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O ensino da hist?ria recente no Uruguai (2004-2008)- as quest?es da laicidade e da disciplina Hist?riaCavanna, Federico Alvez 10 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / At 2004, the Frente Amplio (left parties and movements coalition) won the parliamentary and presidential elections. One of the first changes was a revision of the military period, in the juridical aspects, including human rights, and also in the educational aspect, that is, the scholar teaching about dicatatorship has entered in the agenda, and with it the advantages and problems of the teaching of recent history. From the motivations and difficulties that emerged to the
incorporation of the teaching of recent history at Uruguay, the notion of ?laicidade? (laity) ? of large usage on the public debate ? as one of the strongest conditionants who grow difficult the history didactics renewing. The main objective is to understand the characteristics and working of the usage of the ?laicidade? notion, on what it refers to the history teaching. To this field of the education, there are different visions and usages of the ?history as scholar subject? and its
teaching and learning processes, that are considered adequated or not according to the individual position about the theme of the ?laicidade?. With resource to documental analysis and to the production and interpretation of written interviews, it was analysed two groups of individuals involved in this debate. At a side, the politicians of the tradicional political parties (Blancos and Colorados), from their parliamentary and journalistic speeches; at the other side,
the history teachers, from among were interviewed 15 teachers during the actual year. The main theorical references were the texts on historical consciousness and history didactics of J?rn R?sen (2001, 2007, 2007b) and the analysis about the relationships with the knowledge done
by Bernard Charlot (1986, 2001, 2005,2006). The renewing of the history teaching in general, that represents the arrival of recent history at the classrooms stays conditioned by the
indefinable notion of ?violate laicy? (violar a laicidade) in a big proportion. It was constated that the original meaning of the notion - linked to avoiding the teaching of religious dogmas in
the classes ? is completely changed by a ?political shape? that unites this notion with the idea of a objective and neutral education. Because of this, the ?usage? of the laicy concept revealed to be a key to enter the analysis in the different ?usagens of teached history? and over the vision
that is got ?about? and ?from? the different individuals that make the teaching and learning process (except the students that were no part of this research). By a side, the politicians
consider ?laic? and, because of this, accepted, a history without conflicts ? lineal, nationalist and liberal (and, of course, objective and neutral) that honour the supposed tabula rasa that the student would represent. The teachers divide in whose fear problems caused in the confrontation of those ?social accepted? rules (and ends ?institucionalizing? themselves accepting those rules) and the ones who see a trap in the desired objectivity or neutrality. The prominence of this research is at identifying the ?laicidade? as a notion at the same time indefiniable and insindiously condicionater of the practices, individuals and knowledges to the history teaching in Uruguay. The research allows proposing a revision of the ?laicidade? notion, in the meaning of maintaining this role of definition of a public space, but pledging criteria that can also be public, that means, intersubjectively constructed. / Em 2004, o Frente Amplio (coaliza??o de partidos e movimentos de esquerda) venceu as elei??es parlamentares e presidencial no Uruguai. Uma das primeiras mudan?as foi uma revis?o do per?odo militar, tanto nos aspectos jur?dicos, incluindo os direitos humanos, quanto no aspecto educacional, ou seja, o ensino escolar sobre a ditadura entrou para a ordem do dia, e com ele as vantagens e problemas do ensino da hist?ria recente. A partir das motiva??es e
dificuldades que surgiram para a incorpora??o do ensino da hist?ria recente no Uruguai, discutese a no??o de laicidade ? de largo uso no debate p?blico ? como um dos condicionantes mais fortes que dificultam uma renova??o da did?tica da hist?ria. O objetivo principal ? compreender as caracter?sticas e o funcionamento do uso da no??o de laicidade no que se refere ao ensino de Hist?ria. Para esse campo da educa??o, existem diferentes vis?es e usos da ?disciplina hist?ria?
e seus processos de ensino aprendizagem, julgados adequados ou n?o conforme o posicionamento do sujeito quanto ? quest?o da laicidade. Com o recurso ? an?lise documental e ? produ??o e interpreta??o de entrevistas escritas, foram analisados dois grupos de sujeitos
envolvidos nesse debate. Por um lado os pol?ticos dos partidos tradicionais (Blancos e Colorados) a partir de seus depoimentos parlamentares e jornal?sticos e por outro os professores de hist?ria, dentre os quais foram entrevistados 15 docentes no decorrer do atual ano. Os principais referentes te?ricos utilizados s?o os escritos sobre consci?ncia hist?rica e did?tica da hist?ria de J?rn R?sen (2001, 2007, 2007b) e as an?lises sobre as rela??es com o saber que realiza Bernard Charlot (1986, 2001, 2005, 2006). A renova??o no ensino da hist?ria em geral que representa a chegada da hist?ria recente nas aulas fica em boa medida condicionada pela indefin?vel no??o de ?violar a laicidade?. Constatou-se que o sentido original da no??o -vinculado com evitar o ensino de dogmas religiosos nas aulas - acha-se totalmente modificado por um ?formato pol?tico? que une essa no??o com a ideia de um ensino objetivo e neutro. Por sso mesmo o ?uso? do conceito de laicidade resultou ser a chave para adentrar as an?lises nos diferentes ?usos da hist?ria ensinada? e sobre a vis?o que se tem ?de? e ?desde? os diferentes sujeitos que comp?em o processo de ensino-aprendizagem (exceto os estudantes, que n?o integraram esta pesquisa). Por um lado os pol?ticos tradicionais consideram ?laica?, e por isso mesmo aceita, uma hist?ria sem conflitos - linear, nacionalista e liberal (e, claro, objetiva e
neutra) que respeite a suposta ?tabula rasa? que representaria o estudante. Os professores se
dividem entre os que temem problemas por confrontar essa vis?o ?aceita socialmente? da laicidade (e terminam por ?institucionalizar-se? aceitando essas regras para o ensino) e outros que visualizam uma armadilha na pretendida objetividade ou neutralidade. A relev?ncia desta pesquisa est? em identificar a laicidade como uma no??o ao mesmo tempo indefin?vel e sutilmente condicionadora das pr?ticas, sujeitos e saberes para o ensino da hist?ria no Uruguai.
A investiga??o permite propor uma revis?o da no??o de laicidade, no sentido de manter seu papel de defini??o de um espa?o p?blico, mas garantindo crit?rios que tamb?m sejam p?blicos, ou seja, constru?dos intersubjetivamente.
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Caracterização da plataforma continental da Bacia de Campos (Brasil, SE) fundamentada em foraminíferos bentônicos recentesDisaró, Sibelle Trevisan January 2014 (has links)
Foraminíferos bentônicos vivos foram estudados visando a caracterização da plataforma continental da Bacia de Campos (sudeste do Brasil; 20.5°S - 24°S). Espécimes coletados no período seco/inverno/ressurgências menos frequentes de 2008 e no período chuvoso/verão/ressurgências mais frequentes de 2009 foram analisados para investigar padrões de distribuição espacial e temporal. As estações foram distribuídas em cinco isóbatas (25, 50, 75, 100 e 150 m), de nove transectos perpendiculares à linha de costa, totalizando 45 estações. Em cada estação, com busca-fundo e com delimitador 10 cm2 coletou-se três amostras de sedimento superficial (estrato 0-2 cm). Em laboratório, 20 cm³ de sedimento úmido por amostra foi lavado em peneira (63 μm), depois seco e triado na lupa. Material excedente foi estocado para contraprovas. Análises de Agrupamento e nMDS foram utilizadas para reconhecer grupos de estações e a Análise Canônica de Correspondência foi utilizada para investigar relações dos foraminíferos com dados ambientais. As variáveis-resposta quantitativas básicas foram biomassa e abundância; biomassa foi estimada por biovolume. A estrutura ecológica das associações (densidade, diversidade, dominância, equitatividade) foi estimada. Os dados foram avaliados visando caracterização da área e gestão ambiental da bacia. Registrou-se 519 táxons de foraminíferos. A análise integrada dos períodos identificou três áreas principais: (i) Plataforma interna (entre 25 e 50 m) - tem sedimentos predominantemente siliciclásticos, predominam espécies epifaunais, positivamente correlacionadas com areia, temperatura mais alta e concentração mais alta de clorofila-a; nela ocorrem Tiphotrocha concava, Bolivina paula, Nonionella sp.C, Discorbis williamsoni, Ammonia parkinsoniana, Ammonia tepida, Bolivina striatula, Textularia agglutinans, Angulogerina cf. A. jamaicensis Buliminella elegantissima, Paracassidulina nipponensis, Rectocibicides miocenicus, Placopsilina bradyi e muitas espécies dos seguintes gêneros Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Asterotrochammina, Eoeponidella, Porosononion, Polymorphina, Rotaliammina e Discorbis. (ii) Plataforma média/externa – (entre 75 e 100 m) - tem características predominantemente oligotróficas; areia, cascalho e lama, todos com alto teor de carbonato; as associações são compostas por Uvigerina auberiana, Technitella harrisii, Paratrochammina brasiliensis s.l., Planulina foveolata, Seabrookia earlandi, Svratkina spp., Pullenia spp., Discorbinella floridensis, Cibicidoides corpulentus, Stomatorbina torrei, Labrospira jeffreysii, Tetrataxiella ayalai, Mychostomina revertens, Amphicoryna scalaris, Globocassidulina rossensis, Ehrenbergina spinea, Spirotextularia floridana, Siphonina reticulata, Spirillina vivipara, Patellina corrugata e algumas espécies de Astrononion, Fissurina e Lenticulina entre outras. (iii) Área de ressurgências – predomínio de espécies infaunais positivamente correlacionadas com lama, feofitina-a e carbono orgânico total; a associação é composta por muitos rotalídeos pequenos como Bulimina marginata, Pappina compressa, Angulogerina angulosa, s.l., Alabaminella weddellensis, Bolivina fragilis, Bolivina ordinaria, Nonionella stella, Hopkinsina pacifica, Bolivinellina translucens, Stainforthia complanata, Bulimina patagonica, Hanzawaia concentrica, Gyroidina umbonata, Nonionella opima, Epistominella exigua, Cassidulina carinata, Fursenkoina pontoni e Nonionella atlantica; e alguns aglutinantes como Adercotryma glomeratum, Lagenammina atlantica, Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis, Reophax scorpiurus, Sepetibaella sepetibaensis, Labrospira crassimargo, Reophax pauciloculatus, Leptohalysis scottii, Textularia ? torquata e Reophax arayaensis e milliolídeos como Quinqueloculina sabulosa, Quinqueloculina atlantica s.l. e Pyrgo nasuta. A distribuição espacial dos foraminíferos é determinada pela profundidade, sedimento (tamanho de grão e conteúdo de carbonato) e disponibilidade de alimento. Foraminíferos fitodetritívoros indicaram áreas de ressurgência em Cabo Frio, Cabo de São Tomé e também ao norte da área estudada. A biomassa na plataforma interna é similar à de outras áreas investigadas, mas os valores da plataforma média e externa são mais altos que o esperado para uma região oligotrófica, sazonalmente mesotrófica. As curvas ABC indicaram a isóbata de 25 m como a mais perturbada da plataforma, especialmente durante o período chuvoso quando recebe maior aporte da drenagem fluvial e pluvial, talvez amplificada por contaminantes antropogênicos. Área com ressurgência mostraram perturbação moderada pelo método das curvas ABC; provavelmente trata-se apenas de perturbação natural, causada pelo incremento de produção primária. O estudo aporta dados para a gestão ambiental e a reconstrução paleoambiental. / Spatial and seasonal differences over the continental shelf and along the shelf break edges of Campos Basin, southeastern Brazil (20.5°S - 24°S) were investigated during 2008 (downwelling setting/dry/winter) and 2009 (upwelling setting/rainy/summer), based on living benthic foraminiferal assemblages, as part of the “HABITATS Project - Evaluation of the Environmental Heterogeneity of the Campos Basin, Brazil”. The assemblages and their relationship with environmental variables were studied to support the research and development activities of PETROBRAS, the Brazilian state-owned oil Company. The sampling design consisted of nine transects (45 stations) perpendicular to the coastline. Three replicates were taken from each station using a modified grab that performs as a box corer. The surface (0-2 cm) bottom sediment was collected (10 cm x 10 cm), fixed with 4 % formaldehyde buffered solution, stained with Bengal Rose, washed and sieved through a 63 μm mesh. Of the 200 cm3 of each replicate, 20 cm³ were analyzed and the remainder stored for retesting. Foraminiferal assemblages were recognized using cluster analysis, indicator species analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Spatial and temporal patterns of the foraminiferal assemblages were identified and the ecological structure (density, diversity, dominance, equitability) of these assemblages investigated. Foraminiferal biomass was estimated by measuring biovolume. The correlations of biotic and abiotic parameters were evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis. A total of 519 foraminiferal taxa were recorded. Spatial distribution responds to depth, sediment (grain size and carbonate content) and food availability. Cluster analysis with integrated periods allowed the recognition of three distinct areas: (i) an Inner shelf (25 – 50 m) area positively correlated with sand, higher temperature and higher chlorophyll-a content; it was occupied by Tiphotrocha concava, Bolivina paula, Nonionella sp. C, Discorbis williamsoni, Ammonia parkinsoniana, Ammonia tepida, Bolivina striatula, Textularia agglutinans, Angulogerina cf. A. jamaicensis, Buliminella elegantissima, Paracassidulina nipponensis, Rectocibicides miocenicus, Placopsilina bradyi and species of Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Asterotrochammina, Eoeponidella, Porosononion, Polymorphina, Rotaliammina and Discorbis. (ii) a Medium/outer shelf (75 – 150 m) area is composed by two subgroups correlated with depth and elevated carbonate levels; its species association includes Uvigerina auberiana, Technitella harrisii, Paratrochammina brasiliensis s.l., Planulina foveolata, Seabrookia earlandi, Svratkina spp., Pullenia spp., Eponides antillarum, Discorbinella floridensis, Cibicidoides corpulentus, Stomatorbina torrei, Labrospira jeffreysii, Tetrataxiella ayalai, Mychostomina revertens, Amphicoryna scalaris, Globocassidulina rossensis, Ehrenbergina spinea, Spirotextularia floridana, Siphonina reticulata, Spirillina vivipara, Patellina corrugata and some species from Astrononion, Fissurina and Lenticulina. (iii) an Upwelling area is positively correlated with phaeopigment (phytodetritus), mud and total organic carbon; this group includes abundant small rotalids such as Bulimina marginata, Pappina compressa, Angulogerina angulosa, s.l., Alabaminella weddellensis, Bolivina fragilis, Bolivina ordinaria, Nonionella stella, Hopkinsina pacifica, Bolivinellina translucens, Stainforthia complanata, Bulimina patagonica, Hanzawaia concentrica, Gyroidina umbonata, Nonionella opima, Epistominella exigua, Cassidulina carinata, Fursenkoina pontoni and Nonionella atlantica, and such agglutinated foraminifers as Adercotryma glomeratum, Lagenammina atlantica, Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis, Reophax scorpiurus, Sepetibaella sepetibaensis, Labrospira crassimargo, Reophax pauciloculatus, Leptohalysis scottii, Textularia ? torquata, Pseudobolivina fusiformis and Reophax arayaensis, and some miliolids (Quinqueloculina sabulosa, Quinqueloculina atlantica s.l. and Pyrgo nasuta). During the upwelling period the South Atlantic Coastal Waters enlarged its influence to include not only the Cape Frio area, but also an area at about 75 meters depth off Cape Sao Tome. Biomass values at the inner shelf agreed with available published data, but on the middle and outer shelf the values are higher than expected for an oligotrophic, seasonally mesotrophic basin. The ABC curves indicate the 25 m isobath as the most disturbed one and recognize a moderated disturbance in the upwelling area. During rainy season the 25 m isobath is disturbed by natural eutrophication phenomena that may be significantly amplified by anthropogenic activities. This study provides data for the monitoring plan for the area and for paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
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Partitionnement de la convergence oblique en zone de collision : Exemple de la chaîne du Zagros (Iran)Authemayou, Christine 25 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail présente les résultats de l'analyse tectonique des deux décrochements dextres majeurs de la chaîne du Zagros formée lors de la collision des plaques Arabie/Eurasie au Néogène. La Main Recent Fault (MRF), marquant la limite nord-occidentale du Zagros, accommode une partie de l'obliquité de la convergence Arabie/Eurasie. Dans le Zagros central, la faille de Kazerun (KF), faille de socle de direction NS, recoupe entièrement la largeur de la chaîne. Elle est associée à des failles décrochantes, dont la faille de Karehbas, qui définissent un éventail ouvert vers le SE et pointant vers la terminaison SE de la MRF.<br />L'étude structurale et cinématique de ces failles permet de documenter une ré-organisation des structures et de la déformation dans le Zagros au cours du Néogène. Entre 9 et 5 Ma, la déformation transpressive distribuée à l'arrière de la chaîne a cessé au moment de la mise en place de la MRF impliquant le partitionnement de la convergence. Vers 3 Ma, la terminaison SE de la MRF s'est connectée à la terminaison nord de la KF. Par l'intermédiaire des failles du Zagros central formant le système en éventail, le déplacement de la MRF se voit dès lors distribué vers l'est sur les plis et les chevauchements du Zagros oriental. A l'échelle du Zagros, ces failles peuvent donc être perçues comme formant la terminaison en queue de cheval de la MRF.<br />L'analyse de marqueurs géomorphologiques datés (datation 36Cl, datation U/Th) et décalés par ces failles permet de déterminer le taux de déplacement horizontal le long des décrochements sur les derniers 140 ka. Il est de 6 ± 1 mm/an pour la MRF. Il varie du nord au sud de la KF de 4 mm/an à presque 0 mm/an. Il est de 6 ± 1.5 mm/an pour la faille de Karebhas. Ces vitesses, au regard des données GPS disponibles, permettent de conclure à un partitionnement total de l'obliquité de la convergence le long de la MRF, et à un transfert progressif du mouvement de la MRF du NW vers le SE sur les terminaisons courbées et chevauchantes des trois zones de failles de la KF et des failles associées. <br />L'activation de ce système de failles dextres est liée à la ré-organisation de la collision Arabie-Eurasie, à 5 ± 2 Ma. L'hypothèse d'un détachement du panneau lithosphérique Arabique subduit sous le Zagros et l'Iran central est considéré comme une cause de la mise en place du partitionnement.
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Γεωλογία και διαχείριση των σύγχρονων αποθέσεων και των υδατικών πόρων στους χείμαρρους της ΒΔ/κής Πελοποννήσου / Geology and management of recent deposits and water resources in torrents of NW Peloponnese, GreeceΠαγώνας, Μιχάλης 28 September 2009 (has links)
Η περιοχή έρευνας, η οποία καταλαμβάνει τις αυτοτελείς υδρολογικές λεκάνες των χειμάρρων Σέλεμνου, Ξυλοκέρα και Βολιναίου, καταλαμβάνει συνολική έκταση 68.6 km2 και εντοπίζεται στη ΒΔ Πελοπόννησο, στο βόρειο τμήμα του Νομού Αχαΐας. Από βορρά ορίζεται από τον Πατραϊκό Κόλπο και από νότο από το Παναχαϊκό Όρος.
Το γεωλογικό υπόβαθρο της περιοχής αποτελούν οι σχηματισμοί της ζώνης Ωλονού – Πίνδου, ενώ το ημιορεινό και πεδινό τμήμα της είναι πληρωμένο από Πλειο-Πλειστοκαινικά και Ολοακινικά ιζήματα. Η περιοχή καλύπτεται κυρίως από φυσική βλάστηση και δάση (46.11%) καθώς και συστήματα καλλιεργειών (46.29%), ενώ υπάρχουν και μικρές εκτάσεις βοσκοτόπων (5.67%). Όσον αφορά τους κατοίκους, εκτός από τις καλλιέργειες και την εκτροφή ζώων, που αποτελούν τις κύριες δραστηριότητές τους, υπάρχει και ένας μικρός αριθμός βιομηχανιών (1.51%) οι οποίες εντοπίζονται κοντά στις αστικές περιοχές.
Το μέσο υψόμετρο της περιοχής είναι 480.74 m και η μέση κλίση 42.04%. Οι υψηλές αυτές τιμές δείχνουν ότι στην περιοχή διατηρείται ένα ισχυρό ανάγλυφο. Η διατήρηση του ισχυρού αναγλύφου έχει να κάνει με την ενεργό τεκτονική που έχει δράσει στην περιοχή κατά τη Μεταλπική περίοδο. Μέρος της ενεργού τεκτονικής είναι και ο πλέον υψηλός ρυθμός ανύψωσης που υφίσταται η περιοχή, αφού κοντά στην υπολεκάνη του Ρίου έχει υπολογιστεί στα 4.5 mm/year.
Η αύξηση του ρυθμού ανύψωσης κατά το Τεταρτογενές συνεπάγεται την ανάπτυξη του υδρογραφικού δικτύου καθώς επίσης και μεγάλης έκτασης μεταβολή της κοκκομετρίας, από λεπτόκοκκο σε αδρόκοκκο, προς τα πάνω, με παράλληλη αύξηση του όγκου του παραγόμενου υλικού.
Η μέση κλίση των λεκανών κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 36.34% και 44.46%, ενώ το μέσο υψόμετρο μεταξύ 441.89 m και 611.99 m. Το υψόμετρο μεγίστης συχνότητας κυμαίνεται από 250 έως 450 m, ενώ ο βαθμός αναγλύφου από 0.143 έως 0.165.
Το υδρογραφικό δίκτυο είναι καλά αναπτυγμένο και επικρατεί η κατακόρυφη διάνοιξη των κοιλάδων. Βρίσκεται στο στάδιο νεότητας και η επικρατούσα μορφή του είναι η δενδριτική. Η ανάπτυξή του είναι συνυφασμένη με την ανάπτυξη των τεκτονικών ασυνεχειών ΔΝΔ-ΑΒΑ διεύθυνσης, δεδομένου ότι αποτελούν επιφάνειες αδυναμίας τις οποίες τα ρέοντα ύδατα μπορούν να διαβρώσουν και σχηματίσουν κανάλια επιφανειακής απορροής. Φτάνει μέχρι την 5η τάξη, ενώ η υδρογραφική πυκνότητα κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 2.425 και 3.223 και η συχνότητα μεταξύ 5.175 και 8.742.
Η μελέτη των ιστολογικών χαρακτηριστικών των κόκκων στις κοίτες των χειμάρρων έδειξε ότι η ποσοτική παρουσία των λιθολογιών καθώς και μεταβολή του αριθμητικού μέσου σχετίζονται, κυρίως, με την εισροή νέου υλικού (στο ανώτερο και μέσο ρουν) καθώς και με τις ανθρωπογενείς παρεμβάσεις στους χαμηλότερους σταθμούς δειγματοληψίας. Επίσης, τα ποσοστά των ασβεστόλιθων μεταβάλλονται αντίστροφα με τα ποσοστά των κερατόλιθων.
Από τη μελέτη των δειγμάτων του Σέλεμνου και του Βολιναίου παρατηρήθηκε ότι η μεταβολή της στρογγυλότητας σχετίζεται με την εισροή νέου υλικού, ενώ στον Ξυλοκέρα, πέραν της εισροής νέου υλικού, έχει μικρή συμμετοχή και ο ανθρωπογενής παράγοντας.
Στα δείγματα του Σέλεμνου η σφαιρικότητα επηρεάζεται κυρίως από την εισροή νέου υλικού και δευτερευόντως από τις ανθρωπογενείς παρεμβάσεις. Η σφαιρικότητα στους κόκκους του Ξυλοκέρα επηρεάζεται από την εισροή νέου υλικού. Τέλος, στα δείγματα του Βολιναίου η σφαιρικότητα εξαρτάται κυρίως από την εισροή νέου υλικού και δευτερευόντως από την εκλεκτική ταξινόμηση και την ανθρώπινη παρέμβαση, ενώ δείχνει να αυξάνεται με την απόσταση μεταφοράς.
Τα επικρατέστερα σχήματα των κόκκων και στους τρεις χείμαρρους είναι το δισκοειδές και το σφαιρικό, ενώ οι πεπλατυσμένοι και οι κυλινδρικοί εμφανίζονται σε ποσοστό 8-10%.
Όσον αφορά τα υποεπιφανειακά ιζήματα της κοίτης, αυτά χαρακτηρίζονται από πολύ πτωχή ταξινόμηση. Ακόμα, παρουσιάζουν θετική έως πολύ θετική ασυμμετρία, που υποδεικνύει την περίσσεια λεπτόκοκκου υλικού το οποίο φιλτράρεται μέσα στο χονδρόκοκκο.
Τα ιζήματα αυτά χαρακτηρίζονται από λεπτόκυρτη έως μεσόκυρτη καμπύλη, που σημαίνει ότι παρουσιάζουν μεγαλύτερη διασπορά τιμών στο κέντρο. Αυτό επιβεβαιώνει και την παγίδευση του λεπτού υλικού μέσα στο χονδρόκοκκο, ενώ η ταχύτητα παραμένει σχεδόν σταθερή. Ωστόσο, κατά θέσεις, τα ιζήματα παρουσιάζουν πλατύκυρτη καμπύλη, ως αποτέλεσμα των αυξομειώσεων της ταχύτητας ροής.
Από υδρολογικής σκοπιάς, οι πλέον ξηροί μήνες είναι οι Ιούνιος, Ιούλιος και Αύγουστος, ενώ οι μέγιστες τιμές βροχόπτωσης εμφανίζονται κατά τους μήνες Νοέμβριο και Δεκέμβριο. Το ύψος βροχής αυξάνεται με ρυθμό 85 mm ανά 100 m αύξησης του υψομέτρου.
Η θερμοκρασία ακολουθεί κανονική κατανομή, με μέγιστα τους μήνες Ιούλιο και Αύγουστο και ελάχιστα τους μήνες Ιανουάριο και Φεβρουάριο. Κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 8 και 26 ºC και ελαττώνεται με ρυθμό 0.75 ºC ανά 100 m αύξησης του υψομέτρου.
Η σχετική υγρασία παρουσιάζει παραπλήσια πορεία με αυτή των βροχοπτώσεων, ενώ το αντίθετο παρατηρείται με την πορεία της σχετικής υγρασίας και της θερμοκρασίας. Αντίθετα, η ηλιοφάνεια και η θερμοκρασία παρουσιάζουν παραπλήσιες πορείες.
Το κλίμα της περιοχής χαρακτηρίζεται ως εύκρατο με ξηρό θέρος.
Ο μέσος ετήσιος όγκος (1975-2004) νερού από βροχόπτωση ανέρχεται σε 71.649x106 m3, που αντιστοιχεί σε ένα μέσο ύψος βροχόπτωσης της τάξης των 1168.84 mm. Ο βροχομετρικός αυτός δείκτης είναι αρκετά υψηλός, αφού ο μέσος δείκτης για τον Ελλαδικό χώρο είναι 823 mm.
Η μέση ετήσια ποσότητα που κατεισδύει και γίνεται υπόγειο νερό ανέρχεται σε 13.487x106 m3 ή 223.94 mm νερού, που αντιστοιχεί στο 19.07% του ετήσιου ύψους βροχόπτωσης. Από αυτά, τα 2.24x106 m3 (16.64%) κατεισδύουν στον προσχωματικό υδροφόρο και τα 8.525x106 m3 στους ασβεστόλιθους (63.34%).
Οι απώλειες λόγω εξατμισοδιαπνοής υπολογίζονται σε 27.149x106 m3, που αντιστοιχούν σε 439.05 mm νερού ή στο 37.68% του ύψους βροχόπτωσης. Ακόμα, οι απώλειες λόγω επιφανειακής απορροής υπολογίζονται σε 31.013x106 m3 και αντιστοιχούν σε 505.76 mm νερού ή στο 43.25% του συνολικού ύψους βροχόπτωσης. Το ποσοστό αυτό είναι ιδιαίτερα μεγάλο και αποδίδεται στο ισχυρό ανάγλυφο που επικρατεί στην περιοχή.
Η γενική κατεύθυνση ροής στα υπόγεια ύδατα του προσχωματικού υδροφόρου είναι Β έως ΒΔ, με τις ισοπιεζομετρικές καμπύλες να μετατοπίζονται κατά την υγρή περίοδο προς την ακτογραμμή.
Οι μεταβολές της στάθμης μεταξύ υγρής – ξηρής περιόδου κυμαίνονται μεταξύ 0 και 4.7 m και η μέση διακύμανση της στάθμης ανέρχεται στα 2.05 m. Η υδραυλική κλίση ισούται με 2.5‰ στις περιοχές των λεκανών Σέλεμνου και Ξυλοκέρα και 5-8‰ στην περιοχή της λεκάνης του Βολιναίου.
Τα ρυθμιστικά αποθέματα του προσχωματικού υδροφόρου υπολογίζονται στα 3.25x106 m3.
Στο πλαίσιο της παρούσας έρευνας, πραγματοποιήθηκε δειγματοληψία και χημική ανάλυση από 20 σημεία ύδατος (σημεία κοίτης και γεωτρήσεις του προσχωματικού υδροφόρου) κατά τα έτη 2005-2008.
Οι κύριες πηγές μόλυνσης των επιφανειακών υδάτων είναι οι καλλιεργήσιμες εκτάσεις, εξαιτίας της απόπλυσης και της απορροής λιπασμάτων και φυτοφαρμάκων, καθώς και η εκτροφή ζώων. Ωστόσο, οι τιμές της αμμωνίας, του φωσφόρου και των νιτρωδών και νιτρικών ιόντων δεν είναι υψηλές ώστε να καθιστούν απαγορευτική τη χρήση των επιφανειακών υδάτων για άρδευση ή ακόμα και για ύδρευση (μετά από κατάλληλη επεξεργασία σε ειδικές εγκαταστάσεις).
Το σύνολο των δειγμάτων νερού των γεωτρήσεων του προσχωματικού υδροφόρου κατατάσσεται στην κατηγορία CaHCO3. Το νερό του υδροφόρου είναι καλής ποιότητας με την αγωγιμότητα να κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 433 και 771.5 μS/cm. Οι χαμηλές τιμές Cl- και Na+ δεν υποδεικνύουν φαινόμενα υφαλμύρινσης. Έτσι, τα υπόγεια ύδατα κατατάσσονται στις κατηγορίες S1-C2 και S1-C3 του διαγράμματος SAR-EC, που σημαίνει ότι είναι κατάλληλα για άρδευση.
Η ανάγκη πρόβλεψης έντονων διαβρωτικών συνθηκών και πλημμυρικών φαινομένων είναι σημαντική γιατί επιτρέπει τον ορθολογικό σχεδιασμό των έργων υποδομής της περιοχής και την αποφυγή εκτεταμένων καταστροφών από αιφνίδια και μη φαινόμενα (βροχοπτώσεις και καταιγίδες). Η ανάγκη αυτή υπαγορεύτηκε εξαιτίας, κυρίως, των σοβαρών συνεπειών στα τεχνικά έργα (π.χ. προσχώσεις σε ταμιευτήρες ή υποχώρηση φραγμάτων) αλλά και στον άνθρωπο. Για το σκοπό αυτό, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ειδικά μοντέλα προσομοίωσης.
Για τον υπολογισμό της εδαφικής διάβρωσης στις λεκάνες απορροής, έγινε χρήση της Παγκόσμιας Εξίσωσης Εδαφικής Απώλειας (ΠΕΕΑ) η οποία συνυπολογίζει τις γεωλογικές, γεωμορφολογικές και μετεωρολογικές συνθήκες καθώς και τις χρήσεις γης της περιοχής. Από τη χρήση του μοντέλου, ως περιοχές υψηλού κινδύνου εδαφικής απώλειας ορίζονται οι περιοχές στους οικισμούς Αργυρά, Σελλά και Πιτίτσα καθώς και στα νότια της περιοχής έρευνας. Για τις υψηλές τιμές εδαφικής απώλειας ευθύνονται, κυρίως, το μεγάλο ύψος βροχόπτωσης καθώς και η μορφολογία, αφού οι περιοχές βρίσκονται στην ορεινή ζώνη όπου επικρατούν μεγάλα πρανή με απότομες κλίσεις. Οι περιοχές αυτές εμφανίζουν πολύ υψηλές τιμές στερεοπαροχής, αφού η επιφανειακή απορροή είναι εξίσου μεγάλη. Σε αυτό συμβάλλουν και οι γεωλογικοί σχηματισμοί οι οποίοι παρουσιάζουν μικρά ποσοστά κατείσδυσης, με αποτέλεσμα να αυξάνεται η επιφανειακή απορροή.
Για τον υπολογισμό των φερτών υλικών που προέρχονται από την πλευρική και σε βάθος διάβρωση της κοίτης των χειμάρρων, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι κοκκομετρικές αναλύσεις των επιφανειακών ιζημάτων και έγινε προσομοίωση ροής για δοσμένες τιμές βάθους ροής. Τα αποτελέσματα της προσομοίωσης έδειξαν ότι, η αύξηση του βάθους ροής (και επομένως της ταχύτητας) συνεπάγεται αύξηση της κινητικής ενέργειας των χειμάρρων και επομένως της ποσότητας του ιζήματος που μπορούν να διαβρώσουν και να μεταφέρουν, με αποτέλεσμα να αυξάνεται και η στερεοπαροχή. Η στερεοπαροχή συνδέεται άμεσα με τις διεργασίες που λαμβάνουν χώρα στις εκβολές των χειμάρρων (απόθεση, διάβρωση).
Όσον αφορά τον εντοπισμό περιοχών πλημμυρικής επικινδυνότητας, εφαρμόστηκαν τρεις μεθοδολογίες, η Υδρολογική Προσομοίωση των λεκανών απορροής, ο υπολογισμός της Ενέργειας του Χειμάρρου και η Πολυπαραγοντική Ανάλυση του Αναγλύφου. Για το σκοπό αυτό, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν πραγματικά δεδομένα των μηχανισμών απορροής και κυρίως υδρομετεωρολογικά δεδομένα επί μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα, έτσι ώστε να ληφθούν υπόψη συνήθεις και ακραίες συνθήκες. Από την εφαρμογή των παραπάνω μεθόδων και τη σύγκρισή τους, προκύπτει μία σύγκλιση αποτελεσμάτων που σημαίνει ότι, τα σημεία που προκύπτουν είναι και τα πιθανότερα για την εκδήλωση πλημμυρικών φαινομένων. Περιοχές που παρουσιάζουν πολύ υψηλό κίνδυνο πλημμυρικής επικινδυνότητας είναι στους οικισμούς Άνω Καστρίτσι, Αργυρά και Σελλά. Ωστόσο, δεν είναι απαραίτητο σε αυτές τις θέσεις να εκδηλωθούν πλημμυρικές απορροές, ούτε και ότι η εμφάνιση τέτοιων φαινομένων αποκλείεται στις υπόλοιπες θέσεις.
Από τη μελέτη των διαχρονικών μεταβολών της ακτογραμμής προκύπτει πως, η ακτή, από το στόμιο του χείμαρρου Χάραδρου μέχρι την προβλήτα του Ψαθόπυργου, συνολικά διαβρώνεται. Η διάβρωση αυτή οφείλεται, κυρίως, στον εγκιβωτισμό των χειμάρρων, στην καταστροφή του προφίλ ισορροπίας της παραλίας με την δημιουργία ασφαλτόδρομων και τοιχίων προστασίας, την κατασκευή προβόλων και λιμενικών εγκαταστάσεων, καθώς και στην απόληψη αδρανών υλικών και στον καθαρισμό των κοιτών των χειμάρρων.
Η καταγραφή της υφιστάμενης κατάστασης από τη δράση των ατμοσφαιρικών κατακρημνισμάτων στις λεκάνες απορροής, καθώς και ο υπολογισμός του υδατικού ισοζυγίου της περιοχής βοηθούν στο σωστό σχεδιασμό των απαραίτητων έργων για την προστασία των υδατικών πόρων. Τα έργα αυτά θα στοχεύουν στην προμήθεια νερού καλής ποιότητας τόσο για ύδρευση όσο και για άρδευση, στην εξασφάλιση και εξοικονόμηση των απαραίτητων ποσοτήτων νερού καθώς και στην προστασία από τα ακραία υδρολογικά φαινόμενα (πλημμύρες, εδαφική διάβρωση, ξηρασίες).
Η περιβαλλοντική επιβάρυνση των επιφανειακών υδάτων των χειμάρρων προκαλείται από την απόπλυση φυτοφαρμάκων και λιπασμάτων των καλλιεργούμενων εκτάσεων. Με τη δημιουργία ειδικών ζωνών βλάστησης (θάμνοι, δένδρα, χορτάρι) στα σημεία της όχθης όπου εντοπίζονται πηγές μόλυνσης, μειώνονται τα θρεπτικά συστατικά και άλατα που καταλήγουν στο χείμαρρο αφού δεσμεύονται από τις ζώνες αυτές. Παράλληλα, η καλλιέργεια των επικλινών εκτάσεων κατά τις ισοϋψείς καμπύλες καθώς και σε αναβαθμίδες θα συμβάλλει στη μείωση της εδαφικής απώλειας και της επιφανειακής απορροής φερτών υλικών.
Η απόληψη υλικού από τις κοίτες των χειμάρρων Σέλεμνου και Ξυλοκέρα είναι απαγορευτική αφού εγκυμονεί κινδύνους πλημμυρίσματος της παράκτιας οικιστικής ζώνης, ενώ παράλληλα στερεί σε ίζημα την ακτή με αποτέλεσμα να παρατηρούνται φαινόμενα εκτεταμένης διάβρωσης. Αντίθετα, η ελεγχόμενη απόληψη υλικού από την κοίτη του Βολιναίου μπορεί να μειώσει τον κίνδυνο κατολίσθησης στην ακτή.
Η εκτεταμένη διάβρωση κατά μήκος της ακτής μπορεί να αποκατασταθεί, έως ένα βαθμό, με την αποκατάσταση του ιζηματολογικού ισοζυγίου. Αυτό μπορεί να επιτευχθεί με την απομάκρυνση των προβόλων και την απαγόρευση κατασκευής έργων (όπως παραλιακά τοιχία και ασφαλτόστρωση της παραλίας) κατά μήκος της ακτής καθώς και με την επανατροφοδότηση της παραλίας που διαβρώνεται με άμμο από την υποπαράκτια ζώνη.
Ένα μεγάλο ποσοστό (43.25%) του ετήσιου όγκου νερού που πέφτει στην περιοχή, απορρέει επιφανειακά και καταλήγει στη θάλασσα. Για την αξιοποίησή του, απαραίτητη είναι η κατασκευή φραγμάτων ανάσχεσης σε κατάλληλες θέσεις, τα οποία μειώνουν τη χειμαρρική ροή και αυξάνουν το χρόνο παραμονής του νερού στην κοίτη, με αποτέλεσμα να αυξάνεται και το ποσοστό κατείσδυσης. Παράλληλα, συγκρατούν το στερεοφορτίο των χειμάρρων, το οποίο μπορεί να συλλεχθεί και να χρησιμοποιηθεί για αδρανή υλικά.
Η κατασκευή μίας τεχνητής λίμνης στη λεκάνη απορροής του Βολιναίου, μπορεί να εξοικονομεί μέχρι και το 41.16% του ετήσιου όγκου που δέχεται η λεκάνη. Το νερό αυτό θα χρησιμοποιείται για την κάλυψη υδρευτικών και αρδευτικών αναγκών, ύστερα από τον απαραίτητο έλεγχο και επεξεργασία σε ειδικές εγκαταστάσεις. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the geological, hydrological and hydrogeological conditions of the study area and develop a complete water resources plan which will help in the protection and restoration of water quality.
The study area consists of three drainage basins, these of Selemnos, Xylokeras and Volinaios. It covers 68.6 km2 and is located in NW Peloponnese, in the northern part of the prefecture of Achaia. It is bounded in the north by the Gulf of Patras and in the south by Panachaiko Mountain.
From a geological perspective, the Olonos – Pindos geotectonic zone comprises the alpine substratum of the area, while Post Alpine sediments (Pliocene – Quaternary age) cover the lowlands. The land cover is constituted by forests (46.11%) and farmland (46.29%), while pasturelands are present (5.67%). Main activities, except farming and pasturing, are small industries (1.51%) next to urban or semi-urban areas.
The mean elevation of the study area is 480.74 m and the mean gradient 42.04%, which indicates a high relief. This is due to tectonic activity during the Post – Alpine period that results a high uplifting rate of the area, which in the Rio basin is measured 4.5 mm/year.
The mean gradient of the basins varies between 36.34% and 44.46%, the mean elevation between 441.89 m and 611.99 m and the relief ratio between 0.143 and 0.165.
The drainage network is well developed with a dendritic pattern and is mostly controlled by the tectonic activity with WSW-ENE direction. According to the Strahler classification, the maximum stream order is 5th while drainage density varies between 2.425 and 3.223 and stream frequency between 5.175 and 8.742.
Analysis of textural characteristics for river-bed sediments in the three torrents showed that lithology and mean size are mainly related to the inflow of new material (at the upper sampling stations) and anthropogenic interventions (at the 2-3 lower sampling stations). Pebbles were divided qualitatively into three major categories; limestone, chert and sandstone, with limestone and chert rates showing reverse distribution.
Roundness is mainly related to the inflow of new material (for Selemnos and Volinaios), while for Xylokeras to anthropogenic interventions as well.
The particle shape is often disc-shaped and spherical and less blade and rod-like. Sphericity is related to lateral sediment sources and to anthropogenic interventions (for Selemnos) and to selective transport as well (for Volinaios). For Xylokeras, sphericity is mainly related to the inflow of new material.
Subsurface sediments show very low sorting and positive asymmetry, as a result of fine-grained sediment trapped into coarse-grained, while flow velocity remains steady.
From a meteorological perspective, June, July and August are mostly dry, while November and December are mostly wet, with precipitation increasing 85 mm every 100 m of altitude.
Maximum temperature is occur during July and August and decreases at a rate of 0.75°C every 100 m of altitude. Minimum values are during January and February.
Moisture varies according to rainfall rates and temperature according to sunlight. Moisture and temperature are showing reverse distributions. The climate is mild with dry summer.
The mean annual precipitation (period 1975-2004) for the studied area reaches 1168.84 mm that corresponds to 71.649x106 m3. A small amount of the water infiltrates (19.07%), while a significant volume of 31.013x106 m3 (43.25%) runs off and ends up to the sea. Another 27.149x106 m3 (37.68%) are lost through evaporation and transpiration processes.
The main direction of underwater flow in the alluvial aquifer is N to NW, while the mean variance of water level is 2.05 m. The hydraulic gradient varies between 2.5‰ (for Selemnos and Xylokeras basins) and 5-8‰ (for the Volinaios basin).
Chemical analysis of surface water (torrent flow) and groundwater (alluvial aquifer) took place during 2005-2008.
Main contamination sources for surface water are agricultural activities, because of the use of fertilizers and intensive farming that affect nitrogen and phosphorus balance. However, these concentrations are not prohibitive for irrigation or water supply, given that there is appropriate chemical treatment and purification.
Groundwater can be classified to the CaHCO3 chemical type that includes generally freshwater with good recharge and renewal conditions. Low concentrations of Cl-, Na+ and electric conductivity between 433 and 771.5 μS/cm define water with good drinking quality. According to the SAR-EC diagram, groundwater is classified to S1-C2 and S1-C3 types, which indicate good irrigation quality.
Prediction of erosion and flood hazard is necessary for the right planning and development for the sufficient control of hazards due to natural phenomena (rainfalls and storms).
Soil erosion was estimated using the Universal Soil Loss Equation. This model calculates the mean annual soil erosion from cultivated (or non-) land using geological, geomorphological and meteorological data. The results show that regions of high risk for soil erosion are mainly located to Argyra, Sella and Pititsa as well as to the southern part of the area. Sediment transport is high as well due to increased runoff values.
Sediment derivation due to bed surface corrosion was calculated using grain size analysis of bed-surface sediments. Sediment derivation is mainly connected to the coastal processes (deposition, erosion).
Three models were used to determine regions with high risk of flood hazard; Hydrological Simulation of drainage basins, Stream Power and Relief Factor Analysis. For these models, real meteorological and runoff data were used. These models show a convergence of results which means that the areas of Ano Kastritsi, Argyra and Sella are regions with high risk of flood hazard.
An investigation of recent shoreline shifting was also conducted (from Haradros river mouth to Psathopyrgos). The investigation showed that the shoreline is mainly eroded due to human activities such as harbor and road construction, river bed flattening and bed load extraction, causing the disturbance of natural coastal process.
Streams can be polluted by a variety of substances from adjacent lands such as soil particles (sediment) and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) through runoff. Vegetation within a riparian zone can slow the overland movement of water and cause sediment and attached nutrients to be deposited on the land before they can reach the stream channel. In addition, contouring and terrace cultivation will minimize soil erosion and sediment transport.
Bed load extraction is prohibitive for Selemnos and Xylokeras due to high risk of flood to the coastal urban zone. For Volinaios a selective bed load extraction could prevent a future coastal slide at the river mouth.
Coastal erosion can be reduced with the restoration of natural coastal process. This can be achieved with the restriction of human activities across the shoreline such us road, harbor and wall construction as well with sand-supply of the eroded coast.
A significance percent (43.25%) of the annual volume of water runs off and ends up to sea. Construction of small dams will result in the reduction of torrential flow and increase water infiltration. Also, suspended and bed-load sediment can be easily collected and used for construction material. In addition, a big dam in Volinaios drainage basin can save up to 41.16% of the annual water of the basin. The water can be used for irrigation and water supply, after appropriate treatment and purification.
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Genomic Variation and Evolution of HERV-H and other Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs)Jern, Patric January 2005 (has links)
An exogenous retrovirus (XRV) that integrates into a germ cell may be inherited as a Mendelian gene; it becomes an endogenous retrovirus (ERV). The human genome consists of up to 8% HERVs. The gammaretroviral (ERV class I) HERV-H, with 926 members, is the largest ERV group. Despite millions of years since integration, it has polymorphic envelope open reading frames in at least three loci. Selections for functional envelopes are indicated on chromosomes 1 and 2. However, envelopes were present only in a fraction of the total HERV-H. Mutated polymerases, indicating old ERVs, contradicted relatively intact long terminal repeats. To explain this, we formulated a “Midwife” element theory where proteins are complemented in trans. A phylogenetic analysis did not support separate HERV-H and -F groups. The new taxonomy included HERV-H like (RGH2-like and RTVLH2-like subgroups) and Adjacent HERV-H like. A bioinformatic reconstruction of a putative ancestral HERV-H exposed novel traits. Two nucleocapsid zinc fingers and a pronounced nucleotide bias for C in the HERV-H like were unique among the gammaretroviruses. Two recently integrated gammaretroviral groups (PtNeo-I[PTERV1] and -II) were found in chimpanzees but not in humans. The PtNeo groups were most similar to baboon ERVs and a macaque sequence, but neither to other chimpanzee nor to any human gammaretroviruses. The pattern was consistent with cross-species transfer via predation. To advance the retroviral taxonomy, we projected structural markers over sequence phylogenetic trees. A number of markers were useful to distinguish between genera and to delineate groups. Basic retroviral knowledge is vital to understand emerging infections. Phylogenetic analyses of taxonomically improved sequences, facilitates the search for common retroviral denominators to target. This thesis provided new insights in retroviral evolution and taxonomy using the ERVs, with special focus on the large gammaretroviral HERV-H group, as an additional source of information next to that of XRVs.
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El Megalitismo en el sur de la Península Ibérica : arquitectura, construcción y usos de los monumentos del área de Huelva, Andalucía occidental / Le mégalithisme dans le sud de la Péninsule Ibérique : architecture, construction et usages des monuments de la région de Huelva, Andalousie Occidentale / Megalithism in the south of the Iberian Peninsula : architecture, construction and uses of monuments in the area of Huelva, Western AndalusiaLinares Catela, José Antonio 18 December 2017 (has links)
La région de Huelva se démarque par la grande variabilité architecturale et par la singularité des monuments mégalithiques. L’étude de la région permet d'établir une séquence architecturale et une temporalité du Néolithique Récent jusqu’à l'Ancien Âge de Bronze. Pour cela, la recherche se concentre sur l'étude de trois domaines de monuments: l'architecture, la construction et les usages (funéraires, rituels et territoriaux). L'identification et la caractérisation des projets architecturaux des sites analysés (Los Llanetes et El Seminario) a été réalisée à travers une méthodologie orientée vers la connaissance des chantiers de construction, des architectures et des diachronies. La séquence architecturale de l'Andalousie occidentale comprend une temporalité du début du IVème au début du IIème millénaire av. n.è. Au cours de cette chronologie, plusieurs modèles de monuments et de rituels funéraires ont été érigés avec une variété de techniques constructives, représentant l'existence de styles régionaux ou de spécialisations locales selon les différents groupes sociaux. A titre de synthèse, la séquence régionale met en évidence le processus suivant : La construction des premiers dolmens au début du IVème millénaire cal. av. n.è, en témoignent les monuments à chambre ovale-allongée de Los Llanetes, bâtis le c. 3950-3750 cal av. n.è. Dans le sud de la péninsule, c. 3800 cal av. n., fait irruption le collectivisme funéraire comme un rituel de la mort, en développant des sépultures en dolmens à chambres simples, des tombes proto-mégalithiques, des caves-nécropoles ou des grottes sépulcrales ; La formation des dolmens à chambre-allongée, c. 3750-3650 cal av. n.è, de deux manières: a) des modèles ex novo; b) par des réaménagements et des transformations de monuments anciens, cas de Los Llanetes. La réitération de projets architecturaux similaires conditionnerait le développement de monuments allongés, comme l'a confirmé le dolmen 4 d'El Pozuelo, c. 3650-3200 cal av. n.è. Des caractéristiques et des formules architecturales similaires pourraient être présentées dans les «allées couvertes» d'Andalousie, construites pendant les siècles centraux et la seconde moitié du IVème millénaire av. n.è. ; Les dolmens à chambres doubles de Los Llanetes ont été construits sur les monuments précédents, c. 3650-3200 cal av. n.è, parallèle aux dolmens à couloir et aux structures allongées des autres zones. Les monuments à chambres multiples (El Pozuelo, Mesa de Las Huecas, Los Gabrieles, etc.) ont dû présenter des processus de transformation équivalents, étant des modèles uniques, particuliers et exclusifs de la région de Huelva et des zones environnantes ; Dans les différents monuments dolmeniques, des projets de monumentalisation ont été réalisés et des structures ont été aménagées dans les atriums et les espaces extérieurs selon les nouveaux usages rituels de l’Âge du Cuivre, c. 3300-2600 cal av. n.è, en plus de l'intégration d'autres constructions funéraires (tholoi) dans les monuments tumulaires, c. 2600-2250 cal av. n.è, cas du dolmen 2 de Los Llanetes ; La mise en place et la consolidation de trois modèles de monuments funéraires à l'Âge du Cuivre: les hypogées, les hypogées mixtes et les tholoi, comme en montré la séquence diachronique des sépultures collectives d'El Seminario, c. 3000-2400 cal av. n.è. Ces tombes partagent des éléments spatiaux et des gestes funéraires communs ; L'existence d'autres formes de monumentalité de l'Âge du Bronze Ancien, c. 2250-1950 cal av. n.è, à la suite de la réappropriation des espaces ancestraux: 1) les enceintes de terrasses du groupe de Los Llanetes; 2) le monumentalisme funéraire du Séminaire, intégrant des tombes individuelles (caves souterraines, fosses et structures à couverture tumulaire) et des tombes collectives (fosses) dans les sépultures chalcolithiques ; Réutilisation dans diverses phases de l'Âge du Bronze et dans plusieurs périodes historiques. / The area of Huelva stands out for the architectural variability and singularity of the megalithic monuments. The study of this area allows us to propose an architectural sequence and a temporality from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age in western Andalusia, contrasting with the southern models of the Iberian Peninsula and contextualizing the dynamics of western European megalithism. To do this, the research focuses on the study of three spheres of monuments: architecture, construction and uses (funerary, ritual and territorial). The identification and characterization of the architectural projects of the analyzed sites (Los Llanetes and El Seminario) has been carried out through a methodology oriented to the knowledge of construction works, architectures and diachronies. The architectural sequence of western Andalusia encompasses a temporality from the beginning of the 4th millennium to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. During this chronology several models of funerary monuments and rituals erected with a variety of constructive techniques, representing the existence of regional styles or local specializations according to the different social groups. By way of synthesis, the regional sequence evidences the following process : The construction of the first dolmens at the beginning of the 4th millennium cal BC, as evidenced by the oval-elongated chamber monuments of Los Llanetes, built c. 3950-3750 cal BC. In the south of the peninsula c. 3800 cal BC burst the funerary collectivism as a ritual of death, developing burials in simple chamber dolmens, proto-megalithic tombs, necropolis-caves or sepulchral caves ; The formation of the elongated-chamber dolmens, c. 3750-3650 cal BC, through two ways: a) ex novo models; b) by processes of transformation of old monuments, case of Los Llanetes. The reiteration of similar architectural projects would condition the development of elongated monuments, as has been confirmed in the dolmen 4 of El Pozuelo, c. 3650-3200 cal BC. Characteristics and similar architectural formulas could be presented in the "covered gallery graves" of Andalusia, built during the central centuries and the second half of the 4th millennium BC ; The dual chamber dolmens of Los Llanetes were built on the previous monuments, c. 3650-3200 cal BC, parallel to the passage grave and elongated structures of other areas. The monuments of multiple chambers (El Pozuelo, Mesa de Las Huecas, Los Gabrieles, etc.) had to present equivalent transformation processes, being unique, particular and exclusive models of the area of Huelva and surrounding areas ; In the various orthostatic monuments were carry out the monumentalization projects and structures arranged in the atriums and external spaces according to the new ritual uses of the Copper Age, c. 3300-2600 cal BC, in addition to the integration of other funerary constructions (tholoi) in the tumular monuments, c. 2600-2250 cal BC, case of the dolmen 2 of Los Llanetes ; The implantation and consolidation of three models of funerary monuments in the Copper Age: hypogeums, mixed hypogeums and tholoi, as witnessed by the diachronic sequence of the collective graves of El Seminario, c. 3000-2400 cal BC. These tombs share common space elements and funerary practices ; The existence of other forms of monumentality of the Ancient Bronze Age, c. 2250-1950 cal BC, as a consequence of the reappropriation of the ancestral spaces: 1) the terrace enclosures of the Llanetes group; 2) the funerary monumentalism of El Seminario, integrating individual tombs (subterranean caves, pits and structures with tumular coverings) and collective graves (pits) in the chalcolithic tombs ; Reuse in various phases of the Bronze Age and in several historical periods.
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Du sol à la reconstitution de l'espace habité : géoarchéologie des modes d'occupation de la fin du Néolitique (3600-2250 av. n.-è.) dans le Sud-Ouest du Bassin parisien / From the floor to the reconstruction of inhabited space : geoarchaeology of the settlement patterns of the Late Neolithic (3600-2250 BC) in the Southwestern Paris basinOnfray, Marylise 05 July 2017 (has links)
Considéré comme la matérialité de l’espace, le sol est un élément déterminant en archéologie pour la compréhension de l’habitat. Au regard « de l’absence » des sols néolithiques, les recherches sur l’habitat dans le Nord de la France sont basées sur les structures en creux. Pour la fin du Néolithique, ceci est un problème puisque seuls quelques plans de bâtiments sont connus et les fréquents sites peu stratifiés à concentrations de mobilier sont peu documentés. Dans trois quarts des cas, les attributs du mobilier (à plat, domestique…) suggèreraient des sols d’occupation préservés, et donc des habitats potentiels. En questionnant la relation Société-Sol, la démarche géoarchéologique, fondée sur la micromorphologie, vise à déterminer les processus de formation de ces couches pour interroger le caractère préservé des sols d’occupation ainsi que la nature des activités humaines enregistrées. Ces recherches s’assoient sur l’étude de cinq sites à concentrations de mobilier (Gas, Sours, Poupry, Pussigny et Maillé), découverts en Beauce et en Touraine par l’archéologie préventive. L’élaboration d’un modèle qualitatif du sol néolithique, exprimé par une classification de micro-ethnofaciès, a permis d’identifier sa nature, de confirmer le statut d’habitat de ces sites et de discuter des modes d’occupation des sols. La pratique des terrassements pour l’implantation des habitats semble généralisée, tout comme l’emploi de la terre crue pour la construction des sols et des bases de murs. Si des variations semblent apparaitre dans les espaces intérieurs, les résultats pour les sols extérieurs permettent de proposer un modèle théorique de l’organisation spatiale de l’espace de cour. / Considered as the materiality of space, floor is a crucial element in archaeology to understand the settlement. Regarding the “lack” of neolithic floors, the researches of settlements in North of France, are established from negative features. For the end of Neolithic, this is truly a problem because only few plans of buildings are discovered and the sites with very thin and massive anthropogenic layers are common, but not well documented. In three-quarters of cases, the characteristics of materials (flat, domestic…) would suggest preserved floors, and so, potential settlements. Answering the relation Society-Soil, the geoarchaeological approach, based on micromorphology of soil, pursue to characterise the processes of formation of thin layers to question the preserved aspect of floors and the nature of human activities recorded. The searches are seated on the study of five sites à thin layer with concentrations of materials, discovered in Beauce and Touraine by survey archaeology. The elaboration of qualitative models of neolithic floor, expressed by a classification of micro-ethnofaciès, leads to identify its nature, to confirm the status of the settlement of its type of sites. The earthwork practice of the implantation of a settlement seems extensive, as well as, the use of earthen materials to the construction of floors and walls. If spatial organisation of interior space remains difficult to approach, the results lead to propose a theoretical model of courtyard spaces.
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Caracterização da plataforma continental da Bacia de Campos (Brasil, SE) fundamentada em foraminíferos bentônicos recentesDisaró, Sibelle Trevisan January 2014 (has links)
Foraminíferos bentônicos vivos foram estudados visando a caracterização da plataforma continental da Bacia de Campos (sudeste do Brasil; 20.5°S - 24°S). Espécimes coletados no período seco/inverno/ressurgências menos frequentes de 2008 e no período chuvoso/verão/ressurgências mais frequentes de 2009 foram analisados para investigar padrões de distribuição espacial e temporal. As estações foram distribuídas em cinco isóbatas (25, 50, 75, 100 e 150 m), de nove transectos perpendiculares à linha de costa, totalizando 45 estações. Em cada estação, com busca-fundo e com delimitador 10 cm2 coletou-se três amostras de sedimento superficial (estrato 0-2 cm). Em laboratório, 20 cm³ de sedimento úmido por amostra foi lavado em peneira (63 μm), depois seco e triado na lupa. Material excedente foi estocado para contraprovas. Análises de Agrupamento e nMDS foram utilizadas para reconhecer grupos de estações e a Análise Canônica de Correspondência foi utilizada para investigar relações dos foraminíferos com dados ambientais. As variáveis-resposta quantitativas básicas foram biomassa e abundância; biomassa foi estimada por biovolume. A estrutura ecológica das associações (densidade, diversidade, dominância, equitatividade) foi estimada. Os dados foram avaliados visando caracterização da área e gestão ambiental da bacia. Registrou-se 519 táxons de foraminíferos. A análise integrada dos períodos identificou três áreas principais: (i) Plataforma interna (entre 25 e 50 m) - tem sedimentos predominantemente siliciclásticos, predominam espécies epifaunais, positivamente correlacionadas com areia, temperatura mais alta e concentração mais alta de clorofila-a; nela ocorrem Tiphotrocha concava, Bolivina paula, Nonionella sp.C, Discorbis williamsoni, Ammonia parkinsoniana, Ammonia tepida, Bolivina striatula, Textularia agglutinans, Angulogerina cf. A. jamaicensis Buliminella elegantissima, Paracassidulina nipponensis, Rectocibicides miocenicus, Placopsilina bradyi e muitas espécies dos seguintes gêneros Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Asterotrochammina, Eoeponidella, Porosononion, Polymorphina, Rotaliammina e Discorbis. (ii) Plataforma média/externa – (entre 75 e 100 m) - tem características predominantemente oligotróficas; areia, cascalho e lama, todos com alto teor de carbonato; as associações são compostas por Uvigerina auberiana, Technitella harrisii, Paratrochammina brasiliensis s.l., Planulina foveolata, Seabrookia earlandi, Svratkina spp., Pullenia spp., Discorbinella floridensis, Cibicidoides corpulentus, Stomatorbina torrei, Labrospira jeffreysii, Tetrataxiella ayalai, Mychostomina revertens, Amphicoryna scalaris, Globocassidulina rossensis, Ehrenbergina spinea, Spirotextularia floridana, Siphonina reticulata, Spirillina vivipara, Patellina corrugata e algumas espécies de Astrononion, Fissurina e Lenticulina entre outras. (iii) Área de ressurgências – predomínio de espécies infaunais positivamente correlacionadas com lama, feofitina-a e carbono orgânico total; a associação é composta por muitos rotalídeos pequenos como Bulimina marginata, Pappina compressa, Angulogerina angulosa, s.l., Alabaminella weddellensis, Bolivina fragilis, Bolivina ordinaria, Nonionella stella, Hopkinsina pacifica, Bolivinellina translucens, Stainforthia complanata, Bulimina patagonica, Hanzawaia concentrica, Gyroidina umbonata, Nonionella opima, Epistominella exigua, Cassidulina carinata, Fursenkoina pontoni e Nonionella atlantica; e alguns aglutinantes como Adercotryma glomeratum, Lagenammina atlantica, Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis, Reophax scorpiurus, Sepetibaella sepetibaensis, Labrospira crassimargo, Reophax pauciloculatus, Leptohalysis scottii, Textularia ? torquata e Reophax arayaensis e milliolídeos como Quinqueloculina sabulosa, Quinqueloculina atlantica s.l. e Pyrgo nasuta. A distribuição espacial dos foraminíferos é determinada pela profundidade, sedimento (tamanho de grão e conteúdo de carbonato) e disponibilidade de alimento. Foraminíferos fitodetritívoros indicaram áreas de ressurgência em Cabo Frio, Cabo de São Tomé e também ao norte da área estudada. A biomassa na plataforma interna é similar à de outras áreas investigadas, mas os valores da plataforma média e externa são mais altos que o esperado para uma região oligotrófica, sazonalmente mesotrófica. As curvas ABC indicaram a isóbata de 25 m como a mais perturbada da plataforma, especialmente durante o período chuvoso quando recebe maior aporte da drenagem fluvial e pluvial, talvez amplificada por contaminantes antropogênicos. Área com ressurgência mostraram perturbação moderada pelo método das curvas ABC; provavelmente trata-se apenas de perturbação natural, causada pelo incremento de produção primária. O estudo aporta dados para a gestão ambiental e a reconstrução paleoambiental. / Spatial and seasonal differences over the continental shelf and along the shelf break edges of Campos Basin, southeastern Brazil (20.5°S - 24°S) were investigated during 2008 (downwelling setting/dry/winter) and 2009 (upwelling setting/rainy/summer), based on living benthic foraminiferal assemblages, as part of the “HABITATS Project - Evaluation of the Environmental Heterogeneity of the Campos Basin, Brazil”. The assemblages and their relationship with environmental variables were studied to support the research and development activities of PETROBRAS, the Brazilian state-owned oil Company. The sampling design consisted of nine transects (45 stations) perpendicular to the coastline. Three replicates were taken from each station using a modified grab that performs as a box corer. The surface (0-2 cm) bottom sediment was collected (10 cm x 10 cm), fixed with 4 % formaldehyde buffered solution, stained with Bengal Rose, washed and sieved through a 63 μm mesh. Of the 200 cm3 of each replicate, 20 cm³ were analyzed and the remainder stored for retesting. Foraminiferal assemblages were recognized using cluster analysis, indicator species analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Spatial and temporal patterns of the foraminiferal assemblages were identified and the ecological structure (density, diversity, dominance, equitability) of these assemblages investigated. Foraminiferal biomass was estimated by measuring biovolume. The correlations of biotic and abiotic parameters were evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis. A total of 519 foraminiferal taxa were recorded. Spatial distribution responds to depth, sediment (grain size and carbonate content) and food availability. Cluster analysis with integrated periods allowed the recognition of three distinct areas: (i) an Inner shelf (25 – 50 m) area positively correlated with sand, higher temperature and higher chlorophyll-a content; it was occupied by Tiphotrocha concava, Bolivina paula, Nonionella sp. C, Discorbis williamsoni, Ammonia parkinsoniana, Ammonia tepida, Bolivina striatula, Textularia agglutinans, Angulogerina cf. A. jamaicensis, Buliminella elegantissima, Paracassidulina nipponensis, Rectocibicides miocenicus, Placopsilina bradyi and species of Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Asterotrochammina, Eoeponidella, Porosononion, Polymorphina, Rotaliammina and Discorbis. (ii) a Medium/outer shelf (75 – 150 m) area is composed by two subgroups correlated with depth and elevated carbonate levels; its species association includes Uvigerina auberiana, Technitella harrisii, Paratrochammina brasiliensis s.l., Planulina foveolata, Seabrookia earlandi, Svratkina spp., Pullenia spp., Eponides antillarum, Discorbinella floridensis, Cibicidoides corpulentus, Stomatorbina torrei, Labrospira jeffreysii, Tetrataxiella ayalai, Mychostomina revertens, Amphicoryna scalaris, Globocassidulina rossensis, Ehrenbergina spinea, Spirotextularia floridana, Siphonina reticulata, Spirillina vivipara, Patellina corrugata and some species from Astrononion, Fissurina and Lenticulina. (iii) an Upwelling area is positively correlated with phaeopigment (phytodetritus), mud and total organic carbon; this group includes abundant small rotalids such as Bulimina marginata, Pappina compressa, Angulogerina angulosa, s.l., Alabaminella weddellensis, Bolivina fragilis, Bolivina ordinaria, Nonionella stella, Hopkinsina pacifica, Bolivinellina translucens, Stainforthia complanata, Bulimina patagonica, Hanzawaia concentrica, Gyroidina umbonata, Nonionella opima, Epistominella exigua, Cassidulina carinata, Fursenkoina pontoni and Nonionella atlantica, and such agglutinated foraminifers as Adercotryma glomeratum, Lagenammina atlantica, Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis, Reophax scorpiurus, Sepetibaella sepetibaensis, Labrospira crassimargo, Reophax pauciloculatus, Leptohalysis scottii, Textularia ? torquata, Pseudobolivina fusiformis and Reophax arayaensis, and some miliolids (Quinqueloculina sabulosa, Quinqueloculina atlantica s.l. and Pyrgo nasuta). During the upwelling period the South Atlantic Coastal Waters enlarged its influence to include not only the Cape Frio area, but also an area at about 75 meters depth off Cape Sao Tome. Biomass values at the inner shelf agreed with available published data, but on the middle and outer shelf the values are higher than expected for an oligotrophic, seasonally mesotrophic basin. The ABC curves indicate the 25 m isobath as the most disturbed one and recognize a moderated disturbance in the upwelling area. During rainy season the 25 m isobath is disturbed by natural eutrophication phenomena that may be significantly amplified by anthropogenic activities. This study provides data for the monitoring plan for the area and for paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
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Dinâmica temporal da modulação da especificidade e duração da memória emocional pela corticosteronaBueno, Ana Paula Arantes de Andrade January 2015 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª Drª Raquel Vecchio Fornari / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Neurociência e Cognição, 2015. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da corticosterona na consolidação da memória recente e remota de ratos Wistar submetidos ao condicionamento de medo ao contexto. Os animais receberam 1 choque com duração de 1 segundo e intensidade de 0,6mA durante o treino e, em seguida, foi administrada uma injeção subcutânea de corticosterona nas doses de 0,3mg/kg, 1mg/kg, 3mg/kg ou salina. Os testes ocorreram em 2 dias e em 2 contextos distintos: o contexto do treino e um novo contexto. Os animais foram testados de forma contrabalanceada, ou seja, um grupo passou primeiro pelo contexto do treino enquanto o outro foi testado no novo contexto. No segundo dia, os animais foram testados no contexto oposto ao do primeiro dia, a fim de verificar se a ordem em que eram testados causaria alguma interferência na resposta de congelamento dos animais. Os resultados mostraram que a ordem em que foram expostos aos contextos não exerceu influência na resposta de condicionamento. Os animais testados 48 horas após o treino (memória recente), mostraram discriminar entre o contexto do treino e o novo contexto. Os animais que foram testados 29 dias após o treino (memória remota), apresentaram uma generalização do medo ao contexto. O mesmo grupo de animais que passou pelos testes de memória recente foi re-testado nos dois contextos 26 dias depois. Esses animais conseguiram discriminar entre os dois contextos, sugerindo que as sessões de teste para memória recente podem ter funcionado como sessões de reativação da memória. No entanto, em nenhum dos experimentos foi obtido resultado significativo com as diferentes doses de corticosterona em comparação com os animais do grupo controle. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of corticosterone in the consolidation of recent and remote memory of Wistar rats subjected to contextual fear conditioning. For the 3 minutes training session, the animals received a footshock (1s, 0.6mA) after 2 minutes of free exploration. Immediately after training, the rats received corticosterone subcutaneously at doses of either 0.3mg/kg, 1mg/kg, 3mg/kg or saline. Two days later, the animals were tested in 2 different contexts in a counterbalanced fashion, that is, one group was first tested in the same context of training while the other was presented to a new context. On the second test day, the animals were tested in the opposite context to verify a possible effect of context order in their freezing response. The results showed that the order in which the rats were exposed to the contexts did not interfere with their responses. The animals tested for recent memory, 48 hours after training, discriminated between the training context and the new one. In turn, the animals tested 29 days after training, for remote memory, displayed a generalized fear to both contexts. The same group of animals that had gone through the recent memory test was re-exposed to both contexts 26 days later. The results revealed that these rats were still able to discriminate between the two contexts, suggesting that the recent memory test may have worked as a memory reactivation session. However, no effect of treatment with corticosterone was found in the experiments.
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A construção de significados sobre letramento e seus recentes estudos durante a formação inicial e contínua de professores de língua estrangeiraJesus, Deborah Nathalia Silva de 27 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-27 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The contemporary period is marked by technological development and by economic, political, cultural and social changes influenced by globalization. Such changes had its impact on Brazilian education, encouraging researches and new proposals for education, in order to adapt it to new goals and needs of society. It is intended to leave behind teaching practices based on a banking model of education and to introduce new concepts and technologies, such as literacy and its more recent studies, such as multiliteracies, new literacies and critical literacy. The school has the responsibility of forming critical citizens, prepared for social and political interaction and for new demands of labor market. Meanwhile, teachers must be updated to understand, discuss and work in the classroom with the new guidelines for education, as well as to reflect about their practice. Foreign language teachers, especially of English, the language of globalization, have also the challenge of affirming the social and educational role of their discipline. This research is interested, therefore, in understanding how knowledge about educational theories is constructed by English teachers in initial or continuous formation. The concern with the theoretical knowledge construction by teachers is justified by its importance for the development of an informed and conscious practice, in which the teacher can explain the process of teaching, analyze it and, above all, transform it. / O período contemporâneo é marcado pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico e pelas transformações econômicas, políticas, culturais e sociais, influenciadas pelo fenômeno da globalização. Tais transformações tiveram seu impacto também na educação do país, motivando pesquisas e novas propostas para o ensino, visando adequar os objetivos escolares às novas necessidades. Pretende-se abandonar práticas de ensino baseadas em uma visão de educação bancária (FREIRE, 1979) e inserir novos conceitos e tecnologias, como o letramento e seus estudos mais recentes, como os multiletramentos, novos letramentos e letramento crítico. A escola tem a responsabilidade de formar cidadãos críticos, preparados para o convívio social e político e para as novas exigências do mercado de trabalho. Enquanto isso, o professor precisa se atualizar, conhecer, discutir e trabalhar em sala de aula com as novas orientações, além de refletir sobre sua prática. O professor de Língua Estrangeira, principalmente o de Inglês, a língua da globalização, depara-se com outros desafios, como o de afirmar o papel social e educacional de sua disciplina. Esta pesquisa se interessa, assim, por compreender como é feita a construção de conhecimento sobre as teorias que dão base às orientações curriculares, por parte de professores em formação inicial ou contínua. Para isso, serão analisados os relatos dos participantes de um curso de formação de professores de língua estrangeira que aborda essas teorias. A preocupação com a formação do conhecimento teórico pelo docente justifica-se pela sua importância para o desenvolvimento de uma prática informada e consciente, em que o professor consegue explicar o seu processo de ensino, analisá-lo e, principalmente, transformá-lo.
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