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AI-based autonomous forest stand generationSaveh, Diana January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, the tech is moving towards a more automized and smarter software. To achieve smarter software the implementation of AI is a step towards that goal. The forest industry needs to become more automized and decrease the manual labor. Decreasing manual labor will both have a positive impact on both the cost and the environment. After doing a literature study the conclusion was to use Mask R-CNN to be able to make the AI learn about the pattern of the different stands. The different stands were extracted and masked for the Mask R-CNN. First there was a comparison between the usage of a computer versus Google Colab, and the results show that Google Colab did deliver the results a little faster than on the computer. Using a smaller area with fewer stands gave a better result and decreased the risk of the algorithm crashing. Using 42 areas with about 10 stands in each gave better results than using one big area with 3248 stands. Using 42 areas gave the result of an average IoU of 42%. Comparing this to 6 areas with about 10 stands each gave the result of 28% IoU. The result of increasing the data split to 70/30 did gave the best IoU with the value of 47%.
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Jämförelse av olika kvalitetsmått vid kartering av hustak med hjälp av LiDAR-data : Metod för utvärdering av kartering med ArcGIS Pro, QGIS och FME / Comparison of different quality measures when mapping roofs using LiDAR data : Method for evaluation mapping with ArcGIS Pro, QGIS and FMEJaber Noaaemi, Fadi January 2020 (has links)
Teknisk utveckling och ökad användning av GIS har ökat behovet av data som snabbt kan insamlas över stora geografiska områden. Behovet är internationellt samtidigt som det också kräver samarbete mellan alla berörda parter då systemet har förmågan att presentera geografisk information med ett brett användningsområde. Höjdförhållanden i terräng erhålls genom flygburen laserskanning och presenteras i 3D med olika klassningar för att bemöta variation i signalens reflektion. Behovet av sådan information har använts för produkter baserat på data erhållen från laserskanning. I examensarbetet användes laserdata från två skanningsomgångar beställda av Lantmäteriet. Den första laserskanningen (2011) utfördes i syfte att skapa en noggrann nationell höjdmodell innehållande klassificering av de laserpunkter som representerar mark och vatten. Den senare (2019) i syfte att uppnå en punkttäthet >1 punkt/m2 utan kriterier för vad som skall klassificeras. Syftet med examensarbetet är att testa och utvärdera olika metoder i ArcGIS Pro, QGIS samt FME för att kvalitetssäkra kartering av hustak. Målet är att visa om extraheringen kan utföras med en tillräcklig kvalitet för att metoden ska rekommenderas. Tidigare studier har fokuserat på att skapa tre olika typer höjdmodeller DEM/DTM, DSM och nDSM, samt hur man kan skapa en markyta med objekten över marken. Examensarbetet fokuserade på att klassificera oklassificerade punkter som byggnader finns inom. Detta utfördes med olika metoder i de program som användes med samma parametrar. Klassificering, extrahering och skapande av polygoner var de tre steg som användes för att extrahera hustak. Extrahering av hustak gav ett bättre resultat med ArcGIS Pro med 97 % från båda skanningsomgångarna. Detta värde berodde på cellstorlek som användes och hur buffertzoner omkring varje punkt påverkas på polygoner som i sin tur påverkades av hustakens areal. En enkät utfördes för att svara på en fråga och resultatet gav att ArcGIS Pro är bäst med 93,5 %. De problem som uppstod berodde främst på att vegetation inte kunde tas bort. Extrahering av byggnader från laserdata rekommenderas för ett punktmoln med den senare laserskanningen som har mer än 1 punkt/m². Vidare rekommenderas att använda ArcGIS Pro för att extrahera hustak från laserpunktmoln. ESRI’s ArcGIS Pro är ett komplett program som har alla verktyg som behövs. / The development of technology within GIS has increased the need for the data that being quickly added while covering large geographical areas. Such need is at the international level, while requiring a willingness to cooperate for all parties involved, as the system can present geographical information with a wide range of applications. The need for such information has been used for products based on data obtained from laser scanning. In this thesis, laser data from two scanning sessions ordered by the Swedish Land Survey were used. The first laser scan (2011) was carried out with the aim of creating an accurate national elevation model (RH 2000) containing a classification of the laser points representing soil and water. The latter (2019) was done to achieve a spot density >1 point/m2 without criteria for classification. The purpose of the current thesis is to test and evaluate the available methods in ArcGIS Pro, QGIS and FME to ensure quality mapping of roofs. The aim was to investigate whether the extraction of roofs? can be carried out with an adequate quality so that the method can be recommended for the future works. Previous studies have focused on creating three types of elevation models DEM / DTM, DSM and nDSM. So, one can create an earth surface with the objects above the ground. In this thesis, the focus was on classifying point clouds for unassigned points (unassigned == 1) in which the buildings are located. This was done by testing different methods on different programs while keeping the parameters same. Classification, extraction and creation of polygons are the three steps used to extract roofs. Extraction of rooftops showed better results using ArcGIS Pro with 97 % from both scanning sessions. This was due to the cell size used in the study and that the buffer zones around each point were affected by polygons, which in turn were affected by the rooftop area. A survey was conducted to answer a question and the result showed that ArcGIS Pro is the best with 93,5 %. Problems that arose the study were mainly caused by the vegetation cover that could not be removed. As a conclusion, extraction of buildings from LiDAR-data is recommended for a point cloud with the latter laser scan with more than 1 point/m². Furthermore, it is recommended to use ArcGIS Pro to extract rooftops from laser scanning which is a comprehensive program i.e. that all the tools used in this thesis were freely downloaded from ESRI's ArcGIS Pro.
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Systém pro návrh optických sítí FTTHStarý, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explains the principle of optical conduction and describes its possible structures. It also deals with the automation of designing, projecting, constructing FTTH optical networks, processing RUIAN data, creating plugins into the QGIS geographic information system and implementing them using the Python programming language.
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Studie odtokových a erozních poměrů v k. ú. Ketkovice / Study of runoff and erosion conditions in the Ketkovice cadastral areaBuršík, Lukáš January 2022 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis is focused on the analysis of the Ketkovice cadastral area in terms of runoff and erosion conditions. The QGIS software was chosen for the analysis. For this reason, instructions for this software are prepared, focusing on runoff and erosion conditions, as an appendix to the Diploma Thesis. Other software programs used are USLE2D and DesQ-MaxQ. The first part deals with the analysis of the area of interest. The second part deals with the problem itself, at first the methods used to determine runoff and erosion conditions are introduced, then anti-erosion measures, at the end of this part the software programs used are briefly described. The last third part is devoted at first to the evaluation of runoff and erosion conditions before the design of the measure, then to the design of the measure itself, finally to the evaluation after the design of the measure. In case of erosion conditions, two variants of calculating long-term soil loss are considered before and after the proposed measures. In the first variant, a constant value of the factor R=40 MJ.ha.cm.h is considered in the Universal Soil Loss Equation and in the second variant this value is increased with respect to the climate change.
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Heat atlas of Gotland : A GIS-based support tool for modelling the heat sector.Segerström, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
With sharp climate goals to be climate neutral by 2045, Sweden needs to rapidly change the present energy system. The Swedish government has assigned Gotland as a pilot area for the energy transition, due to its geographical constrains as an island, and because of the major structural changes planned for Gotland’s energy supply and industrial establishment. These changes create the opportunity to build a more flexible, efficient, and robust energy system. To support the transition, IVL Swedish Environmental Research institute has initiated the GOT Heat project. This thesis contributes to the GOT Heat project by developing a GIS model that represent the heat sector of Gotland. The model has been developed in parallel with a TIMES model. The purpose of the GIS model is to be used as a heat atlas and to support the TIMES model of Gotland’s energy system by spatial visualization and knowledge. The GIS model was successfully developed and utilized to enhance the representation of Gotland’s energy system within the TIMES model. Data from Boverket, Lantmäteriet, Energimyndigheten and companies has been collected, processed for the development of the GIS model. The incorporation of spatial knowledge and visualization of the heat sector through the GIS model is expected to improve the overall outcomes of the TIMES model. The heat atlas also proved to be a valuable support tool, enabling the visualization of excess heat potentials within the heat sector. This visualization provides insights into potential opportunities for industrial and sector coupling, which would lead to more efficient utilization of excess heat.
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Návrhy využití geografických informačních systémů v hodinách zeměpisu na základních a středních školáchNERAD, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the practical integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into geography classes at elementary and secondary schools. Suggested suggestions on how to use GIS in the educational process precede the theoretical starting point of the work. They deal with the wider context of the position of geoinformatics and the level of geoinformatics literacy in the Czech Republic. Sub-chapters about the structure of geoinformatic literacy are also included. The theoretical background continues with the topic of anchoring GIS in national education papers and ends with a chapter about GIS interdisciplinarity and its potential for use in teaching. The methodological part describes the structure of the questionnaire, the methodology of selection of addressed schools and the actual course of the questionnaire survey on the rate of use of GIS in geography classes at elementary and secondary schools. Next, the methodology of selecting freeware GIS programs described and used in the practical part of the thesis. The practical part is divided into three main subchapters reflecting the aims of the thesis. The first one deals with the results of the questionnaire survey. The second evaluation of available GIS programs and their potential for implementation in education. The last subchapter is the main part of the thesis and it deals with suggestions of using GIS in geography lessons at elementary and secondary schools. It includes three learning activities. The first is dedicated to creating own map and second to geographic location. Both of these activities with selected GIS were implemented in geography classes at primary school. The last part presents suggestions on how to use GIS to learn about current topics and issues.
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Studie protipovodňových opatření v lokalitě Žabovřesky na Svratce v km 42,000 – 45,000 / Feasibility study of the flood protection measures in the locality of Žabovřesky at the Svratka river at km 42,000 – 45,000Libosvár, Marek January 2016 (has links)
Diploma Thesis deals with the studies of flood protection measures in locality of Brno - Žabovřesky. The work is mainly focused on the calculation of flood flows (Q1, Q5, Q20, Q100 a Q100 neovlivněný) in the area of interest and to proposal flood control measures. Simulation calculations are performed using a coupled 1D / 2D model of the flow of surface water in the bed of the river and its flood area. The results of hydraulic calculations were within the framework the work processed in the form of maps depths, velocity and inundation. Curves levels were indicated in the longitudinal profiles of watercourses.
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Improving accessibility to the bus service : Building an accessibility measurement tool in QGISLindén, Philip January 2021 (has links)
Satisfactory public transportation (PT) should enable people to reach attractive destinations and desired activities fast, comfortably, safely, and affordably. When PT fails to do so it will have negative effects on the overall accessibility in a society. Evaluating a PT system essentially means measuring to what extent the demand from the users is met, and for such an analysis understanding the concept of accessibility is paramount. Whether an individual will experience a high or a low level of accessibility will likely depend on their personal capabilities, as well as on the surrounding environment. Barriers obstructing an individual from using PT could for example be of physical of phycological nature or come in the shape of public space management disproportionally favoring certain groups of society. Low accessibility can thus be linked to social exclusion, since when a person cannot reach important destinations, their chances to participate in society will be subdued. To measure the accessibility of a PT system, and how a PT system affects the overall accessibility of a destination, it is common practice to use indicators that can represent different categories of social exclusion. This approach was the basis for constructing the performance measurement tool called Bus Stop Ranking Algorithm (BSRA) which was created in the QGIS application Graphical Modeler. BSRA calculates the usefulness of bus stops by counting the number of vulnerable groups, the number of workplaces, and the total population within comfortable walking distance from bus stops, as well as comparing travel times by car and bicycle from residential areas to important locations. The tool was ordered by a private PT company which will use it to make decisions regarding e.g., creating new bus stops, or for relocating, removing, or redesigning existing bus stops or bus routes. The Swedish municipality Lidingö was used as the study area to demonstrate how to use BSRA and how to interpret its output. Using equal weights for all indicators, it was discovered that 9 bus stops in the southern part of Lidingö could be regarded as particularly useful compared to the other 207 bus stops in the municipality. Variables such as the space-temporal component, i.e., changes during the day were not used. Socio economic factors such as segregation were also not highlighted, since all indicators had the same effect on the total scores. Adjusting the weights for some indicators could expose underlying dynamics affecting the total scores for the bus stops and help the PT company make design changes where they will be needed the most.
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Lappugglans utbredning i Sverige och skogsbrukets betydelse / Great grey owl distribution in Sweden in relation to forestryVesterlund, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
Lappugglans utbredningsområde kan vara påväg att förändras som respons till det moderna skogsbruket. I den här studien har jag fokuserat på lappugglors abundans vid kalhyggen av olika storlek med hypotesen att de föredrar hyggen av mindre storlek. Eftersom kalhyggena i södra Sverige i snitt är mindre så skulle det kunna vara en del i förklaringen att lappugglor börjat synas allt oftare söderut. Data laddades ned från artdatabanken och skogsstyrelsen och bearbetades i QGiS för att undersöka lappugglornas utbredning i relation till kalhyggen. Resultatet indikerar att ugglorna föredrar små framför stora kalhyggen och även kan dras till små hyggen. Resultaten visar också en trend söderut för ugglornas utbrednings mellan 2005 och 2020. Dessa resultat bekräftar att lappugglornas utbredningsmönster rör sig söderut och stödjer hypotesen att det är skogsbruk och kalhyggens storlek som driver denna utveckling. Mindre kalhyggen gynnar även andra arter än Lappugglor och kan därför generellt vara en god idé för att förena ekologi och ekonomi inom modernt skogsbruk. / The great grey owl may be adjusting its distribution area in Sweden in response to altered forestry practices. Here i focused on the abundance of owls in clear cut areas of different sizes with the hypothesis that owls prefer smaller clear cut areas. As clear cut areas are smaller in the south than in the north, such a preference could explain a trend of changing distribution southward. Data from artdatabanken and skogsstyrelsen were processed and analyzed in QGiS to investigate the spatial pattern of owl reports in relation to the locations of clear cuts. The results indicate that the owls prefer small over large clear cuts, and are indeed attracted to small clear cuts. The results also show a southward change in the distribution area from 2005 to 2020. These results confirm that the distribution of great grey owls moves southwards in Sweden and support the idea that this trend may be driven by the species being attracted to smaller clear cuts. Since smaller clear cuts benefit more species than owls it is generally a good idea to combine economy with ecology in modern forestry.
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Validierung einer spezialisierten Studiendatenanalyse für Mobilitätsindikatoren durch Desktop-GISTümmler, Bartholomeus 03 May 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde eine Studiendatenanalyse der TU Berlin zur Analyse von menschlichen Bewegungsdaten der Studie Mobil im Havelland der Charité Berlin anhand von Mobilitätsindikatoren auf Grundlage von zwei Testdatensätzen mithilfe der Desktop-GIS ArcGIS Pro und QGIS validiert. Des Weiteren wurde in dieser Arbeit anhand der Auswertungsergebnisse der Desktop-GIS ArcGIS Pro und QGIS diskutiert, inwieweit sich Analysen von Bewegungsdaten anhand von Mobilitätsindikatoren auch unter einem preissensiblen Anspruch mit einem Open-Source-System wie QGIS off the shelf durchführen lassen.
Die Validierung hat ergeben, dass die Studiendatenanalyse der TU Berlin im Vergleich mit den Desktop-GIS gleichwertige und zum Teil sogar höherwertigere Ergebnisse generieren konnte. Vor allem der auf neuartige Verfahren aufbauende Stop & Go Classifier der Studiendatenanalyse der TU Berlin konnte mit seiner Performance bei der Detektion von Verweilorten überzeugen. Somit kann der Studiendatenanalyse der TU Berlin ohne Einschränkungen eine Eignung für die Auswertung der Bewegungsdaten der Studie Mobil im Havelland bescheinigt werden. In Bezug auf den Vergleich der Desktop-GIS kann festgehalten werden, dass solche Analysen mit QGIS möglich sind. Eine Umsetzung mit off the shelf Verfahren ist aber vor allem in Bezug auf den zentralen Aspekt der Detektion von Verweilorten bis dato mit QGIS nicht gewährleistet. Hier muss auf externe Python-Bibliotheken wie MovingPandas oder Scikit-mobility zurückgegriffen werden. / In this paper, a study data analysis of the TU Berlin for the analysis of human movement data of the study Mobil im Havelland based on mobility indicators is validated on the basis of two test data sets using the desktop GIS ArcGIS Pro and QGIS. Furthermore, this paper uses the evaluation results of the desktop GIS ArcGIS Pro and QGIS to discuss the extent to which analyses of movement data using mobility indicators can also be carried out off the shelf with an OSS such as QGIS under a price-sensitive claim.
The validation showed that the TU Berlin's study data analysis was able to generate equivalent and in some cases even higher quality results compared to desktop GIS. The performance of the TU Berlin's Stop & Go Classifier, which is based on innovative procedures, was particularly convincing. Thus, the study data analysis of the TU Berlin can be certified without restrictions as suitable for the evaluation of the movement data of the study Mobile in Havelland. With regard to the comparison of desktop GIS, it can be stated that such analyses are possible with QGIS. However, an implementation with off-the-shelf methods is not yet guaranteed with QGIS, especially with regard to the central aspect of the detection of dwelling places. However, external Python libraries such as MovingPandas or scikit-mobility can be used here.
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