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La Gestion Intégrée des Zones Côtières (GIZC) confrontée aux dynamiques territoriales dans le bassin d'Arcachon et sur la côte picardeBawedin, Vincent 31 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La Gestion Intégrée des Zones Côtières (GIZC) est un concept relativement récent en France, venu des Etats-Unis et arrivé dans l'hexagone via l'Europe. Il succède à une politique protectionniste, longtemps basée sur une approche naturaliste. La prise en compte des aspects économiques, sociologiques, biologiques mais aussi démocratiques, pédagogiques et politiques, ainsi que des interrelations entre réseaux d'acteurs qu'il implique en fait un outil de gestion des territoires nécessaire à l'heure du développement durable ; ces deux notions étant d'ailleurs proches. Les espaces littoraux, sources de nombreuses convoitises et de conflits d'usage induits, se prêtent particulièrement à l'étude de la gestion intégrée. Les deux espaces choisis, le bassin d'Arcachon et le littoral picard, présentent une identité forte en raison des activités traditionnelles qui les caractérisent. Ils sont également soumis à des dynamiques naturelles qui influent sur leur gestion – et réciproquement –. L'érosion du trait de côte comme l'accrétion les concernent. Ce n'est pas un hasard si tous deux, de façon distincte, ont été lauréats de l'appel à projets lancé par la DATAR et le SG Mer en 2005 consacré à la GIZC. Grâce à un va-et-vient permanent entre aspects théoriques et aspects pratiques de gestion des pouvoirs publics sur le terrain, entre échelles temporelle (historique et prospective) et spatiale (du global au local), nous analysons, par le biais d'une démarche holistique, les facteurs qui ont incité à la mise en place d'une GIZC sur ces deux espaces. Les différentes initiatives entreprises – abouties pour certaines – ainsi que les modes de gouvernance choisis, qui font apparaître des enjeux de pouvoir, y sont étudiés. Une évaluation de ces politiques publiques, avec des critères existants (Commission Environnement Littoral, Institut Français de l'Environnement), est opérée. A la lumière des faiblesses mises en évidence, tant dans les choix de gestion que dans les indicateurs utilisés, des pistes pour une autre gouvernance sont proposées. Ce travail place le chercheur en géographie dans un rôle d'interpellation de la puissance publique, mais aussi de proposition. Cette prise en compte du monde de la recherche par les « décideurs » étant elle-même une des caractéristiques de politiques qui se prévalent de gestion intégrée des zones côtières... .
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La ville nouvelle de Marne-la-Vallée et son insertion dans la dynamique francilienne : évaluation des enjeux du renforcement de la structure polycentrique sur les systèmes de déplacementsAw, Thierno 06 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Pour planifier le devenir d'un territoire, il est classique de projeter l'évolution de l'usage du sol et du système de transport. La projection est fondée sur le principe que les lieux d'activités, selon leurs fonctions urbaines respectives, sont en relations de complémentarité : cette complémentarité induit des besoins de déplacements, lesquels se concrétisent en des flux de transport. Souvent les projections sont réalisées de manière séparée par grand domaine, occupation des sols d'une part et transport de l'autre, or il y a des interactions. La politique polycentrique poursuivie depuis plus d'une génération en région francilienne part de cette volonté de répartition spatiale optimale des activités humaines avec la création des Villes Nouvelles. Leur localisation dans des zones préférentielles d'extension urbaine desservies par des axes structurants de transports devait apporter une cohérence d'ensemble à la région urbaine et contribuer efficacement à une meilleure gestion des flux de déplacements à la fois en termes de structure géographique, pour limiter la congestion en direction du centre, et de répartition modale en faveur des transports collectifs. L'analyse récente des données d'occupation des sols comme celle des comportements de mobilité tend à confirmer que l'Ile-de- France reste encore caractérisée par une forme urbaine à dominante monocentrique. Le niveau de masse et de centralité défini dans le schéma initial d'aménagement n'a pas été atteint pour les " centres urbains nouveaux ", la dépendance au cœur de l'agglomération est toujours vérifiée, et la voiture particulière reste privilégiée comme mode de déplacement. Pour vérifier la capacité de la forme urbaine polycentrique à favoriser une mobilité durable, notre thèse prospecte deux partis d'aménagement pour la période 2004-2030, tous deux favorisant la densification de l'agglomération mais l'un de manière homogène et l'autre de manière ciblée, orientant davantage la localisation des activités humaines dans les grands pôles d'urbanisation. Dans cet objectif, nous avons simulé de manière intégrée l'usage du sol et les transports en mobilisant le modèle d'offre de transport et de demande de déplacements de la DRIEA-IDF, et une méthode de projection démographique spatialisée basée sur le modèle OMPHALE de l'INSEE et ajoutant une focalisation par sous-ensemble territorial. Dans ces conditions, nous avons montré que l'évolution démographique prévue d'ici 2030, canalisée dans l'espace selon une logique de densification, devrait permettre un renforcement de la centralité urbaine dans les grands pôles d'aménagement que sont les Villes Nouvelles, avec une intensification de la cohérence urbaine entre les domiciles et les emplois, une réduction des distances moyennes entre domicile et travail, une proportion accrue de déplacements effectués par des modes non motorisés, et une amélioration de la performance territoriale des réseaux de transport. Ces effets seraient plus forts avec le scénario de densification ciblée qu'avec celui de densification homogène. Les transformations dans la structure des interactions spatiales et dans les besoins de déplacement, couplées au développement programmé des réseaux routiers et collectifs de transport , mais confrontées à l'accroissement démographique, sembleraient permettre de maintenir la qualité de service pour les modes individuels de transport. Cette stabilisation reposerait notamment sur un recours accru aux voies rapides urbaines. Dans le scénario de densification ciblée, l'emprise du trafic routier sur le reste du réseau pourrait même décroître quelque peu dans certains secteurs, permettant de mieux y répartir la capacité viaire en faveur des circulations douces. Le développement démographique et le maintien de la qualité de service en transport concourraient à améliorer non seulement les centralités secondaires donc l'accessibilité dans un cadre de proximité, mais encore les effectifs de population susceptibles d'atteindre une destination en un temps limité, ou le nombre d'emplois pouvant être visés depuis un lieu de domicile.
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L'impact de l'aéroport Notre-Dame-Des-Landes sur le devenir des relations entre Nantes et Rennes : étude prospective à l'aide de la théorie des jeuxCarrard, Michel 18 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le statut du futur aéroport NDDL n'a pas été tranché au cours du Débat public. Si bien que deux scenarii sont possibles dont les conséquences pour les collectivités concernées sont opposées. Dans le premier, la plate-forme devient le plus grand aéroport de l'Ouest. Ce scénario renvoie à la poursuite de l'existant où la concurrence aéroportuaire est une déclinaison de la concurrence territoriale. Dans le second, NDDL devient l'aéroport du Grand Ouest. Ce scénario marque une rupture car il suppose la coordination des stratégies aéroportuaires. La question du statut du futur aéroport sera au final le résultat d'un processus interactionnel entre les collectivités. La théorie des jeux, qui décrit la manière dont des individus rationnels se comportent dans des situations d'interdépendance, va nous permettre d'analyser les relations entre Nantes et Rennes. Cependant, la théorie des jeux, lorsqu'elle est appliquée à une situation réelle, a un statut ambigu. Si certains privilégient son caractère positif d'autres soulignent son caractère normatif. L'objectif retenu dans ce travail relève de la modélisation réflexive qui vise à appliquer des modèles simples afin d'aider le décideur à clarifier ses choix stratégiques. La dimension heuristique est essentielle. En outre, il existe une proximité entre certains concepts de la théorie des jeux et ceux de la prospective. Aussi, une lecture prospectiviste pourra-t-elle être attachée aux résultats de ce travail
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住院病人病種費用及其影響因素分析 / Diagnosis related groups payment and its impact analysis for inpatients姚驥如 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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Essays on Economic Voting, Cognitive Dissonance, and TrustElinder, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
Essay 1: (with Henrik Jordahl and Panu Poutvaara) We present and test a theory of prospective and retrospective pocketbook voting. Focusing on two large reforms in Sweden, we establish a causal chain from policies to sizeable individual gains and losses and then to voting. The Social Democrats proposed budget cuts affecting parents with young children before the 1994 election, but made generous promises to the same group before the 1998 election. Since parents with older children were largely unaffected we use a difference-in-differences strategy for identification. We find clear evidence of prospective pocketbook voting. Voters respond to campaign promises but not to the later implementation of the reforms. / Essay 2: This essay presents a detailed analysis of voters' response to municipality and regional level unemployment and economic growth, in Swedish general elections from 1985 to 2002, using data on 284 municipalities and 9 regions. The preferred specification suggests that an increase in regional growth or a reduction in regional unemployment by one percentage point is associated with an increase in the support for the national government by about 0.6 and 1.0 percentage points. Changes in unemployment and growth at the municipality level seem to have muchsmaller effects on government support. / Essay 3: One prediction from cognitive dissonance theory is that the act of voting makes people more positive toward the party or candidate they have voted for. Following Mullainathan and Washington (2008), I test this prediction by using exogenous variation in turnout provided by the voting age restriction. I improve on previous studies by investigating political attitudes, measured just before elections, when they are highly predictive of voting. In contrast to earlier studies I find no effect of voting on political attitudes. This result holds for a variety of political attitudes and data from both Sweden and the United States. / Essay4: (with Niclas Berggren and Henrik Jordahl) We conduct an extensive robustness analysis of the relationship between trust and growth by investigating a later time period and a bigger sample than in previous studies. In addition to robustness tests that focus on model uncertainty, we systematize the investigation of outlier influence on the results by using the robust estimation technique Least Trimmed Squares. We find that when outliers (especially China) are removed, the trust-growth relationship is no longer robust. On average, the trust coefficient is half as large as in previous findings.
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Placental Size Is Associated with Mental Health in Children and AdolescentsKhalife, Natasha, Glover, Vivette, Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa, Taanila, Anja, Ebeling, Hanna, Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta, Rodriguez, Alina January 2012 (has links)
Background: The role of the placenta in fetal programming has been recognized as a highly significant, yet often neglected area of study. We investigated placental size in relation to psychopathology, in particular attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms, in children at 8 years of age, and later as adolescents at 16 years. Methodology/Principal Findings: Prospective data were obtained from The Northern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC) 1986. Placental weight, surface area and birth weight were measured according to standard procedures, within 30 minutes after birth. ADHD symptoms, probable psychiatric disturbance, antisocial disorder and neurotic disorder were assessed at 8 years (n = 8101), and ADHD symptoms were assessed again at 16 years (n = 6607), by teachers and parents respectively. We used logistic regression analyses to investigate the association between placental size and mental health outcomes, and controlled for gestational age, birth weight, socio-demographic factors and medical factors, during gestation. There were significant positive associations between placental size (weight, surface area and placental-to-birth-weight ratio) and mental health problems in boys at 8 and 16 years of age. Increased placental weight was linked with overall probable psychiatric disturbance (at 8y, OR = 1.14 [95% CI = 1.04-1.25]), antisocial behavior (at 8 y, OR = 1.14 [95% CI = 1.03-1.27]) and ADHD symptoms (inattention-hyperactivity at 16y, OR = 1.19 [95% CI = 1.02-1.38]). No significant associations were detected among girls. Conclusions/Significance: Compensatory placental growth may occur in response to prenatal insults. Such overgrowth may affect fetal development, including brain development, and ultimately contribute to psychopathology.
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Stomatite prothétique, candidose orale et leur évolution dans le tempsSavignac, Katia 07 1900 (has links)
Objectifs: Observer l’évolution de la stomatite prothétique dans le temps quant à la fréquence et la sévérité ainsi que son association avec de potentiels facteurs de risque au cours d’un suivi longitudinal de 2 ans.
Matériels et méthodes : Cent trente-cinq patients âgés complètement édentés et en bonne santé ont été sélectionnés pour participer à cette étude et ont été divisés de façon randomisée en deux groupes. Ils ont tous reçu une prothèse dentaire amovible totale conventionnelle au maxillaire supérieur. La moitié d’entre eux a reçu une prothèse totale mandibulaire implanto-portée retenue par deux attachements boule et l’autre moitié une prothèse conventionnelle. Ils ont été suivis sur une période de deux ans. Les données sociodémographiques, d’habitudes de vie, d’hygiène et de satisfaction des prothèses ont été amassées à l’aide de questionnaires. Les patients ont aussi subi un examen oral complet lors duquel une évaluation de la stomatite prothétique, basée sur la classification de Newton, a été effectuée ainsi qu’un prélèvement de la plaque prothétique. Les analyses microbiologiques pertinentes afin de détecter la présence de Candida ont ensuite été effectuées. Des tests Chi-carré de Pearson et McNemar ont été utilisés pour analyser la fréquence de la stomatite, son association avec de possibles facteurs de risque ainsi que son évolution dans le temps. Des rapports de cotes (odds ratio) et leurs intervalles de confiance (95%) ont été effectués afin de déterminer la force d’association entre les facteurs de risque et la stomatite prothétique.
Résultats : La prévalence de la stomatite a augmenté entre la première (63,6%) et la deuxième année de suivi (88,7%) avec une incidence de 78,8%. Les patients souffrant d’une stomatite de type 2 ou 3 et qui brossent leur palais ont environ 6 fois plus de chance de voir la sévérité de leur stomatite diminuer [p = 0,04 OR 5,88 CI (1,1-32,2)]. Il n’y a pas d’association statistiquement significative entre la fréquence de la stomatite et les facteurs de risque investigués. La prévalence de la candidose est demeurée stable dans le temps (45,8% et 49,2% à la première et deuxième année de suivi respectivement, p > 0,05). Il n’y a pas d’association entre la présence d’une candidose orale, la stomatite prothétique et les facteurs de risque étudiés.
Conclusion : Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que la stomatite prothétique progresse dans le temps indépendamment de la présence d’une candidose. Le brossage du palais pourrait être une approche simple à conseiller aux patients souffrant d’une stomatite prothétique de type 2 ou 3. / Objectives: To assess the evolution of denture stomatitis in term of frequency and severity and its association with potential risk factors over a two-year period.
Methods: One hundred thirty five healthy edentulous elders who were randomly rehabilitated with a maxillary complete denture opposed by a conventional denture or an implant-supported overdenture retained by two ball attachments were followed over two years. Demographic and clinical data concerning oral and general health, smoking, denture status and hygienic habits were obtained from oral examination and standard questionnaires. Denture stomatitis was evaluated according to Newton’s classification. Microbiological analyses consist of detection of Candida species in denture plaque and inoculation in selective growth medium. Pearson Chi-square and McNemar tests were used to analyse the frequency of denture stomatitis, its association with potential risk factors and it’s evolution over time. Odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals were calculated to determine the strength of association between risk factors and denture stomatitis.
Results: The prevalence of denture stomatitis increased between the first (63.6%) and second year follow-up (88.7%) with an incidence rate of 78.8%. Those individuals suffering from type 2 or type 3 denture stomatitis and who brushed their palate had approximately 6 times more chance of observing a decrease in the severity of their condition [p=0.04 OR 5.88 CI (1.1-32.2)]. There was no statistically significant association between the frequency of denture stomatitis and classical risk factors at both follow-ups. The carriage rate of Candida species remained stable over time (45.8% and 49.2% first and second year of follow-up consecutively, p > 0.05). There was no association between the presence of oral candidiosis and denture stomatitis or its potential risk factors.
Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that denture stomatitis progresses overtime independent of Candida carriage. Palatal brushing could be a preventive approach to minimise the inflammation in individuals suffering from type 2 or type 3 denture stomatitis.
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Approaching Mathematical Discourse : Two analytical frameworks and their relation to problem solving interactionsRyve, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
The driving force of conducting the two studies presented in this thesis is to examine ways that conceptual understanding and problem solving could be part of mathematics teaching, and through that, part of students' mathematical knowledge. The specific aims of the thesis are: 1) to characterize the classroom discourse of two, apparently similar, problem solving courses in teacher education and 2) to discuss the possibilities of developing two analytical approaches - the communicational approach to cognition and the dialogical approach - used for studying mathematical discourse. The two aims are elaborated on by means of data collected through audiotaped recordings and field notes from observations of problem-solving activities in engineering and teacher education. In relation to the first aim, the analysis of the classroom discourse within the two courses makes it clear that both courses displayed different kinds of discourse that could be broadly categorized in terms of: subject-oriented, didactically oriented, and problem solving oriented discourses. However, the comparisons between the two courses reveal a marked difference in the distribution of these categories of discourse. It is suggested that the introduction of explicit conceptual frameworks in teaching is of crucial importance for the topical focus of the classroom discourse, and for prospective teachers' opportunity to engage in mathematical productive discourse. The analyses of the two approaches for studying mathematical discourse reveal that the two frameworks can be further developed and the study also indicates ways in which such development can be achieved using a theory of contextualization and theories of mathematical learning. Finally, the thesis discusses theoretical and practical implications of the results, foregrounding issues of importance for the research on mathematical discourse, and for teachers and teacher educators involved in designing instructions for mathematical problem solving.
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Management strategies for effective social justice practice in schools / Idilette van Deventer née KirchnerVan Deventer, Idilette January 2013 (has links)
Research problem: This research focused on the following problem statement: What management strategies can be developed and used to advance effective social justice practice in schools?
Research aims: Arising from the problem question, the research aims were firstly to determine theoretically, the nature of social justice (Chapter Two) and secondly to identify and analyse theoretically, the determinants that contribute to social justice practices (Chapter Three). This was done by means of a comprehensive literature review. The third aim was to qualitatively analyse effective social justice praxis in selected schools in the North-West and Western Cape Provinces (Chapter Four and Five). From the analysis and literature review, management strategies for effective social justice practice in schools (Chapter Six) were developed as part of the empirical investigation.
Research methodology: The empirical investigation realised the third aim, to analyse qualitatively effective social justice praxis in selected schools by means of individual and focus group interviews which were based on the philosophical paradigm of a constructivist-grounded theory and a hermeneutic, phenomenological methodology that enabled me to listen and be part of the discursive portrayals of the participant-principals’ effective social justice praxis. The qualitative data collection and methodology entailed considerations with regard to ethical conduct between myself and the role-players, i.e. the researcher, the Ethics Committee (NWU Faculty of Education Sciences), the role of departmental officials, the role of participant principals, and documentation used. Attention was paid to determine the target population, participant and sample selection from the North-West and Western Cape provinces in accordance with predetermined criteria. These criteria were, inter alia, that these principals would: have a proven track record to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of justice and social justice; would adhere to and implement legal determinants of social justice praxis with regard to the constitutional values and human rights; provide proven evidence of social justice praxis as equality, human dignity and freedom; implement political imperatives such as the Manifesto on Values, Education for All; acknowledge the need for fair distribution and educational transformation; provide a moral basis for recognition, identity formation and social justice praxis; apply a deliberative democratic praxis; promote accountability, school achievement, and as prospective and transformative leaders believe in and practice an embracing social justice.
The researcher prepared the necessary documentation, the interview protocol and interview schedule to enter the field, as well as entering the field of research (principals at schools and district offices) to conduct and record the interviews which she afterwards transcribed. The method of qualitative data analysis included three phases: Phase I that considered the first hearing-reading, Atlas.ti™ dry-run and initial code-lists; Phase II, the translation processes, and Phase III, the abstraction and crystallisation processes. The criteria for soundness were established in the account of authentic validity and credibility of the study.
The collected qualitative data was analysed by means of the Atlas.ti™ software programme as a result of which seven themes and three sub-themes for each theme emerged. These themes were the principal and social justice praxis, learners, education in general, constitutional values, educational partners, the government and political establishments, and social justice: its ontology and praxis.
Development of management strategies: Education is about understanding and this study presented those management strategies that culminated in answers to the fundamental question: “What management strategies can be developed and used to advance effective social justice practice in schools?”
The development of management strategies are the result of the literature review and the empirical investigation. The strategy development process consisted of a three-phase strategy framework: strategy planning (aims and objectives), strategy implementation (action plan and persons), and strategy evaluation. From this process, seven aims were developed in accordance with the seven identified themes: the principal, the learners, education in general, Constitutional values, partners in education, government, political and union matters, and the ontology and praxis of social justice. These management strategies include inter alia: • Optimising the school principal’s virtues of responsibility, authenticity and presence as gemeinschaft (community) relationships to ensure effective social justice praxis (§5.2). • Inculcate a disciplined school environment for learners to embrace human diversity and dignity, democracy, and Ubuntu-principles (§5.3) to optimise effective social justice praxis. • Influence education in general - system and structures - to optimise effective social justice praxis (§5.4). • Foster constitutional values and human rights as effective social justice praxis (§5.5). • Establish a social justice culture amongst educational partners who are essential to school development and governance to optimise effective social justice praxis (§5.6). • Convince government and union officials and influence political matters to serve the best interest of the child (§5.7) to ensure social justice praxis. • Actualise management strategies for social justice praxis that epitomise compassion, love, care and human rights in a participative and respectful environment (§5.8). • These management strategies were described as techniques or aims, objectives and action steps to provide answers to the questions where and how, which determined on which level or levels these strategies were to be performed.
Main findings: • At a conceptual and a theoretical level:
Conceptually and theoretically this study established, for the first time, specific determinants of social justice praxis (Chapters Two and Three) and its management. This contribution is found in the syntheses that followed each conceptual discussion of justice (§2.2.7) and social justice (§2.3.4), as well as the syntheses and evaluation of these determinants (§3.2-§3.4) for social justice praxis. These determinants may be regarded as an attempt at purified, cleansed theorising with respect to social justice praxis.
This study found that social justice does exist in the hearts of the principals who took part in this study and that social justice belongs to all learners, to all of humanity, whoever they are or whatever their circumstances may be. Social justice is, essentially, embodied and lived love-in-practice towards all. However, the effectiveness of social justice praxis is usually determined by pragmatic circumstances that dictate the scale and scope of its efficacy.
This study found that social justice praxis in schools should deviate from a mere legalistic or juridical notion because it progressed beyond the conceptual boundaries and theoretical limits of juristic thinking towards an attempt at linking social justice praxis to a humanising pedagogy. As a consequence, social justice in this research cuts across all man-made barriers: it has become a prospective notion that reflects its restorative and transformational nature and role. • At a strategic level: Strategically, this research found that the possibility of various cycles of action research in schools as well as in higher education institutions exists. The seven themes could be viewed in isolation, but if regarded, as found in this research, as seven levels that build upon each other and whose strengths or weaknesses are interdependent, it becomes self-evident that social justice forms the basis of cohesive and holistic social justice praxis. The seven strategies (§5.2-§5.8) developed in this research may, in future, inform research and praxis in schools and higher learning institutions in order to confirm or refute the theory presented herewith. • At policy-making level:
This study has implications for policy design and management development, not only at basic education level, but also at national level. This study found that social justice specifically, has neither adequately, nor officially been addressed in relevant policies. If policy amendments were to be made and management strategies for social justice praxis in schools become an essential part of national policy, it will have implications at the level of further professional development of school principals, such as the current ACE School Leadership Programme. In addition, teachers’ in-service professional development will have to include these management strategies in the offering of short courses. Furthermore curriculum changes will have to follow to incorporate pre-service or initial training programmes of Higher Education institutions that offer teacher training programmes which may have a snowball effect at provincial and school curricula levels. Another important finding of this research is that, in future, the binding agent amongst schools may yet prove to be social justice and not geo-social and/or socio-economic markers, as is the case at present. In this manner social justice may become a lived curriculum that will permeate the entire education system in South Africa, but more so, will permeate the school culture of every school.
Recommendations: A management strategy for effective social justice praxis in schools should be developed at national level but specifically to schools should be tailor-made for each school, because social justice praxis becomes visible in the acts of individual men and women, girls and boys, who regard the other as equally well as the self and therefore the following recommendations are important: • Continuous professional development of principals and teachers. • The right to education and its praxis to ensure the best interest of the child should be incorporated in the Life Orientation curriculum. • Have a collective vision of schools that truly strive, cherish and inculcate a pedagogy of social justice praxis to ensure that education is life-generating, life engendering, causing life or life awakening (onderwys is lewe wek). • Fairness as a moral construct should be visible in institutions where values of fairness, equality and social justice permeate the institution and provide a moral and structural frame for judgements based on the principle of fiduciary trust. • Schools should become community hubs as centrifugal force that embraces views on African culture, Ubuntu principles and Indigenous Knowledge Systems. • Create district-wide power teams that will train teachers in positive conduct as well as assist and provide interventions. • Principals and teachers have to take responsibility and agency for social justice pedagogy. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Using a modelling task to Elicit Reasoning about dataWessels, Helena 20 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
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