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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JOSE EDUARDO NUNES DA ROCHA 09 October 2018 (has links)
[pt] Os Projetos de Eficiência Energética Gerenciados pelo Lado da Demanda (GLD), bem como todo projeto de engenharia, requerem decisões de investimentos que possuem incertezas associadas. As incertezas econômicas devem-se a fatores exógenos ao projeto sendo, em geral, representadas por oscilações estocásticas dos custos da energia elétrica. As incertezas técnicas estão associadas a fatores internos, como o desempenho dos projetos em função da tecnologia eficiente escolhida, da sua operação e manutenção. A decisão dos clientes e investidores na aquisição de Projetos de Eficiência Energética depende do retorno esperado nos ganhos com a energia economizada, como por exemplo, na venda desta energia no mercado de curto prazo. Esta tese investiga uma nova metodologia que, considerando as incertezas técnicas e econômicas, efetua uma análise mais abrangente e realista do cenário complexo de negócios que envolvem os Projetos de Eficiência Energética no Brasil. A metodologia contribui para a tomada de decisão considerando a flexibilidade gerencial e a avaliação dos riscos específicos dos projetos. Esta se baseia em técnicas inteligentes para a otimização de diagnósticos energéticos associados à análise de opções reais e avaliação econômica de Projetos de Eficiência Energética Gerenciados pelo Lado da Demanda (GLD), aplicados ao setor de energia elétrica no Brasil. A metodologia é avaliada em dois Projetos de Eficiência Energética, para os usos finais de Iluminação e Climatização de Ambientes, em uma unidade consumidora da classe Comercial, localizada na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro e conectada ao sistema de distribuição em Média Tensão (13,8kV). Os resultados revelaram que a partir da aplicação de Algoritmos Genéticos na otimização de diagnósticos energéticos puderam-se construir subprojetos originados de um projeto maior, mantendo-se, ou até ampliando-se a Relação Custo vs. Beneficio (RCB). E, desta forma, contribuir para a viabilização de alternativas ótimas de projetos que incentivam a aplicação da Eficiência Energética no Brasil. / [en] The Energy Efficiency Projects Managed by Demand Side (DSM), as well as all engineering design, require investment decisions that have associated uncertainties. Economic uncertainties are due to factors exogenous to the project being generally represented by stochastic fluctuations of electricity costs. The technical uncertainties are associated with internal factors such as performance of the projects on the basis of efficient technology chosen, its operation and maintenance. The decision of customers and investors in the acquisition of Energy Efficiency Projects depends on the expected return on the earnings of the energy saved, for example, the sale of this energy in the short term. This thesis investigates a new methodology which, considering the technical and economic uncertainties, performs a more comprehensive and realistic business complex scenario involving the Energy Efficiency Projects in Brazil. The methodology helps decision making considering managerial flexibility and risk assessment of specific projects. This is based on intelligent techniques for optimizing energy diagnoses associated with real options analysis and economic evaluation of Energy Efficiency Projects Managed by Demand Side (DSM), applied to the electricity sector in Brazil. The methodology is evaluated in two Energy Efficiency Projects for the end uses of lighting and Air Conditioning, in a consumer unit of the Commercial category, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro and connected to the distribution system in Medium Voltage (13.8kV). The results showed that with the application of genetic algorithms in optimization of energy diagnoses subprojects originated from a larger project could be built, maintaining or even widening the Cost vs. Value. Benefit (RCB) ratio. And in this way, contribute to the viability of alternative optimal designs that encourage the implementation of Energy Efficiency in Brazil.


[pt] Um Governo deve ser comprometido com a melhoria contínua da prestação de serviços públicos e parte significativa deste comprometimento dá-se por garantir que os fundos públicos são gastos em atividades e projetos que proporcionam os maiores benefícios para a sociedade. A realização de uma Análise de Custo-Benefício (CBA) fornece ao decisor comparações quantitativas das alternativas de investimento, em conjunto com informações de apoio adicionais sobre todos os custos e benefícios que não puderam ser quantificados, auxiliando no processo decisório. Uma limitação da CBA é que, apesar da incerteza ser um aspecto inerente a ela, os fluxos de custos e benefícios futuros são estimados baseando-se somente em informações e premissas disponíveis no momento da decisão de investimento. Já existe extensa literatura demonstrando ser cada vez maior a importância de um gerenciamento empresarial flexível, com revisões constantes das estratégias e dos planos já concebidos. Logo, se percebe a necessidade de uma ferramenta como a Análise pela Teoria de Opções Reais (ROA) que permita a inclusão das incertezas e flexibilidades gerenciais na CBA. O principal objetivo dessa tese foi desenvolver um quadro teórico que permitisse a avaliação socioeconômica de projetos em ambiente de incerteza por meio da combinação da análise de custo-benefício e da análise pela teoria de opções reais. Adicionalmente, ela também tentou verificar se avaliação socioeconômica proposta produz resultados satisfatórios quando aplicada na prática. A abordagem integrada foi denominada de Análise de Custo-Benefício com Opções Reais (COBRA). De forma a verificar se esta nova abordagem agrega valor a um projeto, ela foi aplicada na avaliação de uma termelétrica a biomassa com unidade de produção de etanol em um cenário sem flexibilidade (Caso Base) e com flexibilidade (Caso Flexível). Por meio dessa aplicação, foi verificado que avaliação do projeto por meio da abordagem COBRA aumentou seu valor em 93 milhões de euros, tornando o resultado final positivo para a sociedade, permitindo a requisição de apoio financeiro governamental e viabilizando a realização do projeto. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, se aplicada corretamente, esta metodologia pode vir a ser uma alternativa viável para o problema de avaliação socioeconômica de projetos com flexibilidades em ambiente de incerteza. / [en] A government must be committed to the continuous improvement of its public services and a significant part of this commitment involves ensuring that public funds are spent on activities and projects that provide the greatest benefits to society. Conducting a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) provides the decision maker with quantitative comparisons of investment alternatives, together with additional supporting information about all costs and benefits that could not be quantified, assisting in decision making. A limitation of CBA is that despite uncertainty being an inherent aspect to it, the future flows of costs and benefits are estimated based only on information and assumptions available at the time of the investment decision. Since there already is extensive literature demonstrating the increasing importance of flexible business management, with constant revisions of previously designed strategies and plans, one realizes the need for a tool like Real Options Analysis (ROA) that allows the inclusion of uncertainty and managerial flexibility in CBA. The main objective of this thesis was to develop a theoretical framework for the socioeconomic evaluation of projects under uncertainty through the combination of cost-benefit analysis and real options analysis. In addition, it also tried to verify if the proposed framework produces satisfactory results when applied in practice. The integrated approach was called COst-Benefit Real options Analysis (COBRA). In order to verify if this new approach adds value to a project, it was applied in the evaluation of a biomass powerplant with an ethanol production unit in a scenario without flexibility (Base Case) and with flexibility (Flexible Case). Through this application, it was found that the project evaluation through the COBRA approach increased its value by 93 million, turned the project into something beneficial for society, enabled government subsidies and made de project feasible. The results indicate that, if applied correctly, this approach may prove to be a viable alternative to the problem of socioeconomic evaluation of projects with flexibilities under uncertainty.


黃劉乾, Liu, Chang Huang Unknown Date (has links)
國內外對BOT實質選擇權之研究,大多集中於BOT主體本身所隱含之各種選擇權價值,鮮少論及BOT附屬事業之選擇權價值。惟因交通運輸BOT主體之自償率往往偏低,故須以保證最小運量或特許經營附屬事業等方式,來吸引潛在投資者。附屬事業對整個BOT計畫價值的影響頗大,如何針對其選擇權之價值加以分析為本研究的主要課題。個案將以台灣南北高速鐵路計畫為例,對其附屬事業之放棄選擇權加以探討。 本研究將主要探討下列課題,並提出研究結果: 一、有限差分法及蒙地卡羅模擬法計算選擇權價值,其間之差異?本 文利用有限差分法及蒙地卡羅模擬法來各別求算BOT 附屬事業的 放棄選擇權價值,一來了解 BOT 附屬事業的放棄選擇權價的大 小,二來比較有限差分法及蒙地卡羅模擬法兩者間的差異。 二、BOT附屬事業的放棄選擇權是否受主體事業的經營績效所影響? 三、BOT附屬事業是否須考量履約保證金之設計? 四、BOT主體決定經營或放棄時,是否會影響其附屬事業之放棄選擇 權價值? 本研究係以蒙地卡羅模擬法及有限差分法單獨估計台灣南北高速鐵路附屬事業之放棄選擇權價值,並建立運輸主體與附屬事業間價值的關聯,再以蒙地卡羅模擬法作更精確的估算。另使用單因子變異數分析及Tukey's Multiple Comparison Method之統計方法,驗證BOT主體與其附屬事業選擇權間之相關性,期能有助於日後BOT計畫之參與者評估及決策使用。 / The study of the Real Option Analysis (ROA) thesis of BOT generally focus is on the principal parts of the project only, rarely is considered the option of ancillary business of BOT. Because the self-liquidation-ratio of the transportation of BOT is low, it needs the government financial support (minimum traffic guarantee or revenue enhancements) to attract the interest of intended investors. The influence of the ancillary business of BOT is huge, so how to evaluate the option is the big issue of thesis. The case focus on the Taiwan High Speed Rail BOT project, and will study the option value of it’s ancillary business. Thesis will discuss the following issues, and develop the result of study. 1.The calculation difference between Monte Carlo Simulation & Finite Difference Method to work out option value, Thesis will use the Monte Carlo Simulation & Finite Difference Method to work out the abandon option value of ancillary business of BOT. To get the abandon option value and compare the calculation difference between Monte Carol Simulation & Finite Difference Method. 2.Will the abandon option value of ancillary business of BOT be influenced by the principal parts of the project? 3.Is there a need to consider the performance security deposit of ancillary business of BOT? 4.Will the decision of BOT impact the abandon option value of ancillary business or not? The thesis will use the Monte Carol Simulation & Finite Difference Method to calculate the abandon option value of ancillary business of Taiwan North-South High-Speed Railway Project (THR), and create the relation between the BOT & it’s ancillary business. The thesis will use the ANOVA & Tuley’s Multiple Comparison Method to validate the relationship, and hope it will let the participator to consider in the future.

Flexible public private partnerships : a real-option-based optimization approach / Partenariats publics privés flexibles : une approche d'optimisation par les options réelles

Ben Jazia, Abderrahim 22 September 2017 (has links)
Les Partenariats Publics Privés (PPPs) peuvent être un outil efficace pour optimiser et moderniser la commande publique dans un contexte où les besoins en investissement public ne cessent d’accroître. Les fréquences importantes de renégociation et les difficultés à estimer correctement les revenus futurs demeurent un défi majeur lors de la structuration financière des PPPs. Ce travail propose d’incorporer des clauses financières flexibles afin de remédier à ce problème. L’approche développée se base sur les théories d’options réelles et d’optimisation multi-objectif. Dans un premier temps, une méthodologie adéquate pour la gestion des risques est développée. La volatilité du projet est déterminée par le biais de la simulation de Monte Carlo et un déflateur stochastique est introduit afin de conduire les différentes valorisations d’options sous la probabilité historique. Ce travail développe dans un second temps, quatre formes de flexibilité qui permettent de réajuster l'équilibre financier du projet, si le revenu est insuffisant. Enfin une approche d’optimisation multi-objectif est développée afin de permettre de visualiser les différents compromis auxquels l’introduction de la flexibilité donne lieu. / Public private partnerships can be a solution to the dilemma of how to do more with less available funds that public entities are constantly financing in the last decades. If implemented properly, Public Private Partnerships can contribute to the modernization of public service provision and can constitute efficient vehicles for the delivery of optimal value for money. The high incidence of renegotiation as well as the difficulty of accurately predicting the future demand on the projects is a matter of concern when it comes to the financial structuring of Public Private Partnerships. This work proposes a real-option- based optimization framework to boost the financial viability of the projects. This is done by introducing flexible financial clauses. First, an adequate framework for risk management, where volatility is derived by Monte Carlo simulation and the valuation is made without switching to the risk neutral measure, is presented. Four families of flexible clauses are, afterwards, investigated. Such clauses are triggerred, if the revenue level of the projet is not sufficient to guarnatee its financiel viability. Finally, this work develops a multi-objective optimization approach in order to assess the different trade-offs that the introduction of flexibility leads to. The proposed optimization problem is solved via multi-objective evolutionary algorithms.


MARCO ANTONIO GUIMARAES DIAS 27 June 2005 (has links)
[pt] Essa tese, metodológica e normativa, estende a teoria moderna de avaliação econômica de projetos de investimento sob incertezas, conhecida por teoria das opções reais, do ponto de vista de uma companhia de petróleo que otimiza a alocação de recursos e investimento. A teoria das opções reais é combinada com outras teorias - daí o nome opções reais híbridas - de forma a efetuar uma análise mais abrangente e realista de problemas complexos da indústria de petróleo. As duas principais combinações analisadas nessa tese são: (a) a combinação da teoria das opções reais e teoria dos jogos - jogos de opções reais - de forma a considerar de forma endógena o comportamento estratégico das outras firmas, especialmente no jogo de parada ótima com externalidades positivas conhecido por guerra de atrito, e a possibilidade de trocar esse jogo por um jogo cooperativo de barganha; e (b) a combinação da teoria das opções reais com métodos probabilísticos e de decisão estatística Bayesianos - opções reais Bayesianas - gerando uma nova maneira de modelar a incerteza técnica de um projeto em modelos dinâmicos de opções reais. Essas duas combinações são re-combinadas para se obter uma solução adequada que capture as diferenças de valor da informação nos jogos não-cooperativo e cooperativo. Importantes variáveis tais como o fator de chance exploratório, o volume e a qualidade da reserva de petróleo, são modeladas através do desenvolvimento de uma nova teoria sobre distribuições de revelações e medidas de aprendizagem. De forma mais sucinta são analisadas outras opções reais híbridas, com destaque para a combinação da teoria das opções reais com a teoria de computação evolucionária - opções reais evolucionárias - com grande potencial em aplicações complexas de otimização sob incerteza. O método é exemplificado com uma aplicação usando algoritmos genéticos para evoluir a regra de decisão de exercício ótimo da opção real. / [en] This methodological and normative thesis extends the modern economic valuation theory of projects under uncertainty, known as real options theory, from the point of view of an oil company that optimizes the allocation of investment and resources. The real options theory is combined with other theories - so the name hybrid real options - in order to perform a more comprehensive and realistic analysis of complex problems that arises from petroleum industry. The two main combinations analyzed here are: (a) the combination of real options theory with game theory - real options games - to consider endogenously the strategic behavior of other firms, especially in the optimal stopping game with positive externalities known as war of attrition, as well as the possibility to change this game by a cooperative bargain game; and (b) the combination of real options theory with methods from probability theory and Bayesian statistical decision - Bayesian real options - generating a new way to model technical uncertainty of a project in dynamic real options models. These two combinations are re-combined in order to obtain an adequate solution that captures the value of information differences in non-cooperative and cooperative games. Important variables like exploratory chance factor, volume, and quality of a petroleum reserve, are modeled with the development of a new theory on revelation distribution and measures of learning. In a more concise way, are analyzed other hybrid real options, highlighting the combination of real options theory with the evolutionary computation theory - evolutionary real options - with great potential in complex applications of optimization under uncertainty. This method is exemplified with an application using the genetic algorithms to evolve the decision rule for optimal exercise of a real option.

Optimality of the Financial Decision and the Theory of American and Exotic Options / Optimalité de la décision financière et théorie des options américaines et exotiques

Laminou Abdou, Souleymane 02 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse examine les décisions financières à travers la théorie des options Américaines et Exotiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons présenté une revue de la littérature sur les options de type Américain. La tarification de l’option Américaine standard d’achat est revisitée en vue de fournir les pré-requis. Dans l’étape suivante, un nouveau type de contrat d’option, appelé Strangle Euro-American ou Strangle Hybride, a été introduit. Des formules analytiques ont été fournies pour leurs prix ainsi que leurs paramètres de gestion. Une nouvelle méthode est proposée pour calculer les intégrales qui définissent les bornes d’exercice anticipé. Il a été démontré que cette méthode est efficiente, précise et rapide pour la tarification de tous les types de Strangle voir au delà. Puis, nous avons examiné les options Step de type Américain. Nous avons démontré que les propriétés des options d’achat "vanille" ne s’appliquent pas aux Step dans certaines situations. Les formules d’évaluation et des paramètres de gestion ont été déterminés. Et enfin, nous avons considéré l’évaluation d’une firme détenant simultanément une option d’abandon et une option d’expansion de ses activités selon des conditions du marché (favorables ou défavorables). Les seuils critiques de décision ont été obtenus. Des formules analytiques pour la valeur de la firme ont été obtenues. Des simulations illustrent le comportement de ces seuils critiques de décisions anticipées. / This thesis investigates the financial decisions through the theory of American and Exotic options. First, the literature on American-style derivatives is surveyed. The pricing of standard American call option in the early exercise premium representation is addressed in order to provide prerequisites for what follows. Second, a new variant of Strangle contracts, called Euro-American or Hybrid Strangles, is introduced and priced. Analytical formulas are provided for the prices of all these option contracts as well as their hedging parameters. A new quadrature is proposed to account for the systems of coupled integral equations that locate the early exercise boundaries. It is shown to be efficient, accurate, and fast for pricing all types of early exercisable strangles and more. Third, we examines the valuation of American Step options contract. The structures of the immediate exercise regions of the various contracts are identified. Typical properties of American vanilla calls are shown to fail in some cases. Formulas for prices and hedging parameters, for the American Step options, are derived. Finally, we consider the valuation of a firm holding simultaneously an option to expand and to abandon productions depending on the state of the market (good or bad) in a real option framework. Optimal decision levels are obtained. Analytical formulas for the firm’s value are provided. Numerical results document the behavior of the firm’s value and optimal exercise boundaries levels.

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