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New Methods for Triangulation-based Shape Acquisition using Laser ScannersForest Collado, Josep 11 December 2004 (has links)
Tradicionalment, la reproducció del mon real se'ns ha mostrat a traves d'imatges planes. Aquestes imatges se solien materialitzar mitjançant pintures sobre tela o be amb dibuixos. Avui, per sort, encara podem veure pintures fetes a ma, tot i que la majoria d'imatges s'adquireixen mitjançant càmeres, i es mostren directament a una audiència, com en el cinema, la televisió o exposicions de fotografies, o be son processades per un sistema computeritzat per tal d'obtenir un resultat en particular. Aquests processaments s'apliquen en camps com en el control de qualitat industrial o be en la recerca mes puntera en intel·ligència artificial. Aplicant algorismes de processament de nivell mitja es poden obtenir imatges 3D a partir d'imatges 2D, utilitzant tècniques ben conegudes anomenades Shape From X, on X es el mètode per obtenir la tercera dimensió, i varia en funció de la tècnica que s'utilitza a tal nalitat. Tot i que l'evolució cap a la càmera 3D va començar en els 90, cal que les tècniques per obtenir les formes tridimensionals siguin mes i mes acurades. Les aplicacions dels escàners 3D han augmentat considerablement en els darrers anys, especialment en camps com el lleure, diagnosi/cirurgia assistida, robòtica, etc. Una de les tècniques mes utilitzades per obtenir informació 3D d'una escena, es la triangulació, i mes concretament, la utilització d'escàners laser tridimensionals. Des de la seva aparició formal en publicacions científiques al 1971 [SS71], hi ha hagut contribucions per solucionar problemes inherents com ara la disminució d'oclusions, millora de la precisió, velocitat d'adquisició, descripció de la forma, etc. Tots i cadascun dels mètodes per obtenir punts 3D d'una escena te associat un procés de calibració, i aquest procés juga un paper decisiu en el rendiment d'un dispositiu d'adquisició tridimensional. La nalitat d'aquesta tesi es la d'abordar el problema de l'adquisició de forma 3D, des d'un punt de vista total, reportant un estat de l'art sobre escàners laser basats en triangulació, provant el funcionament i rendiment de diferents sistemes, i fent aportacions per millorar la precisió en la detecció del feix laser, especialment en condicions adverses, i solucionant el problema de la calibració a partir de mètodes geomètrics projectius. / Traditionally, the reproduction of the real world has been shown to us by means of at images. These images used to be materialised by means of paint on canvas, drawings or the like. Today, we still see hand made pictures, by fortune, although most of the images are acquired by cameras and they are either directly shown to an audience, like in the cinema, television or photographs, or they are processed by a computer system in order to obtain a particular result, like in industrial quality assurance or bleeding edge artificial intelligence research. Applying mid-level processing algorithms, 3D images can be obtained from 2D ones, using well known techniques called Shape From X, where X is the method for obtaining the 3rd dimension. While the evolution to the 3D camera begun in the 90s, the techniques for obtaining the most accurate 3D shape need to be continuously improving. The application of 3D scanners has spread signi cantly in the recent years, specially in elds like entertainment, assisted diagnosis/ surgery, robotics, etc. One of the most used techniques to obtain 3D information from a scene is triangulation, and more concretely, triangulationbased laser scanners. Since their formal appearance in scienti c publications, in 1971 [SS71], there have been contributions for solving inherent problems like occlusion avoidance, accuracy improvement, acquisition speed, shape description, etc. All of the methods for obtaining 3D points of a scene is accompained with a calibration procedure, and this procedure plays a decisive role in the performance of the acquisition device. The goal of this thesis is to provide a holistic approach to the problem of shape acquisition, giving a wide survey of triangulation laser scanners, testing the performance of di erent systems, and to give contributions for both improving acquisition accuracy under adverse conditions and solving the calibration problem. In addition, the calibration approach is based on previous works that used projective geometry to this end.
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Satellite Estimates of Tree and Grass Cover Using MODIS Vegetation-Indices and ASTER Surface-ReflectanceMr Tony Gill Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Códigos projetivos parametrizados / Projecive parameterized linear codesDias, Guilherme dos Santos Martins 23 February 2017 (has links)
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os parametros de um codigo projetivo gerado
por um conjunto algebrico torico X que e parametrizado por uma quantidade nita de
monomios em varias variaveis. Tambem podemos obter conjuntos algebricos toricos associados
a matrizes de incidencia de grafos e cluters, e nestes casos obtemos resultados mais
precisos, ja que os conjuntos algebricos toricos obtidos sao parametrizados por monomios
com mesmo grau. Nos capitulos iniciais sao apresentados os conceitos basicos que servirao
de ferramentas para atingir estes objetivos. / This work aims at studying the parameters of a projective code generated by an algebraic
toric set X which is parameterized by a nite number of monomials in several variables.
We also can obtain algebraic toric sets associated to graph or clutter incidence matrices
and in these cases we obtain more precise results since the algebraic toric sets which are
obtained are parameterized by monomials of the same degree. In the rst chapters we
introduce basic concepts which will serve as tools to reach our aim. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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Les retentissements des effractions corporelles sur l’unité psychosomatique de l’adulte insuffisant rénal hémodialysé : étude clinique du traumatisme d’une maladie grave et de son traitement / The echoes of the physical burglaries on the psychosomatic unity of the renal insufficient hémodialysé adultRoques, Marjorie 18 November 2011 (has links)
L’insuffisance rénale est une maladie chronique, qui, parvenue à un certain stade, nécessite au patient qui en est atteint, d’avoir recours à un traitement de suppléance permettant de pallier les défaillances de la fonction du rein. Une de ces techniques, l’hémodialyse, comprend trois étapes importantes dans le parcours de la personne malade: l’annonce de la maladie, la création d’un abord vasculaire, le passage au traitement. L’annonce de l’insuffisance rénale a souvent lieu quelques années avant l’intervention de la fistule artério-veineuse et donc bien en amont de la mise en dialyse. Une étude longitudinale aurait permis de procéder au suivi complet de la personne insuffisante rénale à partir de la découverte de la maladie mais les contraintes de temps m’ont conduit à me limiter aux effets après coup de l’annonce et à me concentrer sur les retentissements du traumatisme au moment de la première effraction (création de la fistule artério-veineuse) et de seconde effraction (la mise en dialyse). Au regard des théories psychanalytiques du traumatisme, j’ai cherché à mettre en évidence la portée des effractions corporelles sur l’unité psychosomatique de la personne atteinte d’insuffisance rénale qui se différencie de celle de l’effraction psychique du traumatisme excluant une blessure physique. J’ai repris l’hypothèse de Freud concernant les névroses de guerre qui stipule que l’atteinte physique protège de la névrose traumatique, mais j’ai proposé de modifier la teneur de ses propos en les adaptant à la situation de maladie grave. Par conséquent, la visée de cette recherche est d'étudier le parcours de l'insuffisant rénal à trois temps traumatiques de la maladie dans ses dimensions à la fois psychique et somatique. Afin d'éprouver mes hypothèses, un entretien clinique est proposé lors de la première entrevue, puis des tests projectifs (TAT et Rorschach) accompagnés d'un entretien clinique sont proposés lors de la seconde rencontre. Ma population se compose de huit patients âgés de 22 à 60 ans que j’ai rencontré une première fois lors de la création de la fistule artério veineuse, un moment durant lequel j’ai pu relever que l'annonce de l'insuffisance rénale n’avait pas joué le rôle d'une angoisse signal d'alarme dans l'économie psychique. Car en effet, à l’arrivée de ce nouveau corps étranger, un débordement pulsionnel affleure mettant à jour une fantasmatique de type traumatique. La seconde phase se situe au début des séances de dialyse lors desquelles la sensorialité et les sensations sont mises au service d'une « détresse somato-psychique » convoquant un sentiment d'inquiétante étrangeté et une difficulté de délimitation des frontières corporelles.D’une part, l’analyse au cas par cas des résultats dévoile que la valeur préventive de l’annonce de la maladie quelques années avant l’intervention a été amoindrie par la violence des effractions corporelles D’autre part, l’analyse des tendances générales a mis en évidence une fragilisation de l’investissement narcissique et des repères objectaux à trois niveaux : sensoriel, sensuel, de la représentation. Plusieurs réponses ou couples de réponses face à l’évènement traumatique pouvant appartenir aux dimension régrédiente et/ou progrédiente s’inscrivant dans une histoire singulière et s’exprimant au travers d’un fonctionnement psychique propre à chacun, ont pu être dégagées comme : l’inhibition de la pensée, la rationalisation et l’intellectualisation, le masochisme (mortifère ou gardien de vie), le déni et le clivage non structurel du Moi, les processus névrotiques, les solutions opératoires (répression affective) et les solutions inadaptées.Enfin, l’examen du fonctionnement psychique aux tests projectifs ne permet pas d’établir de lien direct entre l’organisation mentale et les potentialités de réorganisation suite à l’impact du traumatisme comprenant une atteinte physique. / The renal insufficiency is a chronic disease, which, reached certain stage requires to the patient who is affected, to resort to a treatment of substitution allowing to mitigate the failures of the function of the kidney. One of these techniques, the hemodialysis, includes three important stages in the route of the sick person: the announcement of the disease, the creation of a vascular access, the passage in the treatment. The announcement of the renal insufficiency often takes place some years before the intervention of the artério-venous fistula and thus good upstream to the stake in dialysis. A longitudinal study would have allowed to proceed to the complete follow-up of the renal insufficient person from the discovery of the disease but the constraints of time drove me to limit me to the effects afterward of the announcement and to concentrate on the echoes of the trauma at the time of the first burglary (creation of the artério-venous fistula) and of second burglary (the stake in dialysis). Towards the psychoanalytical theories of the trauma, I tried to bring to light the impact of the physical burglaries on the psychosomatic unity of the person affected by renal insufficiency which differs from that of the psychic burglary of the trauma excluding a physical wound. I took back the hypothesis of Freud concerning the war neurosises which stipulates that the physical achievement protects from the traumatic neurosis, but I suggested modifying the content of its comments by adapting them to the situation of serious illness. Consequently, the aim of this research is to study the cours) of insufficient renal in three time traumatic of the disease in its at once psychic and somatic dimensions. To feel my hypotheses, a clinical consultation is proposed during the first interview, then projective tests (TAT and Rorschach) accompanied with a clinical consultation are proposed during the second meeting. My population consists of eight patients from 22 to 60 years old that I met first time during the creation of the fistula venous artério, one moment in the course of which I was able to raise that the announcement of the renal insufficiency had not played the role of an anxiety alarm in the psychic economy. Because indeed, upon the arrival of this new foreign body, an impulsive overflowing appears updating a fantastical of traumatic chap. The second phase is situated at the beginning of the sessions of dialysis when the sensoriality and the sensations are put in the service of a "somato-psychic distress " a feeling of disturbing strangeness and a difficulty of demarcation of the physical borders. On one hand, the individual analysis of the results reveals that the preventive value of the announcement of the disease some years before the intervention was decreased by the violence of the physical burglaries. On the other hand, the analysis of the general tendencies brought to light an embrittlement of the narcissistic investment and the objectals marks at three levels: sensory, sensual, of the representation. Several answers or couples of answers in front of the traumatic event which can belong in regredient and\or progredient dimensions joining a singular story and expressing himself through a psychic functioning appropriatefor each, were able to be brought out as: the inhibition of the thought, the rationalization and the intellectualization, the masochism (mortiferous or guard of life), the denial and the not structural split(cleavage) of the Me, the neurotic operating processes, the solutions ( emotional repression) and the unsuitable solutions.Finally, the examination of the psychic functioning in the projective tests does not allow to establish of direct link between the mental organization and the potentialities of reorganization further to the impact of the trauma understanding a physical achievement
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Noções de geometria projetiva / Notions of projective geometryPortela, Antonio Edilson Cardoso January 2017 (has links)
PORTELA, Antonio Edilson Cardoso. Noções de geometria projetiva. 2017. 58 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2017. / Submitted by Jessyca Silva (jessyca@mat.ufc.br) on 2017-09-06T17:17:00Z
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2017_dis_aecportela.pdf: 1065928 bytes, checksum: 468c05aa35745f3fd2761f13aa26eff1 (MD5) / Rejected by Rocilda Sales (rocilda@ufc.br), reason: Boa tarde,
Estou devolvendo a Dissertação de ANTONIO EDILSON CARDOSO PORTELA, para que o mesmo realize algumas correções na formatação do trabalho.
1- SUMÁRIO ( A formatação do sumário está incorreta, primeiro, retire o último ponto final que aparece após a numeração dos capítulos e seções (Ex.: 3.1. Axioma....; deve ser corrigido para: 3.1 Axioma.....), o alinhamento dos títulos deve seguir o modelo abaixo
1 INTRODUÇÃO.....................00
2 O ESPAÇO...........................00
3 GEOMETRIA........................00
3.1 Axiomas...............................00
(OBS.: não altere a formatação do negrito, pois já estava correta)
2- TITULO DOS CAPÍTULOS E SEÇÕES ( retire o ponto final que aparece após o último dígito da numeração dos capítulos e seções, seguindo o modelo do sumário. Retire o recuo de parágrafo dos títulos das seções. Ex.: 3.1 Axioma.......)
3- REFERÊNCIAS ( substitua o termo REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS apenas por REFERÊNCIAS, com fonte n 12, negrito e centralizado.
Retire a numeração progressiva que aparece nos itens da referência.
on 2017-09-06T17:56:50Z (GMT) / Submitted by Jessyca Silva (jessyca@mat.ufc.br) on 2017-09-11T14:48:40Z
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2017_dis_aecportela.pdf: 944228 bytes, checksum: 3ab4691817df04ba5d7818fd02e5095f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rocilda Sales (rocilda@ufc.br) on 2017-09-11T15:30:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
2017_dis_aecportela.pdf: 944228 bytes, checksum: 3ab4691817df04ba5d7818fd02e5095f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-11T15:30:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2017_dis_aecportela.pdf: 944228 bytes, checksum: 3ab4691817df04ba5d7818fd02e5095f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017 / In this work, initially, some results of Linear Algebra are presented, in particular the study of the Vector Space R^n, which becomes, together with Analytical Geometry, the language used in the chapters that follow. We present a study from an axiomatic point of view, from the perspectives of Hilbert's axioms and we elaborate models of planes for the Euclidean, Elliptic and Projective Geometries. The validity of the Incidence and Order axioms for Euclidean Geometry is verified. In R^3, an approach is made to the study of the plane and the unitary sphere, highlighting the elliptical line obtained by the intersection of these sets, thus making an approach to the Elliptic Geometry. With the concepts and definitions studied in the Vector Space R^n, Three-dimensional Space and in the Euclidean and Elliptic Geometries we will approach the study of Projective Geometry, demonstrating propositions and verifying its axioms. / Neste trabalho, inicialmente, apresenta-se alguns resultados da Álgebra Linear, em especial o estudo do Espaço Vetorial R^n, que passa a ser, juntamente com a Geometria Analítica, a linguagem empregada nos capítulos que se seguem. Apresentamos um estudo de um ponto de vista axiomático, sob a ótica dos axiomas de Hilbert e elaboramos modelos de planos para as Geometrias Euclidiana, Elíptica e Projetiva. É verificada a validade dos axiomas de Incidência e Ordem para a Geometria Euclidiana. No R^3, é feita uma abordagem do estudo de plano e da esfera unitária, destacando a reta elíptica obtida pela interseção destes conjuntos, passando assim a fazer uma abordagem da Geometria Elíptica. Com os conceitos e definições estudadas no Espaço Vetorial R^n, Espaço tridimensional e nas Geometrias Euclidiana e Elíptica, abordaremos o estudo da Geometria Projetiva, demonstrando proposições e verificando os seus axiomas.
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Synthèse de modèles de plantes et reconstructions de baies à partir d’images / Analysis and 3D reconstruction of natural objects from imagesGuénard, Jérôme 04 October 2013 (has links)
Les plantes sont des éléments essentiels du monde qui nous entoure. Ainsi, si l’on veut créer des environnements virtuels qui soient à la fois agréables et réalistes, un effort doit être fait pour modéliser les plantes. Malgré les immenses progrès en vision par ordinateur pour reconstruire des objets de plus en plus compliqués, les plantes restent difficiles à reconstruire à cause de la complexité de leur topologie. Cette thèse se divise en deux grandes parties. La première partie s’intéresse à la modélisation de plantes, biologiquement réalistes, à partir d’une seule image. Nous générons un modèle de plante respectant les contraintes biologiques de son espèce et tel que sa projection soit la plus fidèle possible à l’image. La première étape consiste à extraire de l’image le squelette de la plante. Dans la plupart de nos images, aucune branche n’est visible et les images peuvent être de qualité moyenne. Notre première contribution consiste en une méthode de squelettisation basée sur les champs de vecteurs. Le squelette est extrait suite à un partitionnement non déterministe du feuillage de l’image assurant son réalisme. Dans un deuxième temps, la plante est modélisée en 3D. Notre deuxième contribution est la création de modèles pour différents types de plantes, basée sur les L-systèmes. Puis, un processus d’analyse-par-synthèse permet de choisir le modèle 3D final : plusieurs propositions de squelette sont générées et un processus bayésien permet d’extraire le modèle maximisant le critère a posteriori. Le terme d’attache aux données (vraisemblance) mesure la similarité entre l’image et la reprojection du modèle, la probabilité a priori mesure le réalisme du modèle. Après avoir généré des modèles de plantes, des modèles de fruits doivent être créés. Ayant travaillé principalement sur les pieds de vigne, nous avons développé une méthode pour reconstruire une grappe de raisin à partir d’au moins deux vues. Chaque baie est assimilée à un ellipsoïde de révolution. La méthode obtenue peut être plus généralement adaptée à tout type de fruits assimilables à une quadrique de révolution. La seconde partie de cette thèse s’intéresse à la reconstruction de quadriques de révolution à partir d’une ou plusieurs vues. La reconstruction de quadriques et, en général, la reconstruction de surfaces 3D est un problème très ancien en vision par ordinateur qui a donné lieu à de nombreux travaux. Nous rappelons les notions nécessaires de géométrie projective des quadriques, et de vision par ordinateur puis, nous présentons un état de l’art sur les méthodes existantes sur la reconstruction de surfaces quadratiques. Nous détaillons un premier algorithme permettant de retrouver les images des foyers principaux d’une quadrique de révolution à partir d’une vue « calibrée », c’est-à-dire pour laquelle les paramètres intrinsèques de la caméra sont connus. Puis, nous détaillons comment utiliser ce résultat pour reconstruire, à partir d’un schéma de triangulation linéaire, tout type de quadriques de révolution à partir d’au moins deux vues. Enfin, nous montrons comment il est possible de retrouver la pose 3D d’une quadrique de révolution dont on connaît les paramètres à partir d’un seul contour occultant. Nous évaluons les performances de nos méthodes et montrons quelques applications possibles. / Plants are essential elements of our world. Thus, 3D plant models are necessary to create realistic virtual environments. Mature computer vision techniques allow the reconstruction of 3D objects from images. However, due to the complexity of the topology of plants, dedicated methods for generating 3D plant models must be devised. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the modeling of biologically realistic plants from a single image. We propose to generate a 3D model of a plant, using an analysis-by-synthesis method considering both a priori information of the plant species and a single image. First, a dedicated 2D skeletonisation algorithm generates possible branching structures from the foliage segmentation. Then, we built a 3D generative model based on a parametric model of branching systems taking into account botanical knowledge. The resulting skeleton follows the hierarchical organisation of natural branching structures. Varying parameter values of the generative model (main branching structure of the plant and foliage), we produce a series of candidate models. A Bayesian model optimizes a posterior criterion which is composed of a likelihood function which measures the similarity between the image and the reprojected 3D model and a prior probability measuring the realism of the model. After modeling plant models branching systems and foliage, we propose to model the fruits. As we mainly worked on vines, we propose a method for reconstructing a vine grape from at least two views. Each bay is considered to be an ellipsoid of revolution. The resulting method can be adapted to any type of fruits with a shape similar to a quadric of revolution. The second part of this thesis focuses on the reconstruction of quadrics of revolution from one or several views. Reconstruction of quadrics, and in general, 3D surface reconstruction is a very classical problem in computer vision. First, we recall the necessary background in projective geometry quadrics and computer vision and present existing methods for the reconstruction of quadrics or more generally quadratic surfaces. A first algorithm identifies the images of the principal foci of a quadric of revolution from a "calibrated" view (that is, the intrinsic parameters of the camera are given). Then we show how to use this result to reconstruct, from a linear triangulation scheme, any type of quadrics of revolution from at least two views. Finally, we show that we can derive the 3D pose of a given quadric of revolution from a single occluding contour. We evaluate the performance of our methods and show some possible applications.
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Kresba rodiny u dětí mladšího školního věku / Young Children's Drawing of FamilyKLEPLOVÁ, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The master's dissertation work is focused on the psychological diagnostics method - the test of an enchanted family drawing of the young children. The theoretical part of the diploma work generally describes the age of young children, children's family background, the ways of family functioning, development drawing of the young children and the method - the test of an enchanted family drawing. The practical part analyses the collection of 57 children's drawings to describe the most frequent symbols of the enchanted family drawing.
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Proposition d’une nouvelle méthode de cotation et contribution à la validation du CAT (Children’s Apperception Test) pour l’approche clinique du développement de l’enfant et de sa personnalité / Proposition of a new rating method’s and validation of CAT (Children’s Apperception Test) for the clinical approach to child development and personalitySimon, Florent 06 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est de concevoir une nouvelle méthode de cotation et d’interprétation de l’épreuve projective CAT (Children’s Apperception Test). Cette nouvelle méthode que nous avons appelé « méthode des trois axes » est fondée sur les connaissances et techniques des épreuves thématiques de la méthode projective francophone (Ecole de Paris). Elle est basée en partie sur les considérations théoriques de Roussillon (1995, 1997) concernant la métapsychologie projective des processus qui modélise le trajet psychique allant de la perception du stimulus de la planche à la verbalisation de la réponse projective (processus de symbolisation). Elle est constituée de 3 axes, 16 catégories de cotation et d’un total de 83 procédés de cotation. La méthode des trois axes a été appliquée à 500 protocoles d’enfants répartis en deux groupes distincts : un groupe d’enfants dit « tout-venant » rencontré en milieu scolaire (n=380) et un groupe d’enfants dit « consultant » rencontré en institution de soin (n=120). Les données ont été analysées selon une approche descriptive et une approche comparative basée sur trois groupes d’âge : 3 ans, 4-6 ans et 6-12 ans. Nous avons également réalisé une comparaison inter-juges portant sur la cotation avec la méthode actuellement utilisée (méthode de Boekholt) et la méthode des trois axes que nous proposons. A partir des résultats, nous proposons une théorie de la méthode CAT qui comporte trois parties : le dispositif de la passation, le manuel de cotation des procédés et le manuel d’interprétation des données qui comprendra des repères normatifs. Cette théorie de la méthode doit permettre aux psychologues cliniciens utilisateurs de cet outil d’évaluer plus précisément le fonctionnement psychique de l’enfant. / The aim of this research is to develop a new method of rating and interpreting the Children’s Apperception Test (CAT). This new method wich we have called “la méthode des trois axes” is built on techniques from the academic “Ecole de Paris” for projective methods. It is based in part on the theory of Roussillon (1995, 1997) concerning the projective metapsychology of processes which describes the psychic path from the perception of the stimulus of the plate to the verbalization of the response. This grid is built with 3 axis of description, including 16 categories of rating and 83 items used to rate the responses in application to the ten plates of CAT. “La méthode des trois axes” was applied to 500 children in two groups : a group of “all-comers” met in school (n=380) and a group of patients in care institution (n=120). The data was analyzed using a descriptive approach based on three age groups : 3 years old, 4-6 years old and 6-12 years old. We also performed the assessment of inter-rater reliability on the rating with the method curently used (Boekholt’s method) and “la méthode des 3 axes” that we propose. On the basis of the results, we propose a theory of the CAT method, which consists of three parts: the test administration, the process rating manual and the interpretation manual which include normative references. This method will enable clinicians psychologists who use this tool to more accurately assess the psychic functioning of the child.
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A psychodiagnostic study of adolescent stealingLewis, Deborah A January 1979 (has links)
Studies on delinquency fall into two groups, a statistical orientation and a qualitative approach. This study adopted the latter approach using Maslow's theory to investigate the relationship between unmet needs and stealing. It also attempted to explicate the function of stealing for each individual and focused upon interpersonal and intrapersonal aspects. The Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test and the Draw a Person Test were administered to four white male adolescents who had stolen. Their ages ranged from 14 to 17 years. An analysis of each test was completed focusing upon the needs of the individual. In addition the case history and impressions gained during testing were included. It was found that unmet needs had resulted in stealing. Their personalities displayed common characteristics but differences were also evident. A summary was provided and the implications for therapy were then discussed.
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Projetivo de curvatura em pontos de uma 3-variedade / Projective Locus Plane at points of a 3-ManifoldsRodrigues, Débora Santos 30 July 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this work we study of the curvature projective plane at a point of a 3-manifold immersed in Rn n ≥ 4, based one the thesis of R. R. Binotto [1]. We analyzed the different types of surfaces that describe the projective. We show that it can to be described as an isomorphism of the Veronese s surface of order 2 followed by a linear transformation and a translation. We also relate the types of a point on a 3-manifold with the degenericity of projective in the normal space. We conclude this study by analyzing the curvature locus of points in a n-manifold immersed in codimension 2, according to [14]. We present some examples, analyzing a few geometric properties of the curvature locus and comment on some results related to the geometry of a 3-manifold in codimension 2. / Neste trabalho fazemos um estudo do projetivo de curvatura em um ponto de uma 3-variedade imersa em Rn , n ≥ 4, tendo como base a tese de de R. R. Binotto [1]. Analisamos os diferentes tipos de superfícies que descrevem o projetivo, mostramos que este pode ser descrito como um isomorfismo da superfície de Veronese de ordem 2 seguido de uma transformação linear e de uma translação. Também relacionamos os tipos de pontos da 3-variedade com a degenericidade do projetivo no espaço normal. Finalizamos o estudo analisando o locus de curvatura em pontos de uma n-variedade imersa em codimenso 2, de acordo com [14], apresentamos alguns exemplos, analisando algumas propriedades geométricas do locus de curvatura e comentamos alguns resultados relacionados à geometria de uma 3-variedade em codimensão 2.
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