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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wideband Active and Passive Antenna Solutions for Handheld Terminals

Lindberg, Peter January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents solutions and studies related to the design of wideband antennas for wireless handheld terminal applications. A method of electrically shortening the terminal chassis length to obtain resonance at high frequencies has been proposed and evaluated, thereby increasing the antennas impedance bandwidth. No significant effect on the lower frequency band in a dual-band antenna prototype has been observed, making the method suitable for multi-band applications. The chassis has further been utilized as a zero-thickness 0.9 - 2.7 GHz high efficiency antenna by inserting a notch in the chassis center, and a feasibility study for typical phones has been performed. Additionally, the effect of talk position on the chassis wave-mode has been investigated, where the standard equivalent circuit model for terminal antennas has been modified to include the presence of the users head. The model has been used to explain measured and simulated effects concerning frequency detuning, efficiency reduction and bandwidth enhancements when the terminal is placed in talk position. The use of a hands-free earpiece cord is currently mandatory for FM radio reception as the cord is utilized as antenna. However, there is currently a market driven demand for removing the cord requirement since many modern phones are equipped with speakers and Bluetooth headsets. In this thesis, an active ferrite loop antenna is proposed as an internal replacement/complement with a performance of -23 dB (G/T degradation) compared to a full-size lossless dipole in urban environments. Also, a modification to the cord is suggested for DVB H reception. Complex matching networks have been investigated to increase the bandwidth of dual band PIFA antennas, and a printed dual band dipole has been integrated with a modified Marchand balun for dual resonance at two separate frequency bands, thus covering the commercial cellular bands 824-960 and 1710-2170 MHz with a single antenna.

Contribution à la conception et à l'optimisation thermodynamique d'une microcentrale solaire thermo-électrique / Contribution to the design and thermodynamical optimization of micro solar thermo-electric power plant

Mathieu, Antoine 23 May 2012 (has links)
En ce début de millénaire 1,4 Milliards d'humains, parmi les plus démunis de la planète, vivent dans des sites isolés et ne bénéficient pas de réseaux de distribution d'énergie. Leur besoin en électricité est modeste, mais important en terme d'usages : accès aux soins médicaux et à l'instruction, communication, développement d'économies locales. C'est face à ce constat que Schneider Electric Industries relève, depuis 2009, le défi de concevoir et réaliser des microcentrales solaires thermodynamiques, concurrentielles à d'autres solutions, pour fournir à ces populations une énergie électrique fiable et respectueuse de l'environnement. Inscrit dans le cadre de ce projet, le présent travail - réalisé en Cifre - est séquencé par l'évolution industrielle du projet. Dans un premier temps, un Etat de l'Art, étendu à une analyse de détail, a contribué à privilégier certains choix technologiques : capteurs solaires à concentration, stockage thermique à chaleur sensible et moteur de Stirling. Dans un second temps, une étude thermodynamique préliminaire a permis d'évaluer le dimensionnement d'éléments clefs du système : champ de captage solaire et stockage thermique. En complément une étude de sensibilité paramétrique du dimensionnement et des performances à divers facteurs de pertes énergétiques a souligné les points durs techniques et participé à l'orientation des travaux de conception. Enfin, l'analyse exergétique de fonctionnement de capteurs solaires et d'un moteur Stirling en régimes dynamiques stationnaires proposent des bases pour l'optimisation de contrôle et commande, visant à accroître les performances énéergétiques du système et favoriser sa viabilité thermoéconomique / As a new millenium begins, 1.4 Billion people worldwide earn less than 2 dollars daily and have no access to the power grid. The need of electric power of these people represent small energy amounts but is very important regarding to the usage : acces to healthcare and education, communication, local economic development. In reponse to the situation, since 2009, Schneider Electric Industries takes up the challenge to design and realize micro solar power plants, competitive with other solutions, to supply these people with reliable and environment-friendly electricity. Dealing with this project, this work has been realized under contract, so it follows the development sequence of the industrial project. The first part is a State of the Art of the actual solar thermodynamical technologies. This task is extended to a qualitative evaluation of various technologies, as a contribution to select adapted technologies: concentrating solar thermal receivers, sensible heat thermal storage and Stirling engine. The secon step is a preliminary thermodynamics analysis of the whole system, that allowed to evaluate key features: the size of the solar receivers area, the thermal storage volume, and overall energy performance. This task is streched by a sensitivity analysis of the sizing and performances, according to various energy losses parameters, that shows the technical hard spots of the design. Finally, an exergy-based dynamical analysis of stationary operating solar receivers and Stirling engines leads to a propostion of basis methods and criteria for the optimal control of power, in order to maximize the energy performances of the system and to enhance its competitiveness

La traduction vers l'arabe des textes relatifs aux droits humains : perspectives historiques du 19ème siècle à nos jours / The translation into Arabic of texts dealing with human rights : historical perspectives from the 19th century until today

Chraïbi, Sylvie 27 September 2013 (has links)
Partant du constat de l‟extrême profusion de textes juridiques et journalistiques relatifs aux droits humains traduits en arabe, nous avons voulu retracer l‟histoire de la traduction de ce genre de textes et mettre en lumière les moments forts de son évolution, aux niveaux terminologique, phraséologique et idéologique. Cette recherche nous a fait remonter jusqu'aux productions d'intellectuels arabes modernistes du XIXème siècle. Nous avons rappelé dans le chapitre 1 les contextes à la fois historiques et discursifs qui ont vu ou fait naître le concept de droits de l'homme puis avons présenté une description détaillée des traductions de 3 textes de référence : les traductions de la Charte constitutionnelle française de 1814 par Rifâ„a Râfi„ al-Tahtâwî (1801-1873), de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789 (DDHC) par Farah Antûn (1874-1922) et de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme (DUDH) de 1948 par les services de traduction de l‟Onu. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons cherché à montrer que les textes traduits laissaient toujours transparaître des contradictions ou une certaine concurrence entre, d‟une part, les motivations idéologiques qui président à la rédaction des textes sources et, d‟autre part, les motivations intellectuelles de leurs traducteurs. Toujours dans cette perspective, nous avons étudié, au chapitre 3, trois traductions de textes relatifs au domaine mais de genres différents: un discours politique («A new beginning», Barack Obama), un article spécialisé (Human Rights Watch) et un extrait de rapport (Amnesty International). Nous avons mis en avant la complexité du statut des traducteurs de textes relatifs aux droits humains qui doivent, d‟une part, avoir des connaissances à la fois linguistiques, terminologiques et notionnelles, et, d‟autre part, adopter des stratégies traductives (choix lexicaux et phraséologiques) qui respectent la visée du texte source (politique, militante, informative…). / Assessing the extreme profusion of legal and journalistic texts dealing with human rights in Arabic, the aim of this thesis is to retrace the history of those texts‟ translation and to highlight on the most important phasis of its evolution, at terminological, phraseological and ideological levels. This research has made us go back to nineteenth century Arab modernist intellectuals‟ productions. We recalled in Chapter 1 to the both historical and discursive contexts in which the concept of human rights was born. Then, we have presented a detailed description of the translations of three representative texts: the translations of the 1814 French Constitutional Charter by Rifâ„a Râfi „ al-Tahtâwî (1801-1873), of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Human being and the Citizen (DDHC) by Farah Antûn (1874-1922) and of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations translation services. Chapter 2 demonstrates that the translated texts always denote elements of contradiction or at least some contention between, on the one hand, the ideological motives at the heart of the drafting of the original texts and, on the other hand, the intellectual purposes of the translators. And in such context, Chapter 3 sticks to this point focusing this time on three translations of texts related to the same field but belonging to different genres: a political speech ("A new beginning", Barack Obama), a feature article (Human Rights Watch) and an extract from a survey(Amnesty International). We have highlighted the very complexity inherent to the status of translators of texts dealing with human rights. They, on the one hand, have to be conversant with linguistics, terminological and notional knowledge and, on the other hand, have to keep to traductive strategies (lexical and phraseological choices) in order not to misrepresent the designs of the source text (political, activist, informative ...).

Dynamique des effluents et des contaminants associés au système d’assainissement de la Communauté d’Agglomération de Pau Pyrénées (CDAPP). / Wastewater and contaminants dynamic in CDAPP (Pau urban community) sewer system

Bersinger, Thomas 10 December 2013 (has links)
L’optimisation du système d’assainissement et la réduction des rejets d’eaux résiduaires urbaines non traitées est devenue un enjeu majeur pour de nombreuses collectivités dans le but d’atteindre les objectifs de qualité des milieux aquatiques fixés par la Directive Cadre européenne sur l’Eau (DCE 2000/60/CE). Pour cela, une parfaite connaissance du système d’assainissement est nécessaire. L’objectif de cette thèse, financée par la CDAPP et l’Agence de l’Eau Adour Garonne, était l’étude de la dynamique du système d’assainissement de la CDAPP et de sa contribution sur les flux de polluants dans le milieu récepteur (le Gave de Pau). La première étape du travail a été consacrée à la caractérisation hydraulique et physicochimique du système d’assainissement par temps sec et par temps de pluie. Une étude hydraulique a été tout d’abord réalisée et a permis de mieux appréhender la dynamique des déversements via les déversoirs d’orage (DO) en fonction de la nature des évènements pluvieux. D’autre part, la caractérisation physico chimique des eaux usées (matières en suspension ou MES, demande chimique en oxygène ou DCO, métaux, hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques) a mis en évidence que pour l’ensemble de ces paramètres, une nette augmentation des flux par temps de pluie était observée en particulier en début d’événement (augmentation d’un facteur de 2 à 10). Ce phénomène s’explique par l’apport de polluant par les eaux de ruissellement et l’érosion des dépôts accumulés par temps sec dans les réseaux. Seul l’azote total se comporte différemment puisqu’il est majoritairement présent sous forme dissoute. Afin de mieux appréhender la dynamique des paramètres polluants réglementaires (MES, DCO et azote), un suivi haute fréquence (au pas de temps de cinq minutes) a été mis en place durant un an à l’aide de sondes de turbidité et de conductivité. Ce suivi en continu constitue la troisième partie de ce travail. Des corrélations (r² ≈ 0,9) ont été établies entre d’une part, les paramètres polluants DCO et MES, et la turbidité et d’autre part, entre la conductivité et l’azote total. Ces enregistrements ont permis une meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement du système d’assainissement : mise en évidence du phénomène de first flush, estimation des flux polluants déversés via les DO, étude des phénomènes de stockage dans les réseaux. La dernière partie de cette thèse vise à l’étude de la contribution des rejets d’assainissement dans le milieu récepteur. Elle a permis de démontrer la contribution modérée du rejet de sortie de STEP (entre 1 et 15 %) par temps sec. Par temps de pluie, la contribution du système d’assainissement via les DO est extrêmement variable suivant les conditions hydro-climatiques (de < 1 % à plus de 50 %). Ce travail a permis d’une part d’apporter des résultats utilisables par le gestionnaire de l’assainissement pour optimiser la gestion des eaux usées de la CDAPP. D’autre part, ce travail apporte des résultats plus fondamentaux relatifs à une meilleure connaissance de la dynamique hydrologique et physicochimique des eaux résiduaires urbaines et des polluants associés tels que la mise en évidence, à l’aide d’outils statistiques, des paramètres influençant les déversements et les concentrations en polluants par temps de pluie. / Optimization of sewer system and reduction of untreated wastewater discharges has become a key issue for many communities in order to achieve the good quality of aquatic environments set by the European Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EC). For this, a perfect knowledge of sanitation is required. The objective of this thesis, funded by CDAPP and Adour Garonne Water Agency, was the study of the dynamics of the CDAPP sanitation and its contribution to the pollutants fluxes in the receiving environment (the river Gave de Pau). The first step of the work was devoted to the hydraulic and physicochemical wastewater characterization during dry and wet weather. A hydraulic study was first carried and helped to better understand the dynamics of discharges through the combined sewer overflow (CSO) according to the rainfall events characteristics. On the other hand, the physico-chemical characterization of wastewater (suspended solids or TSS, chemical oxygen demand or COD, metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) showed that for all these parameters, a clear increase of pollutant fluxes was observed at the beginning of the rainfall event (increase by a factor of 2 to 10). This phenomenon is explained by the runoff contribution and erosion of sediments accumulated in the networks during dry weather periods. Only total nitrogen behaves differently because it’s mostly dissolved. To better understand the dynamics of pollutants parameters (TSS, COD and nitrogen), high frequency monitoring (every five minutes) has been established for one year with turbidity and conductivity sensors. This continuous monitoring is the third part of this work. Correlation functions (r² ≈ 0.9) were found between, the pollutant parameters COD and TSS, and turbidity, and secondly, between conductivity and total nitrogen. These records allowed a better understanding of sanitation system: highlighting the first flush phenomenon, estimation of pollutant loads discharged by CSO, study of storage networks phenomenon. The last part of this thesis aims to study the contribution of wastewater discharges to the receiving environment. It demonstrated the moderate contribution of rejection output STEP (between 1% and 15%) in dry weather. In rainy weather, the contribution of sanitation through CSO is extremely variable depending on the hydro-climatic conditions (<1% to over than 50%). This work has led to provide usable results for the sanitation manager to optimize CDAPP wastewater treatment. Moreover, this work provides most fundamental results for a better understanding of the hydrological and physicochemical dynamics of urban wastewater and associated pollutants such as highlighting, using statistical tools, the parameters influencing pollutant concentrations during rainfall events.

Wideband Active and Passive Antenna Solutions for Handheld Terminals

Lindberg, Peter January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents solutions and studies related to the design of wideband antennas for wireless handheld terminal applications. A method of electrically shortening the terminal chassis length to obtain resonance at high frequencies has been proposed and evaluated, thereby increasing the antennas impedance bandwidth. No significant effect on the lower frequency band in a dual-band antenna prototype has been observed, making the method suitable for multi-band applications. The chassis has further been utilized as a zero-thickness 0.9 - 2.7 GHz high efficiency antenna by inserting a notch in the chassis center, and a feasibility study for typical phones has been performed. Additionally, the effect of talk position on the chassis wave-mode has been investigated, where the standard equivalent circuit model for terminal antennas has been modified to include the presence of the users head. The model has been used to explain measured and simulated effects concerning frequency detuning, efficiency reduction and bandwidth enhancements when the terminal is placed in talk position.</p><p>The use of a hands-free earpiece cord is currently mandatory for FM radio reception as the cord is utilized as antenna. However, there is currently a market driven demand for removing the cord requirement since many modern phones are equipped with speakers and Bluetooth headsets. In this thesis, an active ferrite loop antenna is proposed as an internal replacement/complement with a performance of -23 dB (G/T degradation) compared to a full-size lossless dipole in urban environments. Also, a modification to the cord is suggested for DVB H reception.</p><p>Complex matching networks have been investigated to increase the bandwidth of dual band PIFA antennas, and a printed dual band dipole has been integrated with a modified Marchand balun for dual resonance at two separate frequency bands, thus covering the commercial cellular bands 824-960 and 1710-2170 MHz with a single antenna.</p>

Talking academics, practicing care : a student-centered analysis of caring in academically promising, low-income high schools

Smith, Pamela Ann, 1955- 14 May 2015 (has links)
This student-centered analysis of caring in three academically promising, low-income public high schools in Texas used an instrumental case study design (Stake, 1998) to investigate students' perceptions and experiences of receiving care in high school. The analysis also examined the teacher and administrator practices that contributed to students' experience of receiving care, and considered the resources that supported the adults' caring practice at the three schools. Archival data consisting of open-ended interviews with students, teachers, administrators, and school staff were analyzed qualitatively. Results suggest that caring should be evaluated in context. In the high school context students experience care through having their teachers' and administrators’ help and support with academics. Results also suggest that students experience caring through teacher and administrator behaviors and attitudes that respond to their developmental needs. That is, they experience care when adults at school establish a style and pattern of interaction similar to "authoritative parenting" (Baumrind, 1987). Recognition from adults in the school is very important for high school students, and especially salient for low-income and minority adolescents who often receive negative and discriminatory feedback from the community. / text

Reservmatningsmöjligheter vid transformatorhaveri / Backup power supply in case of transformer breakdown

Jarl, Markus, Bengtsson, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Kungälv Energi äger och ansvarar idag över Kungälv Kommuns elnät. Med en ökande befolkningsmängd ställs allt högre krav på elnätet och framför allt leveranssäkerheten. Med kalla vintrar och stort energibehov ger detta upphov till en svårare situation gällande leveranssäkerhet. I nuläget har Kungälv Energi två mottagarstationer, en 130/10kV-station espektive 130/20kV-station. 30/10kV-stationen börjar närma sig en gräns där effektbehovet närmar sig den maximala istributionskapaciteten. Därför fastställs en plan för att kunna klara av effektbehovet vid averi på en av två 130/10kV-transformatorer i mottagarstationen M1. Resultatet av rapporten visar att tillräcklig kapacitet finns i närliggande fördelningsstationer för att klara av reservdrift under hög belastning utan att några övriga komponenter skadas. Rapporten behandlar främst effektflöden för att kontrollera att dessa ej överskrider transformatorernas, ledningarnas och kablarnas märkeffekt. I flertalet fall har även faktorer för nödbelastning räknats med vilket resulterar i att samtliga linjer hos Kungälv Energi klarar av den ökade belastningen. Upptäckta flaskhalsar i nätet har uppmärksammats och delgetts samt förslag till förändringar för att förhindra framtida problem. / Kungälv Energi owns and is responsible of Kungälv municipality's electricity grid. With an increasing population and increasing demands on the grid and especially security of supply. With cold winters and large energy gives rise to a more difficult situation regarding security of supply. Currently, Kungälv Energi two receiving stations, a 130 / 10kV station and 130 / 20kV station. 130 / 10kV station is approaching a point where power demand is approaching the maximum distribution capacity. Therefore sets out a plan to cope with the power demand at the failure of one of two 130 / 10kV transformers of the receiving station M1. The results of the report shows that sufficient capacity is available in nearby distribution stations to cope with the emergency operation under high loads without any other components damaged. The report deals primarily with power flows to check that they do not exceed transformers, lines and cables rated power. In the majority of cases have also factors for distress load been counted with, which gives the result that all lines of Kungälv Energi can handle the increased load. Detected bottlenecks in the network have been highlighted, communicated and proposed changes to Kungälv Energi to prevent future problems.

Méthodologie d’aide à la décision pour la qualité des effluents industriels - Une approche territoriale orientée sur les besoins vis-à-vis des services écosystémiques produits par les milieux récepteurs / Decision making methodology for industrial effluents quality management - A territory approach based on the needs related to ecosystem services produced by receiving environment

Grazilhon, Sophie 20 July 2015 (has links)
La gestion actuelle des eaux usées industrielles présente des problématiques diverses, malgré les précautions prises par l’Europe à travers de nombreux textes règlementaires. L’atteinte des objectifs de qualité des masses d’eau fixés à l’horizon 2015 devra passer par une réelle appropriation des enjeux par l’ensemble des acteurs afin de mettre en place des filières de traitement adaptées à chaque cas. Dans le cadre conceptuel actuel d’écologie industrielle où les déchets deviennent produits, nous nous sommes donc penchés sur les possibilités d’utilisation des principes de gestion de la qualité prescrits par l’ISO 9000 à la gestion des effluents industriels, avec comme clients potentiels des industries (réutilisation), des stations d’épurations communales, mais également les écosystèmes récepteurs. La prise en compte d’écosystèmes comme clients pose néanmoins des questions délicates telles que l’évaluation de leurs besoins. La complexité de cette évaluation nous a poussé à considérer le territoire du point de vue des services écosystémiques (c’est-à-dire les services rendus par les écosystèmes qui contribuent au bien être de l’Homme) afin d’identifier des cibles humaines aptes à exprimer leurs besoins afin d’en tirer des exigences vis-à-vis du milieu. Ces exigences sont ensuite converties, en fonction de données locales et règlementaires, en exigences qualitatives vis-à-vis des rejets. Cette démarche a été matérialisée sous la forme d’un outil destiné aux industriels ou tout autre acteur sans compétence particulière dans le domaine de l’eau. L’apport de ce travail de thèse est donc l’analyse des enjeux environnementaux locaux pour contribuer au cahier des charges des filières de traitement d’effluents aqueux industriels par l’élaboration de seuils de rejet. / Despite the precautions taken by Europe through numerous regulatory texts, the current management of industrial wastewater shows various problems. The achievement of water bodies quality targets set for 2015 will go through a real ownership of the issues by every actor in order to implement customized treatment processes. In the current framework of industrial ecology, waste becomes product; we therefore explored the possibilities of using quality management principles prescribed by the ISO 9000 for industrial wastewater management, with potential customers such as industries (reuse), communal wastewater treatment plants, but also ecosystem receptors. The consideration of ecosystems as customers nevertheless raises sensitive issues such as the assessment of their needs. The complexity of this evaluation led us to consider the territory in terms of ecosystem services (that is to say, services provided ecosystems that contribute to human well-being) to identify human targets able to express their needs concerning their environment. These needs are then converted, according to local and regulatory data, in qualitative requirements for liquid emissions. This approach was materialized as a tool for industrials or other actors with no particular competence in the field of water management. The contribution of this thesis is the analysis of local environmental issues to contribute to the specification of the treatment processes of industrial aqueous effluents by setting release thresholds.

Mezinárodní adopce dětí z Ugandy / Intercountry adoptions from Uganda

DOLEŽALOVÁ, Miroslava January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the issue of interracial adoption, when Ugandan child lives in the Czech adoptive family. The aim is to focus on the ethical aspect of interracial adoptions. Attempts to find out whether this type of adoption is really in the best interests of the child. The first part of the thesis provides general background information about Uganda as a country of origin of children. Describes historical development and socio-economic situation of the country, the issue of HIV/AIDS and information about orphan and abandoned children. The second part describes the process of international adoption, both generally and on the part of both participating countries, namely Uganda and the Czech Republic. The third part deals with the ethical side of the adoption. Aim is to find out how the circumstances of the interracial adoption can affect the adoptive family and the future development of the child, how they cope with the racism and discrimination and questions about childs identity. This part is based on surveys, studies and interviews with adoptive parents and their adopted children.

A Universidade se và por aqui?: o olhar de alunos, docentes e tÃcnico-administrativos acerca do Programa UFCTV / The University is seen here?: The eyes of students, teachers and technical-administrative staff about the UFCTV Program

Celina Maria Linhares Paiva 01 April 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / Essa dissertaÃÃo debruÃa-se sobre a experiÃncia de televisÃo universitÃria empreendida pela Universidade Federal do CearÃ: o Programa UFCTV. Essa iniciativa està inserida no campo pÃblico de comunicaÃÃo â o das televisÃes universitÃrias â que estrearam no PaÃs em 1967, com a TV UniversitÃria do Recife. Esse canal demonstrou ser possÃvel compor uma programaÃÃo alternativa Ãquela ofertada pelas emissoras comerciais, dominantes no espectro brasileiro. Apesar de outras iniciativas semelhantes terem sido implementadas nas dÃcadas seguintes, as TVs universitÃrias sà se desenvolveram de forma bem mais efetiva a partir de 1995, quando foi promulgada a Lei 8.077, que destinava canais de uso gratuito para instituiÃÃes comunitÃrias, universitÃrias e para o Legislativo. Foi nesse cenÃrio que a UFC comeÃou a produzir, em 2007, o programa UFCTV, uma revista eletrÃnica veiculada com o objetivo de mostrar a diversidade de pesquisas e projetos empreendidos na maior universidade do Estado. Este trabalho foi entÃo realizado com o intuito de contribuir com essa iniciativa, tendo como questÃo de pesquisa a seguinte indagaÃÃo: qual à o alcance que o programa UFCTV tem junto à sua comunidade acadÃmica e como essa comunidade nele se percebe? O objetivo geral à investigar o grau de conhecimento e reconhecimento obtido pelo UFCTV a fim de colher subsÃdios que possam contribuir com a melhoria dessa experiÃncia de televisÃo universitÃria. A metodologia aqui utilizada tem por base o funcionalismo, por tratar-se de uma investigaÃÃo da aÃÃo da mÃdia sobre um segmento da sociedade, no caso a comunidade acadÃmica da UFC. A coleta de dados do estudo empÃrico foi feita por meio de um questionÃrio eletrÃnico enviado por e-mail para uma amostra de alunos, professores e servidores da instituiÃÃo. Os resultados obtidos apÃs a anÃlise dos dados demonstram que o Programa UFCTV ainda à desconhecido por quase metade da comunidade acadÃmica e sua divulgaÃÃo nos campi à muito falha. Em contrapartida, entre aqueles que conhecem essa experiÃncia televisiva, hà muita aceitaÃÃo, podendo-se perceber que ela ajuda a integrar a comunidade acadÃmica e produz sensaÃÃes de identidade e pertenÃa, alÃm de contribuir com a melhoria do fluxo comunicacional na universidade. / This dissertation focuses on the university television experience undertaken by the Federal University of CearÃ: UFCTV Program. This initiative is in the field of public communication â the television in universities - which debuted in the country in 1967 with the inauguration of the University of Recife TV. This channel has proved been possible to construct an alternative program to that offered by Brazilian commercial broadcasters. Despite other similar initiatives have been implemented in the following decades, the University TVs only developed more effectively since 1995, when it was enacted Law 8.077 - known as the Cable Law - which aimed to use free channels to Community institutions, Universities and the Legislative. It was on this scenario that the Federal University of Cearà began producing in 2007, the program UFCTV, an electronic magazine carried in open channel with the aim of showing the diversity of research and projects undertaken in the largest university in the state. This current work was, then, accomplished in order to contribute to this initiative, having as the research question: what is the range that the program UFCTV has with the academic community in UFC and how this community sees itself in the program? The general objective of this research is to investigate the degree of knowledge and recognition obtained by UFCTV with its academic community to collect subsidies that might contribute to the improvement of television experience in course at the institution. The methodology used in this study is based on functionalism, because it is an investigation of the effect of media on a segment of society, in such case, the academic community at UFC. Data collection of the empirical study was carried out using an electronic questionnaire sent by e-mail to a sample of students, professors and technical and administrative staff. The results obtained after the data analysis showed that the UFCTV is still unknown for almost half of the academic community and its dissemination on the campuses of the capital and the countryside cities is very fault. In contrast, among those who know this television experience there&#8223;s much acceptance and can be seen that it helps to integrate the academic community and generates feelings of identity and belonging, besides it contributes to improve the flow of communication at the university.

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