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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da ação oxidante do selênio na indução da radiossensibilidade e morte celular na levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Bárbara Abranches de Araujo Porto 10 February 2012 (has links)
As radiações ionizantes são provenientes tanto de fontes naturais como de fontes antropogênicas. A radioterapia emergiu como uma das terapias mais comuns no combate ao câncer. Irradiadores de Co-60 (aceleradores lineares de cobalto- 60) são usados para tratamento de tumores malignos rotineiramente em hospitais de todo o mundo. Exposições às radiações ionizantes podem induzir alterações nas macromoléculas celulares e afetar suas funções, pois causam radiólise da molécula de água gerando espécies reativas do oxigênio, que podem causar danos a praticamente todas as organelas e constituintes da célula, conhecidos como danos oxidativos, que podem culminar no estresse oxidativo. O estresse oxidativo é a situação na qual foi rompido o equilíbrio entre oxidantes e antioxidantes, com excessiva produção de espécies reativas, não acompanhada do aumento da capacidade antioxidante, inviabilizando assim, a neutralização das mesmas. O selênio é um micronutriente considerado antioxidante e antiinflamatório, que poderia prevenir o câncer. No sistema biológico o selênio existe na forma de selenoproteínas. Até o presente momento, 25 selenoproteinas humanas já foram identificadas, entre elas a enzima Glutationa peroxidase, uma enzima antioxidante. Leveduras têm a capacidade de incorporar diversos metais tais como ferro, cádmio, zinco e selênio, assim como todos os organismos biológicos. A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ao contrário das células de mamíferos é desprovida de selenoproteínas, sendo considerada como um modelo prático para estudos de toxicidade do selênio, sem qualquer interferência do metabolismo de selenoproteínas. Além disso, células de leveduras proliferam-se por meio de da fermentação, o equivalente microbiano da glicólise aeróbia em mamíferos que é o processo utilizado por tumores. Vários relatos mostram que os efeitos pró-oxidantes e tóxicos induzidos por compostos de selênio ocorrem em doses mais baixas em células malignas quando comparadas às células normais dando ao selênio um grande potencial terapêutico no tratamento do câncer. Nosso objetivo foi verificar se o selênio desempenha função radiossenbilizadora em células de levedura ao serem desafiadas com radiação ionizante (60Co) . Para isso foi avaliado se o selênio causa danos oxidativos para a célula e morte celular. Em seguida foi avaliado se ocorre diferença nos danos oxidativos após as células serem tratadas com selênio e irradiação gama. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o selênio exerce função radiossensibilizadora e tem papel oxidante nas células de levedura. / Ionizing radiations are from both natural sources such as from anthropogenic sources. Recently, radiotherapy has emerged as one of the most common therapies against cancer. Co-60 irradiators (cobalt-60 linear accelerators) are used to treat of malignant tumors routinely in hospitals around the world. Exposure to ionizing radiation can induce changes in cellular macromolecules and affect its functions, because they cause radiolysis of the water molecule generating reactive oxygen species, which can cause damage to virtually all organelles and cell components known as oxidative damage that can culminate in oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a situation in which the balance between oxidants and antioxidants is broken resulting in excessive production of reactive species, it is not accompanied by the increase in antioxidant capacity, making it impossible to neutralize them. Selenium is a micronutrient considered as antioxidant, antiinflammatory, which could prevent cancer. Selenium in biological system exists as selenoproteins. Nowdays, 25 human selenoproteins have been identified, including glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme. Yeasts have the ability to incorporate various metals such as iron, cadmium, zinc and selenium, as well as all biological organisms. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, unlike mammalian cells is devoid of selenoproteins, being considered as a practical model for studies on the toxicity of selenium, without any interference from the metabolism of selenoproteins. Moreover, yeast cells proliferate through the fermentation, the microbial equivalent of aerobic glycolysis in mammals and the process is also used by tumors. Several reports show that the pro-oxidante effects and induced toxic selenium compounds occur at lower doses and in malignant cells compared with benign cells. Therefore selenium giving a great therapeutic potential in cancer treatment .Our objective was to determine whether selenium is capable to sensitize yeasts cells when they are challenged with ionizing radiation produced by 60Co. For this, we assessed whether selenium causes oxidative damage to cell and cell death. After that, we assessed whether differences in the oxidative damage occurs after the cells be treated with selenium and gama irradiation. Our results showed that selenium has a rdiosensitizing function playing a oxidant role in yeast cell.

Síntese e estudo das propriedades termoluminescentes de cristais LaAIO3 dopados com carbono para aplicações em dosimetria das radiações X, gama e UV

Neriene Alves 17 January 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a síntese de policristais Aluminato de lantânio (LaAlO3) puro e dopado com carbono e investigadas as propriedades termoluminescentes para aplicação em dosimetria das radiações ionizantes. Esse material possui uma estrutura do tipo perovskita, que vem sendo extensamente investigada, pois sua estrutura cristalina favorece a formação de defeitos aniônicos e possibilitam ainda que uma variedade de elementos possa ser acomodada a sua rede, fatores estes estão diretamente relacionados à luminescência de materiais. O pó foi sintetizado pelo método de mistura de óxidos, conhecido também por reação do estado sólido, que consistiu na mistura dos óxidos de lantânio e alumínio em fase alfa na proporção 1:1 molar, via sucessivos processos de moagem e tratamento térmico à alta temperatura. A formação da fase LaAlO3 foi determinada logo após o primeiro tratamento térmico à 1600 C por 2 horas, caracterizada por difração de raios-X. O pó obtido foi homogeneizado junto ao dopante carbono em diferentes porcentagens, sendo imediatamente prensado a 600 MPa e sinterizado a 1770C em atmosfera de hidrogênio por 2 horas. Em um primeiro momento as amostras de LaAlO3 puro e dopado com carbono foram submetidas à irradiação gama para investigação da sensibilidade a este tipo de radiação. Constatamos que todas as concentrações analisadas, inclusive o Aluminato de lantânio puro, apresentam termoluminescência, no entanto, não foi possível observar reprodutibilidade e linearidade nos testes realizados. Em sequência investigamos também a sensibilidade quanto à radiação ultravioleta, evidenciamos grandes valores de intensidade TL para intervalos de tempo bastante curtos. Todas as concentrações estudadas apresentaram sensibilidade à radiação ultravioleta, no entanto o que mais se destacou foi o Aluminato de lantânio não dopado, o qual obteve melhor linearidade e reprodutibilidade em nossa análises. Deste modo, a atenção deste trabalho foi centralizada na investigação do Aluminato de lantânio puro. Nessa perspectiva, acreditamos que este material tem grande potencial para ser melhor estudado para aplicações à área de dosimetria das radiações. / In this work we performed the synthesis of undoped and carbon doped lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3) polycrystalline and investigated their thermoluminescent properties for ionizing radiation fields. This material has a perovskite structure, which has been widely investigated because its crystal structure favors the formation of anionic defects and still enable a variety of elements can be accommodated in your crystalline lattice; these factors are directly related to the luminescence materials. The powder was synthesized by solid state reaction method, also known as solid state reaction, the mixture consisting of the oxides of lanthanum and aluminum alpha phase at 1:1 molar by successive processes of grinding and heat treatment at high temperature. The formation of LaAlO3 phase was determined after the first heat treatment at 1600 C for 2 hours, characterized by X-ray diffraction. The obtained powder was homogenized with the carbon doping in different percentages; it was immediately pressed at 600 MPa and sintered at 1770 C in hydrogen atmosphere for 2 hours. Firstly undoped and carbon doped LaAlO3 samples were subjected to gamma irradiation to investigate the sensitivity of this type of radiation. We found that all concentrations tested, including the undoped lanthanum aluminate present thermoluminescence, however, was not observed linearity and reproducibility. In sequence we also investigated the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation; we observed large values of TL intensity for very short intervals of time. All concentrations showed sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, but what stood out was the undoped lanthanum aluminate samples, which has a huge TL sensibility and presented got better linearity and reproducibility in our analyzes. Thus, the attention of this work was centered on the investigation of undoped lanthanum aluminate. In this perspective, we believe that this material has great potential to be further studied for applications of radiation dosimetry fields.

Estudos microdosimétricos usando um sistema de irradiação de nêutrons rápidos filtrados de reator de pesquisa para aplicação de radiobiologia / Microdosimetric studies using a filtered fast neutron irradiation system of research reactor to application in radiation biology

Pedro Pereira Rodrigues 14 June 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho, medidas microdosimétricas foram realizadas usando um contador proporcional equivalente à tecido - TEPC. com uma cavidade esférica de diâmetro de 1.27 cm. O TEPC foi preenchido com gás propane puro, C3HS, à pressão de 5,6 kPa (42 Torr), que é equivalente a 1,3 μm em diâmetro de unidade de densidade do tecido. O instrumento de medida microdosimétrica foi irradiado com radiação de nêutrons rápidos do reator de pequisa do Nuclear Science Center da Texas A&M University, em College Station,-Texas. Os feixes de nêutrons rápidos foram emitidos com três diferentes valores de potência. 0,5, 1,0, e 2,0 kVV, durante 1 hora para alto ganho e o mesmo tempo para baixo ganho, totalizando 2 horas para cada potência, com 0,0083 Gy/min de taxa de dose. O neutron foi filtrado usando o sistema de irradiação de néutrons rápidos fortemente nitrados (FNIS). do Nuclear Science Center, para obter uma redução da contaminação da radiação de neutron por radiação gama e assim obter espectros microdosimetricos de neutrons como, distribuição de freqüência de energia lineal e distribuição de dose de energia lineal, com boa precisão, e outras grandezas como, freqüência média de energia lineal, dose média de energia lineal, dose absorvida, dose equivalente e fator de qualidade médio de neutron rápido. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios, com os espectros microdosimetricos de nêutrons mostrando uma contaminação de radiação gama abaixo de 5 %, especialmente para distribuição de dose de energia lineal. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho foram comparados com outros da literatura científica, que usaram outros procedimentos para a redução da contaminação do neutron por radiação gama. estando em concordância com eles. / In this work, microdosimetric measurements were performed using a Wall-less Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter - TEPC was filled with spherical cavity with an inner diameter of 1.27 cm. The TEPC was tilled with pure propane gas, C3H8 at 5.6 kPa (42 Torr) pressure, which is equi\\alent to 1.3μm in diameter of unit density tissue. The microdosimetric measurement device was irradiated with fast neutron radiation from Texas A&M University Nuclear Science Center research reactor, in College Station, Texas. The fast neutron beams were emitted with three different power values, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 kW. during Ih for both high gain and low gain, totalizing two hours for each power with 0.0083 Gy/min of dose rate. The neutron was filtered using the heavily filtered fast neutron irradiation s\\stem (FNIS). from Nuclear Science Center, to obtain a decrease of neutron radiation contamination by gamma ray and so, to gain the neutron microdosimetric spectra as. frequency distribution of lineal energy, dose distribution of lineal energy with good precision, and another quantities as frequency-mean of lineal energy, dose- mean of lineal energy, absorbed dose, equivalent dose and average quality factor of fast neutron. The obtained results were satisfactory, with the neutron microdosimetric spectra showing a gamma ray contamination under 5 %, especially to dose distribution of lineal energy. The results obtained in this work were in agreement when compared with another results from scientific literature, which used another procedure to reduce the neutron contamination by gamma ray.

Simulação do transporte de mangas irradiadas para exportação / Transport simulation of mangoes irradiated for exportation

Paula Olhê Broisler Le Bourlegat 26 March 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados os efeitos da radiação ionizante (gama) em mangas para exportação, simulando a etapa de acondicionamento da fruta durante o seu transporte, através da refrigeração em câmara fria. Em uma primeira etapa foram analisadas perda de peso, pH, acidez titulável, teor de sólidos solúveis, textura e decomposição. Posteriormente, realizaram-se análises sensoriais (alterações de cor, odor, sabor, textura). Os ensaios foram realizados em dois estádios de maturação das frutas, ou seja, 2 e 3, com o propósito de se estudar o melhor ponto de colheita para a melhor dosagem de irradiação. Os resultados revelam que o tratamento da manga Tommy Atkins na dose de 0,75 kGy foi significativo, juntamente com a fruta no estádio 2, para o retardo do amadurecimento e consequente ganho de tempo para a exportação. / It had been studied the effect of the ionizing radiation (gamma) in mangoes for exportation, simulating the stage of preservation of the fruit during its transport, through the refrigeration in cold chamber. In a first stage they had been analyzed through loss of weight, pH, treatable acidity, soluble solid, texture and decomposition. Later, sensorial analyses had been become fulfilled (alterations of color, odor, flavor, texture). The assays had been carried through in two stadiums of maturation of the fruits, that is, 2 and 3, with the intention of studying optimum point of harvest for the best dosage of irradiation. The results disclose together that the treatment of the mangoes Tommy Atkins in the dose of 0,75 kGy was significant, with the fruit in stadium 2, for the retardation of the matureness and consequent profit of time for the exportation.

Explaining the differences in African and Neotropical species richness by comparing diversification rates in Renealmia L.f. (Zingiberaceae)

Valderrama Escallon, Eugenio January 2016 (has links)
The well-known high species richness of the tropical forests is not uniform through its different regions; Africa is species-poor when compared to Southeast Asia and the Neotropical region. One of the hypotheses for differences between the richness in the Neotropics and Africa points to the importance of recent speciation in the Neotropics. This is considered in particular in Andean-centred taxa that probably diversified in response to the opportunities for speciation offered by the final uplift of the tropical Andes (during the past c. 25 million years [Ma] to the present, with higher rates on the past 10 Ma to the present). The aim of this thesis is to test this hypothesis in the genus Renealmia L.f. (Zingiberaceae), an Andean centred lineage (c. 64 Neotropical spp.) that also occurs in Africa (c. 17 spp.). A taxonomic account of the Colombian species (c. 32; the country with the most species) is presented, and three species new to science were discovered and are described in an updated revision. I designed a new approach for obtaining nuclear phylogenetic markers for estimating species-level phylogenies using transcriptomes for recent diversification that could be applied to samples from herbarium specimens. I generated de-novo transcriptomes for two Renealmia species and a relative in the subfamily Alpinioideae that were combined with data available in repositories to target low copy number and potentially orthologous genes with short introns. I obtained sequence data for eight introns (ranging from 219 to 924 bp) and an rRNA (ITS1 & ITS2) marker for 40 species and at least one marker for 64 species, comprising a total of 137 accessions of which 67.9%(93) were sampled from herbarium specimens. Gene and species-trees were estimated for the genus. I found that most of the subgroups based on morphological characters are supported by the molecular data but a possible combination of incomplete lineage sorting (related to recent radiations or large population sizes) and/or introgression through hybridisation makes difficult to solve the relationships among these subgroups. Finally I estimated and compared diversification rates of the Neotropical and African lineages using dated phylogenies based on the trees estimated. I used available and customized methods that take into account incomplete taxon sampling, the uncertainty in the phylogenetic relationships and the stochasticity inherent to diversifications processes. Differences in diversification rates between Africa and the Neotropics indicate increased speciation attributable to the Andean orogeny in the Neotropical lineages of Renealmia.

Modélisation des ceintures de radiations de Saturne / A physical model for electron radiation belts of Saturn

Lorenzato, Lise 24 September 2012 (has links)
Les ceintures de radiation provoquent des dégâts irréversibles sur les satellites les traversant, détériorant ainsi les instruments de mesure embarqués. Les étudier est utile au développement de matériaux adaptés et résistants. Depuis les années 90, l'ONERA-DESP étudie les ceintures de radiations des planètes magnétisées, telle que la Terre ou Jupiter, grâce au modèle Salammbô. Salammbô prend en compte les processus physiques de l'environnement radiatif pour recréer les populations d'électrons peuplant les ceintures. Dans cette étude, il s'agit de développer un modèle des ceintures de radiations internes de Saturne, basé sur les travaux précédents. Avant les années 2000, Pioneer 11 et Voyager 2 ne permettaient pas un développement suffisamment avancé d'un modèle de ceintures de radiations de Saturne. La mission Cassini apporte ensuite quantités d'observations et de données pour mener une étude plus approfondie de ces ceintures. Cette thèse débute par l'analyse de la magnétosphère interne de Saturne : anneaux, satellites, nuages de neutres...L'interaction des particules des ceintures de radiations avec ces différents paramètres se traduit par le calcul de coefficients de diffusion. Ces coefficients sont intégrés à l'équation de transport et permettent de comprendre les mécanismes perturbant la distribution des électrons au sein des ceintures de radiations. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés aux mesures faites par les sondes Pioneer 11, Voyager 2 et Cassini. / Radiation belts cause irreversible damages to on-board instrument materials. Studies about radiation belts can be useful for development of materials that will stand such environment. Since the 1990's, ONERA develops models of radiation belts of magnetized planets, such as the Earth or Jupiter. These previous work lead to a physical model, named Salammbô. Salammbô is based on physical processes that dominate the planetary magnetosphere in order to recreate electron populations of radiation belts. ONERA is now able to develop an electron radiation belt model for Saturn's environment, i.e., a new version of Salammbô. Before the 2000's, Pioneer 11 and Voyager 2 did not allow a good development of a Salammbô model in the case of Saturn. Nowadays, the Cassini mission gives a lot of information about Saturn, its magnetosphere and its environment to start a study about radiation belts of Saturn. This thesis begins with the analyse of the kronian magnetosphere : rings, satellites, neutral clouds, etc. Interaction between radiation belt particle and these different parameters lead to diffusion coefficients. Diffusion coefficients are integrated into the Salammbô code and imply a better comprehension of mechanisms that can interfere with the electron distribution of radiation belts. Results have been compared with observations of Pioneer 11, Voyager 2 and Cassini spacecrafts.

Etude de l' effet de l'énergie des ions lourds sur la sensibilité des composants électroniques

Raine, Melanie 27 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire de thèse traite de l'étude de la sensibilité des composants électroniques avancés en milieu radiatif. Le travail porte sur la modélisation détaillée du dépôt d'énergie induit par un ion lourd dans la matière, et sur l'influence de la prise en compte de cette trace d'ion dans les outils de simulation de la réponse de composants irradiés. Dans ce but, nous avons développé une chaîne de simulation, combinant différents codes de calcul à des échelles variées. Dans une première étape, le code d'interactions particule-matière Geant4 est ainsi utilisé pour modéliser la trace d'ion. Ces traces sont ensuite implémentées dans un code de simulation TCAD, afin d'étudier la réponse de transistors élémentaires à ces dépôts d'énergies détaillés. Cette étape est complétée par des mesures expérimentales. Enfin, l'étude est étendue au niveau circuit, en interfaçant les traces d'ions avec un outil de prédiction des SEE. Ces différentes étapes mettent en évidence la nécessité de prendre en compte la dimension radiale de la trace d'ion à tous les niveaux de simulation, pour modéliser de façon adéquate la réponse de composants avancés sous irradiation par des ions lourds.

Facteurs modulant la radiosensibilité : rôle des protéines PARP-1, PARP-2 et Cdk5 et implication de la chromatine.

Boudra, Mohammed-Tayyib 14 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les modifications post-traductionnelles des protéines de réparation de l'ADN et des facteurs chromatiniens par poly(ADP-ribose)ylation et par phosphorylation sont essentielles pour le maintien de l'intégrité de l'ADN et de la chromatine, en particulier dans la réponse cellulaire aux dommages de l'ADN induits par radiation ionisantes (RI). Parmi les protéines impliquées dans ces deux processus nous trouvons, respectivement, la poly(ADP-ribose) polymérase-1 (PARP-1) et PARP-2, et la kinase dépendante des cyclines Cdk5 : PARP-1 et PARP-2 sont impliqué dans le mécanisme de réparationdes cassures simples brin (CSBs) de l'ADN (Single Strand Break Repair : SSBR ) et la déplétion de Cdk5 a été liée à l'augmentation de la sensibilité des cellules aux inhibiteurs de PARPs. Nous avons montré, en utilisant des cellules HeLa stablement déplété pour Cdk5 ou PARP-2, que ces deux protéines sont impliquées dans les deux sous-voies du SSBR, le short- (SPR) et le long-patch repair (LPR). L'absence de Cdk5 ou PARP-2 entraîne des modifications du fonctionnement du SSBR, notamment en termes de recrutement des protéines de réparation PARP-1 et XRCC1, impliquées dans le SPR, et PCNA, protéine clé du LPR, au site du photo-dommage. PARP-2 et Cdk5 agissent aussi sur la balance du niveau des poly(ADP-ribose) car en absence de Cdk5 une hyper-activation de PARP-1 a été montrée, et en absence de PARP-2 une diminution de l'activité de la protéine poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) a été aussi observée. Cependant, malgré ces changements les deux lignées cellulaires dépourvues de Cdk5 (Cdk5KD) ou de PARP-2 (PARP-2KD) réparent de façon normale les CSBs radio-induites, mais, intéressement et contrairement aux cellules PARP-2KD, les cellules Cdk5KDsont sensibles à l'effet létal des RI. De plus nous avons montré que Cdk5, PARP-2 et PARG sont toutes les trois impliquées dans la régulation du recrutement et de dissociation du facteur chromatinien ALC1 suggérant leur implication dans la régulation de la dynamique de la chromatine en réponse aux photo-dommages de l'ADN. Ces résultats avec l'observation de la diminution du recrutement de PARP-1 dans les cellules Cdk5KD et PARP-2KD, montrent l'apparition d'un réseau complexe de phosphorylation et de poly(ADP-ribose)ylation en réponse aux RI qui implique Cdk5 , PARP-1,PARP-2 and PARG et qui est fort probablement initié par l'activité kinase de Cdk5.

Efeito da radiacao gama sobre a aguardente de cana-de-acucar

SOUZA, MARIA D.C.A. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 06915.pdf: 5795482 bytes, checksum: c63de5de8f4bbbe752f9c7ff53390d5c (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Obtenção dos sistemas bioconjugados crotoxina/PEBD-g-PHEMA e crotoxina/PCL

LORENZETTI, SOLANGE G. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:52:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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