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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestão do  conhecimento em projetos: um estudo sobre conhecimentos relevantes, fatores influenciadores e práticas em organizações projetizadas / Project knowledge management: a study about relevant knowledge, influencing factors and practices in project-based organizations

Ana Carolina Messias Shinoda 27 September 2012 (has links)
A Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) ainda é um desafio para muitas organizações. Em empresas projetizadas, em que a maior parte dos profissionais se dedica à atividade de projetos, há obstáculos adicionais a serem superados. Isso acontece, entre outros fatores, devido à própria natureza dos projetos, pois são exclusivos (dificultando a aprendizagem por repetição) e finitos (em geral não há mecanismos para integrar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do projeto em novos projetos). A partir desse contexto, o presente trabalho foi orientado pelo seguinte problema de pesquisa: \"como as organizações projetizadas realizam a gestão do conhecimento de seus projetos?\". Para responder a essa pergunta, foram analisados os conhecimentos relevantes para serem gerenciados, as práticas de GC utilizadas e os fatores influenciadores (facilitadores e dificultadores) presentes em três organizações: Escritório de Projetos do Banco Central, Cia de Talentos e PromonLogicalis. Além de projetizadas, essas organizações têm origem brasileira, oferecem serviços de consultoria (interna ou externa) e são referência em seus setores de atuação. A pesquisa é de natureza exploratória e descritiva, possui uma abordagem qualitativa e utiliza o método de estudo de casos múltiplos. Foi desenhado um modelo conceitual para o levantamento das práticas organizacionais com base no foco das práticas (intra ou interprojetos) e nos processos de GC para os quais contribuem mais intensamente (recuperação, criação/aquisição, compartilhamento e armazenamento). Como resultados da pesquisa foram identificados 8 conhecimentos relevantes para serem gerenciados, 7 fatores influenciadores da Gestão do Conhecimento, 10 fatores facilitadores, 4 fatores dificultadores. Além disso, foram mapeadas diversas práticas de GC intra e interprojetos nas organizações pesquisadas. Como conclusões do estudo, percebeu-se que para que se realize uma boa Gestão do Conhecimento na organização, mais importante do que as práticas empregadas é a existência de um contexto facilitador, pois se o ambiente favorece a criação, compartilhamento, armazenamento e recuperação de conhecimentos, as mais diversas práticas são estruturadas para apoiar esses processos. Além disso, percebeu-se que não parecem existir as melhores práticas de GC, mas sim, as melhores práticas para cada contexto organizacional. Espera-se que este estudo adicione conhecimentos ao campo de Gestão do Conhecimento em Projetos (PKM - Project Knowledge Management) e contribua com estudos futuros sobre o tema. / Knowledge Management (KM) remains a challenge for many organizations. In project-based companies, in which most professionals are dedicated to project activities, there are additional obstacles to overcome. This happens, among other factors, due to the very own nature of projects, because they are exclusive (making it difficult to learn by repetition) and finite (in general, there are no mechanisms to integrate the acquired knowledge throughout the project to new projects). From this context, the present study was guided by the following research question: \"how do project-oriented companies manage their project knowledge?\". In order to answer this question, the relevant knowledge to be managed was analyzed, the KM practices were identified and the influencing factors (facilitating and complicating factors) were raised in three project-based companies: Project Management Office from Banco Central, Cia de Talentos and PromonLogicalis. Besides being project-based, these organizations are from Brazil, offer consulting services (internal or external) and are references in their sectors. The research has an exploratory and descriptive nature, uses a qualitative approach and is based in multiple case studies. It was designed a conceptual model for the organizational practices identification based on the practices\' focus (intra and inter-project) and on the KM process that they contribute the most (retrieval, creation / acquisition, sharing and storage). This research identified 8 relevant knowledge to be managed, 7 influencing factors of knowledge management, 10 facilitating factors and 4 complicating factors. In addition, the intra and inter-project practices in the surveyed companies were mapped. As for conclusions to the study, it was realized that in order to make a good knowledge management in the organization, the existence of a facilitating context is more important than the practices employed, because if the environment favors the creation, sharing, storage and retrieval of knowledge, the most diverse practices are implemented to support these processes. Moreover, it was realized that that the best knowledge management practices seem not to exist, but instead the best practices for each organizational context. It is expected that this study can add knowledge to the field of PKM - Project Knowledge Management and that it may contribute to future studies on the subject.

Competence Development : What can project-based organizations learn from the management of a hockey team?

Degelder, Francois, Melbye, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Project-based organizations (PBOs) have drawn attention in business management and represent an increasingly important part of organizations. If managing by projects represents an adapted way to cope with the current environment, it also comes with new challenges. This research brings light on the organizational tensions between immediate performance and sustained performance in PBOs by focusing on competence development as the crucial means to achieve sustained performance. Because PBOs are temporary by nature, competence development represents one of their challenges. Therefore, this research was conducted to gain a better understanding of how this tradeoff can be managed by PBOs. With that purpose, we both researched how this organizational tradeoff and competence development processes were managed in a hockey organization. In sport organizations, player succession is crucial to the organization’s overall performance and survival, therefore making competence development a key activity. The research led us to grasp a better understanding of the nature of the tradeoff between immediate performance and sustained performance as well as brought additional findings on competence development processes. More specifically, it was found that this tradeoff requires adaptation to project stages. We summarized and visualized the findings by providing a framework that can act as a tool for practitioners in PBOs to understand and therefore manage the tradeoff between immediate performance and sustained performance by implementing competence development.

Vilka arbetssätt gynnar kunskapsöverföring i projektbaserade företag? : En studie om kunskapsöverföring utifrån tjänstemännens perspektiv

Gustafsson, Molly, Norrman, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
Knowledge transfer is a well-researched area within the construction industry, and it´s known thatknowledge transfer is difficult as the construction industry is a project-based industry and projectsrarely look the same. Research has been done on the importance of working with knowledgetransfer in order to keep companies competitive. From the officials’ point of view, there has notbeen as much study on the working methods as the best approaches to have a good disseminationof knowledge in the companies. The purpose of the report is to see if the changes made by the workplace have contributed to thebetter transfer of knowledge. This is to find out which working methods favor the transfer ofknowledge in project-based companies. To obtain the results, semi-structured interviews wereconducted with eleven respondents who all worked at the same company but had differentpositions to find out exactly what their perceived knowledge transfer was. The study found that according to the respondents, the working methods that favor project-basedcompanies are simple documentation that must be motivated and demonstrate that it will benefitthe respective employees. Another thing is an open climate favors the conditions for succeeding inknowledge transfer in the company, as it becomes easier to collaborate. / Kunskapsöverföring är ett väl utforskat område inom byggbranschen och det är känt att kunskapsöverföring är svårt då byggbranschen till stor del är en projektbaserad bransch och projekt sällan ser likadana ut. Det har gjorts forskning på att det är viktigt att jobba med kunskapsöverföring för att hålla företagen konkurrenskraftiga, men man har inte gjort så mycket studier på vilka arbetssätt som tjänstemännen anser är de bästa tillvägagångsätten för att ha en god kunskapsspridning i företagen. Fallföretaget som rapporten bygger på har gjort förändringar i sina arbetssätt för att öka kunskapsöverföringen. De förändringar som gjorts är att de har tillsatt produktionscheferna i ledningsgruppen för att öka den interna kommunikationen mellan projekt. Fallföretaget har även lagt med i sin affärsplan, för det kommande året, att dom ska dokumentera ner varje avslutat projekt i ett projektblad. Rapportens syfte är att se om de förändringarna som fallföretaget gjort har bidragit till att kunskapsöverföringen har blivit bättre. Detta för att ta reda på vilka arbetssätt som gynnar kunskapsöverföringen i projektbaserade företag. För att få fram resultaten genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med elva respondenter. Alla respondenter jobbade på samma företag men hade olika positioner för att just ta reda på hur deras upplevda kunskapsöverföring var. Det framkommer i studien att de arbetssätt som gynnar projektbaserade företag enligt respondenterna är enkel dokumentation som ska vara motiverad och påvisa att den kommer gynna respektive anställd. Det andra som framkommer i studien är att ett öppet klimat gynnar förutsättningarna för att lyckas med kunskapsöverföring i företaget, detta då det blir lättare att samarbeta. De sistnämnda visas tydligt uppnås inom företaget, vilket skulle kunna vara ett resultat av att de tillsatt produktionscheferna i ledningsgruppen som öppnat upp för en ökad kommunikation och därav samarbete. Trots att det inom branschen är känt att det är viktigt med kunskapsöverföring, så hoppas författarna kunna belysa att det är ett relativt outforskat område när det kommer till vilka arbetssätt som tjänstemännen anser gynnar kunskapsöverföringen i projektbaserade företag.

Does intra-firm coopetition work in practice? : A qualitative study of the dynamic relationship of intra-firm competition in the context of organizations based on projects

Andersson, Matilda, Nymo, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Research on the phenomenon of coopetition described as two competing firms cooperating with the intent to create value have seen a great increase the last couple of years. However, studies exploring intra-firm coopetition have been less popular leaving this research field understudied and in need for further exploration. An intra-firm competition relationship can be defined as when two or more project teams cooperate on a joint project, simultaneously as they are competing for their parents’ firms’ resources. Pursuing such a contradictory relationship is not without challenges and therefore, cooperative and competitive activities needs to be balanced in order to achieve value creation. In the context of an organization based on projects, the dynamic relationship of coopetition poses several challenges for project managers to handle. The purpose of the study was to further generate and assist the development of the theory field of coopetition by gaining a deeper understanding of the coopetitive dynamics on an intra-firm level. In this thesis, we explore How is intra-firm coopetition perceived and handled in order to create value within an organization? By conducting semi-structured interviews, seven project team members from three different organizations in the automobile industry ecosystem, shared their experiences of working project based and being exposed to intra-firm coopetition on daily basis. Our findings suggest that intra-firm coopetition needs to be balanced to support value creation. The analysis of the study was conducted by a project-as-practice lens which supported the understanding of cooperative and competitive activities that the project teams participated in. The respondents perceived cooperative activities as beneficial for organizational learning and stressed the importance of social interactions between project teams. On the other hand, competitive activities were perceived as positive as long as they were held on a healthy level and did not become dominant. Our study advances the research field of intra-firm coopetition by gaining knowledge of underlying factors of cooperative and competitive activities that are sources for tension, and how reaching and maintaining a state of balance is crucial for value creation both for the project team, organization and customer. Keywords: Coopetition, Intra-firm coopetition, project-based organizations, and projects-as-practice.

Kunskapsöverföring som en integrerad process i en projektbaserad organisation

PREGNER, JOHAN, SANDE, PHILIP January 2015 (has links)
Kunskap har kommit att bli ansedd som en strategiskt viktig tillgång för organisationer. I projektbaserade organisationer där projekt bedrivs fristående har problem med att  systematiskt integrera ett arbete med kunskapsöverföring identifierats. Projekt kan beskrivas som fristående organisationer utan historia vilket medför att kunskap inom projektet måste skapas under projektets gång om den inte inhämtas utifrån. Denna studie adresserar utmaningen med att bedriva en effektiv kunskapsöverföring inom organisationer. Då många satsningar på kunskapsöverföring misslyckas syftar denna studie därför till att undersöka hur kunskapsöverföring kan bli en integrerad del av en projektbaserad organisation. För att uppfylla syftet med studien har en fallstudie genomförts på Försvarets Materielverk i Stockholm. I studien har processen för kunskapsöverföring analyserats där de ingående delarna i processen identifierats. Vidare har även de faktorer som påverkar integrering av ett bredare arbete med kunskapsöverföring identifierats. Utifrån processen för kunskapsöverföring och dess påverkande faktorer har en strategi för arbetet med kunskapsöverföring inom en projektbaserad organisation presenterats. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats via intervjuer, en enkätundersökning samt interna dokument. Resultatet från den empiriska datainsamlingen visar att det är flera parametrar som måste samverka med varandra för att kunskapsöverföring ska bli en integrerad del av en projektbaserad organisation. Inom den studerade organisationen ses barriärer som förhindrar effektivt tillvaratagande, distribuering, lagring och återvinning av kunskap. För att hantera dessa barriärer och möjliggöra en utveckling av kunskapsöverföringen inom organisationen ges följande rekommendationer till organisationsledningen: Styrning för kunskapsöverföring från organisationsledningen för att uppnå ett systematiskt arbete med kunskapsöverföring i organisationens projekt. Skapa funktionella förutsättningar i projekt för att utgöra en grund för hur arbetet med kunskapsöverföring ska bedrivas Arbeta långsiktigt då en förändringsprocess är tidskrävande / Knowledge has in recent years become considered as a strategically important asset for organizations. In project-based organizations, a problem with a systematic integration of knowledge management has been identified. Projects can be described as separate organizations without history, which means that knowledge must be created within the project if it is not acquired from the outside. This study addresses the challenge with conducting effective knowledge management within organizations. As many efforts in knowledge management fail, the aim of this study is therefore to investigate how knowledge management can become an integrated process of a project-based organization. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, a case study at the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration has been conducted. The study has analyzed the process of knowledge transfer, where the components of the process have been identified. Furthermore, factors affecting the integration of a broader work with Knowledge Management have been identified. Based on the process of Knowledge Management, together with the factors affecting the process, a strategy for working with Knowledge Management in a project-based organization has been presented. The empirical material is gathered through interviews, a survey and internal documents. The result shows that there are several parameters that must interact in order for Knowledge Management to become an integrated process in a project-based organization. Within the studied organization, barriers that prevent effective acquisition, distribution, storage and retrieval of knowledge, are identified. To address these barriers and enable development of the Knowledge Management process within the organization, the following recommendations are given to the management of the organization.  Governance for Knowledge Management from organizational management in order to achieve a systematic approach to Knowledge Management within the projects.  Create functional prerequisites in order to provide a basis for how the Knowledge Management process is to be conducted.  Work with a long-term perspective, as change processes takes time.

Project Workers' Mental Health in Focus : Understanding Stressors and Supportive Strategies in PBOs

Misskam, Anna, Schoch, Natalie January 2023 (has links)
Background: Project-based organizations have become increasingly important in theory and practice. In these kinds of organizations core activities are performed by means of projects which offer advantages such as adaptability and flexibility. Yet, the project-based work context also bears risks for the mental health of the employees involved. Purpose: The research objective of this study is to enhance our holistic understanding of mental health promotion in project-based organizations from the perspective of individual project workers. The focus is on challenges that project workers face in their project-based work regarding mental health, how they cope with these challenges, and which organizational support mechanisms help them to cope with the challenges they face. Methodology: We chose a qualitative research approach with semi-structured interviews and participant observations. Ten project workers from different industries were interviewed. They worked in PBOs in Germany and Sweden. In addition, we talked to four mental health experts and participated in a workshop and three webinars on mental health at work. Findings: High and complex workload, difficulties in achieving work-life balance, and uncertainty regarding new projects were highlighted as main stressors. The project workers use individual coping strategies to deal with these challenges and they find themselves to be responsible for their mental health. Still, social and structural support mechanisms werefound to be crucial, since they serve as necessary preconditions to effectively make use of individual coping strategies.

Utformning och utveckling av styrsystem : En komparativ studie av projektbaserade företag / Configuration and Development of Management Control Systems : A comparative study of Project-based Organizations

Pettersson, Viktor, Schmidt, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund - Projektbaserade företag är en organisationsform som har växt mycket i popularitet under de senaste åren och står idag för en stor del av vår världsekonomi. Projekt bygger på att det finns specifika mål, en tydlig tidsram samt vetskap om tillgängliga resurser. Detta har medfört ett ökat fokus på litteratur som försöker bidra till att förklara design av styrsystem i projektbaserade organisationer. Syfte - Syftet med studien är att bidra till förståelsen för vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan projektbaserade företags styrsystem och hur de förklaras av kontextuella faktorer samt företagens förändring över tid. Metod - Denna studie baseras på fem olika fallföretag i en projektbaserad kontext. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och empirin är insamlad via semistrukturerade intervjuer hos ABB, Skanska, ÅF, PEAB samt CGI. Slutsatser - Resultatet visar att det finns stora samband mellan styrning, kontextuella faktorer samt organisatoriskt lärande. Att inkludera en förändringsaspekt gör att vi kan förstå varför styrsystem utvecklas olika inom projektföretag vilket inte de mer befintliga statiska teorierna klarar av. Organisatoriskt lärande är en viktig del i att förklara utformning av styrsystem samt varför de skiljer mellan olika företag. / Background – Working in projects is a way of organizing which has experienced a big rise in popularity over the recent years and accounts for a large proportion of the global economy. Projects are based on specific objectives, a defined timeframe and knowledge of available resources. This has brought increased attention to literature that aims to explain the design behind management control systems in project-based organizations. Aim - The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the similarities and differences existing between project-based organizations management control systems and how these can be explained by contextual variables as well as how organizations change over time. Methodology - This paper is based on five different case studies of project based organizations. The research design is qualitative and the data has been gathered from semi-structured interviews with employees at ABB, Skanska, ÅF, PEAB and CGI. Conclusions - The results from this paper shows that there are a connection between management control systems, contextual variables and organizational learning. By including an aspect of change it is possible to understand why management control systems develop differently from each other which is not covered in the existing, more static, literature. Organizational learning is a key aspect in explaining the design of management control systems and why it differ between organizations.

Kunskapshantering i projektbaserade organisationer − Studie av en bransch karaktäriserad av tyst kunskap / Knowledge management in project-based organizations − A study of an industry charactarized by tacit knowledge

Jarl, Amanda, Pålsson, Line January 2014 (has links)
Ur teori och empiri har det i studien framkommit att projektbaserade organisationer somerbjuder kundanpassade tjänster är karaktäriserade av tyst kunskap. Tyst kunskap innebär attkunskapen är baserad på personliga upplevelser och erfarenheter och kan förklaras som sakerman vet utan att man vet dem. Tysta kunskaper är därför svårare att hantera och ta tillvara pådå de till största del delas genom observation, imitation och informella möten. Det har ocksåframkommit att just organisationer av den angivna karaktären är i störst behov av att delakunskap och använda den som ett verktyg för att nå framgång.Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera projektorganisationer i form av serviceföretagsom specifikt säljer kundanpassade tjänster för att förstå, tolka och identifiera faktorer sommöjliggör eller försvårar kunskapshantering. För att kunna uppnå det har vi valt att undersökahur sådana organisationer arbetar med kunskapshantering idag och utifrån det dra slutsatserkring viktiga faktorer. I avsikt att göra det valde vi att använda oss utav tre styckenfallföretag. Ute på företagen intervjuade vi två stycken personer på varje företag med de olikabefattningarna VD, account manager och projektledare. Det gjorde vi för att få en bredare bildsom inte är begränsad till ett visst arbetsområde inom organisation. Eftersom att vi villeundersöka deras inställning och åsikter kring ett specifikt område valde vi att genomförasemistrukturerade intervjuer.Resultatet stämde i flera fall överens med teorin. Det bekräftades att företagen i allt för storutsträckning arbetar med en hantering av den explicita kunskapen, genom enkodifieringsstartegi, när de till största del borde satsa på att hantera den tysta via enpersonifieringsstrategi. Däremot visade resultatet till skillnad från teorin att respondenternavar positiva till kunskapshantering och hade en stor vilja att dela kunskap med varandra ochlära sig nya saker. Resultatet visade också att tiden är den faktor som till största del förhindrarett aktivt kunskapsarbete och att det därav borde ligga i organisationens intresse att tillgodosebehovet av tid.Slutsatsen blev att det finns två faktorer som är viktiga för organisationer av denna karaktär.Dessa är företagets ansträngning i form av tid och resurser och de anställdas inställning tillkunskapshantering. Det blev tydligt att dessa två faktorer är beroende av varandra och att detillsammans kan skapa goda förutsättningar för spridning av den tysta kunskapen.

Special Interpersonal Relationships in Project-Based Organizations

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: The success or failure of projects is not determined only by procedures, tasks, and technologies, but also by the project team and its effectiveness. In order to lead project teams towards successful outcomes, project managers must maintain high quality relationships in the workplace. When looking at employees’ relationships in the workplace, Social Exchange Theory introduces two types of exchanges: employee-organization and leader-member exchanges. While both types of exchanges focus exclusively on the employee’s longitudinal relationships, the interpersonal relationships among the team members are usually overlooked. This research presents the results of a quantitative study of the interpersonal relationships of 327 project managers and assistant project managers in their workplace. Specifically, the study investigates if the quality of the relationship with particular stakeholders, such as one’s immediate supervisor (boss), peers, or subordinates, drives the individual’s quality of the relationship with other stakeholders. Contrary to the expectations, in strictly hierarchical organizations (one direct supervisor), there is no significant correlation between the quality of relationships with the boss and the overall quality of the individual’s relationships. However, in the case of matrix organizations (two or three bosses), there are significant correlations between several variables such as the quality of the relationship, perceived importance and the time spent with each stakeholder, as well the inclination of the participant towards leadership actions. The driving relationship in matrix organizations is the one with “the most important peer”. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2019

What’s mine is yours, or is it? Knowledge sharing in voluntary project-based organizations : The case of AIESEC – the largest international student-run organization

Petrauskaite, Gabriele January 2012 (has links)
In knowledge economy, organizational knowledge is considered to be a critical strategic resource which may help the organization to achieve competitive advantage; therefore, knowledge sharing, as one of the knowledge management processes, attracts the attention of both researchers and practitioners. Knowledge sharing may bring many benefits such as personal development for the employees and knowledge accumulation for the organization. However, at the same time it is very challenging because employees may be very mobile, too occupied to engage in knowledge sharing, or just unwilling to share their valuable knowledge. Nevertheless, although many organizations have started to invest heavily in various knowledge sharing mechanisms, quite often these processes are not effective because various organizational and individual factors impede the usage of those mechanisms. This study seeks to increase the understanding of how and which of such factors affect knowledge sharing in voluntary project-based organizations. Ten in-depth interviews have been conducted with the project managers in AIESEC, the largest international student organization, in order to find out what KS mechanisms they use, and what enables or hinders KS in this organization. It was found that in this organization KS takes place at all organizational levels, and the most popular KS mechanisms are documents and social interaction. Various documents include planning and tracking tools, proposals for sponsors, budget spread-sheets, feedback forms from participants and companies, and reports about functional areas. Social interaction comprises individual and group meetings, including trainings, coaching or mentoring, conversations over the phone and software Skype, discussions in conferences and communication in social groups online. So there is a balance between the KS mechanisms used to personalize and codify knowledge. However, the individualized KS mechanisms dominate on the individualization- institutionalization dimension. Also AIESEC members share all types of knowledge: tacit and explicit, individual and collective. Factors affecting KS can be categorized in 5 groups: Organizational context, Interpersonal and Team characteristics, Cultural characteristics, Individual characteristics, and Motivational factors. As KS in AIESEC takes place quite intensively, not surprisingly more KS facilitators were identified. The most significant ones in each group are as follows: the organizational culture and structure; diversity and strong social ties; willingness to help, and structure and exactness; self-efficiency and personal characteristics such as talkativeness, open-mindedness, empathy, motivation, responsibility and ambitiousness; perceived personal benefits, interpersonal trust, and organizational commitment. The few factors identified that might impede KS in AIESEC are the lack of time, lack of KS regulation and some negative cultural attitudes.

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