied to this part of contemporary society that formed the 2013 multitude, making it more distant from the interests of capitalism and closer to the concept of enemy. This happens specially when this multitude rebels against the status quo, whose maintenance interests the global control society, and that works simultaneously as promoter and stabilizer of inequality, which is raised by the increase of the State repression. The violent and unmeasured State repression is exemplified in this work by three moments that contributed to the weakening of the constituent movement surfaced from the streets of Rio de Janeiro in 2013. These moments marked a true instrumentalisation of the repression of the multitude: (i) the creation of the Special Commission for the Investigation of Vandalism Acts, through decree from the chief of the state Executive Power; (ii) the urgent proceeding of the bill and the sanction of the law that creates the concept of criminal organization, by the chief of the Federal Executive Power; and (iii) the police inquiry that resulted on the arrest of twenty-three carioca protestors right before the ending of FIFA World Cup in Brazil. The severe repression of the 2013 movements collaborated to maintain the inquisitorial thought and to strengthening authoritarian institutions. This phenomenon challenges this work to ponder on the viability of the instrumentalisation of the Criminal Procedure as a way of restraining the arbitrary actions repeatedly perpetrated against those who do not benefit from the maintenance of the status quo.

Provoz azylových domů z hlediska právní úpravy / Management of reception centres with respect to legislation

KOKEŠOVÁ, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis examines the aspects that might be obstacles to operation and provision of the service. It is obvious that service funding is the most burning question that troubles the service providers. The organizations are subject to the social service inspection, the main purpose of which is assessment according to given criteria and meeting quality standards, which should be in line with the interests and needs of the service users. However this actually leads to administrative burdens for the providers and they often do not agree with the inspection results. Social services are subject to numerous laws, which should help homeless people return to the society, while the dependence on the government help or social services should be as low as possible. The legislation is subject to numerous changes in short periods, which should reflect the needs of the society and particularly those of the practical provision of social services. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the current legislation, which affects the possibilities of service provision and might influence the situation of the clients of homeless shelters. Three research questions were set in the practical part of the research: RQ1 - Do real obstacles to management of homeless shelters result from the current legislation in the opinion of the respondents? RQ2 - Do real obstacles to provision of the services result from the current legislation in the opinion of the respondents? RQ3 - Will the proposed modifications of the Social Service Act (Act No. 108/2006 Col., on Social Services as amended) improve the management of homeless shelters in practice? Seven respondents responsible for management of homeless shelters participated in the research. The research sample consisted of providers from the South Bohemia Region. The interviews were performed individually and anonymously. A qualitative method of semi-structured interviewing was applied. Each performed interview was recorded on a voice recorder with the respondent's consent and then carefully rewritten. The aim of the thesis was to map the opinions of the service providers, who may give a practical insight into the current situation and the possibilities of the social service development. They give us a realistic idea about the fears they face on everyday basis in operation of homeless shelters. The research has confirmed the prognoses of experts that the current system of subsidies from the public budget is really disputable, particularly in the social prevention services. Delayed advance payments lead to uncertainty among the service providers and make the development and planning of the service impossible. It has also confirmed the impacts arisen to the organizations as a consequence of the long intervals between applications for subsidies and payment of funds (debts on energies, problems with timely payment of salaries to employees etc.). It also leads to uncertainty among employees and this uncertainty is reflected in entering into employment contracts for definite periods or even contracts for work. The research has appreciated the contribution of the Individual Project of the South Bohemia Region. The organization funding is also problematic in the field of direct payments from the clients, particularly in the instance of client's leaving without payment or if a client causes a damage on the shelter equipment. Judicial enforcement of unpaid balances or damages is usually unsuccessful and the providers have often moral problems with such a procedure. Sponsorship and support through foundations are usually lower than those for social care services. The operation of non-profit making organizations was also affected by the new Civil Code, which has cancelled some laws and the organizations were forced to change their legal forms, which brought them administrative burden. The new Civil Code has also changed the sphere of rental housing, which might increase the number of homeless people.

Les droits de la défense en droit mauritanien.

Coulibaly, Ibrahima 31 January 2018 (has links)
L’universalisme des droits a fait accéder au concept des droits de la défense des diversités procédurales. Au niveau de chaque pays, qu’il soit petit ou grand, quelle que soit sa culture, il est accepté et officiel qu’on ne peut juger sans se référer aux règles fondamentales, et sans se faire assister par un avocat. Les droits à la défense sont garantis en Mauritanie par la loi n° 2007-036 portant approbation d'un Code de Procédure Pénale, la loi n° 2007- 012 portant l'Organisation Judiciaire et la loi n° 99-035 portant code de Procédure Civile Commerciale et Administrative. Les règles des droits de la défense ne peuvent être atteintes sans la mise en place d’organes qui encadrent les dispositions de celle-ci. L’égalité devant la Justice est expressément considérée de droit fondamental dans la constitution du 20 juillet 1991. Cependant, le principe n'ait aucune portée réelle malgré la précision du texte. Ce qui paraît absurde avec notre modèle de système de « droit ineffectif », implique, que les règles du procès équitable ne sont pas affectées de manière égalitaire à tous. Ce n’est pas la seule difficulté ou ambigüité. La présente étude soutient, d’une part, que l’exercice des principes du contradictoire et de l’égalité des armes garantit l’effectivité des droits de la défense, et d’autre part, que le développement des principes participe à un renouveau des droits. La position contemporaine des droits de la défense emploie cette notion, démontrant souvent les droits de la défense comme une implication supérieure et d’une évidence logique de la procédure, obéissant donc aux critères fondamentaux du droit à un procès équitable. Il se détermine par toute une série de procédures menées dans un procès et se déclare, aujourd’hui, sous un ensemble de bases juridiques protégeant les droits de la défense. Pour ce faire nous avons essayé de faire un travail d’évaluation sociologique sans prétention de scientificité parfaite. Evitant tout juridisme ou positivisme, le travail reste néanmoins à dominance juridique. / Universalism of the rights have come the concept the rights of the defenses diversity of procedural. A the level of each country, however big or small, whatever is its culture, he (It) is accepted and official that we cannot judge without referring to the fundamental rules (rulers), and without being attended by a lawyer. Rights of defence are guaranteed in Mauritanie by the law number 2007-036 carrying Code of criminal procedure, the law number 2007-012 carrying the judicial organization, the law number 99–035 carrying Code of civil procedure, commercial and administrative. The rules of rights of defence not wind not to be reached without the implementation of organs which frame the capacities of this one. The equality before the courts is expressly considered by fundamental law in the of the constitution owed July 20th, 1991. However, the principle is of no real reach in spite of the precision of the text. What seems absurd with our model of system of ineffective right, imply that the rules of the fair trial are not allocated in a egalitarian way to all. It is not the only difficulty or the ambiguity. The present study supports on one hand that the exercice of the equality of the contradictory and the equality of weapons guarantees the effectiveness of rights of defence, and on the other hand, that the development of the principles participates in a revival oo the rights.The contemporary position of rights of defence uses this notion demonstrating, often rights of defence as a superior implication and of a logical obvious fact of the procedure, thus obeying the fundamental criteria of the right to fair trial. He is determined by a whole series of procedures led in a trial and declares itself, today, under a set of legal bases protecting rights of defence. To this end we had tried to make a work of unpretentious sociological evaluation of perfect scientificity. Avoiding any legalism or positivism, the work stays nevertheless in legal dominance.

Pohledávky podnikatelských subjektů z pohledu právního a účetního / Outstandings of entrepreneurial subjects from legal and accounting view

ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
In thesis on the topic Outstanding of entrepreneurial subjects from legal and accounting view I tried explained problems of overdue outstanding. Than I applied the theoretic piece of knowledge in practical section. I tried show on four enterprises (one Limited Company and three join stock companies) how they form accounting emendatory items, how was the height of outstanding and tax emendatory items in three years (at intervals years 2004 to 2006) and farther approve if there is some structure between the height of outstanding and other indexes. Introduction of my thesis refer to creation, operating and provision overdue outstanding. Control of doubtful or irrecoverable outstanding is very challenging and it does not bear such effect, like if the outstanding was paid in time. Next I dealed with outstanding in the insolvence proceeding and compensatory procedure, appreciation and bookkeeping of outstanding in the theoretic section.

Substituição processual e coisa julgada no processo civil individual / Substitution of parties and the res judicata in individual civil procedure

Pedro Henrique Torres Bianchi 21 May 2014 (has links)
A tese de doutorado trata da relação entre o instituto da substituição processual e o da coisa julgada, especialmente da eficácia ou não desta para aquele que foi substituído como parte no processo no processo civil de natureza individual. O tema ora discutido merece um tratamento atual, com a evolução da doutrina e dos institutos processuais. A doutrina majoritária sempre afirmou que a coisa julgada estende-se ao substituído porque ele é a parte material da discussão em litígio. Mais tímido é o questionamento jurisprudencial sobre essa questão. Poucas vezes os tribunais debruçaram-se sobre a possibilidade de a coisa julgada não se estender de forma automática ao substituído. Como essa clássica afirmação não satisfaz a todas as necessidades, alguns doutrinadores começaram a se questionar se essa fórmula estava correta. Alguns doutrinadores têm levantado que a proposta clássica da doutrina, de que a coisa julgada estende-se de forma automática para o substituído, não é suficiente para atender os ditames do contraditório e do due process of law. Como é exposto na tese, a extensão automática da coisa julgada ao substituído viola os princípios constitucionais do due process of law, contraditório, isonomia processual e inafastabilidade da tutela jurisdicional, e não tem amparo no ordenamento jurídico. A tese faz também uma abordagem no processo arbitral, especialmente porque são poucos aqueles que debruçaram seus estudos sobre o enfoque das peculiaridades sobre tal processo. Como é exposto, a tendência internacional, ao menos da Itália, Alemanha e Portugal, é a de estender a coisa julgada àqueles que não participaram de um litígio societário discutido em arbitragem, desde que lhes tenha sido dada a oportunidade de participar do processo arbitral. Há algumas questões que são enfrentadas, como a própria eficácia subjetiva de cláusulas compromissórias institucionais, o sigilo do procedimento arbitral e o critério de escolha dos árbitros. A primeira parte da tese aborda o conceito de substituição processual, a diferença com outros institutos, os limites dos atos do substituto e do substituído, os modelos de substituição processual e como esse fenômeno é tratado dentro da dinâmica do processo. A segunda parte aborda do conceito da coisa julgada e sua relação com a sua extensão subjetiva, bem como as razões constitucionais para que haja a sua limitação subjetiva. A terceira parte faz a conexão com o primeiro e o segundo capítulos, a fim de responder a questão a que a tese se propõe. É analisada a questão sob os princípios constitucionais referidos, em especial do contraditório. Em seguida, são analisados os argumentos que a doutrina utiliza para afirmar que a coisa julgada estende-se ao substituído e será feito um estudo crítico sobre cada fundamento. Após, é visto que a coisa julgada não pode estender-se de forma automática e indiscriminada ao substituído, e as consequências que essa afirmação tem, inclusive os limites de atuação quando o assistente é o titular da relação jurídica, enquanto a parte principal é o legitimado extraordinário. / The doctoral thesis considers the relationship between the principle of substitution of parties and the principle of res judicata, in particular the effectiveness or not thereof for the party substituted in an individual civil action. The topic discussed herein deserves an updated approach, since there have been changes in the opinion of jurists and in the principles of procedure. The prevailing opinion of jurists has always held that res judicata applies to the substituted party because it is the material party to the matter in dispute. The courts have been reluctant to challenge this view. Only rarely have they considered the possibility that res judicata may not automatically apply to the substituted party. But this standard assertion does not meet every need, and some jurists have started to question whether this formula is in fact correct. Some of them have suggested that the standard doctrine, which holds that res judicata automatically applies to the substituted party, is insufficient to meet the dictates of the adversary proceeding and the due process of law. The thesis argues that the automatic application of res judicata to the substituted party breaches the constitutional principles of the due process of law, adversary proceeding, procedural equality and non-obviation of judicial protection, and has no place in the legal framework. The dissertation also considers arbitration proceedings, which have their own peculiarities and have been afforded little study. It shows that the international trend, at least in Italy, Germany and Portugal, is to apply res judicata to those that have not participated in a corporate dispute submitted to arbitration, provided they have been given the opportunity to participate. A number of other issues are covered, such as the very subjective effectiveness of institutional arbitration clauses, the confidentiality of arbitration proceedings and the criteria for selecting arbitrators. The first part of the thesis addresses the concept of substitution of parties, the way in which this differs from other principles, limitations on the actions of the substitute and the substituted party, models of substitution of parties, and how this phenomenon is handled within the scope of the dynamics of a proceeding. The second part deals with the concept of res judicata and how broadly it is applied, as well as the constitutional reasons for its application to be limited. The third part makes the connection between the first two chapters, in order to answer the question posed by the dissertation. The issue is analyzed in the light of the aforementioned constitutional principles, especially the principle of adversary proceeding. Subsequently, the dissertation turns to the arguments used by the jurists to assert that res judicata is applicable to the substituted party, with a critical study of each of the arguments in favor of this assertion. The conclusion reached is that res judicata cannot be applied automatically and indiscriminately to the substituted party, and the consequences of this assertion are outlined, including the extent to which action is limited when the assistant is the party to the legal relationship, while the main party has extraordinary legal title to it.

Aplicação de penas na repressão a cartéis: uma análise da jurispudência do CADE / The imposition of penalties to cartels repression: an analysis of CADE case laws

Flávia Chiquito dos Santos 14 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação consiste em uma análise dos critérios utilizados pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) para aplicação de penas contra condutas de cartel clássico, sob o ponto de vista dissuasório da punição. Acessoriamente, também integra este trabalho um panorama institucional da política de repressão a cartéis, de modo que se possam vislumbrar os fatores que, direta ou indiretamente, afetam o formato e a efetividade da punição de cartéis. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise da jurisprudência, por meio de uma investigação retrospectiva de todos os processos administrativos em que houve condenação pelo CADE envolvendo condutas de cartel em geral. A análise jurisprudencial se limitou às penas de multa aplicadas às empresas incluídas no polo passivo do processo administrativo, bem como às obrigações de fazer e não fazer, previstas nos arts. 23, I, e 24 da Lei n. 8.884/1994; e nos arts. 37, I, e 38 da Lei n. 12.529/2011, respectivamente. Ademais, a análise da jurisprudência também investigou variáveis materiais, relacionadas à definição da conduta de cartel; procedimentais, envolvendo o tempo de análise despendido pela autoridade; e institucionais, relacionada à interface do CADE com as esferas civil e criminal. No primeiro capítulo, foi feita uma abordagem geral dos efeitos negativos produzidos pela prática de cartel ao mercado e sua necessidade de punição, traçou-se um panorama internacional em relação ao combate a cartéis e exibiu-se um histórico de repressão a cartéis no Brasil. No segundo capítulo, foram apresentadas as previsões das legislações antitruste brasileiras sobre penas às infrações da ordem econômica; paralelamente, estudaram-se regimes de penas de jurisdições internacionais e apresentaram-se as discussões da literatura especializada acerca do caráter dissuasório de punição de cartéis. No terceiro capítulo, foi analisada a prática decisória do CADE, fundamentada no arcabouço legislativo brasileiro, nas melhores práticas internacionais e na literatura especializada sobre o tema. Ao final, foi possível concluir que o CADE ainda precisa aperfeiçoar os critérios de formulação de penas, de modo que estes sejam baseados em um método sistemático, a fim de que a jurisprudência seja construída de modo consistente e coerente. Concluiu-se, também, que há algumas inconsistências procedimentais e materiais que podem afetar a política de combate a cartéis, seja no modo de enquadramento da tipicidade da conduta de cartel que pode afetar a eficiência da análise do ilícito, seja no tempo de investigação de condutas de cartel e da inter-relação do CADE com outras esferas jurídicas, i.e., civil e criminal. / This dissertation consists of an analysis of the criteria used by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (namely CADE), the Brazilian antitrust Agency, related to the imposition of penalties against hardcore cartels, under the standpoint of the deterrence of the punishment. In addition, an institutional prospect of the policy of fighting cartels composes this research in order to highlight the factors which, directly or indirectly, can affect the format and effectiveness of the punishment. Aiming that, an analysis of the case law was made through a retrospective investigation of all administrative proceedings in which there have been condemnations imposed by CADE, involving conducts of cartels. The analysis of the case law was limited to the fines applied to companies qualified as defendants in the administrative proceeding, as well as the behavioral obligations pursuant to article 23, section I and 24, of Law No. 8,884/1994 and article 37, section I and 38, of Law No. 12,529/2011. Moreover, the case law analysis investigated material variables related to the definition of cartel conduct; procedural variables related to the period taken by the antitrust authorities for analysis of cartel conducts; and institutional variables related to the intersection of CADE with both the civil and criminal spheres. In Chapter one, a general approach of the negative effects produced by the cartel practice to the market and its necessity of punishment was adopted; an international overview related to fighting cartels was delineated; and a historical presentation of cartels repression in Brazil was exposed. In Chapter two, the forecasts of penalties related to the infringements of the economic order in the Brazilian antitrust laws were introduced. In parallel, the regimes of fines of international jurisdictions and the discussions of the specialized literature related to the deterrence of cartel punishment were studied. In Chapter three, CADEs decision-making practice was analyzed, based on the Brazilian legislation framework, the best international practices and the specialized literature on this particular issue. In the final topic, it was possible to conclude that CADE still needs to improve its formulation of penalties criteria, so that they become supported by a systematic method, providing a consistent and coherent building of the case law. The conclusion also indicates that currently there are some procedural and material inconsistencies which may affect the policy of fighting cartels, namely framing the definition of the cartel conduct, likely to affect the analysis efficiency of the illicit, along with the investigation of the cartel conduct and the interrelation of CADE with both the civil and criminal spheres.

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