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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sammanställning av utbildningsmaterial om reservkraft med inriktning dieselaggregat / Compilation of education material regarding back-up power with focus on diesel power generators

Andersson, Martin, Hägerström, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Dagens samhälle är uppbyggt av ett konstant energiberoende för att få samhällets alla funktioner att fungera. Ett strömavbrott kan därför bli förödande där kontinuerlig tillgång till elektricitet behövs, trots att Sverige har starka elnät har kravet att alltid ha tillgång till elektricitet öppnat upp en marknad för reservkraft. Syftet med det här arbetet var att ta fram kursmaterial för att läsaren ska få en övergripande kunskap om reservkraft med inriktning på dieselkraft. Det framtagna kursmaterialet består av rekommendationer i form av sidhänvisningar ur källor som kan användas vid sammanställning av undervisningsmaterial. Kompendiematerialet kompletteras med en PowerPoint-struktur som kan användas i undervisningssyfte. Genom att studera relevanta källor har vi fördjupat oss i ämnet dieselaggregat och har plockat ut sidhänvisningar enligt kopieringsavtalet, som gäller för högskolan, som vi anser passa bra vid skapandet av ett kompendium. Vi har även strukturerat en grund till en PowerPoint som kan underlätta vid skapandet av föreläsningsmaterial.Denna rapport förklarar ett dieselaggregats tekniska uppbyggnad och vad som är viktigt att tänka på vid dimensionering av ett aggregat. Rapporten tar även upp rekommenderat underhåll samt de miljö- och säkerhetskrav som ställs på att aggregat. / Today's society is composed of a constant energy dependency to get all functions of the modern society to function, a power failure can be devastating. Even though Sweden has a strong power grid, the requirement to always have access to electricity has opened up a market for back-up power. The aim of this work was to create material that could be used in educational purpose and for the reader to get a basic understanding of back-up power with focus on diesel generated power. The course material consists of recommendation of content in the form of page references from sources that fit well in the compilation ofeducation material in the form of a compendium. The compendium is supplemented with a layout of a PowerPoint presentation that can be used for educational purposes. By studying the relevant sources, we have deepened in our topic diesel generated power and have picked out page references, in accordance with the agreement regarding the school copy law, which we consider to be a good fit for the creation of a compendium. We have also created a foundation to a PowerPoint that can facilitate the creation of lecture material. This report explains the structure of a diesel power generator and what is important to consider when sizing a power system. The report also discusses recommended maintenance as well as the requirements placed on a diesel power generator.

Žemės nsudojimo paskirties keitimas priemiestinėse teritorijose / The change of funcions of the land usage in suburban

Juškaitė, Lineta 14 January 2009 (has links)
Žemės savininkas ar kitas naudotojas privalo naudoti žemę pagal pagrindinę tikslinę naudojimo paskirtį. Tačiau dažnai žemės sklype norima vykdyti kitokią veiklą, nei galima pagal nustatytą paskirtį (pavyzdžiui, žemės ūkio paskirties sklype statyti gyvenamąjį namą). Tuomet susiduriama su žemės paskirties keitimo problema, kurią galima išspręsti nustatyta tvarka parengus detalųjį planą. Sprendimą dėl paskirties pakeitimo detaliojo plano pagrindu priima apskrities viršininkas. Magistrantūros studijų baigiamąjame darbe analizuojamas detaliųjų planų regimas ir paskirties pakeitimo procesas arti Kauno miesto esančiose kaimo gyvenamosiose vietovėse. Tyrimuose buvo naudojami teisės aktų analizės, teritorijų planavimo dokumentų analizės bei statistiniai metodai. Tyrimų objektas – Kauno rajono priemiestinės vietovės ir Ringaudų seniūnijos Noreikiškių kadastro vietovėje parengti detalieji planai. Tyrimu metu nustatyta, kad detaliųjų planų rengimas ir tikslinis paskirties pakeitimas priemiestinėse teritorijose yra labai intensyvus dėl šių priežasčių: 1) kaimo gyventojų skaičius didėja, todėl yra gana didelė paklausa statyti gyvenamuosius namus; 2) priemiestinėse teritorijose yra gera infrastruktūra, todėl labai nesudėtinga pakeisti paskirtį, kada galima prisijungti prie jau esamų magistralinių inžinerinių tinklų ir nereikia formuoti ir projektuoti naujų; 3) gyventi priemiestyje yra patogiau dėl švaresnio oro ir mažesnio triukšmo; 4) didelė gyventojų dalis dirba Kauno mieste, todėl yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Land-owner or other land user must use land according to the main, objective purpose of its usage. However, very often some other activity, instead of that one that ought to be performed according to the stated purpose (f. e., to built a dwelling house in the land plot used for agricultural purposes), is supposed to be performed in the land plot. Then the problem of the change of the land use purpose occurs. The problem can be solved in an established order by preparing a detailed plan. The head of the county makes the decision over the change of the land use purpose on the ground of detailed plan. The preparation of detailed plans and the process of the change of the land use purpose in the rural inhabited localities situated not far from the Kaunas Town are analysed in the job of post graduated studies. The methods of the analysis of legal acts, the analysis of the territory planning documents as well as statistical methods were used in the investigations. The objects of investigations were the detailed plans prepared in the Kaunas district’s suburban localities and in Ringaudai subdistrict Noreikiskės cadastral locality. During the investigations it was determined that the preparation of Detailed plans and the objective change of the land use purpose in the suburban territories are very intense due to the following reasons: 1) the number of rural inhabitants is increasing, therefore, there is large demand for the land plots to build house domains; 2) there is a good... [to full text]

Kauno apskrities miškų ūkio paskirties žemės teritorijų planavimo tyrimai / Planning Researches of Territories for Forest Economy in Kaunas district

Kuncaitis, Gediminas 16 June 2010 (has links)
1990 m. atkūrus Lietuvos nepriklausomybę prasidėjo nauji žemės reformos ir teritorijų planavimo procesai. Pradėjus vykdyti žemės pertvarkymo procesą susiformavo naujos privačios žemėtvarkos struktūros. Dėl neprincipingų teisinių nuostatų žemės sklypai formuojami neplaningai, neįvertinant perspektyvaus jų naudojimo. Viena iš galimybių sprendžiant šias problemas galėtų būti nuosavybės teisių pertvarkymas, įvertinant teisingai tiek privačių savininkų, tiek visuomenės interesus. Miškų ūkio paskirties teritorijų planavimo problemos nėra pakankamai ištirtos, nors aktualios daugumai. Lietuvos piliečių, kurie siekia susigrąžinti savo žemes, atkuriant nuosavybės teises į senelių turėtą žemę todėl šio darbo objektu ir pasirinktas miškų ūkio paskirties teritorijų planavimo problemos. Nepaisant to, dar labai trūksta literatūros, elementarių žinių apie šį valstybinės reikšmės procesą, darbe apibrėžtos pagrindinės sąvokos, išanalizuota miškų ūkio paskirties teritorijų planavimo samprata. Atliekant tyrimą analizuoti Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai, Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės nutarimai, gairės bei kiti norminiai aktai, susijusieji su teritorijų planavimo dokumentų rengimu, analizuoti kitų autorių darbai. Siekiant įvairiais aspektais įvertinti miškų ūkio paskirties teritorijų planavimą, pasiremta mokslinės literatūros ir teisinių dokumentų analizės bei statistiniais ir anketavimo metodais. / The research discusses territory planning and land reform during the period of the independence of Lithuania since 1990. With the beginning of unplanned land restitution private land parcels were formed chaotically. According to this situation, land reallocation principles are suggested that can help to combine private and state interests in the territory planning process. The problems of the lands for forests purposes of spatial planning are not sufficiently investigated, although relevant to the majority of Lithuanian citizens, who are seeking to recover their lands, restoring property rights to the former old people's land and therefore subject to selected areas of forest for agricultural purposes of planning problems. Nevertheless, there is a serious lack of literature, basic knowledge about the process of national significance, the article first defines key concepts, analyze the forest for agricultural purposes of spatial planning concept. In a study to analyze the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Government regulations, guidelines and other regulations, those relating to spatial planning documents in preparation for analysis of other authors' works. In order to assess various aspects of the lands for forests purposes of spatial planning issues, relied on scientific literature and legal instruments for the analysis and statistics poll methods.

An Investigation of Language Teachers’ Explorations of the Use of Corpus Tools in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Class

Bunting, John D. 01 July 2013 (has links)
Despite claims that the use of corpus tools can have a major impact in language classrooms (e.g., Conrad, 2000, 2004; Davies, 2004; O'Keefe, McCarthy, & Carter, 2007; Sinclair, 2004b; Tsui, 2004), many language teachers express apparent apathy or even resistance towards adding corpus tools to their repertoire (Cortes, 2013b). This study examines from a teacher cognition perspective (Borg, 2006) how three EAP (English for Academic Purposes) writing teachers identified their most pressing needs and considered possible ways that corpus tools might address those needs. After having an individualized corpus working session, each teacher put into practice one or more corpus tools to address self-identified needs in their writing classes. The teachers reflected on the process across a series of interviews and in a stimulated recall session, which were analyzed using qualitative research methods. Each teacher discussed the degree to which the lesson met her objectives, and considered how she might use such corpus tools in the future, as one component in the development of her teaching beliefs, knowledge base, and practices. Through thematic analysis of the interviews and the individualized corpus working sessions, themes emerged that tell the story of these three teachers as they moved through this process, relating to the issues of time, student engagement, material analysis, selection and design, issues related to corpus tools, language, institutional factors, and collaboration. A new area of specialization on the pedagogical uses of corpus tools is discussed, based on the results of the three cases. Implications for researchers, material designers, corpus tools specialists, teacher educators, administrators and teachers are considered.

Understanding circumscribed interests in individuals with autism-spectrum disorders and how they relate to families.

Gass, David S.J. 08 October 2013 (has links)
Autism-spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that are becoming increasingly more prevalent. A diagnostic criterion for autism is the presence of restricted, repetitive behaviours (RRBs), one of which is the intense fascinations for virtually any topic: circumscribed interests (CIs). CIs have the potential to be used for motivational purposes. This study employed semi-structured interviews using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) with individuals with ASDs and their parents. In total, 11 families participated in this study, comprising 33 individuals (16 parents and 17 individuals with ASDs). This study found five themes: He's Very Unique; They Don't Realize that Not Everyone Lives and Thinks the Same Thing All the Time; We Couldn't even Pronounce the Names of These Dinosaurs, and Jason was Telling Us; You Can't Change Them, You Can Only Love Them; and So I Can Do My Job at the Same Time and Observe the Weather at the Same Time.

Developing a framework for the writing of ESP study guides / Yolanda Kotze

Kotze, Yolanda January 2007 (has links)
Teaching through specifically designed and produced learning materials is a widely used and accepted way of teaching in higher education both nationally and internationally. Although this kind of teaching is used mainly in the field of distance education, it has become increasingly popular at traditional universities in face-to-face methods of education. Developing language-learning materials that meets the needs of English for Specific Purposes learners is a process that requires meticulous planning as English for Specific Purposes courses are aimed at meeting the career needs of the learners. An empirical study was conducted to determine the perceptions and concerns of learners using the ENGL 122 study guide at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). The results of the study indicated that the learners were positive that the study guide enhanced their learning process, but various concerns were also raised by the learners. This study also aimed to create a framework for the writing of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) study guides. In order to achieve this, a literature study was done to provide information about the relevant theories and principles that apply to ESP study guide development. The literature study also included aspects that need to be taken into consideration when designing or planning the development of an ESP study guide. / Thesis (Ph.D. (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Developing a framework for the writing of ESP study guides / Yolanda Kotze

Kotze, Yolanda January 2007 (has links)
Teaching through specifically designed and produced learning materials is a widely used and accepted way of teaching in higher education both nationally and internationally. Although this kind of teaching is used mainly in the field of distance education, it has become increasingly popular at traditional universities in face-to-face methods of education. Developing language-learning materials that meets the needs of English for Specific Purposes learners is a process that requires meticulous planning as English for Specific Purposes courses are aimed at meeting the career needs of the learners. An empirical study was conducted to determine the perceptions and concerns of learners using the ENGL 122 study guide at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). The results of the study indicated that the learners were positive that the study guide enhanced their learning process, but various concerns were also raised by the learners. This study also aimed to create a framework for the writing of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) study guides. In order to achieve this, a literature study was done to provide information about the relevant theories and principles that apply to ESP study guide development. The literature study also included aspects that need to be taken into consideration when designing or planning the development of an ESP study guide. / Thesis (Ph.D. (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Bioflocculation Of Activated Sludge In Relation To Calcium Ion Concentration

Vatansever, Aysun 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Bioflocculation, which can be defined as aggregation of bacterial flocs, has important implications on the physical characteristics of sludge. It is especially critical to settling and dewatering systems which impacts the overall economy of the process greatly. One of the most common problems in activated sludge systems to negatively influence the settleability is sludge bulking which can be defined as non-settling situation of microbial mass. The first objective of this research is to investigate the effect of calcium ion on sludge bulking in a phosphorus deficient medium and the second objective is to improve the settling, dewatering, and pumping of activated sludge by adjusting the calcium (Ca) ion concentration of the feed. For this purpose, 7 semi-continuous laboratory scale activated sludge reactors were operated with a mixed aerobic culture. The reactors had 8 days of sludge residence time and aerated with air pumps to provide a dissolved oxygen concentration of at least 3 mg/L. All the analyses were conducted after the reactors reached steady state condition. In the first part of the research, the effect of strictly phosphorus-limited medium on bulking of activated sludge was studied at different calcium ion concentration. Three reactors were set up having 5, 10 and 20 meq/L calcium concentrations. From the results it was observed that, phosphorus deficiency caused viscous bulking independent from the calcium ion concentration. It was found out that bulking of activated sludges due to phosphorus deficiency could be cured by the addition of phosphorus. Furhermore, microorganisms starved for phosphorus, seemed to accumulate polyphosphate granules when they were exposed to a phosphorus source. In the second part of the study, the effect of calcium ion on physical, chemical and surface chemical properties of activated sludge was investigated at 4 different concentrations (0.27, 5, 10 and 20 meq/L) under sufficient phosphorus concentration. Calcium addition resulted in significant changes in the quantity and quality of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Total EPS increased depending on the calcium concentration. Carbohydrate content of EPS dominated over the protein content for calcium concentration of 5 meq/L and above. The amount of calcium ions incorporated into the sludge floc matrix also increased with the dose of calcium added. Settleability and dewaterability of sludge improved significantly at 5 meq/L dose of calcium. However, settleability did not change any further with increasing calcium dose, whereas dewaterability increased for all increasing calcium concentrations. Sludge viscosity also decreased considerably at 5 meq/L concentration indicating better pumpability but it did not change further above 10 meq/L calcium addition.

The perceptions of a group of first year undergraduate Malawian students of the essay writing process

Kalikokha, Chimwemwe January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of the essay writing process of first year undergraduates at Chancellor College (University of Malawi) and to a lesser extent those of the lecturers responsible for teaching academic skills. A mixed methods design, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques, was employed in order to obtain richer data for deeper understanding of the students’ writing process. Two hundred students from the humanities and social science faculties responded to a self-completion questionnaire towards the end of semester one. Based on the students’ responses, an open-ended questionnaire was administered to four full time English for Academic Purposes (EAP) instructors. Findings from this study indicate that most students find it very challenging to obtain sufficient and relevant source text information, paraphrase or summarise information, and use an appropriate academic writing style. As solutions to these challenges, the students suggested the need for timely essay writing instruction, availability of resources for essay writing, increased amount of time spent on essay writing instruction, and discipline specific instruction in essay writing. EAP instructors identified lack of teaching and learning materials, large EAP classes, and students’ negative attitude towards the EAP course, as some of the challenges they encounter when teaching the course. The EAP instructors proposed an increase in the number of staff members, making students aware of the significance of the EAP course at an early stage, and the availability of up to date resources, as some of the ways in which the teaching of the course can be improved. Overall, the findings seem to suggest that difficulties that students encounter during the writing process and teaching challenges that EAP instructors face, have great impact on students’ perception of academic writing as well as their approach to writing tasks. The findings also suggest a lack of dialogue between the students and their lecturers. This is evident in students’ unawareness of the nature of the writing demands of their lecturers and disciplines; students’ desire to have timely essay writing instruction; and the lecturers’ concerns about students’ negative attitude towards the EAP course.

"Everything in the middle" a case study of a generation 1.5 student's academic writing process /

Zwald, Regan Lee. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2009. / Title from screen (viewed on September 30, 2009). Department of English, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Ulla M. Connor, Thomas A. Upton, M. Catherine Beck. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 60-62).

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