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The application of constraint rules to data-driven parsingJaf, Sardar January 2015 (has links)
The process of determining the structural relationships between words in both natural and machine languages is known as parsing. Parsers are used as core components in a number of Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications such as online tutoring applications, dialogue-based systems and textual entailment systems. They have been used widely in the development of machine languages. In order to understand the way parsers work, we will investigate and describe a number of widely used parsing algorithms. These algorithms have been utilised in a range of different contexts such as dependency frameworks and phrase structure frameworks. We will investigate and describe some of the fundamental aspects of each of these frameworks, which can function in various ways including grammar-driven approaches and data-driven approaches. Grammar-driven approaches use a set of grammatical rules for determining the syntactic structures of sentences during parsing. Data-driven approaches use a set of parsed data to generate a parse model which is used for guiding the parser during the processing of new sentences. A number of state-of-the-art parsers have been developed that use such frameworks and approaches. We will briefly highlight some of these in this thesis. There are three specific important features that it is important to integrate into the development of parsers. These are efficiency, accuracy, and robustness. Efficiency is concerned with the use of as little time and computing resources as possible when processing natural language text. Accuracy involves maximising the correctness of the analyses that a parser produces. Robustness is a measure of a parser’s ability to cope with grammatically complex sentences and produce analyses of a large proportion of a set of sentences. In this thesis, we present a parser that can efficiently, accurately, and robustly parse a set of natural language sentences. Additionally, the implementation of the parser presented here allows for some trading-off between different levels of parsing performance. For example, some NLP applications may emphasise efficiency/robustness over accuracy while some other NLP systems may require a greater focus on accuracy. In dialogue-based systems, it may be preferable to produce a correct grammatical analysis of a question, rather than incorrectly analysing the grammatical structure of a question or quickly producing a grammatically incorrect answer for a question. Alternatively, it may be desirable that document translation systems translate a document into a different language quickly but less accurately, rather than slowly but highly accurately, because users may be able to correct grammatically incorrect sentences manually if necessary. The parser presented here is based on data-driven approaches but we will allow for the application of constraint rules to it in order to improve its performance.
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Toxicomanie et materneité : qualité du processus de maternalité chez la femme toxicomane / Addiction and motherhoodBazire, Anaelle 08 December 2017 (has links)
La maternité des femmes dépendantes aux substances psychoactives est aujourd'hui une question de santé publique. Notre recherche porte sur la prédictivité potentielle des remaniements psychiques observés pendant la grossesse de femmes toxicomanes sur la qualité du processus de maternalité et l'investissement de l'enfant. Elle correspond ainsi à une étude clinique et projective psychodynamique de l’évolution du fonctionnement psychique et des représentations liées à l’enfant de la femme toxicomane et/ou substituée devenant mère. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur l’analyse d’entretiens semi-directifs et de tests projectifs de femmes consommatrices d’opiacés et/ou sous traitement de substitution aux opiacés et de femmes non toxicomanes, entre le dernier trimestre de grossesse et les un an de l’enfant. Un second versant de cette étude propose un état des lieux des modalités d’accompagnement des femmes enceintes et mères consommatrices de drogues illicites sur le territoire Ouest-Normand ainsi qu’un projet d’accompagnement spécifique et pluridisciplinaire de cette population, élaboré au sein d’un CSAPA (Centre de Soins, d’Accompagnement et de Prévention en Addictologie). / Motherhood among women addicted to psychoactive substances is a public health concern. Our research concerns the predictive potential of the psychic reorganizations observed during pregnancy on the quality of motherhood process and of investment of the child. It is thus a psychodynamic clinical and projective study of the evolution of the psychic functioning and the representations bound to the child of drug addict woman and/or woman receiving opiate substitution treatments becoming a mother. In order to do this, we rely on the analysis of semi-directive interviews and projective tests of women opiate users and\or women receiving opiate substitution treatments and of non-addicted women, between the last quarter of pregnancy and on one year old of the child. A second part of this study proposes a state of play of welfare measures for pregnant addicted women and addicted mothers on West-Norman territory. It also proposes a project of specific and multidisciplinary accompaniment of this population which is developed within a CSAPA (Center of addiction care, support and prevention).
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Flecnodal and LIE-curves of ruled surfacesKhattab, Ashraf 25 November 2005 (has links)
If we consider ruled surfaces of the projective 3-space as a one parameter family of lines, then they appear in the well-known KLEIN-model of lines in the projective 3-space as curves of a hyperquadric in the projective 5-space. The osculating spaces of such a curve are represented in the projective 3-space by spaces of linear complexes. Those points of a generator e of the ruled surface, in which the tangent bundles are in the same time complex line bundles in the accompanying osculating line complex of the ruled surface along e, are called the LIE-points of e. The LIE-points fulfil two (real or imaginary conjugate) curves on the ruled surface called the LIE-curves. The support of the osculating-3-space of the ruled surface along a regular non-torsal generator e are two, one or zero straight lines in the osculating regulus. If thes straight lines exist, one calls them the flecnode tangents of the ruled surface. On a hyperbolic ruled surface build the points of contact of the flecnode tangents two projective distinguished curves called the flecnode curves. In this work we present the different methods of treating these curves in the history, and we give a new explicit calculation of the flecnode points and the LIE-points depending on the basis of a PLÜCKER-coordinates representation of the ruled surface. In addition we study the questions that appears by considering the LIE-curves of a ruled surface to form a pair of BERTRAND curves for which this ruled surface is the surface of common main normals. For example, the question about ruled surfaces, whose LIE-curves are orthogonal to the generators will be answered here. / Regelflächen des projektiven 3-Raums erscheinen, als (eindimensionalen) Geradenmengen aufgefasst, im bekannten KLEINschen Punktmodell der Geradenmenge vom projektiven 3-Raum als Kurven einer Hyperquadrik in einem projektiven 5-Raum. Die Schmiegräume einer solchen Kurve werden im projektiven 3-Raum durch Räume linearer Komplexe repräsentiert. Diejenigen Punkte einer Erzeugende e der Regelfläche, in denen die Tangentenbüschel gleichzeitig auch Komplexgeradenbüschel im begleitenden Schmiegkomplex von e sind, heißen LIE-Punkte von e. Die LIE-Punkte erfüllen zwei (reelle oder konjugiert imaginäre) Kurvenzüge auf der Regelfläche, die LIE-Kurven. Die Träger des Schmieg-3-Raums der Regelfläche längs einer reguläre nichttorsalen Erzeugende e sind zwei, eine oder null Geraden im Schmiegregulus. Sofern diese Geraden existieren, nennt man sie die Fleknodaltangenten der Regelfläche. Auf hyperbolischen Regelflächen bilden die Berührpunkte der Fleknodaltangenten zwei projektiv ausgezeichnete Kurven, die Fleknodalkurven. In der vorliegenden Arbeit stellen wir die unterschiedlichen Behandelungen diesen ausgezeichneten Kurven in der Geschichte dar, und geben wir eine neue explizite Berechnung von den Fleknodal- bzw. LIE-Punkte auf der Basis einer PLÜCKER-Koordinaten-Darstellung der Regelfläche. Außerdem untersuchen wir die Fragestellungen, die man bekommt, wenn man versucht, dass das paarweise auftreten der LIE-Kurven irgendwie in Analogie zum klassischen euklidischen BERTRAND-Kurvenpaar zu stellen. Z.B. lässt sich die Frage nach Regelflächen, deren LIE-Kurven Orthogonaltrajektorien der Erzeugenden sind, hier beantwortet.
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Metrické a analytické metody / Metric and analytic methodsKaluža, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with two separate problems. In the first part we show that the regular n×n grid of points in Z2 cannot be recovered from an arbitrary n2 -element subset of Z2 using only mappings with prescribed maximum stretch independent of n. This provides a negative answer to a question of Uriel Feige from 2002. The present approach builds on the work of Burago and Kleiner and McMullen from 1998 on bilipschitz non-realisable densities and bilipschitz non-equivalence of separated nets in the plane. We describe a procedure that takes a positive, measurable function and encodes it into a sequence of discrete sets. Then we show that applying this procedure to a typical positive, continuous function on the unit square yields a counter-example to Feige's question. Along the way we provide a new proof of a result on bilipschitz decomposition for Lipschitz regular mappings, which was originally proved by Bonk and Kleiner in 2002. In the second part we provide a constructive proof for the strong Hanani- Tutte theorem on the projective plane. In contrast to the previous proof by Pelsmajer, Schaefer and Stasi from 2009, the presented approach does not rely on characterisation of embeddability into the projective plane via forbidden minors. 1
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Kompaktní moduly nad nesingulárními okruhy / Compact modules over nonsingular ringsKálnai, Peter January 2020 (has links)
This doctoral thesis provides several new results in which we leverage the inner structure of non-singular rings, in particular of self-injective von Neumann regular rings. First, we describe categorical and set-theoretical conditions under which all products of compact objects remain compact, where the notion of compactness is relativized with respect to a fixed subclass of objects. A special instance when such closure property holds are the classic module categories over rings of our interest. Moreover, we show that a potential counterexample for Köthe's Conjecture might be in the form of a countable local subring of a suitable simple self-injective von Neumann regular ring. 1
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[pt] Os estados-limite têm feito parte da literatura
psicanalítica desde os
primórdios da psicanálise. A partir da última metade do
século passado,
entretanto, o interesse pelo assunto aumentou
consideravelmente e a produção de
artigos e matérias vem tomando um vulto cada vez maior. Não
obstante, a
polêmica em torno do tema parece também crescer na mesma
proporção. Este
trabalho apresenta um pequeno histórico do termo estados-
limite e algumas
controvérsias nos diferentes meios psicanalíticos,
principalmente no que diz
respeito às relações entre a clínica dos estados-limite e a
das personalidades
narcísicas. São tratadas também questões ligadas à
constituição da subjetividade e
à sua incidência na clínica dos estados-limite. Finalmente,
são revistas algumas
patologias limítrofes e alguns aspectos clínicos
importantes, como as implicações
transferenciais e contratransferenciais dos estados-limite.
A preferência pelo
termo estados-limite tem por objetivo ampliar o escopo que
outros termos, tais
como casos-limite, ou distúrbios limítrofes, possam
sugerir. Enquanto que
estes últimos possuem conotações marcantemente patológicas,
portanto a uma clínica psicanalítica específica, o termo
estados-limite permite
também designar situações com características semelhantes,
porém episódicas e
suscetíveis de ocorrer em qualquer tipo de clínica
psicanalítica, inclusive a da
neurose. / [en] Borderline conditions have been part of psychoanalytical
literature since
the early stages of psychoanalysis. However, since the
second half of the last
century, interest in this subject has grown considerably
and there has been a
steady increase in the number of articles and essays
published. Nevertheless,
polemic around this theme seems also to grow in the same
proportion. This work
covers a brief history of the term borderline and some of
the controversies in the
different psychoanalytical environments, principally as to
the relationship
between the borderline treatment and that of narcissistic
personalities. Issues
regarding the constitution of subjectivity and its
incidence in the borderline
therapy are also dealt with. Finally, some forms of
borderline pathology and
important clinical aspects, such as transference and
counter transference
implications, are reviewed. The preference for the term
borderline conditions
aims to broaden the scope that other terms, such as
borderline cases or
borderline disturbances may suggest. While these latter
possess strong
pathological connotations, belonging, therefore, to a
specific psychoanalytical
treatment, the term borderline conditions allows for the
designation of situations
with similar characteristics, although episodic and liable
to occur in any type of
psychoanalytical treatment, including the neurotic.
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A Cultural Perspective of the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System with Latino YouthLeacox, Erika J. 01 January 2022 (has links)
This study investigated the usefulness of administering the Adult Attachment Projective Picture system (AAP) through a cultural lens with two Latino youth receiving mental health treatment. The AAP is a measure developed from the Bowlby-Ainsworth developmental attachment theory that is used to assess an attachment state of mind for individuals. These case studies facilitated an understanding of how the attachment perspective may be combined with knowledge of cultural themes represented in the AAP results to inform mental health treatment. Each of the participants of this single-subject study design are youth who have experienced symptoms of trauma. We observe from this study how trauma, cultural traditions, and developmental attachment are related. Based on qualitative findings of coded defense process markers of the AAP and instances of traditional Latino cultural themes, the researcher discusses recommendations for future mental health interventions for these two youth. It was found that cultural influences were depicted in the responses from the AAP and could therapeutically integrate with attachment classification. Cultural orientation as an adaptive process is helpful in assessing attachment. When viewed as non-adaptive, acculturative differences may cause distress among families. Both cases from this study were moving toward secure attachment. Case 2 was able to maximize the cultural background to adapt and showed more cultural themes in the AAP which was consistent with the family traditions used in real life to support this youth’s mental health progress. Clinicians and families can address youths’ attachment needs and trauma by utilizing cultural influences to inform mental health treatment.
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Que reste-t-il de leurs amours ? : étude exploratoire, clinique et projective de patients traités pour un cancer de la prostate / What has left of their loves ? : exploratory, clinical and projective study of patients treated for prostate cancerVan Doren, Anne-Sophie 14 November 2017 (has links)
Maladie de l'homme mûr, le cancer de la prostate nécessite des traitements qui rendent le patient impuissant, parfois de manière irréversible. Cela fait écho psychiquement à l'appréhension d'une castration qui n'a pas attendu l'avènement de cette quasi-réalité pour s'avérer l'un des moteurs psychiques de l'angoisse des hommes et de leur dynamique identificatoire, narcissique et objectale. Le cancer de la prostate se révélant être tabou dans notre société, ces hommes sont sommés de souffrir en silence. À l'appui d'une double méthodologie composée d'entretiens et d'épreuves projectives auprès de 17 patients atteints d'un cancer de la prostate (et, dans une visée comparative, de 2 patients atteints d'un cancer du rein et de 2 patients venant pour un simple dépistage), nous nous sommes proposée de discerner comment cette détresse interdite pouvait expliquer en partie la mise en avant d'une position hyper phallique ("même pas peur, même pas triste, même pas mal"). Revendiquer de n'être ni touché ni ébranlé par ce qui arrive permettrait ainsi à ces hommes de pallier une décompensation dépressive, peut-être pire que tout pour eux, car "anti-virile", dans le sens où un homme n'est censé ni chuter, ni s'effondrer, ni se plaindre. C'est pourquoi, dans la filiation des travaux de C. Chabert et de F. Neau, nous avons proposé l'idée d'un "masculin hypomane" ; il serait une défense contre le mouvement mélancolique (à entendre comme traitement narcissique de la perte) insupportable et comme retournement de la passivité en activité contre l'être pénétré (par la maladie, les explorations médicales), l'être traversé (par l'angoisse, le temps qui passe) et l'être excité (par l'autre, son désir). Portée par un faux masculin abritant le genre neutre dans le latent et durcie par un hyperinvestissement narcissique, cette solution serait à la fois coûteuse et mortifère, mais aussi salvatrice et trophique pour le sujet, déplaçant alors les frontières entre normal et pathologique. En effet, elle protégerait le sujet contre les affres de l'effondrement dépressif dans le manifeste, soutiendrait son identité virile déjà bien malmenée. Elle lui permettrait de se défendre contre le mouvement mélancolique qui infiltre le latent et, enfin, elle contiendrait l'excitation désorganisatrice de la pulsion sexuelle derrière les remparts de la pulsion de mort dans sa valence anarchiste. La dimension performative de la virilité nous a ainsi permis d'envisager la clinique de la passation (mais également la relation clinique et les mouvements transférentiels pendant les entretiens) comme un espace potentiellement traumatique (car elle peut, certes, mettre en lumière et révéler une sensibilité à la castration à travers l'implicite de performance) mais aussi, comme un espace transitionnel et thérapeutique. Ce qui semble très important pour la construction future de projets thérapeutiques concernant ces patients. / A disease affecting older men, prostrate cancer requires treatment that renders patients impotent, sometimes permanently. Psychically speaking, this resonates with the fear of castration, which does not await the advent of this quasi-reality to emerge as one of the psychic driving forces of men's anxiety and of their identity-related, narcissistic and objectal dynamic. In today's society, prostrate cancer is a taboo subject; men suffering from the condition are thus forced to suffer in silence. We met 17 patients with prostate cancer and, in a comparative way, 2 patients with kidney cancer and 2 healthy patients. Using projective methods and semi-directive interviews, we attempted to discern how this forbidden distress could partly explain why patients chose to adopt a hyperphallic stance ("Ain't scared, ain't sad, doing just fine !"). Claiming to be neither affected nor shaken by unfolding events would allow these men to mitigate depressive decompensation, which might be the worst thing for them because it would be unmanly insofar as a man must never fall, collapse or complain. Drawing from the studies undertaken by C. Chabert and F. Neau, we thus put forward the notion of "masculine hypomania". This would not only be a defense against unbearable melancholia (construed as the narcissistic treatment of loss), but would also be the reversal of passivity into action against the penetrated being (by disease and medical explorations), the permeated being (by anxiety and the passing of time) and the excited being (by the other and his desire). Driven by narcissistic hyperinvestment, this solution would be costly and mortifying on the one hand, and life-saving and nourishing on the other, moving boards between normality and pathology. Indeed, it would enable patients to defend themselves against depressive decompensation, to support shaken male identity, to defend themselves against melancholic movement and, at last, to contain excitation of the sexual drive through the death instinct in its anarchist valency. The performative dimension of manhood allowed to consider the clinical perspective of test administration (but also clinical relationship and transference during interviews) as a potentially traumatic space (because it could reveal a sensitivity to castration behind the implicit of performance), but also as a transitional and therapeutic space, which seems very important for the construction of therapeutic projects for these patients in the future.
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Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation / Oövervakad mänsklig poseuppskattning i 3DBudaraju, Sri Datta January 2021 (has links)
The thesis proposes an unsupervised representation learning method to predict 3D human pose from a 2D skeleton via a VAEGAN (Variational Autoencoder Generative Adversarial Network) hybrid network. The method learns to lift poses from 2D to 3D using selfsupervision and adversarial learning techniques. The method does not use images, heatmaps, 3D pose annotations, paired/unpaired 2Dto3D skeletons, 3D priors, synthetic 2D skeletons, multiview or temporal information in any shape or form. The 2D skeleton input is taken by a VAE that encodes it in a latent space and then decodes that latent representation to a 3D pose. The 3D pose is then reprojected to 2D for a constrained, selfsupervised optimization using the input 2D pose. Parallelly, the 3D pose is also randomly rotated and reprojected to 2D to generate a ’novel’ 2D view for unconstrained adversarial optimization using a discriminator network. The combination of the optimizations of the original and the novel 2D views of the predicted 3D pose results in a ’realistic’ 3D pose generation. The thesis shows that the encoding and decoding process of the VAE addresses the major challenge of erroneous and incomplete skeletons from 2D detection networks as inputs and that the variance of the VAE can be altered to get various plausible 3D poses for a given 2D input. Additionally, the latent representation could be used for crossmodal training and many downstream applications. The results on Human3.6M datasets outperform previous unsupervised approaches with less model complexity while addressing more hurdles in scaling the task to the real world. / Uppsatsen föreslår en oövervakad metod för representationslärande för att förutsäga en 3Dpose från ett 2D skelett med hjälp av ett VAE GAN (Variationellt Autoenkodande Generativt Adversariellt Nätverk) hybrid neuralt nätverk. Metoden lär sig att utvidga poser från 2D till 3D genom att använda självövervakning och adversariella inlärningstekniker. Metoden använder sig vare sig av bilder, värmekartor, 3D poseannotationer, parade/oparade 2D till 3D skelett, a priori information i 3D, syntetiska 2Dskelett, flera vyer, eller tidsinformation. 2Dskelettindata tas från ett VAE som kodar det i en latent rymd och sedan avkodar den latenta representationen till en 3Dpose. 3D posen är sedan återprojicerad till 2D för att genomgå begränsad, självövervakad optimering med hjälp av den tvådimensionella posen. Parallellt roteras dessutom 3Dposen slumpmässigt och återprojiceras till 2D för att generera en ny 2D vy för obegränsad adversariell optimering med hjälp av ett diskriminatornätverk. Kombinationen av optimeringarna av den ursprungliga och den nya 2Dvyn av den förutsagda 3Dposen resulterar i en realistisk 3Dposegenerering. Resultaten i uppsatsen visar att kodningsoch avkodningsprocessen av VAE adresserar utmaningen med felaktiga och ofullständiga skelett från 2D detekteringsnätverk som indata och att variansen av VAE kan modifieras för att få flera troliga 3D poser för givna 2D indata. Dessutom kan den latenta representationen användas för crossmodal träning och flera nedströmsapplikationer. Resultaten på datamängder från Human3.6M är bättre än tidigare oövervakade metoder med mindre modellkomplexitet samtidigt som de adresserar flera hinder för att skala upp uppgiften till verkliga tillämpningar.
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[pt] A presente tese tem como objetivo investigar os desdobramentos do ódio
na constituição subjetiva em sua dimensão transgeracional em função de falhas
ambientais ocorridas nos primórdios da vida psíquica na relação com o objeto
primário. A reflexão sobre o ódio no pensamento psicanalítico começa atrelada à
neurose obsessiva e, posteriormente, é expandida para contemplar os primeiros
movimentos psíquicos do ego em relação ao objeto. A radicalidade que tal
sentimento pode assumir no psiquismo devido a severas falhas na rêverie materna
ocasionam a interrupção da função comunicativa da identificação projetiva. Dessa
maneira, o ódio revela sua face destrutiva, uma vez que o psiquismo se encontra
colonizado por objetos bizarros impossíveis de serem metabolizados pelo
continente materno. As derivações desses traumatismos precoces na formação do
self afetam profundamente a modalidade identificatória em ação, prevalecendo o
seu uso adesivo que impede a construção de espaços psíquicos. A manifestação do
claustro como derivativo do ódio traumático possui profundos impactos na
existência do indivíduo, que experimenta uma relação de encarceramento com o
objeto primário. Investigamos de que maneira o ódio é passível de se perpetuar
entre gerações ao assumir um caráter transgeracional, no qual prevalece a lógica
do segredo e da identificação alienante, que impede a atuação da identificação
projetiva como via de comunicação intergeracional. Defendemos que essa forma
de perpetuação críptica e condensada do ódio se manifesta em uma configuração
psicopatológica que nomeamos como claustro transgeracional, que provoca
impasses no campo psicanalítico e convoca o psicanalista ao trabalho implicado e
empático através da contratransferência enquanto instrumento clínico. / [fr] La présente thèse vise à étudier le déploiement de la haine dans la
constitution subjective dans sa dimension transgénérationnelle en fonction des
échecs environnementaux survenus aux premiers stades de la vie psychique dans
la relation avec l objet primaire. La réflexion sur la haine dans la pensée
psychanalytique commence liée à la névrose obsessionnelle et s élargit ensuite
pour envisager les premiers mouvements psychiques du moi par rapport à l objet.
La radicalité qu un tel sentiment peut assumer dans le psychisme en raison de
graves failles dans la rêverie maternelle provoque l interruption de la fonction
communicative de l identification projective. La haine révèle ainsi son visage
destructeur, puisque le psychisme est colonisé par des objets bizarres, impossibles
à métaboliser par le continent maternel. Les dérivations de ces traumatismes
précoces dans la formation du moi affectent profondément la modalité
identificatoire en action, prévalant son utilisation adhésive qui empêche la
construction d espaces psychiques. La manifestation du claustrum comme dérivé
de la haine traumatique a des impacts profonds sur l existence de l individu, qui vit
une relation d emprisonnement avec l objet primaire. Nous étudions comment la
haine est susceptible de se perpétuer entre les générations en assumant un
caractère transgénérationnel, dans lequel la logique du secret et de l identification
aliénante prévaut, empêchant l action de l identification projective comme moyen
de communication intergénérationnelle. Nous soutenons que cette forme de
perpétuation cryptique et condensée de la haine se manifeste dans une
configuration psychopathologique que nous nommons claustrum
transgénérationnel, qui provoque des impasses dans le champ psychanalytique et
convoque le psychanalyste au travail implicite et empathique par le contretransfert comme instrument clinique.
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