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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l’analyse du milieu spécialisé des entreprises du risque technologique à travers leur discours : le cas du pétrole et des biotechnologies agricoles aux États-Unis / Contribution to the analysis of the specialized milieu of technological risk companies through their discourse : the example of oil and agricultural biotechnology in the United States

Domenec, Fanny 14 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation du milieu spécialisé des entreprises du risque technologique aux États-Unis. Dans le cadre de la recherche en anglais de spécialité, il s’agit de démontrer que les multinationales américaines du pétrole et des biotechnologies agricoles partagent un discours et une culture spécifiques, fondés sur une stratégie de légitimation de leurs activités. Cette stratégie de légitimation se manifeste à travers des choix structurels, lexicaux, syntaxiques et rhétoriques qui distinguent le discours spécialisé au sein du monde de l’entreprise. Dans la première partie, nous revenons sur les fondements théoriques et méthodologiques de ce travail : nous précisons la singularité du milieu formé par Monsanto, DuPont Pioneer, Dow AgroSciences, Chevron, ExxonMobil et Conoco Phillips et présentons la méthodologie en trois temps, qui reflète le caractère pluridisciplinaire de l’anglais de spécialité. La seconde partie porte sur les manifestations de la stratégie de légitimation dans les déclarations de mission, les rapports annuels et les communiqués de presse des multinationales étudiées. L’analyse souligne des modifications de certains critères prototypiques, qui reflètent une conception particulière de la RSE et de la culture d’entreprise. Une perspective civilisationnelle est proposée afin d’éclairer l’adaptation du discours de l’entreprise au contexte local. La dernière partie traite des genres émergents, de l’adaptation des outils du Web 2.0. et de la mise en place de stratégies de « légidivertissement » et de « promodivertissement » sur Internet, afin de répondre aux enjeux communicationnels propres au domaine du risque technologique. / This dissertation focuses on the specialized milieu formed by technological risk companies in the United States. Within the framework of English for Specific Purposes, we aim to show that American multinationals specializing in oil and agricultural biotechnology share a specific discourse and culture based on legitimizing their activities. This legitimation strategy can be identified through structural, lexical, syntactic and rhetorical choices which set apart the specialized discourse of technological risk companies within the corporate world. Part 1 presents the theoretical and methodological foundations of our research: the specificity of the milieu formed by Monsanto, DuPont Pioneer, Dow AgroSciences, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Conoco Phillips is clarified and the methodology, which reflects the pluridisciplinary nature of English for Specific Purposes, is explained. Part 2 concentrates on the manifestations of the legitimation strategy in the mission statements, annual reports and press releases of technological risk companies. The analysis underscores some modifications in the traditional genres of company discourse which reflect a specific vision of CSR and corporate culture. A cultural perspective is suggested to cast light on the local adaptation of corporate discourse. Part 3 concentrates on emerging cybergenres, the adaptation of web 2.0 tools and the use of “promotainment” and “legitainment strategies” on the Internet as a response to the specific communicative needs of technological risk multinationals.

Contribution à la caractérisation de la presse écrite états-unienne de qualité comme domaine spécialisé : milieu, culture et discours du New York Times et du Washington Post / Contribution to the characterization of the quality written press in the United States as a specialized domain : the milieu, culture and discourse of the New York Times and the Washington Post

Peynaud, Caroline 15 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse en anglais de spécialité s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’étude des domaines spécialisés analysés par le prisme du continuum unissant milieu, culture et discours. Notre approche consiste à tenter d’appliquer ce cadre à un objet problématique, celui de la presse écrite de qualité aux États-Unis, représentée par le New York Times et le Washington Post. Dans cette optique, nous nous appuyons sur les trois fonctions d’un domaine spécialisé (opération, régulation et formation) afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure les caractéristiques culturelles du domaine conduisent à la production d’un discours spécifique.La première partie présente une réflexion épistémologique et méthodologique sur notre objet de recherche et sur notre discipline. Nous exposons les difficultés à considérer le journalisme comme domaine spécialisé en anglais de spécialité et la réflexion qui nous a conduite à envisager la spécialisation de ce sous-domaine, qui s’appuie en particulier sur certaines théories sociologiques. Nous présentons également la méthodologie adoptée pour l’étude de terrain et pour l’analyse du corpus. Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous intéressons au cadre de l’entreprise comme premier niveau de spécialisation et nous tentons de déterminer ce qui réunit les deux journaux choisis. Nous analysons ainsi certains aspects de la fonction d’opération. Dans la troisième partie, nous nous concentrons sur l’analyse du milieu ; nous exposons ainsi les fonctions de régulation et de formation telles qu’elles sont mises en œuvre dans le domaine. Enfin, la quatrième partie présente deux aspects du discours qui reflètent les contraintes du milieu : le discours rapporté et la terminologie. / This dissertation in the field of English for Specific Purposes focuses on the study of specialized domains analysed through the milieu-culture-discourse continuum. The approach consists in an attempt to apply that theoretical framework to the problematic domain of the quality written press in the United States, of which the New York Times and the Washington Post represent two examples. The study consists more specifically in testing the three functions of a specialized domain, operation, regulation and training, in order to understand to what extent the cultural features of the domain determine the production of a specific discourse. The first part presents an epistemological and methodological reflection on the research object as well as on the theoretical framework. It begins with a presentation of the specific difficulties encountered in analysing journalism from an ESP perspective. It then focuses on the criteria used to determine the specialization of the milieu, based on sociological theories of the media. It finally presents the methodological framework developed for the field study and as regards discourse analysis. The second part focuses on the two companies, considered as the lowest level of specialization, in an attempt to define the similarities between the two newspapers based on a study of the operation function. The third part presents an analysis of the milieu, through an understanding of the regulation and training functions in the domain. The fourth part studies two aspects of journalistic discourse that reflect the constraints of the milieu, namely reported speech and terminology.

Organizações internacionais e suas manifestações dotadas de efeitos normativos: impactos sobre a teoria das fontes e modos de aplicação no ordenamento brasileiro / International organizations and their manifestations endowed with normative purposes: impacts on the theory of sources and application methods in the Brazilians law.

Morais, Rafael Santos 06 June 2013 (has links)
O estudo proposto nesta dissertação teve como objetivos a análise de um fenômeno da sociedade internacional, a assunção de competências normativas pelas organizações internacionais, e o impacto desses sujeitos na teoria das fontes do Direito Internacional, seja em âmbito internacional, como em âmbito nacional brasileiro. Conclui-se que as organizações internacionais apresentam importantes impactos sobre as bases do Direito Internacional e um dos mais relevantes é a elaboração de manifestações dotadas de efeitos normativos, cuja variedade implica diferentes fundamentações jurídicas. / The study proposed in this dissertation aimed to analyze a phenomenon of international society, the assumption of legislative powers by international organizations, and the impact of these subjects on the theory of the sources of international law, either internationally, either nationally in Brazil. We conclude that international organizations have important impacts on the basis of international law and one of the most important is the development of manifestations endowed with normative purposes, which range implies different legal reasoning.

Contribution à l’étude de la fonction de régulation dans les domaines spécialisés anglophones : les professions à accès régulé au Royaume-Uni / Contribution to the study of the regulatory function in the anglophone specialised domains : the example of regulated professions in the United Kingdom

Benedetto, Caroline 10 July 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à contribuer à l’étude de la fonction de régulation dans les domainesspécialisés en contexte anglophone (Petit, 2002a, 2004, 2010) à travers l’analyse des professionsà accès régulé au Royaume-Uni.La première partie présente plusieurs points de repère généraux servant à cadrer l’ensemble denotre étude et à éclairer le fonctionnement des domaines spécialisés. Nous définissonspremièrement les notions centrales de domaine et de discours spécialisés, avant d’aborder lanotion de régulation. Les discours sur la régulation et les discours contribuant à la régulation sontensuite analysés : nous en construisons une cartographie générale visant à mettre en lumière leurscaractéristiques stylistiques et rhétoriques. Nous présentons enfin la notion de profession, qui faitl’objet d’une acception différente en anglais et en français, avant de montrer les spécificités desprofessions anglophones à accès régulé.Dans la seconde partie, nous nous employons à caractériser la fonction de régulation quis’applique aux domaines de la santé, du droit et de l’ingénierie au Royaume-Uni, après avoirdémontré qu’ils répondent aux critères de définition des domaines spécialisés. Nous yenvisageons ainsi le fonctionnement général de la régulation par le biais de ses acteurs et de sesprincipaux dispositifs. Nous souhaitons montrer qu’il existe non seulement des points deconvergence dans les domaines examinés, mais aussi des éléments qui relèvent spécifiquement dechacun d’entre eux. L’étude de la fonction de régulation doit nous permettre d’éclairer lefonctionnement général et l’identité des domaines spécialisés. / This doctoral dissertation aims to contribute to the study of the regulatory functionthat applies to specialised domains (Petit, 2002a, 2004, 2010) through the analysis of the health,law and engineering professions in the UK.The first part of our dissertation describes the theoretical foundations and the key elements forour research. We first define some important notions, in particular those of specialised domainand specialised discourse, before approaching the notion of regulation. We then offer a typologyof the discourses on regulation and those contributing to regulation in order to highlight theirmain stylistic and rhetorical characteristics. Lastly, we present the notion of profession, whichhas a different meaning in English and in French, before pointing out the characteristics of theanglophone regulated professions.In the second part of this dissertation, we examine the regulatory function that characterises thehealth, law and engineering domains in the UK, after showing that they are specialised domains.We then examine, in each of them, the general functioning of regulation through the study of itsactors and practices. We intend to show that there are constant elements in these domains, butalso specific elements of regulation in each of them. The analysis of regulation aims to improvethe general understanding of the specialised domains.

Categorias fundamentais de documentos de periódicos acadêmicos japoneses / Fundamental categories of documents from Japanese scholarly periodicals

Aragão, Rodrigo Moura Lima de 24 July 2017 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, os estudos de língua japonesa acadêmica mulplicaram-se, dando forma a um novo domínio de pesquisa. Apesar dos avanços no conhecimento de japonês acadêmico, há uma lacuna quanto às categorias de documentos encontradas em periódicos acadêmicos do Japão. Pesquisas passadas privilegiaram documentos do tipo ronbun (artigo), deixando de lado a existência de outras categorias relevantes de publicação. O presente estudo dirige-se a essa lacuna. A fim de identificar as principais categorias de documentos de revistas acadêmicas japonesas, examinaram-se instruções aos autores de periódicos do Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-Stage), base eletrônica de acesso aberto do Japão. Como resultado, seis categorias foram identificadas: ssetsu (teoria compreensiva), shiry (material), kaisetsu (explicação), gencho ronbun (artigo original), shohy (crítica de livro) e tanp (relatório curto). O modo pelo qual as revistas do J-Stage descrevem essas categorias foi retratado mediante a compilação de conteúdo de instruções aos autores. Além disso, as categorias foram caracterizadas quanto à estrutura e ao propósito fundamental aparente por meio do exame de uma amostra de documentos publicados em revistas do J-Stage. Traços linguísticos gerais de documentos de periódicos acadêmicos japoneses foram ainda descritos com base em orientações encontradas em instruções aos autores. / In recent years, the body of research on academic Japanese has grown considerably, and a new research domain has emerged. Despite the advances in knowledge of academic Japanese, there is a gap concerning publication categories found in scholarly periodicals from Japan. Past studies focused on documents of the ronbun (article) type, ignoring the existence of other relevant categories. The present study addresses this gap. In order to identify the main publication categories from Japanese scholarly journals, instructions to authors from periodicals found in the Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-Stage)an open-access, electronic database from Japanwere examined. As a result, six categories have been identified: ssetsu (general theory), shiry (material), kaisetsu (explanation), gencho ronbun (original article), shohy (book review), and tanp (short report). The way by which journals from J-Stage describe these categories was depicted by the compilation of descriptions extracted from instructions to authors. Furthermore, the six categories were characterized in terms of structure and visible fundamental purpose by means of an analysis of a sample of documents published in journals from J-Stage. Additionally, general linguistic features of Japanese journal documents were described based on directions found in instructions to authors.

Critérios para o controle das normas tributárias indutoras: uma análise pautada no princípio da igualdade e na importância dos efeitos / Criteria for the control of extrafiscality: an analysis guided on the principle of equality and the importance of the effects

Leão, Martha Toribio 02 June 2014 (has links)
O Direito Tributário não tem como finalidade única a arrecadação de receitas para custear os gastos estatais. Embora esta seja a sua finalidade principal, a verdade é que ela coexiste com outras funções, como a finalidade de distribuição de riqueza e de intervenção na ordem econômica e social. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta dissertação é aprofundar o estudo sobre a utilização instrumental das normas tributárias, determinando quais seriam os critérios de controle para a utilização dessas normas cuja função precípua é a promoção de determinada finalidade social, política ou econômica, e não a mera arrecadação de recursos. Para isso, inicia-se o trabalho com a delimitação do regime jurídico atinente a estas normas, analisando a legitimidade da função indutora na tributação diante da Constituição de 1988 e verificando quais são as limitações próprias da tributação e os princípios da ordem econômica a elas aplicáveis. Em seguida, passa-se a demonstrar que a função extrafiscal precisa ser controlada através da verificação da validade da finalidade buscada com relação às restrições impostas aos direitos envolvidos, especialmente no que tange ao princípio da igualdade e a aplicação da capacidade contributiva. Além disso, evidencia-se que a função extrafiscal não pode ser definida apenas pela sua causa, mas também pelos seus efeitos no mercado, uma vez que a indução de comportamentos faz parte de sua própria natureza. Após isso, identifica-se a necessidade de controle sobre a utilização das normas tributárias indutoras, apresentando os critérios para tanto: o princípio da igualdade, a aplicação da capacidade contributiva, o controle de eficácia, o exame de proporcionalidade, a complementaridade, a subsidiariedade, a economicidade e o cumprimento da finalidade. Por fim, estes critérios são aplicados em exemplos de normas tributárias indutoras no sistema tributário brasileiro, a fim de contribuir para o desenvolvimento do debate jurídico acerca da extrafiscalidade. / The Tax Law does not have the sole purpose of raising revenue to fund state spending. Although this is its main purpose, the truth is that it coexists with other functions such as the purpose of distribution of wealth and intervention in economic and social order. In this context, the aim of this dissertation is to deepen the study of the instrumental use of tax rules, determining the criteria to control the use of tax rules whose primary function is the promotion of a specific social purpose, political or economic, not mere fundraising. For this, the work begins with the definition of the separate legal status to these rules, analyzing the legitimacy of the regulatory function in taxation in the 1988 Constitution and checking what are the limitations of taxation and the principles of Economic Order applicable to them. Then it goes to show that the extrafiscal function needs to be monitored by checking the validity of the order sought in relation to restrictions on rights involved, especially with regard to the principle of equality and the implementation of ability to pay. Furthermore, it is evident that the extrafiscal function cannot be defined only by their cause, but also for their effects on the market, since the induction of behavior is part of their nature. After that, we identify the need for control over the use of Tax rules to induce the taxpayers behavior, presenting the criteria for that: the principle of equality, the implementation of ability to pay principle, effectiveness control, proportionality test and complementarity, subsidiarity, economy and fulfillment of purpose. Finally, these criteria are applied to examples of Tax rules to induce the taxpayers behavior in the Brazilian tax system in order to contribute to the development of the legal debate over extrafiscality.

Monitoramento eletrônico de penas e alternativas penais / Penal electronic monitoring and alternative sentencing

Corrêa Junior, Alceu 09 April 2012 (has links)
A busca por alternativas à prisão é antiga, e a vigilância eletrônica surgiu como uma solução tecnológica. O contexto cultural dos Estados Unidos no fim do século XX propiciou o surgimento do monitoramento eletrônico, influenciado também pelo utilitarismo e pela cultura do controle do delito. O monitoramento deve respeitar os princípios do Estado Democrático de Direito (dignidade humana) e estar vinculado aos fins preventivos da pena (prevenção especial positiva). Por si só não reduz a população carcerária e não diminui a reincidência, mas as vantagens econômicas e os bons resultados obtidos por outros países não podem ser desprezados. Assim, a experiência estrangeira revela bons resultados no uso da vigilância junto a programas de acompanhamento social. No Brasil, o monitoramento eletrônico foi introduzido por lei na execução penal e como medida cautelar. Interessante seria que fosse estabelecido como modo de execução da prisão (alternativa aos estabelecimentos penitenciários). Poderia ser previsto ainda para a execução das penas restritivas de direitos que demandam fiscalização, consolidando um sistema alternativo de penas capaz de promover a prevenção e substituir o cárcere para delitos menores. O monitoramento eletrônico restringe direitos fundamentais e, assim, deve ser previsto em lei, limitado à restrição imposta, aplicado se necessário e com a menor visibilidade possível. / The search for alternatives to prison is old, and electronic surveillance has emerged as a technological solution. The cultural context of the United States at the end of the twentieth century has propitiated the emergence of electronic monitoring, also influenced by utilitarism and by the culture of offense control. Monitoring should respect the principles of Democratic Rule of Law (human dignity) and to be linked to the preventive purposes of sentence (positive special prevention). By itself it does not decrease the prison population and it does not reduce recidivism, but the economic gains and the good results obtained by other countries can not be ignored. Thus, foreign experience shows good results in the use of surveillance along with programs of social support. In Brazil, the electronic monitoring was introduced by law in criminal enforcement and as a precautionary measure. It would be interesting if it could be established as a way of prison enforcement (alternative to prisons). It could be also expected to enforce restrictive penalties of rights that require monitoring, consolidating an alternative system of penalties that can promote prevention and replace the prison for minor offenses. The electronic monitoring restricts fundamental rights and thus it should be provided by law, limited to the restriction, applied when it is necessary with the least visibility.

A produção escrita universitária \"à la française\": preparação dos alunos de Letras da FFLCH USP  que vão estudar na França / Academic written productions \"à la française\": preparation of students of Letras from FFLCH USP ranging study in France

Machado, Regina Teresa dos Santos 01 July 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal identificar e discutir as diferentes produções escritas solicitadas no meio universitário francês para estudantes do Curso de Letras Francês/Português da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo inseridos em programas de intercâmbio na França. Além disso, a pesquisa tem como objetivo apontar eixos que venham a constituir um referencial de formação linguística para o desenvolvimento de competências visando a produção escrita de dois gêneros em particular, o commentaire composé e a dissertation, identificados como os gêneros mais recorrentes solicitados aos estudantes de Letras em intercâmbio. A fundamentação teórica desta pesquisa apoia-se, primeiramente, na metodologia do ensino do Francês para Objetivo Específico, mais particularmente, para Objetivo Universitário (Mangiante e Parpette, 2004, 2011 e Mangiante, 2009) e os estudos de Bakhtin sobre os gêneros do discurso (1997 [1929]). Para a coleta e análise dos dados, baseamo-nos na metodologia descrita por Mangiante e Parpette (2011) e na pesquisa qualitativa como princípios metodológicos que nos levaram à identificação de necessidades e dificuldades para a realização das produções acadêmicas solicitadas. Os resultados mostraram que é fundamental preparar os alunos, candidatos a programas de intercâmbio, do ponto de vista linguístico, discursivo e metodológico visando o desenvolvimento de competências para a realização de produções escritas à la française . / This work has as main objective to identify and discuss the different written productions asked, in the french campus environment, for undergraduate students of French and Portuguese Studies from the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo, who enrolled in exchange programs in France. Furthermore, the research aims to point out axes that may constitute a language training reference for skills development aiming at written productions of two genres in particular, the commentaire composé and the dissertation, identified as the most current genres requested for the Languages and Literature students in exchange programs. The theoretical basis of this research relies primarily on the French for Specific Purposes teaching methodology, mainly for Academic Purpose (Mangiante and Parpette, 2004, 2011 and Mangiante, 2009), and the notion of speech genre defined by Bakhtin (1997 [1929]). To collect and analyze the data, we rely on the methodology described by Mangiante and Parpette (2011) and the qualitative research as methodological principles that led us to the identification of needs and difficulties to write the required academic productions. The results showed that it is essential to prepare students, candidates for exchange programs, in terms of linguistic, discursive and methodological aiming at developing skills for creating written productions \"à la française\".

Influência dos propósitos epistêmicos e das ações típicas do professor na promoção da argumentação em aula investigativa de ciências / The influence of epistemic purposes and typical actions of the teacher to promote argumentation in inquiry science class.

Oliveira, Thiago Luis Silva de 25 November 2016 (has links)
A mediação do professor é fundamental para a construção de argumentos em aulas de Ciências. Nesse sentido torna-se importante estudar as interações discursivas entre professor e alunos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar como os propósitos e as ações do professor estimulam a argumentação dos alunos em uma aula investigativa de ciências. Para caracterizar a mediação do professor foi utilizada a ferramenta analítica \"propósitos epistêmicos e ações típicas para promoção da argumentação\" de Ferraz e Sasseron (2014) e de Ferraz (2015), enquanto que o layout de Toulmin (TAP) (2006) foi utilizado para identificar os elementos do argumento construídos pelos alunos. Foram identificados dois argumentos contendo os elementos básicos do TAP construídos coletivamente ao longo da aula. Durante a construção dos argumentos, o professor utilizou os propósitos retomar, problematizar, explorar e qualificar. As ações \"retoma dado\" e \"explora ponto de vista\" contribuíram para a construção do elemento dado. A construção da garantia deveu-se as ações \"retoma conceito\", \"retoma informações\", \"explora ponto de vista\" e \"qualifica variáveis, objetos ou fenômenos\". A construção do elemento conclusão foi promovida pela ação \"propõe um problema\". As ações \"qualifica variáveis, objetos ou fenômenos\", \"qualifica explicações ou pontos de vista\", \"retoma informações\" e \"explora ponto de vista\" auxiliaram na construção do elemento refutação do TAP. A maior frequência dos propósitos explorar e qualificar deveu-se ao esforço do professor em promover a avaliação de dados e garantias que os alunos estavam utilizando para a construção de suas conclusões sobre a presença ou não de seres vivos na amostra analisada. / The mediation of the teacher is fundamental for the construction of arguments in science class. Like this it is important to study the discursive interactions between teacher and students. This study aimed to analyze how the teacher\'s purposes and actions stimulate the reasoning of students in an inquiry science class. The analytical tool \"epistemic purpose and typical actions to promote the argumentation\" (FERRAZ; SASSERON, 2014; FERRAZ, 2015) was used to characterize the mediation of the teacher while the Toulmin Argument Pattern (TAP) (2006) was used to identify argument elements built by students. Two arguments containing the basic elements of TAP collectively built along class were identified. During the construction of the arguments, the teacher used the purpose resume, problematize, explore and qualify. The actions \"given recovery\" and \"explores view\" contributed to the construction of the data element. The construction of the warrants was due to the actions \"recovery concept\", \"recovery information\", \"explores points of view\" and \"qualifies variables, objects or phenomena\". The construction element conclusion was promoted by the action \"proposes the problem\". The actions \"qualifies variables, objects or phenomena\", \"qualifies explanations or points of view\", \"recovery information\" and \"explores perspective\" helped in the construction of refutation element of TAP. The highest frequency of the purposes explore and qualify was due to the teacher\'s effort to promote the evaluation of data and warrants that students were using to build its conclusions on the presence or absence of living organisms in the sample.

Les littéracies en français sur objectifs universitaires : étude d’un corpus contrastif de productions écrites argumentées et perspectives didactiques / Literacies in French for Academic Purposes : study of a comparative Corpus of argumentative written Productions, and didactic Perspectives

Prunet, Anne 30 November 2018 (has links)
Comment définir des objectifs d’apprentissage linguistiques spécifiques à un public d’étudiants allophones dans le domaine de la production écrite par l’étude d’un genre particulièrement représenté dans les littéracies universitaires : le texte argumentatif ? Partant de l’hypothèse de la nécessité d’un enseignement conjoint de la langue et des contenus disciplinaires, notre travail consiste à proposer des approches et modalités complémentaires aux outils du FLE « tout public » utilisés pour l’enseignement du français à l’université. Nous analysons d’abord ces outils du FLE : manuels de l’approche actionnelle, CECRL et certifications de langues (DELF/DALF et TCF), afin de mettre en exergue leurs apports pour un public étudiants allophones , mais aussi les lacunes qu’ils présentent pour une formation spécifiquement universitaire. Les études menées dans le domaine du FOU nous ont ensuite permis de formuler 5 hypothèses préalables à l’analyse de notre corpus contrastif. Ce corpus a été constitué dans le but d’identifier les besoins spécifiques des étudiants allophones dans l’exercice d’une production écrite argumentée. Il est constitué de productions d’étudiants allophones d’une part (corpus ETR) et francophones d’autre part (corpus FR). Nous présentons ce corpus et son analyse selon la typologie constituée sur la base de nos hypothèses de départ et proposons pour conclure une grille de critères permettant d’établir une évaluation diagnostique des compétences en littéracies universitaires. Enfin, nous soumettons quelques propositions didactiques pour des séances dans le cadre d’un enseignement de Français sur Objectifs Universitaires. / How can we define the specific learning outcomes of non-native students of French within the area of written production ? In order to answer this question, we study a highly frequent genre within academic literacy : the argumentative text.Given the neccessity of jointly teaching language and discipline based contents, our study aims to add approaches and modalities to « general » French as a Foreign Language (FLE) used to teach French at university. Emphasizing both their added value to the teaching of non-native speakers and their shortcomings when dealing with French for academic purposes, we set out to analyse the following tools : textbooks following the action-oriented approach, CEFRL, and language certifications (such as TCF, DELF/DALF).Drawing on existing studies of French for academic purposes, we came up with five hypothesises prior to the study of a comparative corpus. This corpus was established in order to identify the non-native speakers’ specific needs when faced with an argumentative written production. It consists of both productions by non-native (corpus ETR) and native speakers of French (corpus FR). This material is presented and analysed within the frame of a typology based on our initial hypothesises resulting in a framework of criteria facilitating a diagnostic evaluation of the academic literacy competency. Finally, we give didactic suggestions for the teaching of French for academic purposes.

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