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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prövning i idrott och hälsa 1 : Diskrepans bidrar till underminering av rättvis och likvärdig bedömning. / Assessment in Physical Education and Health 1 : Discrepancy contributes to the undermining of fair and equal assessment.

Österman, Michael January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Prövningar i idrott och hälsa tycks ha ökat de senaste åren och att utforma en prövning i idrott och hälsa som ger förutsättningar att sätta ett rättvist, likvärdigt och rättssäkert betyg kan upplevas som en utmaning. Inte minst då det finns en avsaknad av såväl forskning på området som vägledande riktlinjer att förhålla sig till. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns en konsensus om vad en prövning i idrott och hälsa 1 bör innehålla och utformas för att ge förutsättningar för en rättvis och likvärdig bedömning. Metod: Fem lärare i idrott och hälsa som har genomfört minst en prövning i idrott och hälsa 1 deltog i en strukturerad intervju via e-post. Tre av dessa bidrog även med dokument tillhörande respektive prövning. Materialet genomgick därefter en initial kvalitativ tematisk analys och därefter gjordes en induktiv analys för varje tema. Resultat och diskussion: Resultatet påvisade både likheter och markanta skillnader som under hur lång tid en prövning pågick, om den utfördes enskilt eller tillsammans med andra elever samt om läraren får avsatt tid för prövningen eller ej. Även lärarnas bedömningspraxis skiljer sig åt och man kan konstatera att det finns ett behov av vägledande riktlinjer både gällande förutsättningar och i hur prövning i idrott och hälsa bör utformas för att säkerställa en rättvis, likvärdig och rättssäker bedömning och betygsättning. / Background: Examination (Swe. prövning) in physical education and health seem to have increased in recent years and designing an examination in physical education and health that provides the conditions for setting a fair, equal, and legally secure grade can be perceived as a challenge. Not least because there is a lack of both research and guidelines to relate to. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is a consensus on what a test in Physical Education 1 should contain and be designed to provide conditions for a fair and equal assessment. Method: Five physical education teachers who have completed at least one examination in physical education 1 participated in a structured interview via e-mail, three of them also contributed with documents related to each examination. The material was then subjected to an initial qualitative thematic analysis, followed by an inductive analysis for each theme. Results and discussion: The results revealed both similarities and significant differences, such as the length of time an examination lasted, whether it was carried out individually or together with other pupils, and whether or not the teacher is allocated time for the examination. Teachers' assessment practices also differ, and it can be concluded that there is a need for guidelines regarding both the conditions and how examinations in physical education and health should be designed to ensure fair, equal, and legally secure assessment and grading.

"The Invisible EU-citizens" "De Osynliga EU-medborgarna"

Johansson, Sophie January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats belyser problemet med användandet av begreppen EU-medborgare och EU-migrant, samt vad det är som avgör huruvida man skall bli betraktad som antingen det ena eller andra. Det råder fri rörlighet för alla EU-medborgare mellan medlemsstaterna, det skapar problem när grupper som rent juridiskt inte klassificeras som medborgare, och i stället klassificeras som migrant. Skillnaden mellan att vara EU-medborgare och EU-migrant är bland annat att det skiljer sig i åtnjutandet av det sociala skyddsnätet. Romer används som ett exempel genom hela uppsatsen då de har en historia som inte påminner om någon annan, samt för att det är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens EU. Genom en komparativ studie mellan två välfärdsstater, samt en diskursanalys där Benhabibs teori ”the rights of others” appliceras diskuteras huruvida alla inom EU kan åtnjuta de mänskliga rättigheterna. Benhabibs teori tydliggör nationalstaters rädsla gentemot det främmande och bekräftar att det sker en kränkning av de mänskliga rättigheterna när människor saknar medborgarskap. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att orsaken till att romska grupper ofta faller utanför det skyddsnät som finns är på grund av avsaknaden av subjektivitet. Nationalstater ser ofta romska grupper som icke-hanterbara och det smittar av sig på civilsamhället och den generella attityden gentemot romer är negativ. / This thesis highlights the problem with the use of the concepts “EU-citizen” and “EU-immigrant”, as well as what determines whether someone should be considered one or the other. Since freedom of movement is granted EU-citizens between member states, problems arise when groups that technically do not qualify as citizens, but are classified as migrants, utilize the freedom of mobility. The difference between being classified as an EU-citizen vs an EU-immigrant is the differences in the ability to enjoy the social safety net provided by the state. The Roma people will be used as an example throughout the thesis, as the history of the group is unique, and it is currently a topic of discussion in the EU.Through a comparative study of welfare states, along with a discourse analysis utilizing Benhabib’s theory of ”the rights of others”, a discussion will examine whether everyone in the EU have the opportunity to enjoy human rights.Benhabib’s theory clarifies the nation state’s fears of that considered foreign and confirms the violations of human rights that occur when people lack citizenship.The conclusion of the study is that the reason Roma groups often fall outside the social safety net is because the lack of subjectivity of states. Nation states often view Roma groups as non-manageable, the perception rubs off on civil society and generates generally negative attitudes towards the Roma.

I en digitaliserad kapitalmarknad : En studie om finansiella behov och relationer inom andelsbaserad crowdfunding

Henricson, Elin, Mertsalmi, Veera January 2017 (has links)
Equity crowdfunding, which has primarily been developed by private operators, is considered as an alternative financing form where capital is raised from a group of individuals through digital platforms. In the absence of formal regulations and existing high information asymmetries between businesses and crowd-investors, businesses need to build up legitimacy and trust through social actions. In this way, knowing the main participants and developing good relationships with them, become key factors for crowdfunding success. The purpose of this thesis is to examine equity crowdfunding and its context by identifying and describing stakeholders that interact there. In particular, this thesis aims to describe relationships that are being developed between businesses and their crowd-investors. The data has been collected through interviews with both businesses and investors that have experience in using equity crowdfunding in a Swedish context. The interview data have been analysed by using the stakeholder theory. This has helped us to identify and characterise several stakeholders that exist in the context of equity crowdfunding. Especially, two stakeholder management approaches – arm length- and fairness approach - have been chosen as the analytical tools for this thesis. These categories have primarily been used to analyse relationships that are being developed between businesses and crowd-investors. Our discussion highlights equity crowdfunding as a new and alternative type of capital market, where participants act more cooperatively and have versatile roles. As a financial tool, equity crowdfunding opens up possibilities for closer interaction between businesses and investors. As a consequence of high information asymmetries, developing relationships and creating a transparent environment through active communication, become particularly important for businesses. However, our data has shown us that in reality the collaborative relationship depends on how much businesses allow to be influenced by investors as well as how much the investors request participation.

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