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Analýza vlivu geometrických odchylek polotovaru na následující proces ohýbání / Analysis of influence of geometric deviations of semifinished product on following bending processAnděl, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis was created in cooperation with Siemens s.r.o., and deals with the analysis of the bending of aluminium sheets which are later used as a conductors of high voltage electrical energy. These parts are completed into assemblies which serves as connectors of particular segments of an electrical network. The problem occurs as a result of incorrect bend, because it is impossible to join these sections properly. The customer would like to verify if the defined tolerances of semi-finished products are sufficient for proper bend and in case they are not, the tolerances should be modified. Due to the requirement for running numerical simulation in one of the open source software, the Salome-Meca program environment was used.
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Hyressättning på nyproduktion – En analys av Stockholmsområdet / Rent on newly produced properties – An analysis of the Stockholm areaHolmberg, Joel, Särnegrim, Carl-Johan January 2014 (has links)
Det vi vill uppnå med denna kandidatuppsats är att ta reda på hur en hyressättningsprocess fungerar och går till på en nyproducerad fastighet. Ordet nyproduktion kan definieras på olika sätt, i denna rapport har vi valt att definiera nyproduktion som “När den första hyresgästen flyttar in”. I och med denna definition är det endast helt nybyggda fastigheter som undersöks. Det vill säga att nyrenoverade fastigheter lämnas utanför denna studie. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur hyressättningsprocessen fungerar för nyproducerade hyresrätter samt om de finns ett standardiserat utförande när hyresvärdar sätter denna hyra. Vi har även studerat lagändringen om presumtionshyra (2006), slopandet av bostadssubventionerna (2007) samt finanskrisen (2008) för att se hur dessa har påverkat marknaden och aktörerna. Vårt arbete baseras främst kring branschens tillvägagångssätt. Därför kommer en stor del av vår information från intervjuer, enkäter och undersökningar. De intervjuer vi har utfört har varit med framstående aktörer inom marknaden, men även mindre framstående. På så sätt har vi kunnat få ett bredare och ett större perspektiv på uppsatsen För att få så sammanhängande och relevant data som möjligt har vi valt att avgränsa vår undersökning till området stor-Stockholm. Dessa data kommer att samlas under en begränsad tidsperiod, där av begränsningen. Vi kom under arbetet fram till att det inte finns något standardiserat tillvägagångsätt utan aktörerna på marknaden agerar och genomför sin hyressättning på olika sätt. Gällande de lagändringar samt finanskrisen som vi även valde att studera så är slutsatsen att man inte sätt någon större förändring i bostadsbeståndet. Nyproduktion av hyresbostadsfastigheter var högre än produktionen av bostadsrätter innan slopandet av subventionerna och införandet av presumtionshyran. Finanskrisen skapade en viss osäkerhet på marknaden, men osäkerheten ledde även till att de byggdes fler hyresrätter än bostadsrätter på grund av att bostadsrätterna i en finansiell kris blir en större osäkerhet. / What we want to achieve with this paper is to find out how companies set their rents on newly produced properties and to understand how the entire process works. The term newly produced can be defined in different ways, in our thesis we have chosen to define it as “When the first tenant moves in”. By using this definition we will therefore only be looking at properties that is newly built, in other words we have decided to exclude properties that have been restored. The purpose of our thesis is to investigate how a rent is decided for newly produced rented apartments and to see if there is standard procedure when the landlords set this rent. We have also studied the introduction of presumption rents (2006), the removal of the building subvention (2007) and the financial crisis (2008) to see how these affected the market and the companies involved. Our paper is based mainly around the industries approach to the process. Therefore the majority of our research will be based on information from interviews, surveys and researches. The interviews we have done has been with leading companies on the market, but also smaller companies in order to get a wider and more interesting perspective on our report. To get as contextual and relevant information as possible we have also decided to limit our report to Stockholm and its suburbs. This data will be gathered during a limited amount of time, therefore the mentioned limitation. Our conclusion is that there is no standard procedure for deciding a rent, the landlords act and set their rent in different ways. Concerning the law changes and the financial crisis we studied the conclusion is that there were no bigger difference regarding the amount of properties on the market. Production of rental apartments was higher than the production of tenant-owned apartments before the removal of the building subvention and the introduction of the presumption rent. The financial crisis created some uncertainty on the market, but the uncertainty also led to a higher production of rental apartments than tenant-owned apartments due to the tenant-owned apartment being a bigger risk in a financial crisis.
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[pt] Os copolímeros de poliacrilamida desempenham um papel importante na
recuperação avançada de petróleo, cuja utilização visa o aumento da produção de
óleo. A avaliação do polímero na água produzida é, portanto, necessária para
monitorar a operação do campo petrolífero e para questões ambientais. Entretanto,
tal avaliação é desafiadora devido à complexidade da matriz e à possível degradação
da macromolécula durante o processo. Entre os diferentes métodos para
determinação de polímero, o carbono orgânico total (TOC, do inglês total organic
carbon) é vantajoso em comparação com outros métodos reportados na literatura
devido ao seu baixo custo, fácil operação e curto tempo de análise. Devido a isso,
um método de análise por TOC foi desenvolvido para a determinação do teor de
poliacrilamida, e a influência da salinidade, massa molar e dois tipos de degradação
química (hidrólise e por Fe2+/O2) na quantificação do polímero por este método
foram exploradas neste trabalho. Medidas reológicas, análises de ressonância
magnética nuclear (RMN) e de espectroscopia de infravermelho (ATR-FTIR, do
inglês Fourier-transform infrared with attenuated total reflectance) também foram
realizadas com o intuito de avaliar a degradação. A quantificação do polímero na
presença de diferentes teores de sal não foi afetada. De modo similar, as diferentes
massas molares dos polímeros não afetaram os resultados das análises por TOC. O
grau de hidrólise dos polímeros foi confirmado por 13C RMN e ATR-FTIR,
enquanto medidas reológicas confirmaram a degradação por Fe2+/O2.
Notavelmente, ambos os mecanismos de degradação investigados não impactaram
a determinação de poliacrilamida. Para todos os fatores avaliados, os erros não
ultrapassaram 8 por cento. Assim, os resultados obtidos destacam o método TOC como
adequado e confiável para a determinação de poliacrilamida com boa exatidão,
conferindo-lhe um potencial de aplicação para análises de amostras reais. / [en] Polyacrylamide copolymers play an important role in enhanced oil recovery
(EOR), whose widespread use aims to improve oil production. Assessment of
polymer in the produced water is thus required for monitoring the oilfield operation
and for environmental concerns. However, this task is challenging due to the matrix
complexity and the possible degradation of the macromolecule during the process.
Among the different methods for polymer determination, total organic carbon
(TOC) is advantageous in comparison to others reported in the literature because of
its low cost, easy operation and short analysis time. Due to this, a TOC method was
developed for the determination of polyacrylamide content, and the influence of
salinity, molar mass, and two types of chemical degradation (by hydrolysis and
Fe2+/O2) on the polymer quantification through this method were explored in this
work. Rheological measurements, NMR and ATR-FTIR analyses were also carried
out to evaluate the extent of degradation. The polymer quantification was not
affected in the presence of different salt contents. Similarly, analyses of samples
with different molar masses did not affect TOC results. The hydrolysis degree of
the polymers was confirmed by 13C NMR and ATR-FTIR, while rheological
measurements confirmed degradation by Fe2+/O2. Noticeably, both degradation
mechanisms investigated did not impair polyacrylamide determination. For all
factors evaluated, the errors were never greater than 8 percent. The results obtained
highlight the TOC as a suitable and reliable method for the determination of
polyacrylamide with good accuracy, showing its potential application in the
analysis of real samples.
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[pt] Com uma perspectiva estética, filosófica e antropológica, a tese ora apresentada propõe atenção especial à produção audiovisual realizada em instituições formais de ensino, procurando perceber uma imagem dialética da educação a partir de uma seleção de 251 vídeos produzidos em escolas do estado
do Rio de Janeiro e exibidos no segmento infanto-juvenil do Festival do Rio, a Mostra Geração, entre os anos de 2000 e 2014. Entendendo a noção benjaminiana da dialética das imagens como dinâmica que conflagra uma experiência, a constituição de um olhar crítico que observa a imagem e que também é afetado por ela, a autora acredita que as imagens nos levam a experimentar um tipo diferenciado
de conhecimento. Deste ponto de vista, portanto, surge a relevância de tentar, dentro do contexto acadêmico, uma aproximação sensível (estética) com a escola, para enriquecer as reflexões, a ciência e a imaginação sobre as instituições sociais de formação. Dividida em três fases, a pesquisa teve como principal objetivo testar uma combinação de estratégias da arte, da filosofia e das ciências sociais na
produção de conhecimento para o campo da educação. Após uma categorização básica do material empírico com o auxílio de um software de análise quantitativa (ATLAS.ti), a pesquisadora segue um percurso analítico aberto por sua apropriação pessoal dos escritos de Georges Didi-Huberman. A segunda fase, que se desenvolveu concomitantemente às demais, é uma experiência estética/criativa de
edição de partes dos audiovisuais escolares, utilizando a montagem como método investigativo e reflexivo para compor um instrumento de consulta que atendesse adois objetivos adicionais: a) compreender e estranhar a imagem de escola partilhada nos vídeos; b) conceber imagens-pensamento com e a partir dos planos que a escola põe em circulação. Em um terceiro momento, a autora produz um discurso como
método de desconstrução de um ponto de vista e de (re)constituição de um outro olhar-saber, uma tese, sobre a aparição da escola no material construído. O Atlas do Audiovisual Escolar, Territórios da Mostra Geração: Rio de Janeiro, 2000 a 2014, composto por um filme e um ensaio, reflete paixões e inquietações; emoções e sonhos despertados no encontro com a amostra do imaginário audiovisual escolar
abordado. Violência, drogas, corrupção, poluição, mídias e inovação são os problemas que ocupam a imagem de escola formada. Conclui-se que encarar o audiovisual escolar com responsabilidade é, obrigatoriamente, interrogar imagens que nos olham e imaginar, com as escolas, novas imagens por vir. / [en] With an aesthetic, philosophical and anthropological perspective, her doctoral research proposes special attention to the moving imagens of the video production carried out in educational institutions, analyzing a selection of 251 videos produced by schools in the state of Rio de Janeiro and exhibited in the Generation Programme - the Rio Int l Film Festival s Segment for Children and Young People, between the years 2000 and 2014. The study starts from the Benjaminian concept of dialectic images understooded as a dynamic that constitutes a critical gaze that look to an image while the observer is also looked by the image (Benjamin). Believing that images can lead us to experience a peculiar kind of knowledge, emerges the relevance of attempting, within the academic context, a sensitive (aesthetic) approach with the school, to contribute to reflections, to the science and the imagination on the educational institutions. Divided into three phases, the main objective of the research is to test a combination of strategies of art, philosophy and social sciences in the construction of knowledge for the educational research field. The first approach of the data collected was a categorization of the empirical material with the aid of quantitative analysis
software (ATLAS.ti). Then the researcher follows an analytical path opened by her personal appropriation of the writings of Georges Didi-Huberman. The second phase, which develops concomitantly to the others, is an aesthetic / creative experience of editing parts of the school-produced videos, using montage and remix
as investigative and reflexive methods to compose a query instrument that serves two additional objectives: a) to compreheend and to strange the image of school that is shared by the videos of this study; b) to conceive Thought-Images (Denkbilder) with and from the frames that the schools put into circulation. In a third moment, the author discuss what was visualized, by producing a discourse as
a method of deconstructing a point of view and (re) constitution of another gazeknowledge,
a thesis about the school s appearance in the builded material. The Atlas of the School-produced Video: territories of Generation Programme/Rio de Janeiro Int l Film Festival (2000-2014), composed of a film and an essay, reflects passions and anxieties; emotions and dreams awakened in the encounter with the sample of the studied video-imaginary. Violence; Drugs; Corruption; Pollution; Media and Innovation are issues that occupy the school image formed in the remix produced by the research. It is concluded that video remix is a methodology that supports creation of knowledge in both Media Education and Educational fields, since it is a way to manipulate and, hence, is a form of material engagement with the data.
Finally, the researcher states that to see school-produced videos, with responsibility in fact, necessarily is to ask questions to the images that affect us and to imagine with the schools new images to come.
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Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery and Potential Benefits for Use of Produced Water for Agriculture and Food Security: A Case Study of Oil Fields in South SudanLado, Flora Eyoha Severino 11 February 2021 (has links)
This research covers simulation of Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery (TEOR) and potential benefits for use of produced water in agriculture and food security, using a case study of oil fields in South Sudan. Oil production in many oil fields in South Sudan is declining, has high water cut, and low recovery factor. It is costly to manage the produced water. At the same time, agriculture in South Sudan is almost entirely rainfed, and this affects food security. Produced water can be managed by using it for TEOR and agriculture to solve water management issues, enhance oil production, reduces competition over water resources, and improve food security.
Field A is a deep reservoir in South Sudan with oil gravity between 25 and 31 API. There are limited and mixed results from applications of TEOR methods in deep reservoirs. As such history matching and sensitivity analysis, and CSSS TEOR simulations were performed to examine most uncertain reservoir properties and the compatibility of Field A properties with CSS TEOR method. The results of simulation show that aquifer volume (AQV) and productivity index (PI) are the most uncertain property that affect reservoir pressure; cumulative oil, gas, and water production; water cut; and gas oil ratio. CSS TEOR simulation was not successfully due to the high API gravity suggesting that Field A is not a good candidate for CSS TEOR.
The produced water is sufficient to irrigate large areas of farms and watering thousands of livestock. However, analysis results from untreated water; water treated by demulsifer-defoamer and bioremediation shows high total dissolved solids (TDS) and sodium absorption ratio (SAR) values. Therefore, reverse osmosis (RO) membrane technology was applied to treat the produced water. RO rejected more than 90% of elements in the produced water with exception of elements B, Cu, Pb, and Ca. Consequently, water from RO does not meet food and agriculture organization (FAO) standards for all uses in agriculture. ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference in TDS reductions between the different applied treatment technologies. Therefore, caution is needed when using statistical analysis to verify operationalization of RO technology which rejected more than 90% of the elements in the produced water. / Doctor of Philosophy / This research discusses how to increase oil production by injecting steam in the reservoir and leaving it to soak before the next injection and start of oil production, along with potential benefits for use of produced water in agriculture and food security, all using a case study of oil fields in South Sudan. In many oil fields in South Sudan the volume of oil produced is decreasing while that of water is increasing rapidly, so that now nearly 90% of the total fluids produced is water. Management of produced water can be very costly. Despite the large quantities of produced water, agriculture in South Sudan still depends on rain water, and this dependency on rain water can affect crop production and food security, and also cause conflict amongst nomads and farmers over water resources during the dry season. These problems can be mitigated by using produced water to increase oil production and then be applied for agricultural uses.
The first study simulated steam injection in the reservoir in Oil Field A. The results showed that process of injection did not work well due to the properties of the oil in that formation, and therefore other methods may be needed to increase oil production in Field A.
In the second study, water which is produced together with oil (produced water) was analyzed to check its quality. This analysis determined that the water has very high concentration of total dissolved solids. Treatment methods that have been applied in the oil fields for treating produced water do not currently make the water clean enough to be use for agriculture use. Therefore, reverse osmosis membrane technology was applied to reduce the concentration of the elements in the water. Reverse osmosis treatment technology is capable of removing 90 % concentration of most elements in the produced water, but some potentially harmful elements, such as boron, remained. As a result, the water treated by reverse osmosis can only be used for livestock watering unless additional treatment methods are adopted to reduce boron concentrations to acceptable level.
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[pt] Água produzida (AP) é uma das fases geradas a partir da separação trifásica
obtida após a extração do petróleo e gás e constitui um efluente industrial. O
gerenciamento do seu tratamento para descarte face a alta vazão típica e
sensibilidade dos ecossistemas marinhos, é um desafio para empresas que lidam
com este tipo de fluido, principalmente na extração offshore. Como este efluente
tem uma composição química complexa e variável chegando em até 500 mg/L de
compostos orgânicos solúveis em água (WSO), os quais não são facilmente
removidos pelos tratamentos físico-químicos convencionais como coagulação e
floculação, diversas alternativas de tratamento são adotadas a fim de conseguir
eliminar ao máximo óleos e micropartículas de sólidos presentes. Para tal, a AP
deve ser tratada antes de ser lançada ao mar ou reutilizada no processo. Contudo,
nem sempre as etapas do tratamento conseguem funcionar de maneira ótima para
atender a qualidade ambiental regulatória, de modo que a busca por novos processos
de tratamento segue sendo de interesse geral. Neste trabalho foram testados
processos de oxidação catalisada com íons Fe para incrementar a degradação de
WSO, usando amostras reais de AP da Bacia de Campos (RJ, Brasil). Os melhores
resultados foram obtidos nas seguintes condições de H2O2 em dose de 1x sem
necessidade de catalisador (Fe2+). Nessas ocorreu uma redução de 66 por cento dos
orgânicos solúveis, suficiente para manter conformidade com as exigências das
normas ambientais para descarte de AP no mar. / [en] Produced water (PW) is one of the phases generated from the three-phase
separation obtained after the extraction of oil and gas and constitutes an
industrial effluent. The management of its treatment for disposal due to the
typical high flow and sensitivity of marine ecosystems is a challenge for
companies that deal with this type of fluid, especially in offshore extraction.
Since this effluent has a complex and variable chemical composition
reaching up to 500 mg/L of water-soluble organic compounds (WSO),
which are not easily removed by conventional physicochemical treatments
such as coagulation and flocculation, several treatment alternatives are
adopted in order to eliminate as much as possible oils and microparticles of
solids present. To reach this goal, the PW must be treated before being
released into the sea or reused in the process. However, the treatment stages
are not always able to function optimally to meet the regulatory
environmental quality, so the studies for new treatment processes continues
to be part of general interest. In this work, Fe ion-catalyzed oxidation
processes were tested to increase WSO degradation, using real PW samples
from the Campos Basin (RJ, Brazil). The best results were obtained under
the following conditions of H2O2 at a dose of 1x without the need for catalyst
(Fe2+). In these, there was a 66 percent reduction in soluble organics, sufficient to
maintain compliance with the requirements of environmental standards for
water discharge.
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Lokalproducerat kött på restaurang : Avgörande faktorer vid kockars inköpsval / Local produced meat in restaurants : Decisive factors in chefs' purchasing choicesSjöman, Mathilda, Wåhlin, Oskar January 2024 (has links)
The climate crisis is a well-known problem in the world that has contributed to increased interest in locally produced products. However, according to previous research, the use of local meat in restaurants is not obvious due to problems with both price and deliveries. Despite the hospitality industry's impact on consumption trends, the lack of studies on chefs'perspective on locally produced food is limited. The purpose of the study is therefore to identify central factors that influence the decision-making process of chefs when purchasing locally produced meat in Skåne. To study the chefs, a qualitative method was used, semi-structured interviews in which four chefs participated. Interest in locally produced meat is great, but there are problems with a delivery guarantee and the cost. Important factors for the respondents were the quality that was linked to the sensory properties of taste and texture. To enable an increased use of locally produced meat, taxes and fees need to be reduced in order to be able to lower prices at all levels. Consumer awareness of the climate footprint has increased demand and thus demands that restaurants purchase locally produced meat. Increased delivery guarantee can be made possible by using wholesalers as intermediaries. The study therefore strives to contribute with knowledge and understanding of what is required in Skåne to increase the possibility of using local meat in restaurants.
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Spectroscopic studies of X-ray laser mediaPestehe, Sayyed Jalal January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Study of parametric and hydrodynamic instabilities in laser produced plasmasNuruzzaman, Shelly January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Sustainable Food Consumption : Exploring Consumers' PerspectivesVelin, Johanna, Gustafsson, Pär, Torstensson, Emmy January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore consumers’ descriptions of sustainable food consumption. The concept of sustainability can be difficult to grasp, but is often defined in terms of three pillars; environment, society and economy. Prior research of sustainable food consumption have often focused on one of the pillars rather than all of them together in relation to consumers understandings of sustainable food consumption. Notwithstanding, previous research have mentioned that in order to fully comprehend sustainability it is essential to take all of the three pillars into consideration. Therefore, this study acknowledged this gap, as it focused on the three pillars of sustainability as a base, and further connected the three pillars to the four food concepts; organic, Fairtrade, sustainable diets and waste, in order to fully understand consumers descriptions of sustainable food consumption. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach, and the data was collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of students and employees at Linnaeus University in Sweden. The interviewees gave varied and interesting answers, which later were analyzed in comparison to the theory on the subject. With the answers from the interviews it was concluded that environmental and social sustainability were prioritized to economic sustainability among participants. As the participants’ descriptions of sustainable food consumption was varied, and all of the four concepts in relation to three pillars were analyzed, a framework was developed in order to clarify how the consumers describe sustainable food consumption. The study also presents a number of implications for further research as well as managerial implications. Keywords Sustainable food consumption, consumers description, three pillars of sustainability, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, organic, Fairtrade, sustainable diets, vegetarian, locally produced, waste reduction, food waste
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