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Le portugais parlé par les réceptionnistes d'hôtel (portugais européen) : description et enseignement à des locuteurs non lusophones / The spoken portuguese by hotel receptionnists (european portuguese) : description and non lusophones speakers teachingMorgadinho Lopes, Sara 11 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans une démarche d'enseignement du portugais langue étrangère centrée sur l’enseignement de la langue à des apprenants non natifs ayant des besoins communicatifs pour agir en situation professionnelle. A partir d’un corpus de données orales sur le portugais parlé par des réceptionnistes d’hôtel au Portugal, nous avons mené un travail de description linguistique de ce genre discursif, en nous focalisant sur les aspects pragmatiques et discursifs : les actes de langage, la modalisation et les formes d’adresse. Cette analyse a débouché sur un travail de conceptualisation didactique pour l’enseignement du portugais de l’hôtellerie. Elle envisage les compétences générales et communicatives (discursives, stratégiques, interculturelles et linguistiques) que les apprenants non lusophones doivent acquérir au niveau B1 du CECR. Notre travail se termine par la présentation de pistes didactiques utiles pour l’enseignant du portugais de l’hôtellerie : l’enseignement par le genre et par la tâche et une perspective actionnelle centrée sur l’unité didactique. / This work focuses on the teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language by taking into account the teaching of Portuguese to non-native learners who require the language for professional purposes. It draws upon a spoken corpus of European Portuguese used by hotel receptionists in order to explore the pragmatic and discursive phenomena present in this discursive genre. The phenomena analysed include speech acts, modalisation and the address system. Following this linguistic analysis, teaching conceptualisation work was undertaken with regard to the teaching of Portuguese in the hotel industry. This conceptualisation includes the general and communicative (discursive, strategic, intercultural and linguistic) competencies required at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The research is concluded by a presentation of teaching proposals related to teaching Portuguese in the hotel industry such as discursive genre and task teaching or an action-oriented approach focussed on the didactic unit.
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Análise de necessidades em um curso técnico integrado ao ensino médio em informática para internet /Neves, Cristiane das Neves das January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Solange Aranha / Resumo: Os cursos de Ensino Médio Integrado (EMI) nos Institutos Federais têm uma natureza peculiar, uma vez que buscam formar o aluno tanto no ensino regular propedêutico quanto na educação profissional técnica de nível médio. A aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira nesta conjuntura pode ser inserida no contexto do ensino de Inglês para Fins Específicos – IFE ou ESP (BROWN, 2016; HYON, 2018; WOODROW, 2018). Em uma proposta de utilização do quadro teórico do IFE para elaboração de cursos no EMI, o objetivo principal desta tese é analisar as necessidades de uso da língua inglesa em dois contextos: o contexto profissional do desenvolvedor de sistemas de computadores e o contexto das aulas das disciplinas técnicas (do eixo tecnológico) do Curso Técnico em Informática para Internet (CTIEMII) do Campus Rio Branco do Instituto Federal do Acre (IFAC). A análise visa a identificação de elementos para a elaboração de uma proposta de programa de ensinoaprendizagem de língua inglesa baseado em gêneros, habilidades e atitudes requeridas na formação do jovem no ensino integrado que forma técnicos em desenvolvimento de sistemas para Web. De maneira específica, procura-se i) identificar, por meio da análise dos documentos norteadores nacionais, do projeto pedagógico de curso do CTIEMII do IFAC e do plano de ensino do componente curricular língua inglesa desse curso, a presença dos objetivos para a formação do educando; ii) identificar, por meio de análise de necessidades, mediante aplicação de que... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Integrated High School (EMI) courses at the Federal Institutes in Brazil have a peculiar nature, since they aim at both regular secondary education and technical education at a secondary level. The learning of a foreign language in this context can be inserted in the area of English for Specific Purposes – ESP (IFE in Portuguese) (BROWN, 2016; HYON, 2018; WOODROW, 2018). The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the students’ needs of English language use in two contexts: the professional context of the computer system developer and the context of the classes (Technological axis) of the Technical Course in Web Development (CTIEMII) at the Rio Branco Campus of the Federal Institute of Acre (IFAC). The analysis aims at identifying elements which allow elaborating a proposal of an Englishlanguage teaching program based on genres, skills and attitudes required in the education of the youngs at the integrated course for Web development technicians. The objectives are specifically, i) to identify, through the analysis of the national documents, the pedagogical project of the CTIEMII at IFAC and the teaching plan of the English language subject, the presence of the objectives for the student education; ii) to identify, through the needs analysis, with the application of questionnaires and interviews with professionals, coordinators, teachers and students, aspects of the use of the English language that are necessary to the students' performance in the technical subjects of... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Developing Academic Literacies in Times of Change : Scaffolding Literacies Acquisition with the Curriculum and ICT in Rwandan Tertiary EducationKaroro Muhirwe, Charles January 2012 (has links)
Inspired by the Bologna Process and other globalising influences from modern higher education, and driven by policy reform for national development after the ravages of the 1994 conflict and genocide, Rwanda’s tertiary education has embarked on a number of policy reform for national development after the ravages of the 1994 conflict and genocide, Rwanda’s tertiary education has embarked on a number of policy reforms that have ushered in expectations, requirements and demands that call for both reinvigorated and new academic literacies in undergraduate study since 2007. With its aim of producing a highly skilled human resource as a panacea for Rwanda’s social and economic development deficits, the tertiary education curriculum is more than never before focused on outcomes that are linked to further education and the labour market. However, one of the problems to contend with is academic and professional under- preparedness of students entering and exiting undergraduate study, respectively. Theoretically these developments involve distancing oneself from a previous pedagogy whereby the teacher imparts knowledge to the student but instead places greater responsibility on the student to search for knowledge either individually or in a group, as well as critically examine and be able to argue a point of view in writing and through other modes of communication. Therefore, this study has been informed especially by the New Literacy Studies and the Academic Literacies Approach to understanding the development of tertiary academic literacies. The study has also been inspired by the concept of educational scaffolding. It is against this backdrop that my study set out to investigate the academic literacies requested in undergraduate study, and to explore approaches adopted by tertiary learning institutions in the country to embed academic literacies acquisition into the mainstream curriculum over the last decade. Furthermore, the study sought to explore how technology is integrated at different levels to support the acquisition of academic literacies, including technological and information literacies. In order to achieve the aforementioned, the study embarked on a qualitative blend of cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs. Principal data were gathered from official documents obtained from the government and tertiary learning institutions. Drawing on the synergies of qualitative content analysis and intertextual analysis, the documentary data were analysed and then qualitatively interpreted. The data were supplemented by a couple of questionnaire mini-surveys which were also subjected to qualitative analysis. The findings indicate that a new and expanded definition of literacy in the 21st century implies students’ development of a set of interrelated and transferable academic competences which are elaborated in the thesis. Curriculum discourses show that there is a shift of curricular and pedagogical emphasis from general linguistic competence as a vehicle for developing academic literacies to a more integrated embedment of a number of literacies including English for Specific Purposes (ESP), study skills, as well as information, communication and technological literacies. Regarding the use of ICT as a scaffolding tool for learning, findings show that the use of technologies has the potential to support students’ processes of academic literacies development from a highly dependent level to a more autonomous level, given that the ICT integration policies and strategies could fully materialise. / Inspirerad av Bologna Processen och andra globala strömningar inom modern högskolepedagogik har man i Rwanda inlett en mängd policy reformer inom högre utbildning för att skapa nationell utveckling efter den förödande konflikten och folkmordet 1994. Sedan 2007 ställs nya förväntningar och krav på studenter inom den grundläggande högskoleutbildningen som skapar behov av att förstärka det som i forskningen benämns som ’new literacies’. Teoretiskt tar denna strömning avstånd från en tidigare pedagogik där läraren ger studenten kunskap och lägger i stället ett allt större ansvar på studenten att enskilt eller i grupp kunna söka kunskap, kritiskt granska och kunna argumentera för en ståndpunkt i skrift. Utbildning, och särskilt högre utbildning, ses som ett universalmedel för att råda bot för Rwandas sociala och ekonomiska underutveckling. Nya krav ställs också på att utbildningen både ska ha ett relevant akademiskt ämnesinnehåll som kan leda till fortsatt utbildning och vara anpassad till en kommande yrkespraktik. Detta ställer i sin tur krav på att blivande studenter är väl förberedda när de går in i utbildningen och att de vid genomförda studier har både akademisk kunskap och är förberedda för en yrkesprofession. Mot denna bakgrund är syftet med denna studie att undersöka vilka krav på ’academic literacy’ som har ställts på studenter i Rwanda över tid. Det sätt på vilket stöd för sådana kunskapskrav integreras i den allmänna kursplanen under det senaste årtiondet och hur kunskap i och om IKT kan integreras för att ge stöd i att uppnå kursplanens mål har också undersökts. Data består huvudsakligen av insamlade officiella dokument från regeringen samt ett tvärsnitt av institutioner för högre utbildning. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och intertextuell analys har dokumenten tolkats för att se vilka centrala förändringar vad gäller ’academic literacy’ som skett över tid. Datainsamlingen kompletterades med mindre enkätstudier som också analyserats kvalitativt. Studien visar att en ny och utvidgad definition av ’academic literacy’ vuxit fram under 2000-talet som innebär att studenter behöver utveckla ny akademisk kompetens som är relaterad till och kan överföras mellan olika områden. Diskursen i de dokument som studerats visar att det skett en förändring som innebär att allmän språklig kompetens inte räcker som medel för att utveckla ’academic literacies’ utan den har utvidgats till att även integrera ämnesspecifik språkkunskap, olika former av studieteknik och IKT. När det gäller IKT som stödjande redskap för lärande visar studien att givet att politiska beslut och strategier för IKT-användning kan genomföras, förväntas användningen av dessa redskap ha en potential att stödja studenterna i den process som det innebär att gå från att vara helt beroende av lärarens undervisning till att mera självständigt söka och utveckla kunskap. Sammanfattningsvis understryks i studien att den kritik som framförts om högskolestudenters bristande förberedelse både för akademiska studier och för arbetslivet är utanför deras kontroll. Kritiken ska snarare ses som ett imperativ för institutioner inom högre utbildning att skapa lämpliga kurser och pedagogiska miljöer för att ge studenterna förutsättningar att kunna utveckla en ’academic literacy’ som alla studenter har rätt att tillägna sig.
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A Genre Analysis of Second Language Classroom Discourse: Exploring the Rhetorical, Linguistic, and Contextual Dimensions of Language LessonsLee, Joseph J 07 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to expand our current understanding of second language classroom discourse by exploring how four English as a second language (ESL) teachers working in an intensive English program structurally organize classroom language lessons through the use of language; how students and teachers perceive the functions of the various stages in a lesson; how teachers prepare for their language lessons; and how various discourses and texts in this teaching context influence teachers‘ spoken discourse in the classroom. In order to carry out the exploratory study of language lessons, a multidimensional genre-oriented approach is utilized that is sensitive to both textual and contextual analyses of language lessons.
The findings suggest that despite the spontaneous nature of classroom settings and sometimes improvised nature of classroom teaching, experienced ESL teachers have generated and internalized schemata of language lessons, which consists of a stable schematic structure and linguistic patterns that are recognizable by both teachers and students. However, rather than viewing a language lesson as a distinctive genre, the study suggests that it might be described more precisely as a sub-genre of the classroom discourse genre proper that shares broad communicative purposes with other classroom discourse sub-genres, although also maintaining its own distinct characteristics. Further, the analysis indicates that seven resources appear to interact in dynamic, dialogic, and complex ways as experienced teachers set about constructing lessons that are goal-oriented, activity-driven, cohesive, and meaningful for both themselves and their students. Finally, the results demonstrate that experienced teachers integrate various material resources in the classroom that influence their talk; consequently, a language lesson can be regarded as both a process and a product that is highly multimodal, multimedial, and intertextual. The study concludes with implications for genre studies, classroom discourse studies, and second language teacher education, and with suggestions for future research.
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A Genre Analysis of Second Language Classroom Discourse: Exploring the Rhetorical, Linguistic, and Contextual Dimensions of Language LessonsLee, Joseph J 07 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to expand our current understanding of second language classroom discourse by exploring how four English as a second language (ESL) teachers working in an intensive English program structurally organize classroom language lessons through the use of language; how students and teachers perceive the functions of the various stages in a lesson; how teachers prepare for their language lessons; and how various discourses and texts in this teaching context influence teachers‘ spoken discourse in the classroom. In order to carry out the exploratory study of language lessons, a multidimensional genre-oriented approach is utilized that is sensitive to both textual and contextual analyses of language lessons.
The findings suggest that despite the spontaneous nature of classroom settings and sometimes improvised nature of classroom teaching, experienced ESL teachers have generated and internalized schemata of language lessons, which consists of a stable schematic structure and linguistic patterns that are recognizable by both teachers and students. However, rather than viewing a language lesson as a distinctive genre, the study suggests that it might be described more precisely as a sub-genre of the classroom discourse genre proper that shares broad communicative purposes with other classroom discourse sub-genres, although also maintaining its own distinct characteristics. Further, the analysis indicates that seven resources appear to interact in dynamic, dialogic, and complex ways as experienced teachers set about constructing lessons that are goal-oriented, activity-driven, cohesive, and meaningful for both themselves and their students. Finally, the results demonstrate that experienced teachers integrate various material resources in the classroom that influence their talk; consequently, a language lesson can be regarded as both a process and a product that is highly multimodal, multimedial, and intertextual. The study concludes with implications for genre studies, classroom discourse studies, and second language teacher education, and with suggestions for future research.
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El inglés de las telecomunicaciones: estudio léxico basado en un corpus específicoRea Rizzo, María del Camino 11 April 2008 (has links)
En esta investigación se ha desarrollado un método basado en el análisis de un corpus que facilita la identificación semiautomática del vocabulario especializado, combinando criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos, y en función de las variables de frecuencia, distribución, restricción y representatividad de una unidad léxica en el dominio especializado. Se ha diseñado y recopilado un corpus lingüístico especializado del inglés escrito, profesional y académico, de la Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones (5,5 millones de palabras).El repertorio obtenido comprende las formas especializadas, con diferentes grados de especialización, estadísticamente más significativas y representativas. Entre ellas se encuentran términos puramente técnicos que no aparecerían en otro dominio, y unidades léxicas propias del lenguaje general, del académico y de otras áreas del saber que adquieren un significado especial en las telecomunicaciones.La caracterización léxica se complementa con el estudio de las relaciones sintagmáticas, mediante la exploración de los colocados contiguos, colocados significativos, combinaciones especializadas y clusters. / A corpus-based method has been developed to facilitate the semi-automatic detection of specialized vocabulary, by combining qualitative and quantitative criteria in relation to the variables of frequency, distribution, restriction and representativiness of a lexical unit in a specialized domain. The specific corpus designed and compiled for research purposes covers the academic and professional written English of Telecommunication Engineering (5.5 millions words).The obtained lexical repertoire is a list of the statistically most significant and representative specialized forms within a range of different degrees of specialization. There are both highly technical terms restricted to the domain and lexical units from the general, academic and other subject areas language, which activate a specialized meaning in telecommunications.The lexical characterization is completed with the study of sintagmatic relations by exploring adjacent collocates, significant collocates, specialized combinations and clusters.
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Evaluation Of Performance And Optimum Valve Settings For Pressure Management Using Forecasted Daily Demand Curves By Artificial Neural NetworksYildiz, Evren 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
For the appropriate operation and correct short term planning, daily demand curve (DDC) of municipal water distribution networks should be forecasted beforehand. For that purpose, artificial neural networks (ANN) is used as a new method. The proposed approach employs already recorded DDCs extracted from the database of ASKI (Ankara Water Authority) SCADA center and related independent parameters such as temperature and relative humidity obtained from DMI (State Meteorological Institute). In this study, a computer model was developed in order to forecast hourly DDCs using Matlab and related modules.
Parameters that affect the consumption of the water were determined as temperature, relative humidity, human behavior (weekend or workday) and season. Randomly selected days were taken into account for performance of the ANN model. Forecasted DDC values were compared with recorded data and consequently the model gives relatively satisfactory results, an average of 75% match according to R2 values for Ankara N8-3 network. Same architecture was applied for Antalya network give better results, average of 85%. For planning purposes / total volume and peak water consumption values for the selected recorded days, the day before recorded days, ANN forecasted days and seasonal average was compared and seasonal average gave relatively better results. Using the forecasted DDC, (i) performance analysis of the pressure zone and (ii) optimum valve setting evaluation for pressure management were realized.
The results of the study may help water utilities for short term planning of a water distribution network, rehabilitation of elements, taking counter measures and setting the valve openings for minimizing leakage and optimizing customer conformity of the distribution network.
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Evaluation Of Performance And Optimum Valve Settings For Pressure Management Using Forecasted Daily Demand Curves By Artificial Neural NetworksYildiz, Evren 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
For the appropriate operation and correct short term planning, daily demand curve (DDC) of municipal water distribution networks should be forecasted beforehand. For that purpose, artificial neural networks (ANN) is used as a new method. The proposed approach employs already recorded DDCs extracted from the database of ASKI (Ankara Water Authority) SCADA center and related independent parameters such as temperature and relative humidity obtained from DMI (State Meteorological Institute). In this study, a computer model was developed in order to forecast hourly DDCs using Matlab and related modules.
Parameters that affect the consumption of the water were determined as temperature, relative humidity, human behavior (weekend or workday) and season. Randomly selected days were taken into account for performance of the ANN model. Forecasted DDC values were compared with recorded data and consequently the model gives relatively satisfactory results, an average of 75% match according to R2 values for Ankara N8-3 network. Same architecture was applied for Antalya network give better results, average of 85%. For planning purposes / total volume and peak water consumption values for the selected recorded days, the day before recorded days, ANN forecasted days and seasonal average was compared and seasonal average gave relatively better results. Using the forecasted DDC, (i) performance analysis of the pressure zone and (ii) optimum valve setting evaluation for pressure management were realized.
The results of the study may help water utilities for short term planning of a water distribution network, rehabilitation of elements, taking counter measures and setting the valve openings for minimizing leakage and optimizing customer conformity of the distribution network.
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An investigation of explicit strategy instruction on EFL reading of undergraduate English majors in ThailandKhaokaew, Burana January 2012 (has links)
As academic and professional knowledge is available around the world through publications in English, the ability to read in English is now widely seen as an essential basic skill for university graduates in countries, like Thailand, where English is a foreign language. However, students often fail to reach a level of reading ability that allows them to read these publications with confidence. It is important that instruction in Reading skills should be improved. It has been claimed that instruction in the use of reading strategies is helpful in improving the reading skills of EFL learners. Research has suggested that explicit instruction can be particularly valuable. This thesis investigates the reading strategies used by Thai university students and investigates whether a short course based on explicit reading strategy instruction can be effective in encouraging the use of strategies and improving reading skills for Thai university students. Based on a literature review on Reading strategy instruction, a framework was developed and applied in the adaptation of a set of materials for use in providing English major Thai university students with explicit instruction in the use of reading strategies. The following research questions were investigated: What are the reading strategies that Thai undergraduate English major students employ in the EFL reading process? Does reading strategy instruction affect students’ use of reading strategies in English? How much improvement do the students show on measures of reading performance after receiving a programme of reading strategy instruction? In a quasi-experimental research design, one class of fifteen students, the Experimental group, was given a twelve-week course in Reading that included explicit instruction in reading strategies while a second group of thirteen students (matched for background characteristics), the Control group, was given a parallel course that did not include explicit strategy instruction. Both quantitative and qualitative comparisons were made. Students were given reading tests and responded to questionnaires about their use of strategies at the beginning and end of their courses. They were also interviewed and performed think-aloud verbal protocols in which they reported in their use of reading strategies as they carried out reading tasks. Participants in the Experimental group reported using a wider range of strategies than those in the Control group following instruction and generally made greater improvements in their reading test scores. The findings support the value of explicit instruction in reading strategies for Thai university students. However, concerns remain about Thai students reliance on translation and slow, careful reading even following instruction in more strategic approaches.
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Cherry-picking vid upprättande av kontrollbalansräkning : – en (o)möjlighet? / Cherry-picking when preparing a balance sheet for liquidation purposes : – an (im)possibility?Andersson, Jenny, Björkengren, Kerstin January 2015 (has links)
I aktiebolagslagen finns ett antal skyddsregler för att säkerställa att ett bolags bundna eget kapital stannar kvar i bolaget. Enligt reglerna om tvångslikvidation är styrelse och aktieägare skyldiga att genast upprätta en kontrollbalansräkning vid misstanke om att aktiekapitalet håller på att förbrukas. En kontrollbalansräkning upprättas med utgångspunkt i en ordinarie årsredovisning, med ett antal justeringar. Bland annat får tillgångar tas upp till ett högre värde än i den ordinarie redovisningen under förutsättning att de värderingsprinciperna är förenliga med god redovisningssed. Vad som utgör god redovisningssed framgår inte av lagtexten. Myndigheten BFN har en lagstadgad uppgift att utveckla god redovisningssed, men ingen föreskriftsrätt. Enligt BFNs uttalanden och allmänna råd är blandning av K-regelverken inte tillåten, vilket begränsar företagen i deras möjlighet att påvisa fortlevnadsförmåga i kontrollbalansräkningen. Studiens syfte är att undersöka möjligheten att, med god redovisningssed som grund, blanda regelverken K2 och K3 för att kunna visa ett företags fortlevnadsförmåga i en kontrollbalansräkning.För att uppfylla studiens syfte tillämpas ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Relevanta lagtexter, propositioner, rättsfall, brevsvar från BFN, RedR2 samt regelverken K2 och K3 analyseras för att få fram innebörden av begreppet god redovisningssed.De omständigheter som föranleder upprättande av kontrollbalansräkning är helt andra än de som råder vid ordinarie redovisning. Vår slutsats är därför att det finns olika former av god redovisningssed beroende på den situation som företaget befinner sig i. Med detta som utgångspunkt anser vi att cherry-picking vid upprättande av kontrollbalansräkning bör vara tillåtet. / There are a number of safeguards to ensure that a company’s equity remains in the company. These are included in the Swedish Companies Act. According to the rules for compulsory liquidation, directors and shareholders must immediately establish a balance sheet for liquidation purposes when the share capital is suspected to be consumed. A balance sheet for liquidation purposes is drawn up on the basis of a regular annual report, with permissions for a number of adjustments. One of these allowed adjustments include that assets can be valued to a higher worth, provided that the valuation principles are in accordance with the term “god redovisningssed”, which can be translated into Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The term “god redovisningssed” is not clearly defined in the wordings of the law. The Swedish Accounting Standards Board, also known as the agency BFN, has the statutory responsibility to develop and clarify what is meant by “god redovisningssed”. BFN, however, does not have any regulatory powers. According to BFNs statements and general advice a mixture of their own regulations, “K-regelverken”, is not allowed. This limitation hinders companies in their ambition to show the ability of future survival. This study aims to examine the possibility of mixing the regulations of K2 and K3 in order to prove a company’s ability of going concern.To fulfill the purpose of this study, a hermeneutic approach is applied. Relevant laws, bills, court cases etc. are analyzed to derive the meaning behind the term “god redovisningssed”.The circumstances that warrant the establishment of a balance sheet for liquidation purposes are vastly different from those prevailing at ordinary accounting. Our conclusion is, therefore, that there are different forms of “god redovisningssed”, depending on the company’s situation. Given this reasoning, it is our belief that cherry-picking when preparing a balance sheet for liquidation purposes should be allowed.This paper is written in Swedish.
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