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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os futuros do passado: o resgate da interpreta??o como possibilidade de cr?tica da contemporaneidade em Freud, Levinas, Bloch e Benjamin

Mattuella, Luciano Assis 10 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:55:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 442269.pdf: 997355 bytes, checksum: ebfde65995302e74261a48d4ca168842 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-10 / Dans ce travail nous pr?sentons la th?se selon laquelle, en raison des ruptures que nous avons fait ? l'?gard de notre pass?, nous ne pouvons pas, aujourd'hui, interpr?ter notre histoire afin de maintenir un r?cit de l'avenir ouvert ? l'alt?rit?, ? la subjectivit? m?me. Nous prenons comme point de d?part la pr?occupation sur la capacit? d'interpr?ter notre histoire, de la traduire dans un r?cit qui nous permet de prendre le r?le de critiques de notre temps. ? cette fin, nous faisons usage de quatre auteurs dont les racines sont fortement creus?s dans une sorte de malaise avec le d?j? donn? : Sigmund Freud, Ernst Bloch, Emmanuel Levinas et Walter Benjamin. ? sa propre fa?on, chacun de ces penseurs a reconnu l'insuffisance des concepts pour rendre compte de la vie, chacun a propos? que le propre du monde est justement ?tre travers? par une temporalit? qui arrache ? la r?alit? la s?ret? d'une histoire d?j? racont?e, en la restituant, donc, son originalit?, sa capacit? ? toujours dire quelque chose de diff?rent. / Neste trabalho procuramos apresentar a tese de que devido ? ruptura que fizemos com rela??o ao nosso passado somos incapazes, hoje em dia, de interpretarmos a nossa hist?ria a fim de sustentar uma narrativa de futuro aberta ? alteridade, ou seja, ? pr?pria subjetividade. Tomamos como ponto de partida a preocupa??o com a capacidade que ainda temos de interpretar a nossa hist?ria, de traduzi-la em uma narrativa que nos autorize a ocupar o lugar de cr?ticos de nossos tempos. Para tanto, nos valemos de quatro autores cujas ra?zes est?o fortemente escavadas em uma esp?cie de inquieta??o com o j? dado, com o j? estabelecido: Sigmund Freud, Ernst Bloch, Emmanuel Levinas e Walter Benjamin. A seu modo, cada um destes pensadores acusou a insufici?ncia dos conceitos para dar conta da pr?pria vida, ou seja, prop?s que o pr?prio do mundo ? justamente ser atravessado por uma temporalidade que arranca ? realidade a certeza parda de uma hist?ria j? contada, restituindo-lhe, assim, a sua originalidade, a sua capacidade de sempre dizer algo diferente.

Nuances do traum?tico e desdobramentos ps?quicos no exerc?cio do cuidado em cat?strofes

Kegler, Paula 08 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-07-06T17:59:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_PAULA_KEGLER_PARCIAL.pdf: 4490825 bytes, checksum: 76f33b1ce97a6121281912f528f39216 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-06T17:59:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_PAULA_KEGLER_PARCIAL.pdf: 4490825 bytes, checksum: 76f33b1ce97a6121281912f528f39216 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The growing responsibility of Brazilian soldiers regarding care of people struck by catastrophes reinforces the need to extend attention to these professionals. This study aimed to investigate, from the ramifications which exist in this modality of work, elements related to trauma and their deployment on subjects. This thesis is organized in three Sections: a theoretical and two empirical ones. The first Section, Narratives of excess: the potential of words in Psychoanalysis, discusses the function of words in the necessary drive connection of psychic work. On reviewing the formation of Psychic apparatus and conditions of representability, we have approached the possibilities of metabolism of exceeding psychic intensities. Before the devastating death drive domain, there is the obstacle of (im)possible narratives. Words, with their articulation and elaboration potentials, are perceived as a possible way to restrain and to historicize lived contents. The subjects? active position makes it possible to break with Thanatos predominance of repetition. The narrative experiences transform, therefore, into vital resistance before what is harmful regarding drive unrepresentativeness. The second Section, From protocol to the unexpected: subject of affection: exercising care during catastrophes, investigates the narratives of ten health care soldiers in order to unveil the meanings and the effects of their working experiences. We have explored elements related to health care professionals? particularities and psychic conditions of processing what has been experienced in a job marked by devastation. From the interviews, analyzed with Interpretative Analysis (Erikson, 1997), we have built three assertions: Demands of affection before de (un)predictable in catastrophes; The inscription of Others into the Self: the foreigner paradox in care practice; Institutional obstacles facing ?a posteriori?: disavowal and legitimation. The interviews allowed us to access unpredictable tensioning following interventions guided by care. The identified obstacles on others? and self?s effective care practice have alluded to institutional barriers which impede and/or make it difficult for the affective processing which usually follows professional action. On the third Section, The 'a posteriori' in times of research in Psychoanalysis: narrative and hospitality, we have worked with contents built along the development of a narrative research (Creswell, 2014) before offering protection to the subjects? narratives about themselves. In the interviews, it was shown that soldiers experience meanings in both tragedy and research contexts. Knowledge production was ?a posteriori?: in participants? narratives about what has been already experienced, and in hospitality conditions to these narratives. This ?a posteriori? convergence of narrative and hospitality opened access to particular changes of working in catastrophes, and unveiled new phenomenon facets produced in and by research. Psychoanalysis has given theoretical support to the investigative modalities which guided the three Sections of this Thesis. It was possible, in this epistemological mark, to give priority to elements of subjectivity itself when a real devastation setting can, dangerously, make the attention to working professionals succumb. / A crescente responsabilidade dos militares brasileiros no cuidado ?s popula??es atingidas por cat?strofes consolida a necessidade de estender o olhar a esses profissionais. Este estudo objetivou investigar, a partir das complexidades presentes nessa modalidade de trabalho, elementos relativos ao traum?tico e seus desdobramentos no sujeito ps?quico. Esta Tese est? organizada em tr?s Se??es, sendo uma te?rica e duas emp?ricas. A primeira Se??o, intitulada Narrativas do excesso: a potencialidade da palavra em Psican?lise, problematizou a fun??o da palavra no necess?rio trabalho ps?quico de liga??o pulsional. Na revis?o sobre o processo de constitui??o do aparelho ps?quico e as condi??es de representabilidade, foram abordadas as possibilidades de metaboliza??o de excessivas intensidades ps?quicas. Frente ao dom?nio devastador da puls?o de morte, tem-se o impasse de (im)poss?veis narrativas. A palavra, tanto em seu potencial enunciador como elaborativo, se mostra como uma via poss?vel de conten??o e historiza??o do vivido. A posi??o ativa do sujeito enunciador possibilita (re)compor enlaces e produzir caminhos associativos que rompem com o predom?nio tan?tico da repeti??o. As experi?ncias narrativas se transformam, portanto, em resist?ncia vital frente ao danoso da irrepresentabilidade pulsional. A segunda Se??o, nomeada Do protocolo ao imprevisto: o sujeito de afeta??o no exerc?cio do cuidado em cat?strofes, investigou narrativas de dez militares da ?rea da sa?de, a fim de desvelar os sentidos e o efeito de suas experi?ncias laborais. Foram explorados elementos relacionados a singularidade do profissional do cuidado e ?s condi??es ps?quicas de tramita??o do vivido no trabalho marcado pela devasta??o. A partir das entrevistas, analisadas por meio da An?lise lnterpretativa (Erikson, 1997), foram constru?das tr?s Asser??es: Demandas ? afeta??o no trabalho frente ao (im)previsto em cat?strofes; A inscri??o do Outro no Eu: o paradoxo do estrangeiro no exerc?cio do cuidado; Os impasses institucionais frente ao a posteriori: desmentido e legitima??o. As entrevistas oportunizaram acessar imprevis?veis tensionamentos decorrentes de interven??es orientadas pelo cuidado. Os impasses identificados na efetiva pr?tica de cuidado ao outro e a si pr?prio aludem a barreiras institucionais que impedem e/ou dificultam os tr?mites afetivos decorrentes da a??o profissional. Na terceira Se??o, denominada O a posteriori nos tempos da pesquisa em Psican?lise: narrativa e hospitalidade, foram trabalhados os conte?dos que se constru?ram no desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa narrativa (Creswell, 2014) frente a oferta de acolhimento a narrativa do sujeito sobre si. Nas entrevistas apareceram os significados da experi?ncia dos militares no contexto da trag?dia, e, tamb?m, no contexto da pesquisa. A produ??o de conhecimento deu-se no a posteriori de dois tempos: na narrativa do participante sobre o j? vivido e nas condi??es de hospitalidade a essa narrativa. O encontro a posteriori entre narrativa e hospitalidade permitiu o acesso a singulares vicissitudes do trabalho em cat?strofes e desvelou novas facetas do fen?meno produzidas na e pela pesquisa. A Psican?lise deu sustenta??o te?rica ?s modalidades investigativas que orientaram as tr?s Se??es desta Tese. Foi poss?vel, nesse marco epistemol?gico, dar primazia aos elementos pr?prios a subjetividade quando um cen?rio de devasta??o real pode, perigosamente, fazer sucumbir o olhar ao sujeito trabalhador.

Desinvestimentos e investimentos : desafios ps?quicos ao sujeito na experi?ncia migrat?ria

Grigorieff, Alexandra Garcia 05 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Psicologia (psicologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-04-25T13:05:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ALEXANDRA_GARCIA_GRIGORIEFF_DIS.pdf: 1519106 bytes, checksum: c7756a759e9d7b61c550688d4e55fc1e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-11T18:22:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ALEXANDRA_GARCIA_GRIGORIEFF_DIS.pdf: 1519106 bytes, checksum: c7756a759e9d7b61c550688d4e55fc1e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-11T18:27:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALEXANDRA_GARCIA_GRIGORIEFF_DIS.pdf: 1519106 bytes, checksum: c7756a759e9d7b61c550688d4e55fc1e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-05 / This Dissertation has allowed exploring the singular psychic disinvestments and investments process, inherent to the migratory experience of Haitian subjects who have come to Brazil after the earthquake which occurred in Haiti in 2010. Through presentation of Haiti history elements and the Haitian migratory process, it have been illustrated the psychic challenges that have been embraced to the subject in this process of human displacement. The Dissertation is composed by two study sections about the Haitian migration theme, being both of them of a qualitative mark. The first section, which is theoretical-clinical, is entitled as ?Singulars displacements in migrate? psychic experience?; and the second section, which is empiric, is called ?Haitian migration: the subject face the (re)union with the excess?. In the theoretical-clinical section, it has been intended to explore the psychic conditions of the migrant subject, as well as to approach the relevant attention directed to him. It has been depicted, in this section, aspects that allow identifying risks due to the vulnerability psychic condition present in this phenomena. The empiric section has provided a reflection about the complex motivations which sustain the migratory movement, as well as has approached the existence and/or the fragility of the confrontation resources by the migrant subject, considering that the conditions in the destination country end up, sometimes, reediting the helplessness that has been already experienced in the home country. All the participants of the study live over a year in Brazil and have participated of two individual and semi-structured interviews. The obtained data have been analyzed by the Interpretative Analysis proposed by Erickson (1997), and have been explored with Psychoanalysis? theoretical contributions. The empiric section is composed by the formulation of two Assertions which contemplate a reflection about the psychic disinvestments and investments complexity process inherent to the migration process. The first Assertion is entitled as ?The singular unrest in the confrontation of intra-psychic and inter-subjective demands?, and the second Assertion, 15 denominated as ?The excess summary in different times of (dis)illusion?. It is considered that the listening modality that has been offered during the research has provided attention and care conditions to what tend, sometimes, to be excluded of the knowledge production in the scientific scope about the migration process. In this sense, one of the contributions stemming this research refers to the highlight attributed to the psychic and subjective aspects, so that the interventions in the field of migratory phenomena can increasingly consider the migrant subject in his complexity. / Esta Disserta??o possibilitou explorar os singulares processos de desinvestimentos e investimentos ps?quicos inerentes ? experi?ncia migrat?ria de sujeitos haitianos que vieram para o Brasil ap?s o terremoto ocorrido no Haiti em 2010. Por meio da apresenta??o de elementos da hist?ria do Haiti e do processo de migra?ao haitiana, ilustrou-se os desafios ps?quicos impostos ao sujeito nesse processo de deslocamento humano. A Disserta??o ? composta por duas se??es de estudo sobre a tem?tica da migra??o haitiana, sendo ambas de cunho qualitativo. A primeira se??o, te?rico-cl?nica, intitula-se ?Singulares deslocamentos na experi?ncia ps?quica de migrar?; e a segunda se??o, emp?rica, ? denominada ?Migra??o haitiana: o sujeito frente ao (re)encontro com o excesso?. Na se??o te?rico-cl?nica buscouse explorar as condi??es ps?quicas do sujeito migrante, bem como abordar a relev?ncia da aten??o direcionada ao mesmo. Retratou-se, nessa se??o, aspectos que permitem identificar riscos decorrentes da condi??o de vulnerabilidade ps?quica presente nesse fen?meno. A se??o emp?rica proporcionou uma reflex?o a respeito das complexas motiva??es que sustentam o movimento migrat?rio, bem como abordou a exist?ncia e/ou a fragilidade dos recursos de enfrentamento por parte do sujeito migrante, considerando-se que as condi??es do pa?s de destino acabam, por vezes, reeditando o desamparo j? experimentado no pa?s de origem. Todos os participantes do estudo residiam no Brasil h? mais de um ano e participaram de duas entrevistas individuais e semidirigidas. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio da An?lise Interpretativa, proposta por Erickson (1997), e explorados com contribui??es te?ricas da Psican?lise. A se??o emp?rica ? composta pela formula??o de duas Asser??es, que contemplam a reflex?o sobre a complexidade de processos de desinvestimentos e investimentos ps?quicos inerentes ? experi?ncia migrat?ria. A primeira Asser??o ? intitulada ?O singular mal-estar no enfrentamento de demandas intraps?quicas e intersubjetivas?, e a segunda Asser??o, ? denominada ?O somat?rio de excessos nos diferentes tempos de 13 (des)ilus?o?. Considera-se que a modalidade de escuta ofertada na pesquisa propiciou condi??es de aten??o e cuidado ?quilo que, por vezes, tende a ser exclu?do da produ??o de conhecimento no ?mbito cientifico sobre o processo migrat?rio. Nessa perspectiva, uma das contribui??es decorrente desta pesquisa refere-se ao destaque atribu?do aos aspectos ps?quicos e subjetivos, para que cada vez mais as interven?oes no campo de fen?menos migrat?rios possam considerar o sujeito migrante em sua complexidade.

Experi?ncias de um grupo de adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade: um estudo psicanal?tico / An overweight and obese adolescents group experience: a psychoanalytical study

Porta, Let?cia Kancelkis 08 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leticia K Porta 1.pdf: 492116 bytes, checksum: 72110e532d92100323158eb44ed73cf9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-08 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This research intended to present the experience with a group of overweight and obese adolescents, as well as the analysis of this experience aiming at: the verification of the themes emerged from the group; the knowledge of the symbolical meaning of these adolescents actions and verbalizations; the perception whether the conquest of a sensitization in the group in respect to their conditions took place; the confirmation whether the necessary conditions for a sustentation or holding of the group from the support group technique occurred. The elected method upon which this research was based was the clinical method, through which one can get a bio-psycho-social comprehension of the individual. The participants were seven obese and overweight adolescents, composing a homogeneous group in diagnostic and ages band. A recorder and cassette-tapes were used with the authorization of all the participants as well as of their parents, who were cleared up on all the details of the research, to which they were also volunteers. The instruments used were: a previous interview that allowed selecting the participants while avoiding counter indications, and the support group technique. The place where the work was carried out was a private clinic room with capacity for up to 15 people. The desks were placed in circle within good distance that allowed good communication. There were four weekly sessions of an hour and a half, during which the researcher s function was not prominent towards the group but it was the only one previously determined. It was paid a special attention to the favoring of the holding and of the group s cohesion, for the intent of the evaluation. For the results analysis the qualitative model proposed by Ka?s and Anzieu (1976) was adopted, with the selection of excerpts that were analyzed and discussed after various readings of the psychologist and the adviser professor of this research, who has a group-analytical background. Thus, the analysis and the results interpretation seemed to reach our intents concerning the participants sensitization as well as the holding offered by the group context, besides the possibility to identify the themes that arose from the group and some of their symbolical meanings. / O presente trabalho pretendeu apresentar uma experi?ncia com um grupo de adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesos, bem como a an?lise dessa experi?ncia, buscando: a verifica??o dos temas surgidos no grupo; o conhecimento do significado simb?lico de a??es e verbaliza??es dos adolescentes; a percep??o da conquista ou n?o de uma sensibiliza??o por parte do grupo, em rela??o a seu quadro; a constata??o quanto ? cria??o ou n?o, por parte da t?cnica de grupo de apoio, das condi??es necess?rias para a sustenta??o (holding) do grupo. O m?todo escolhido para pautar a pesquisa foi o m?todo cl?nico, sendo atrav?s dele que se busca compreender a pessoa de forma bio-psico-social. Os participantes da pesquisa foram sete adolescentes obesos e com sobrepeso, constituindo um grupo homog?neo quanto a diagn?stico e faixa et?ria. Foram utilizados como materiais gravador e fitas-cassete, com a devida autoriza??o dos participantes e de seus respons?veis, que foram esclarecidos a respeito de todos os detalhes da pesquisa, sendo volunt?rios da mesma. Os instrumentos foram: uma entrevista pr?via, com o fim de realizar a sele??o dos participantes, procurando evitar contraindica??es, e a t?cnica de grupo de apoio. O local onde se deu o trabalho foi uma cl?nica particular / sala, capaz de comportar at? 15 pessoas, com carteiras dispostas em c?rculo, a uma dist?ncia que permitiu boa comunica??o. Ocorreram quatro encontros semanais de uma hora e meia, sendo que o papel adotado pela pesquisadora foi sem destaque perante o grupo, por?m o ?nico pr?-definido. Foi conferida aten??o ao propiciar do holding e ao sentido de coes?o grupal, tendo finalidades voltadas ? avalia??o. J? para a an?lise dos resultados foi adotado o modelo de pesquisa qualitativo, com a utiliza??o de modelo proposto por Ka?s e Anzieu (1976), com a sele??o de trechos a serem analisados e discutidos, a partir de v?rias leituras por parte da psic?loga e do orientador do trabalho, o qual possui forma??o grupanal?tica. Assim, a an?lise e interpreta??o dos resultados parece denotar que foram atingidos os nossos objetivos no tocante ? sensibiliza??o dos participantes bem como ao holding propiciado no contexto grupal, al?m da possibilidade de identificarmos os temas surgidos e alguns de seus significados simb?licos.

Experi?ncias com um grupo de crian?as e m?es em situa??o de viol?ncia intrafamiliar atendidas na brinquedoteca: um estudo psicanal?tico / Experience with a group of children and mothers in an intrafamily violence situation who were attended at toylibrary: a psychoanalytical study

Auko, Ticiane Renata 09 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ticiane Auko.pdf: 678442 bytes, checksum: f46c69498a8e1eae2acdc877b14a9490 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-09 / This research had as purpose to show experiences with a group of children and their mothers who live in an intrafamily violence situation and who were attended at the ReCriando Programme s toylibrary, as well as analysing those experiences, searching for: investigating some emotional aspects in the group process; understanding if the group technique was enough to make the members sensitive to emotional contents; and finally, studying the group process. The method chosen was the clinical psychoanalistycal method. Four children, one girl and three boys, between 6 and 9 years old and their respectives mothers participated in this research. The instrument used was the group diagnosis that besides to intend making a psychodiagnosis it had as objective to help the group members developing skills to solve some of trouble and conflict which assail them. There were six meetings, each one lasted three hours, however only three of them were part of this analysis in which the narration of the meeting was thought as an narration of a dream and interpreted in accordance with psychoanalytical and groupanalytical reference. This study made possible the understanding of some of the group phenomenon as the acting out, the transference, the mirror condition and others. It permitted us concluding that the group process was a continuous, in the course of the meetings the group became using psyche organizer more mature and the defense mechanism that were primitive, in general, they were substitued for other less archaics. We verified that the group technique applied at toylibrary provides a rich atmosphere enough to make the members sensitive to their feelings, besides it had help the remeaning of some conflict that could be note by the change in themselves and in the relationship between themselves and the others. / A presente pesquisa teve como finalidade apresentar experi?ncias com um grupo de crian?as e suas m?es que vivem em situa??o de viol?ncia intrafamiliar e s?o atendidas na brinquedoteca do Programa ReCriando, bem como analisar essas experi?ncias buscando: estudar o processo grupal, investigar alguns aspectos emocionais deste processo e, por fim, compreender se a t?cnica de grupo foi suficiente para sensibilizar os participantes para conte?dos emocionais. O m?todo escolhido foi o m?todo cl?nico psicanal?tico. Participaram da pesquisa quatro crian?as com idades de 6-9 anos, sendo uma menina e tr?s meninos e suas respectivas m?es. O instrumento utilizado foi o grupo diagn?stico , que, al?m de pretender construir um psicodiagn?stico, teve como objetivo favorecer aos participantes do grupo condi??es para resolverem alguns dos problemas e conflitos que os acometem. Foram realizados seis encontros, com dura??o de tr?s horas cada, sendo que, desses, apenas tr?s fizeram parte da an?lise, na qual o relato do encontro foi pensado como se fosse o relato de um sonho e interpretado de acordo com o referencial psicanal?tico e grupanal?tico. Esse estudo possibilitou a compreens?o de alguns dos fen?menos grupais, como o acting out, a transfer?ncia, a condi??o de espelhamento e outros. Permitiu concluir que o processo grupal foi um cont?nuo. No decorrer dos encontros, o grupo passou a utilizar organizadores ps?quicos mais amadurecidos e os mecanismos de defesa, que eram geralmente primitivos, foram substitu?dos por outros menos arcaicos. Constatamos, ainda, que a t?cnica grupal, aplicada na brinquedoteca, propiciou um ambiente enriquecedor, suficiente para sensibilizar os participantes para suas emo??es, al?m de ter favorecido a ressignifica??o de alguns conflitos, percebidos em mudan?as no jeito de ser e de se relacionar consigo e com o outro.

Descobrindo o brincar de crian?as excepcionais: um enfoque psicanal?tico / Discovering the excepcional children playing: a psychoanalytical point of view

Galhardi, Shirley Rosana Ribeiro de Barros 09 February 2001 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Shirley R R Barros.pdf: 565699 bytes, checksum: 7dddf94ce27ad87915d71def7c5b66ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001-02-09 / This research searches, from a psychoanalytical point of view, what happens with children in moments of free playing that occur in a class for stimulation in a special education school, composed of six students, from two to five years old. These moments are observed for five months, twice a week for 40 minutes. The teacher and the researcher observe and participate when asked to.They also talk about this activity once a month, outside the classroom. Five of the observed meetings, are recorded, and then, analysed from a qualitative form, according to: the issued subjects, the movements of the group, the teacher s and the researcher s attitudes and feelings. It shows that the excepcional children s playing, from a rudimentary form, is similar to that that is considered estrutural to the emotional development of normal children. It also indicates the evolution of the children while playing together and dealing with the situation showing an incipient symbolization. It points out the teacher s and researcher s evolution to contain theirs and the children s anxiety while understanding and translating their requests. It concludes that this children s playing shows their active emotional world that to be searched, understood and worked. It also concludes that the observation of this activity enables to know and to follow the emotional development of excepcional children. Another conclusion is that the work of observation and talking to the teacher propose a psychoanalytical intervention in the special education that emphasizes the feelings on the relations teacher-students and teacher-psychologist. / Este estudo busca compreender, do ponto de vista psicanal?tico, o que acontece com crian?as nos momentos de brincadeira livre de uma classe de estimula??o de uma escola especial, composta por seis alunos, com idade de dois a cinco anos. Estes momentos s?o observados durante cinco meses, duas vezes por semana, por 40 minutos. A professora e a pesquisadora observam, participam quando solicitadas e conversam sobre a atividade a cada 30 dias, fora da sala de aula. Cinco dos encontros observados, s?o registrados e, posteriormente, analisados de forma qualitativa, segundo: os temas emergentes, os movimentos do grupo, as atitudes e sentimentos da professora e da pesquisadora. Mostra que as crian?as excepcionais, de forma rudimentar, constr?em brincadeiras semelhantes ?quelas consideradas estruturantes para o desenvolvimento emocional de crian?as normais. Aponta uma evolu??o das crian?as quando brincam juntas e lidam com situa??es que aparecem, mostrando uma simboliza??o incipiente. Mostra uma evolu??o da professora e pesquisadora, no sentido de conten??o da pr?pria ansiedade e da das crian?as, na medida em que compreendem e "traduzem" os seus pedidos. Conclui: que o brincar destas crian?as revela um mundo emocional ativo a ser explorado, compreendido e trabalhado; que a observa??o desta atividade possibilita conhecer e acompanhar o desenvolvimento emocional de crian?as excepcionais; e que, tanto a observa??o quanto as conversas com a professora configuram-se uma interven??o da psican?lise na educa??o especial que privilegia a abordagem dos sentimentos que permeiam as rela??es professor - alunos e professor - psic?logo.

Experi?ncias com um grupo de crian?as atrav?s da m?sica: um estudo psicanal?tico / Experiences with a group of children through music: a psychoanalytic study

Carvalho, Jo?o Paulo Evangelista 13 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao Paulo Evangelista Carvalho.pdf: 650589 bytes, checksum: 516afdaebf4d2b9566e23f1f9b8c9933 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-13 / Understanding the operation of a group of children through the application of the group psychodiagnosis technique (Ka?s & Anzieu, 1989), where we raised the possibility to use the music as a facilitator of emotional expressions. A mixed, homogenous and closed group of ten children ages ranging from ten to eleven years, with the same complaint, was gathered and selected according to heir interest in participating in the research and as a result of the semi-directed interview technique of Bleger (1993). They regularly attend the Recrian?a, project of the Instituto Esperan?a in Valinhos-SP which hosts them after their regular school period and aims at developing a preventive work through informal education. Twelve sixty-minute sessions, three times a week, for a month were held. In those sessions, percussive musical instruments were used as a means to encourage them to accomplish the proposed musical task, a recording equipment being used to assist in the transcription of the meetings. The analysis of the content was based on the Mathieu technique (1967) as used in qualitative research - which goes beyond the mere description of the contents with the application of inferences that allow a more detailed interpretation, and which was conducted by two psychoanalysis-group expert psychologists. We conclude that music was a facilitator of the group psychodiagnosis technique in that the children could express and be self conscious about their feelings, develop a sense of belonging, be able to work on their inhibitions, increase their ability to socialize , strength their ego, which enabled to conduct their psychodiagnosis. / Compreens?o do funcionamento de um grupo de crian?as, atrav?s da aplica??o da t?cnica grupo de psicodiagn?stico (Ka?s & Anzieu, 1989), onde levantamos a hip?tese do uso da m?sica como facilitadora das express?es emocionais. Foi formado um grupo de dez crian?as, com idades entre dez e onze anos, misto, homog?neo e fechado, com a mesma queixa, selecionados conforme seu interesse na participa??o e a partir da t?cnica de entrevista semidirigida de Bleger (1993). S?o freq?entadores do projeto Recrian?a, do Instituto Esperan?a em Valinhos-SP, que os acolhe no per?odo oposto ao escolar, desenvolvendo um trabalho preventivo atrav?s da educa??o informal. Foram realizadas doze sess?es de sessenta minutos, tr?s vezes por semana durante um m?s, onde foram utilizados instrumentos musicais percussivos como incentivo ? realiza??o da tarefa musical e um gravador de som para auxiliar nas transcri??es dos encontros. A an?lise do conte?do se deu atrav?s da t?cnica de Mathieu (1967) utilizada em pesquisas de cunho qualitativo, que ultrapassa a simples descri??o dos conte?dos com a aplica??o de infer?ncias que possibilitam uma interpreta??o aprofundada, a qual foi realizada por dois psic?logos com conhecimento de psican?lise de grupo. Conclu?mos que a m?sica foi facilitadora da t?cnica de grupo psicodiagn?stico fazendo com que as crian?as expressassem seus sentimentos e se conscientizassem deles, que atingissem o sentimento de pertin?ncia grupal, que elaborassem suas inibi??es, que ampliassem sua capacidade de sociabilidade, que fortificassem seu ego, sendo poss?vel realizar seu psicodiagn?stico.

Grupo de profissionais em uma empresa: uma experi?ncia psicanal?tica / Group of professional in a bussiness company: a psychoanalytical experiment

Svartman, Marcio Chevis 15 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcio Chevis Svartman.pdf: 385742 bytes, checksum: 90826c0500a2e05f64f1559796163892 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-15 / The present work focused at verifying the use of Pichon-Rivi?re?s operative groups method with professional in a business environment and its effectiveness as a tool to generate the relief of the main tensions in a corporate business environment. We conducted six meetings with a group of company employees using the operative groups method. We concluded that the method was efficient in generating significant transformations in the participants, their relationships and their way of dealing with emotions from and in the professional environment. / Este trabalho buscou verificar se a aplica??o da t?cnica psicanal?tica de grupo operativo de diagn?stico conforme descrita por Pichon-Rivi?re, aplicada a profissionais dentro do universo da organiza??o de trabalho, tem efeito de sensibilizar os participantes quanto ?s suas vivencias emocionais no trabalho. Foram realizadas seis reuni?es com um grupo de oito funcion?rios de uma empresa de servi?os, conduzidos sob a t?cnica dos grupos operativos. Constatamos que a t?cnica utilizada foi eficiente para gerar sensibiliza??o e mudan?as significativas nos participantes, em sua din?mica de relacionamentos e em sua rela??o com os sentimentos decorrentes do trabalho.

Do v?nculo virtual ao conjugal: um estudo psicol?gico / From virtual to marital bond: a psychological study

Donnamaria, Carla Pontes 03 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Pontes Donnamaria.pdf: 905450 bytes, checksum: 3479833c836d2726b7768f1e376f0901 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-03 / The present study has had as its goal to study couples emotional experiences who have transformed virtual bonds into marital ones. We have tried to describe the conditions of the virtual experience that are favorable to the generation of a bond, to analyze its evolution and the possibilities of convergence and divergence between expectations and realizations after the transposition to real life. This study, defined as qualitative, was conducted by the application of investigative psychoanalytical method. Three couples have participated in this study, with ages between 29 and 33 years old, all with graduation degrees. One interview was conducted with each couple, the Content Analysis proposed by Mathieu was applied to the results, which were interpreted according to psychoanalysis reference of bonding configurations and group psychoanalysis. The research led us to recognize that, despite the possibility of knowing traces of the other s personality in a virtual bond, it is the physical presence that will define its realization. We conclude that, for the realization of a romantic bond, the internet is characterized as a condition, from which the bond is constructed by stages like identification of intentions and values, mutual desire, confirmation of data as reality and the establishment of the first face to face encounter, in a process where good or bad results depend mostly of the maturity of the ones involved as well as of its physical presence contact. / A presente pesquisa tinha por objetivo estudar experi?ncias emocionais de casais que transformaram v?nculos virtuais em v?nculos conjugais. Dentre os objetivos espec?ficos, buscamos descrever as condi??es na viv?ncia virtual favor?veis ? gera??o de um v?nculo, analisar a evolu??o do mesmo, e as possibilidades de converg?ncia e de diverg?ncia entre as expectativas e as realiza??es decorrentes de sua transposi??o. De cunho qualitativo, este estudo foi conduzido com a aplica??o do m?todo psicanal?tico. Participaram da pesquisa tr?s casais, com idades de 29 a 33 anos, todos com forma??o superior. Realizamos uma entrevista ?nica com cada casal. Sobre o material, aplicamos a t?cnica de An?lise de Conte?do proposta por Mathieu, e o interpretamos de acordo com o referencial da psican?lise das configura??es vinculares e da grupan?lise, aplicada ao casal. Esta pesquisa possibilitou reconhecermos que apesar da possibilidade de conhecer tra?os da personalidade do outro numa viv?ncia virtual, a presen?a ? parte constitutiva do v?nculo. Conclu?mos que, para a realidade dos v?nculos amorosos, a Internet caracteriza-se como uma condi??o, a partir da qual o v?nculo ? constru?do por etapas que passam pela identifica??o de valores e desejos m?tuos, pela confirma??o dos dados de realidade, e pela marca que faz o primeiro encontro face a face, num processo onde o bem ou o mal suceder est?o condicionados ? maturidade das pessoas envolvidas tanto quanto est?o em suas rela??es presenciais.

Adiamento do projeto parental: um estudo psicol?gico com casais que enfrentam a esterilidade / The postponing of the parentting project: a psychological study with couples fighting sterility

Nascimento, F?tima Regina Mibach do 03 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fatima Regina Mibach Nascimento.pdf: 1012015 bytes, checksum: e4fec769762fb77120556e553b708efa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-03 / The aim of this study was to investigate the postponing of the parental project, emphasizing the psychological and social aspects that interfered, the sterility repercussion on the couple involvement and their experience with the aided reproductive treatments that were made. Participated in the research three couples, straight, over 30, no biological child and different social and economic life, which underwent treatment of assisted reproduction. The contents obtained through Opened Psychological Interview were analysed using the Content Analysis technique proposed by Mathieu as well as discussed according to the theoretical referential of Psychoanalysis and the Group Psychoanalysis. Results shows: specific social conditions (access to biotechnology resources, familiar, social, economic and religious influences), as well as unconscious factors (conflicts, resistances, ambivalence, fantasies and anguish) interfered on the parental project completion; damage on the wedlock (decrease in the spontaneity and sexual interest; difficulty on reorganizing the vital project and interference in daily life); lost in familiarity with relatives and friends; decreasing movement to the early stages of the psychological work, characterized by the persecuting and depressive anguish and the use of primitive ways to deal with it (refusing, illusion, projection, displacement and rationalization). The couple s identification with the research theme and the effectiveness prove to collect data, analysis and phenomenon interpretation to touch the couples were surpassed. / O objetivo deste estudo era investigar o adiamento do projeto parental, enfatizando aspectos psicol?gicos e sociais que o determinaram, as repercuss?es da esterilidade para o v?nculo conjugal e a viv?ncia dos tratamentos reprodutivos. Participaram 03 casais, heterossexuais, acima de 30 anos, sem filhos biol?gicos e de n?veis socioecon?micos variados, que realizaram tratamentos de reprodu??o assistida. Os conte?dos obtidos atrav?s da Entrevista Psicol?gica Aberta foram analisados de acordo com t?cnica de An?lise de Conte?do proposta por Mathieu e discutidos conforme o referencial te?rico da Psican?lise e da Grupalidade. Resultados revelam: condi??es sociais espec?ficas (acesso aos recursos biotecnol?gicos, influ?ncias familiares, sociais, econ?micas e religiosas) associadas ?s condi??es inconscientes (conflitos, resist?ncias, ambival?ncias, fantasias e ang?stias) interferiram na realiza??o do projeto parental; comprometimento do v?nculo conjugal (diminui??o da espontaneidade e interesse sexual; dificuldades para reformula??o do projeto vital e interfer?ncias no cotidiano); preju?zos ? conviv?ncia familiar e social; regress?o aos est?gios iniciais do funcionamento mental desencadeando ang?stias persecut?rias e depressivas e uso de defesas primitivas (nega??o, ilus?o, proje??o, deslocamento e racionaliza??o). Houve identifica??o dos casais com tema da pesquisa e comprova??o da efic?cia do dispositivo grupal para coleta, an?lise e interpreta??o dos fen?menos ps?quicos envolvidos.

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