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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environnement de programmation parallèle: application au langage Prolog

Morel, Eric 14 November 1996 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente l'étude de l'implantation d'un système Prolog parallèle sur une architecture sans mémoire commune dans le cadre du projet PLoSys (Parallel Logic System). L'exécution exploite le parallélisme de manière implicite. Le système repose sur un modèle OU multiséquentiel. Le partage de l'état d'exécution est assuré par copie des données. Le langage Prolog supporté est complet, et intègre les effets de bord classiques du langage. La gestion parallèle fait l'objet d'une étude complète pour préserver la compatibilité avec l'exécution séquentielle du langage Prolog. En particulier, une méthode originale est présentée pour la gestion parallèle des effets de bord. Enfin, ce document présente la réalisation d'un prototype portable, ainsi que l'analyse des résultats obtenus

SILICIEL : Contributions à l'architecture des cicuits intégrés at à la compilation du silicium

Schoellkopf, Jean-Pierre 22 April 1985 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente des contributions dans les domaines de l'architecture des ordinateurs réalisés sous la forme d'un Circuit Intégré. Un assembleur de silicium, appelé LUBRICK, permet de décrire, dans un langage de programmation, la constitution d'un assemblage hiérarchisé de cellules pour réaliser la description complète des masques d'un Circuit Intégré. La compilation du silicium, discipline qui consiste à déduire les masques d'un circuit en partant d'une description fonctionnelle, est ici abordée sous un angle pratique, avec la présentation d'un compilateur prototype d'une forme de partie contrôle et des présentations de modèles topologiques de parties opératives et de parties contrôle qui servent de cible au compilateur

Correction et traitement d'images des circuits VLSI issues d'un microscope électronique à balayage

Zolghadrasli, Alireza 22 April 1985 (has links) (PDF)
La croissance de la complexité des Circuits Intégrés (CI) conduit à rechercher de nouveaux outils pour la mise au point de CI prototypes. La possibilité de «voir travailler» un circuit en utilisant un Microscopie Electronique à Balayage (MEB) exploité en mode de contraste de potentiel semble être une (la) solution possible. Ce contexte permet en effet de relever les états logiques et électriques au niveau des composants internes (transistors). Les zones à analyser sont choisies par le concepteur, soit sur l'image observée soit à partir de sa description issue des outils de CAO. Dans ce cadre sont présentés ici: le contexte des travaux: l'outil d'Analyse des CI par Microscopie Electronique; l'étude des déformations géométriques et optiques des images obtenues; une proposition de solution en vue de permettre une corrélation entre l'image des circuits et leur description

Analyse de défaillances de circuits VLSI par microscopie électronique à balayage

Bergher, Laurent 07 June 1985 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse concerne l'analyse de défaillances de circuits VLSI et plus particulièrement la détection de défauts sur des circuits (microprocesseurs) à structure non connue. Une méthodologie basée sur balayage fonctionnant en contraste de potentiel est proposée. Les différents outils nécessaires à la mise en œuvre de cette méthodologie sont ensuite développés. les principaux résultats obtenus sont exposés, résultats permettant de démontrer la faisabilité de cette méthodologie. Une deuxième partie décrit un dispositif original de formation et de mémorisation d'images à semi-conducteur réalisable en technologie MOS. Les principales caractéristiques de ce capteur sont présentées ainsi que les résultats de mesures effectuées sur un circuit prototype. Enfin des améliorations de ce dispositif sont proposés

Projet ACIME : analyse des circuits intégrés par microscopie électronique (ACIME project: integrated circuit analysis by electronic microscopy)

Laurent, Jacques 22 October 1984 (has links) (PDF)
L'accroissement de la densité d'intégration des circuits intégrés exige des moyens de contrôle d'une extrème précision. La microscopie électronique à balayage en contraste de potentiel convient particulièrement. La thèse présente tous les aspects: organisation, observabilité, méthodes d'observation, modes de traitement et les applications à la mise au point de circuits prototypes, l'analyse des défaillances, le contrôle de qualité, la recherche des limites de fonctionnement, la restructuration. Discussion de la nécessité du développement de méthodologies d'utilisation

A contextual analysis of compound nouns in Shona lexicography

Mheta, Gift January 2011 (has links)
This research is in the area of lexicography and investigates the relationship between Shona terminology development and the culture of the language community for which the terminology is intended. It is a contextual analysis of compound nouns found in Shona terminological dictionaries. The study specifically explores how lexicographers together with health, music, language and literature specialists make use of their knowledge about Shona cultural contexts in the creation of compound nouns. Thus, this research foregrounds Shona socio-cultural contexts and meaning generation in terminology development. This study employs a quadruple conceptual framework. The four components of the framework that are utilised are the Traditional Descriptive Approach (TDA), Cognitive Approach (CG), Systemic Functional Approach (SFL), and Semiotic Remediation (SRM). TDA is used in the linguistic categorisation of Shona compound nouns. In addition, it provides the metalanguage with which to describe the constituent parts of Shona compound nouns. As TDA is mainly confined to the linguistic dimension, this research employs CG, SFL, and SRM to explore the cultural and socio-cognitive dimensions of terminology development.

Great men and charming creatures : on male and female terms in eighteenth century novels

Wallin-Ashcroft, Anna-Lena January 2000 (has links)
A corpus of terms for human beings collected from 18th century novels is studied from a broad sociolinguistic perspective. A summary of recent linguistic theories and a survey of 18th century culture and society are provided as background. The basic assumption is that the meaning of words is dependent on human beings and their society and that shifts in meaning are linked to changes in attitudes, culture and social structure. Terms used for men and women therefore mirror the concepts of 'male' and 'female' in a society. Gender differences found in various semantic fields are presented and discussed. Prototypes for certain terms are suggested by means of frame analysis. Sense developments are traced and related to societal changes. Differences in male and female usage are discussed. The findings are analyzed in terms of the following contrasts within the concepts of 'male' and 'female': spirit/matter; power/dependency; active/passive; varied/limited. / digitalisering@umu

Utveckling av en universell laddare / Development of a universal charger

Sahlberg, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka möjligheterna att utveckla, producera och lansera en ny universell laddare. Målet har varit att kunna ladda så många modeller av så många produkter som möjligt, vilket innefattar mobiltelefoner, kameror, datorer och MP3-spelare etc. Arbetet skulle leda fram till ett förslag på produkt. Genom att undersöka befintliga patent och produkter, har marknaden granskats och slutsatsen är att det finns en uppsjö av universella laddare på marknaden. Dock finns det få produkter som inger säkerhet, möjliggör multipel laddning och som är stationära. Dessa egenskaper blev grundstenar i den kravspecifikation som utarbetades. Genom en teknisk analys och kundundersökning sammanställdes ytterligare viktiga parametrar. Resultatet blev en stationär produkt som kan ladda både en bärbar dator och flera mindre elektroniska produkter. Genom att använda en metod som i rapporten betecknas tappteknik kan rätt laddningsförhållande garanteras. Med hjälp av en mikroprocessor och produktspecifika tappar eller ändadaptrar kan laddning av i princip alla sorters produkter och modeller ske. Arbetet har även innefattat konstruktion, CAD och prototypframtagning. / The purpose with this thesis work has been to investigate the possibilities to develop, manufacture and introduce a new universal charger. The aim has been to be able to charge as many models of as many different products as possible, including cell phones, cameras, laptops, MP3-players etc. The work would lead to a product proposal. By an examination of existing patents and products, has the market been reviewed. The conclusion is that there already are big amount of universal chargers in the international market. Yet there are only a few products that inspire safety, have a multiple charging function and which are for stationary use. Those properties became fundamentals in the specification. With a technical analyse and a customary review were more parameters included. The result is a stationary product that can be used to charge both a laptop and several smaller electronic products. By using a method that is called tip technology can the right charging conditions be guaranteed. With a micro processor and with tips which are specific for each product can mostly all sorts of products and models be charged. The work has also included mechanical design, CAD and the build of a prototype.

The Development of a Monolithic Shape Memory Alloy Actuator

Toews, Leslie Marilyn January 2004 (has links)
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) provide exciting opportunities for miniature actuation systems. As SMA actuators are scaled down in size, cooling increases and bandwidth, improves. However, the inclusion of a bias element with which to cycle the SMA actuator becomes difficult at very small scales. One technique used to avoid the necessity of having to include a separate bias element is the use of local annealing to fabricate a monolithic device out of nickel titanium (NiTi). The actuator geometry is machined out of a single piece of non-annealed NiTi. After locally annealing a portion of the complete device, that section exhibits the shape memory effect while the remainder acts as structural support and provides the bias force required for cycling. This work proposes one such locally-annealed monolithic SMA actuator for future incorporation in a device that navigates the digestive tract. After detailing the derivation of lumped electro-mechanical models for the actuator, a description of the prototyping procedure, including fabrication and local annealing of the actuator, is provided. This thesis presents the experimental prototype actuator behaviour and compares it with simulations generated using the developed models.

Dynamic Modelling and Stability Controller Development for Articulated Steer Vehicles

Lashgarian Azad, Nasser January 2006 (has links)
In this study, various stability control systems are developed to remove the lateral instability of a conventional articulated steer vehicle (ASV) during the oscillatory yaw motion or “snaking mode”. First, to identify the nature of the instability, some analyses are performed using several simplified models. These investigations are mainly focused on analyzing the effects of forward speed and of two main subsystems of the vehicle, the steering system and tires, on the stability. The basic insights into the stability behavior of the vehicle obtained from the stability analyses of the simplified models are verified by conducting some simulations with a virtual prototype of the vehicle in ADAMS. To determine the most critical operating condition with regard to the lateral stability and to identify the effects of vehicle parameters on the stability, various studies are performed by introducing some modifications to the simplified models. Based on these studies, the disturbed straight-line on-highway motion with constant forward speed is recognized as the most critical driving condition. Also, the examinations show that when the vehicle is traveling with differentials locked, the vehicle is less prone to the instability. The examinations show that when the vehicle is carrying a rear-mounted load having interaction with ground, the instability may happen if the vehicle moves on a relatively good off-road surface. Again, the results gained from the analyses related to the effects of the vehicle parameters and operating conditions on the stability are verified using simulations in ADAMS by making some changes in the virtual prototype for any case. To stabilize the vehicle during its most critical driving condition, some studies are directed to indicate the shortcomings of passive methods. Alternative solutions, including design of different types of stability control systems, are proposed to generate a stabilizing yaw moment. The proposed solutions include an active steering system with a classical controller, an active torque vectoring device with a robust full state feedback controller, and a differential braking system with a robust variable structure controller. The robust controllers are designed by using simplified models, which are also used to evaluate the ability to deal with the uncertainties of the vehicle parameters and its variable operating conditions. These controllers are also incorporated into the virtual prototype, and their capabilities to stabilize the vehicle in different operating conditions and while traveling on different surfaces during the snaking mode are shown.

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