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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stability of Transfermium Elements at High Spin : Measuring the Fission Barrier of 254No

Henning, Gregoire 20 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Super heavy nuclei provide opportunities to study nuclear structure near three simultaneous limits: in charge Z, spin I and excitation energy E∗. These nuclei exist only because of a fission barrier, created by shell effects. It is therefore important to determine the fission barrier and its spin dependence Bf(I), which gives information on the shell energy Eshell(I). Theoretical calculations predict different fission barrier heights from Bf(I = 0) = 6.8 MeV for a macro-microscopic model to 8.7 MeV for Density Functional Theory calculations using the Gogny or Skyrme interactions. Hence, a measurement of Bf provides a test for theories.To investigate the fission barrier, an established method is to measure the rise of fission with excitation energy, characterized by the ratio of decay widths Γfission/Γtotal, using transfer reactions. However, for heavy elements such as 254No, there is no suitable target for a transfer reaction. We therefore rely on the complementary decay widths ratio Γγ/Γfission and its spin dependence, deduced from the entry distribution (I, E∗).Measurements of the gamma-ray multiplicity and total energy for 254No have been performed with beam energies of 219 and 223 MeV in the reaction 208Pb(48Ca,2n) at ATLAS (Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System). The 254No gamma rays were detected using the Gammasphere array as a calorimeter - as well as the usual high resolution γ-ray detector. Coincidences with evaporation residues at the Fragment Mass Analyzer focal plane separated 254No gamma rays from those from fission fragments, which are > 10^6 more intense. From this measurement, the entry distribution - i.e. the initial distribution of I and E∗ - is constructed. Each point (I,E∗) of the entry distribution is a point where gamma decay wins over fission and, therefore, gives information on the fission barrier.The measured entry distributions show an increase in the maximum spin and excitation energy from 219 to 223 MeV of beam energy. The distributions show a saturation of E∗ for high spins. The saturation is attributed to the fact that, as E∗ increases above the saddle, Γfission rapidly dominates. The resulting truncation of the entry distribution at high E∗ allows a determination of the fission barrier height.The experimental entry distributions are also compared with entry distributions calculated with decay cascade codes which take into account the full nucleus formation process, including the capture process and the subsequent survival probability as a function of E∗ and I. We used the KEWPIE2 and NRV codes to simulate the entry distribution.

Responsiveness of the Federal Health System to the Needs of 18-45 Year Old Adults With Physical Disabilities in Islamabad, Pakistan

Habibullah, Shaista 01 January 2012 (has links)
Abstract The health system has been defined as all people, institutions and resources that undertake actions with the primary intent of improving health, while responsiveness of the health system refers to its objective of responding to the legitimate expectations of the population it serves. Although responsiveness is a non-health objective of the health system, it affects the health status of the population by influencing treatment compliance, patient-provider communication and health services utilization. Furthermore, responsiveness has a fundamental value as it concerns basic human rights of the individuals being served by the health system. This study was undertaken to determine how well the Pakistani federal health system was responding to the needs of 18-45 year old adults with physical disabilities living in Islamabad, and the barriers that were hindering the government from responding to this vulnerable sub-group of the population. The study employed a qualitative approach. Data were collected through focus group discussions with 18-45 year old physically disabled consumers of healthcare in the three federal government hospitals located in Islamabad. In-depth, face-to-face interviews were conducted with health care providers, managers, policy makers, and disability rights advocates who had been operating within the same system. Results of the study indicated that the federal health system falls short in responding to the needs of a large population of physically disabled adults living in the Islamabad Capital Territory. This research has identified barriers operating at multiple levels of the health system, and within the policy making, financing and federal human resource milieu. The main barriers to responsiveness of the health system included vulnerability of persons with disabilities, lack of provider training, lack of priority accorded to issues confronting the disabled at the highest policy making levels, and the lack of a referral system. The pluralistic Pakistani culture also posed a barrier to responsiveness of the health system especially in case of women. The researcher expects this study to contribute to informed policy making and spur further research on the needs of this oft-neglected sector of the Pakistani population. The results of this study will be shared at multiple forums including top policy making levels, as well as at the level of healthcare management and provision and disability rights advocacy to address the issue holistically. This study focused on the federal health system and included only the federal government hospitals located within Islamabad. Future research may focus on responsiveness of the larger provincial health departments through quantitative as well as qualitative methods. Furthermore, the effects of responsiveness on healthcare seeking behaviors in vulnerable populations may also be studied. Larger scale studies may be undertaken to ascertain the association between responsiveness, healthcare seeking patterns and health status of the vulnerable populations. Such studies will not only contribute to the knowledge in the field but also provide much needed input for evidence-based policy making in the country.

Contribution à l'étude des gammas prompts de fission / Contribution to fission prompt gammas studies

Régnier, David 07 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a essentiellement été motivée par la montée en puissance de la thématique des échauffements nucléaires en réacteurs. Elle avait pour objectif la mise en place de méthodes permettant la simulation de l'émission des gammas prompts de fission. Pour répondre à cette attente, différents algorithmes de désexcitation d'un noyau ont été implémentés. Ils ont été testés avec succès via plusieurs calculs d'application (rapport d'embranchement isomérique, largeur radiative totale, etc). Ces méthodes ont ensuite été mises en oeuvre dans le cadre du code de fission FIFRELIN. L'outil qui en résulte, permet la détermination d'un grand nombre d'observables de fission, dans le cadre d'un modèle unique. Une étude de sensibilité des résultats à différents éléments du calcul a été réalisée. Enfin, des simulations de la fission spontanée du 252Cf, et des fissions induites par neutrons thermiques sur l' 235U et le 239Pu ont été menées. Les spectres des gammas prompts pour ces trois systèmes fissionnants ont pu être déterminés. Les résultats obtenus sont en très bon accord avec les données expérimentales disponibles, dont certaines ont été publiées récemment (2012 et 2013). / This PhD thesis has essentially been motivated by the nuclear heating problematic in reactors. The main goal of this work was the production of methods capable of simulating the prompt gamma emission from fission. First of all, several algorithms for the treatment of the nucleus deexcitation were implemented. They have been succesfully tested through various calculations (isomeric branching ratio, total radiative width, etc). These methods were then incorporated in the frame of the fission code FIFRELIN. The tool which results from this work, enables the determination of numerous fission observables in the frame of a single consistent model. A sensitivity study of the results to several numerical and nuclear models has been realized. At last, calculation have been lead for the 252Cf spontaneous fission and the thermal neutron induced fission of 235U and 239Pu. The prompt gamma spectra obtained for those three fissionning systems have been determined. The results are in good agreement with available experimental data, including recent measurements published in 2012 and 2013.

Parent Training for two Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Scaglia, Fiorella 01 May 2012 (has links)
Behavioral skills training (BST) has been widely used to effectively and quickly instruct learners with limited knowledge in behavior analytic skills. A training package composed of didactic instruction presented via PowerPoint, modeling, rehearsal, feedback and in vivo components were utilized to instruct two mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders to deliver learning trials with their child to contrive MOs to increase their manding repertoires. A multiple probe across participants design was used to assess the effects of BST on the participant's performance. Prior to the beginning of the study, participants were instructed to systematically identify child's reinforcers by delivering a paired choice preference assessment. Mothers were involved in choosing the manding targets used in the child's instruction. BST was effective in demonstrating rapid acquisition of skills taught to both mothers compared to baseline performances. Although child's behavior increased over pretest measures, it did not improve significantly due variable responding. Time constraints and child's excessive variable responding lead to termination of the study.

Angular Distribution of Prompt Photons Using the Compact Muon Solenoid Detector at √S =7 TeV

Werner, Vanessa Gaultney 14 September 2012 (has links)
The study of the angular distribution of photon plus jet events in pp collisions at √S =7 TeV with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is presented. The photon is restricted to the central region of the detector (|η| < 1.4442) while the jet is allowed to be present in both central and forward regions of CMS |η| < 2.4). Dominant backgrounds due to jets fragmenting into neutral mesons are accounted for through the use of a template method that discriminates between signal and background. The angular distribution, |η*|, is defined as the absolute value of the difference in η between the leading photon and leading jet in an event divided by two. The angular distribution ranging from 0-1.4 was examined and compared with next-to-leading order QCD predictions and was found to be in good agreement.

Farmaceuters upplevelser kring användningen av en patientaktiverande frågelista i kundmötet : en semistrukturerad intervjustudie på svenska öppenvårdsapotek

Khashi, Melina January 2021 (has links)
Abstract Mål: Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga farmaceuters upplevelser kring huruvida en frågelista (Question Prompt List, QPL) är ett användbart verktyg för att öka kommunikationen och patientaktiveringen på svenska öppenvårdsapotek. Kommunikationen på öppenvårdsapotek bör förbättras så patienter får optimal läkemedelsanvändning. Metod: Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 27 farmaceuter och två apotekarstudenter på sju olika öppenvårdsapotek i Stockholm, Uppsala och Göteborg under hösten 2020. Respondenterna bestod av 24 kvinnor och fem män som hade använt QPL:en i sitt arbete under 1-2 veckor. Intervjuerna varade mellan 6-47 minuter, median 15 minuter. Dessa transkriberades och analyserades via systematisk textkondensering (STC). Resultat: Efter STC identifierades fyra resultatkategorier; 1. Ett kommunikationsverktyg som får farmaceuterna att tänka till om sina kundmöten, 2. QPL:en var en tankeställare som kan bjuda in till samtal samt tända en och annan glödlampa hos kunderna, 3. En användbar inbjudande lista med förbättringspotential för att underlätta ytterligare för kunderna på apoteken, 4. Det är viktigt att möta och fånga upp kunden för att kunna ge den bästa servicen. Majoriteten av farmaceuterna (n=28) kan tänka sig använda QPL:en i framtiden. Tidsbrist gjorde att listan inte var användbar i alla kundmöten. QPL:en ansågs ha utvecklingspotential och farmaceuterna gav förslag på hur kommunikation på öppenvårdsapotek kan optimeras; genom exempelvis ökat engagemang från farmaceuternas sida. Slutsats: Farmaceuterna upplevde att QPL:en var användbar och fick kunderna att fråga mer, men inte vid alla kundmöten. QPL:en kan optimeras ytterligare och göras mer lättläslig. Kommunikationen på öppenvårdsapotek bör optimeras ytterligare.

Analysis of Droplet Impact on a Liquid Pool

Radhika Arvind Bhopatkar (9012413) 25 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Secondary atomization is very important in applications like IC engine and aircraft engine performance, agricultural sprays, and inkjet printing to name a few. In case of IC engines and aircraft engines, a good understanding of the modes of secondary atomization and the resultant drop size can contribute to improving the fuel injection and hence the efficiency of the engine. Similarly, with the help of appropriate secondary atomization desired agro-spray quality, ink usage and print quality can be achieved which would optimize the usage of chemicals and ink respectively and avoid any harmful effects on the environment.</p> <p> </p> <p>One of the reasons for secondary atomization that occurs very often in most of the spray applications is the drop impact on a solid or liquid surface. Especially it is cardinal to understand the impact of a drop on a liquid film since even in case of impact of liquid drops on a solid surface ultimately the drops that are injected at a later time are going have a target surface as a thin liquid film on the solid base due to the accumulation of the previously injected drops. Analysis of drop impact on a liquid film with non-dimensional thickness ranging from 0.1 to 1 has been done thoroughly before (Cossali <i>et al.,</i> 2004, Vander Waal <i>et al.,</i> 2006, Moreira <i>et al.,</i> 2010), however, analysis of drop impact on a liquid film with non-dimensional thickness greater than 1 is still in a rudimentary stage. This work focuses on determining the probability density functions for the secondary drop sizes for drops produced in case of drop impact on a liquid film while varying the h/d ratio beyond 1. The experimental set-up used to study drop impact includes a droplet generator and DIH system as mentioned in, Yao <i>et al.</i> (2017). The DIH set-up includes a CW laser, spatial filter, beam expander and a collimator as adapted from Guildenbecher <i>et al.</i> (2016). The height of drop impact is varied to vary the impact <i>We</i>, by adjusting the syringe height. Three fluids- DI-Water, ethanol and glycerol are tested for examining the effect of viscosity on the resultant drop sizes. Results are plotted with respect to viscosity, impact <i>We</i> and the non-dimensional film thickness, as the fragmentation of drops is directly associated to these parameters. Results indicate that majority of the secondary droplets lie in the size range of 25 µm to 50 µm. It is also observed that the tendency of secondary atomization from crown splashing increases with the increase in <i>We</i> and decreases with increase in <i>Oh.</i></p>

Remediation of Prompt Dependence to Promote Independent Skill Acquisition for Children Clinically Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Lasley, Julianne 31 December 2015 (has links)
Prompt dependence can be a serious problem for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disabilities. The ability to perform skills independently is important for a high-quality life and assimilation in the community among many other things. Assessments of instructional strategies may be an effective tool for identifying instructional strategies that decrease one’s reliance on prompts. An alternating treatment design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of an assessment of instructional strategies on independent responses during auditory-visual discrimination tasks. Assessment conditions included positional prompt, gestural prompt, physical prompt, and identity matching to sample. The most effective instructional strategy was identified as the strategy that corresponded to quickest acquisition of independent responses. Results of the assessment demonstrated differences in individual learning patterns for each of the 3 participants. However, the differences observed in the assessment among instructional strategies were not significant. Implications of these results do suggest to educators that conducting an assessment of instructional strategies may be a useful strategy for identifying differences in learning patterns. Limitations and directions for future research are also discussed.

Detecting Plagiarism with ChatGPT Using Prompt Engineering / Upptäcka Plagiering med ChatGPT med Hjälp av Promptkonstruktion

Biörck, Johann, Eriksson, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Prompt engineering is the craft of designing prompts in order to get desired answers from language models such as ChatGPT. This thesis investigates how ChatGPT, specifically GPT-4, can be used to detect plagiarism in simple programming exercises. We used a dataset containing seven different original solutions for programming tasks. Every programming task also contained solutions that were plagiarizing the original as well as solutions that did not plagiarize the original. After testing various different prompts on a subset of the dataset, four different prompts were tested on the majority of the dataset. Three of the prompts produced unreliable results to the point that simply guessing whether or not the task solutions were plagiarized would have frequently been more accurate. The fourth prompt was more accurate although still not accurate enough for it to be recommended to use ChatGPT in order to identify plagiarism. / Promptkonstruktion (prompt engineering) är konsten att skapa instruktioner som ger bästa möjliga svar från språkmodeller (language models) såsom ChatGPT. Denna avhandling undersöker hur ChatGPT kan användas för att upptäcka plagiat i enkla programmeringsuppgifter. Vi använde ett dataset som innehåller sju olika originallösningar på enkla programmeringsuppgifter. Varje programmeringsuppgift har plagierade lösningar som löser samma uppgift och icke-plagierade lösningar som också löser samma uppgift. Efter att ha testat olika instruktioner med ChatGPT på en liten delmängd av datasetet, testades fyra olika instruktioner på majoriteten av datasetet. Tre av instruktionerna gav opålitliga resultat till den grad att det ofta skulle gett ett bättre resultat att gissa om lösningarna var plagierade eller inte. Den fjärde instruktionen gav bättre resultat, men fortfarande inte tillräckligt bra för att rekommendera att använda ChatGPT för att identifiera plagiat.

Statistische Modellierung der Prompt Gamma-Ray Timing Methode für die Verifikation der Protonentherapie

Wiedkamp, Julia 09 December 2021 (has links)
Das Prompt Gamma-Ray Timing (PGT) ist eine vielversprechende Methode für die in vivo Reichweite-Verifikation in der Protonentherapie. Dabei wird mit unkollimierten Szintillationsdetektoren die Zeit-Verteilung prompter Gammastrahlung, in der die Protonenreichweite enthalten ist, gemessen. In dieser Arbeit wurden PGT-Spektren einer Bestrahlung eines Plastikphantoms mit verschiedenen Dicken an Luftkavitäten analysiert. Neben der Optimierung der Datenverarbeitung wurden Methoden für die Selektion statistischer Parameter implementiert und die resultierenden linearen Modelle mit denen der bisher verwendeten Parameter verglichen. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss der Spotakkumulation und die Energieabhängigkeit der Modelle untersucht. Nachdem die Datenverarbeitung optimiert werden konnte, zeigte der Vergleich der Modelle eine deutlich bessere Vorhersage der neu entwickelten Modelle (R2 > 0;5) im Vergleich zu den bisher verwendeten Modellen (R2 < 0;1), wobei eine weitere Verbesserung durch die Akkumulation von Spots erreicht werden konnte (R2 > 0;9). Weiterhin zeigte die Parameterselektion eine deutlich bessere Vorhersagekraft der energiespezifischen (RMSE < 1;8 mm) gegenüber den energieunabhängigen Modellen (RMSE > 3 mm). Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse leisten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur klinischen Implementierung der PGT-Methode. / Prompt Gamma-Ray Timing (PGT) is a promising method for in vivo range verification in proton therapy. The distribution of prompt gamma radiation, in which the proton range is encoded, is measured in a time-resolved manner with uncollimated scintillation detectors. In this work, PGT spectra acquired during irradiation of a plastic phantom with air cavities of different thicknesses were analyzed. In addition to the optimization of the data processing, methods for parameter selection were implemented and the resulting linear models were compared with those of previously used parameters. In addition, the influence of a spot accumulation and the energy dependency of the models were examined. After the data preprocessing could be optimized, the newly developed models showed a strongly improved predictive power (R2 > 0;5) compared to the previously used models (R2 < 0;1) and a further improvement could be achieved by the accumulation of spots (R2 > 0;9). In addition the parameter selection showed better predictive power of the energy-specific models (RMSE < 1;8 mm) compared to the energy-independent models (RMSE > 3 mm). The knowledge gained can contribute to the clinical implementation of the PGT method.

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