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Metriky na projektech implementace Core Banking systémů / Metrics for Core Banking systems implementation projectsLoginovskaja, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of diploma thesis is to propose a model for metrics description and metrics themselves, which will be used for different project areas effectiveness and performance evaluation during core banking systems implementation. The second goal is to describe metrics using MBI (Management of Business Informatics) model and compare results. The thesis has the next structure: - theoretical part, where main terms and research works which addressed to the same topic are described; -analytical part, where models for metrics description and metrics will be introduced; - conclusion, where results will be evaluated and models will be compared.
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Le retravail en conception d'ingénierie dans les projets de développement de produit : le cas d'un fabricant d'équipement d'origine (FEO) canadien = Engineering design rework in product development projects : a canadian OEM case studySouza de Melo, Érika January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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An Evaluation of Sourcing Strategies’ Relationship with Software Development Project PerformanceStrand, Johanna, Kotlji, Shenner January 2020 (has links)
Background: The rapid improvement of technological infrastructure over the past three decades have led to increased connectivity and communication possibilities. This has allowed firms to develop sophisticated firm-specific governance structures with the use of different sourcing strategies. The main objectives have been to cut costs and gain competitive advantages by outsourcing activities offshore to developing countries or third-party vendors. The decision to outsource has its roots in the classical transaction cost theory and resource-based view. Some outsourcing partnerships have resulted in failures while others in success stories. The stories are evident in the software industry as the industry is highly susceptible to sourcing strategies, hence outsourcing is often used in global software development (GSD) projects. Firms engage in GSD with the ultimate goal of producing products faster, at a low-cost, and of high quality. In spite of this, GSD projects face huge challenges in terms of geographical-, temporal-, and cultural distances while the added complexity and issues associated with different sourcing strategies amplifies these challenges. The use of different sourcing strategies in GSD projects has not received as much attention as the debate about whether co-located or distributed teams perform better. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to explore how outsourcing, insourcing, and the combination of both in a co-located and distributed development setting relates to the software development project performance measured in terms of quality and productivity. The aim is to enrich and add to the scarce literature of global software development project performance in relation to sourcing strategies and when these are combined in projects. Method: In this thesis, we employed a case study at a software firm which engages in large-scale global software development projects. A total of 64 projects were selected for the study and data was collected primarily from archival documents where we made use of management documents and code databases. The data analysis was conducted using statistical tests in SPSS to investigate relationships and differences in quality and productivity for the four strategies. Results: The results revealed a statistically significant difference in quality among the sourcing strategies. Insourcing projects are associated with the highest quality followed by outsourcing projects and co-located mixed sourcing projects. Distributed mixed sourcing projects are generating the lowest quality. Although not statistically significant, distributed mixed sourcing projects are the most productive strategy followed by outsourcing projects, insourcing projects and lastly co-located mixed sourcing projects Conclusions: The recent trends in GSD which indicate that many companies turn back to insourcing after outsourcing is justified in our results as insourcing projects displays the highest quality. While outsourcing projects have been associated with poor quality and productivity, our findings suggest they are very competitive in terms of both. The mix of internal employees and third-party consultants in a co-located and distributed setting is associated with lower quality while poor productivity is only attributed to the co-located case. / Bakgrund: Teknikens framfart över de tre senaste decenierna har lett till ökade anslutnings- och kommunikationsmöjligheter. Detta har möjliggjort för företag att utveckla sofistikerade företagsspecifika stryelsestrukturer med använding av olika sourcing strategier. Det huvudsakliga målet med att outsourca olika aktiviteter till utvecklingsländer eller tredjepartsleverantörer har varit att minska kostnader och att erhålla konkrurrensfördelar. Belsutet om att outsourca aktiviteter i ett företag är resursbaserat och grundar sig i den klassiska transaktionskostnadsteorin och resursbaserade teorin (resource-based view). Somliga partnerskap har resulterat i misslyckanden, andra i framgångssagor. Många av dessa har åstadkommits inom mjukvaruindustrin då industrin är mottaglig för olika sourcing strategier, bland annat används outsourcing mycket i globala mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt. IT-företagen bedriver globala mjukvaruprojekt med de slutgiltliga målet att producera snabbare till ett lägre pris och en högre produktkvalitet. Trots detta uppstår ofta utmaningar när de gäller geografiska, tidsmässiga eller kulturella avstånd där nyttjandet av sourcing strategier adderar ytterligare ett lager av komplexitet. Majoriteten av uppmärksamhet har riktats mot hur samlokaliserade eller distrubuerade projekt presterar medan nyttjandet av sourcingstrategier i globala mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt har fått mindre uppmärksamhet. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur outsourcing, insourcing och en kombination av de två i en samlokaliserad eller distrubuerad miljö relaterar till mjukvaruutvecklingsprojkets prestanda i termer om produktivitet och kvalitet. Målet är att berika och addera kunskap till en knapp litteratur om prestanda för globala mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt med avseende på sourcing strategier när dessa tillämpas i en kombination. Metod. En fallstudie har bedrivits på ett mjukvaruutvecklingsföretag som arbetar med globala storskaliga mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt. Totalt har 64 projekts blivit utvalda, analyserade och grupperade i fyra olika sourcing strategier. Sekundärdata samlades primärt in från interna företagsarkiv såsom företagets interna databaser och projektledarverktyg. Intervjuer har också genomförts med två projektledare för att få en mer djupgående förståelse av projekten och för att välja ut projekten baserat på våra krav. Dataanalysen genomfördes via statistiska tester i SPSS. Resultat: Resultatet visade en signifikant skilland i kvalitet mellan sourcing strategierna. Insourcingprojekt visade sig bidra med högst kvalitet följt av outsourcing och mixad samlokaliserad sourcing projekt. Signifikat lägst kvalitet hade mixad distrubuerad sourcing. Trots icke-signifikanta resultat, visade det sig att produktiviteten var som högst i mixad distribuerad sourcing projekt följt av outsourcing, mixad samlokaliserade sourcing och insourcing projekt. Slutsats: De senaste trenderna inom global mjukvaruutveckling indikerar på att många företag återvänder till insourcing efter outsourcing är motiverade i vårt resultat eftersom insourcing projekt resulterar i högre kvalitet. Trots att outsourcingprojekt har förknippats med låg kvalitet och produktivitet tyder våra resultat på att de är mycket konkurrenskraftiga. Slutligen är mixen av internanställda och tredje part konsulter i en samlokaliserad och distrubuerad miljö förknippad med en sämre kvalitet, och i de samlokaliserade fallet även sämre produktivitet.
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Too Hot to Handle? : Performance of large-scale infrastructure projects in a Swedish district heating company / För heta att hantera? : Utfall av storskaliga infrastrukturprojekt inom ett svenskt fjärrvärmebolagFält, Emma, Gunnarsson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Large-scale infrastructure projects are risky ventures, often subjected to poor performance. Time and cost are often escalating beyond estimation while quality and benefits remain unchanged. However, little is known about the project performance in the district heating sector, which serves as basic infrastructure and plays an important role in regional energy transitions. This thesis aims to explore the project performance of large-scale infrastructure projects within the energy sector, particularly the district heating setting to enhance the knowledge of large-scale project performance, and further explore what factors contribute to explaining the performance of large-scale projects within this setting. To fulfil the purpose of this thesis, a multiple case study was conducted in a Swedish district heating setting. A review of relevant literature served as a complement to the primary data retrieved from the cases, laying a theoretical foundation for analysis. The empirical study consists of three parts. The first phase consisted of 18 interviews conducted with people at various positions within the case company to get a holistic picture of the problem and to select the nine cases focused on within this study. The second phase consisted of gathering qualitative and quantitative data on project performance, while the last phase consisted of nine in-depth interviews with the project managers of the nine selected projects. This thesis found a varying project performance, with a mean cost escalation of 12.9 percent and a time increase of 140 days on average. Similar to other studies, large-scale energy infrastructure projects have a tendency to fail rather than succeed when compared to the Iron Triangle criterias, cost, time and quality. Insufficient planning and procurement, weak leadership and ill-performing contractors are significant factors that have a large negative impact on performance. In addition, scope change, environmental context and luck are also shown to impact project performance. Limited evidence on whether political factors have a substantial impact on project performance has been found, in contrast to a large segment within earlier literature. Strong teamwork, both internally within the project team and externally with contracting parties can help neutralise any poor performance caused by any of the above-mentioned factors. The thesis contributes to the literature by discussing large-scale energy infrastructure performance. It is known that large-scale projects are complex and uncertain endeavours and by analysing project performance, knowledge can be enhanced not only on what went wrong but also on what went right. With a global sustainability transition and decarbonisation, energy infrastructure is going to experience large investments in the years to come. With this in mind, developing the most sustainable best practices and prudent project objectives can help project managers to embrace uncertainty and make the right decisions to enhance project performance. / Storskaliga infrastrukturprojekt är ofta riskfyllda, och levererar sällan i linje med uppsatta mål. Både projektens tid och kostnad eskalerar långt bortom de initiala estimeringar som gjorts medan kvalitén och investeringens förmåner förblir oförändrade. Fjärrvärmesektorn är en viktig del i Sveriges energisystem men behöver ständigt tackla dyra investeringar med låg lönsamhet. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka storskaliga infrastrukturprojekt inom energisektorn, i synnerhet med fokus på fjärrvärme, för att öka kunskapen om projektens resultat gällande tid, kostnad och kvalité samt att utforska vilka faktorer som påverkar utfallet av storskaliga projekt i denna sektor. För att uppfylla syftet med denna studie så valdes en flerfallsstudie med en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod tillsammans med en genomgång av relevant litteratur. Litteraturstudien fungerade som ett komplement till den projektspecifika informationen som samlades in och la grunden till det teoretiska ramverk som användes under analysen. Den empiriska studien bestod av tre delar. I den första delen utfördes 18 intervjuer med anställda på olika positioner inom företaget, syftet med dessa intervjuer var att få en holistisk bild av problemet samt att välja ut de nio projekt som analyserades vidare. Fokus för studiens andra del var att samla in kvantitativa och kvalitativa data för de nio projekten medan den sista delen bestod av intervjuer med projektledarna för de nio utvalda projekten. Studien visade på ett varierande resultat gällande projektens utfall där medelvärdet för kostnadsöverskridningar var 12,9 procent och medelvärdet för tidsfördröjningar var 140 dagar. I linje med tidigare studier så har storskaliga energiprojekt en tendens att misslyckas gällande att uppfylla både tidoch kostnadskriterier. De främsta faktorerna som påverkade projektens utfall var otillräcklig planering, en ofördelaktig inköpsstrategi, svagt ledarskap samt entreprenörer som presterade dåligt. Utöver dessa så påverkade även förändringar av projektets omfattning, projektets omgivande kontext och ren och skär tur projektens utfall. Politiska faktorer var ej en framträdande faktor i denna studie, till skillnad från tidigare litteratur där politiska faktorer ofta är i fokus. En sammansvetsad projektgrupp, både internt och externt med avtalade parter, visade sig kunna neutralisera de ovan nämnda faktorerna så att det övergripande utfallet ändå blev bra. Storskaliga energiprojekt är både komplexa och osäkra investeringar. Genom att studera projekts utfall och prestation kan insikter fås inte bara kring vad som gick fel utan också kring vad som gick rätt. Stora investeringar kommer att krävas inom energisektorn under kommande år för att möjliggöra den hållbara omställning som krävs på global nivå. Att etablera bra och hållbara metoder med försiktiga projektmål kan hjälpa projektledningen att flytta fokus från att minimera riskerna till att istället omfamna osäkerheten och fatta rätt beslut på bra grunder.
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Establishing the Interlinkages between Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Energy projectsJomy, Jithin, Pandit, Siddharth January 2023 (has links)
The pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a transformative approach to energy systems, focusing on cleaner, reliable, and affordable energy services. This pursuit of achieving the SDG 7 goal of universal access to affordable and clean energy, can have numerous positive and negative implications on all other SDGs and their targets. This thesis project explores and addresses these interlinkages between SDGs and energy projects, highlighting the synergies and trade-offs of energy projects to contribute to achieving the SDGs. In this project, we propose a methodology and framework to facilitate the integration of the SDGs into the energy project planning and implementation phase. This framework is implemented into a tool called SDGs-PROPEL (Sustainable Development Goals - PROject Performance Evaluationand Learnings) that is tailor-made to help energy practitioners identify potential trade-offs and synergies, and develop strategies to maximize positive impacts and minimize negative ones by prioritizing the SDGs that are relevant to their projects. The proposed methodology also takes into consideration the growing importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting, ensuring that energy projects align with sustainable practices and societal expectations. Three case studies - one Wind energy projectand two district heating projects, all in France, are utilized to test the SDGs-PROPEL tool. It also incorporates feedback from technology experts working in District Heating and Cooling(DHC) and wind energy in energy companies and academia. The tool was also tested by studentsat the master’s level at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The proposed methodology in the SDGs-PROPEL tool can be used by any energy practitioner for building a robust testing process for their tools and, in turn, help address some of the challenges of integrating SDGs with energy projects by providing a structured approach to incorporating the SDGs into theplanning and implementation phase of the energy projects. In conclusion, this paper emphasizes the significance of incorporating the SDGs into energy projects as a means to drive sustainable development. By enabling companies to assess the environmental, social, and economic impacts of their energy initiatives, this integration plays a crucial role in addressing critical global issues like climate change, poverty reduction, and energy access. / Strävan efter hållbara utvecklingsmål (SDG) kräver ett transformativt förhållningssätt till energisystem, med fokus på renare, pålitliga och överkomliga energitjänster. Denna strävan efter att uppnå SDG 7-målet om universell tillgång till hållbar energi, kan ha många positiva och negativa konsekvenser för alla andra SDG och deras mål. Detta avhandlingsprojekt utforskar och tar upp dessa kopplingar mellan SDG och energiprojekt, och belyser synergierna och avvägningarna mellan energiprojekt för att bidra till att uppnå SDGs. I det här projektet föreslår vi en metod och ett ramverk för att underlätta integrationen av SDGs i energiprojektets planering och genomförandefas. Detta ramverk är implementerat i ett verktyg som kallas SDGs-PROPEL (Sustainable Development Goals - PROject Performance Evaluation and Learnings) som är skräddarsytt för att hjälpa energiutövare att identifiera potentiella avvägningar och synergier, och utveckla strategier för att maximera positiva effekter och minimera negativa. genom att prioritera de SDG som är relevanta för deras projekt. Den föreslagna metoden tar också hänsyn till den växande betydelsen av miljö-, social- och styrelserapportering (ESG), vilket säkerställer att energiprojekt överensstämmer med hållbar praxis och samhälleliga förväntningar. Tre fallstudier - ett vindenergiprojekt och två fjärrvärmeprojekt, alla i Frankrike, används för att testa SDGs-PROPEL-verktyget. Den innehåller också feedback från teknikexperter som arbetar med DHC och vindenergi i energiföretag och akademi. Verktyget testades även av studenter på masternivå vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Den föreslagna metoden i SDGs-PROPEL-verktyget kan användas av alla energiutövare för att bygga en robust testprocess för sina verktyg och i sin tur hjälpa till att hantera några av utmaningarna med att integrera SDGs med energiprojekt genom att tillhandahålla ett strukturerat tillvägagångssätt för att införliva SDGs in i planerings- och genomförandefasen av energiprojekten. Sammanfattningsvis betonar detta dokument betydelsen av att införliva SDGs i energiprojekt som ett sätt att driva hållbar utveckling. Genom att göra det möjligt för företag att bedöma de miljömässiga, sociala och ekonomiska effekterna av sina energiinitiativ, spelar denna integration en avgörande roll för att ta itu med kritiska globala frågor som klimatförändringar, fattigdomsminskning och tillgång till energi.
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Exploring the Impact of the Project Management Office on Project Performance, A Quantitative StudyAndrén, Sebastian, Sahyouni, Mohamad January 2019 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the establishment of a Project Management Office and project performance. Particularly, whether or not the establishment of a Project Management Office leads to enhanced project performance in project based organizations. Framework - The framework developed for the purpose of this study is made out of the different categories of Project Management Office services and functions on the one side and the different dimensions of project performance on the other. The model created tests the individual relationships between the constructs on each side. Methodology- The study employs a quantitative research design. Project Management Offices in organizations from across the globe and operating in a range of industries and industry segments are investigated. The data for the study is collected using an online questionnaire. Findings - The findings of this study lead to the belief that the establishment of a Project Management Office and the implementation of a certain set of its services and function will indeed lead to enhanced project performance Managerial Implications - Managers are made aware of the impact of the Project Management Office on project performance. Moreover, they are given guidelines as to what services and functions to adopt if there were only interested in seeing results on the project level. Limitations - The approach to exploring the subject in hand, the choice of participating organizations, the size of the sample tested, and the framework chosen for the evaluation of project performance are all seen as limitations for this study.
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產品專案創新類型與新產品開發關鍵成功因素及其管理之個案研究 / Product project innovative types and critical success factors of new product development case study林冠亨 Unknown Date (has links)
四、在小改專案下,供應商構面、高階主管與跨功能團隊構面、績效評估與獎酬構面對新產品開發專案績效構面有顯著正向影響。 / The study focuses on several topics: critical success factors of new product development, product project innovative type’s influence on relative importance of critical success factors, identification of critical success factors which improve project performance in different product project innovative types. The study applies case study based on one motor manufacturing company, questionnaire, and statistical analysis. The results are as follows:
1. Critical success factors of new product development include supplier dimension, technical parent company dimension, distributor dimension, upper management and cross functional team dimension, new product development management dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension. During the project time, the company establishes proper management regarding various dimensions.
2. The importance level of critical success factors is influenced by product project innovative types.
3. Under big projects, three dimensions which include upper management and cross functional team dimension, new product development management dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension, have positive impact on project performance dimension.
4. Under small projects, three dimensions which include supplier dimension, upper management and cross functional team dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension, have positive impact on project performance dimension.
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Projekteffektivitet inom tekniska utvecklingsprojekt : Vilka faktorer påverkar projekteffektivitet och hur kan dessa mätas?Nordgren, Gustav, Rasmussen, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at ÅF’s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors. The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to ÅF’s department of product development. The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness. These consist of: Communication, Project scope, Top management support, Technical competence, Availability of technical equipment, Processes and methodologies and, lastly, Motivation. In order to measure these factors, a KPI based measurement system has been analyzed and recommended. To be able to establish a measurement system for specific development projects, the measurement system needs to be able to take a great number of things into consideration. The selected KPIs need to reflect and represent critical factors for efficiency and effectiveness, but also at the same time be adapted to different aspects such as the project’s resources, activities and deliverables. Lastly, the thesis discusses the use of a KPI library in addition to a set of criteria for choosing appropriate KPIs, and exemplifies how to present the chosen KPIs.
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Improving performance measurement of engineering projects : methods to develop indicators / Améliorer la mesure de performance dans les projets d'ingénierie : méthodes pour développer des indicateursZheng, Li 13 February 2018 (has links)
La mesure de la performance est l’une des nombreuses activités de la gestion de projet, elle contribue à assurer le succès du projet. Pour atteindre ce but, les entreprises ont besoin de déterminer un système de mesures de la performance. Ces mesures fournissent au chef de projet l’état de santé du projet et l’aide à évaluer s’il a atteint ou va atteindre ses objectifs. Néanmoins, avec la complexité croissante des projets et la nécessité économique absolue d’atteindre les objectifs, les chefs de projets ne peuvent plus se contenter de superviser les coûts et le planning pour évaluer la performance du projet. Ils ont besoin de considérer par exemple d’autres indicateurs comme la satisfaction des exigences du client, la maturité de la technologie, etc. De plus, ils ont besoin d’avoir une évaluation précise des valeurs de ces indicateurs tout au long du projet et pas uniquement à la fin, pour monitorer au mieux le projet afin qu’il atteigne ses objectifs. Pour satisfaire ces nouveaux besoins, les objectifs de cette thèse sont d’étendre le nombre d’indicateurs génériques et de diversifier le type des indicateurs, ainsi que de proposer une méthode pour concevoir des indicateurs spécifiques à un projet. Pour cela, nous procédons par l’intégration de bonnes pratiques pour la mesure de performance issues de plusieurs domaines de l’ingénierie, et illustrons nos propositions sur des cas pratiques. Ce rapport introduit la notion de performance et caractérise les systèmes de mesure de performance, en mettant notamment en évidence un emploi non cohérent de la terminologie selon les sources. Il identifie plusieurs limitations des systèmes de mesure de performance actuels et souligne notamment le besoin d’étendre le nombre et le type des indicateurs, et de construire des indicateurs de performance spécifiques et pertinents pour chaque projet. Une étude bibliographique sur la mesure de la performance dans les domaines de l’ingénierie, notamment en ingénierie système, montre que la mesure de performance est particulièrement bien développée dans cette dernière discipline, avec une offre de 18 indicateurs génériques avancés permettant une grande proactivité. La thèse propose de ce fait d’adapter ces indicateurs au management de projets, résultant en la définition d’un ensemble d’indicateurs étendu et diversifié pour la mesure de performance. Par ailleurs, l’étude des normes et guides en ingénierie système et logicielle (Practical Software and System Measurement, ISO/IEC 15939) nous amène à identifier d’autres besoins, comme la création dynamique d’indicateurs ad hoc qu’il est nécessaire de définir en cours de projet afin évaluer certains risques spécifiques, et soulève de nouvelles difficultés, comme la collecte et la manipulation des données pour la construction des indicateurs. Pour y répondre, ce rapport propose donc également une méthode guidant la construction dynamique d’indicateurs spécifiques. Celle-ci, illustrée dans le mémoire sur un cas concret de projet, a été validée par un panel d’experts. / Performance measurement is essential to ensure the success of a project. To this goal, companies need to determine a system of performance measures, classically including cost and schedule measures, which provide the project manager with the project health status and help her or him to evaluate the project successes and failures. However, with the increasing complexity of projects and the absolute necessity to reach the project objectives, project managers cannot only rely on such information about cost and schedule to evaluate the project performance; they need to consider, for instance, other indicators such as the satisfaction of customer requirements, the technology maturity, etc. Moreover, they need to have a precise evaluation of these indicators values while the project is in progress, in order to monitor it at best so that it reaches its goals, and not only after the project ends, to only conclude on the project success or failure without any mean to react. Considering these two issues, the objectives of the thesis thus are to extend the number, scope and type of current project performance indicators with a proposal of complementary indicators, and to propose a method for designing project-specific indicators, in order to improve project performance measurement. To define supplementary indicators and elaborate such a method, we proceed by integrating good measurement practices from different engineering disciplines and illustrate our proposal on use cases. The thesis first introduces the notion of performance and characterizes performance measurement systems (PMSs); such systems offer a wide panel of models for organizational performance measurement. Focusing on PMSs, we provide some insights for project performance measurement. More precisely, we identify several issues highlighted in literature, relative to the limitations of current project performance measurement such as the need to balance lagging indicators (to control) with leading indicators (to monitor), and the need to construct performance indicators that are relevant to project-specific information needs. We then focus on project performance measurement and reviews literature in this domain. It highlights the issue of the unbalanced use of leading and lagging indicators. To bring a solution to the issue, we review literature of performance measurement in engineering disciplines, with a focus on systems engineering practices, especially a panel of 18 generic leading indicators that are currently engineered in guidance. A method has been proposed to adapt the set of systems engineering leading indicators to project management, thus resulting in developing the set of indicators to measure project performance. Moreover, focusing on standards and guides on measurement in systems and software engineering led us to identify other issues in project performance measurement, such as the difficulties to define indicators dynamically for a project, and how to collect and combine data in order to construct these indicators. We finally consider the methodological difficulties about designing relevant performance indicators. More precisely, we identify 3 issues: different opinions among researchers about the sources from where the indicators will be derived; the problem in relation to the transformation from data to indicators; and the association of data collection, analysis and report with project management processes. To solve these issues, we analyze good practices from the Practical Software and Systems Measurement, the ISO/IEC 15939 norm and the Project Management Body of Knowledge that proved to be able to address the identified issues respectively. This work results in a method integrating these practices to address the 3 identified issues in project performance measurement. The method is illustrated on a real project context. Evaluation of the method has been conducted in workshop of project managers, which confirmed the interest for the proposal.
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Influência de categorias de riscos nos resultados de projetos de backbone IP / Influence of risk categories on results of IP backbone projectsGenaro, Fábio 27 March 2018 (has links)
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Fabio Genaro.pdf: 2507994 bytes, checksum: 628164f009c25ca35b1d6712f64aed0b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / In the current view of telecommunications providers, the quality and the constant availability of the services offered to the customers are vital for the continuity of the business, thus avoiding withdrawals and gross revenue reductions. For this purpose, technological, financial and human resources are required, which must be invested in the providers’ main traffic services network, which is called IP backbone. Like any project, IP backbone projects do not flee the rule and are also subject to several risks that, if ignored during the kickoff and planning stages, could jeopardize their implementation by telecommunications providers, impacting on their final results, whether strategic or operational. The objective of this dissertation was to analyze the influence of risk categories in IP backbone projects on strategic and operational results in telecommunications providers. The approach of this work was qualitative with multiple case studies, being taken as units of analysis three IP backbone projects of two Brazilian telecommunications providers. The results showed which categories of risk were found and what impacts they can have on strategic and operational results. / Na visão atual das operadoras de telecomunicações, a qualidade e a disponibilidade constante dos serviços ofertados aos clientes são vitais para a continuidade dos negócios, evitando assim desistências e reduções de faturamento bruto. Para esta finalidade, são necessários recursos tecnológicos, financeiros e humanos, os quais devem ser investidos na principal rede de tráfego de serviços da operadora, a qual é denominada de backbone IP. Como todo projeto, os projetos de backbone IP não fogem à regra e também se encontram sujeitos a riscos diversos que, se ignorados durante as etapas de planejamento e kickoff, podem comprometer sua implantação pelas operadoras de telecomunicações, com impactos em seus resultados finais, sejam eles estratégicos ou operacionais. O objetivo desta dissertação foi o de analisar a influência de categorias de riscos em projetos de backbone IP nos resultados estratégicos e operacionais em operadoras de telecomunicações. A abordagem desta dissertação foi qualitativa com estudos de casos múltiplos, sendo tomados como unidades de análise três projetos de backbone IP de duas operadoras nacionais de telecomunicações. Os resultados encontrados mostraram quais categorias de riscos foram encontradas e quais os impactos que elas podem produzir nos resultados estratégicos e operacionais.
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