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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Por que textos de divulgação são mais difíceis para aprendizes de leitura com necessidades específicas do que textos científicos? Um estudo direcionado pelo corpus / Why dissemination texts are more difficult for reading learners with special needs than scientific texts? A study directed by the corpus

Marlene Dezidério Andreetto 09 April 2013 (has links)
Com a crescente demanda por certificações como pré-requisito para o acesso aos cursos de pós-graduação para profissionais de diferentes áreas, a habilidade de leitura tornou-se um campo de grandes possibilidades para a pesquisa de ensino-aprendizagem para fins específicos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é fazer um levantamento das estruturas léxico-gramaticais que possam impedir a fluência da leitura dos diferentes gêneros relacionados à área médica. A partir daí, oferecer ao professor maiores subsídios na preparação e na organização do conteúdo programático em cursos de leitura instrumental, além de possibilitar a elaboração de atividades que possam auxiliá-lo nessa tarefa. Para tanto, foi compilado um corpus de estudo composto por três subcorpora: um acadêmico (NEJM) e dois de divulgação na área de saúde (Health News e WebMD), a partir de textos disponíveis na internet. A compilação do corpus foi feita de forma manual e automática, esta com a ajuda da ferramenta BootCat. A análise do corpus foi feita de forma semiautomática por meio do AntConc 3.3 w 2012. A metodologia baseada em corpus permitiu que o levantamento de alguns padrões léxico-gramaticais recorrentes fosse feito de uma forma adequada e eficiente, além de ter demonstrado ser possível a elaboração de um corpus individualizado, não muito laborioso, que possa atender às necessidades dos aprendizes de leitura com necessidades específicas. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas na comparação dos três subcorpora. Confirmando estudos anteriores, como, por exemplo, o de Biber (1998), a forte presença da voz passiva nos textos acadêmicos demonstrou ser uma característica importante para a organização de um conteúdo programático, bem como a forte presença dos verbos regulares. A ordem dos adjetivos nesse tipo de gênero foi outro tópico levantado. Nos textos de divulgação, a presença de características da linguagem falada, como a omissão do that nas orações substantivas e a sequência to be likely, apresentou um forte indício da dificuldade encontrada pelos aprendizes brasileiros de inglês na leitura desse tipo de gênero textual. / Given the growing number of certification in the academic area in English, reading has become of utmost importance for professionals in different areas. Brazilian professionals in the area of health are required to get a proficiency certificate to be accepted in the post graduate programme of an important university in São Paulo. Having that in mind, the aim of this study is to analyse the lexico-grammatical structures and items that can hinder reading comprehension of texts in the medical area. Results may aid teachers in getting more subsidies for the preparation and organisation of their reading syllabi in a course for specific purposes. To be able to accomplish that task we have compiled a corpus which is composed of three subcorpora: one with research articles from the New England Journal of Medicine online version and the two other ones with articles also published on the internet (Health News and WebMD). The compilation was both manual and automatic using the Bootcat. The corpus analysis was initially performed with the help of Wordsmith Tools 5.0 and continued with the AntConC 3.3.w 2012. The use of Corpus Linguistics has allowed the researcher to observe more effectively some of the lexico-grammatical patterns which were typical and recurrent in the analised genres. Besides, this study has demonstrated that it is possible to build a specialized corpus without much effort so as to help teachers and students alike. Significant differences were found as a result of the comparison of the three subcorpora. This study has confirmed the massive presence of the passive voice in academic texts (Biber, 1998). In the information genre, it has revealed its proximity to the spoken variety, which might be the cause for the difficulty encountered by most Brazilian students when reading this kind of articles.

Análise de materiais e propostas de cursos para o ensino do italiano jurídico / Analysis of materials and courses used to teach legal Italian

Quézea Regina Albolea Mastelaro 04 April 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a metodologia aplicada ao ensino do italiano em contextos específicos, mais precisamente, a linguagem técnica adotada no âmbito profissional jurídico. Para alcançar essa finalidade, primeiramente, analisamos os manuais didáticos de italiano jurídico disponíveis no Brasil e destinados a um público adulto que já tenha conhecimentos básicos do idioma e sinta a necessidade de aprofundá-los por motivos pessoais, profissionais, acadêmicos etc. Além de fazer essa análise, preparamos e ministramos cursos de italiano jurídico para três grupos: um de estudantes que têm o perfil indicado nesses livros didáticos, e dois de alunos iniciantes. Nosso intuito ao propor tais cursos consistia em tentar mostrar que, se os aprendizes fazem parte do mundo jurídico, eles conseguem desenvolver o léxico específico ao mesmo tempo em que conseguem aprender/adquirir as estruturas básicas da língua italiana. Nas aulas ministradas, utilizamos um dos manuais didáticos de italiano jurídico e, também, um livro didático voltado para o público geral, entretanto não nos restringimos ao uso desses materiais, isto é, elaboramos e propusemos novas atividades. Os cursos foram avaliados pelos alunos por meio de questionários. Com base na análise da utilização dos materiais mencionados e das atividades propostas bem como nas respostas dos discentes, chegamos a algumas conclusões quanto à abordagem de ensino do italiano jurídico. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the methodology applied to teaching Italian for specific purposes, focusing on the technical language used in the legal setting. To reach this goal, we first analyzed educational materials used to teach legal Italian in Brazil which are targeted at adults with basic language skills who want to enhance those skills due to personal, academic or professional needs. We also prepared and taught Italian classes to three distinct groups: a group of students whose profile matched the target audience for those educational materials and two groups of beginners. Our goal was to show that, if beginners have a legal background, they can develop the specific legal vocabulary at the same time as they learn/acquire the basic structures of the Italian language. In our classes, we also used one of the Legal Italian teaching manuals and a book used to teach students in general. However, we did not restrict ourselves to the use of these materials, but rather prepared and used new activities in the classes. These Italian courses were assessed by students through surveys. Based on the analysis of the materials used in classes as well as the activities proposed, we reached some conclusions as to the approach to be used in teaching legal Italian courses.

Levantamento dos padrões léxico-gramaticais do inglês para aviação: um estudo vetorado pela Linguística de Corpus / Analysis of lexical-grammar patterns of aviation English: a study vectored by Corpus Linguistics

Malila Carvalho de Almeida Prado 10 February 2015 (has links)
A OACI (Organização de Aviação Civil Internacional), órgão que estabelece regulamentações na aviação civil em nível mundial, define o inglês para aviação como uma junção entre a Fraseologia Aeronáutica sublinguagem empregada por pilotos e controladores de tráfego aéreo em comunicações radiotelefônicas em situações rotineiras e o inglês comum (plain English), utilizado quando a Fraseologia Aeronáutica não se mostra suficiente. Após averiguar que acidentes aéreos foram agravados por falhas de comunicação, a OACI passou a exigir dos profissionais supracitados uma licença para operações internacionais. Para tal licenciamento, é requerida uma avaliação de proficiência linguística, prescrita no Manual de Implementação de Proficiência Linguística, ou DOC 9835, publicado pela OACI em 2004. A partir de então, o inglês aeronáutico teve seu grau de importância elevado e começou a ser avaliado em países ao redor do mundo, por governos e/ou por instituições internacionais, e, nos últimos anos, foram publicados materiais didáticos que se propõem a atender a essa nova demanda. Identificando a falta de autenticidade nesses materiais, e um descompasso entre a definição proposta pela OACI e o Glossário de Estruturas Básicas e Complexas adicionado à segunda edição do DOC 9835 (ICAO, 2010), buscamos no aporte teórico da Linguística de Corpus uma metodologia para a descrição do plain English utilizado em contextos aeronáuticos em uso real. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar um estudo descritivo da linguagem utilizada por controladores de tráfego aéreo e pilotos em comunicações radiotelefônicas em situações anormais; para atingi-lo, compilamos um corpus falado extraído desse contexto. A partir desse corpus, analisamos, primeiramente, os padrões fraseológicos no entorno de cinco itens lexicais runway [pista], aircraft [aeronave], emergency [emergência], fuel [combustível] e engine [motor] , que foram evidenciados como as palavras de conteúdo mais frequentes no corpus de estudo. Contrastamos, em seguida, nossos resultados com o Glossário de Estruturas do próprio DOC 9835. Nossos resultados apontam que, assim como recomendado pela OACI, o inglês para aviação é simples e objetivo, não correspondendo ao tipo de linguagem sugerida no referido anexo nem ao conteúdo programático dos materiais didáticos utilizados atualmente. / ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), a specialized agency which regulates civil aviation worldwide, defines aviation English as a combination of Aeronautical Phraseology a sublanguage used by air traffic controllers and pilots in radiotelephony communications in routine situations and plain English, used when Phraseology does not suffice. After verifying that air crashes were aggravated by miscommunications, ICAO started requesting a proficiency level accredited in the licenses of these two professionals when operating internationally. To obtain this license, applicants are required to take a proficiency exam, prescribed in the Manual of Implementation of Proficiency Requirements, or DOC 9835, published by ICAO in 2004. Since then, aviation English has reached a higher level of importance, and started being evaluated by governments and institutions throughout the world and, in the last years, coursebooks have been published with the objective of meeting those needs. Having identified a lack of authenticity in such materials, as well as an imbalance between the definition of aviation English in DOC 9835 and the Glossary of Basic and Complex Structures added to its second edition (ICAO, 2010), we used Corpus Linguistics as a methodology to investigate this language for special purposes in its real environment. Therefore, this research presents a description of the language used by air traffic controllers and pilots in radiotelephony communications when in abnormal situations. To achieve our goals, we compiled a spoken corpus extracted from this context. For this study, we primarily investigated the phraseological patterns in the surroundings of five lexical items runway, aircraft, emergency, fuel and engine , chosen because of their high frequency status in our corpus. We then contrasted our results with the Glossary attached to DOC 9835, which suggests a list of grammar structures on which the assessment and training of aviation English should be based. This research concludes with a demonstration of the simplicity, objectiveness and clarity of the plain English identified in our corpus, which does not correlate with the structures recommended in the Glossary nor with the language explored in coursebooks published to this end.

Uma experiência de ensino de francês língua estrangeira no contexto do profissional de secretariado: francês com objetivos específicos? / An experience of teaching of french in the context of secretarial professionals: french for specific purposes?

Emili Barcellos Martins 11 February 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivos descrever, analisar e discutir uma experiência de ensino/aprendizagem de francês voltada para profissionais de secretariado, indagando se um curso de Francês com Objetivos Específicos propriamente dito seria viável a aprendizes com pouco ou nenhum conhecimento do idioma já inseridos no mercado de trabalho ou se seria necessário iniciar a formação por um curso geral de Francês Língua Estrangeira. O curso experimental foi ministrado na sede do Sindicato das Secretárias do Estado de São Paulo de março a novembro de 2009 e contou com a participação de trezes secretárias. A partir da observação dos dados coletados e dos resultados obtidos ao longo da realização deste curso, pareceu-nos fundamental acrescentar à reflexão contida neste trabalho outra perspectiva: trata-se de um curso de FOS propriamente dito ou de um curso de FLE com orientação secretarial? Esta pesquisa apresenta em primeiro lugar o profissional de secretariado assim como parâmetros referentes às tarefas exigidas deste profissional no mercado de trabalho brasileiro nos dias atuais. Em segundo lugar, ela analisa a gênese e o desenvolvimento gradual do conceito de FOS e expõe por fim a concepção do curso experimental a partir dos resultados obtidos na etapa de análise de necessidades. Este estudo de caso revela o cerne do trabalho do professor: o de ser o responsável pela concepção de formações lingüísticas que aliem protocolos de concepção e procedimentos de FOS a uma orientação para a área secretarial. / This dissertation aims at describing, analysing and discussing a teaching/learning experience to secretaries regarding the French language. Its core question is whether or not a course with specific purposes would be viable for learners with little or no knowledge of the language but already inserted in the work market. The study wanted to determine if such a course would be efficient or if the students would need a general course of French as a foreign language prior to the specific purpose course. The experimental course was taught at the secretaries union in the state of São Paulo from March to November 2009 and it had 13 secretaries. Based on the observation of data collected and the results obtained, we found it important to add another perspective: is this a FOS course or a FLE course but oriented to the secretarial field? This research shows first the professionals as well as parameters that refer to the tasks demanded from these professionals in todays Brazilian work market. Following, it analyses the genesis and the gradual development of the concept of FOS. Finally, it exposes the conception of the experimental course based on the results obtained in the period of the needs analysis. This case study reveals the core of a teachers job: the one of being responsible for the conception of linguistic formation that put together conception protocols and procedures of FOS with the secretarial orientation.

L'enseignement-apprentissage de l'argumentation dans la communication professionnelle en Français sur Objectifs Spécifiques : l'exemple de l'enseignement supérieur tunisien / The teaching-learning of argumentation in professional communication in French for Specific Purposes : the example of the Tunisian higher education

Njah, Mohamed 12 December 2011 (has links)
Au confluent de nombreux domaines, notre recherche a des préoccupations à la fois linguistiques, didactiques et professionnelles. Le postulat de base est que l’acte d’argumenter est omniprésent dans la communication professionnelle de type formel. Pourtant, peu de travaux se sont préoccupés de cette dimension technique de l’argumentation. Le premier objectif de la recherche est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de la place donnée et du rôle effectif de l’argumentation dans la communication professionnelle. Les données pratiques sont recueillies à travers une enquête, constituée d’entretiens et d’un questionnaire, auprès des intervenants aussi bien dans le monde professionnel que dans le champ du Français sur Objectifs Spécifiques (FOS). Cela amène à une réflexion didactique sur l’acquisition de cette compétence spécifique en FOS dans le contexte éducatif et sociolinguistique tunisien conférant au français un statut de langue seconde, en prenant comme exemple illustratif l’enseignement supérieur. Les implications didactiques de ce contexte justifient le second objectif de la recherche consistant en une réflexion prospective et innovante, espérons-le, sur les pratiques de formation à la communication professionnelle, spécifiquement argumentative. Cette réflexion cherche à opérer une conciliation entre les objectifs classiques des curricula du FOS et les objectifs pratiques de la communication professionnelle, au moyen de la confection d’un référentiel de compétences argumentatives en communication professionnelle à faire acquérir aux apprenants et d’un traitement didactique spécifique pour l’une des compétences sous forme de contenus de formation adéquats. / At the confluence of many fields, our research has at the same time linguistic, didactic and professional preoccupations. Its basic premise is that the argumentation act is omnipresent in formal professional communication. Yet, few works were interested in this technical dimension of argumentation. The first objective of the research is to contribute to a better knowledge of the place given to argumentation and its efficient role in professional communication. The practical data are collected through an investigation, consisting of interviews and a questionnaire, with the concerned parties in the professional world as well as in the field of French for Specific Purposes (FSP). This leads to a didactic study of the acquisition of this specific competence in FSP in the Tunisian educational and sociolinguistic context that confers to French a status of Second Language, taking higher education as an illustrative example. The didactic implications of this context justify the second objective of our research consisting of a prospective and innovative thinking about the training practices for the professional communication, specifically the argumentative one. This study tries to strike conciliation between the classic objectives of the FSP curriculum and the practical objectives of professional communication. This conciliation is achieved through the production of an argumentative competences framework in professional communication to be acquired by learners and through a specific didactic treatment for one of the competences, which consists in adequate training contents.

Identifying academic reading strategies in a multilingual context

Cabinda, Manuel João José January 2014 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / In this thesis I explore the complexity of FL (Foreign Language) reading through qualitatively and quantitatively analysing the forms, ways, and mechanisms applied by adult readers at tertiary university education level to construct meaning in an ESP/EAP (English for Specific and Academic Purposes) multilingual educational context at the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), in Mozambique

Využití klimatických družicových dat pro studium vlivu povětrnostní situace na vybrané meteorologické prvky / Using of climate satellite data for study of weather circulation type influence on selected meteorological parameters

Kotek, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
Cloudiness and solar radiation affect the Earth's energy and water cycle and spa- tial distribution of these parameters is also connected to the atmospheric pressure field and atmospheric circulation. This thesis starts with a short overview of remote sensing of the atmosphere, the EUMETSAT organisation and its section CM SAF which focuses on the uses of satellite data for climate monitoring. Next is a description of cloud and ra- diation products used in this thesis. Daily means of these products in the Czech Republic are then used to calculate mean values, trends and anomalies for the whole time series. Obtained values are compared based on the weather circulation type using the Brádka classification. 1

An investigation of language learning agency in English for academic purposes: the case of the Malawi University of Science and Technology

Mkandawire, Kondwani Kelvin January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / There is general recognition regarding the importance of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses in assisting students acquire academic discourses appropriate to specific disciplines of study. However, undergraduate students in multilingual contexts, where English is a second or foreign language face challenges in managing the transition from secondary school into the university, where they are expected to appropriate as well as acclimate to new discourses of communication deemed to be essential for their survival in the academic world. Although studies show the importance of agency in language learning success, institutional demands have sometimes led to the adoption of teaching and assessment practices that ignore the learners’ English language learning history, background, experiences and needs, which impact on their sense of agency and voice in the EAP classroom and eventually their learning success. The study investigates whether the EAP course at the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) can engender agency and voice among first year undergraduate students transitioning into the University from community day secondary schools (CDSSs). It aspires to generate an understanding of the strong link that exists between institutional orientation to EAP, course design and pedagogical practice on the one hand and learner agency, voice and multiple meaning making in the EAP classroom on the other. Anchored theoretically in critical pedagogy (Freire, 1970), ecological affordances (van Anchored theoretically in critical pedagogy (Freire, 1970), ecological affordances (van Lier, 2000, 2004) and positioning (Davies & Harré, 1999), the study argues for EAP pedagogy that provides affordances, empowers and positions transitioning students for critical learning by deliberately making multiple meaning making, agency and voice the mainstays of course design and instruction. The investigation uses a qualitative case study methodology centred on understanding affordances for agency and voice in EAP learning, manifestations of and the factors influencing voice and agency from the perspectives of first-year undergraduate students transitioning from community day secondary schools (CDSSs) and EAP course lecturers. Collection of data involved semester-long observation of 44 EAP lecture sessions of roughly 2 hours each duration, as well as interviews with participant students and course lecturers, and analysis of documents. The findings indicate that design and pedagogical practice in the current EAP course at MUST fail to adequately engender agency and voice among students and to promote learner empowerment or encourage multiple meaning making in and outside the classroom. The entire study has generated some insights for advancement of critical EAP learning that can engender voice and agency, including the need for EAP to deliberately build in and promote learner empowerment, multiple meaning making and negotiation in order to move towards pedagogy that is appropriate for critical learning, voice and agency, the need for EAP to move away from closure-focused teaching, learning and assessment, the need for enhancement of EAP course lecturers’ critical awareness of the world views and inherent assumptions surrounding various approaches to EAP pedagogy, the need for enrichment of EAP learning environments with semiotic resources for learner engagement for agency, voice and multiple meaning making, the need for learning spaces that are enabling for students to identify and utilize affordances for EAP learning beyond the classroom, and the need for exploration of PowerPoint and related technologies for EAP instruction beyond current use as tools for transmission of content to students.

O uso de agrupamentos lexicais em atividades de língua inglesa para o vestibular : uma metodologia baseada em corpora /

Laranja, Luana Aparecida Nazzi January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Paula Tavares Pinto / Resumo: Tendo como base teórico-metodológica o ensino de língua inglesa (LI) para fins específicos (IFE) (DUDLEY-EVANS; ST. JOHN, 1998) em associação com a Linguística de Corpus (LC) (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004, 2009; O’KEEFFE, MCCARTHY, CARTER, 2007; VIANA, TAGNIN, 2011), o objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a aplicabilidade do levantamento de agrupamentos lexicais para o desenvolvimento de atividades de compreensão de escrita em LI a fim de contribuir para a identificação vocabular de notícias da atualidade. Para isso, foram compilados quatro corpora de textos jornalísticos autênticos com temática saúde, tecnologia, política e mundo, advindos dos sites CNN® e BBC® (coleta em 2018) com o intuito de desenvolver atividades voltadas para o vestibular da UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista). Por meio do software Sketch Engine® foram extraídas as palavras-chave mais frequentes de cada corpus e, concomitantemente, os agrupamentos lexicais dessas palavras para posterior desenvolvimento das atividades, de modo que os exercícios tenham como base as combinações lexicais mais frequentes das notícias compiladas. Em função disso, foi possível verificar que quando o conteúdo do corpus está em consonância com o objetivo dos alunos, é possível extrair informações relevantes para o desenvolvimento de materiais úteis para a sala de aula. Assim, os textos jornalísticos foram muito importantes para os exercícios elaborados por meio dos corpora, visto que esse gênero textual é constante nos vestibular... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Based on the theoretical and methodological approach of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) (DUDLEY-EVANS; ST. JOHN, 1998) along with the use of Corpus Linguistics (CL) BERBER SARDINHA, 2004, 2009; O'KEEFFE, MCCARTHY, CARTER, 2007; VIANA, TAGNIN, 2011), the aim of this research is to evaluate the applicability of lexical bundles for the development of reading comprehension activities in English in order to contribute to the lexical comprehension of current news. To this end, four corpora of authentic journalistic texts on health, technology, politics and world, from the CNN® and BBC® websites, were compiled (collected in 2018) in order to develop activities aimed at the entrance exam of UNESP (São Paulo State University). We extracted the most frequent keywords from each corpus with the aid of the Sketch Engine® software and, concomitantly, the lexical bundles originated from these words for further development of teaching activities, so that the exercises are based on the most frequent lexical combinations of the compiled news. As a result, it was possible to verify that when the content of the corpus is in line with the students' objective, it is possible to extract relevant information for the development of useful materials for the classroom. Thus, the journalistic texts were very important for the exercises elaborated through the corpora, since this textual genre is constant in the entrance exams applied to the students. The activities were administered to students of a ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Människohandel för sexuella ändamål - Den moderna tidens slavhandel : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska ideella organisationer arbetar med stöd och skydd till människohandelsoffer

Gröholt, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
We live in a world where slavery has taken on a new form. Even though the type of slavery we learn about in the history books has been abolished, slavery continues today through, among other things, the sex trade. This study is a qualitative informant study that aims to find out how Swedish non-profit organizations provide support and protection to women who have been subjected to human trafficking for sexual purposes, and what explanatory models exist for why human trafficking for sexual purposes takes place today. The study has also examined which areas for improvement can be identified in the work for support and protection of victims of human trafficking for sexual purposes. The study is based on semi-structured interviews from 4 different Swedish non-profit organizations that in various ways are active actors in the work with human trafficking for sexual purposes. The results shed light on the fact that there is a demand for sexual services that propel the industry of human trafficking for sexual purposes forward. This type of crime can also be explained as a type of gender-based violence that is rooted in a patriarchal and unequal society. Civil society has an important and crucial role to play in combating this type of crime and, not least, in providing support and protection to victims of trafficking. A human trafficking victim has both urgent and long-term needs that need to be met. The study describes civil society's support and protection efforts that human trafficking victims are offered and what conditions they have in Sweden to provide it.

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