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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monstrinhos e monstros : o castigo do corpo infantil na sociedade contemporânea

Machado, Elisabeth Mazeron January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa violência física contra crianças, nas suas diferentes manifestações rotineiras e em seu modo de reprodução da sociedade. A violência física é compreendida como uma prática cotidiana na qual adultos dispõem do corpo da criança, seja na “palmada educativa”, seja nas violências ou no abuso sexual. A violência se apresenta de múltiplas formas: de Estado, contra o Estado, simbólica, nas relações familiares e nos diversos processos de disciplinarização. Nesta última forma, é onde residem as violências sobre o corpo, que podem ser observadas em diferentes sociedades, diversos processos sociais e, podem até constituírem-se em ‘marcas’ de cada sociedade. É nesta perspectiva que esta tese se fundamenta, sobre a compreensão das formas de disciplina que incidem violentamente no corpo infantil. Os discursos sobre a violência contra crianças são a matéria-prima considerados como fonte de pesquisa para a realização desta tese. Para tal foram analisados: 1) A criança em toda a sua complexidade, seu lugar social, as representações construídas, os discursos produzidos sobre ela e sua história; 2) Os discursos da literatura, onde a violência contra a criança se apresentava; 3) O discurso da mídia, a violência contra a criança no jornal, especificamente, a campanha “O Amor É a Melhor Herança. Cuide das Crianças”, veiculada no jornal Zero Hora, de Porto Alegre/RS, nos anos de 2003-2004; 4) O discurso da Lei, com todo o debate legislativo que resultou na promulgação da Lei 13013/2014, a Lei Menino Bernardo ou Lei da Palmada; 5) O discurso da clínica, onde são apresentadas quatro histórias de crianças atendidas em psicoterapia, por ordem judicial, no Conselho Tutelar de uma cidade do interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Compreendemos que discursos trazem em si práticas, neste caso, práticas que incidem sobre o corpo do infante. Sobre estes corpos, o discursoprática produz um efeito de subjetivação ou sujeição onde a posse e o domínio aparecem sob a égide da disciplina. Ao final desta tese, concluiu-se que a permanência do castigo corporal no processo educativo denota a privatização da família e a impossibilidade da formulação de políticas eficazes para conter estas práticas e por estas razões permanece no processo de socialização primária das crianças. / This research reviews physical violence against children, in its various routine expressions and in its reproduction mode in the society. Physical violence is understood as a routine practice where adults dispose of the child's body, whether in the "educative smack", or in violence or sexual abuse. Violence is presented in multiple forms: state violence, violence against the state, symbolic, in family relations and in several discipline processes. The latter is where there are violence on the body, which may be noted in different societies, in several social processes and may even represent "trademarks" of each society. This thesis is based on this perspective, on understanding the forms of discipline that violently affect the child's body. The speeches on violence against children are the raw material used as a research source to build this thesis. Therefore, the following items were analyzed. 1) The child in all his/her complexity, his/her social place, the representations built, the speeches produced on him/her and his/her history; 2) The literature speeches, where violence against children was presented; 3) The media speech, the violence against children in the news, specifically the campaign "Love Is The Best Heritage. Take Care of Children", conveyed in the Zero Hora newspaper, from Porto Alegre/RS, in the years 2003-2004; 4) The speech of the Law, with all the legislative debate that resulted in the Law 13,013/2014, the "Menino Bernardo" Law or Slap Law; 5) The speech of the clinic, where we present the story of four children assisted in psychotherapy by legal order, in the Guardianship Council of a city in the country side of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. We understand that speeches involve practices, in this case, ones that affect the infant's body. On this bodies, the speech-practice produces a subjetification or subjection effect, where possession and domination appear under the aegis of discipline. By the end of this thesis, the conclusion is that the permanence of corporal punishment in the education process shows the privatization of the family and the impossibility of formulating effective policies to restrain these practices and, due to these reasons, it remains in the process of primary socialization of children.

It is good! It always reminds us that they have rights and we have rights : A study about working with children’s rights in a few preschools in South Africa

Trägårdh, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
BACKGROUND: The rights of the child are a subject that never stops to be of immense significance and import. All people are bearers of human rights yet children are, due to their vulnerability, always subordinated adults. It is therefore of great magnitude that we learn to respect and treat the child with dignity. It is our duty as preschool teachers to implement these rights and to raise the children in a democratic spirit, to achieve this we need to act accordingly. This can sometimes be a complex matter. South Africa has a history of violence and discrimination; nonetheless the country has made substantial progress in these areas. I decided to go and see for myself how the work with children’s rights was coming along. PURPOSE: The main purpose of this study is to find out how a few preschool teachers work with children’s rights in the country of South Africa. I decided to focus on children’s participation and on corporal punishment and the teachers own views on these topics METHOD: This study takes a hermeneutic scientific conduct, through ethnographic research I try to analyze and interpret a few preschool teachers’ views and actions concerning children’s rights. In this field study data was collected through interviews and observations. RESULT: Earlier research and concluding observations say that South Africa is having difficulties in realizing children’s rights in numerous areas. Both the child’s participatory rights and the continuous use of corporal punishment are expressed as concerns. In this thesis I find that teachers are unfamiliar with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and that they receive no education or support from the government in these matters. The teachers are however aware of the concept “children’s rights” and they have some understanding of what it is relating to. The teachers states that the work with children’s rights every day and in all activities but no organized situations about this is observed. The child’s possibilities to participate are scares and the teachers are relatively novel towards the involvement of the child. Most teachers consider benefits from corporal punishment and the continuous use is evident.

Doença  e cura no Pentateuco e nos livros históricos: uma leitura à luz do oriente médio antigo / Illness and healing in Pentateuch and in the historical books: a reading under the light of ancien middle east

Figueiredo, Marcia Lima Zollner Paes de 03 September 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho fará um estudo comparativo do conceito de doença e a cura na Mesopotâmia e na Bíblia hebraica. Serão analisados o agente ou agentes da doença e da cura, o local do processo terapêutico e a aplicação ou não de materia medica. A doença é uma das maldições encontradas nos tratados do Oriente Médio Antigo e na Aliança na Bíblia Hebraica e é vista, por ambas as culturas, como uma das formas de punição divina. / This work will do comparative study of illness and healings concept in the Mesopotamia and in Israel. The illness and healings agent or agents, the local of therapeutic process and the application or not of materia medica will be analyzed in this research. Illness is one of the curses found in the Ancient Near Easts treaties and Hebrew Bibles Covenant and it is seen, for the both cultures, like divine punishment.

Trest smrti / Death penalty

Dvořáková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
1 Death Penalty - Summary As the theme of my thesis, I've chosen the death sentence. Such sentence has accompanied the human society from the early times. From the history to these days, it helped to maintain the public order and the law enforcement. The public order was seen differently in each society and every historical stage. However, there was always one thing in common, it intended to protect life, safety, law enforcement and community rules. During the period of economic growth, abundance and prosperity, the society tends to treat law and public order intruders more liberally. The "western part" of civilization is currently at this evolution stage. Our country is firmly integrated into the European Union. There is a straightforward common understanding. The death penalty is prohibited and it has to be respected. The world tends away from the death penalty in general. I've outlined the questions to be addressed at the introduction part of the thesis. I structured the dissertation into ten chapters. Further supplements are attached to the material, including the photographic documentation provided on my own, deeds and other documents related to the topic. I explain the definition of the death sentence and its purpose in the first chapter. I introduce different theories about the purpose of the death...

A história esquecida da Guerra do Paraguai: fome, doenças e penalidades / Forgotten history of the Paraguayan War: hunger, disease and penalties

Maria Teresa Garritano Dourado 19 November 2010 (has links)
Conhecida como Guerra do Paraguai, Guerra da Tríplice Aliança e Guerra Grande, foi o conflito bélico de grande repercussão na história latino-americana quer quanto à mobilização, quer quanto à perda de homens. A longa duração da guerra, de dezembro de 1864 a março de 1870, analisada através de corpus documental expõe, de maneira brutal o tratamento dado aos soldados e demais participantes que lutavam não contra o inimigo comum paraguaio e sim pela sobrevivência nos campos de batalha: sem água e alimentos suficientes e adequados, sem instrumental médico-cirúrgico preparados para enfrentar as grandes batalhas que produziam milhares de feridos. Na capital do Império do Brasil e em outros portos das duas capitais aliadas como Buenos Aires e Montevidéu soldados recém-convocados, feridos e doentes transitavam sem qualquer orientação sobre cuidados sanitários e vacinação, disseminando, dessa forma, doenças muitas delas incubadas, que logo seriam transmitidas a milhares de outros soldados e civis nos campos de batalha e nas cidades para onde eram levados para tratamento. A concentração de grande massa de combatentes e não combatentes de um acampamento militar exigiu a necessidade de garantir a ordem e a disciplina. As deserções, os atos de covardia e de insubordinação, os homicídios, as brigas, os roubos, os atentados contra a propriedade, as violações e outros delitos estavam longe de serem raros, muito pelo contrário, eram bastante frequentes e constam numa profusa documentação. Analiso, além da fome e das epidemias, o funcionamento da Justiça Militar durante a Guerra do Paraguai em um acampamento do exército brasileiro e em navios da armada imperial onde se vivia sob indispensáveis regras disciplinares, muitas vezes quebradas, privilegiando fontes como memória de combatentes (oficiais e praças) e ordens do dia, entre muitas outras, em arquivos públicos e particulares. Investigo a origem dos batalhões de soldados e marinheiros destinados aos campos de batalhas, bem como o seu recrutamento e estratégias de resistência, analisando também as consequências que isso acarretou em todos os anos que durou a guerra. Procuro demonstrar que as penalidades eram resultantes diretas da fome e das doenças que grassavam nos acampamentos do exército e nos navios da esquadra imperial, interferindo, de maneira crucial, nos resultados da guerra. / Variously known as the War of Paraguay, the War of the Triple Alliance and the Big War, this bellicose conflict inflicted a significant repercussion on Latin American history in both logistics and in human mortality. The long duration of the war, from December of 1864 to March 1870, is analyzed through a body of documented works that brutally expresses the treatment of soldiers and other participants in the war. These people struggled not against a common enemy, but for survival on the battlefields. They faced shortages of water and food as well as the necessary medical-surgical supplies to support the thousands of wounded from the ferocious battles. In the capital of the Brazilian Empire as well as in the two allied capital cities of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, recently conscripted soldiers, the wounded and the sick, passed without any orientation regarding sanitation or vaccination. As a result, diseases, many of them in various stages of incubation, were transmitted to thousands of other soldiers and civilians, on the battlefields and in the cities where some were brought for treatment. A concentrated mass of combatants and support personnel in any military camp requires order and discipline. However, desertion, cowardice, insubordination, murder, fights, robbery, assaults, violations and other crimes were frequent and profusely documented. I analyze not only the hunger and epidemics, but the function of Military Justice during the War of Paraguay in a Brazilian army camp and in an imperial armada where the necessary disciplinary rules were often disregarded, according to sources such as the memoirs of combatants (both officers and conscripts) and in daily order records in public and private archives. I investigate the origins of the battalions of soldiers and sailors destined for the battlefields as well as the recruiting efforts and strategies for resistance, analyzing the consequences of such throughout the years of the war. I strive to demonstrate that the direct penalties were the hunger and the illness that flourished in the army camps and on the imperial naval ships thus affecting, in a crucial manner, the outcome of the war.

Den moderna skamstocken? : En diskursiv jämförelse mellan skamstraff och namngivningar kopplade till #metoo

Broqvist, Moa January 2019 (has links)
In the #metoo movement some men were named in accusations of sexual harassment or sexual abuse. Some people compared the naming to a mob society and that was the inspiration behind this essay. The aim of this essay is to compare the namings linked to #metoo with shame punishment when it was used as a punishment method by the Swedish judicial system. The theoretical perspectives used in this study are Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau’s discourse theory and Michel Foucault’s theories about punishment and discipline. The methods used to collect the empirical material are netnography, where some discussion threads have been studied, archive studies and a survey. The intention was that there should have been more material from archives used, but since it turned out to be difficult within this time frame, the information was instead mostly found in previous studies and other literature. The material showed that there are some similarities between the naming and shame punishment, but there are also aspects that make them differ. The similarities are that they both can be seen as punishment, the shame punishment was also much about sexual offenses, shame is an aim and they have both received critic by those who think it is a cruel thing to do to someone. The differences are that the body is not a part of the namings, the shame punishments were practiced by the juridical system and that it was easier to get out of a shame punishment if a person was rich. In addition men who broke the law against any sexual intercourse outside of marriage had it easier to avoid getting caught since they were not the ones getting pregnant. In #metoo money or gender was/is not a guarantee to escape being named and/or identified as a sex-offender.

Effects of Corporal Punishment on Survival and Coping Beliefs.

Orso, Deanna Michelle 01 December 2001 (has links)
Corporal punishment is an accepted and widely used form of discipline in the United Stated. Frequent use of corporal punishment has been correlated with many maladaptive outcomes and depressive symptoms in adulthood. The Reasons for Living Inventory - Survival and Coping Beliefs subscale identifies those with coping strategies that enable them to deal effectively with negative feelings. The present study seeks to identify whether adaptive characteristics, particularly survival and coping beliefs, are present in individuals who received little or no corporal punishment. Participants were administered a brief demographic inventory, a corporal punishment history questionnaire and the Reasons for Living Inventory - Survival and Coping Beliefs subscale. Results revealed no significant differences between those who received little or no corporal punishment and those who received high levels of corporal punishment. The results were contradictory to past research and indicate the need for further investigation regarding outcomes of corporal punishment use.

Testing Specific Deterrence In The National Basketball Association: An Application Of Beccaria's Theory Of Deterrence

McCutcheon, Michael 01 December 2016 (has links)
While the concept of deterrence has been applied to punishment in America’s criminal justice system, the empirical data is mixed on whether is effectively deters crime. This lack of consensus may be a result of missing elements from deterrence theory; namely, that punishment is often neither swift nor certain. Similar to the criminal justice system, professional sports leagues aim to control behavior of athletes by having guidelines that, when violated, result in punishment. However, these punishments are delivered much quicker and there is a higher level of certainty. The current study examines specific deterrence in the National Basketball Association by using longitudinal data of fines and suspension from the 2000-2001 season to the 2015-2016 season to test whether punishment that is swift and certain can deter rule-breaking behavior. Results from the study showed no deterrent effect when deterrence was analyzed by punishment type (suspension or fine) and severity of punishment.

Justice Perceptions of Team Disciplinary Actions in the Workplace

Rettke, Austin Lee 01 April 2018 (has links)
This scenario study examined fairness perceptions of rule violations and punishment in an organizational team setting. Participants read one of 16 scenarios in which an integral team member violates an organizational rule and subsequently is punished. Participants then answered 12 items assessing perceptions of fairness for the punished employee and for the non-punished team members, and the likelihood the punishment will deter future misconduct for the punished employee and for the teammates. This study examined two levels of misconduct severity (moderate and severe), two levels of punishment severity (moderate and severe), two types of punishment distribution (consistent and conditional), and two types of situational urgency (urgent and non-urgent). The rule violations and punishments used in this study were chosen from those evaluated in a stimulus-rating study calibrating violations and punishments in an organizational team setting (Shoenfelt, 2015). Overall, consistently applying punishment had a highly significant effect on perceptions of fairness to the punished team member and teammates, and on the likelihood the punishment will deter future misconduct by the punished team member and teammates.

The impact of alternatives to corporal punishment on the culture of teaching and learning at the Lepato High School in the Limpopo Province

Malatji, Thabo Hermanus January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2006. / The purpose of this study was to determine the impact that alternatives to corporal punishment had on the culture of teaching and learning at Lepato High School in the Limpopo Province. The methods used for data collection involved the use of questionnaires, personal interviews and participation observation. The findings indicated that implementing alternatives to corporal punishment without proper support from all stakeholders in education was disastrous for this school. This study further revealed that parental involvement in education is necessary for the successful application of alternatives to corporal punishment in schools. The study findings will make a positive contribution to the improvement of the handling of disciplinary problems in various schools especially in the Limpopo Province and South Africa in general.

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