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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

澳門中小學實施 全面品質管理 之意願認知調查研究 / Survey study of the willingness and perception toward the implementation of total quality management in primary and secondary schools in Macao

趙勇 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

Was macht Hochschulabsolventen erfolgreich? / What leads academics to success? An analysis of determiners of career and job success on the basis of the Dresden alumni survey 2000-2003

Krempkow, René, Pastohr, Mandy 13 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Bisher erhalten potenzielle Studienanfänger, Studenten und Hochschulabsolventen kaum empirisch begründete Antworten auf ihre Frage, was den beruflichen Erfolg beflügeln könnte. Im Vordergrund der hochschulpolitischen Diskussion stehen vor allem Studiendauer und Alter der Absolventen. Wie groß oder klein deren Einfluss auf den (individuellen) beruflichen Erfolg aber tatsächlich ist, wird selten reflektiert. Andere, in der Ratgeberliteratur vielfach genannte Einflussmöglichkeiten für den beruflichen Erfolg wie zum Beispiel die Nutzung persönlicher Kontakte zu Hochschullehrern, aus Praktika usw., aber auch Indikatoren sozialer Kompetenzen wurden bisher kaum untersucht. Auch die Auswirkung einer Berufsausbildung vor dem Studium wurde bislang oft nur aus der Perspektive der Ausbildungskosten und der geringeren zur Verfügung stehenden Lebensarbeitszeit der Absolventen diskutiert. Und schließlich kann auch die soziale Herkunft der Absolventen Einfluss haben. Im Rahmen der Dresdner Absolventenstudien konnten bereits für einige Fakultäten bzw. Fachrichtungen der TU Dresden Untersuchungen zu Bestimmungsgründen beruflichen Erfolges unternommen werden. In dem vorliegenden, neu aufgelegten und überarbeiteten Bericht zu Bestimmungsgründen beruflichen Erfolges konnten nun erstmals Daten der Absolventenstudien aller Fakultäten bzw. Fachrichtungen der TU Dresden, d.h. von knapp 2.000 Befragten einbezogen werden. Damit liegen wohl erstmals in Deutschland derartig detaillierte Untersuchungen für alle Fakultäten einer großen Universität vor. In der hiermit vorgelegten Publikation soll - ergänzend zu den bereits vorgelegten fachspezifischen Analysen - eine fächerübergreifende Analyse von Bestimmungsgründen beruflichen Erfolges dokumentiert werden. Hiermit wird immer wieder gestellten Fragen entsprochen, welche individuellen Merkmale von Absolventen - also welche (Vor)Erfahrungen und gegebenenfalls Brüche im Lebenslauf, welche (zusätzlichen) Qualifikationen, sozialen und beruflichen Kompetenzen, Einstellungen, soziodemographischen Eigenschaften und Strategien - und welche Rahmenbedingungen der Bildungsbiographie (mit Fokus auf die Hochschul- und Studienqualität) fächerübergreifend Einfluss auf den beruflichen Erfolg haben. Hierzu war zunächst zu definieren und auf Eignung zu prüfen, was als Maßstab des Erfolges gelten soll. Allein das Einkommen - vor allem wenn es nur zu einem Zeitpunkt erfasst wird - ist als Erfolgskriterium nicht hinreichend zu bewerten. Außerdem ist für die Absolventen selbst das Einkommen wesentlich weniger wichtig als z.B. eine interessante Tätigkeit oder ein gutes Arbeits- und Betriebsklima, so dass diese sich im Zweifelsfall wohl für eine geringer bezahlte, aber interessantere Stelle entscheiden würden. Und dies gilt für fast alle Fächergruppen. Daher wurden für den Berufserfolg das Einkommen zu mehreren Zeitpunkten sowie als weitere Kriterien die aktive Suchdauer bis zur ersten beruflichen Tätigkeit, die Zufriedenheit mit der beruflichen Situation und - zusätzlich zur vorangegangen Untersuchung - nun auch die Ausbildungsadäquanz der Beschäftigung operationalisiert. Die Analysen erfolgten in zwei Schritten: Im ersten Schritt werden für einen ersten Eindruck von der Stärke (und gegebenenfalls Richtung) des wechselseitigen Zusammenhangs jeweils zweier Variablen die Korrelationskoeffizienten auf Hochschul- und Fakultäts- bzw. Fachrichtungsebene ermittelt. Der zweite Schritt und Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen sind die Regressionsanalysen. Da dieses komplexe Analyseverfahren deutlich größere Fallzahlen erfordert, konnte es für die Dresdner Absolventenstudien an den einzelnen Fakultäten bislang nur vereinzelt eingesetzt werden. Jetzt können mit dessen Hilfe auch Zusammenhänge zwischen mehr als zwei Variablen berücksichtigt werden (multivariate Analyse).

Achieving quality education: a study of secondary school principals' and teachers' perception and strategiesfor promoting quality in their schools

Leung, Pui-ling., 梁佩玲. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybė M. Montessori pedagoginėje sistemoje / The quality of the pre-school educational content in the Montessori educational system

Urbonavičienė, Loreta 08 June 2009 (has links)
Šiuo metu plačiai diskutuojama apie ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos pokyčius bei rezultatus. Didelė ugdymo programų įvairovė. Todėl didelis dėmesys skiriamas ugdymo kokybės užtikrinimui, diegiama patikima ugdymo turinio vertinimo sistema. Vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas ugdymo programų kūrimui, netradiciniams ugdymo metodams, tame tarpe ir M. Montessori pedagoginei sistemai. Tačiau dar neatskleista priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybės samprata M. Montessori pedagoginėje sistemoje. Šio baigiamojo darbo tikslas – atskleisti priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybės sampratą M. Montessori pedagoginėje sistemoje. Tyrimo objektas: Priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybės samprata. Tyrimu siekta: 1. Apibrėžti priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio sampratą remiantis „laisvojo ugdymo paradigma“. 2. Atskleisti priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybės ypatumus. 3. Išskirti priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybės kriterijus M. Montessori pedagoginėje sistemoje. 4. Identifikuoti priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybės kriterijų raišką M. Montessori pedagoginėje sistemoje. Tyrimo rezultatų pagrindu suformuluotos tyrimo išvados: Priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybei M. Montessori pedagoginėje sistemoje ypatingą reikšmę turi vaiko amžių atitinkanti ugdomoji aplinka ir priemonės. Priemonės skiriamos individualiems gebėjimams lavinti. Priešmokyklinio ugdymo turinio kokybę sąlygoja ugdytojo - santūraus stebėtojo, tyrinėtojo, kuris stengiasi nesikišti į vaiko veiklą samprata. Įgyvendinant ugdymo turinį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The changes and the outcomes in the pre-school educational institutions are being widely discussed nowadays. The variety of the educational systems used is being of a wide scale. Therefore, a considerable attention is being admitted to the achievement of the educational quality and the introduction of the plausible evaluation system of the educational content. A growing attention is being paid to the development of the educational programs as well as to the unconventional educational methods and the Montessori education therein. The aim of this final paper: To define the conception of the quality of the pre-school educational content in the Montessori educational system. The object of the research: The conception of the quality of the pre-school educational content. The goals of the research: 1. To define the conception of the pre-school educational content on the basis of the “free education paradigm”. 2. To reveal the peculiarities of the pre-school educational content quality. 3. To exclude the criteria of the pre-school educational content quality in the Montessori education. 4. To identify the manifestation of the qualitative criteria in the Montessori pre-school education. The following conclusions of the research can be inferred on the basis of the results: The educational setting and means corresponding the child’s age have a particular significance for the qualitative educational content of the Montessori pre-school education. The means attributed to develop the... [to full text]

Virtual. International. Job orientated. – Best practice on how virtual collaboration courses can succeed

Nenner, Christin, Bergert, Aline, Naa Amlah Böhnisch, Angelina 06 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
From April to June 2016 a new and exclusively virtual teaching format – the international STEM1 Summer School – was provided at the University of Mining and Technology in Freiberg. The paper presents the approach, didactical design, and results of evaluation. The international STEM Summer School was developed and tested within the project „Holistic International STEMs - Learning with case studies and real-life industry experiences“. The aim was to better prepare STEM students for challenges in the current professional world that are characterized by in-ternationalization and digitalization. The project offers some ideas on how to teach the currently re-quired skills and competencies by industry in higher education. The conceptualization of the project was made possible with funding from the Donors\' Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany2. The exclusively virtual collaboration is due to the different geographical distances and locations of the participating students, which generates specific challenges. On the one hand, technical conditions at the particular places of residence have an impact on virtual collaboration. On the other hand, cultural, lingual, and occupational differences, as well as the differing media literacy, play an important role. In addition, the setting of objectives and provision of incentives is decisive for the shared virtual work. The results of the first round of the international STEM Summer School indicate possible solution strategies based on the three areas of media use, interaction, and task orientation. During the Summer School, students from ten different countries solved real-life job case studies in small interdisciplinary teams. The exchange took place with the help of various e-learning tools like the virtual classroom, wiki, forum and e-portfolio. The participants were mentored by national and international industry partners, STEM professors, and e-tutors. After nine weeks work in intercultural teams they presented their results and learning outcomes during a web conference. The following article focusses on the evaluation results as well as selected insights and challenges.

Custo aluno/ano e condições de qualidade em escolas do campo da rede estadual do Rio Grande do Sul

Frozza, Miguel de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo da dissertação é analisar o custo-aluno/ano e as condições de qualidade em duas escolas do campo da rede estadual de ensino do Rio Grande do Sul. As escolas visitadas se localizam na zona rural de Bento Gonçalves. A pesquisa constou de um levantamento dos custos educacionais das escolas, do custo-aluno/ano, dos custos e condições do transporte escolar do município e das condições de oferta educacional das escolas, no ano de 2016. Também foram contemplados conteúdos da evolução do Direto à Educação no Brasil, do ordenamento normativo do financiamento público da educação e delimitações de educação rural e educação do campo, por meio da análise de legislação educacional federal e estadual. Também foi feita uma sucinta discussão sobre o conceito de qualidade na educação básica e condições necessárias para uma Escola do Campo ofertar uma educação com qualidade social. O custo-aluno/ano é definido como um conjunto de recursos materiais e humanos objetivamente calculados. Os itens de custo considerados na pesquisa foram: instalações (prédio e terreno), salário do pessoal (docente e não docente); material de consumo; equipamentos e material permanente; outros insumos (água, energia elétrica, telefone, internet, gás, serviços terceiros e manutenção); e transporte escolar. Os dados de salários de pessoal foram coletados nas escolas e no site do portal da transparência do RS. Os dados de material permanente, material de consumo e outros insumos foram coletados diretamente nas escolas em visitas realizadas e conversas com a equipe diretiva Os dados sobre transporte escolar foram coletados em visita à Secretária Municipal de Educação. Os valores monetários dos custos educacionais foram somados, calculados e comparados através da unidade custoaluno/ ano. Foram analisadas as condições de oferta educacional das escolas e dos custos e condições do transporte escolar. O texto está organizado em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta uma breve revisão do Direito à Educação e Educação do Campo na legislação federal e estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. O segundo capítulo apresenta uma revisão do financiamento da educação na legislação federal e estadual. O terceiro capítulo trata da pesquisa de campo, apresentando a discussão sobre conceito de qualidade para a educação do campo, questões metodológicas da pesquisa, descrição das escolas e transporte escolar e análise dos custos educacionais das escolas e do custo-aluno/ano. A análise dos dados coletados revelou que as escolas pesquisadas se identificam como Escolas do Campo e possuem importância para organização, história e memória coletiva das comunidades rurais onde estão localizadas. Portanto, foi verificado que as escolas possuem condições parciais para ofertar uma educação de qualidade, necessitando de maior apoio da Secretaria Estadual de Educação e 16ª Coordenadoria Regional de Educação. A pesquisa pretende contribuir para a discussão da área de financiamento da Educação Básica do Campo e para a construção do Custo Aluno Qualidade Inicial e Custo Aluno Qualidade, previstos no Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024. / The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the cost-student/year and the quality conditions in two rural schools of the state education network of Rio Grande do Sul. The schools that were visited are located in the rural area of Bento Gonçalves. The research consisted of a survey of the educational costs of schools, the cost-student/year, the costs and conditions of the municipal school transportation services and the conditions of the schools educational offer, in 2016. Contents on the development of the Right to Education in Brazil, on the normative order of the public financing of education and delimitations of rural education and education of the field were also included, through the analysis of federal and state educational legislation. There is also a brief discussion about the concept of quality in basic education and the necessary conditions for a School in the Field to offer an education with social quality. Cost-student/year is defined as a set of objectively calculated material and human resources. The cost items considered in the survey were: facilities (building and land), staff salaries (teaching and non-teaching staff); consumables; equipment and permanent materials; other inputs (water, electricity, telephone, internet, gas, third party services and maintenance); and school transportation. The data on personnel salaries were collected in the schools and on the website of the transparency portal of RS. Data on permanent material, consumables and other inputs were collected directly from the schools on visits and conversations with the management team Data on school transportation were collected during a visit to the Municipal Secretary of Education. The monetary values of educational costs were summed, calculated and compared through the unit cost-student/year. We analyzed the educational offer conditions of the schools and the costs and conditions of school transportation. The text is organized in three chapters. The first chapter presents a brief review of the Right to Education and Field Education in the federal and state legislation of Rio Grande do Sul. The second chapter presents a review of the financing of education in federal and state legislation. The third chapter deals with the field research, presenting the discussion about the concept of quality for the education of the field, methodological questions of the research, description of schools and school transport and analysis of the educational costs of schools and cost-student/year. The analysis of the collected data revealed that the surveyed schools identify themselves as Field Schools and are important to the organization, history and collective memory of the rural communities where they are located. Therefore, it was verified that the schools have partial conditions to offer a quality education, needing more support from the State Department of Education and 16th Regional Education Coordination. The research intends to contribute to the discussion on the issue of funding of the Basic Education of the Field and to the construction of the Cost Student Initial Quality and Cost Student Quality, foreseen in the National Plan of Education 2014-2024. / El objetivo de la disertación es analizar el costo-estudiante/año y las condiciones de calidad en dos escuelas rurales de la red de enseñanza del estado del Rio Grande do Sul. Las escuelas visitadas se localizan en la zona rural del municipio de Bento Gonçalves. La investigación constó de un levantamiento de los costos educativos de las escuelas, del costo-estudiante/año, de los costos y condiciones del transporte escolar del municipio y de las condiciones de oferta educativa de las escuelas, en el año 2016. También se ha realizado una revisión de la evolución del Derecho a la Educación en Brasil, a través del análisis de la legislación educativa federal y provincial. Una revisión de los conceptos de Educación Rural y Educación del Campo, en la legislación educativa federal y provincial. También se hace una revisión del financiamiento de la enseñanza básica en la legislación educativa federal y provincial. También se hizo una breve discusión sobre el concepto de calidad en la enseñanza básica y de las condiciones necesarias para que una escuela rural ofrecer una educación con calidad social. El costo-estudiante/año se define como un conjunto de recursos materiales y humanos objetivamente calculados. Los elementos de costo considerados en la investigación fueron: instalaciones (edificio y terreno); salario de personal (docente y no docente); material de consumo; equipos y material permanente; otros insumos (agua, energia eléectrica, teléfono, internet, gas, servicios terceros y mantenimiento); y transporte escolar. Los datos de salarios de personal fueron recolectados en las escuelas y en el sitio del portal da transparencia do RS. Los datos de material permanente, material de consumo y otros insumos fueron recolectados directamente en las escuelas en visitas realizadas y conversaciones con el equipo directivo. Los datos sobre transporte escolar fueron recolectados en visita a la Secretaria Municipal de Educación. Los valores monetarios de los costos educativos se han sumados, calculados y comparados a través de la unidad costo-estudiante/año. También se analizaron condiciones de oferta educativa de las escuelas, de los costos y condiciones del transporte escolar. El texto está organizado en tres capítulos. El primer capítulo presenta una breve revisión del Derecho a la Educación y Educación del Campo en la legislación federal y estadual de Rio Grande do Sul. El segundo capítulo presenta una breve revisión del financiamiento de la educación en la legislación federal y estadual. El tercer capítulo trata sobre la investigación de campo, presentado la discusión sobre concepto de calidad para educación del campo, cuestiones metodológicas de la investigación, descripción de las escuelas, transporte escolar y análisis de los costos educativos de las escuelas y del costoestudiante/ año. El análisis de los datos de la investigación, reveló que las escuelas estudiadas, se identifican como Escuelas Rurales. Poseen importancia para la organización, la historia y la memoria colectiva de las comunidades rurales donde están ubicadas. Por lo tanto, se verificó que las escuelas poseen condiciones parciales para ofrecer una educación de calidad, necesitando de mayor apoyo de las Secretarias Estadual de Educación y 16ª Coordinadora Regional de Educación. Esta investigación desea contribuir a la discusión del área de financiamento de la enseñanza básica rural y para la construcción del CAQI y del CAQ, previsto en el PNE 2014-2024.

Towards quality science education through quality assurance in Johannesburg South district : South Africa

Zisanhi, Daniel 01 1900 (has links)
This study examined the nature of quality assurance frameworks in science education and the factors negatively affecting the quality of science education in the Johannesburg South district. The study explored the quality assurance practices, challenges that impede the attainment of quality science education in schools and the impact of quality assurance on the quality of science education. The Integrated Quality Management System, which encompasses whole-school evaluation, is the main policy used in secondary schools’ quality assurance system. A mixed methodology design was used in the research. The data collected was both qualitative and quantitative and was obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The qualitative data provided research opportunities which extended the type of information collected. It implied an interpretive or subjective approach with the focus being on how the respondents experienced and understood the quality assurance processes. Concurrent triangulation designs or convergent parallel design was used in order to develop a complete understanding of the research problem by obtaining different but complementary data for validation purposes and enhancing triangulation. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected at the same time and the findings were integrated in order to understand deeper the quality assurance mechanisms applied in science education. The use of multiple perspectives, theories and research methods resulted in rich information being gathered for analysis. The study revealed that quality assurance practices, ranging from Integrated Quality Management System, Whole-school Evaluation and Assessment Quality Assurance among others, had a positive influence on the quality of science education. The results indicated that quality assurance policies and mechanisms present were followed by schools and the district support helped to improve the quality of science education. The presence of quality assurance policies and mechanisms had a positive bearing on the quality of science education. The lack of infrastructural resources, non-availability of laboratory technicians, science educator work overload, parents’ non-involvement in academic support, poor learner subject selection criteria and non-rigorous quality assurance follow-up mechanisms were the main factors hindering the quality of science education. / Educational Studies / D. Phil. (Education)

Determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments

Mampuru, Marisane Edward 30 June 2003 (has links)
Learners in disadvantaged environments are less likely to do well at school. Yet some of the most successful schools operate in such environments. The purpose of this study was to establish the relative influence of various determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments. To this end literature study was done in two phases. The first resulted in a taxonomy of success factors, which was then used to guide the second in-depth phase. Thereafter an empirical study was done, involving qualitative field work at four successful schools in disadvantaged environments. Empirically it was discovered that there is no single most important success factor because all success factors are interrelated and interdependent. The over-arching success factor discovered in this study which was involvement of all stakeholders. / Education / M.Ed.

Educator participation in the implementation of a total quality management strategy : a case study

Tlhapi, Petrus Makganye 06 1900 (has links)
The principles of Total Quality Management (TQM), initially designed to effect continuous improvement in the business sector, have been successfully applied in educational settings. Hence, this study was undertaken to explore educator participation in the implementation of a TQM Strategy at selected academically underperforming secondary schools in the Moses Kotane Area to address shortfalls. A literature review on TQM provided a conceptual framework for the empirical inquiry. Special attention was given to the role of educators in TQM implementation. The empirical study used qualitative research methods to explore the use of TQM in fifteen schools selected by purposive sampling. Observation, document analysis and focus group interviews were used to gather data. The findings indicate that educators regard TQM as an improvement tool; however, they hold negative and positive views about TQM. Finally, recommendations were made to enhance the implementation of TQM in underperforming secondary schools in the Moses Kotane Area. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Education Management)

The influence of total quality management on school improvement in secondary schools in the uThungulu District, Kwazulu-Natal

Sibeko, Sylvia Dolly 09 1900 (has links)
TQM has been identified as an approach that can be adopted to improve quality in business as well as in education. The main aim of this approach is to involve everybody in decision-making of the organization, in this case a school, with the purpose of achieving highest commitment from staff and customer satisfaction. TQM can be a way which can bring about changes in the education system. It is a philosophy with continuous improvement which can provide a set of practicable tools and techniques to meet the present and the future desires of any educational system. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influence of TQM on school improvement in secondary schools in the Uthungulu District, Kwazulu-Natal. The questionnaires were handed to schools in the Uthungulu District which is made up of 5 circuits, namely, Umhlathuze Circuit, Umfolozi Circuit, Umlalazi Circuit, Mthonjaneni Circuit and Inkandla Circuit. The research concentrated mainly on School Management Teams (SMTs) and Post Level 1 educators (PL1 educators) from senior secondary schools (high schools). On the whole, respondents in the study area have shown a positive attitude towards understanding the significance of Total Quality Management principles in schools. The findings seem to suggest that everyone has a responsibility of encouraging implementation of TQM in schools. It is important to develop quality management systems, because without them, it is impossible to implement. The quality improvement teams should be empowered to manage themselves and provide programmes that will enable them to be more effective. The proposed model of the study provides information about basic elements and factors which need to be taken into cognisance during the TQM and implementation process. The model identifies the main principles of TQM with continuous improvement at the centre of them all. The main aim of implementing TQM in school should be continuous improvement. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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