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Risk Assessment of Total Mercury and Methylmercury in Aquatic Products from Offshore Farms in ChinaZhang, Wei, Zhang, Xue, Tian, Yuling, Zhu, Yan, Tong, Yindong, Li, Ying, Wang, Xuejun 15 July 2018 (has links)
Contamination of methylmercury (MeHg) in aquatic products has been a wide spread health concern. The objective of this study is to determine total mercury (THg) and MeHg concentrations in different species of aquatic products from major offshore farms in China, and to assess health impacts from consumption. Results showed that the concentrations of THg and MeHg ranged 5.6–328.4 ng/g (wet weight) and 4.3–303.6 ng/g (wet weight) in aquatic products, respectively, and were very variable among species and origin sources. Target hazard quotient (THQ) suggested that MeHg exposure via consumption posed high health risks to children aged 2–7 and higher income families. Residents above the age of 13 and with low income have relatively lower health risk of MeHg exposure. Health impacts on heart attacks and newborns’ IQ from MeHg exposure were evaluated using dose-response relationships. Results showed that mother’s consumption of aquatic products (at 6 ounce per day) may cause a loss of 0.38 IQ points for newborns. For non-pregnant, consumption of aquatic products may cause an increase rate of mortality and morbidity of heart attacks at 10.59 and 78.45 per 100,000 persons, respectively. The negative health impact of consuming seawater fish was higher than freshwater fish.
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Correspondance de McKay : variations en dimension troisTÉROUANNE, Sophie 25 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Le thème central de cette thèse est la correspondance de McKay en dimension trois. Soit $X$ un schéma projectif lisse sur un corps $k$ et $G$ un groupe réductif fini. Dans un premier temps, on s'intéresse au schéma de Hilbert $G$-équivariant de $X$. On le définit dans un cadre général et on construit le morphisme de Hilbert-Chow par une méthode de linéarisation du déterminant. On étudie alors le cas particulier où le quotient $X/G$ est lisse. Dans un deuxième temps, on étudie une famille de singularités de dimension trois qui admettent deux résolutions crépantes naturelles : l'une est le schéma de Hilbert équivariant, et l'autre est le résultat d'un processus de désingularisation de singularités de points doubles. On calcule les fibres de ces deux résolutions et on conclut que le schéma de Hilbert donne une résolution plus naturelle au sens de McKay. On donne alors une interprétation de ce schéma en tant qu'espace modulaire d'une famille de fibrés vectoriels. Enfin, on s'intéresse à la catégorie dérivée équivariante. On donne une version $G$-équivariante du théorème de Be\u(\i)linson, puis on compare la catégorie dérivée $G$-équivariante de $X$ et la catégorie dérivée du quotient $X/G$ en déterminant l'image du foncteur $(\bf L)\pi^* : (\cal D)(X/G)\rightarrow (\cal D)^G(X)$.
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The relationship between emotional intelligence and burnout of Police Constable Officers of the SAPS in the Western Cape.Dette, Edwina Judith. January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between the emotional intelligence and burnout levels of police constables of the South African Police Service<br />
(SAPS) in the Western Cape. The field work of constables includes situations in which police officers need to make quick decisions involving life and death.</p>
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Impact des retards intellectuels sur la réussite aux épreuves de la théorie de l'esprit chez les enfants présentant un trouble envahissant du développementBédard, Karmen January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Les personnes avec un trouble envahissant du développement (TED) se caractérisent par des difficultés en ce qui concerne les habiletés sociales, langagières et comportementales. Depuis une vingtaine d'années, différents auteurs utilisent un modèle de méta-représentation, la théorie de l'esprit (ToM), pour prédire les déficits spécifiques présents chez ces personnes. Le but de cette recherche n'est pas de remettre en cause l'hypothèse d'un déficit sur le plan de la ToM et son rôle privilégié dans l'explication des problèmes qui caractérisent le TED. lI s'agit plutôt de vérifier l'apport de la performance intellectuelle dans la maîtrise de la ToM. Cette recherche se veut donc un éclairage supplémentaire en ce qui a trait aux recherches faites sur la ToM et ce, pour l'ensemble de la population avec un TED, et non seulement ceux présentant un trouble autistique. Trois différents tests de la ToM et un test d'intelligence
(Stanford-Binet 4e édition,1991) furent administrés à 39 participants avec un TED. L'hypothèse de recherche est que plus les Q.l. global et verbal des participants avec un TED sont élevés, plus ils ont de chance de réussir les épreuves combinées de la ToM. En général, les résultats présentent des relations significatives entre le Q.I. et la réussite aux tests de la ToM. Ces derniers confirment l'hypothèse de recherche et ce, pour les différentes combinaisons de tests de la ToM. À petite échelle, cette recherche remet donc en question la spécificité de la ToM chez les participants avec un TED, et met en lumière l'impact ainsi que l'importance de l'intelligence dans la réussite de la ToM. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Trouble envahissant du développement, Théorie de l'esprit, Fausse croyance, Quotient intellectuel, Trouble autistique.
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Emotional Intelligence : The Three Major Theories in the FieldHultin, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Emotional intelligence (EI) is a term that has several definitions and theories. Three major views in the field of EI will be presented and discussed in this thesis, furthermore some practical implications for the research. There will also be a brief overview of the two fields of emotion and intelligence research, from where the concept of EI has emerged. The first view presented is Mayer and Salovey‟s four-branch model of EI, measured with the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (the MSCEIT). The second view is the Bar-On model of emotional-social intelligence, closely related to the Emotional Quotient Inventory (the EQ-i). The third view is Goleman and colleagues‟ model of EI, which is measured with the Emotional Competence Inventory (the ECI). These different views of EI will be discussed in terms of ability-models and mixed-models, where the first model presented is referred to as an ability-model of EI and the following two models are seen as mixed-models of EI.
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A Study on the Employees' Adversity Quotient, Job Stress and Role Performance in High Technology Industry: Perceived Organizational Support as a ModeratorDai, Chia-hui 07 September 2010 (has links)
A Study on the Employees' Adversity Quotient, Job Stress and Role Performance in High Technology Industry: Perceived Organizational Support as a Moderator.
This study aims to explore the high-tech industry employees: (1) the relationship among adversity quotient, job stress, perceived organizational support and role performance. (2) the adversity quotient as a mediator between the job stress and role performance. (3) the moderating effect of perceived organizational support to job stress and role performacne.
For the purposes of the study, the questionnaire survey was conducted for the employees in the south high tech industry. Total 111 supervisor questionnaires and 333 staff questionnaires were distributed to 44 high tech firms, where the role performance questionnaires were designed for pairs of supervisor and employees. And total 110 supervisor questionnaires and 330 staff questionnaires were returned and, after 2 supervisors¡¦ and 12 invalid staffs¡¦ questionnaires eliminated, a total of 108 supervisor and 318 staff valid sets of questionnairs have been collected in this study. The response rate of the valid questionnaires is 96.36%.
The study adopts the following statistical analysis techniques: the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the reliability analysis, the descriptive statistics, the independent t-test, the one-way ANOVA, the structural equation modeling (SEM), the correlation analysis, and the hierarchical regression analysis. The primary findings are as follows:
1. Adversity quotient has significantly negative effect on job stress.
2. Adversity quotient has significantly positive effect on role performance.
3. Job stress has significantly negative effect on role performance.
4. Job stress has mediating effect on the relationship between adversity quotient and role performance.
5. Perceived organizational support does not have significantly moderate effect between job stress and role performance.
This study concludes by discussing for the implications of major findings, which would be a reference to the academy and industries, and make suggestions for further studies.
Keywords: Adversity Quotient , Job Stress , Percevied Orgnaizational Support, Role Performance, In-Role Behavior, OCB-Individual, OCB-Organization
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Open Book Decompositions Of Links Of Quotient Surface SingularitiesYilmaz, Elif 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we write explicitly the open book decompositions of links of quotient
surface singularities that support the corresponding unique Milnor fillable contact
structures. The page-genus of these Milnor open books are minimal among all Milnor
open books supporting the corresponding unique Milnor fillable contact structures.
That minimal page-genus is called Milnor genus. In this thesis we also investigate
whether the Milnor genus is equal to the support genus for links of quotient surface
singularities. We show that for many types of the quotient surface singularities the
Milnor genus is equal to the support genus of the corresponding contact structure.
For the remaining we are able to find an upper bound for the support genus which
would be a step forward in understanding these contact structures.
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The Impact Study of the Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park Luchu Base on the Southern Regional EconomyWu, Jing-Ru 21 June 2002 (has links)
This study use regional development and input-output analysis investigates Luchu Base¡¦s industries in the development and operation period that impact of the southern regional. The multipliers and impact analysis was performed through regional input-output analysis for Luchu Base. The publishment of Taiwan regional input-output table has been stopped since 1981. Therefore, this study estimate the southern regional input coefficient table for year 2001 using Mathematic process Method and Location Quotient Method. Then using this input coefficient table to forecast the changes of output and employment in the southern region and each prefecture or city after Luchu Base established. Finally, this study evaluates the future development of Luchu Base for regional economy.
The major finding include, the key effected industries during the development period of Luchu Base which are construction correlation industries would be fabricated metal products, non-metallic mineral products, iron and steel industries, and electronic machinery and other electronic equipments industries. In operation period, the significantly economical effects industries will be Luchu Base¡¦s planning industries that are electronic products, other industrial products, and other chemical products; especially the most output effect is electronic products industry. The significantly economical effects are finance and insurance, and trade and retail industries. The establishment of Luchu Base tends to have positively economical effects for southern region in the development and operation period.
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Spectral Theory And Root Bases Associated With Multiparameter Eigenvalue ProblemsMohandas, J P 02 1900 (has links)
(1) -yn1+ q1y1 = (λr11 + µr12)y1 on [0, 1]
y’1(0) = cot α1 and = y’1(1) = a1λ + b1
y1(0) y1(1) c1λ+d1
(2) - yn2 + q2y2 = (λr21 + µr22)y2 on [0, 1]
y’2(0) = cot α2 and = y’2(1) = a2µ + b2
y2(0) y2(1) c2µ + d2
subject to certain definiteness conditions; where qi and rij are continuous real valued functions on [0, 1], the angle αi is in [0, π) and ai, bi, ci, di are real numbers with δi = aidi − bici > 0 and ci = 0 for I, j = 1,2.
Under the Uniform Left Definite condition we have proved an asymptotic theorem and an oscillation theorem. Analysis of (1) and (2) subject to the Uniform Ellipticity condition focus on the location of eigenvalues, perturbation theory and the local analysis of eigenvalues. We also gave a bound for the number of nonreal eigenvalues.
We also have studied the system
T1(x1) = (λA11 + µA12)(x1)
and T2(x2) = (λA21 + µA22)(x2)
where Aij (j =1, 2) and Ti are linear operators acting on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces Hi (i = 1, 2). For a pair of commutative operators Γ = (Γ0, Γ1) constructed from Aij and Ti on the Hilbert space tensor product H1 ⊗ H2, we can associate a natural Koszul complex namely
Dºr-(λ,μ) D1 r-(λ,μ)
0 H H ø H H 0
We have constructed a basis for the Koszul quotient space N(D1Г−(λ,µ))/R(D0Г−( λ,µ)) in terms of the root basis of (Г0, Г1).
(For equations pl refer the PDF file)
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Prosodie de langues à tons (naxi et vietnamien), prosodie de l'anglais : éclairages croisésMichaud, Alexis 12 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
La mise en regard de données d'anglais et de deux langues à tons d'Extrême-Orient (naxi et vietnamien) montre un partage des ressources entre spécifications lexicales (oppositions phonémiques, et accentuation) et intonation : les premières fournissent le cadre dans lequel la variation intonative prend son sens. Au plan typologique, chaque langue offrirait à l'énonciateur un certain degré de liberté ; le naxi (4 tons) apparaît plus contraint que l'anglais, et que le vietnamien (qui pourtant possède 6 tons). Les expériences menées (qui comportent une évaluation de la qualité de voix par électroglottographie) paraissent faire ressortir la superposition de plusieurs phénomènes. Elles permettent d'aborder une question soulevée par le courant autosegmental-métrique d'études intonatives : accentuation et intonation concourent-elles à une unique séquence tonale pour l'énoncé (cela dans toutes les langues) ? Il semblerait que ce dernier point de vue ne permette pas de rendre compte des faits rencontrés.
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