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The realisation of business benefits when implementing mandatory software in an IT department: a case study in a South African financial services organisationPetersen, Fazlyn January 2011 (has links)
<p>No organisation has an endless and unlimited supply of money, especially in a recessive economy, and therefore decisions have to be made as to which areas an organisation will invest in. As organisations, such as YZ1 financial services organisation, are focused on seeing returns on investment (ROI), implementing software that is not being used  / will not render any benefits to the organisation. Research problem: Project Managers (PMs) in YZ organisation&rsquo / s IT department need to perform mandated processes, as  / defined in their centralised repository. PMs need to use Financial and Planning Software (FPS)2 software to perform certain project management activities, as required by their  / job function. However, it was found that MPP3 software, another tool, was used for more detailed project schedules, as well as activities that were not strictly enforced by  / management, the Project Office or the Quality Assurance team. Therefore, from this discovery, it was not clear whether the intended benefit of implementing this mandatory  / software (FPS) was being realised &ndash / since implementing software that is not being utilised fully would not deliver the intended benefits to the IT department (Devaraj & / Kohli  / 2003), even if the software is termed &lsquo / mandatory&rsquo / . Objective: The primary objective of this research was to explore and optimise the key success factors for an effective  / implementation of mandatory software in a department, in order to derive the intended business benefits. Literature Review: Literature was reviewed in the search for models or  / theories that explore the relationship between the use of mandatory software and the achievement of business benefits. The Information Management Body of Knowledge  / (IMBOK) was selected as this framework defines the relationship between IT and the realisation of business benefits, and ultimately the achievement of any business strategy. The literature review focused predominantly on the level of user involvement, change management, as well as factors that influence the usage of mandatory software by  / individuals. 1. The name of the organisation utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration 2. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical  / Consideration and list of acronyms 3. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration and list of acronyms. Focus was given to organisational factors affecting usage, such as top management support and organisational processes. A model was compiled using unique constructs in the Technology Acceptance Model  / (and TAM2), the Motivational Model (MM) and the Model of PC Utilisation (MPCU) &ndash / in order to test user acceptance of mandatory software. The literature study concludes with a  / review of an approach to benefits management including five stages, namely: identifying and structuring benefits, planning for the realisation of benefits, executing the plan, in  / addition to the evaluation and the review. Research design and methodology: A case study was used in this research, as it examined the phenomenon in its natural setting,  /   /   / employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from a few entities (groups and data sources). In this way, it was not limited to only qualitative or quantitative  / approaches, but utilised mixed methods instead. A mixed methods approach was used in order to elaborate, enhance and clarify the results from the qualitative research  / through the results of the quantitative analysis. Findings: The main finding, based on the compilation of three models of user acceptance, proved that FPS was not being utilised  / as intended. There was also no evidence of an improvement in business operations. Therefore, benefits management was negatively impacted. Organisational processes were  / dentified as the most important organisational factor, influencing the usage of FPS software. Own technological capability was considered to be the least important factor,  / as respondents believed that they had sufficient IT skills in order to learn how to use FPS software. Change management was rated negatively / and as a result, it impacted the  / usage of FPS, as users were not involved in the decision to implement, and had limited interaction in the implementation process. In addition, there was no evidence found that  / benefits management was conducted in the IT department / and therefore, the impact of using alternative software could not be quantitatively assessed. Recommendations: In concluding this research, it is recommended that the &ldquo / best practice&rdquo / , derived from the pertinent literate should be followed more diligently if YZ organisation is to benefit from the  / implementation of mandatory software. For example, in this research, it was found that top management&rsquo / s support of FPS (second most important organisational factor influencing use) was lacking, despite the literature suggestion that senior management involvement in changing technology is crucial for organisational commitment. It is  / suggested that a more formal approach to benefits management should be implemented. It is also recommended that further study should be conducted &ndash / in order to explore  / the applicability of the Japanese framing (achieving benefits from IT software through the concept of strategic instinct, rather than strategic alignment) in the context of a  / developing country (such as South Africa).</p>
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"Inflytande, det är väl kanske när man flyter in?" : - Förhållandet mellan intentioner och praktik gällande elevdemokratiVahlgren, Lina, Furevik, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
Genom våra två fallstudier har vi undersökt formuleringsarenans intentioner vad gäller elevinflytande i förhållande till hur dessa tar sig uttryck i praktiken. För att finna formuleringsarenans intentioner har vi använt oss av Skolkommitténs tre utgångspunkter om varför elever skall ges inflytande i skolan. Skolkommittén har på ett konkret och förståeligt sätt redogjort för tre motiveringar till elevinflytande vilka benämns som: ”Mänsklig rättighet”, ”Demokratifostran” och ”Elevers inflytande över sitt lärande”. I vår text har vi eftersträvat att ringa in ämnesområdet och ge läsaren en tillräcklig bakgrund för vidare läsning. För att vidga vår förståelse för elevdemokrati idag ser vi det med andra ord som angeläget att mer översiktligt och kort redogöra för en historisk tillbakablick. Med vår undersökning som underlag hävdar vi att elevdemokrati sett ur elevperspektiv, observatörperspektiv och lärarperspektiv kan te sig mycket olika. Eleverna talar om sitt inflytande i förhållande till deras mänskliga rättigheter såsom när de ska sova, äta och om att få vara inomhus när det är kallt. Det framkommer även att praktiserandet av elevdemokrati i de båda undersökta klassrummen tycks vara avhängigt lärarens egen uppfattning om vad elevdemokrati är och vilka demokratiska förmågor som är viktiga att utveckla i klassrummet. Ytterligare en intressant iakttagelse vi har gjort i vår studie är att skolans sociokulturella upptagningsområde inverkar och påverkar skolans förutsättningar och behov att utöva elevdemokrati. Denna iakttagelse förefaller intressant och anses av oss författare som lämplig för vidare studier. Vår uppsats är begränsad av en tidsram och lämnar oss och förmodligen andra med frågor för vidare forskning. Vår förhoppning är att denna uppsats ger läsaren reflektioner och ett väckt intresse kring elevdemokrati och elevinflytande. / Trough our two case studies we have sought to explore how and if, the description of democracy in the Swedish curriculum is viable in the reality. To our benefit the Skolkommitténs three motivations for pupils’ democracy, named “human right”, “democratic upbringing” and “pupils’ influence over their own learning”, has been useful. In this text the reader will find an attempt to surround the subject and give enough background information for comprehension. By using the methods of conversations with pupils, classroom observations and teacher interviews at two different schools, including literature studies, we have been able to make the conclusion that the realisation of the curriculum is a long process of transformation and influence from various angles. We have found that the meaning of pupils’ democracy differs depending on whose perspective is being regarded. Pupils tend to focus their human rights. Such as when to eat, sleep or wanting to stay inside when it is cold outside. Teachers on the other hand seem to solely be the ones to decide what impact pupils’ democracy will have in the classroom, and what democratic abilities that are important for pupils to acquire. Amongst our results we find the sociocultural surroundings from where the pupils derive as distinguished from the others concerning the schools conditions for pupils’ democracy. This fact has also encouraged our interest and we will pass this on as a future matter of research. Our research has nevertheless been restricted by schedule and leaves us and probably others with questions for further research, however our hope is that this essay will give the reader enough thoughts to see the relevance in our research.
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The realisation of business benefits when implementing mandatory software in an IT department: a case study in a South African financial services organisationPetersen, Fazlyn January 2011 (has links)
<p>No organisation has an endless and unlimited supply of money, especially in a recessive economy, and therefore decisions have to be made as to which areas an organisation will invest in. As organisations, such as YZ1 financial services organisation, are focused on seeing returns on investment (ROI), implementing software that is not being used  / will not render any benefits to the organisation. Research problem: Project Managers (PMs) in YZ organisation&rsquo / s IT department need to perform mandated processes, as  / defined in their centralised repository. PMs need to use Financial and Planning Software (FPS)2 software to perform certain project management activities, as required by their  / job function. However, it was found that MPP3 software, another tool, was used for more detailed project schedules, as well as activities that were not strictly enforced by  / management, the Project Office or the Quality Assurance team. Therefore, from this discovery, it was not clear whether the intended benefit of implementing this mandatory  / software (FPS) was being realised &ndash / since implementing software that is not being utilised fully would not deliver the intended benefits to the IT department (Devaraj & / Kohli  / 2003), even if the software is termed &lsquo / mandatory&rsquo / . Objective: The primary objective of this research was to explore and optimise the key success factors for an effective  / implementation of mandatory software in a department, in order to derive the intended business benefits. Literature Review: Literature was reviewed in the search for models or  / theories that explore the relationship between the use of mandatory software and the achievement of business benefits. The Information Management Body of Knowledge  / (IMBOK) was selected as this framework defines the relationship between IT and the realisation of business benefits, and ultimately the achievement of any business strategy. The literature review focused predominantly on the level of user involvement, change management, as well as factors that influence the usage of mandatory software by  / individuals. 1. The name of the organisation utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration 2. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical  / Consideration and list of acronyms 3. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration and list of acronyms. Focus was given to organisational factors affecting usage, such as top management support and organisational processes. A model was compiled using unique constructs in the Technology Acceptance Model  / (and TAM2), the Motivational Model (MM) and the Model of PC Utilisation (MPCU) &ndash / in order to test user acceptance of mandatory software. The literature study concludes with a  / review of an approach to benefits management including five stages, namely: identifying and structuring benefits, planning for the realisation of benefits, executing the plan, in  / addition to the evaluation and the review. Research design and methodology: A case study was used in this research, as it examined the phenomenon in its natural setting,  /   /   / employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from a few entities (groups and data sources). In this way, it was not limited to only qualitative or quantitative  / approaches, but utilised mixed methods instead. A mixed methods approach was used in order to elaborate, enhance and clarify the results from the qualitative research  / through the results of the quantitative analysis. Findings: The main finding, based on the compilation of three models of user acceptance, proved that FPS was not being utilised  / as intended. There was also no evidence of an improvement in business operations. Therefore, benefits management was negatively impacted. Organisational processes were  / dentified as the most important organisational factor, influencing the usage of FPS software. Own technological capability was considered to be the least important factor,  / as respondents believed that they had sufficient IT skills in order to learn how to use FPS software. Change management was rated negatively / and as a result, it impacted the  / usage of FPS, as users were not involved in the decision to implement, and had limited interaction in the implementation process. In addition, there was no evidence found that  / benefits management was conducted in the IT department / and therefore, the impact of using alternative software could not be quantitatively assessed. Recommendations: In concluding this research, it is recommended that the &ldquo / best practice&rdquo / , derived from the pertinent literate should be followed more diligently if YZ organisation is to benefit from the  / implementation of mandatory software. For example, in this research, it was found that top management&rsquo / s support of FPS (second most important organisational factor influencing use) was lacking, despite the literature suggestion that senior management involvement in changing technology is crucial for organisational commitment. It is  / suggested that a more formal approach to benefits management should be implemented. It is also recommended that further study should be conducted &ndash / in order to explore  / the applicability of the Japanese framing (achieving benefits from IT software through the concept of strategic instinct, rather than strategic alignment) in the context of a  / developing country (such as South Africa).</p>
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Es ist bloß ein Anstoß von Schwindel. / Ohnmachten bei Heinrich von Kleist im Vergleich mit Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, J.M.R. Lenz, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Sophie La Roche und Sophie Mereau. / Es ist bloß ein Anstoß von Schwindel. / Unconsciousness in the works of Heinrich von Kleist, in comparison to Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, J.M.R. Lenz, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Sophie la Roche and Sophie Mereau.Freder, Julia 17 December 2012 (has links)
Die Studie strebt an, die Lücke innerhalb der literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschung, die hinsichtlich der Relevanz des Phänomens der körperlichen Ohnmacht für die deutsche Literatur des späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts festzustellen ist, im Rahmen eines Typologieentwurfs zumindest in Teilen zu füllen. Dazu werden alle Ohnmachtsszenen innerhalb der Gesamtwerke Heinrich von Kleists, Friedrich Schillers, Johann Wolfgang von Goethes, J.M.R. Lenz‘, E.T.A. Hoffmanns, Sophie la Roches und Sophie Mereaus untersucht, kategorisiert und untereinander verglichen. Der erste Teil der Untersuchung beschäftigt sich ausschließlich mit den Werken Heinrich von Kleists, während sich der zweite Teil der Frage nach der Übertragbarkeit des kleistschen Ohnmachtsverständnisses auf die Gesamtwerke der anderen Autoren widmet. Die Thematisierung der Ohnmacht um 1800 bildet hier einen übergeordneten Bezugspunkt, wobei der Kontext ‚Körperzeichen’ neben den philosophisch-medizinischen Aspekten sowie der Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen den geschlechterspezifischen Differenzierungen und dem zeitgenössischen Tugend- und Weiblichkeitsideal besondere Beachtung findet. Zudem steht die Beantwortung der Frage nach einer möglichen genre- sowie epochenspezifischen Gesamtverteilung der Ohnmachten im Fokus.
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Integration of information technology and physical asset planning and managementTweedale, Robyn January 2003 (has links)
Queensland University of Technology has radically restructured the top-level governance systems for information technology planning and management. Additionally, QUT has integrated information technology planning and management with physical infrastructure planning and management via the Asset Management Plan. To complete the approach, QUT has instigated a top-level governance committee for IT to ensure alignment with organisational goals and strategies. This is an unusual development for IT planning and management at an Australian university and attracted attention from the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) as well as other universities in the Australian tertiary education sector and led to the research study. This research studies the redevelopment of the information technology planning and management approach. The survey research determines the level of integration of IT and university planning, and the correlation of this integration to effectiveness of IT planning. The case study documents the changes, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the new approach and provides a model for change in IT management at other Australian universities. It is evident from current literature on information technology management and strategic planning that these developments are validated as steps toward achieving best practice in information technology planning and management. Through rigorous conduct of interviews, observations and review of documentation and through application of a survey questionnaire to a defined population, the research reviews the developments and ongoing implementation of the planning and management infrastructure. Among the outcomes from the new approach are better alignment of information technology investment with QUT goals and objectives, better benefits realisation from information technology investment, better project management of information technology development and innovation, and increased flexibility and accountability in information technology expenditure. Finally, a comparison to other information technology planning and management methods in place at Australian universities demonstrates the uniqueness of the QUT approach. The thesis reports the benefits and difficulties associated with this approach, and provides a context for future development of IT planning, management and governance at QUT.
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Shifting institutional paradigms to advance socio-economic rights in AfricaUdombana, Nsongurua Johnson 31 October 2007 (has links)
The thesis offers new paradigms for advancing socio-economic rights in Africa. Many States Parties to human rights instruments have failed to promote the common welfare of their citizens partly because of the justiciability debate, which continues to complicate intellectual and practical efforts at advancing socio-economic rights. The debate also prevents the normative development of these rights through adjudication. Furthermore, traditional human rights theory and practice have been state-centric, with non-state actors largely ignored in the identification, formulation, and implementation of human rights norms. Yet, the involvement of non-state entities in international arena has limited states' autonomies considerably, with serious implications for human rights. Transnational Corporations (TNCs) have capacities to foster economic well-being, development, tenchnological improvement, and wealth, but they also often cause deleterious human rights impacts through thei employment practices, environmental policies, relationships with suppliers and consumers, interactions with governments, and other activities.
The thesis argues that socio-economic rights are normative and justiciable. It argues that traditional approaches are no longer sufficient to secure human rights and calls for a dismantatling of some structures erected by doctrinal systems; for realignment of relationships among social institutions; and for integrated bundles of fundamental interests that harness benefits of human rights norms and widen the landscape to commit both formal and informal regimes. Fashioning out a new paradigm for advancement of socio-economic rights requires addressing state capacity. It requires an integrative and global interpretive framework. It requires, finally, a new paradigm to commit non-state actors in Africa. The illustrative chapter uses the rights to work and to social security as templates for some prescriptions towards reaslising socio-economic rights in Africa. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.
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Projekt ve výuce dějepisu na gymnáziích v Ústeckém kraji / Project in history lessons at secondary grammar schools of the Administrative Region of Ústí nad LabemHRDLIČKOVÁ, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The final thesis deals with an application of project within history lessons at secondary grammar schools of the Administrative Region of Ústí nad Labem .The thesis summarizes the basic theoretical findings on a projects realisation together with findings gathered by the empirical research at secondary grammar schools of Administrative Region of Ústí nad Labem. The research focused on recognising a present status of incorporating and using projects in the history lessons, and on the experience of pupils and teachers with this specific teaching strategy. On the grounds of connecting these findings, the thesis provides the reflection of possible using of projects in the course of history lessons (not only as a supplement of ordinary lessons). The thesis recognises a present status of projects realisation within history lessons, including the favoured topics, a way of realisation, outcomes, and a brief summary of particular projects offered by external organisations. The thesis deals with positives and negatives of projects realisation in accordance with opinions of pupils and teachers of secondary grammar schools of Administrative Region of Ústí nad Labem. The thesis also contains two proposals of history projects that might be used by teachers for creating their own projects.
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The realisation of business benefits when implementing mandatory software in an IT department: a case study in a South African financial services organisationPetersen, Fazlyn January 2011 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Information Management) - MCom(IM) / No organisation has an endless and unlimited supply of money, especially in a recessive economy, and therefore decisions have to be made as to which areas an organisation will invest in. As organisations, such as YZ1 financial services organisation, are focused on seeing returns on investment (ROI), implementing software that is not being used will not render any benefits to the organisation. Research problem: Project Managers (PMs) in YZ organisation’s IT department need to perform mandated processes, as defined in their centralised repository. PMs need to use Financial and Planning Software (FPS)2 software to perform certain project management activities, as required by their job function. However, it was found that MPP3 software, another tool, was used for more detailed project schedules, as well as activities that were not strictly enforced by management, the Project Office or the Quality Assurance team. Therefore, from this discovery, it was not clear whether the intended benefit of implementing this mandatory software (FPS) was being realised – since implementing software that is not being utilised fully would not deliver the intended benefits to the IT department (Devaraj & Kohli 2003), even if the software is termed ‘mandatory’. Objective: The primary objective of this research was to explore and optimise the key success factors for an effective implementation of mandatory software in a department, in order to derive the intended business benefits. Literature Review: Literature was reviewed in the search for models or theories that explore the relationship between the use of mandatory software and the achievement of business benefits. The Information Management Body of Knowledge (IMBOK) was selected as this framework defines the relationship between IT and the realisation of business benefits, and ultimately the achievement of any business strategy. The literature review focused predominantly on the level of user involvement, change management, as well as factors that influence the usage of mandatory software by individuals. 1. The name of the organisation utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration 2. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration and list of acronyms 3. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration and list of acronyms. Focus was given to organisational factors affecting usage, such as top management support and organisational processes. A model was compiled using unique constructs in the Technology Acceptance Model (and TAM2), the Motivational Model (MM) and the Model of PC Utilisation (MPCU) – in order to test user acceptance of mandatory software. The literature study concludes with a review of an approach to benefits management including five stages, namely: identifying and structuring benefits, planning for the realisation of benefits, executing the plan, in addition to the evaluation and the review. Research design and methodology: A case study was used in this research, as it examined the phenomenon in its natural setting, employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from a few entities (groups and data sources). In this way, it was not limited to only qualitative or quantitative approaches, but utilised mixed methods instead. A mixed methods approach was used in order to elaborate, enhance and clarify the results from the qualitative research through the results of the quantitative analysis. Findings: The main finding, based on the compilation of three models of user acceptance, proved that FPS was not being utilised as intended. There was also no evidence of an improvement in business operations. Therefore, benefits management was negatively impacted. Organisational processes were dentified as the most important organisational factor, influencing the usage of FPS software. Own technological capability was considered to be the least important factor, as respondents believed that they had sufficient IT skills in order to learn how to use FPS software. Change management was rated negatively; and as a result, it impacted the usage of FPS, as users were not involved in the decision to implement, and had limited interaction in the implementation process. In addition, there was no evidence found that benefits management was conducted in the IT department; and therefore, the impact of using alternative software could not be quantitatively assessed. Recommendations: In concluding this research, it is recommended that the “best practice”, derived from the pertinent literate should be followed more diligently if YZ organisation is to benefit from the implementation of mandatory software. For example, in this research, it was found that top management’s support of FPS (second most important organisational factor influencing use) was lacking, despite the literature suggestion that senior management involvement in changing technology is crucial for organisational commitment. It is suggested that a more formal approach to benefits management should be implemented. It is also recommended that further study should be conducted – in order to explore the applicability of the Japanese framing (achieving benefits from IT software through the concept of strategic instinct, rather than strategic alignment) in the context of a developing country (such as South Africa). / South Africa
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The realisation of business benefits when implementing mandatory software in an IT department: a case study in a South African financial services organisationFazlyn, Petersen January 2010 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Information Management) - MCom(IM) / No organisation has an endless and unlimited supply of money, especially in a recessive economy, and therefore decisions have to be made as to which areas an organisation will invest in. As organisations, such as YZ1 financial services organisation, are focused on seeing returns on investment (ROI), implementing software that is not being used will not render any benefits to the organisation.Research problem: Project Managers (PMs) in YZ organisation’s IT department need to perform mandated processes, as defined in their centralised repository. PMs need to use Financial and Planning Software (FPS)2 software to perform certain project management activities, as required by their job function. However, it was found that MPP3 software, another tool, was used for more detailed project schedules, as well as activities that were not strictly enforced by management, the Project Office or the Quality Assurance team.Therefore, from this discovery, it was not clear whether the intended benefit of implementing this mandatory software (FPS) was being realised – since implementing software that is not being utilised fully would not deliver the intended benefits to the IT department (Devaraj & Kohli 2003), even if the software is termed ‘mandatory’.Objective: The primary objective of this research was to explore and optimise the key success
factors for an effective implementation of mandatory software in a department, in order to derive the intended business benefits.Literature Review: Literature was reviewed in the search for models or theories that explore the relationship between the use of mandatory software and the achievement of business benefits. The Information Management Body of Knowledge (IMBOK) was selected as this framework defines the relationship between IT and the realisation of business benefits, and ultimately the achievement of any business strategy.The literature review focused predominantly on the level of user involvement, change management, as well as factors that influence the usage of mandatory software by individuals.1 The name of the organisation utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration 2 The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration and list of acronyms 3 The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration and list of acronyms Focus was given to organisational factors affecting usage, such as top management support
and organisational processes. A model was compiled using unique constructs in the
Technology Acceptance Model (and TAM2), the Motivational Model (MM) and the Model of PC Utilisation (MPCU) – in order to test user acceptance of mandatory software.The literature study concludes with a review of an approach to benefits management including five stages, namely: identifying and structuring benefits, planning for the realisation of benefits, executing the plan, in addition to the evaluation and the review.Research design and methodology: A case study was used in this research, as it examined the phenomenon in its natural setting, employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from a few entities (groups and data sources). In this way, it was not limited to only qualitative or quantitative approaches, but utilised mixed methods instead. A mixed methods approach was used in order to elaborate, enhance and clarify the results from the qualitative research through the results of the quantitative analysis.Findings: The main finding, based on the compilation of three models of user acceptance,
proved that FPS was not being utilised as intended. There was also no evidence of an improvement in business operations. Therefore, benefits management was negatively impacted. Organisational processes were identified as the most important organisational factor, influencing the usage of FPS software. Own technological capability was considered to be the least important factor, as respondents believed that they had sufficient IT skills in order to learn how to use FPS software.Change management was rated negatively; and as a result, it impacted the usage of FPS, as users were not involved in the decision to implement, and had limited interaction in the implementation process. In addition, there was no evidence found that benefits management was conducted in the IT department; and therefore, the impact of using alternative software could not be quantitatively assessed.Recommendations: In concluding this research, it is recommended that the “best practice”,derived from the pertinent literate should be followed more diligently if YZ organisation is to benefit from the implementation of mandatory software. For example, in this research, it was found that top management’s support of FPS (second most important organisational factor influencing use) was lacking, despite the literature suggestion that senior management involvement in changing technology is crucial for organisational commitment.It is suggested that a more formal approach to benefits management should be implemented. It is also recommended that further study should be conducted – in order to explore the applicability of the Japanese framing (achieving benefits from IT software through the concept of strategic instinct, rather than strategic alignment) in the context of a developing country (such as South Africa).
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Příprava realizace skladovací haly v Kuřimi / Preparation of a warehouse building in KuřimPřikryl, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is preparation of the realization of a warehouse situated in Kuřim. The work contains technological regulations for the construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton and the realization of the industrial floor, the design of the main machines and mechanisms including the time deployment, the detailed time schedule of the main building object SO 101.3 Hall B, time schedule and financial plan of the building – the objects one. Due to the scale of the work, documents relating to safety and quality control are also processed. Further, the technical report of the site equipment, including drawings, is processed. In the chapter, which provides space for other assignments, the OSH plan is elaborated, the budget of object SO 101.3 Hall B, Safety measures for the installation of reinforced concrete skeleton. The last point of the diploma thesis deals with specialization in the field of realization of inland communication.
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